Ejemplo n.º 1
def collect_results(tags, plan_id, run_id, worker_root, slavesip,
                    is_tcms, output_dir):
    """for collecting tcms xmlrpc signal and dealing with them"""
    project_name = os.environ['project_name']
    port = plan_id
    tcms = TCMS()
    tcms.update_run_status(run_id, 0)
    context = zmq.Context()
    # socket for results_receive
    results_receiver = context.socket(zmq.PULL)
    rport = str(int(port) + 1)
    results_receiver.bind("tcp://*:%s" % rport)
    task_num = len(tags)
    receive_count = 0
    # socket for worker control(send kill signal)
    controller = context.socket(zmq.PUB)
    cport = str(int(port) - 1)
    controller.bind("tcp://*:%s" % cport)
    while True:
        result = results_receiver.recv_pyobj()
        receive_count += 1
        if is_tcms:
            #***************** Update TCMS caserun status **************
            caserun_id = tcms.get_caserun_id(run_id, result['caseid'])
            tcms.update_caserun_status(caserun_id, result['status'])
            if result['status'] != 'PASSED':
                tcms.update_caserun_log(caserun_id, result['log'])
            print 'Case-run %s is updated in TCMS' % result['caseid']
        #*********************** Finally *******************************
        if receive_count == task_num:
            #sending kill signal to workers
            # collect reports and produce final report
            robotx_path = robotx.__path__[0]
            fab_file = os.path.join(robotx_path, 'core', 'fabworker.py')
            collectresults = "collect_reports:%s,%s" \
                % (worker_root, project_name)
            os.system('fab --hide=running -f %s -H %s %s'
                      % (fab_file, slavesip, collectresults))
            os.system("rebot --name 'RobotX Report' --outputdir %s \
                      --output output --processemptysuite --tagstatexclude \
                      'ID_*' ./*.xml" % output_dir)
            os.system('rm -rf ID_*.xml')
            # kill all workers!!!
            # coon die henchman boil:-)
    tcms.update_run_status(run_id, 1)
    print '\n', 'GAME OVER'.center(80, '=')
Ejemplo n.º 2
def collect_results(tags, plan_id, run_id, worker_root, slavesip, is_tcms,
    """for collecting tcms xmlrpc signal and dealing with them"""
    project_name = os.environ['project_name']
    port = plan_id
    tcms = TCMS()
    tcms.update_run_status(run_id, 0)
    context = zmq.Context()
    # socket for results_receive
    results_receiver = context.socket(zmq.PULL)
    rport = str(int(port) + 1)
    results_receiver.bind("tcp://*:%s" % rport)
    task_num = len(tags)
    receive_count = 0
    # socket for worker control(send kill signal)
    controller = context.socket(zmq.PUB)
    cport = str(int(port) - 1)
    controller.bind("tcp://*:%s" % cport)
    while True:
        result = results_receiver.recv_pyobj()
        receive_count += 1
        if is_tcms:
            #***************** Update TCMS caserun status **************
            caserun_id = tcms.get_caserun_id(run_id, result['caseid'])
            tcms.update_caserun_status(caserun_id, result['status'])
            if result['status'] != 'PASSED':
                tcms.update_caserun_log(caserun_id, result['log'])
            print 'Case-run %s is updated in TCMS' % result['caseid']
        #*********************** Finally *******************************
        if receive_count == task_num:
            #sending kill signal to workers
            # collect reports and produce final report
            robotx_path = robotx.__path__[0]
            fab_file = os.path.join(robotx_path, 'core', 'fabworker.py')
            collectresults = "collect_reports:%s,%s" \
                % (worker_root, project_name)
            os.system('fab --hide=running -f %s -H %s %s' %
                      (fab_file, slavesip, collectresults))
            os.system("rebot --name 'RobotX Report' --outputdir %s \
                      --output output --processemptysuite --tagstatexclude \
                      'ID_*' ./*.xml" % output_dir)
            os.system('rm -rf ID_*.xml')
            # kill all workers!!!
            # coon die henchman boil:-)
    tcms.update_run_status(run_id, 1)
    print '\n', 'GAME OVER'.center(80, '=')
Ejemplo n.º 3
class TCMSListener(object):
    integrate with Test Case Management System,
    such as, test-run creating, case-run status updating,
    tests syntex checking ...

    $ pybot --loglevel DEBUG
         --listener listener.TCMSListener:8243:52490 keyword_driven.txt
    >>> import os
    >>> test_source = '/home/xin/tmp/RobotDemo/keyword_driven.txt'
    >>> cmd = 'pybot --listener listener.TCMSListener %s' % test_source
    >>> os.system(cmd)

    def __init__(self, planid, runid):
        self.planid = planid
        self.runid = runid
        self.tcms = TCMS()
        self.tcms.update_run_status(self.runid, 0)
        self.caseruns = []

    def start_suite(self, name, attrs):
        do sth when one test-suite start to run.
        long name is:  Suite1 & Suite2.Suite2.Invalid Login
        source:  /home/xin/tmp/WebDemo/suite2/invalid_login.txt

    def start_test(self, name, attrs):
        do sth when one case-run start to run.
        caserun = {}
        caserun['name'] = name
        tags = attrs['tags']
        case_id = re.findall('ID_\d+|id_\d+', str(tags))[0][3:]
        caserun['id'] = self.tcms.get_caserun_id(self.runid, case_id)
        caserun['tags'] = tags
        caserun['status'] = 'RUNNING'
        caserun['starttime'] = attrs['starttime']
        # change tcms case status to RUNNING
        self.tcms.update_caserun_status(caserun['id'], caserun['status'])
        print '\n', '*' * 79
        print 'Start Running Time: ', caserun['starttime']

    def end_test(self, name, attrs):
        do sth when one case-run finish.
        caserun = self.caseruns[-1]
        caserun['status'] = attrs['status']
        caserun['endtime'] = attrs['endtime']
        caserun['message'] = attrs['message']
        if caserun.has_key('logtime'):
            caserun['log'] = '\n' + '*' * 30 + '\n' + caserun['logtime'] + \
                            '\n' + attrs['message'] + '\n' + \
                            caserun['loginfo'] + '\n' + '*' * 30
            caserun['log'] = ''
        # change tcms case status to attrs['status'], PASS/FAIL
        caserun_status = caserun['status'] + 'ED'
        self.tcms.update_caserun_status(caserun['id'], caserun_status)
        if caserun['status'] != 'PASS':
            self.tcms.update_caserun_log(caserun['id'], caserun['log'])
        print 'End Running Time: ', caserun['endtime']
        print '*' * 79, '\n'

    def log_message(self, message):
        do sth when one keyword error
        if len(self.caseruns) > 0:
            caserun = self.caseruns[-1]
            caserun['loginfo'] = message['message']
            caserun['logtime'] = message['timestamp']

    def close(self):
        do sth when all test-caseruns are end.
        self.tcms.update_run_status(self.runid, 1)
        print '\n', 'AUTOMATION DONE'.center(70, '*'), '\n'