Ejemplo n.º 1
def find_options_by_strike(inputSymbols, strikePrice, optionType=None, info=None):
    """Returns a list of all the option orders that match the seach parameters

    :param inputSymbols: The ticker of either a single stock or a list of stocks.
    :type inputSymbols: str
    :param strikePrice: Represents the strike price to filter for.
    :type strikePrice: str
    :param optionType: Can be either 'call' or 'put' or leave blank to get both.
    :type optionType: Optional[str]
    :param info: Will filter the results to get a specific value.
    :type info: Optional[str]
    :returns: Returns a list of dictionaries of key/value pairs for all options of the stock that match the search parameters. \
    If info parameter is provided, a list of strings is returned where the strings are the value of the key that matches info.

        symbols = helper.inputs_to_set(inputSymbols)
        if optionType:
            optionType = optionType.lower().strip()
    except AttributeError as message:
        print(message, file=helper.get_output())
        return [None]

    data = []
    for symbol in symbols:
        filteredOptions = find_tradable_options(symbol, None, strikePrice, optionType, None)

        for item in filteredOptions:
            marketData = get_option_market_data_by_id(item['id'])


    return(helper.filter(data, info))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def delete_symbols_from_watchlist(inputSymbols, name='Default'):
    """Deletes multiple stock tickers from a watchlist.

    :param inputSymbols: May be a single stock ticker or a list of stock tickers.
    :type inputSymbols: str or list
    :param name: The name of the watchlist to delete data from.
    :type name: Optional[str]
    :returns: Returns result of the delete request.

    symbols = helper.inputs_to_set(inputSymbols)
    symbols = stocks.get_fundamentals(symbols, info='instrument')

    watchlist = get_watchlist_by_name(name=name)

    items = []
    data = None

    for symbol in symbols:
        for list_ in watchlist:
            if symbol == list_['instrument']:

    for item in items:
        url = urls.watchlists() + name + item
        data = helper.request_delete(url)

Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_quotes(inputSymbols, info=None):
    """Takes any number of stock tickers and returns information pertaining to its price.

    :param inputSymbols: May be a single stock ticker or a list of stock tickers.
    :type inputSymbols: str or list
    :param info: Will filter the results to have a list of the values that correspond to key that matches info.
    :type info: Optional[str]
    :returns: If info parameter is left as None then the list will contain a dictionary of key/value pairs for each ticker. \
    Otherwise, it will be a list of strings where the strings are the values of the key that corresponds to info.

    symbols = helper.inputs_to_set(inputSymbols)
    url = urls.quotes()
    payload = {'symbols': ','.join(symbols)}
    data = helper.request_get(url, 'results', payload)

    if (data == None or data == [None]):
        return data

    for count, item in enumerate(data):
        if item is None:

    data = [item for item in data if item is not None]

    return (helper.filter(data, info))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def get_latest_price(inputSymbols, priceType=None, includeExtendedHours=True, access_token=None):
    """Takes any number of stock tickers and returns the latest price of each one as a string.

    :param inputSymbols: May be a single stock ticker or a list of stock tickers.
    :type inputSymbols: str or list
    :param priceType: Can either be 'ask_price' or 'bid_price'. If this parameter is set, then includeExtendedHours is ignored.
    :type priceType: str
    :param includeExtendedHours: Leave as True if you want to get extendedhours price if available. \
    False if you only want regular hours price, even after hours.
    :type includeExtendedHours: bool
    :returns: [list] A list of prices as strings.

    symbols = helper.inputs_to_set(inputSymbols)
    quote = get_quotes(symbols, access_token=access_token)
    prices = []
    for item in quote:
        if item:
            if priceType == 'ask_price':
            elif priceType == 'bid_price':
                if priceType:
                    print('WARNING: priceType should be "ask_price" or "bid_price". You entered "{0}"'.format(priceType), file=helper.get_output())
                if item['last_extended_hours_trade_price'] is None or not includeExtendedHours:
Ejemplo n.º 5
def get_instruments_by_symbols(inputSymbols, info=None):
    """Takes any number of stock tickers and returns information held by the market
    such as ticker name, bloomberg id, and listing date.

    :param inputSymbols: May be a single stock ticker or a list of stock tickers.
    :type inputSymbols: str or list
    :param info: Will filter the results to have a list of the values that correspond to key that matches info.
    :type info: Optional[str]
    :returns: If info parameter is left as None then the list will contain a dictionary of key/value pairs for each ticker. \
    Otherwise, it will be a list of strings where the strings are the values of the key that corresponds to info.

    symbols = helper.inputs_to_set(inputSymbols)
    url = urls.instruments()
    data = []
    for item in symbols:
        payload = {'symbol': item}
        itemData = helper.request_get(url, 'indexzero', payload)

        if itemData:

    return (helper.filter(data, info))
Ejemplo n.º 6
def get_list_market_data(inputSymbols,expirationDate,info=None):
    """Returns a list of option market data for several stock tickers.

    :param inputSymbols: May be a single stock ticker or a list of stock tickers.
    :type inputSymbols: str or list
    :param expirationDate: Represents the expiration date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
    :type expirationDate: str
    :param info: Will filter the results to get a specific value.
    :type info: Optional[str]
    :returns: Returns a list of dictionaries of key/value pairs for all stock option market data. \
    If info parameter is provided, a list of strings is returned where the strings are the value of the key that matches info.

    symbols = helper.inputs_to_set(inputSymbols)
    ids = []
    data = []
    url = urls.option_instruments()
    for symbol in symbols:
        payload = { 'chain_id' : helper.id_for_chain(symbol),
                    'expiration_date' : expirationDate,
                    'state' : 'active',
                    'tradability' : 'tradable'}
        otherData = helper.request_get(url,'pagination',payload)
        for item in otherData:

    for id in ids:
        url = urls.marketdata(id)
        otherData = helper.request_get(url)

Ejemplo n.º 7
def get_popularity_by_ids(inputIds, info=None, errors=True):
    """Returns the number of open positions.

    :param inputSymbols: The stock ids.
    :type symbol: str, list
    :param info: Will filter the results to be a string value.
    :type info: Optional[str]
    :returns: If the info parameter is provided, then the function will extract the value of the key \
    that matches the info parameter. Otherwise, the whole dictionary is returned.

    ids = helper.inputs_to_set(inputIds)
    url = urls.popularity()
    payload = {'ids': ','.join(ids)}
    data = helper.request_get(url, payload=payload, errors=errors)

    if (data == None or data == [None]):
        return data

    for count, item in enumerate(data):
        if item is None:

    # data = [item for item in data if item is not None]

    return (helper.filter(data, info))
Ejemplo n.º 8
def delete_symbols_from_watchlist(inputSymbols, name="My First List"):
    """Deletes multiple stock tickers from a watchlist.

    :param inputSymbols: May be a single stock ticker or a list of stock tickers.
    :type inputSymbols: str or list
    :param name: The name of the watchlist to delete data from.
    :type name: Optional[str]
    :returns: Returns result of the delete request.

    symbols = helper.inputs_to_set(inputSymbols)
    ids = stocks.get_instruments_by_symbols(symbols, info='id')
    data = []

    #Get id of requested watchlist
    all_watchlists = get_all_watchlists()
    watchlist_id = ''
    for wl in all_watchlists['results']:
        if wl['display_name'] == name:
            watchlist_id = wl['id']

    for id in ids:
        payload = {
            watchlist_id: [{
                "object_type": "instrument",
                "object_id": id,
                "operation": "delete"
        url = urls.watchlists(name, True)
        data.append(helper.request_post(url, payload, json=True))

    return (data)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def get_fundamentals(input_symbols, info=None):
    """Takes any number of stock tickers and returns fundamental information
    about the stock such as what sector it is in, a description of the company, dividend yield, and market cap.

    :param input_symbols: May be a single stock ticker or a list of stock tickers.
    :type input_symbols: str or list
    :param info: Will data_filter the results to have a list of the values that correspond to key that matches info.
    :type info: Optional[str]
    :returns: If info parameter is left as None then the list will contain a dictionary of key/value pairs for each ticker. \
    Otherwise, it will be a list of strings where the strings are the values of the key that corresponds to info.

    symbols = helper.inputs_to_set(input_symbols)
    url = urls.fundamentals()
    payload = {'symbols': ','.join(symbols)}
    data = helper.request_get(url, 'results', payload)

    if data is None or data == [None]:
        return data

    for count, item in enumerate(data):
        if item is None:

    data = [item for item in data if item is not None]

    return helper.data_filter(data, info)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def get_option_market_data(inputSymbols, expirationDate, strikePrice, optionType, info=None):
    """Returns the option market data for the stock option, including the greeks,
    open interest, change of profit, and adjusted mark price.

    :param inputSymbols: The ticker of the stock.
    :type inputSymbols: str
    :param expirationDate: Represents the expiration date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
    :type expirationDate: str
    :param strikePrice: Represents the price of the option.
    :type strikePrice: str
    :param optionType: Can be either 'call' or 'put'.
    :type optionType: str
    :param info: Will filter the results to get a specific value.
    :type info: Optional[str]
    :returns: Returns a dictionary of key/value pairs for the stock. \
    If info parameter is provided, the value of the key that matches info is extracted.

        symbols = helper.inputs_to_set(inputSymbols)
        if optionType:
            optionType = optionType.lower().strip()
    except AttributeError as message:
        print(message, file=helper.get_output())
        return [None]

    data = []
    for symbol in symbols:
        optionID = helper.id_for_option(symbol, expirationDate, strikePrice, optionType)
        marketData = get_option_market_data_by_id(optionID)

    return(helper.filter(data, info))
Ejemplo n.º 11
def get_historicals(*inputSymbols, span='week', bounds='regular'):
    """Represents the data that is used to make the graphs.

    :param inputSymbols: This is a variable length parameter that represents a stock ticker. \
    May be several tickers seperated by commas or a list of tickers.
    :type inputSymbols: str or list
    :param span: Sets the range of the data to be either 'day', 'week', 'year', or '5year'. Default is 'week'.
    :type span: Optional[str]
    :param bounds: Represents if graph will include extended trading hours or just regular trading hours. Values are 'extended' or 'regular'.
    :type bounds: Optional[str]
    :returns: Returns a list of dictionaries where each dictionary is for a different time. If multiple stocks are provided \
    the historical data is listed one after another.

    span_check = ['day', 'week', 'year', '5year']
    bounds_check = ['extended', 'regular', 'trading']
    if span not in span_check:
        print('ERROR: Span must be "day","week","year",or "5year"')
        return ([None])
    if bounds not in bounds_check:
        print('ERROR: Bounds must be "extended","regular",or "trading"')
        return ([None])
    if (bounds == 'extended' or bounds == 'trading') and span != 'day':
            'ERROR: extended and trading bounds can only be used with a span of "day"'
        return ([None])

    if span == 'day':
        interval = '5minute'
    elif span == 'week':
        interval = '10minute'
    elif span == 'year':
        interval = 'day'
        interval = 'week'

    symbols = helper.inputs_to_set(inputSymbols)
    url = urls.historicals()
    payload = {
        'symbols': ','.join(symbols),
        'interval': interval,
        'span': span,
        'bounds': bounds

    data = helper.request_get(url, 'results', payload)
    if (data == None or data == [None]):
        return data
    histData = []
    for count, item in enumerate(data):
        if (len(item['historicals']) == 0):
        for subitem in item['historicals']:

    return (histData)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def find_options_for_list_of_stocks_by_expiration_date(inputSymbols,
    """Returns a list of all the option orders that match the seach parameters

    :param inputSymbols: May be a single stock ticker or a list of stock tickers.
    :type inputSymbols: str or list
    :param expirationDate: Represents the expiration date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
    :type expirationDate: str
    :param optionType: Can be either 'call' or 'put' or leave blank to get both.
    :type optionType: Optional[str]
    :param info: Will filter the results to get a specific value.
    :type info: Optional[str]
    :returns: Returns a list of dictionaries of key/value pairs for all options of the stock that match the search parameters. \
    If info parameter is provided, a list of strings is returned where the strings are the value of the key that matches info.

    symbols = helper.inputs_to_set(inputSymbols)
        optionType = optionType.lower().strip()
    except AttributeError as message:
        return [None]

    data = []
    url = urls.option_instruments()
    for symbol in symbols:
        if (optionType == 'put' or optionType == 'call'):
            payload = {
                'chain_id': helper.id_for_chain(symbol),
                'expiration_date': expirationDate,
                'state': 'active',
                'tradability': 'tradable',
                'rhs_tradability': 'tradable',
                'type': optionType
            payload = {
                'chain_id': helper.id_for_chain(symbol),
                'expiration_date': expirationDate,
                'state': 'active',
                'tradability': 'tradable',
                'rhs_tradability': 'tradable'
        otherData = helper.request_get(url, 'pagination', payload)
        for item in otherData:
            if (item['expiration_date'] == expirationDate
                ):  # and item['rhs_tradability'] == 'tradable'

    for item in data:
        marketData = get_option_market_data_by_id(item['id'])

    return (helper.filter(data, info))
Ejemplo n.º 13
def get_list_options_of_specific_profitability(inputSymbols,expirationDate,typeProfit="chance_of_profit_short",profitFloor=0.0, profitCeiling=1.0,info=None):
    """Returns a list of option market data for several stock tickers that match a range of profitability.

    :param inputSymbols: May be a single stock ticker or a list of stock tickers.
    :type inputSymbols: str or list
    :param expirationDate: Represents the expiration date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
    :type expirationDate: str
    :param typeProfit: Will either be "chance_of_profit_short" or "chance_of_profit_long".
    :type typeProfit: str
    :param profitFloor: The lower percentage on scale 0 to 1.
    :type profitFloor: int
    :param profitCeiling: The higher percentage on scale 0 to 1.
    :type profitCeiling: int
    :param info: Will filter the results to get a specific value.
    :type info: Optional[str]
    :returns: Returns a list of dictionaries of key/value pairs for all stock option market data. \
    If info parameter is provided, a list of strings is returned where the strings are the value of the key that matches info.

    symbols = helper.inputs_to_set(inputSymbols)
    ids = []
    data = []
    returnData = []
    url = urls.option_instruments()

    if (typeProfit != "chance_of_profit_short" and typeProfit != "chance_of_profit_long"):
        print("Invalid string for 'typeProfit'. Defaulting to 'chance_of_profit_short'.")
        typeProfit = "chance_of_profit_short"

    for symbol in symbols:
        payload = { 'chain_id' : helper.id_for_chain(symbol),
                    'expiration_date' : expirationDate,
                    'state' : 'active',
                    'tradability' : 'tradable',
                    'rhs_tradability' : 'tradable'}
        otherData = helper.request_get(url,'pagination',payload)
        for item in otherData:
            if (item['tradability'] == 'tradable'):

    for id in ids:
        url = urls.marketdata_options(id)
        otherData = helper.request_get(url)

    for item in data:
            floatValue = float(item[typeProfit])
            if (floatValue > profitFloor and floatValue < profitCeiling):

Ejemplo n.º 14
def get_fundamentals(inputSymbols, info=None):
    """Takes any number of stock tickers and returns fundamental information
    about the stock such as what sector it is in, a description of the company, dividend yield, and market cap.

    :param inputSymbols: May be a single stock ticker or a list of stock tickers.
    :type inputSymbols: str or list
    :param info: Will filter the results to have a list of the values that correspond to key that matches info.
    :type info: Optional[str]
    :returns: [list] If info parameter is left as None then the list will contain a dictionary of key/value pairs for each ticker. \
    Otherwise, it will be a list of strings where the strings are the values of the key that corresponds to info.
    :Dictionary Keys: * open
                      * high
                      * low
                      * volume
                      * average_volume_2_weeks
                      * average_volume
                      * high_52_weeks
                      * dividend_yield
                      * float
                      * low_52_weeks
                      * market_cap
                      * pb_ratio
                      * pe_ratio
                      * shares_outstanding
                      * description
                      * instrument
                      * ceo
                      * headquarters_city
                      * headquarters_state
                      * sector
                      * industry
                      * num_employees
                      * year_founded
                      * symbol

    symbols = helper.inputs_to_set(inputSymbols)
    url = urls.fundamentals()
    payload = {'symbols': ','.join(symbols)}
    data = helper.request_get(url, 'results', payload)

    if (data == None or data == [None]):
        return data

    for count, item in enumerate(data):
        if item is None:
            item['symbol'] = symbols[count]

    data = [item for item in data if item is not None]

    return (helper.filter(data, info))
Ejemplo n.º 15
def find_options_by_specific_profitability(inputSymbols, expirationDate=None, strikePrice=None, optionType=None, typeProfit="chance_of_profit_short", profitFloor=0.0, profitCeiling=1.0, info=None):
    """Returns a list of option market data for several stock tickers that match a range of profitability.

    :param inputSymbols: May be a single stock ticker or a list of stock tickers.
    :type inputSymbols: str or list
    :param expirationDate: Represents the expiration date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Leave as None to get all available dates.
    :type expirationDate: str
    :param strikePrice: Represents the price of the option. Leave as None to get all available strike prices.
    :type strikePrice: str
    :param optionType: Can be either 'call' or 'put' or leave blank to get both.
    :type optionType: Optional[str]
    :param typeProfit: Will either be "chance_of_profit_short" or "chance_of_profit_long".
    :type typeProfit: str
    :param profitFloor: The lower percentage on scale 0 to 1.
    :type profitFloor: int
    :param profitCeiling: The higher percentage on scale 0 to 1.
    :type profitCeiling: int
    :param info: Will filter the results to get a specific value.
    :type info: Optional[str]
    :returns: Returns a list of dictionaries of key/value pairs for all stock option market data. \
    If info parameter is provided, a list of strings is returned where the strings are the value of the key that matches info.

    symbols = helper.inputs_to_set(inputSymbols)
    data = []

    if (typeProfit != "chance_of_profit_short" and typeProfit != "chance_of_profit_long"):
        print("Invalid string for 'typeProfit'. Defaulting to 'chance_of_profit_short'.", file=helper.get_output())
        typeProfit = "chance_of_profit_short"

    for symbol in symbols:
        tempData = find_tradable_options(symbol, expirationDate, strikePrice, optionType, info=None)
        for option in tempData:
            if expirationDate and option.get("expiration_date") != expirationDate:

            market_data = get_option_market_data_by_id(option['id'])
            if len(market_data):

                    floatValue = float(option[typeProfit])
                    if (floatValue >= profitFloor and floatValue <= profitCeiling):

    return(helper.filter_data(data, info))
Ejemplo n.º 16
def get_instruments_by_symbols(inputSymbols, info=None):
    """Takes any number of stock tickers and returns information held by the market
    such as ticker name, bloomberg id, and listing date.

    :param inputSymbols: May be a single stock ticker or a list of stock tickers.
    :type inputSymbols: str or list
    :param info: Will filter the results to have a list of the values that correspond to key that matches info.
    :type info: Optional[str]
    :returns: [list] If info parameter is left as None then the list will a dictionary of key/value pairs for each ticker. \
    Otherwise, it will be a list of strings where the strings are the values of the key that corresponds to info.
    :Dictionary Keys: * id
                      * url
                      * quote
                      * fundamentals
                      * splits
                      * state
                      * market
                      * simple_name
                      * name
                      * tradeable
                      * tradability
                      * symbol
                      * bloomberg_unique
                      * margin_initial_ratio
                      * maintenance_ratio
                      * country
                      * day_trade_ratio
                      * list_date
                      * min_tick_size
                      * type
                      * tradable_chain_id
                      * rhs_tradability
                      * fractional_tradability
                      * default_collar_fraction

    symbols = helper.inputs_to_set(inputSymbols)
    url = urls.instruments()
    data = []
    for item in symbols:
        payload = {'symbol': item}
        itemData = helper.request_get(url, 'indexzero', payload)

        if itemData:

    return (helper.filter(data, info))
Ejemplo n.º 17
def post_symbols_to_watchlist(inputSymbols, name='Default'):
    """Posts multiple stock tickers to a watchlist.

    :param inputSymbols: May be a single stock ticker or a list of stock tickers.
    :type inputSymbols: str or list
    :param name: The name of the watchlist to post data to.
    :type name: Optional[str]
    :returns: Returns result of the post request.

    symbols = helper.inputs_to_set(inputSymbols)
    payload = {'symbols': ','.join(symbols)}
    url = urls.watchlists(name, True)
    data = helper.request_post(url, payload)

    return (data)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def post_symbols_to_watchlist(*inputSymbols, name='Default'):
    """Posts multiple stock tickers to a watchlist.

    :param inputSymbols: This is a variable length parameter that represents a stock ticker. \
    May be several tickers seperated by commas or a list of tickers.
    :type inputSymbols: str or list
    :param name: The name of the watchlist to post data to.
    :type name: Optional[str]
    :returns: Returns result of the post request.

    symbols = helper.inputs_to_set(inputSymbols)
    payload = {'symbols': ','.join(symbols)}
    url = urls.watchlists(name, True)
    data = helper.request_post(url, payload)

    return (data)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def get_latest_price(inputSymbols):
    """Takes any number of stock tickers and returns the latest price of each one as a string.

    :param inputSymbols: May be a single stock ticker or a list of stock tickers.
    :type inputSymbols: str or list
    :returns: A list of prices as strings.

    symbols = helper.inputs_to_set(inputSymbols)
    quote = get_quotes(symbols)

    prices = []
    for item in quote:
        if item['last_extended_hours_trade_price'] is None:
    return (prices)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def get_latest_price(*inputSymbols):
    """Takes any number of stock tickers and returns the latest price of each one as a string.

    :param inputSymbols: This is a variable length parameter that represents a stock ticker. \
    May be several tickers seperated by commas or a list of tickers.
    :type inputSymbols: str or list
    :returns: A list of prices as strings.

    symbols = helper.inputs_to_set(inputSymbols)
    quote = get_quotes(symbols)

    prices = []
    for item in quote:
        if item['last_extended_hours_trade_price'] is None:
    return (prices)
Ejemplo n.º 21
def delete_symbols_from_watchlist(inputSymbols, name='Default'):
    """Deletes multiple stock tickers from a watchlist.

    :param inputSymbols: May be a single stock ticker or a list of stock tickers.
    :type inputSymbols: str or list
    :param name: The name of the watchlist to delete data from.
    :type name: Optional[str]
    :returns: Returns result of the delete request.

    symbols = helper.inputs_to_set(inputSymbols)
    ids = stocks.get_instruments_by_symbols(symbols, info='id')
    data = []

    for id in ids:
        url = urls.watchlist_delete(name, id)

    return (data)
Ejemplo n.º 22
def day_prices():
    print(' ~~ Full Day Prices ~~ ')
    PSQL = db_connection('psql')
    current, next_id = det_cur_day_prices(PSQL, 'day')
    id_sym = pg_query(PSQL.client, 'select rh_id, rh_sym from portfolio.stocks')
    total_stocks = len(id_sym)
    trader = rs()
    login_data = trader.login()
    for stock_num, (idx, sym) in enumerate(id_sym.values):
#        if idx == '1d4d0780-ba27-4adc-ab12-0c3062fdf365':
#            asdfasdf
        progress(stock_num, total_stocks, status = sym)
        symbols = helper.inputs_to_set(sym)
        url = urls.historicals()
        payload = { 'symbols' : ','.join(symbols),
                    'interval' : 'day',
                    'span' : '5year',
                    'bounds' : 'regular'}
        data = trader.request_get(url,'results',payload)
        if data == [None]:
        for day in data[0]['historicals']:
            beg_date = datetime.strptime(day['begins_at'].replace('Z', '').replace('T', ' '), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
            if idx in current.keys() and beg_date <= current[idx]:
            open_price = float(day['open_price'])
            close_price = float(day['close_price'])
            high_price = float(day['high_price'])
            low_price = float(day['low_price'])
            volume = int(day['volume'])
            script = "INSERT INTO portfolio.day_prices(day_price_id, rh_id, date, open_price, close_price, high_price, low_price, volume) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %i);" % (next_id, idx, beg_date, open_price, close_price, high_price, low_price, volume)
            pg_insert(PSQL.client, script)
            next_id += 1  
            open_price = None
            close_price = None
            high_price = None
            low_price = None
            volume = None
Ejemplo n.º 23
def get_quotes(inputSymbols, info=None):
    """Takes any number of stock tickers and returns information pertaining to its price.

    :param inputSymbols: May be a single stock ticker or a list of stock tickers.
    :type inputSymbols: str or list
    :param info: Will filter the results to have a list of the values that correspond to key that matches info.
    :type info: Optional[str]
    :returns: [list] If info parameter is left as None then the list will contain a dictionary of key/value pairs for each ticker. \
    Otherwise, it will be a list of strings where the strings are the values of the key that corresponds to info.
    :Dictionary Keys: * ask_price
                      * ask_size
                      * bid_price
                      * bid_size
                      * last_trade_price
                      * last_extended_hours_trade_price
                      * previous_close
                      * adjusted_previous_close
                      * previous_close_date
                      * symbol
                      * trading_halted
                      * has_traded
                      * last_trade_price_source
                      * updated_at
                      * instrument

    symbols = helper.inputs_to_set(inputSymbols)
    url = urls.quotes()
    payload = {'symbols': ','.join(symbols)}
    data = helper.request_get(url, 'results', payload)

    if (data == None or data == [None]):
        return data

    for count, item in enumerate(data):
        if item is None:

    data = [item for item in data if item is not None]

    return (helper.filter(data, info))
Ejemplo n.º 24
def get_latest_price(inputSymbols, includeExtendedHours=True):
    """Takes any number of stock tickers and returns the latest price of each one as a string.

    :param inputSymbols: May be a single stock ticker or a list of stock tickers.
    :type inputSymbols: str or list
    :param includeExtendedHours: Leave as True if you want to get extendedhours price if available. \
    False if you only want regular hours price, even after hours.
    :type includeExtendedHours: bool
    :returns: A list of prices as strings.

    symbols = helper.inputs_to_set(inputSymbols)
    quote = get_quotes(symbols)

    prices = []
    for item in quote:
        if item['last_extended_hours_trade_price'] is None or not includeExtendedHours:
    return (prices)
Ejemplo n.º 25
def get_stock_historicals(inputSymbols,
    """Represents the historicl data for a stock.

    :param inputSymbols: May be a single stock ticker or a list of stock tickers.
    :type inputSymbols: str or list
    :param interval: Interval to retrieve data for. Values are '5minute', '10minute', 'hour', 'day', 'week'. Default is 'hour'.
    :type interval: Optional[str]
    :param span: Sets the range of the data to be either 'day', 'week', 'month', '3month', 'year', or '5year'. Default is 'week'.
    :type span: Optional[str]
    :param bounds: Represents if graph will include extended trading hours or just regular trading hours. Values are 'extended', 'trading', or 'regular'. Default is 'regular'
    :type bounds: Optional[str]
    :param info: Will filter the results to have a list of the values that correspond to key that matches info.
    :type info: Optional[str]
    :returns: [list] Returns a list of dictionaries where each dictionary is for a different time. If multiple stocks are provided \
    the historical data is listed one after another.
    :Dictionary Keys: * begins_at
                      * open_price
                      * close_price
                      * high_price
                      * low_price
                      * volume
                      * session
                      * interpolated
                      * symbol

    interval_check = ['5minute', '10minute', 'hour', 'day', 'week']
    span_check = ['day', 'week', 'month', '3month', 'year', '5year']
    bounds_check = ['extended', 'regular', 'trading']

    if interval not in interval_check:
            'ERROR: Interval must be "5minute","10minute","hour","day",or "week"',
        return ([None])
    if span not in span_check:
            'ERROR: Span must be "day","week","month","3month","year",or "5year"',
        return ([None])
    if bounds not in bounds_check:
        print('ERROR: Bounds must be "extended","regular",or "trading"',
        return ([None])
    if (bounds == 'extended' or bounds == 'trading') and span != 'day':
            'ERROR: extended and trading bounds can only be used with a span of "day"',
        return ([None])

    symbols = helper.inputs_to_set(inputSymbols)
    url = urls.historicals()
    payload = {
        'symbols': ','.join(symbols),
        'interval': interval,
        'span': span,
        'bounds': bounds

    data = helper.request_get(url, 'results', payload)
    if (data == None or data == [None]):
        return data

    histData = []
    for count, item in enumerate(data):
        histData_single = []
        if (len(item['historicals']) == 0):
        stockSymbol = item['symbol']
        for subitem in item['historicals']:
            subitem['symbol'] = stockSymbol

    return (helper.filter(histData, info))
Ejemplo n.º 26
def find_options_by_expiration_and_strike_count(inputSymbols,
    """Returns a list of all the option orders that match the search parameters

    :param inputSymbols: The ticker of either a single stock or a list of stocks.
    :type inputSymbols: str
    :param expirationDate: Represents the expiration date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
    :type expirationDate: str
    :param optionType: Can be either 'call' or 'put' or leave blank to get both.
    :type optionType: Optional[str]
    :param strikeCount: Number of strikes to return above and below ATM price
    :type strikeCount: intd
    :param info: Will filter the results to get a specific value.
    :type info: Optional[str]
    :returns: Returns a list of dictionaries of key/value pairs for all options
        of the stock that match the search parameters.
        If info parameter is provided, a list of strings is
        returned where the strings are the value of the key that matches info.

        symbols = helper.inputs_to_set(inputSymbols)
        if optionType:
            optionType = optionType.lower().strip()
    except AttributeError as message:
        return [None]

    data = []
    for symbol in symbols:
        underlying = float(stocks.get_latest_price(symbol)[0])
        allOptions = find_tradable_options(symbol, expirationDate, None,
                                           optionType, None)
        strikes = []
        for each in allOptions:
            strikePrice = each['strike_price']
                strikePrice) if strikePrice not in strikes else strikes
        sortedStrikes = list(map(float, strikes))
        filteredStrikes = find_strikes(sortedStrikes, strikeCount, underlying)
        for x in range(0, len(filteredStrikes)):
            filteredStrikes[x] = '%.4f' % filteredStrikes[
                x]  # DO NOT CHANGE ROUNDING

        x = 0
        while x < len(allOptions):
            if allOptions[x]['strike_price'] not in filteredStrikes:
                x = x + 1

        for item in allOptions:
            marketData = get_option_market_data_by_id(item['id'])
            # write_spinner()


    return (helper.filter(data, info))
Ejemplo n.º 27
def get_crypto_historicals(symbol,
    """Gets historical information about a crypto including open price, close price, high price, and low price.

    :param symbol: The crypto ticker.
    :type symbol: str
    :param interval: The time between data points. Can be '15second', '5minute', '10minute', 'hour', 'day', or 'week'. Default is 'hour'.
    :type interval: str
    :param span: The entire time frame to collect data points. Can be 'hour', 'day', 'week', 'month', '3month', 'year', or '5year'. Default is 'week'
    :type span: str
    :param bound: The times of day to collect data points. 'Regular' is 6 hours a day, 'trading' is 9 hours a day, \
    'extended' is 16 hours a day, '24_7' is 24 hours a day. Default is '24_7'
    :type bound: str
    :param info: Will filter the results to have a list of the values that correspond to key that matches info.
    :type info: Optional[str]
    :returns: [list] If info parameter is left as None then the list will contain a dictionary of key/value pairs for each ticker. \
    Otherwise, it will be a list of strings where the strings are the values of the key that corresponds to info.
    :Dictionary Keys: * begins_at
                      * open_price
                      * close_price
                      * high_price
                      * low_price
                      * volume
                      * session
                      * interpolated
                      * symbol

    interval_check = ['15second', '5minute', '10minute', 'hour', 'day', 'week']
    span_check = ['hour', 'day', 'week', 'month', '3month', 'year', '5year']
    bounds_check = ['24_7', 'extended', 'regular', 'trading']

    if interval not in interval_check:
            'ERROR: Interval must be "15second","5minute","10minute","hour","day",or "week"',
        return ([None])
    if span not in span_check:
            'ERROR: Span must be "hour","day","week","month","3month","year",or "5year"',
        return ([None])
    if bounds not in bounds_check:
        print('ERROR: Bounds must be "24_7","extended","regular",or "trading"',
        return ([None])
    if (bounds == 'extended' or bounds == 'trading') and span != 'day':
            'ERROR: extended and trading bounds can only be used with a span of "day"',
        return ([None])

    symbol = helper.inputs_to_set(symbol)
    id = get_crypto_info(symbol[0], info='id')
    url = urls.crypto_historical(id)
    payload = {'interval': interval, 'span': span, 'bounds': bounds}
    data = helper.request_get(url, 'regular', payload)

    histData = []
    cryptoSymbol = data['symbol']
    for subitem in data['data_points']:
        subitem['symbol'] = cryptoSymbol

    return (helper.filter_data(histData, info))