Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_movie_url(movie_data):
	global imdb_url_str
	params_dict = {'s': 'tt'}
	data_list = movie_data.split('*')	
	params_dict['q'] = data_list[1] if data_list[1] else romanize(data_list[0])

	response = get_response('/find?' + urllib.urlencode(params_dict))
	# first check whether response is desired movie page
	re_movie_url = re.compile(r'/title/[\d\w]+/',re.M|re.U|re.I)
	response_url = response.geturl()
	if re_movie_url.search(response_url):
		return response_url
	# then check whether there is single link to movie in the loaded page
	response_str = response.read()
	links_list = []
	for link in re_movie_url.findall(response_str):
		if link not in links_list: links_list.append(link)
	if len(links_list) == 1: return imdb_url_str + links_list[0]
	# then check 1st link to movie in response page
	if links_list and  check_imdb_movie_year(links_list[0],data_list[2]):
		return imdb_url_str + links_list[0]
	# finally try to find movie in exact matches table
	if response_str.find('Titles (Exact Matches)') != -1:
		table_str = get_between(response_str,'<table>','</table>',response_str.find('Titles (Exact Matches)'))
		for row_match in re.finditer(r'<tr>.*?\((?P<year>\d{4})\).*?</tr>',table_str,flags = re.I|re.M|re.U|re.S):
			if int(data_list[2]) - 2 <= int(row_match.group('year')) <= int(data_list[2]) + 2:
				return imdb_url_str + get_between(row_match.group(0),'href="','"')
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_movie_url(movie_data):
	url = 'http://www.deanclatworthy.com/imdb/'
	params_dict = {}
	data_list = movie_data.split('*')
	if len(data_list) < 3:
		raise ValueError('invalid movie data')
	# first trying to find movie using api
	params_dict['q'] = data_list[1] if data_list[1] else romanize(data_list[0])
	params_dict['year'] = data_list[2]
		# first trying to find movie using api
		response = urllib.urlopen(url + '?' + urllib.urlencode(params_dict))
		response_dict = json.loads(response.read())
		if 'imdburl' in response_dict:
			return response_dict['imdburl']
		# then trying own function
		movie_url = imdb_find_movie2.get_movie_url(movie_data)
		if movie_url:
			return movie_url	

	return None