Ejemplo n.º 1
    def set_robot_state(robot_state: RobotState,
                        robot_name: str,
                        x: float,
                        y: float,
                        yaw: float,
                        level: str):

        robot_state.name = robot_name

        robot_mode = RobotMode()
        robot_mode.mode = robot_mode.MODE_IDLE
        robot_state.mode = robot_mode
        robot_state.battery_percent = 100.0

        robot_location = Location()
        robot_location.x = x
        robot_location.y = y
        robot_location.yaw = yaw
        robot_location.level_name = level
        robot_state.location = robot_location

        return robot_state
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def update_internal_robot_state(self, api_response=None):
        """Update internal robot state message. Does not publish!"""

        # NOTE(CH3): You might need to use robot.mir_name depending
        # on whether you want to use the config yaml name or MiR server
        # name whereever the FleetState message is intended to be used
        robot_state = RobotState()  # Temporary msg to avoid race conditions
        robot_state.name = self.name

        # NOTE(CH3): Presuming model here means robot model, not sim model
        robot_state.model = "MiR100"

        if self.dry_run:
            self.robot_state = robot_state

            if api_response is None:
                api_response = self.mir_api.status_get()

            now_sec, now_ns = math.modf(

            # Populate Location message
            rmf_location = Location()
            rmf_location.x, rmf_location.y, rmf_location.yaw = (
                self.get_position(rmf=True, api_response=api_response))

            rmf_location.level_name = self.rmf_map_name

            # Populate RobotState message
            robot_state.task_id = str(self.current_task_id)
            robot_state.battery_percent = api_response.battery_percentage

            robot_state.location = rmf_location
            robot_state.path = self.rmf_robot_state_path_locations
            robot_state.location.t.sec = now_sec
            robot_state.location.t.nanosec = now_ns

            if api_response.mission_text.startswith('Charging'):  # Charging
                robot_state.mode.mode = RobotMode.MODE_CHARGING
                self.mir_state = MiRState.READY
            elif api_response.state_id == MiRState.PAUSE:  # Paused/Pre-empted
                robot_state.mode.mode = RobotMode.MODE_PAUSED
                self.mir_state = MiRState.PAUSE
            elif (api_response.state_id == MiRState.EXECUTING  # Moving
                  and not api_response.mission_text.startswith('Charging')):
                robot_state.mode.mode = RobotMode.MODE_MOVING
                self.mir_state = MiRState.EXECUTING
            elif api_response.state_id == MiRState.READY:  # Idle/Moved
                robot_state.mode.mode = RobotMode.MODE_IDLE
                self.mir_state = MiRState.READY

            if self.rmf_docking_requested:
                if self.rmf_docking_executed:  # Docked
                    if api_response.state_id == MiRState.READY:
                        robot_state.mode.mode = RobotMode.MODE_IDLE
                    else:  # Docking
                        robot_state.mode.mode = RobotMode.MODE_DOCKING

            # Update internal RobotState
            self.robot_state = robot_state

            self.last_robot_state_update = (
                self.node.get_clock().now().nanoseconds / 1e9)
        except ApiException as e:
            self.node.get_logger().warn('Exception when calling '
                                        'DefaultApi->status_get: %s\n' % e)
    def pub_fleet(self):
        fleet_state = FleetState()
        fleet_state.name = self.FLEET_NAME
        now = time.time()
        now_sec = int(now)
        now_ns = int((now - now_sec) * 1e9)

            for robot in self.robots.values():
                api_response = robot.api.status_get()
                robot_state = RobotState()
                robot_state.name = robot.name
                robot_state.task_id = robot.current_task_id
                robot_state.battery_percent = api_response.battery_percentage
                location = Location()
                location.x = api_response.position.x
                location.y = api_response.position.y
                location.yaw = api_response.position.orientation
                # TODO Transform yaw from MiR frame to RMF frame
                mir_pos = [location.x, location.y]
                rmf_pos = self.mir2rmf_transform.transform(mir_pos)
                rmf_location = Location()
                rmf_location.x = rmf_pos[0]
                rmf_location.y = rmf_pos[1]
                rmf_location.yaw = math.radians(
                    location.yaw) + self.mir2rmf_transform.get_rotation()
                robot_state.location = rmf_location
                robot_state.path = robot.remaining_path
                robot_state.location.t.sec = now_sec
                robot_state.location.t.nanosec = now_ns

                if api_response.mission_text.startswith('Charging'):
                    robot_state.mode.mode = RobotMode.MODE_CHARGING
                    robot.mode = MirState.READY
                elif api_response.state_id == MirState.PAUSE:
                    robot_state.mode.mode = RobotMode.MODE_PAUSED
                    robot.mode = MirState.PAUSE
                elif api_response.state_id == MirState.EXECUTING and \
                        not api_response.mission_text.startswith('Charging'):
                    robot_state.mode.mode = RobotMode.MODE_MOVING
                    robot.mode = MirState.EXECUTING
                elif api_response.state_id == MirState.READY:
                    robot_state.mode.mode = RobotMode.MODE_IDLE
                    robot.mode = MirState.READY

                # print(f'[{api_response.state_id}] [{api_response.state_text}] [{api_response.mission_text}]')

                if robot.docking_requested:
                    if not robot.docking_executed:
                        robot.docking_executed = (
                            'docking' in api_response.mission_text.lower())

                    if robot.docking_executed and api_response.state_id == MirState.READY:
                        robot_state.mode.mode = RobotMode.MODE_IDLE
                        robot_state.mode.mode = RobotMode.MODE_DOCKING


        except ApiException as e:
            self.get_logger().warn('Exception when calling \
                                   DefaultApi->status_get: %s\n' % e)