Ejemplo n.º 1
    def step(self, packet: GameTickPacket, drone: Drone, index: int):

        # Get centre of small circle.
        direction_angle = (math.pi / 4) + ((math.pi / 2) * (index // 16))
        centre = vec3(dot(rotation(direction_angle), vec2(
            1, 0))) * self.big_radius
        centre[2] = self.height

        # Angle for the small circle.
        # Wraps nicely around the small circle.
        t = self.time_since_start + 2.5
        if t > 2 * math.pi: t = 2 * math.pi
        angle = (t / 16) * (index % 16 - 8)
        angle += (2 * math.pi / 4) * (index // 16) + (math.pi / 4)
        target = vec3(dot(rotation(angle), vec2(self.small_radius, 0)))
        target += centre

        # Hover controls.
        drone.hover.up = normalize(drone.position - centre)
        drone.hover.target = target
        drone.controls = drone.hover.controls

        # If any bot got lost, now they have a chance to recover.
        if drone.on_ground:
            drone.controls.jump = True
            drone.controls.jump = False
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def step(self, packet: GameTickPacket, drone: Drone, index: int):
        self.finished = (100 + self.big_radius -
                         self.time_since_start * self.speed) <= 0

        # Get centre of small circle.
        direction_angle = (math.pi / 4) + ((math.pi / 2) * (index // 16))
        centre = vec3(dot(rotation(direction_angle), vec2(1, 0)))
        # Crossing action.
        centre *= (self.big_radius - self.time_since_start * self.speed)
        centre[2] = self.height

        # Angle for the small circle.
        angle = (2 * math.pi / 16) * (index % 16)
        angle += (2 * math.pi / 4) * (index // 16 - 1)
        angle += self.time_since_start * self.spin
        target = vec3(dot(rotation(angle), vec2(self.small_radius, 0)))
        target += centre

        # Different heights.
        target[2] += (index // 16 - 2) * self.height_diff

        # Hover controls.
        drone.hover.up = normalize(drone.position - centre)
        drone.hover.target = target
        drone.controls = drone.hover.controls
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def step(self, dt):
        if not self.flicking:
            self.controls = self.carry.controls
            self.finished = self.carry.finished
            car = self.car
            ball = self.info.ball

            # check if it's a good idea to flick
            dir_to_target = ground_direction(car, self.target)
            if (distance(car, ball) < 150 and ground_distance(car, ball) < 100
                    and dot(car.forward(), dir_to_target) > 0.7
                    and norm(car.velocity) > clamp(
                        distance(car, self.target) / 3, 1000, 1700)
                    and dot(dir_to_target, ground_direction(car, ball)) > 0.9):
                self.flicking = True

            # flick if opponent is close
            for opponent in self.info.get_opponents():
                if (distance(opponent.position + opponent.velocity, car) < max(
                        norm(opponent.velocity) * 0.5)
                        and dot(opponent.velocity,
                                direction(opponent, self.info.ball)) > 0.5):
                    if distance(car.position, self.info.ball.position) < 200:
                        self.flicking = True
                        self.finished = True
            self.flick.target = self.info.ball.position + self.info.ball.velocity * 0.2
            self.controls = self.flick.controls
            self.finished = self.flick.finished
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def tick(self, packet: GameTickPacket) -> bool:
        if self.agent.car.on_ground:
            self.controller.jump = not self.controller.jump
            self.controller.throttle = 1
            return True
            self.controller.jump = self.agent.car.velocity[2] > 100
            self.controller.boost = dot(self.agent.car.forward(), vec3(
                0, 0, -1)) * dot(self.agent.car.velocity, vec3(0, 0, -1)) < 0
            self.controller.throttle = self.controller.boost and self.agent.car.position[
                2] > 150

        hitbox = self.agent.car.hitbox()
        target = normalize(
            flatten(dot(self.agent.car.orientation, hitbox.half_width)))
        tmp = vec3(-hitbox.half_width[1], 0, 0)
        target = dot(self.agent.car.orientation, tmp) + vec3(
            0, 0, -hitbox.half_width[0])

        # self.agent.draw.vector(self.agent.car.position, target)

        self.agent.reorientML.target_orientation = look_at(
            self.direction * self.agent.car.left() if
            abs(self.agent.car.velocity[2]) < 20 else self.agent.car.velocity)

        self.agent.reorientML.step(1 / self.agent.FPS)
        self.controller.yaw = self.agent.reorientML.controls.yaw
        self.controller.pitch = self.agent.reorientML.controls.pitch
        self.controller.roll = self.agent.reorientML.controls.roll

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 5
def align(pos: vec3, ball: Ball, goal: vec3):
    return max(
        dot(ground_direction(pos, ball), ground_direction(ball, goal)),
        dot(ground_direction(pos, ball),
            ground_direction(ball, goal + vec3(800, 0, 0))),
        dot(ground_direction(pos, ball),
            ground_direction(ball, goal - vec3(800, 0, 0))))
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def t_nearest(self, pos: vec3) -> float:
     t = 0.5
     for i in range(6):
         r = self.position(t) - pos
         dr = self.tangent(t)
         if abs(dot(r, normalize(dr))) < 10.0:
         t -= dot(r, dr) / dot(dr, dr)
     return t
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def step(self, dt):
        if self.jumping:
            self.controls = Input()
            # first jump for full 0.2 sec
            if self.timer <= 0.2:
                self.controls.jump = True
            # single tick between jumps
            elif self.timer <= 0.2 + dt * JUMP_FALSE_TICKS:
                self.controls.jump = False
            # second jump
                self.controls.jump = True
                self.jumping = False
            self.timer += dt

            self.finished = self.intercept.time < self.info.time

            if self.car.on_ground:
                # manage speed before jump
                distance_to_target = ground_distance(self.car.position,
                if distance_to_target < MIN_DIST_BEFORE_SPEED_CONTROL:
                    target_speed = distance_to_target / self.time_for_jump
                    self.drive.target_speed = -target_speed if self._should_strike_backwards else target_speed
                    self.controls = self.drive.controls


                # decide when to jump
                ground_vel = ground(self.car.velocity)
                direction_to_target = ground_direction(self.car.position,
                alignment = dot(normalize(ground_vel), direction_to_target)
                # check alignment
                if alignment >= MIN_ALIGNMENT:
                    # check that speed is correct
                    speed_in_direction = dot(ground_vel, direction_to_target)
                    time_to_target = distance_to_target / speed_in_direction
                    if self.time_for_jump - ALLOWED_TIME_ERROR <= time_to_target <= self.time_for_jump + ALLOWED_TIME_ERROR:
                        self.jumping = True

            # after jump (when the car is in the air)
                # face the ball for some additional height
                self.reorient.target_orientation = look_at(
                    direction(self.car.position, self.info.ball),
                    vec3(0, 0, 1))
                self.controls = self.reorient.controls
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def step(self, dt):

        recovery_time = 0.0 if (self.target is None) else 0.4

        if not self.jump.finished:

            self.controls = self.jump.controls


            if self.counter == 0:

                # double jump
                if self.target is None:
                    self.controls.roll = 0
                    self.controls.pitch = 0
                    self.controls.yaw = 0

                # air dodge
                    target_local = dot(self.target - self.car.position,
                    target_local[2] = 0

                    target_direction = normalize(target_local)

                    self.controls.roll = 0
                    self.controls.pitch = -target_direction[0]
                    self.controls.yaw = clamp11(
                        sgn(self.car.orientation[2, 2]) * target_direction[1])

                    if target_local[0] > 0 and dot(self.car.velocity,
                                                   self.car.forward()) > 500:
                        self.controls.pitch = self.controls.pitch * 0.8
                        self.controls.yaw = clamp11(self.controls.yaw * 5)

            elif self.counter == 2:

                self.controls.jump = 1

            elif self.counter >= 4:

                self.controls.roll = 0
                self.controls.pitch = 0
                self.controls.yaw = 0
                self.controls.jump = 0

            self.counter += 1
            self.state_timer += dt

        self.finished = self.jump.finished and self.state_timer > recovery_time and self.counter >= 6
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def step(self, dt: float):
        self.speed = abs(self.speed)
        car_to_target = (self.target - self.car.location)
        local_target = dot(car_to_target, self.car.rotation)
        angle = atan2(local_target[1], local_target[0])
        vel = norm(self.car.velocity)
        in_air = (not self.car.on_ground)
        on_wall = (self.car.location[2] > 250 and not in_air)

        reverse = (cos(angle) < 0 and not (on_wall or in_air or self.kickoff))

        get_off_wall = (on_wall and local_target[2] > 450)
        if get_off_wall:
            car_to_target[2] = -self.car.location[2]
            local_target = dot(car_to_target, self.car.rotation)
            angle = atan2(local_target[1], local_target[0])

        max_speed = self.determine_max_speed(local_target)

        self.update_rlu_drive(reverse, max_speed)
        self.finished = self.rlu_drive.finished

        self.controls = self.rlu_drive.controls
        self.controls.handbrake = False

        if reverse:
            angle = -invert_angle(angle)
            if self.power_turn and not on_wall:
                angle *= -1
                self.controls.handbrake = (vel > 200)
            self.controls.steer = cap(angle * 3, -1, 1)
            self.controls.boost = False
        if not self.controls.handbrake:
            self.controls.handbrake = (abs(angle) > radians(70) and vel > 500
                                       and not on_wall)
        if self.controls.handbrake:
            self.controls.handbrake = (dot(self.car.velocity, car_to_target) >

        if in_air:
            self.aerial_turn.target = look_at(xy(car_to_target), vec3(0, 0, 1))
            aerial_turn_controls = self.aerial_turn.controls
            self.controls.pitch = aerial_turn_controls.pitch
            self.controls.yaw = aerial_turn_controls.yaw
            self.controls.roll = aerial_turn_controls.roll
            self.controls.boost = False
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def step(self, packet: GameTickPacket, drone: Drone, index: int):

        if drone.position[2] < 25:
            drone.since_jumped = 0.0

            # Go forward
            drone.controls.throttle = 1.0 if abs(
                drone.velocity[1]) < 500 else 0.01

            # If near half-line
            if abs(drone.position[1]) < 200:
                drone.controls.jump = True

            drone.since_jumped += self.dt

            height = 50 + drone.since_jumped * 150
            angle = 1.0 + drone.since_jumped * 1.2
            if index % 2 == 0: angle += math.pi

            rot = rotation(angle)
            v = vec3(dot(rot, vec2(1, 0)))
            drone.hover.target = v * self.radius
            drone.hover.target[2] = height

            drone.hover.up = normalize(drone.position)
            drone.controls = drone.hover.controls
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def pick_easiest_target(self, car: Car, ball: Ball,
                         targets: List[vec3]) -> vec3:
     to_goal = ground_direction(ball, self.info.their_goal.center)
     return max(targets,
                key=lambda target: dot(
                    ground_direction(car, ball) + to_goal * 0.5,
                    ground_direction(ball, target)))
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def simulate_landing(self):
        dummy = Car(self.car)
        self.trajectory = [vec3(dummy.position)]
        self.landing = False
        collision_normal: Optional[vec3] = None

        dt = 1 / 60
        simulation_duration = 0.8
        for i in range(int(simulation_duration / dt)):
            dummy.step(Input(), dt)

            collision_sphere = sphere(dummy.position, 50)
            collision_ray = Field.collide(collision_sphere)
            collision_normal = collision_ray.direction

            if (norm(collision_normal) > 0.0
                    or dummy.position[2] < 0) and i > 20:
                self.landing = True
                self.landing_pos = dummy.position

        if self.landing:
            u = collision_normal
            f = normalize(dummy.velocity - dot(dummy.velocity, u) * u)
            l = normalize(cross(u, f))
            self.aerial_turn.target = mat3(f[0], l[0], u[0], f[1], l[1], u[1],
                                           f[2], l[2], u[2])
            target_direction = normalize(
                normalize(self.car.velocity) - vec3(0, 0, 3))
            self.aerial_turn.target = look_at(target_direction, vec3(0, 0, 1))
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def simulate_landing(self):
        pos = vec3(self.car.position)
        vel = vec3(self.car.velocity)
        grav = vec3(0, 0, -650)
        self.trajectory = [vec3(pos)]
        self.landing = False
        collision_normal: Optional[vec3] = None

        dt = 1 / 60
        simulation_duration = 0.8
        for i in range(int(simulation_duration / dt)):
            pos += vel * dt
            vel += grav * dt
            if norm(vel) > 2300: vel = normalize(vel) * 2300

            collision_sphere = sphere(pos, 50)
            collision_ray = Field.collide(collision_sphere)
            collision_normal = collision_ray.direction

            if (norm(collision_normal) > 0.0 or pos[2] < 0) and i > 20:
                self.landing = True
                self.landing_pos = pos

        if self.landing:
            u = collision_normal
            f = normalize(vel - dot(vel, u) * u)
            l = normalize(cross(u, f))
            self.aerial_turn.target = three_vec3_to_mat3(f, l, u)
            target_direction = normalize(
                normalize(self.car.velocity) - vec3(0, 0, 3))
            self.aerial_turn.target = look_at(target_direction, vec3(0, 0, 1))
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def step(self, dt):
        car = self.car
        target = ground(self.target)

        car_speed = norm(car.velocity)
        time_left = (ground_distance(car, target) -
                     self.finish_distance) / max(car_speed + 500, 1400)
        forward_speed = dot(car.forward(), car.velocity)

        if self.driving and car.on_ground:
            self.action.target_pos = target
            self._time_on_ground += dt

            # check if it's a good idea to dodge, wavedash or halfflip
            if (self._time_on_ground > 0.2 and car.position[2] < 200
                    and angle_to(car, target, forward_speed < 0) < 0.1):
                # if going forward, use a dodge or a wavedash
                if forward_speed > 0:
                    use_boost_instead = self.waste_boost and car.boost > 20

                    if car_speed > 1200 and not use_boost_instead:
                        if time_left > self.DODGE_DURATION:
                            dodge = Dodge(car)
                            dodge.duration = 0.05
                            dodge.direction = vec2(direction(car, target))
                            self.action = dodge
                            self.driving = False

                        elif time_left > self.WAVEDASH_DURATION:
                            wavedash = Wavedash(car)
                            wavedash.direction = vec2(direction(car, target))
                            self.action = wavedash
                            self.driving = False

                # if going backwards, use a halfflip
                elif time_left > self.HALFFLIP_DURATION and car_speed > 800:
                    self.action = HalfFlip(car, self.waste_boost
                                           and time_left > 3)
                    self.driving = False

        self.controls = self.action.controls

        # make sure we're not boosting airborne
        if self.driving and not car.on_ground:
            self.controls.boost = False

        # make sure we're not stuck turtling
        if not car.on_ground:
            self.controls.throttle = 1

        if self.action.finished and not self.driving:
            self.driving = True
            self._time_on_ground = 0
            self.action = self.drive
            self.drive.backwards = False

        if ground_distance(car,
                           target) < self.finish_distance and self.driving:
            self.finished = True
Ejemplo n.º 15
def nearest_point(box, point, local=False):
    Takes in an RLU oriented bounding box (obb) object and an RLU vec3.
    Returns an RLU vec3 for the closest point on box to point.
    local = True returns the vec3 in box's local coordinates

    point_local = dot(point - box.center, box.orientation)
    closest_point_local = vec3(
        min(max(point_local[0], -box.half_width[0]), box.half_width[0]),
        min(max(point_local[1], -box.half_width[1]), box.half_width[1]),
        min(max(point_local[2], -box.half_width[2]), box.half_width[2]))

    if local:
        return closest_point_local
    return dot(box.orientation, closest_point_local) + box.center
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def predict_car_drive(self,
                          dt=1 / 60) -> List[vec3]:
        """Simple prediction of a driving car assuming no acceleration."""
        car = self.cars[index]
        time_steps = int(time_limit / dt)
        speed = norm(car.velocity)
        ang_vel_z = car.angular_velocity[2]

        # predict circular path
        if ang_vel_z != 0 and car.on_ground:
            radius = speed / ang_vel_z
            centre = car.position - cross(normalize(xy(car.velocity)),
                                          vec3(0, 0, 1)) * radius
            centre_to_car = vec2(car.position - centre)
            return [
                vec3(dot(rotation(ang_vel_z * dt * i), centre_to_car)) + centre
                for i in range(time_steps)

        # predict straight path
        return [
            car.position + car.velocity * dt * i for i in range(time_steps)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def estimate_time(car: Car, target, dd=1) -> float:
    turning_radius = 1 / Drive.max_turning_curvature(norm(car.velocity) + 500)
    turning = angle_between(car.forward() * dd, direction(
        car, target)) * turning_radius / 1800
    if turning < 0.5: turning = 0

    dist = ground_distance(car, target) - 200
    if dist < 0: return turning
    speed = dot(car.velocity, car.forward())

    time = 0
    result = None
    if car.boost > 0 and dd > 0:
        boost_time = car.boost / 33.33
        result = BOOST.simulate_until_limit(speed,
        dist -= result.distance_traveled
        time += result.time_passed
        speed = result.speed_reached

    if dist > 0 and speed < 1410:
        result = THROTTLE.simulate_until_limit(speed, distance_limit=dist)
        dist -= result.distance_traveled
        time += result.time_passed
        speed = result.speed_reached

    if result is None or not result.distance_limit_reached:
        time += dist / speed

    return time * 1.05 + turning
Ejemplo n.º 18
def shooting_target(agent):
    """"Method that gives the target for the shooting strategy"""
    ball = agent.info.ball
    car = agent.info.my_car
    car_to_ball = ball.location - car.location
    backline_intersect = line_backline_intersect(agent.their_goal.center[1],
    if abs(backline_intersect) < 700:
        goal_to_ball = normalize(car.location - ball.location)
        error = 0
        # Right of the ball
        if -500 > backline_intersect:
            target = agent.their_goal.corners[3] + vec3(400, 0, 0)
        # Left of the ball
        elif backline_intersect > 500:
            target = agent.their_goal.corners[2] - vec3(400, 0, 0)
        goal_to_ball = normalize(ball.location - target)
        # Subtract the goal to car vector
        difference = goal_to_ball - normalize(car.location - target)
        error = cap(abs(difference[0]) + abs(difference[1]), 0, 5)

    goal_to_ball_2d = vec2(goal_to_ball[0], goal_to_ball[1])
    test_vector_2d = dot(rotation(0.5 * math.pi), goal_to_ball_2d)
    test_vector = vec3(test_vector_2d[0], test_vector_2d[1], 0)

    distance = cap(
        (40 + distance_2d(ball.location, car.location) * (error**2)) / 1.8, 0,
    location = ball.location + vec3(
        (goal_to_ball[0] * distance), goal_to_ball[1] * distance, 0)

    # this adjusts the target based on the ball velocity perpendicular
    # to the direction we're trying to hit it
    multiplier = cap(distance_2d(car.location, location) / 1500, 0, 2)
    distance_modifier = cap(
        dot(test_vector, ball.velocity) * multiplier, -1000, 1000)
    location += vec3(test_vector[0] * distance_modifier,
                     test_vector[1] * distance_modifier, 0)

    # another target adjustment that applies if the ball is close to the wall
    extra = 3850 - abs(location[0])
    if extra < 0:
        location[0] = cap(location[0], -3850, 3850)
        location[1] = location[1] + (-sign(agent.team) * cap(extra, -800, 800))
    return location
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def step(self, packet: GameTickPacket, drone: Drone, index: int):
     drone.hover.up = normalize(drone.position)
     clockwise_rotation = axis_to_rotation(vec3(0, 0, 0.5))
     position_on_circle = normalize(xy(drone.position)) * 2000
     drone.hover.target = dot(clockwise_rotation, position_on_circle)
     drone.hover.target[2] = 1000
     drone.controls = drone.hover.controls
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def step(self, dt):
     vf = dot(self.car.forward(), self.car.velocity)
     if vf > 100:
         self.controls.throttle = -1
     elif vf < -100:
         self.controls.throttle = 1
         self.controls.throttle = 0
         self.finished = True
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def set_drone_states(self, drones: List[Drone]):
     for i, drone in enumerate(drones):
         angle = (2 * math.pi / 64) * i
         drone.position = vec3(dot(rotation(angle), vec2(self.radius, 0)))
         drone.position[2] = self.height
         drone.velocity = vec3(0, 0, 0)
         drone.orientation = euler_to_rotation(
             vec3(math.pi / 2, angle, math.pi))
         drone.angular_velocity = vec3(0, 0, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def step(self, car: Car, target: vec3, dt) -> SimpleControllerState:
        self.car = car
        self.target = target

        local_pos = dot(self.target, self.car.rotation)
        local_pos_spherical = spherical(local_pos)
        local_omega = dot(self.car.angular_velocity, self.car.rotation)

        theta_error = math.sqrt(local_pos_spherical[1]**2 +
        omega_error = math.sqrt(local_omega[1]**2 + local_omega[2]**2)

        if omega_error < 0.1 and theta_error < 0.1:
            self.finished = True
            self.finished = False

        return self.rotate(car, target, dt)
Ejemplo n.º 23
def get_speed(agent, location):
    """Returns the target speed given a certain location"""
    car = agent.info.my_car
    local = dot(location - car.location, car.rotation)
    angle = cap(math.atan2(local[1], local[0]), -3, 3)
    distance = distance_2d(car.location, location)
    if distance > 2.5 * velocity_2d(car.velocity):
        return 2250
    return 2250 - (400 * (angle**2))
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def set_drone_states(self, drones: List[Drone]):
     for i, drone in enumerate(drones):
         angle = i * math.pi * 2 / len(drones)
         rot = rotation(angle)
         v = vec3(dot(rot, vec2(1, 0)))
         drone.position = v * self.radius + self.center
         drone.orientation = look_at(v * -1, vec3(0, 0, 1))
         drone.velocity = vec3(0, 0, 0)
         drone.angular_velocity = vec3(0, 0, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def step(self, packet: GameTickPacket, drone: Drone, index: int):
        # Calculate shift direction.
        direction_angle = (math.pi / 4) + ((math.pi / 2) * (index // 16))
        direction = vec3(dot(rotation(direction_angle), vec2(1, 0)))

        # Shift in one direction.
        angle = (2 * math.pi / 64) * index
        target = vec3(dot(rotation(angle), vec2(self.start_radius, 0)))
        target += direction * (self.end_radius - self.start_radius) * (
            self.time_since_start / self.duration)
        target[2] = self.height

        target = (target + drone.position) / 2

        # Hover controls.
        drone.hover.up = normalize(drone.position)
        drone.hover.target = target
        drone.controls = drone.hover.controls
Ejemplo n.º 26
def estimate_time(car: Car, target, speed, dd=1) -> float:
    dist = distance(car, target)
    if dist < 100:
        return 0
    travel = dist / speed
    turning = angle_between(car.forward() * dd, direction(car, target)) / math.pi * 2
    if turning < 1:
        turning **= 2
    acceleration = (speed * dd - dot(car.velocity, car.forward())) / 2100 * 0.2 * dd / max(car.boost / 20, 1)
    return travel + acceleration + turning * 0.7
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def step(self, packet: GameTickPacket, drone: Drone, index: int):
        radius = 1050 + 150 * self.time_since_start
        angle = math.pi + self.time_since_start * (math.pi / 5)
        angle += (2 * math.pi / 64) * index
        target = vec3(dot(rotation(angle), vec2(radius, 0)))
        target[2] = self.height

        drone.hover.up = normalize(-1 * xy(drone.position))
        drone.hover.target = target
        drone.controls = drone.hover.controls
Ejemplo n.º 28
def should_dodge(agent):
    return norm(agent.info.ball.location -
                agent.info.my_car.location) < 300 and max(
                        agent.info.ball.location - agent.info.my_car.location),
                    dot(agent.info.my_car.forward(), agent.info.ball.location -
                        agent.info.my_car.location)) > 1300  # Go for it!
    """"Method that checks if we should dodge"""
    car = agent.info.my_car
    their_goal = agent.their_goal
    close_to_goal = distance_2d(car.location, their_goal.center) < 4000
    aiming_for_goal = abs(
        line_backline_intersect(their_goal.center[1], vec2(car.location),
                                vec2(car.forward()))) < 850
    bot_to_target = agent.info.ball.location - car.location
    local_bot_to_target = dot(bot_to_target, agent.info.my_car.rotation)
    angle_front_to_target = math.atan2(local_bot_to_target[1],
    close_to_ball = norm(vec2(bot_to_target)) < 750
    good_angle = abs(angle_front_to_target) < math.radians(15)
    return close_to_ball and close_to_goal and aiming_for_goal and good_angle
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def get_output(self, info: Game) -> SimpleControllerState:

        ball = info.ball
        car = info.my_car

        local_coords = dot(ball.location - car.location, car.rotation)

        self.controls.steer = math.copysign(1.0, local_coords[1])

        # just set the throttle to 1 so the car is always moving forward
        self.controls.throttle = 1.0

        return self.controls
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def toPoint(car: Car, target: vec3):

        direction = normalize(target - car.position)

        turnAngleAmount = math.acos(
            max(-1, min(1, dot(car.forward(), direction))))

        rotateToZeroAngle = -atan2(direction)

        towardsZeroVector = rotate2(car.forward(), rotateToZeroAngle)
        turnDirection = math.copysign(1, -towardsZeroVector[1])

        return PID.fromAngle(car, turnAngleAmount * turnDirection)