Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_install_rocket_files(session, roms_path):
    rkt.install('tests/fixtures/2048.rocket', roms_path, session)
    base_path = join(roms_path, 'nes', '2048')
    assert exists(join(base_path, 'logo.png'))
    assert exists(join(base_path, 'front.jpg'))
    assert exists(join(base_path, 'video1.gif'))
    assert exists(join(base_path, '2048 (tsone).nes'))
    assert exists(join(base_path, 'infos.yml'))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_install_rocket_with_good_infos(session, roms_path):
    rocket = rkt.install('tests/fixtures/2048.rocket', roms_path, session)
    description = '2048 is an originally Smartphone Game. You must play with tile to add them '
    description += 'pair by pair to obtain 2048.'
    assert rocket.rom == '2048 (tsone).nes'
    assert rocket.name == '2048'
    assert rocket.description == description
    assert rocket.platform == 'nes'
    assert rocket.genres == 'Puzzle-Game'
    assert rocket.developper == 'tsone'
    assert rocket.publisher == 'tsone'
    assert rocket.players == [1]
    assert rocket.releasedate == date(2014, 6, 21)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def rocket(session, roms_path):
    yield rkt.install('tests/fixtures/2048.rocket', roms_path, session)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_install_rocket_into_database(session, roms_path):
    rocket = rkt.install('tests/fixtures/2048.rocket', roms_path, session)
    asserted = session.query(db.Rocket).filter_by(name='2048').first()
    assert rocket == asserted
    assert session.query(db.Rocket).count() == 1
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_install_invalid_rocket_when_has_not_video_and_screenshot_file(
        session, roms_path):
    with pytest.raises(InstallError) as err:
        rkt.install('tests/fixtures/invalid5.rocket', roms_path, session)
    assert str(err.value) == 'This rocket has not video or screenshot file'
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_install_invalid_rocket_when_has_not_rom_file(session, roms_path):
    with pytest.raises(InstallError) as err:
        rkt.install('tests/fixtures/invalid4.rocket', roms_path, session)
    assert str(err.value) == 'This rocket has not "2048 (tsone).nes" file'
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_install_invalid_rocket_when_has_not_front_file(session, roms_path):
    with pytest.raises(InstallError) as err:
        rkt.install('tests/fixtures/invalid2.rocket', roms_path, session)
    assert str(err.value) == 'This rocket has not "front.jpg" file'