Ejemplo n.º 1
    def plot_time_vs_position(self, end='source', dimension='x',
                              traced=True, picked=True,
                              ax=None, outfile=None, event_colors={},
        Plot traveltimes in each rayfan vs. position.

        :param end: Optional. Specifies which end of the raypath to plot as
            on the abscissa.  Options are: 'source' (default) or 'receiver'.
        :param dimension: Specifies which dimension of the raypath end to plot
            on the abscissa. Options are: 'x' (default), 'y', or 'z'.
        :param ax:  Optional. A :class:`matplotlib.Axes.axes` object to plot
            into. Default is to create a new figure and axes.
        :param traced: Optional. Determines whether or not to plot raytraced 
            travel times, if they exist. Default is ``True``.
        :param picked: Optional. Determines whether or not to plot picked
            travel times, if they exist. Default is ``True``.
        :param outfile: Output file string. Also used to automatically
            determine the output format. Supported file formats depend on your
            matplotlib backend. Most backends support png, pdf, ps, eps and
            svg. Default is ``None``.
        :param event_colors: Optional. Dictionary of event names and colors
            to use for plotting traveltimes for different events. If
            ``event_colors`` is not given, or if an event ID is not in
            ``event_colors``, traveltimes are plotted in the color given by
        :param default_color: Optional. Color to use when plotting traveltimes 
            for events not in ``event_colors``.  Default is black.
        if ax is None:
            fig = plt.figure()
            ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
            show = True
            show = False
        end_opts = {'source': 0, 'receiver': -1}
        dim_opts = {'x': 0, 'y': 1, 'z': 2}
        iend = end_opts[end]
        idim = dim_opts[dimension]
        for rfn in self.rayfans:
            x = [p[iend][idim] for p in rfn.paths]
            if picked:
                for i, t in enumerate(rfn.pick_times):
                    c = get_dict_default(rfn.event_ids[i], event_colors,
                    ax.errorbar(x[i], t, yerr=rfn.pick_errors[i], fmt=c + '.',
                                markersize=0, capsize=0)
            if traced:
                for i, t in enumerate(rfn.travel_times):
                    c = get_dict_default(rfn.event_ids[i], event_colors,
                    ax.scatter(x[i], t, marker='.', color=c, s=1, linewidths=0)
        plt.xlabel('{:} {:} (km)'.format(end, dimension))
        plt.ylabel('t (s)')
        if outfile:
        elif show:
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def plot_raypaths(self, dim=[0, 2], ax=None, receivers=True,
                      sources=True, outfile=None, event_colors={},
        Plot all raypaths.

        :param dim: Coordinate dimensions to plot paths into. Default is z
            vs. x (``dim=[0,2]``).
        :param ax:  A :class:`matplotlib.Axes.axes` object to plot
            into. Default is to create a new figure and axes.
        :param receivers: Determines whether or not to plot symbols at
            the receiver locations. Default is ``True``.
        :param sources: Determines whether or not to plot symbols at
            the source locations. Default is ``False``.
        :param outfile: Output file string. Also used to automatically
            determine the output format. Supported file formats depend on your
            matplotlib backend. Most backends support png, pdf, ps, eps and
            svg. Default is ``None``.
        :param event_colors: Optional. Dictionary of event names and colors
            to use for plotting raypaths for different events. If
            ``event_colors`` is not given, or if an event ID is not in
            ``event_colors``, raypaths are plotted in the color given by
        :param default_color: Optional. Color to use when plotting raypaths
            for events not in ``event_colors``.  Default is grey.
        if ax is None:
            fig = plt.figure()
            ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
            reverse = True
            show = True
            reverse = False
            show = False
        for irfn, rfn in enumerate(self.rayfans):
            for i, path in enumerate(rfn.paths):
                x = [p[dim[0]] for p in path]
                y = [p[dim[1]] for p in path]
                c = get_dict_default(rfn.event_ids[i], event_colors,
                ax.plot(x, y, color=c)
                if receivers:
                    x = rfn.paths[i][-1][dim[0]]
                    y = rfn.paths[i][-1][dim[1]]
                    ax.plot(x, y, 'vy')
                if sources:
                    x = rfn.endpoints[i][dim[0]]
                    y = rfn.endpoints[i][dim[1]]
                    ax.plot(x, y, '*r')
        if reverse:
        if outfile:
        elif show: