Ejemplo n.º 1
    def run(self, params, args):

        (bigmnt, ) = self.fillParams([
            ('bigmnt', 'n'),

        bigmnt = self.str2bool(bigmnt)

        if bigmnt:
            # we just need to print the bigest partition mnt point
            vm = rocks.vm.VM(self.db)
            for host in self.getHostnames(args):
                self.addOutput(host, vm.getLargestPartition(host))


        for host in self.getHostnames(args):
				p.device, p.mountpoint, p.sectorstart,
				p.partitionsize, p.partitionid, p.fstype,
				p.partitionflags, p.formatflags from 
				partitions p, nodes n where 
				n.name='%s' and n.id=p.node order by device""" % host)

            for row in self.db.fetchall():
                self.addOutput(host, row)

            'host', 'device', 'mountpoint', 'start', 'size', 'id', 'type',
            'flags', 'formatflags'
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def run(self, params, args):
        file, = self.fillParams([("file", None)])
        hosts = self.getHostnames(args)

        if len(hosts) < 1:
            self.abort("must supply host")

        if file and len(hosts) > 1:
            self.abort('if you supply the "file" parameter, ' + "then you only can specify one VM host")

        vm = rocks.vm.VM(self.db)

        for host in hosts:
            physhost = vm.getPhysHost(host)

            if not file:
                diskprefix = vm.getLargestPartition(physhost)
                if diskprefix:
                    file = os.path.join(diskprefix, "xen/disks/%s.saved" % host)

            if physhost and file:
                # send the restore command to the physical node
                import rocks.vmconstant

                hipervisor = libvirt.open(rocks.vmconstant.connectionURL % physhost)
Ejemplo n.º 3
	def run(self, params, args):
		file, = self.fillParams( [('file', None)] )
		hosts = self.getHostnames(args)

		if len(hosts) < 1:
			self.abort('must supply host')

		if file and len(hosts) > 1:
			self.abort('if you supply the "file" parameter, ' +
				'then you only can specify one VM host')

		vm = rocks.vm.VM(self.db)

		for host in hosts:
			physhost = vm.getPhysHost(host)

			if not file:
				diskprefix = vm.getLargestPartition(physhost)
				if diskprefix:
					file = os.path.join(diskprefix,
						'xen/disks/%s.saved' % host)

			if physhost and file:
				# send the restore command to the physical node
				import rocks.vmconstant
				hipervisor = libvirt.open( rocks.vmconstant.connectionURL % physhost)
Ejemplo n.º 4
	def run(self, params, args):
		file, = self.fillParams( [('file', None)] )
		hosts = self.getHostnames(args)

		if len(hosts) < 1:
			self.abort('must supply host')

		if file and len(hosts) > 1:
			self.abort('if you supply the "file" parameter, ' +
				'then you only can specify one VM host')
		import rocks.vm
		vm = rocks.vm.VM(self.db)

		for host in hosts:
			physhost = vm.getPhysHost(host)

			if not file:
				diskprefix = vm.getLargestPartition(physhost)
				if diskprefix:
					file = os.path.join(diskprefix,
						'kvm/disks/%s.saved' % host)

			# we need to start vlan interface if any
			self.command('sync.host.vlan', [host])

			if physhost and file:
				# send the restore command to the physical node
				import rocks.vmconstant
				hipervisor = libvirt.open( rocks.vmconstant.connectionURL % physhost)
Ejemplo n.º 5
	def run(self, params, args):

		(bigmnt,) = self.fillParams( [
			('bigmnt', 'n'),

		bigmnt = self.str2bool(bigmnt)

		if bigmnt:
			# we just need to print the bigest partition mnt point
			vm = rocks.vm.VM(self.db)
			for host in self.getHostnames(args):
				self.addOutput(host, vm.getLargestPartition(host))
		for host in self.getHostnames(args):
				p.device, p.mountpoint, p.sectorstart,
				p.partitionsize, p.partitionid, p.fstype,
				p.partitionflags, p.formatflags from 
				partitions p, nodes n where 
				n.name='%s' and n.id=p.node order by device""" %

			for row in self.db.fetchall():
				self.addOutput(host, row)

		self.endOutput(header=['host', 'device', 'mountpoint', 
			'start','size', 'id', 'type', 'flags', 'formatflags'])
Ejemplo n.º 6
	def run(self, params, args):
		vars = [ ('XENDOMAINS_SYSRQ', '""'),
			('XENDOMAINS_USLEEP', '100000'),
			('XENDOMAINS_SHUTDOWN', '"--halt --wait"'),
			('XENDOMAINS_SHUTDOWN_ALL', '"--all --halt --wait"'),
			('XENDOMAINS_RESTORE', 'true'),
			('XENDOMAINS_AUTO_ONLY', 'false'),

		vm = rocks.vm.VM(self.db)

		hosts = self.getHostnames(args)
		if len(hosts) != 1:
			self.abort('must only supply one host')

		self.addText('<file name="/etc/sysconfig/xendomains">')

		host = hosts[0]
		for var, default in vars:
			attr = self.db.getHostAttr(host, var)
			if not attr:
				attr = default
			self.addText('%s=%s\n' % (var, attr))

		# special case for XENDOMAINS_SAVE and XENDOMAINS_AUTO.
		# if an attribute is not set for these variables, then
		# we want to put them on the largest partition on the
		# host
		part = vm.getLargestPartition(host)

		attr = self.db.getHostAttr(host, 'XENDOMAINS_SAVE')
		if not attr:
			attr = '%s/xen/save' % part
		self.addText('XENDOMAINS_SAVE=%s\n' % (attr))
		xendomains_save = attr

		attr = self.db.getHostAttr(host, 'XENDOMAINS_AUTO')
		if not attr:
			attr = '%s/xen/auto' % part
		self.addText('XENDOMAINS_AUTO=%s\n' % (attr))
		xendomains_auto = attr


		self.addText('mkdir -p %s\n' % xendomains_save)
		self.addText('mkdir -p %s\n' % xendomains_auto)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def run(self, params, args):
        vars = [('XENDOMAINS_SYSRQ', '""'), ('XENDOMAINS_USLEEP', '100000'),
                ('XENDOMAINS_CREATE_USLEEP', '5000000'),
                ('XENDOMAINS_MIGRATE', '""'),
                ('XENDOMAINS_SHUTDOWN', '"--halt --wait"'),
                ('XENDOMAINS_SHUTDOWN_ALL', '"--all --halt --wait"'),
                ('XENDOMAINS_RESTORE', 'true'),
                ('XENDOMAINS_AUTO_ONLY', 'false'),
                ('XENDOMAINS_STOP_MAXWAIT', '300')]

        vm = rocks.vm.VM(self.db)

        hosts = self.getHostnames(args)
        if len(hosts) != 1:
            self.abort('must only supply one host')

        self.addText('<file name="/etc/sysconfig/xendomains">')

        host = hosts[0]
        for var, default in vars:
            attr = self.db.getHostAttr(host, var)
            if not attr:
                attr = default
            self.addText('%s=%s\n' % (var, attr))

        # special case for XENDOMAINS_SAVE and XENDOMAINS_AUTO.
        # if an attribute is not set for these variables, then
        # we want to put them on the largest partition on the
        # host
        part = vm.getLargestPartition(host)

        attr = self.db.getHostAttr(host, 'XENDOMAINS_SAVE')
        if not attr:
            attr = '%s/xen/save' % part
        self.addText('XENDOMAINS_SAVE=%s\n' % (attr))
        xendomains_save = attr

        attr = self.db.getHostAttr(host, 'XENDOMAINS_AUTO')
        if not attr:
            attr = '%s/xen/auto' % part
        self.addText('XENDOMAINS_AUTO=%s\n' % (attr))
        xendomains_auto = attr


        self.addText('mkdir -p %s\n' % xendomains_save)
        self.addText('mkdir -p %s\n' % xendomains_auto)
Ejemplo n.º 8
	def run(self, params, args):
		file, = self.fillParams( [('file', None)] )
		hosts = self.getHostnames(args)

		if len(hosts) < 1:
			self.abort('must supply host')

		if file and len(hosts) > 1:
			self.abort('if you supply the "file" parameter, ' +
				'then you only can specify one VM host')

		import rocks.vm
		vm = rocks.vm.VM(self.db)

		for host in hosts:
			physhost = vm.getPhysHost(host)
			if not physhost:
			if not file:
				diskprefix = vm.getLargestPartition(physhost)
				if diskprefix:
					# create a default file name
					file = os.path.join(os.path.join(
						diskprefix, 'kvm/disks'),
						'%s.saved' % host)

			if physhost and file:
				# send the save command to the physical node
				import rocks.vmconstant
				hipervisor = libvirt.open( rocks.vmconstant.connectionURL % physhost)
				domU = hipervisor.lookupByName(host)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def run(self, params, args):
        file, = self.fillParams([('file', None)])
        hosts = self.getHostnames(args)

        if len(hosts) < 1:
            self.abort('must supply host')

        if file and len(hosts) > 1:
            self.abort('if you supply the "file" parameter, ' +
                       'then you only can specify one VM host')

        import rocks.vm
        vm = rocks.vm.VM(self.db)

        for host in hosts:
            physhost = vm.getPhysHost(host)
            if not physhost:

            if not file:
                diskprefix = vm.getLargestPartition(physhost)
                if diskprefix:
                    # create a default file name
                    file = os.path.join(os.path.join(diskprefix, 'kvm/disks'),
                                        '%s.saved' % host)

            if physhost and file:
                # send the save command to the physical node
                import rocks.vmconstant
                hipervisor = libvirt.open(rocks.vmconstant.connectionURL %
                domU = hipervisor.lookupByName(host)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def run(self, params, args):

        nodes = self.newdb.getNodesfromNames(
            args, preload=['vm_defs', 'vm_defs.disks'])

        #some arguments parsing
        if len(nodes) != 1:
            self.abort('must supply only one host')
            node = nodes[0]

        host = node.name

        (credentialDir, outputpath,
         imagename) = self.fillParams([('credentialdir', ), ('outputpath', ),
                                       ('imagename', )])

        if not credentialDir:
            credentialDir = "~/.ec2/"

        if not imagename:
            imagename = ""

        if node.vm_defs.physNode:
            physhost = node.vm_defs.physNode.name
            self.abort("Impossible to fetch the physical node.")

        #ok we have to bunble the vm host runnning on physhost
        #let's check that the machine is not running
        print 'physhost is %s; host is %s' % (physhost, host)
        import rocks
        state = rocks.db.vmextend.getStatus(node)

        if state != 'nostate':
            self.abort("The vm " + host + " is still running (" + state +
                       "). Please shut it down before running this command.")

        #which outputpath should we use...???
        if not outputpath:
            # find the largest partition on the remote node
            # and use it as the directory prefix
            import rocks.vm
            vm = rocks.vm.VM(self.db)

            vbd_type = 'file'
            prefix = vm.getLargestPartition(physhost)

            if not prefix:
                self.abort('could not find a partition on ' +
                           'host (%s) to hold the ' % host + 'VM\'s bundle')

            outputpath = prefix
            outputpath = outputpath + "/ec2/bundles/" + host

        # -------------------      clear the outputpath and mkdir if it doesn't exist
        print "Creating output directories"
        output = self.command(
            [physhost, 'rm -rf %s' % outputpath, 'collate=true'])
        output = self.command(
            [physhost, 'mkdir -p %s' % outputpath, 'collate=true'])
        if len(output) > 1:
            self.abort('We can not create the directory ' + outputpath +
                       ' please check that is not mounted or used')

        # --------------------     mount the file systems of the vm
        #TODO check is this the right way to figure out the disk image??
        print "Mounting file systems"
        rows = self.db.execute("""select vmd.prefix, vmd.name 
		        from nodes n, vm_disks vmd, vm_nodes vm 
		        where vmd.Vm_Node = vm.id and vm.node = n.id 
		        and n.name = '%s';""" % host)
        if rows != 1:
            self.abort('We can\'t figure out the disk of the virtual' +
                       ' machine %s' % host)
        (prefix, name) = self.db.fetchall()[0]
        diskVM = os.path.join(prefix, name)

        output = self.command(
            'run.host', [physhost, "mkdir -p /mnt/rocksimage", 'collate=true'])
        if len(output) > 1:
            self.abort('Problem with making the directory /mnt/rocksimage ' +
                       'on host ' + physhost + '. Error: ' + output)

        #creating the /dev to be mounted
        output = self.command('run.host', [
            "kpartx -a -v %s | head -n 1|awk '{print $3}'" % diskVM,
        devPath = '/dev/mapper/' + output.strip()
        output = self.command('run.host', [physhost, "ls " + devPath])
        if len(output) > 1:
            self.abort('Problem mounting ' + diskVM + ' on host ' + physhost +
                       '. Error: ' + output)

        #ok the device is ready we can mount
        output = self.command(
            'run.host', [physhost, "mount " + devPath + " /mnt/rocksimage"])
        #print "exec: mount " + devPath + " /mnt/rocksimage"
        if len(output) > 1:
            self.abort('Problem mounting the image: ' + output)

        # 2. --------------------     copy the credential over...
        print "Copying credential directory"
        retval = os.system('scp -qr %s %s:%s/.ec2 ' %
                           (credentialDir, physhost, outputpath))
        if retval != 0:
            self.terminate(physhost, diskVM, outputpath)
            self.abort('Could not copy the credential directory: ' +
                       credentialDir + ' to the output path: ' + outputpath)

        # ------------------------   removing root password
        print "Removing root password"
        #toremove the password
        #"sed -i -e 's/root:[^:]\{1,\}:/root:!:/' /etc/shadow"
        output = self.command('run.host', [
            "sed -i --expression='s/root:[^:]\{1,\}:/root:\!:/' /mnt/rocksimage/etc/shadow",
        if len(output) > 1:
            self.terminate(physhost, diskVM, outputpath)
            self.abort('Problem removing root password. Error: ' + output)

        # ------------------------   create fstab
        print "Fixing fstab"
        output = self.command('run.host', [
            '''sed -i 's/.* \/ \(.*\)/\/dev\/xvde1            \/ \\1/g' /mnt/rocksimage/etc/fstab''',
        if len(output) > 1:
            self.terminate(physhost, diskVM, outputpath)
            self.abort('Could not fix the fstab on the the host: ' + physhost)

        # ------------------------   fix the grub.conf for ec2
        # we need to take the options out of the kernel grub invocation
        # fix the partions address (hd0,0 must be hd0)
        print "Fixing grub"
        sedGrub = """#!/bin/bash

cp $GRUBDIR/grub.conf $GRUBDIR/grub-orig.conf
sed -i 's/hd0,0/hd0/g' $GRUBDIR/grub.conf
sed -i 's/kernel \([^ ]*\) .*/kernel \\1 root=\/dev\/xvde1 console=ttyS0,115200/g' $GRUBDIR/grub.conf
        scriptName = '/tmp/fixgrub.sh'

        if not createScript(sedGrub, scriptName, physhost):
            self.terminate(physhost, diskVM, outputpath)
            self.abort('Could not fix grub.conf to the host: ' + physhost)

        self.command('run.host', [physhost, 'bash ' + scriptName])
        if retval != 0:
            #restore original grub
            self.command('run.host', [
                'cp /mnt/rocksimage/boot/grub/grub-orig.conf /mnt/rocksimage/boot/grub/grub.conf'
            self.terminate(physhost, diskVM, outputpath)
            self.abort('Could fix grub configuration for EC2 ')

        # now we need to unmount before we can bundle
        # new ec2-bundle-image
        output = self.command(
            'run.host', [physhost, "umount /mnt/rocksimage", 'collate=true'])
        print "removing parttion table"
        temp_disk_nopart = outputpath + "/disk.img"
        output = self.command(
             'dd if=%s of=%s bs=4M' % (devPath, temp_disk_nopart)])

        output = self.command('run.host',
                              [physhost, "kpartx -d -v %s " % diskVM])
        # ------------------------   create the script
        print "Creating the bundle script"
        # we now support only 64 bit
        arch = 'x86_64'
        bundleScript = """#!/bin/bash

if [ -n "$1" ] ;
    IMAGENAME="-p $1"

#not necessary but...
export EC2_HOME=/opt/ec2


echo bundling...
/opt/ec2/bin/ec2-bundle-image -d $OutputPath -i %s -c $OutputPath/.ec2/cert.pem -k $OutputPath/.ec2/pk.pem -u `cat $OutputPath/.ec2/user` $IMAGENAME --arch %s

""" % (outputpath, temp_disk_nopart, arch)
        if not createScript(bundleScript, '%s/script.sh' % outputpath,
            self.abort('Could not copy the script to the host: ' + physhost)

        # -----------------------     run the script
        #execute it with 'chroot /mnt/rocksimage/ /mnt/ec2image/script.sh rocksdevel'
        print "Running the bundle script this step might take around 10-20 minutes"
            [physhost, '%s/script.sh %s' % (outputpath, imagename)])
        #removing temporary image
        output = self.command('run.host',
                              [physhost, "rm -rf " + temp_disk_nopart])
Ejemplo n.º 11
	def run(self, params, args):

		nodes = self.newdb.getNodesfromNames(args,
				preload=['vm_defs', 'vm_defs.disks'])

		#some arguments parsing
		if len(nodes) != 1:
			self.abort('must supply only one host')
			node = nodes[0]

		host = node.name

		(credentialDir, outputpath, imagename) = self.fillParams( 
		            [('credentialdir', ), 
		            ('outputpath', ) ,
		            ('imagename', )
		            ] )

		if not credentialDir:
			credentialDir = "~/.ec2/"

		if not imagename:
			imagename = ""

		if node.vm_defs.physNode:
			physhost = node.vm_defs.physNode.name
			self.abort("Impossible to fetch the physical node.")
		#ok we have to bunble the vm host runnning on physhost
		#let's check that the machine is not running
		print 'physhost is %s; host is %s' % (physhost,host)
		import rocks
		state = rocks.db.vmextend.getStatus(node)
		if state != 'nostate':
			self.abort("The vm " + host + " is still running (" + state + 
		                "). Please shut it down before running this command.")
		#which outputpath should we use...???
		if not outputpath:
			# find the largest partition on the remote node
			# and use it as the directory prefix
			import rocks.vm
			vm = rocks.vm.VM(self.db)
			vbd_type = 'file'
			prefix = vm.getLargestPartition(physhost)
			if not prefix:
				self.abort('could not find a partition on '
					+ 'host (%s) to hold the ' % host
					+ 'VM\'s bundle')
			outputpath = prefix
			outputpath = outputpath + "/ec2/bundles/" + host
		# -------------------      clear the outputpath and mkdir if it doesn't exist
		print "Creating output directories"
		output = self.command('run.host', [physhost,
		                    'rm -rf %s' % outputpath, 'collate=true'])
		output = self.command('run.host', [physhost,
		                    'mkdir -p %s' % outputpath, 'collate=true'])
		if len(output) > 1:
			self.abort('We can not create the directory ' + outputpath 
				+ ' please check that is not mounted or used')
		# --------------------     mount the file systems of the vm
		#TODO check is this the right way to figure out the disk image??
		print "Mounting file systems"
		rows = self.db.execute("""select vmd.prefix, vmd.name 
		        from nodes n, vm_disks vmd, vm_nodes vm 
		        where vmd.Vm_Node = vm.id and vm.node = n.id 
		        and n.name = '%s';""" % host)
		if rows != 1:
			self.abort('We can\'t figure out the disk of the virtual' +
				' machine %s' % host)
		(prefix, name) = self.db.fetchall()[0]
		diskVM = os.path.join(prefix, name)
		output = self.command('run.host', [physhost,
		        "mkdir -p /mnt/rocksimage", 'collate=true'])
		if len(output) > 1:
			self.abort('Problem with making the directory /mnt/rocksimage ' +
				'on host ' + physhost + '. Error: ' + output)
		#creating the /dev to be mounted
		output = self.command('run.host', [physhost,
			"kpartx -a -v %s | head -n 1|awk '{print $3}'" % diskVM, 'collate=true'])
		devPath = '/dev/mapper/' + output.strip()
		output = self.command('run.host', [physhost, "ls " + devPath])
		if len(output) > 1:
			self.abort('Problem mounting ' + diskVM + ' on host ' + 
				physhost + '. Error: ' + output)
		#ok the device is ready we can mount
		output = self.command('run.host', [physhost, 
			"mount " + devPath + " /mnt/rocksimage"])
		#print "exec: mount " + devPath + " /mnt/rocksimage"
		if len(output) > 1:
			self.abort('Problem mounting the image: ' + output)
		# 2. --------------------     copy the credential over...
		print "Copying credential directory"
		retval = os.system('scp -qr %s %s:%s/.ec2 ' % (credentialDir, physhost, outputpath))
		if retval != 0:
			self.terminate(physhost, diskVM, outputpath)
			self.abort('Could not copy the credential directory: ' + credentialDir + 
				' to the output path: ' + outputpath)
		# ------------------------   removing root password
		print "Removing root password"
		#toremove the password
		#"sed -i -e 's/root:[^:]\{1,\}:/root:!:/' /etc/shadow"
		output = self.command('run.host', [physhost,
			"sed -i --expression='s/root:[^:]\{1,\}:/root:\!:/' /mnt/rocksimage/etc/shadow",
		if len(output) > 1:
			self.terminate(physhost, diskVM, outputpath)
			self.abort('Problem removing root password. Error: ' + output)

		# ------------------------   create fstab
		print "Fixing fstab"
		output = self.command('run.host', [physhost,
			'''sed -i 's/.* \/ \(.*\)/\/dev\/xvde1            \/ \\1/g' /mnt/rocksimage/etc/fstab''',
		if len(output) > 1:
			self.terminate(physhost, diskVM, outputpath)
			self.abort('Could not fix the fstab on the the host: ' + physhost)

		# ------------------------   fix the grub.conf for ec2
		# we need to take the options out of the kernel grub invocation
		# fix the partions address (hd0,0 must be hd0)
		print "Fixing grub"
		sedGrub = """#!/bin/bash

cp $GRUBDIR/grub.conf $GRUBDIR/grub-orig.conf
sed -i 's/hd0,0/hd0/g' $GRUBDIR/grub.conf
sed -i 's/kernel \([^ ]*\) .*/kernel \\1 root=\/dev\/xvde1 console=ttyS0,115200/g' $GRUBDIR/grub.conf
		scriptName = '/tmp/fixgrub.sh'

		if not createScript(sedGrub, scriptName, physhost):
			self.terminate(physhost, diskVM, outputpath)
			self.abort('Could not fix grub.conf to the host: ' + physhost )

		self.command('run.host', [ physhost, 'bash ' + scriptName ] )
                if retval != 0:
			#restore original grub
			self.command('run.host', [ physhost, 
				'cp /mnt/rocksimage/boot/grub/grub-orig.conf /mnt/rocksimage/boot/grub/grub.conf'])
                        self.terminate(physhost, diskVM, outputpath)
                        self.abort('Could fix grub configuration for EC2 ' )

		# now we need to unmount before we can bundle
		# new ec2-bundle-image
		output = self.command('run.host', [physhost,
			"umount /mnt/rocksimage",'collate=true'])
		print "removing parttion table"
		temp_disk_nopart = outputpath + "/disk.img"
		output = self.command('run.host', [physhost, 'dd if=%s of=%s bs=4M' %
				(devPath, temp_disk_nopart)])

		output = self.command('run.host', [physhost,
				"kpartx -d -v %s " % diskVM])
		# ------------------------   create the script
		print "Creating the bundle script"
		# we now support only 64 bit
		arch = 'x86_64'
		bundleScript = """#!/bin/bash

if [ -n "$1" ] ;
    IMAGENAME="-p $1"

#not necessary but...
export EC2_HOME=/opt/ec2


echo bundling...
/opt/ec2/bin/ec2-bundle-image -d $OutputPath -i %s -c $OutputPath/.ec2/cert.pem -k $OutputPath/.ec2/pk.pem -u `cat $OutputPath/.ec2/user` $IMAGENAME --arch %s

""" % (outputpath, temp_disk_nopart, arch)
		if not createScript(bundleScript, '%s/script.sh' % outputpath, physhost):
			self.abort('Could not copy the script to the host: ' + physhost )

		# -----------------------     run the script
		#execute it with 'chroot /mnt/rocksimage/ /mnt/ec2image/script.sh rocksdevel'
		print "Running the bundle script this step might take around 10-20 minutes"
		self.command('run.host', [physhost, '%s/script.sh %s' % (outputpath , imagename)])
		#removing temporary image
		output = self.command('run.host', [physhost,
				"rm -rf " + temp_disk_nopart])
Ejemplo n.º 12
	def addVMHost(self, host, membership, nodename, ip, subnet, mem, cpus,
		slice, mac, num_macs, disk, disksize, vlan, module, virt_type):

		rows = self.db.execute("""select id, rack, rank from nodes where
			name = '%s'""" % (host))

		if rows == 1:
			nodeid, rack, rank = self.db.fetchone()
			self.abort('could not find an ID for host %s' % (host))

		rows = self.db.execute("""select name from nodes""")
		knownhosts = self.db.fetchall()

		if not slice:
			# find the next free slice in the database
			rows = self.db.execute("""select max(slice) from
				vm_nodes where physnode = %s""" % (nodeid))

			if rows > 0:
				max, = self.db.fetchone()
				if max:
					slice = int(max) + 1
					slice = 0

			# special case where the user didn't specify the
			# slice *and* the nodename, then we are allowed to
			# increment the slice value until we find a unique
			# nodename
			while not nodename:
				nodename = self.getNodename(membership, rack,
					rank, slice)

				if (nodename,) in knownhosts:
					nodename = None
					slice += 1

		if not nodename:
			nodename = self.getNodename(membership, rack, rank,

			if (nodename,) in knownhosts:
				# make sure the nodename is not already in
				# the database
				self.abort('nodename (%s) ' % nodename + \
					'is already in the databaase')
		if not disk:
			# find the largest partition on the remote node
			# and use it as the directory prefix
			vm = rocks.vm.VM(self.db)

			vbd_type = 'file'
			prefix = vm.getLargestPartition(host)
			device = 'hda'
			name = '%s.%s' % (nodename, device)
			mode = 'w'

			if not prefix:
				self.abort('could not find a partition on '
					+ 'host (%s) to hold the ' % host
					+ 'VM\'s disk image')

			disk = '%s:%s,%s,%s' % (vbd_type, 
				os.path.join(prefix, 'xen/disks', name),
				device, mode)

		if not mac:
			mac = self.getNextMac()

		if not ip:
			if membership == 'Hosted VM':
				ip = 'NULL'
				ip = "'%s'" % self.getNextIP(subnet)
			# make sure the ip is single quoted
			newip = "'%s'" % ip.strip("'")
			ip = newip

		if vlan:
			vlanids = vlan.split(',')
			vlanids = None

		if not module:
			module = 'NULL'

		# we now have all the parameters -- add them to the database
		self.addToDB(nodename, membership, ip, subnet, nodeid, rack,
			rank, mem, cpus, slice, mac, num_macs, disk, disksize,
			vlanids, module, virt_type)

		# set the default installaction
		if virt_type == 'para':
			self.command('set.host.installaction', [ nodename,
				'install vm' ] )

		# HVMs boot just like real hardware
		if virt_type == 'hvm':
			self.command('set.host.installaction', [ nodename, 'install' ] )
			self.command('set.host.runaction', [ nodename, 'os' ] )
		# set the first boot state to 'install'
		self.command('set.host.boot', [ nodename, 'action=install' ] )

		# print the name of the new VM
		self.addOutput('', 'added VM %s on physical node %s' %
			(nodename, host))
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def run(self, params, args):
        (args, tophyshost) = self.fillPositionalArgs(('physhost', ))
        file, = self.fillParams([('file', None)])

        if len(args) != 1:
            self.abort('must supply only one VM host')

        vm = rocks.vm.VM(self.db)

        # validate the 'to' physical host name
        h = self.getHostnames([tophyshost])

        hosts = self.getHostnames(args)
        host = hosts[0]
        fromphyshost = vm.getPhysHost(host)

        if tophyshost == fromphyshost:
            self.abort("The source physical host, and the destination " +
                       "host are the same: " + tophyshost)

        if not file:
            filename = '%s.saved' % host

            fromdiskprefix = vm.getLargestPartition(fromphyshost)
            fromdir = os.path.join(fromdiskprefix, 'kvm/disks')
            fromsavefile = os.path.join(fromdir, filename)
            fromsavefile = file

        print "Saving the VM's current state."

        # save the VM's running state
        self.command('save.host.vm', [host, "file=%s" % fromsavefile])

        # copy the VM save file to the physical node
        # running state
        todiskprefix = vm.getLargestPartition(tophyshost)
        todir = os.path.join(todiskprefix, 'kvm/disks')
        tosavefile = os.path.join(todir, filename)

        #make the directory
        #I can not use run.command cos it doesn't return the exit status
        cmd = preparedir % (tophyshost, tosavefile)
        debug = os.system(cmd)
        if debug != 0:
                "Unabled to create destination directory on physical host, " +

        #copy the file
        cmd = copycmd % (fromphyshost, fromsavefile, tophyshost, tosavefile)
        debug = os.system(cmd)
        if debug != 0:
            self.abort("Unabled to copy vm state on the new physical host, " +

        # copy the VMs disks to the 'from' host
        rows = self.db.execute("""select vn.id from vm_nodes vn,
			nodes n where n.name = "%s" and vn.node = n.id""" % host)
        if rows < 1:

        vmnodeid, = self.db.fetchone()

        rows = self.db.execute("""select vbd_type, prefix, name from
			vm_disks where vm_node = %s""" % vmnodeid)

        if rows > 0:
            for vbd_type, prefix, name in self.db.fetchall():
                if vbd_type not in ['tap:aio', 'file']:

                print "Copying VM disk file to %s." % tophyshost

                filename = os.path.join(prefix, name)

                print "Moving virtual disk (%s) to %s" % \
                 (filename, tophyshost)

                toprefix = vm.getLargestPartition(tophyshost)
                todir = os.path.join(toprefix, 'kvm/disks')
                tofile = os.path.join(todir, name)

                #make the directory
                cmd = preparedir % (tophyshost, tofile)
                debug = os.system(cmd)
                if debug != 0:
                    self.abort("Unabled to create destination " +
                               "directory on physical host, " + tophyshost)

                #copy the file
                cmd = copycmd % (fromphyshost, filename, tophyshost, tofile)
                debug = os.system(cmd)
                if debug != 0:
                    self.abort("Unabled to copy vm state on the new " +
                               "physical host, " + tophyshost)

                # update the disk specification in the database
                self.db.execute("""update vm_disks set
					prefix = "%s" where vm_node = %s""" % (todir, vmnodeid))

        # update which physical node now houses this VM
        rows = self.db.execute("""select id from nodes where
			name = "%s" """ % (tophyshost))
        if rows < 1:

        physhostid, = self.db.fetchone()

        self.db.execute("""update vm_nodes set physnode = %s where
			id = %s """ % (physhostid, vmnodeid))

        # update vlan on physhostid if it is not already present
        rows = self.db.execute(
            """select vlanid from networks as net, nodes as n 
				where n.id = net.node and n.name='%s'""" % host)
        if rows < 1:
            self.abort("Unable to find vlanid for host " + host)
        vlanid, = self.db.fetchone()

        if vlanid != None:
            # we are moving a virtual cluster node
            # hence we need to move its' vlan as well
            rows = self.db.execute("""select sub.name  
				from networks as net, nodes as n, subnets sub 
				where n.name='%s' and net.vlanid=%s 
				and n.id=net.node and sub.id=net.subnet""" % (tophyshost, vlanid))
            if rows < 1:
                self.abort("Unable to find subnet for host migration")
            subnet, = self.db.fetchone()

            self.addVlanToHost(tophyshost, vlanid, subnet)

        # restore the VM's running state
        print "Restarting the VM on %s." % (tophyshost)
        self.command('restore.host.vm', [host, "file=%s" % tosavefile])
Ejemplo n.º 14
	def addVMHost(self, node, membership, subnet, nodename, ip, mem, cpus,
		slice, mac, num_macs, disk, disksize, vlan, virt_type):
		"""node is a Node type and membership is a Membership type, 
		subnet is a Subnet type. All other input params are strings"""

		s = self.newdb.getSession()
		knownhosts = s.query(Node.name).all()

		if not slice:
			# find the next free slice in the database
			slices = s.query(sqlalchemy.sql.func.max(VmNode.slice)).\
					filter(VmNode.physNode == node).all()
			slice = 0
			if slices[0][0]:
				slice = slices[0][0]
			# special case where the user didn't specify the
			# slice *and* the nodename, then we are allowed to
			# increment the slice value until we find a unique
			# nodename
			while not nodename:
				nodename = '%s-%s-%s-%s' % (membership.appliance.name, 
						node.rack, node.rank, slice)

				if (nodename,) in knownhosts:
					nodename = None
					slice += 1

		if not nodename:
			nodename = '%s-%s-%s-%s' % (membership.appliance.name, 
					node.rack, node.rank, slice)

			if (nodename,) in knownhosts:
				# make sure the nodename is not already in
				# the database
				self.abort('nodename (%s) ' % nodename + \
					'is already in the databaase')
		if not disk:
			# find the largest partition on the remote node
			# and use it as the directory prefix
			vm = rocks.vm.VM(self.db)

			vbd_type = 'file'
			prefix = vm.getLargestPartition(node.name)
			device = 'vda'
			name = '%s.%s' % (nodename, device)
			mode = 'virtio'

			if not prefix:
				self.abort('could not find a partition on '
					+ 'host (%s) to hold the ' % node.name
					+ 'VM\'s disk image')

			disk = '%s:%s,%s,%s' % (vbd_type, 
				os.path.join(prefix, 'kvm/disks', name),
				device, mode)

		if not ip:
			if membership.name == 'Hosted VM':
				ip = None
				ip = self.getNextIP(subnet.name)
		if ip:
			ip = ip.strip("'")

		if vlan:
			vlanids = vlan.split(',')
			vlanids = None

		# we now have all the parameters -- add them to the database
		self.addToDB(node, membership, subnet, nodename, ip, mem, cpus, 
			slice, mac, num_macs, disk, disksize, vlanids, virt_type)
		# write all this stuff to disk

		# set the default installaction
		if virt_type == 'para':
			self.command('set.host.installaction', [ nodename,
				'install vm' ] )

		# HVMs boot just like real hardware
		if virt_type == 'hvm' and rocks.version_major == '7':
			# No tracker is the default install for VMs
			# Rocks 7 
			self.command('set.host.installaction', [nodename, 
					'install notracker'])
			self.command('set.host.runaction', [nodename, 'os'])
		if virt_type == 'hvm' and rocks.version_major != '7':
			self.command('set.host.installaction', [nodename, 
			self.command('set.host.runaction', [nodename, 'os'])

		# set the first boot state to 'install'
		self.command('set.host.boot', [nodename, 'action=install'])

		# print the name of the new VM
		self.addOutput('', 'added VM %s on physical node %s' %
			(nodename, node.name))
Ejemplo n.º 15
	def run(self, params, args):
		(args, bucket) = self.fillPositionalArgs(('s3bucket',))
		hosts = self.getHostnames(args)
	        #some arguments parsing
	        if len(hosts) != 1:	
	            self.abort('must supply only one host')
	            host = hosts[0]
	        (credentialDir, outputpath, imagename, location) = self.fillParams( 
	                    ('outputpath', ) ,
	                    ('imagename', 'image'),
	                    ('location', 'US')
	                    ] )
	        # the name of the physical host that will boot
	        # this VM host
	        rows = self.db.execute("""select vn.physnode from
	            vm_nodes vn, nodes n where n.name = '%s'
	            and n.id = vn.node""" % (host))
	        if rows == 1:
	            physnodeid, = self.db.fetchone()
	             self.abort("Impossible to fetch the physical node.")
	        rows = self.db.execute("""select name from nodes where
	            id = %s""" % (physnodeid))
	        if rows == 1:
	            physhost, = self.db.fetchone()
	            self.abort("Impossible to fetch the physical node.")
	        #which outputpath should we use...???
	        if not outputpath:
	            # find the largest partition on the remote node
	            # and use it as the directory prefix
	            import rocks.vm
	            vm = rocks.vm.VM(self.db)
	            vbd_type = 'file'
	            prefix = vm.getLargestPartition(physhost)
	            if not prefix:
	                self.abort('could not find a partition on '
	                    + 'host (%s) to hold the ' % host
	                    + 'VM\'s bundle')
	            outputpath = prefix
	            outputpath = outputpath + "/ec2/bundles/" + host
	        # 2. --------------------     copy the credential over...
	        print "Copying credential directory"
	        retval = os.system('scp -qr %s/* %s:%s/.ec2 ' % (credentialDir, physhost, outputpath))
	        if retval != 0:
	            self.abort('Could not copy the credential directory: ' + credentialDir + 
	                ' to the output path: ' + outputpath)
	        # ------------------------   create the script
	        print "Creating the script"
		manifest=outputpath + "/%s.manifest.xml" % imagename 
		awsid = outputpath + "/.ec2/access-key" 
		secretkey = outputpath + "/.ec2/access-key-secret" 
	        scriptTemp = self.createScript(location,bucket,manifest,awsid,secretkey)
	        retval = os.system('scp -qr %s %s:%s/upload-script.sh ' % (scriptTemp, physhost,outputpath))
	        if retval != 0:
	            self.abort('Could not copy the script to the host: ' + physhost )
	        # -----------------------     run the script
	        #execute the upload script 
	        print "Running the upload script this step may take 30-60 minutes"
	        print "  depending on your connection to S3"
	        output = self.command('run.host', [physhost,
	            "%s/upload-script.sh" % outputpath, 'collate=true'])
	        print output
Ejemplo n.º 16
	def run(self, params, args):
		(args, tophyshost) = self.fillPositionalArgs(('physhost', ))
		file, = self.fillParams( [('file', None)] )
		if len(args) != 1:
			self.abort('must supply only one VM host')

		vm = rocks.vm.VM(self.db)

		# validate the 'to' physical host name
		h = self.getHostnames([ tophyshost ])

		hosts = self.getHostnames(args)
		host = hosts[0]
		fromphyshost = vm.getPhysHost(host)

		if tophyshost == fromphyshost:
			self.abort("The source physical host, and the destination " +
				"host are the same: " + tophyshost)

		if not file:
			filename = '%s.saved' % host

			fromdiskprefix = vm.getLargestPartition(fromphyshost)
			fromdir = os.path.join(fromdiskprefix, 'kvm/disks')
			fromsavefile = os.path.join(fromdir, filename)
			fromsavefile = file

		print "Saving the VM's current state."

		# save the VM's running state
		self.command('save.host.vm', [ host, "file=%s" % fromsavefile] )

		# copy the VM save file to the physical node
		# running state
		todiskprefix = vm.getLargestPartition(tophyshost)
		todir = os.path.join(todiskprefix, 'kvm/disks')
		tosavefile = os.path.join(todir, filename)

		#make the directory
		#I can not use run.command cos it doesn't return the exit status 
		cmd = preparedir % (tophyshost, tosavefile)
		debug = os.system(cmd)
		if debug != 0 :
			self.abort("Unabled to create destination directory on physical host, " 
				+ tophyshost)

		#copy the file
		cmd = copycmd % (fromphyshost, fromsavefile, 
			tophyshost, tosavefile)
		debug = os.system(cmd)
		if debug != 0 :
			self.abort("Unabled to copy vm state on the new physical host, " 
				+ tophyshost)

		# copy the VMs disks to the 'from' host
		rows = self.db.execute("""select vn.id from vm_nodes vn,
			nodes n where n.name = "%s" and vn.node = n.id""" 
			% host)	
		if rows < 1:

		vmnodeid, = self.db.fetchone()

		rows = self.db.execute("""select vbd_type, prefix, name from
			vm_disks where vm_node = %s""" % vmnodeid)

		if rows > 0:
			for vbd_type, prefix, name in self.db.fetchall():
				if vbd_type not in [ 'tap:aio', 'file' ]:

				print "Copying VM disk file to %s." % tophyshost

				filename = os.path.join(prefix, name)

				print "Moving virtual disk (%s) to %s" % \
					(filename, tophyshost)

				toprefix = vm.getLargestPartition(tophyshost)
				todir = os.path.join(toprefix, 'kvm/disks')
				tofile = os.path.join(todir, name)

				#make the directory
				cmd = preparedir % (tophyshost, tofile)
				debug = os.system(cmd)
				if debug != 0 :
					self.abort("Unabled to create destination " 
						+"directory on physical host, " + tophyshost)
				#copy the file
				cmd = copycmd % (fromphyshost, filename, tophyshost, tofile)
				debug = os.system(cmd)
				if debug != 0 :
					self.abort("Unabled to copy vm state on the new "
						+ "physical host, " + tophyshost)

				# update the disk specification in the database
				self.db.execute("""update vm_disks set
					prefix = "%s" where vm_node = %s"""
					% (todir, vmnodeid))

		# update which physical node now houses this VM
		rows = self.db.execute("""select id from nodes where
			name = "%s" """ % (tophyshost))
		if rows < 1:

		physhostid, = self.db.fetchone()

		self.db.execute("""update vm_nodes set physnode = %s where
			id = %s """ % (physhostid, vmnodeid))

		# update vlan on physhostid if it is not already present
		rows = self.db.execute("""select vlanid from networks as net, nodes as n 
				where n.id = net.node and n.name='%s'""" % host)
		if rows < 1:
			self.abort("Unable to find vlanid for host " + host)
		vlanid, = self.db.fetchone()

		if vlanid != None:
			# we are moving a virtual cluster node
			# hence we need to move its' vlan as well
			rows = self.db.execute("""select sub.name  
				from networks as net, nodes as n, subnets sub 
				where n.name='%s' and net.vlanid=%s 
				and n.id=net.node and sub.id=net.subnet""" %
				(tophyshost, vlanid))
			if rows < 1:
				self.abort("Unable to find subnet for host migration")
			subnet, = self.db.fetchone()

			self.addVlanToHost(tophyshost, vlanid, subnet)

		# restore the VM's running state
		print "Restarting the VM on %s." % (tophyshost)
		self.command('restore.host.vm', [ host, "file=%s" % tosavefile])
Ejemplo n.º 17
	def run(self, params, args):
		(args, tophyshost) = self.fillPositionalArgs(('physhost', ))
		file, = self.fillParams( [('file', None)] )
		if len(args) != 1:
			self.abort('must supply only one VM host')

		vm = rocks.vm.VM(self.db)

		# validate the 'to' physical host name
		h = self.getHostnames([ tophyshost ])

		hosts = self.getHostnames(args)
		host = hosts[0]
		fromphyshost = vm.getPhysHost(host)

		if not file:
			filename = '%s.saved' % host

			fromdiskprefix = vm.getLargestPartition(fromphyshost)
			fromdir = os.path.join(fromdiskprefix, 'xen/disks')
			fromsavefile = os.path.join(fromdir, filename)
			fromsavefile = file

		print "Saving the VM's current state."

		# save the VM's running state
		self.command('save.host.vm', [ host, "file=%s" % fromsavefile] )

		fromsavefilestat = self.command('run.host', [ fromphyshost,
			statcmd % fromsavefile ]).strip()

		print "Copying the VM's current state to %s." % (tophyshost)

		# copy the VM save file to the physical node
		# running state
		todiskprefix = vm.getLargestPartition(tophyshost)
		todir = os.path.join(todiskprefix, 'xen/disks')
		tosavefile = os.path.join(todir, filename)

		cmd = copyfile % (fromphyshost, fromsavefile, fromsavefilestat,
		debug = self.command('run.host',
			[ tophyshost, 'command=%s' % cmd ])

		# copy the VMs disks to the 'from' host
		rows = self.db.execute("""select vn.id from vm_nodes vn,
			nodes n where n.name = "%s" and vn.node = n.id""" 
			% host)	
		if rows < 1:

		vmnodeid, = self.db.fetchone()

		rows = self.db.execute("""select vbd_type, prefix, name from
			vm_disks where vm_node = %s""" % vmnodeid)

		if rows > 0:
			for vbd_type, prefix, name in self.db.fetchall():
				if vbd_type not in [ 'tap:aio', 'file' ]:

				print "Copying VM disk file to %s." % tophyshost

				filename = os.path.join(prefix, name)
				filestat = self.command('run.host',
					[ fromphyshost,
					statcmd % filename ]).strip()

				print "Moving virtual disk (%s) to %s" % \
					(filename, tophyshost)

				toprefix = vm.getLargestPartition(tophyshost)
				todir = os.path.join(toprefix, 'xen/disks')
				tofile = os.path.join(todir, name)

				cmd = copyfile % (fromphyshost, filename,
					filestat, tofile)
				debug = self.command('run.host',
					[ tophyshost, 'command=%s' % cmd ])
				# print 'run.host output: ', debug

				# update the disk specification in the database
				self.db.execute("""update vm_disks set
					prefix = "%s" where vm_node = %s"""
					% (todir, vmnodeid))

		# update which physical node now houses this VM
		rows = self.db.execute("""select id from nodes where
			name = "%s" """ % (tophyshost))
		if rows < 1:

		physhostid, = self.db.fetchone()

		self.db.execute("""update vm_nodes set physnode = %s where
			id = %s """ % (physhostid, vmnodeid))

		# remove the VM configuration file on the 'from' physical host
		cmd = 'rm -f /etc/xen/rocks/%s' % host
		self.command('run.host', [ fromphyshost, 'command=%s' % cmd ])

		# restore the VM's running state
		print "Restarting the VM on %s." % (tophyshost)
		self.command('restore.host.vm', [ host, "file=%s" % tosavefile])
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def addVMHost(self, node, membership, subnet, nodename, ip, mem, cpus,
                  slice, mac, num_macs, disk, disksize, vlan, virt_type):
        """node is a Node type and membership is a Membership type, 
		subnet is a Subnet type. All other input params are strings"""

        s = self.newdb.getSession()
        knownhosts = s.query(Node.name).all()

        if not slice:
            # find the next free slice in the database
            slices = s.query(sqlalchemy.sql.func.max(VmNode.slice)).\
              filter(VmNode.physNode == node).all()
            slice = 0
            if slices[0][0]:
                slice = slices[0][0]

            # special case where the user didn't specify the
            # slice *and* the nodename, then we are allowed to
            # increment the slice value until we find a unique
            # nodename
            while not nodename:
                nodename = '%s-%s-%s-%s' % (membership.appliance.name,
                                            node.rack, node.rank, slice)

                if (nodename, ) in knownhosts:
                    nodename = None
                    slice += 1

        if not nodename:
            nodename = '%s-%s-%s-%s' % (membership.appliance.name, node.rack,
                                        node.rank, slice)

            if (nodename, ) in knownhosts:
                # make sure the nodename is not already in
                # the database
                self.abort('nodename (%s) ' % nodename + \
                 'is already in the databaase')

        if not disk:
            # find the largest partition on the remote node
            # and use it as the directory prefix
            vm = rocks.vm.VM(self.db)

            vbd_type = 'file'
            prefix = vm.getLargestPartition(node.name)
            device = 'vda'
            name = '%s.%s' % (nodename, device)
            mode = 'virtio'

            if not prefix:
                self.abort('could not find a partition on ' +
                           'host (%s) to hold the ' % node.name +
                           'VM\'s disk image')

            disk = '%s:%s,%s,%s' % (vbd_type,
                                    os.path.join(prefix, 'kvm/disks',
                                                 name), device, mode)

        if not ip:
            if membership.name == 'Hosted VM':
                ip = None
                ip = self.getNextIP(subnet.name)
        if ip:
            ip = ip.strip("'")

        if vlan:
            vlanids = vlan.split(',')
            vlanids = None

        # we now have all the parameters -- add them to the database
        self.addToDB(node, membership, subnet, nodename, ip, mem, cpus, slice,
                     mac, num_macs, disk, disksize, vlanids, virt_type)
        # write all this stuff to disk

        # set the default installaction
        if virt_type == 'para':
            self.command('set.host.installaction', [nodename, 'install vm'])

        # HVMs boot just like real hardware
        if virt_type == 'hvm' and rocks.version_major == '7':
            # No tracker is the default install for VMs
            # Rocks 7
                         [nodename, 'install notracker'])
            self.command('add.host.attr', [nodename, 'UseTracker', 'False'])
            self.command('set.host.runaction', [nodename, 'os'])
        if virt_type == 'hvm' and rocks.version_major != '7':
            self.command('set.host.installaction', [nodename, 'install'])
            self.command('set.host.runaction', [nodename, 'os'])

        # set the first boot state to 'install'
        self.command('set.host.boot', [nodename, 'action=install'])

        # print the name of the new VM
            '', 'added VM %s on physical node %s' % (nodename, node.name))
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def run(self, params, args):
        (args, bucket) = self.fillPositionalArgs(('s3bucket', ))
        hosts = self.getHostnames(args)

        #some arguments parsing
        if len(hosts) != 1:
            self.abort('must supply only one host')
            host = hosts[0]

        (credentialDir, outputpath, imagename,
         location) = self.fillParams([('credentialdir', '~/.ec2'),
                                      ('outputpath', ), ('imagename', 'image'),
                                      ('location', 'US')])

        # the name of the physical host that will boot
        # this VM host
        rows = self.db.execute("""select vn.physnode from
	            vm_nodes vn, nodes n where n.name = '%s'
	            and n.id = vn.node""" % (host))
        if rows == 1:
            physnodeid, = self.db.fetchone()
            self.abort("Impossible to fetch the physical node.")
        rows = self.db.execute("""select name from nodes where
	            id = %s""" % (physnodeid))
        if rows == 1:
            physhost, = self.db.fetchone()
            self.abort("Impossible to fetch the physical node.")

    #which outputpath should we use...???
        if not outputpath:
            # find the largest partition on the remote node
            # and use it as the directory prefix
            import rocks.vm
            vm = rocks.vm.VM(self.db)

            vbd_type = 'file'
            prefix = vm.getLargestPartition(physhost)

            if not prefix:
                self.abort('could not find a partition on ' +
                           'host (%s) to hold the ' % host + 'VM\'s bundle')

            outputpath = prefix
            outputpath = outputpath + "/ec2/bundles/" + host

    # 2. --------------------     copy the credential over...
        print "Copying credential directory"
        retval = os.system('scp -qr %s/* %s:%s/.ec2 ' %
                           (credentialDir, physhost, outputpath))
        if retval != 0:
            self.abort('Could not copy the credential directory: ' +
                       credentialDir + ' to the output path: ' + outputpath)

    # ------------------------   create the script
        print "Creating the script"

        manifest = outputpath + "/%s.manifest.xml" % imagename
        awsid = outputpath + "/.ec2/access-key"
        secretkey = outputpath + "/.ec2/access-key-secret"
        scriptTemp = self.createScript(location, bucket, manifest, awsid,
        retval = os.system('scp -qr %s %s:%s/upload-script.sh ' %
                           (scriptTemp, physhost, outputpath))
        if retval != 0:
            self.abort('Could not copy the script to the host: ' + physhost)

    # -----------------------     run the script
    #execute the upload script
        print "Running the upload script this step may take 30-60 minutes"
        print "  depending on your connection to S3"
        output = self.command(
             "%s/upload-script.sh" % outputpath, 'collate=true'])
        print output