Ejemplo n.º 1
def load():
    roomPath = gametools.findGamePath(__file__)
    exists = room.check_loaded(roomPath)
    if exists: return exists

    dark_forest = room.Room('darkforest', roomPath)
        'scary, dark forest',
        'This is a scary, dark forest that you want to leave...soon!')
    dark_forest.add_exit("south", "domains.school.forest.forest3")
    dark_forest.add_exit("north", "domains.school.forest.gloomy_forest")

    dead_tree = scenery.Scenery(
        'dead_tree', 'big dead tree',
        'This dead tree is big and bare with no bark. At the bottom of it there is a rat hole. '
    ], 'When you try to climb the tree, the branch you grab on to breaks off with an eerie snap.'

    rat = gametools.clone('domains.school.forest.rat')

    return dark_forest
Ejemplo n.º 2
def load():
    roomPath = gametools.findGamePath(__file__)
    exists = room.check_loaded(roomPath)
    if exists: return exists

    woods = room.Room('woods', pref_id=roomPath)
        'bright and cheerful woods',
        'These woods have happy birdsongs and pretty trees. They are bright.')
    woods.add_exit('west', 'domains.school.forest.entryway')
    woods.add_exit('north', 'domains.school.forest.forest1')
    woods.add_exit('south', 'domains.school.forest.clearing')

    bag = gametools.clone('domains.school.forest.bag')

    flashlight = gametools.clone('domains.school.forest.flashlight')

    beech = scenery.Scenery(
        "beech", "old beech tree full of carvings",
        "This large old beech tree has been scarred with the reminders of many passers-by, who decided to immortalize their visit by carving their initials into the tree."
    beech.add_adjectives("old", "beech", "carved")
    ], "You think about carving your own initials into the tree, but an uneasy feeling--as if the forest itself is watching--makes you stop."

    bird = gametools.clone('domains.school.forest.bird')

    return woods
Ejemplo n.º 3
def load():
    roomPath = gametools.findGamePath(__file__)
    exists = room.check_loaded(roomPath)
    if exists: return exists

    bathroom = room.Room('bathroom', pref_id=roomPath, indoor=True)
        'modern bathroom',
        'This small bathroom has a bathtub, a shower, and a sink.')
    bathroom.add_exit('east', 'home.alex.house.lr31795')

    bathtub = gametools.clone('home.alex.house.bathtub')
    bathtub.move_to(bathroom, True)

    sink = gametools.clone('home.alex.house.sink')
    sink.move_to(bathroom, True)

    toilet = scenery.Scenery('toilet', 'ordinary toilet',
                             'This is an ordinary toilet.')
    toilet.add_response(['flush'], 'You flush the toilet.')
    toilet.move_to(bathroom, True)

    cabinet = gametools.clone('home.alex.house.cabinets')
    cabinet.move_to(bathroom, True)

    return bathroom
Ejemplo n.º 4
def load():
    roomPath = gametools.findGamePath(__file__)
    exists = room.check_loaded(roomPath)
    if exists: return exists

    r = room.Room('gloomyforest', roomPath)
        'gloomy forest',
        'This is a very gloomy forest. Here the trail coming from the south fades away to the point that you can\'t see it anymore.'
    r.add_exit('south', 'domains.school.forest.dark_forest')
    r.add_exit('west', 'domains.school.forest.forest_cave_entry')

    witherd_boulder = scenery.Scenery(
        'boulder', 'withered boulder',
        'This withered boulder is covered in an ancient lichen.')
    ], 'You consider sitting on the boulder, but the forest surrounding you makes you feel like you should stay on your toes.'
    witherd_boulder.add_response(['move'], 'The boulder is too heavy to move.')

    return r
def load():
    roomPath = gametools.findGamePath(__file__)
    exists = room.check_loaded(roomPath)
    if exists: return exists

    r = room.Room('sunlit room', roomPath)
    r.indoor = True
        'small sunlit room',
        'This circular room is lit by a shaft of sunlight in the center. The walls here are made of clay, baked like bricks by a fire.'
    r.add_adjectives('sunlit', 'circular', 'round')
    r.add_exit('north', 'domains.school.elementQuest.tapestries')
    r.add_exit('southwest', 'domains.school.elementQuest.potion_room')

    shaft = scenery.Scenery(
        'shaft', 'shaft of sunlight',
        'This shaft of sunlight glows down in the center of the room. Something about this shaft makes it very clear where the sun is shining and where it is not.'
                       'You step into the shaft of sunlight. It is warm.')
    return r
Ejemplo n.º 6
def load():
    roomPath = gametools.findGamePath(__file__)
    exists = room.check_loaded(roomPath)
    if exists: return exists

    gallery = room.Room('gallery', safe=True, pref_id=roomPath)
    gallery.indoor = True
        'portrait gallery',
        "This grandiose portrait gallery overlooks the Great Hall through a pillared colonnade."
    gallery.add_exit('east', 'domains.school.school.landing')
    gallery.add_exit('north', 'domains.school.school.hmasters_office')
    gallery.add_exit('northeast', 'domains.school.school.hallway')

    portrait = scenery.Scenery(
        'portrait', 'fancy portrait',
        'This oil on canvas portrait is of a strange figure. He is dressed in dark colors and is against a dark background.'
        'You think about taking the portait for a moment, but then realize that it is the school\'s property and should not steal it.'
    gallery.insert(portrait, True)

    portrait_two = scenery.Scenery(
        'portrait', 'light portait',
        'This portrait is over a woman in a sky blue dress, with very long hair. She seems to be in front of a large lake, surrounded by a thick forest.'
        'You think about taking the portait for a moment, but then realize that it is the school\'s property and should not steal it.'
    gallery.insert(portrait_two, True)

    portrait_three = scenery.Scenery(
        'portrait', 'bright portait',
        'This portait is of a woman and a man in a blazing fire. They almost seem to be performing some sort of meditation exersise.'
        'You think about taking the portait for a moment, but then realize that it is the school\'s property and should not steal it.'
    gallery.insert(portrait_three, True)

    portrait_four = scenery.Scenery(
        'portrait', 'seethrough portait',
        'This portait is very strange. It is made of glass. You can barely make out a figure in the center.'
    portrait_four.add_adjectives('seethrough', 'glass')
        'You think about taking the portait for a moment, but then realize that it is the school\'s property and should not steal it.'
    gallery.insert(portrait_four, True)

    return gallery
Ejemplo n.º 7
def load():
    roomPath = gametools.findGamePath(__file__)
    exists = room.check_loaded(roomPath)
    if exists: return exists

    r = room.Room('empty_room', roomPath)
    r.set_description('empty void', 'You find yourself in an empty void with a translucent floor. '
        'You see four mirrors, one north, one south, one east, and one west.')

    human = mirror.Mirror('a human, smiling back at you', 'domains.character_creation.gender', species='human')
    human.add_adjectives('north', 'human')

    elf = mirror.Mirror('an elf, smiling back at you', 'domains.character_creation.gender', species='elf')
    elf.add_adjectives('south', 'elf')

    dwarf = mirror.Mirror('a dwarf, smiling back at you', 'domains.character_creation.gender', species='dwarf')
    dwarf.add_adjectives('east', 'dwarf')

    gnome = mirror.Mirror('a gnome, smiling back at you', 'domains.character_creation.gender', species='gnome')
    gnome.add_adjectives('west', 'gnome')
    return r
Ejemplo n.º 8
def load():
    roomPath = gametools.findGamePath(__file__)
    exists = room.check_loaded(roomPath)
    if exists: return exists

    magic_room = room.Room('magical room', roomPath, indoor=True)
        'magical room',
        'This room has a lot of magical supplies. It also has a door on the west side of the room with a piece of paper above it.'
    magic_room.add_exit('north', 'home.alex.house.lr31795')
    magic_room.add_exit('west', 'woods')
    magic_room.add_adjectives('magic', 'magical')

    paper = gametools.clone('home.alex.house.paper')
    magic_room.insert(paper, True)

    emerald = gametools.clone('home.alex.house.emerald')
    magic_room.insert(emerald, True)

    ruby = gametools.clone('home.alex.house.ruby')
    magic_room.insert(ruby, True)

    opal = gametools.clone('home.alex.house.opal')
    magic_room.insert(opal, True)

    return magic_room
Ejemplo n.º 9
def load():
    roomPath = gametools.findGamePath(__file__)
    exists = room.check_loaded(roomPath)
    if exists: return exists

    bedroom = room.Room('bedroom', roomPath)
    bedroom.indoor = True
        'dusty bedroom',
        'The bare board walls of this bedroom are dusty. A musty smell fills the air.'
    bedroom.add_exit('northwest', 'domains.school.forest.hallway')
    bed = scenery.Scenery(
        'bed', 'decrepit old bed',
        'This decrepit bed supports a bare stained mattress and is covered with a thick layer of dust.'
    bed.add_adjectives('old', 'decrepit')
    ], 'You briefly consider sleeping on the dusty, soiled mattress but quickly think better of it.',
                     True, True)
        'You look around for sheets or blankets but see nothing suitable with which to make the bed.',
        emit_message='%s looks around the room.')

    sword = gametools.clone('domains.school.forest.sword')
    leather_suit = gametools.clone('domains.school.forest.leather_suit')

    return bedroom
Ejemplo n.º 10
def load():
    roomPath = gametools.findGamePath(__file__)
    exists = room.check_loaded(roomPath)
    if exists: return exists

    r = room.Room('lonelyfire', roomPath)
        'abandoned fire',
        'You find yourself in a small chamber. On the the floor are several pieces of burnt wood arranged in a rough circle, as well as \
    a series of charcoal paintings on the walls. One of the pieces of wood looks sturdy enough to take. The cave continues to the northwest.'
    r.add_exit('northwest', 'domains.school.forest.oil_pool')
    r.add_exit('south', 'domains.school.forest.forest_cave_entry')

    burnt_log = scenery.Scenery(
        'log', 'burnt log',
        'This log is large enough to have come from a tree, and it\'s sharp edges suggest that it was cut.'
        ['take', 'get'],
        'The log begins to crumble in your hands when you try to take it.')
    burnt_log.add_adjectives('burnt', 'old', 'large', 'cut')
    burnt_log.move_to(r, True)

    log = gametools.clone('domains.school.forest.log')
    log.move_to(r, True)
    return r
Ejemplo n.º 11
def load():
    roomPath = gametools.findGamePath(__file__)
    exists = room.check_loaded(roomPath)
    if exists: return exists

    forest_two = room.Room('forest', roomPath)
        'nice forest',
        'This is an ancient forest with towering trees. They must be hundreds of years old at least.'
    forest_two.add_exit('west', 'domains.school.forest.forest1')
    forest_two.add_exit('east', 'domains.school.forest.field')
    forest_two.add_adjectives('ancient', 'towering', 'nice')

    pine_two = scenery.Scenery(
        'pine', 'old, sturdy pine tree',
        'This pine tree has clearly been here for quite a while. It seems strong and has some low branches you think you can reach.'
    pine_two.add_names('pine', 'tree')
        "Unfortunately, the lower branches are not as strong as the sturdy trunk, and you can't seem to get a hold of the higher ones.",
        emit_message='%s reaches for the lower branches, but they break off.')

    return forest_two
Ejemplo n.º 12
def load():
    roomPath = gametools.findGamePath(__file__)
    exists = room.check_loaded(roomPath)
    if exists: return exists
    r = room.Room('tapestries', roomPath)
    r.indoor = True
    r.set_description('room with many tapestries hanging', 'This smaller circular room has many tapestries hanging around it.')
    r.add_exit('northwest', 'domains.school.elementQuest.firepit')
    r.add_exit('south', 'domains.school.elementQuest.shaft_of_sunlight')
    cloth = gametools.clone('domains.school.elementQuest.cloth')

    tapestry1 = scenery.Scenery('tapestry', 'tapestry decorated with dancing flames', 'This tapestry has a fire with dancing flames woven into it. It almost seems as if the fire on it was actually burning.')
    tapestry1.add_response(['take', 'get'], 'You feel as if this tapestry should not be taken...as if you would be taking a piece of the room.')
    tapestry1.add_adjectives('dancing', 'flames')

    tapestry2 = scenery.Scenery('tapestry', 'tapestry decorated with burning embers', 'This tapestry has the burning embers of a fire woven into it. It almost seems as if they were actual coals.')
    tapestry2.add_response(['take', 'get'], 'You feel as if this tapestry should not be taken...as if you would be taking a piece of the room.')
    tapestry2.add_adjectives('burning', 'embers')

    return r
Ejemplo n.º 13
def load():
    roomPath = gametools.findGamePath(__file__)
    exists = room.check_loaded(roomPath)
    if exists: return exists

    firepit_room = room.Room('fireQuest1', roomPath)
    firepit_room.indoor = True
        'large room with a firepit in the middle',
        'This large domed room has paintings '
        'of dancing flames on the walls. It has a firepit in the center, currently unlit and filled with sturdy oak '
        'branches. The doorway through which you entered is to the northwest. '

    global firepit
    firepit = scenery.Scenery(
        'firepit', 'copper firepit',
        'This copper firepit is filled with sturdy oak branches. It is unlit.')
        room.Action(light_firepit, ['light', 'hold', 'touch', 'put'], True,
    firepit.actions.append(room.Action(take, ['take', 'get'], True, False))
    firepit.lit = False
    return firepit_room
Ejemplo n.º 14
def load():
    roomPath = gametools.findGamePath(__file__)
    exists = room.check_loaded(roomPath)
    if exists: return exists

    vaults = classes.VaultRoom("Vaults", pref_id=roomPath)
        "vault entrance",
        "This small room serves as the entrance to all of the vaults.")
    return vaults
Ejemplo n.º 15
def load():
    roomPath = gametools.findGamePath(__file__)
    exists = room.check_loaded(roomPath)
    if exists: return exists

    cave_entrance = cave_mod.CaveEntry('cave mouth', roomPath)
    cave_entrance.add_exit('east', 'domains.school.forest.forest3')
    cave_entrance.add_exit('in', 'domains.school.cave.cave')
    return cave_entrance
Ejemplo n.º 16
def load():
    roomPath = gametools.findGamePath(__file__)
    exists = room.check_loaded(roomPath)
    if exists: return exists
    hallway = room.Room('hallway', roomPath, safe=True)
    hallway.indoor = True
    hallway.set_description('staff office hallway', 'This hallway leads to all of the staff offices. It is very blank on the walls, however the walls themselves are intricate and have little carved patterns in them.')
    hallway.add_adjectives('staff', 'office')
    hallway.add_exit('south', 'domains.school.school.gallery')
    return hallway
Ejemplo n.º 17
def load():
    roomPath = gametools.findGamePath(__file__)
    exists = room.check_loaded(roomPath)
    if exists: return exists

    lake_r = lake_room.LakeRoom_surface('lake', roomPath, 'domains.school.elementQuest.seaweed_forest')
    lake_r.set_description('clear lake', 'You are on a smooth lake surface. The water is a light blue.')
    lake_r.add_exit('east', 'domains.school.elementQuest.lake_n')
    lake_r.add_exit('south', 'domains.school.elementQuest.lake_w')

    return lake_r
Ejemplo n.º 18
def load():
    roomPath = gametools.findGamePath(__file__)
    exists = room.check_loaded(roomPath)
    if exists: return exists
    r = room.Room('portal room', roomPath, indoor=True)
    r.set_description('dimly lit stone-walled room', 'This room is dimly lit by torches. It has been carved out of the rocks. In the center there stands a stone portal with a sheet of flame.')
    r.add_exit('east', 'domains.school.elementQuest.potion_room')
    p = gametools.clone('domains.school.elementQuest.portal')
    return r
Ejemplo n.º 19
def load():
    roomPath =  gametools.findGamePath(__file__)
    exists = room.check_loaded(roomPath)
    if exists: return exists

    landing = room.Room('landing', safe=True, pref_id=roomPath)
    landing.indoor = True
    landing.set_description('elevated landing overlooking the Great Hall', 'You stand on the landing of a grand staircase, overlooking the cavernous Great Hall. From here the staircase splits into two smaller staircases,--to the northeast and southeast--which lead to the next level.')
    landing.add_exit('northeast', 'domains.school.school.gallery')
    landing.add_exit('southeast', 'domains.school.school.library')
    landing.add_exit('west', 'domains.school.school.great_hall')
    return landing
Ejemplo n.º 20
def load():
    roomPath = gametools.findGamePath(__file__)
    exists = room.check_loaded(roomPath)
    if exists: return exists
    living_room = Room('living room', pref_id=roomPath)
    living_room.set_description('well-kept living room', 'This is a comfortable living room, while quite small. It has a couch on one wall.')
    living_room.add_exit('west', 'home.alex.house.btr31795')
    living_room.add_exit('up', 'home.alex.house.br31795')
    living_room.add_exit('south', 'home.alex.house.mr31795')
    living_room.add_names('room', 'space')
    living_room.add_adjectives('living', 'well-kept', 'comfortable')
Ejemplo n.º 21
def load():
    roomPath = gametools.findGamePath(__file__)
    exists = room.check_loaded(roomPath)
    if exists: return exists
    root_room = room.Room('roots', roomPath)
    root_room.indoor = True
    root_room.set_description('crude dungeon', 'This is a crude dungeon with a shaft of light coming through some tree roots in a corner.')

    roots = gametools.clone('domains.school.dungeon.roots')
    return root_room
Ejemplo n.º 22
def load():
    roomPath = gametools.findGamePath(__file__)
    exists = room.check_loaded(roomPath)
    if exists: return exists

    lookout = room.Room('lookout', safe=True, pref_id=roomPath)
    lookout.indoor = True
    lookout.set_description('circular lookout', 'This lookout oversees the entire school and surrounding area. With 360 degree views, you see:'+  \
'\n'+'a thick forest \n'+'a little house \n'+'a garden \n'+'a distant mountain range \n'+'more thick forest and some school grounds \n'+'and even more forest that stretches on for hundreds of miles')
    lookout.add_exit('down', 'domains.school.school.towerstairs')
    return lookout
Ejemplo n.º 23
def load():
    roomPath = gametools.findGamePath(__file__)
    exists = room.check_loaded(roomPath)
    if exists: return exists

    forest_three = room.Room('forest', roomPath)
        'ancient forest',
        'This is an ancient forest with towering trees. They must be hundreds of years old at least. The trees seem gloomy here. There is a small dark cave to the west.'
    forest_three.add_adjectives('ancient', 'towering', 'gloomy')
    forest_three.add_exit('southeast', 'domains.school.forest.forest1')
    forest_three.add_exit('west', 'domains.school.cave.cave_entry')
    forest_three.add_exit('north', 'domains.school.forest.dark_forest')

    oak = scenery.Scenery(
        'oak', 'menacing old oak',
        'This is an old oak that is leaning over the trail. It seems to be scowling at you. You see some truffles at the base.'
    oak.add_adjectives('menacing', 'old', 'oak')
        "The towering oak looks climbable, but it is a menacing old tree--the most so you have ever seen. So you decide to look around for another tree instead.",
        emit_message='%s looks up at the tree.')
        ['grab', 'hold', 'touch', 'hug'],
        "To touch the scary old tree for no reason seems silly and slightly intimidating, so you decide not to. You think that if you saw a nice tree you would hug it.",
        emit_message='%s looks at the tree trunk.')

    willow = scenery.Scenery(
        'willow', 'sad weeping willow',
        'This is the most mournful weeping willow you have ever seen. You almost cry from looking at it.'
    willow.add_adjectives('weeping', 'sad', 'mournful', 'willow')
        'You cannot hold onto the branches, and they are over a small river.',
        emit_message='%s reaches for the willow.')
        'cry', 'weep'
    ], 'You cry as you look at the willow, but then you see the menacing old oak tree across the path and eventually stop.',
                        False, True, '%s weeps.')
    willow.add_response(['hug', 'hold'],
                        'This just isn\'t the right tree to hug.')

    truffles = gametools.clone('domains.school.forest.truffles')

    return forest_three
Ejemplo n.º 24
def load():
    roomPath = gametools.findGamePath(__file__)
    exists = room.check_loaded(roomPath)
    if exists: return exists

    hallway = room.Room('hallway', roomPath, safe=True, indoor=True)
        'long hallway',
        'This is a long hallway with many doors off of it. The one to the south catches your eye.'
    hallway.add_exit('west', 'domains.school.school.towerstairs')
    hallway.add_exit('south', 'domains.school.school.classroom1')
    return hallway
Ejemplo n.º 25
def load():
    roomPath = gametools.findGamePath(__file__)
    exists = room.check_loaded(roomPath)
    if exists: return exists

    peninsula = room.Room('peninsula', roomPath)
        'small peninsula',
        'This is a small peninsula which sticks out into the lake. The only ways to get here would be by swimming over the lake or coming through the door to the southwest.'
    peninsula.add_exit('southwest', 'domains.school.elementQuest.path_choice')
    peninsula.add_exit('northeast', 'domains.school.elementQuest.lake_sw')
    return peninsula
Ejemplo n.º 26
def load():
    roomPath = gametools.findGamePath(__file__)
    exists = room.check_loaded(roomPath)
    if exists: return exists
    bedroom = room.Room('bedroom', pref_id=roomPath, indoor=True)
    bedroom.set_description('normal bedroom', 'This bedroom is small but nice. There are bookshelves on the walls and a great big window overlooking Firlefile sorcery school. ')
    bedroom.add_exit('down', 'home.alex.house.lr31795')
    bedroom.add_adjectives('small', 'comfortable')

    bed = gametools.clone('home.alex.house.bed')
    bed.move_to(bedroom, True)
    return bedroom
Ejemplo n.º 27
def load():
    roomPath = gametools.findGamePath(__file__)
    exists = room.check_loaded(roomPath)
    if exists: return exists

    bedroom = Room('bedroom', pref_id='br31795')
        'normal bedroom',
        'This bedroom is small but nice. There are bookshelves on the walls and a great big window overlooking Firlefile sorcery school. '
    bedroom.add_exit('down', living_room.id)
    bedroom.add_adjectives('small', 'comfortable')
    return bedroom
def load():
    roomPath = gametools.findGamePath(__file__)
    exists = room.check_loaded(roomPath)
    if exists: return exists
    hmasters_office = room.Room('office', safe=True, pref_id=roomPath)
    hmasters_office.indoor = True
    hmasters_office.set_description('grandiose headmasters office', 'You look at a giant room with a large bay window in the back. There is a giant carved oak desk in the middle of the room. There are many bookcases lining the walls, and stacks of papers on the desk.')
    hmasters_office.add_adjectives("grandiose", 'headmaster\'s')
    hmasters_office.add_exit('south', 'domains.school.school.gallery')

    desk = gametools.clone('domains.school.school.desk')
    hmasters_office.insert(desk, True)
    return hmasters_office
Ejemplo n.º 29
def load():
    roomPath = gametools.findGamePath(__file__)
    exists = room.check_loaded(roomPath)
    if exists: return exists

    shallow_shore = lake_room.LakeRoom_underwater('shallow shore', roomPath, 'domains.school.elementQuest.lake_sw')
    shallow_shore.set_description('shallow shore', 'You find yourself in a shallow shoreline of the lake. The ground is covered with fine sand, and there are a few fish. You see something dark to the north but are not sure what it is.')
    shallow_shore.add_exit('north', 'domains.school.elementQuest.statue')
    shallow_shore.add_exit('east', 'domains.school.elementQuest.rusty_can')
    fish = gametools.clone('domains.school.elementQuest.fish')
    return shallow_shore
Ejemplo n.º 30
def load():
    roomPath = gametools.findGamePath(__file__)
    exists = room.check_loaded(roomPath)
    if exists: return exists

    hallway = room.Room('hallway', roomPath)
    hallway.indoor = True
        'dusty hallway',
        'This hallway has dusty walls made of wood. It is dim.')
    hallway.add_exit('north', 'domains.school.forest.entryway')
    hallway.add_exit('northwest', 'domains.school.forest.kitchen')
    hallway.add_exit('southeast', 'domains.school.forest.bedroom')
    return hallway