def launch_triggered(self): """ Prepares the launching of nodes based on the robot items in the current launch list and docking station properties. Before launch: 1. Checks if the number of assigned robots does not exceed a docking stations capacity. 2. Check if the launch list has any robots at all. If any issues are encountered, a MessageBox is displayed to the user informing them as such. Otherwise the created list of Robot class objects is launched by calling "launch_nodes()". """ self.launch_list = [] # Empty launch list # Commision all docking stations (overwriting any previous docking cells) for ds in self.docking_station_dict.values(): ds.commission() # Iterate over all existing (top level) items (a.k.a. robots) in the robotTree and add as robot class objects root = self.robotTree.invisibleRootItem() child_count = root.childCount() self.robot_navigation_dict = {} assignment_issue = False ds_issue = "" for i in range(child_count): item = root.child(i) robot = Robot(str(item.text(0))) succesful_assignment = robot.assign_cell( self.docking_station_dict[str(item.text(3))] ) # Assign docking station based on item.text(3) as key for docking station dictionairy which has all ds class objects. (ds01, ds02, ds03) self.robot_navigation_dict[str(item.text(0))] = str(item.text(1)) self.launch_list.append(robot) if not succesful_assignment: assignment_issue = True ds_issue = str(item.text(3)) break if not self.launch_list: # launch_list is empty, throw error. QtGui.QMessageBox.warning( self, "Launch list is empty!", "You must have at least 1 robot in the 'Launch list' before you can launch." ) elif assignment_issue: # Docking station over max capacity, throw error. QtGui.QMessageBox.warning( self, "Maximum capacity exceeded!", "Docking station " + ds_issue + " maxiumum capacity is being exceeded, unable to launch the current setup." ) else: global launch_status launch_status = launchStatus.LAUNCHED print("Launching!") self.labelStatusText.setText("Launching...") print(self.launch_list) self.launch_nodes() print(launch_status) self.set_launched_gui()
def main(): rob = Robot() if rob.distance_sensor.get_right_inches( ) < rob.distance_sensor.get_left_inches(): follow_right(rob) else: follow_right(rob)
def make_data(N, num_landmarks, world_size, measurement_range, motion_noise, measurement_noise, distance, is_debug=False): # check if data has been made complete = False while not complete: data = [] # make robot and landmarks robot = Robot(world_size, measurement_range, motion_noise, measurement_noise) if is_debug: robot.make_debug_landmarks(num_landmarks) else: robot.make_landmarks(num_landmarks) seen = [False for row in range(num_landmarks)] # guess an initial motion orientation = random.random() * 2.0 * np.pi dx = np.cos(orientation) * distance dy = np.sin(orientation) * distance for k in range(0, N - 1): #print('Run: ', k) # collect sensor measurements in a list, Z Z = robot.sense() # check off all landmarks that were observed for i in range(0, len(Z)): seen[Z[i][0]] = True # move while not robot.move(dx, dy): # if we'd be leaving the robot world, pick instead a new direction orientation = random.random() * 2.0 * np.pi dx = np.cos(orientation) * distance dy = np.sin(orientation) * distance # collect/memorize all sensor and motion data data.append([Z, [dx, dy]]) # we are done when all landmarks were observed; otherwise re-run complete = (sum(seen) == num_landmarks) print(' ') print('Landmarks: ', robot.landmarks) print(robot) return data
def main(): from robot_class import Robot rob = Robot() while (True): if rob.distance_sensor.get_right_inches( ) < rob.distance_sensor.get_left_inches(): follow_right(False, rob) else: follow_left(False, rob)
def make_data(N, num_landmarks, world_size, measurement_range, motion_noise, measurement_noise, distance, visualize=False): complete = False robot_instance = None data = list() while not complete: data = [] # make Robot and landmarks robot_instance = Robot(world_size, measurement_range, motion_noise, measurement_noise) print('Robot x: {}, y: {}'.format(robot_instance.x, robot_instance.y)) robot_instance.make_landmarks(num_landmarks) seen = [False for row in range(num_landmarks)] # guess an initial motion orientation = random.random() * 2.0 * pi dx = cos(orientation) * distance dy = sin(orientation) * distance for k in range(N - 1): # collect sensor measurements in a list, Z Z = robot_instance.sense() # check off all landmarks that were observed for i in range(len(Z)): seen[Z[i][0]] = True # move while not robot_instance.move(dx, dy): # if we'd be leaving the Robot world, pick instead a new direction orientation = random.random() * 2.0 * pi dx = cos(orientation) * distance dy = sin(orientation) * distance if visualize: display_world(int(world_size), [robot_instance.x, robot_instance.y], robot_instance.landmarks) plt.arrow(robot_instance.x, robot_instance.y, dx, dy, color='k', head_width=1) # collect/memorize all sensor and motion data data.append([Z, [dx, dy]]) # we are done when all landmarks were observed; otherwise re-run complete = (sum(seen) == num_landmarks) print(' ') print('Landmarks: ', robot_instance.landmarks) print(robot_instance) return data
def main(demonstrating): rob = Robot() desired_distance = 5 # Proportional gain Kp = 1.5 user_input = input( "Place robot in front of wall and press enter to continue.") if demonstrating: while True: distance = rob.distance_sensor.get_front_inches() proportional_control = saturation_function( Kp * (desired_distance - distance), rob.encoder.get_max_forward_speed(), rob.encoder.get_max_backward_speed()) rob.encoder.setSpeedsIPS(proportional_control, proportional_control) time.sleep(0.01) else: start_time = time.monotonic() distance_list = [] x_axis = [] while time.monotonic() <= (start_time + 30): distance = rob.distance_sensor.get_front_inches() proportional_control = saturation_function( Kp * (desired_distance - distance), rob.encoder.get_max_forward_speed(), rob.encoder.get_max_backward_speed()) rob.encoder.setSpeedsIPS(proportional_control, proportional_control) distance_list.append(distance) time.sleep(0.01) x_axis.append(time.monotonic() - start_time) plt.plot(x_axis, distance_list) plt.suptitle("Distance from wall over 30s with Kp ={0}".format(Kp)) plt.ylabel("Distance (inches)") plt.xlabel("Time (seconds)")
from dinosaur_class import Dinosaur from robot_class import Robot from fleet_class import Fleet from herd_class import Herd from weapon_class import Weapon from battlefield_class import Battlefield if __name__ == '__main__': # battlefield = Battlefield # battlefield.run_game() # instantiate 3 robots dex = Robot() robo_jojo = Robot() chappie = Robot() # instantiate 3 dinosaurs dino = Dinosaur() gino = Dinosaur() nino_brown = Dinosaur() # assign robot names = "dex" = "robo jojo" = "chappie" # show robot stats print(dex.robot_stats()) print(robo_jojo.robot_stats()) print(chappie.robot_stats())
# Stops the robot from robot_class import Robot rob = Robot(True) rob.stop()
def main1(): print("started") print("-------") world_size = 10.0 # size of world (square) measurement_range = 5.0 # range at which we can sense landmarks motion_noise = 0.2 # noise in robot motion measurement_noise = 0.2 # noise in the measurements # instantiate a robot, r r = Robot(world_size, measurement_range, motion_noise, measurement_noise) # print out the location of r print(r) # define figure size plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (5, 5) # call display_world and display the robot in it's grid world print(r) display_world(int(world_size), [r.x, r.y]) # choose values of dx and dy (negative works, too) dx = 1 dy = 2 r.move(dx, dy) # print out the exact location print(r) # display the world after movement, not that this is the same call as before # the robot tracks its own movement display_world(int(world_size), [r.x, r.y]) # create any number of landmarks num_landmarks = 3 r.make_landmarks(num_landmarks) # print out our robot's exact location print(r) # display the world including these landmarks display_world(int(world_size), [r.x, r.y], r.landmarks) # print the locations of the landmarks print('Landmark locations [x,y]: ', r.landmarks) # try to sense any surrounding landmarks measurements = r.sense() # this will print out an empty list if `sense` has not been implemented print(measurements) data = [] # after a robot first senses, then moves (one time step) # that data is appended like so: data.append([measurements, [dx, dy]]) # for our example movement and measurement print(data) # in this example, we have only created one time step (0) time_step = 0 # so you can access robot measurements: print('Measurements: ', data[time_step][0]) # and its motion for a given time step: print('Motion: ', data[time_step][1])
num_f += 1 # time.sleep(0.01) if num_f > num_t: available_directions.append('f') if len(available_directions) > 0: direction = available_directions[random.randint( 0, len(available_directions) - 1)] else: direction = 'b' if direction == 'r': print("Turning right") rob.rotate('r') if direction == 'l': print("Turning left") rob.rotate('l') if direction == 'b': print("U-turn") rob.rotate('r') rob.rotate('r') print("Moving forward") rob.forward() ## Main program if __name__ == "__main__": rob = Robot() navigate(rob)
# Stops the robot from robot_class import Robot rob = Robot() rob.stop()
from robot_class import Robot import time rob = Robot() rob.rotate('l') while True: print("front" + str(rob.distance_sensor.get_front_inches())) print("left" + str(rob.distance_sensor.get_left_inches())) print("right" + str(rob.distance_sensor.get_right_inches())) print() time.sleep(0.5)
from robot_class import Robot import time rob = Robot() while True: rob.center_rotate(rob.distance_sensor.get_left_inches) time.sleep(1)
"""Getting map""" pool_kernel = 20 init_map = rospy.wait_for_message("/map", OccupancyGrid) print(,, map_res = map = np.reshape(, (, map = skimage.measure.block_reduce(map, (pool_kernel, pool_kernel), np.max) print(map.shape) """Reading initial positions and goals of robots""" with open(path + '/robot_start_positions.csv', mode='r') as csv_file: csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',') for i, row in enumerate(csv_reader): if (i == 0): continue goal = [int(row[3]), int(row[4])] new_robot = Robot(i - 1, map_res, pool_kernel, goal) robots.append(new_robot) """Writing data file with names""" with open(path + '/robot_data.csv', mode='w') as robot_file: robot_writer = csv.writer(robot_file, delimiter=',', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) for robot in robots: print(int(robot.pose.x / (map_res * pool_kernel)), int(robot.pose.y / (map_res * pool_kernel))) robot_writer.writerow([, robot.start_pose[0], robot.start_pose[1], robot.goal_pose[0], robot.goal_pose[1]
from robot_class import Robot robot = Robot() robot.makeExcelFile()
from robot_class import Robot rob = Robot() rob.forward()
leftIR = 14 middleIR = 15 rightIR = 18 buttonPin = 26 buttonstate = 1 started = False stop = False kruisingCount = 0 route = 0 draaitijdcount = 0 start = 0 print(route) robot = Robot() def kruispunt( route ): # In deze collectie van if statements wordt er gekeken welke route er is opgegeven. if (route == 1): # 1 staat voor links. knipper_links() for x in range(0, 150): robot.linksaf() while (GPIO.input(middleIR)): robot.scherplinks() elif (route == 2): # 2 staat voor rechtdoor. sleep(2) for x in range(0, 150): robot.rechtdoor()
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO from time import sleep from robot_class import Robot GPIO.setwarnings(False) GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) robot = Robot() buttonPin = 26 buttonstate = 1 started = False run = True GPIO.setup(21, GPIO.OUT) #linker lichten GPIO.setup(20, GPIO.OUT) #worden de disco's GPIO.setup(16, GPIO.OUT) #rechter lichten GPIO.setup(buttonPin, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) GPIO.add_event_detect(buttonPin, GPIO.RISING) while run: buttonstate = GPIO.input(buttonPin) if (buttonstate == 0): print "start" started = True while started: for x in range(0, 1000): robot.scherprechts() #links vooruit, rechts achteruit GPIO.output(16, True) #rechts ook vooruit GPIO.output(21, False) for x in range(0, 1000):
Boundry = [[0, 0], [20, 20]] start = [0, 0, 0, 0] #x,y,F,g goal = [20, 20, 0, 20] isl = [[9, 15]] obstacle = [[12, 12], [11, 13], [10, 14], [13, 11], [14, 10], [13, 13], [12, 14], [11, 15], [14, 12], [15, 11], [11, 11], [10, 13], [12, 10], [13, 9], [13, 12], [12, 13], [11, 12], [12, 11]] #Riz Objects Dsp = display_2d(Boundry) Bot = Robot(Boundry, start) Heur = EucliHeur(start, goal, obstacle, isl) def isOpenEmpty(): if (len(OPEN1) == 0 and len(OPEN2) == 0): return True else: return False def isGoal(n): if (n[0] == goal[0] and n[1] == goal[1]): return True else: return False