def readHists(prods=['disV50','disV60','disV70','disV80','disCLBY0','disCLBY1','disCLBY2','disCLBY3']): first = True if not os.uname()[1].find('ubuntu')<0: path = '/media/Data/HNL/' sdir = {'disV':'muVetoDIS','disCLBY':'clbyDIS','disEM':'muVetoEM'} else: path = '/afs/' sdir = {'disV':'muVDIS','disCLBY':'clbyDIS','disEM':'muVetoEM'} sweights = {'disV':1E4,'disCLBY':5*1E3,'disEM':1E3} # known productions: # muDIS ship.10.0.muonDIS-TGeant4V10X_rec.root # clby ship.10.0.muonDIS-TGeant4_Ana_disCLBY30.root # nu in air: ship.10.0.Genie-TGeant4_neutrino_82X_Ana.root listOfFiles = [] tmp = "ship.10.0.muonDIS-TGeant4_Ana.root" for r in prods: for x in sdir: if x in r: subdir = path+sdir[x]+'/' for i in range(1,10): theFile = subdir+r+str(i)+'/'+tmp if os.path.exists(theFile): listOfFiles.append(theFile) for outFileH in listOfFiles: print 'read histograms from ',outFileH for x in sdir: if x in outFileH: sweight = sweights[x] ut.readHists(h,outFileH) outFileP = outFileH.replace('.root','.pkl') f = open(outFileP) if first: first = False weightsUsed = pickle.load(f) for wkey in weightsUsed: weightsUsed[wkey][1]=weightsUsed[wkey][1]*sweight else: temp = pickle.load(f) for wkey in temp: if not weightsUsed.has_key(wkey) : weightsUsed[wkey]=[0,0] weightsUsed[wkey][0]+= temp[wkey][0] weightsUsed[wkey][1]+= temp[wkey][1]*sweight makePlots() makeV0Plots() makePlotsForTP() print "Analysis of weights" # weightsUsed[wkey][0]+= Nexptected # sum of expected muon interactions # weightsUsed[wkey][1]+= 1. # counts how often a muon weight had been used print "weight sum of weights sum of entries mean" for wkey in weightsUsed: mean = weightsUsed[wkey][0]/weightsUsed[wkey][1] print wkey, weightsUsed[wkey], mean # print "corresponding pot: %10.2G"%(2E15/wkey/mean*1E4*60) # ??? discovered 5 August, why 2E15? should be 5E13!!! print "corresponding pot: %10.2G * number of iterations(2*30) * reuse of muon 1E4 * 2(like sign)"%(5E13/wkey/mean) print " == %10.2G"%(5E13/wkey/mean*60*2*2) # 60 == 30 x CERN/Yandex statistics, 2 iterations, 2 like sign # print "veto counters" for c in vetoDets: print c,h['IP0/mass-'+c].GetEntries() # save the summed histos fsum = "ship.10.0.muonDIS-TGeant4_Ana-Prods"+str(len(prods))+".root" ut.writeHists(h,fsum,plusCanvas=True)
def makePrintout(): # Histos_2000000-2001500_10.0.root ut.readHists(hunbiased,'/media/microdisk/HNL/muonBackground/Histos_1000000-1000600_10.0.root') ut.readHists(hbiased,'hadded_Histos_1_10.0.root') unbiased = {} biased = {} for l in hunbiased: unbiased[l]=hunbiased[l].GetSumOfWeights() for l in hbiased: if l.find('proj') < 0 and l.find('test') < 0 and l.find('pids') < 0 : biased[l]=hbiased[l].GetSumOfWeights() p={} for i in range( 1,hbiased['pids'].GetNbinsX() + 1 ): c = hbiased['pids'].GetBinContent(i) if c>0: p[int(hbiased['pids'].GetBinCenter(i))]=c sorted_p = sorted(p.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1)) for p in sorted_p: print "%25s : %5.2G"%(pdg.GetParticle(p[0]).GetName(),float(p[1])) sorted_pr = sorted(biased.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1)) print "origin of muons" for p in sorted_pr: if not p[0].find('Hadronic inelastic')<0: if len(p[0])>len( 'Hadronic inelastic' ): continue denom = 0 if unbiased.has_key(p[0]): denom = unbiased[p[0]] if denom >0: fac = float(p[1])/denom print "%40s : %5.2G %5.1F"%(p[0],float(p[1]),fac) else: print "%40s : %5.2G "%(p[0],float(p[1]))
def BigEventLoop(): # how to parallelize? # one process for each file? # Setup a list of processes that we want to run processes = [] for fn in fchain: processes.append(mp.Process(target=processOneFile, args=(fn,output) ) ) # Run processes for p in processes: p.start() # Exit the completed processes for p in processes: p.join() # clean histos before reading in the new ones for x in h: h[x].Reset() for fn in fchain: ut.readHists(h,fn.replace(".root","-hists.root")) # make list of hists with entries k = 1 for x in histlistAll: if h.has_key(histlistAll[x]): histlist[k]=histlistAll[x] # add muons and make total for x in ['','_E','_P','_LP','_OP','_id','_mul','_evmul','_origin']: rc = h[histlist[k]+'_mu'+x].Add(h[histlist[k]+'_muV0'+x],1.) rc = h[histlist[k]+x].Add(h[histlist[k]+'_mu'+x],1.) k+=1 nstations = len(histlist) makePlots(nstations)
def makePrintout(): # Histos_2000000-2001500_10.0.root ut.readHists(hunbiased,'/media/microdisk/HNL/muonBackground/Histos_1000000-1000600_10.0.root') ut.readHists(hbiased,'hadded_Histos_1_10.0.root') unbiased = {} biased = {} for l in hunbiased: unbiased[l]=hunbiased[l].GetSumOfWeights() for l in hbiased: if l.find('proj') < 0 and l.find('test') < 0 and l.find('pids') < 0 : biased[l]=hbiased[l].GetSumOfWeights() p={} for i in range( 1,hbiased['pids'].GetNbinsX() + 1 ): c = hbiased['pids'].GetBinContent(i) if c>0: p[int(hbiased['pids'].GetBinCenter(i))]=c sorted_p = sorted(p.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1)) for p in sorted_p: print("%25s : %5.2G"%(pdg.GetParticle(p[0]).GetName(),float(p[1]))) sorted_pr = sorted(biased.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1)) print("origin of muons") for p in sorted_pr: if not p[0].find('Hadronic inelastic')<0: if len(p[0])>len( 'Hadronic inelastic' ): continue denom = 0 if p[0] in unbiased: denom = unbiased[p[0]] if denom >0: fac = float(p[1])/denom print("%40s : %5.2G %5.1F"%(p[0],float(p[1]),fac)) else: print("%40s : %5.2G "%(p[0],float(p[1])))
def mergeHistosMakePlots(p): if not type(p)==type([]): pl=[p] else: pl = p hlist = '' for p in pl: prefix = str(p) for x in os.listdir('.'): if not x.find(prefix)<0: if os.path.isdir(x) : hlist += x+'/ShipAna.root ' print "-->",hlist os.system('hadd -f ShipAna.root '+hlist) ut.readHists(h,"ShipAna.root") print h['meanhits'].GetEntries() if 1>0: ut.bookCanvas(h,key='strawanalysis',title='Distance to wire and mean nr of hits',nx=1200,ny=600,cx=2,cy=1) # cv = h['strawanalysis'].cd(1) h['disty'].DrawCopy() h['distu'].DrawCopy('same') h['distv'].DrawCopy('same') cv = h['strawanalysis'].cd(2) h['meanhits'].DrawCopy() print h['meanhits'].GetEntries() ut.bookCanvas(h,key='fitresults',title='Fit Results',nx=1600,ny=1200,cx=2,cy=2) cv = h['fitresults'].cd(1) h['delPOverP'].Draw('box') cv = h['fitresults'].cd(2) cv.SetLogy(1) h['chi2'].Draw() cv = h['fitresults'].cd(3) h['delPOverP_proj'] = h['delPOverP'].ProjectionY() ROOT.gStyle.SetOptFit(11111) h['delPOverP_proj'].Draw() h['delPOverP_proj'].Fit('gaus') cv = h['fitresults'].cd(4) h['delPOverP2_proj'] = h['delPOverP2'].ProjectionY() h['delPOverP2_proj'].Draw() fitSingleGauss('delPOverP2_proj') h['fitresults'].Print('fitresults.gif') ut.bookCanvas(h,key='fitresults2',title='Fit Results',nx=1600,ny=1200,cx=2,cy=2) print 'finished with first canvas' cv = h['fitresults2'].cd(1) h['Doca'].Draw() cv = h['fitresults2'].cd(2) h['IP0'].Draw() cv = h['fitresults2'].cd(3) h['HNL'].Draw() fitSingleGauss('HNL',0.,2.) cv = h['fitresults2'].cd(4) h['IP0/mass'].Draw('box') h['fitresults2'].Print('fitresults2.gif') h['strawanalysis'].Print('strawanalysis.gif') print 'finished making plots'
def addAllHistograms(): h={} ecut = '10.0' Nmax=45000 path = os.environ['EOSSHIP']+"/eos/experiment/ship/data/Mbias/background-prod-2018/" ut.bookCanvas(h,key='canvas',title='debug',nx=1600,ny=1200,cx=1,cy=1) h['canvas'].SetLogy(1) for i in range(0,Nmax,1000): fname = "pythia8_Geant4_"+ecut+"_c"+str(i)+".root" ut.readHists(h,path+fname) if i==0: h[1012].Draw() for x in h.keys(): if h[x].GetName().find('proj')>0: rc = h.pop(x) ut.writeHists(h,"pythia8_Geant4_"+ecut+"_c"+str(Nmax)+"-histos.root")
def readAndMergeHistos(prods): for p in prods: x=p if p.find('.root')<0: x=p+'.root' ut.readHists(h,x) # make list of hists with entries k = 1 for x in histlistAll: if h.has_key(histlistAll[x]): histlist[k]=histlistAll[x] k+=1 nstations = len(histlist) print "make plots for ",nstations makePlots(nstations) printAndCopy(prods[0].replace('.root',''))
def addAllHistograms(): h={} ecut = '10.0' Nmax=45000 path = os.environ['EOSSHIP']+"/eos/experiment/ship/data/Mbias/background-prod-2018/" ut.bookCanvas(h,key='canvas',title='debug',nx=1600,ny=1200,cx=1,cy=1) h['canvas'].SetLogy(1) for i in range(0,Nmax,1000): fname = "pythia8_Geant4_"+ecut+"_c"+str(i)+".root" ut.readHists(h,path+fname) if i==0: h[1012].Draw() tmp = h.keys() for x in tmp: if h[x].GetName().find('proj')>0: rc = h.pop(x) ut.writeHists(h,"pythia8_Geant4_"+ecut+"_c"+str(Nmax)+"-histos.root")
def checkHistos(): dirList=getFilesLocal() Ntot = 0 shit = [] for d in dirList: nfailed = 0 for x in os.listdir(d): if not x.find('histos-analysis-')<0: h={} ut.readHists(h,d+'/'+x,['p/pt']) N = h['p/pt'].GetEntries() if N == 0: nfailed+=1 print d+'/'+x,N Ntot+=N print nfailed if nfailed == 10: shit.append(d) print Ntot return shit
def checkHistos(): dirList = getFilesLocal() Ntot = 0 shit = [] for d in dirList: nfailed = 0 for x in os.listdir(d): if not x.find('histos-analysis-') < 0: h = {} ut.readHists(h, d + '/' + x, ['p/pt']) N = h['p/pt'].GetEntries() if N == 0: nfailed += 1 print d + '/' + x, N Ntot += N print nfailed if nfailed == 10: shit.append(d) print Ntot return shit
def finalResult(): h10={} ut.readHists(h10,'pythia8_Geant4_10.0_c0-67000_nu.root') h1={} ut.readHists(h1,'pythia8_Geant4_1.0_c0-19000_nu.root') c10={} ut.readHists(c10,'pythia8_Geant4_charm_10.0_nu.root') c1={} ut.readHists(c1,'pythia8_Geant4_charm_1.0_nu.root') cmd = "hadd pythia8_Geant4_10.0_withCharm_nu.root pythia8_Geant4_10.0_c0-67000_nu.root pythia8_Geant4_charm_10.0_nu.root" os.system(cmd) cmd = "hadd pythia8_Geant4_1.0_withCharm_nu.root pythia8_Geant4_1.0_c0-19000_nu.root pythia8_Geant4_charm_1.0_nu.root" os.system(cmd)
def readBack(fn): ut.readHists(h,fn) for x in h: if h[x].ClassName()=='TCanvas': h[x].Draw()
def BigEventLoop(): pid = 1 for fn in fchain: if os.path.islink(fn): rfn = os.path.realpath(fn).split('eos')[1] fn = 'root://'+rfn elif not os.path.isfile(fn): print "Don't know what to do with",fn 1/0 if parallel: # process files parallel instead of sequential processes.append(mp.Process(target=executeOneFile, args=(fn,output,pid) ) ) pid+=1 else: processes.append(fn) # Run processes n=0 for p in processes: if parallel: p.start() n+=1 else: executeOneFile(p) if parallel: # Exit the completed processes for p in processes: p.join() # clean histos before reading in the new ones for x in h: h[x].Reset() print "now, collect the output" pid = 1 for p in processes: ut.readHists(h,'tmpHists_'+str(pid)+'.root') pid+=1 # compactify liquid scintillator for mu in ['','_mu','_muV0']: for x in ['','_E','_P','_LP','_OP','_id','_mul','_evmul','_origin','_originmu']: for k in [1,2,3,5]: first = True for j in hLiSc[k]: detName=hLiSc[k][j] tag = detName+mu+x newh = detName[0:2]+'LiSc'+mu+x if not h.has_key(tag): continue if first: h[newh] = h[tag].Clone(newh) h[newh].SetTitle( h[tag].GetTitle().split('_')[0]) first = False else: rc = h[newh].Add(h[tag]) # compactify muon stations for mu in ['','_mu','_muV0']: for x in ['','_E','_P','_LP','_OP','_id','_mul','_evmul','_origin','_originmu']: first = True for j in hMuon: detName=hMuon[j] tag = detName+mu+x newh = 'muondet'+mu+x if first: h[newh] = h[tag].Clone(newh) h[newh].SetTitle( h[tag].GetTitle().split(' ')[0]+' '+newh) first = False else: rc = h[newh].Add(h[tag]) # make list of hists with entries k = 1 for x in histlistAll: if h.has_key(histlistAll[x]): histlist[k]=histlistAll[x] # make cumulative histograms for c in ['','_E','_P','_LP','_OP','_id','_mul','_evmul','_origin','_originmu']: h[histlist[k]+'_mu'+c].Add( h[histlist[k]+'_muV0'+c] ) h[histlist[k]+c].Add( h[histlist[k]+'_mu'+c] ) h[histlist[k]+c].SetMinimum(0.) h[histlist[k]+'_mu'+c].SetMinimum(0.) h[histlist[k]+'_muV0'+c] .SetMinimum(0.) k+=1 nstations = len(histlist) makePlots(nstations)
def makeSummaryPlot(): # using data in /mnt/hgfs/microDisk/Data/eloss/eloss_sum.root # krypton total interaction length= 1.97246306079 total rad length= 26.5231000393 pdg = { 10.0: 1.914, 14.0: 1.978, 20.0: 2.055, 30.0: 2.164, 40.0: 2.263, 80.0: 2.630, 100.: 2.810, 140.: 3.170, 200.: 3.720, 277.: 4.420, 300.: 4.631, 400.: 5.561 } h['Gpdg'] = ROOT.TGraph(len(pdg)) Gpdg = h['Gpdg'] Gpdg.SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kRed) Gpdg.SetMarkerStyle(20) keys = sorted(pdg.keys()) for n in range(len(keys)): Gpdg.SetPoint(n, keys[n], pdg[keys[n]]) density = 2.413 length = 125.0 ut.readHists(h, "/mnt/hgfs/microDisk/Data/eloss/eloss_sum.root") ut.readHists(h, "/mnt/hgfs/microDisk/Data/eloss/eloss_withRaw.root") ut.bookCanvas(h, key='summary', title=" ", nx=1200, ny=600, cx=2, cy=1) tc = h['summary'].cd(1) h['0'] = h['eloss'].ProjectionX('0', 1, h['eloss'].GetNbinsY()) h['0'].Sumw2() NA62() for t in [93, 95]: h[t] = h['eloss'].ProjectionX(str(t), int(h['eloss'].GetNbinsY() * t / 100.), h['eloss'].GetNbinsY()) h[t].Sumw2() h[t].SetStats(0) h[t].SetMarkerStyle(24) rc = h[t].Divide(h['0']) h[t].Rebin(2) h[t].Scale(1. / 2.) if t != 93: h[t].SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kBlue) h[t].Draw('same') else: h[t].SetMaximum(1E-5) h[t].SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kMagenta) h[t].SetXTitle('incoming muon momentum [GeV/c]') h[t].SetYTitle('prob #DeltaE>X%') h[t].SetTitle('') h[t].Draw() h['NA62'].Draw('sameP') h['lg'] = ROOT.TLegend(0.53, 0.79, 0.98, 0.94) h['lg'].AddEntry(h['NA62'], 'NA62 measurement >95%', 'PL') h['lg'].AddEntry(h[95], 'FairShip >95%', 'PL') h['lg'].AddEntry(h[93], 'FairShip >93%', 'PL') h['lg'].Draw() tc = h['summary'].cd(2) h['meanEloss'] = h['elossRaw'].ProjectionX() for n in range(1, h['elossRaw'].GetNbinsX() + 1): tmp = h['elossRaw'].ProjectionY('tmp', n, n) eloss = tmp.GetMean() h['meanEloss'].SetBinContent(n, eloss / density / length * 1000) h['meanEloss'].SetBinError(n, 0) h['meanEloss'].SetTitle('mean energy loss MeV cm^{2}/g') h['meanEloss'].SetStats(0) h['meanEloss'].SetMaximum(7.) h['meanEloss'].SetXTitle('incoming muon momentum [GeV/c]') h['meanEloss'].SetYTitle('mean energy loss [MeV cm^[2]]/g') h['meanEloss'].SetTitle('') h['meanEloss'].Draw() Gpdg.Draw('sameP') h['lg2'] = ROOT.TLegend(0.53, 0.79, 0.98, 0.94) h['lg2'].AddEntry(h['Gpdg'], 'muon dE/dx, PDG ', 'PL') h['lg2'].AddEntry(h['meanEloss'], 'energy deposited in krypton, FairShip', 'PL') h['lg2'].Draw() h['summary'].Print('catastrophicEnergyLoss.png')
def mergeHistosMakePlots(p): if not type(p) == type([]): pl = [p] else: pl = p hlist = '' for p in pl: prefix = str(p) for x in os.listdir('.'): if not x.find(prefix) < 0: if os.path.isdir(x): hlist += x + '/ShipAna.root ' print "-->", hlist os.system('hadd -f ShipAna.root ' + hlist) ut.readHists(h, "ShipAna.root") print h['meanhits'].GetEntries() if 1 > 0: ut.bookCanvas(h, key='strawanalysis', title='Distance to wire and mean nr of hits', nx=1200, ny=600, cx=2, cy=1) # cv = h['strawanalysis'].cd(1) h['disty'].DrawCopy() h['distu'].DrawCopy('same') h['distv'].DrawCopy('same') cv = h['strawanalysis'].cd(2) h['meanhits'].DrawCopy() print h['meanhits'].GetEntries() ut.bookCanvas(h, key='fitresults', title='Fit Results', nx=1600, ny=1200, cx=2, cy=2) cv = h['fitresults'].cd(1) h['delPOverP'].Draw('box') cv = h['fitresults'].cd(2) cv.SetLogy(1) h['chi2'].Draw() cv = h['fitresults'].cd(3) h['delPOverP_proj'] = h['delPOverP'].ProjectionY() ROOT.gStyle.SetOptFit(11111) h['delPOverP_proj'].Draw() h['delPOverP_proj'].Fit('gaus') cv = h['fitresults'].cd(4) h['delPOverP2_proj'] = h['delPOverP2'].ProjectionY() h['delPOverP2_proj'].Draw() fitSingleGauss('delPOverP2_proj') h['fitresults'].Print('fitresults.gif') ut.bookCanvas(h, key='fitresults2', title='Fit Results', nx=1600, ny=1200, cx=2, cy=2) print 'finished with first canvas' cv = h['fitresults2'].cd(1) h['Doca'].Draw() cv = h['fitresults2'].cd(2) h['IP0'].Draw() cv = h['fitresults2'].cd(3) h['HNL'].Draw() fitSingleGauss('HNL', 0., 2.) cv = h['fitresults2'].cd(4) h['IP0/mass'].Draw('box') h['fitresults2'].Print('fitresults2.gif') h['strawanalysis'].Print('strawanalysis.gif') print 'finished making plots'
def BigEventLoop(): pid = 1 for fn in fchain: if os.path.islink(fn): rfn = os.path.realpath(fn).split('eos')[1] fn = 'root://eoslhcb//eos/'+rfn elif not os.path.isfile(fn): print "Don't know what to do with",fn 1/0 if parallel: # process files parallel instead of sequential processes.append(mp.Process(target=executeOneFile, args=(fn,output,pid) ) ) pid+=1 else: processes.append(fn) # Run processes n=0 for p in processes: if parallel: p.start() n+=1 else: executeOneFile(p) if parallel: # Exit the completed processes for p in processes: p.join() # clean histos before reading in the new ones for x in h: h[x].Reset() print "now, collect the output" pid = 1 for p in processes: ut.readHists(h,'tmpHists_'+str(pid)+'.root') pid+=1 # compactify liquid scintillator for mu in ['','_mu','_muV0']: for x in ['','_E','_P','_LP','_OP','_id','_mul','_evmul','_origin','_originmu']: for k in [1,2,3,5]: first = True for j in hLiSc[k]: detName=hLiSc[k][j] tag = detName+mu+x newh = detName[0:2]+'LiSc'+mu+x if not h.has_key(tag): continue if first: h[newh] = h[tag].Clone(newh) h[newh].SetTitle( h[tag].GetTitle().split('_')[0]) first = False else: rc = h[newh].Add(h[tag]) # compactify muon stations for mu in ['','_mu','_muV0']: for x in ['','_E','_P','_LP','_OP','_id','_mul','_evmul','_origin','_originmu']: first = True for j in hMuon: detName=hMuon[j] tag = detName+mu+x newh = 'muondet'+mu+x if first: h[newh] = h[tag].Clone(newh) h[newh].SetTitle( h[tag].GetTitle().split(' ')[0]+' '+newh) first = False else: rc = h[newh].Add(h[tag]) # make list of hists with entries k = 1 for x in histlistAll: if h.has_key(histlistAll[x]): histlist[k]=histlistAll[x] # make cumulative histograms for c in ['','_E','_P','_LP','_OP','_id','_mul','_evmul','_origin','_originmu']: h[histlist[k]+'_mu'+c].Add( h[histlist[k]+'_muV0'+c] ) h[histlist[k]+c].Add( h[histlist[k]+'_mu'+c] ) h[histlist[k]+c].SetMinimum(0.) h[histlist[k]+'_mu'+c].SetMinimum(0.) h[histlist[k]+'_muV0'+c] .SetMinimum(0.) k+=1 nstations = len(histlist) makePlots(nstations)
def absorptionLength(plotOnly=True): materials = { 'Boratedpolyethylene': ROOT.kGreen, 'BoronCarbide': ROOT.kBlue, 'Concrete': ROOT.kGray, 'EmulsionAg109': ROOT.kOrange, 'H2O': ROOT.kCyan } B10Parameter = {} B10Parameter['Boratedpolyethylene'] = 0.01 * 0.94 / (10. * 1.672E-24) B10Parameter['BoronCarbide'] = 0.125 * 1.360 / (10. * 1.672E-24) Xsec = 0.61E-24 h['Fabsorp'] = {} Fabsorp = h['Fabsorp'] for m in B10Parameter: Fabsorp[m] = ROOT.TF1('fabs' + m, '1./([0]/sqrt(10**x)*[1])', -10., 4.) Fabsorp[m].SetParameter(0, Xsec) Fabsorp[m].SetParameter(1, B10Parameter[m]) if not plotOnly: for material in materials: for Erange in [ '-14_-12', '-12_-10', '-10_-8', '-8_-7', '-7_-6', '-6_-4', '-4_-2' ]: fname = "thermNeutron_" + material + "_100.0_" + Erange + "_0.root" if not fname in os.listdir('.'): continue count(fname) h['Esecondary' + '_' + material + Erange] = h['Esecondary'].Clone('Esecondary' + '_' + material + Erange) h['electrons' + '_' + material + Erange] = h['electrons'].Clone('electrons' + '_' + material + Erange) h['photons' + '_' + material + Erange] = h['photons'].Clone('photons' + '_' + material + Erange) for x in ['Lab', 'Labz']: hname = x + '_' + material + Erange h[hname] = h[x].ProfileX(hname, 1, -1, 'g') hsum = x + '_' + material if not hsum in h: h[hsum] = h[hname].Clone(hsum) h[hsum].SetLineColor(materials[material]) else: h[hsum].Add(h[hname]) ut.writeHists(h, 'thermalNeutrons-histograms.root', plusCanvas=True) else: ut.readHists(h, 'thermalNeutrons-histograms.root') # make stats about secondary neutrons: for material in materials: for Erange in [ '-14_-12', '-12_-10', '-10_-8', '-8_-7', '-7_-6', '-6_-4', '-4_-2' ]: histo = h['Esecondary' + '_' + material + Erange] print("secondary neutrons for %s %s %5.2F%%" % (material, Erange, 100. * histo.GetEntries() / h['Labz' + '_' + material + Erange].GetEntries())) for X in ['electrons', 'photons']: for material in materials: h[X + '_' + material] = h[X].Clone(X + '_' + material) for Erange in [ '-14_-12', '-12_-10', '-10_-8', '-8_-7', '-7_-6', '-6_-4', '-4_-2' ]: h[X + '_' + material].Add(h[X + '_' + material + Erange]) norm = h[X + '_' + material].ProjectionX('norm', 1, 101) for p in [1, 2, 5, 10]: h[X + str(p) + 'Percent_' + material] = h[X + '_' + material].ProjectionX( X + str(p) + 'Percent_' + material, 1, p) h[X + str(p) + 'Percent_' + material].Divide(norm) ut.bookCanvas(h, 'T' + X, '', 1200, 800, 1, 1) h['T' + X].cd() material = 'EmulsionAg109' h[X + '1Percent_' + material].SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed) h[X + '2Percent_' + material].SetLineColor(ROOT.kOrange) h[X + '5Percent_' + material].SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlue) h[X + '10Percent_' + material].SetLineColor(ROOT.kGreen) h[X + '1Percent_' + material].SetTitle('') h[X + '1Percent_' + material].GetYaxis().SetTitle('fraction of events with < N_{' + X + '}') h[X + '1Percent_' + material].GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(-12., 1) h[X + '1Percent_' + material].SetStats(0) h[X + '1Percent_' + material].Draw('hist') h['leg' + X] = ROOT.TLegend(0.63, 0.25, 0.88, 0.40) for p in [1, 2, 5, 10]: h[X + str(p) + 'Percent_' + material].Draw('histsame') rc = h['leg' + X].AddEntry(h[X + str(p) + 'Percent_' + material], 'N_{' + X + '}<' + str(p), 'PL') h['leg' + X].Draw('same') myPrint(h['T' + X], 'fracEveWith' + X) # fntuple = ROOT.TFile.Open('neutronsTI18.root') nt = fntuple.nt tcanv = 'TFig12' if tcanv in h: h.pop(tcanv) ut.bookCanvas(h, tcanv, '', 1200, 800, 1, 1) # figure 12 of technical proposal nt.Draw('log10(N*Eleft):log10(Eleft)>>rates', '', 'box') h['rates'] = ROOT.gROOT.FindObjectAny('rates').Clone('rates') for x in ['Lab', 'Labz']: tcanv = 'abs' + x if tcanv in h: h.pop(tcanv) ut.bookCanvas(h, tcanv, '', 1200, 800, 1, 1) h['abs' + x].cd() h['abs' + x].SetLogy() hsum = x + '_Concrete' h[hsum].GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(-12., 1) h[hsum].SetMaximum(30.) h[hsum].SetMinimum(0.004) h[hsum].GetXaxis().SetTitle('logE[MeV]') h[hsum].GetYaxis().SetTitle('absorption Length [cm]') h[hsum].SetLineWidth(2) h[hsum].Draw('hist') h['leg' + x] = ROOT.TLegend(0.6, 0.2, 0.86, 0.36) for material in materials: hsum = x + '_' + material h[hsum].SetStats(0) h[hsum].SetLineWidth(2) h[hsum].Draw('histsame') if material in Fabsorp: Fabsorp[material].Draw('same') rc = h['leg' + x].AddEntry(h[hsum], material, 'PL') h['leg' + x].Draw('same') myPrint(h['abs' + x], 'AbsLength' + x) # folding with neutron rate h['Fig12'] = ROOT.TGraph() h['dE'] = ROOT.TGraph() h['neutronRate'] = ROOT.TGraph() h['dangerZone'] = ROOT.TGraph() h['dangerZone'].SetPoint(0, -5.6, 0.) h['dangerZone'].SetPoint(1, -5.6, 1.E7) h['dangerZone'].SetPoint(2, -5.1, 1.E7) h['dangerZone'].SetPoint(3, -5.1, 0.) h['dangerZone'].SetFillStyle(1001) h['dangerZone'].SetFillColor(ROOT.kYellow) n = 0 RateIntegrated = 0 RateIntegratedW = 0 for nt in fntuple.nt: E = (nt.Eleft + nt.Eright) / 2. dE = nt.Eright - nt.Eleft h['Fig12'].SetPoint(n, ROOT.TMath.Log10(E), ROOT.TMath.Log10(nt.N * E)) h['neutronRate'].SetPoint(n, E, nt.N) h['dE'].SetPoint(n, E, dE) RateIntegrated += nt.N RateIntegratedW += nt.N * dE n += 1 h['TFig12'].cd() h['Fig12'].Draw('same') # ut.bookHist(h, 'Nr', ';E [MeV];dn/dlogE [cm^{-2}y^{-1}] ', 100, -12., 1.) h['Nr'].SetMaximum(2.E8) h['Nr'].SetMinimum(1.E-4) h['Nr'].SetStats(0) intRates = {} thick = { 0.0: ROOT.kBlue, 0.5: ROOT.kOrange, 1: ROOT.kRed, 2: ROOT.kRed + 2, 5: ROOT.kRed - 7, 10: ROOT.kGreen } for material in ['Boratedpolyethylene', 'BoronCarbide']: intRates[material] = {} tcanv = 'ratesWith_' + material if tcanv in h: h.pop(tcanv) ut.bookCanvas(h, tcanv, material, 1200, 800, 1, 1) h[tcanv].SetLogy(1) h[tcanv].cd() h['ratesWith_' + material].cd() h['Nr'].Draw() h['dangerZone'].Draw('sameF') h['legthick' + material] = ROOT.TLegend(0.6, 0.2, 0.86, 0.36) for d in thick: # try different thicknesses intRates[material][d] = 0 absorbLength = h['Labz_' + material] gname = 'neutronRate_' + material + '_' + str(d) h[gname] = ROOT.TGraph() h[gname].SetLineWidth(2) h[gname].SetLineColor(thick[d]) for n in range(h['Fig12'].GetN()): logE = h['Fig12'].GetX()[n] R = ROOT.TMath.Power(10., h['Fig12'].GetY()[n]) dE = h['dE'].GetPointY(n) E = ROOT.TMath.Power(10., logE) absorpt = 0 if d == 0.0: h[gname].SetPoint(n, logE, R) intRates[material][d] += dE * R / E else: L = absorbLength.GetBinContent(absorbLength.FindBin(logE)) Rnew = 0 if L > 0: absorpt = ROOT.TMath.Exp(-d / L) Rnew = R * absorpt h[gname].SetPoint(n, logE, Rnew) # E = (nt.Eleft+nt.Eright)/2. h['Fig12'].SetPoint(n,ROOT.TMath.Log10(E),ROOT.TMath.Log10(nt.N*E)) intRates[material][d] += dE * Rnew / E h[gname].Draw('same') rc = h['legthick' + material].AddEntry(h[gname], 'thickness %3.1Fcm' % (d), 'PL') reduction = intRates[material][d] / intRates[material][0] print( 'integrated rate with %s d=%3.1Fcm: %6.4G reduction factor=%6.2G' % (material, d, intRates[material][d], reduction)) # make integrated rates: h['IUp-neutronRate_' + material + str(d)] = ROOT.TGraph() h['IUp-neutronRateW_' + material + str(d)] = ROOT.TGraph() h['IDown-neutronRate_' + material + str(d)] = ROOT.TGraph() up = h['IUp-neutronRate_' + material + str(d)] down = h['IDown-neutronRate_' + material + str(d)] N = h[gname].GetN() S = 0 for n in range(N): logE = h[gname].GetX()[n] dE = h['dE'].GetPointY(n) Rnew = h[gname].GetY()[n] E = ROOT.TMath.Power(10., logE) S += dE * Rnew / E up.SetPoint(n, logE, S) # with damage function W = 1 - h['electrons1Percent_EmulsionAg109'].GetBinContent(n) h['IUp-neutronRateW_' + material + str(d)].SetPoint( n, logE, W * S) S = up.GetY()[N - 1] for n in range(N): logE = up.GetX()[n] S -= up.GetY()[n] down.SetPoint(n, logE, S) # for Elimit in [100., 1., 0.1, 0.01]: #MeV g = h['IUp-neutronRate_' + material + str(d)] gW = h['IUp-neutronRateW_' + material + str(d)] N = g.GetN() for n in range(N - 1, 1, -1): if ROOT.TMath.Power(10, g.GetX()[n]) < Elimit: break reduction = g.GetY()[n] / h['IUp-neutronRate_' + material + str(0.0)].GetY()[N - 1] reductionW = gW.GetY()[n] / h['IUp-neutronRate_' + material + str(0.0)].GetY()[N - 1] print( 'integrated rate E < %5.3F with %s d=%3.1Fcm: %6.4G reduction factor=%6.2G | %6.4G reduction factor=%6.2G' % (Elimit, material, d, g.GetY()[n], reduction, gW.GetY()[n], reductionW)) h['legthick' + material].Draw('same') myPrint(h['ratesWith_' + material], 'reducedRates_' + material)
def coldBox(plotOnly=True, pas=''): if 1 > 0: tmp = options.inputFile.split('/') gFile = "geofile-" + (tmp[len(tmp) - 1].split('_coldbox')[0] + '_coldbox.root').replace('histos-', '') g = ROOT.TFile(gFile) sGeo = g.FAIRGeom vbox = sGeo.FindVolumeFast('vbox') sbox = sGeo.FindVolumeFast('sensBox') dX, dY, dZ = vbox.GetShape().GetDX(), vbox.GetShape().GetDY( ), vbox.GetShape().GetDZ() nav = sGeo.GetCurrentNavigator() boundaries = {} # find y boundaries start = array('d', [0, 200, 0]) direction = array('d', [0, -1, 0]) startnode = sGeo.InitTrack(start, direction) length = c_double(200.) node = sGeo.FindNextBoundaryAndStep(length, ROOT.kFALSE) boundaries['topIn'] = nav.GetCurrentPoint()[1] node = sGeo.FindNextBoundaryAndStep(length, ROOT.kFALSE) boundaries['topSens'] = nav.GetCurrentPoint()[1] start = array('d', [0, -200, 0]) direction = array('d', [0, 1, 0]) startnode = sGeo.InitTrack(start, direction) node = sGeo.FindNextBoundaryAndStep(length, ROOT.kFALSE) node = sGeo.FindNextBoundaryAndStep(length, ROOT.kFALSE) boundaries['botSens'] = nav.GetCurrentPoint()[1] # find x boundaries start = array('d', [-200, 0, 0]) direction = array('d', [1, 0, 0]) startnode = sGeo.InitTrack(start, direction) node = sGeo.FindNextBoundaryAndStep(length, ROOT.kFALSE) boundaries['leftIn'] = nav.GetCurrentPoint()[0] node = sGeo.FindNextBoundaryAndStep(length, ROOT.kFALSE) boundaries['leftSens'] = nav.GetCurrentPoint()[0] start = array('d', [200, 0, 0]) direction = array('d', [-1, 0, 0]) startnode = sGeo.InitTrack(start, direction) node = sGeo.FindNextBoundaryAndStep(length, ROOT.kFALSE) boundaries['rightIn'] = nav.GetCurrentPoint()[0] node = sGeo.FindNextBoundaryAndStep(length, ROOT.kFALSE) boundaries['rightSens'] = nav.GetCurrentPoint()[0] # find z boundaries start = array('d', [0, 0, -200]) direction = array('d', [0, 0, 1]) startnode = sGeo.InitTrack(start, direction) node = sGeo.FindNextBoundaryAndStep(length, ROOT.kFALSE) boundaries['backIn'] = nav.GetCurrentPoint()[2] node = sGeo.FindNextBoundaryAndStep(length, ROOT.kFALSE) boundaries['backSens'] = nav.GetCurrentPoint()[2] start = array('d', [0, 0, 200]) direction = array('d', [0, 0, -1]) startnode = sGeo.InitTrack(start, direction) node = sGeo.FindNextBoundaryAndStep(length, ROOT.kFALSE) boundaries['frontIn'] = nav.GetCurrentPoint()[2] node = sGeo.FindNextBoundaryAndStep(length, ROOT.kFALSE) boundaries['frontSens'] = nav.GetCurrentPoint()[2] Rin = { '': '', 'topIn': 'Y', 'leftIn': 'X', 'rightIn': 'X', 'frontIn': 'Z', 'backIn': 'Z' } Rsens = { '': '', 'topSens': 'Y', 'botSens': 'Y', 'leftSens': 'X', 'rightSens': 'X', 'frontSens': 'Z', 'backSens': 'Z' } epsi = 0.1 # side with holes is the front # if not plotOnly: # example file "root://" f = ROOT.TFile.Open(options.inputFile) ut.bookHist(h, 'start', 'start neutron;x [cm] ;y [cm] ;z [cm]', 100, -200, 200, 100, -200, 200, 100, -200, 200) ut.bookHist(h, 'startR', 'start neutron;R', 100, 0, 200) for o in ['_seco', '_prim']: for T in ['', 'cold', 'hot']: ut.bookHist(h, 'entry' + T + o, 'entry neutron;x [cm] ;y [cm] ;z [cm]', 100, -100, 100, 100, -100, 100, 100, -100, 100) ut.bookHist(h, 'exit' + T + '-original' + o, 'enter coldbox neutron;x [cm] ;y [cm] ;z [cm]', 100, -100, 100, 100, -100, 100, 100, -100, 100) ut.bookHist(h, 'exit' + T + o, 'enter coldbox neutron;x [cm] ;y [cm] ;z [cm]', 100, -100, 100, 100, -100, 100, 100, -100, 100) for r in Rin: ut.bookHist(h, 'EkinE' + r + o, 'log10(Ekin)', 100, -13., 0, 100, -200., 200.) ut.bookHist(h, 'Ekin' + r + o, 'log10(Ekin)', 100, -13., 0, 100, -200., 200.) for r in Rsens: ut.bookHist(h, 'DF' + r + o, 'travel distance', 100, 0., 200.) ut.bookHist(h, 'EkinF' + r + o, 'log10(Ekin) vs distance', 100, -13., 0, 100, -200., 200.) ut.bookHist(h, 'EkinF-original' + r + o, 'log10(Ekin) vs distance', 100, -13., 0, 100, -200., 200.) ut.bookHist(h, 'checkBox' + r + o, 'enter coldbox neutron;x [cm] ;y [cm] ;z [cm]', 100, -100, 100, 100, -100, 100, 100, -100, 100) ut.bookHist(h, 'EkinG', 'log10(Ekin)', 100, -13., 0.) ut.bookHist(h, 'EkinW', 'log10(Ekin)', 100, -13., 0.) ut.bookHist(h, 'EkinWlin', 'Ekin', 100, 1E-9, 100 * 1E-9) ut.bookHist(h, 'multS', 'mult veto points shielding', 100, -0.5, 99.5) ut.bookHist(h, 'multC', 'mult veto points inside', 100, -0.5, 99.5) ut.bookHist(h, 'multN', 'mult neutrons', 100, -0.5, 99.5) flukaRateIntegrated() Nsim = f.cbmsim.GetEntries() for sTree in f.cbmsim: rc = h['multN'].Fill(sTree.MCTrack.GetEntries()) neutron = sTree.MCTrack[0] start = ROOT.TVector3(neutron.GetStartX(), neutron.GetStartY(), neutron.GetStartZ()) if start.y() < boundaries['botSens']: continue P = ROOT.TVector3(neutron.GetPx(), neutron.GetPy(), neutron.GetPz()) Ekin = ROOT.TMath.Sqrt(P.Mag2() + neutronMass**2) - neutronMass W = h['Fig12'].Eval(ROOT.TMath.Log10(Ekin * 1000)) / Nsim rc = h['start'].Fill(start.Z(), start.X(), start.Y(), W) rc = h['EkinW'].Fill(ROOT.TMath.Log10(Ekin), W) rc = h['EkinWlin'].Fill(Ekin, W) rc = h['EkinG'].Fill(ROOT.TMath.Log10(Ekin)) rc = h['startR'].Fill(start.Mag(), W) nC, nS = 0, 0 for p in sTree.vetoPoint: if p.PdgCode() != 2112: continue if p.GetDetectorID() == 13: nC += 1 else: nS += 1 rc = h['multC'].Fill(nC) rc = h['multS'].Fill(nS) trajectory = {} for p in sTree.vetoPoint: if p.PdgCode() != 2112: continue trackID = p.GetTrackID() if not trackID in trajectory: trajectory[trackID] = [] trajectory[trackID].append(p) for trackID in trajectory: firstSens = True for p in trajectory[trackID]: origin = '_seco' if trackID == 0: origin = '_prim' lastPoint = p.LastPoint() mPoint = ROOT.TVector3(p.GetX(), p.GetY(), p.GetZ()) firstPoint = 2 * mPoint - lastPoint D = lastPoint - firstPoint TD = firstPoint - start firstMom = ROOT.TVector3(p.GetPx(), p.GetPy(), p.GetPz()) Ekin_entry = ROOT.TMath.Sqrt(firstMom.Mag2() + neutronMass**2) - neutronMass if p.GetDetectorID( ) == 13 and firstSens: # first point inside coldbox firstSens = False rc = h['exit' + origin].Fill(firstPoint.X(), firstPoint.Y(), firstPoint.Z(), W) if Ekin * 1E9 < 10: rc = h['exitcold-original' + origin].Fill( firstPoint.X(), firstPoint.Y(), firstPoint.Z(), W) # 10eV else: rc = h['exithot-original' + origin].Fill( firstPoint.X(), firstPoint.Y(), firstPoint.Z(), W) if Ekin_entry * 1E9 < 10: rc = h['exitcold' + origin].Fill( firstPoint.X(), firstPoint.Y(), firstPoint.Z(), W) # 10eV else: rc = h['exithot' + origin].Fill( firstPoint.X(), firstPoint.Y(), firstPoint.Z(), W) rc = h['DF' + origin].Fill(TD.Mag(), W) rc = h['EkinF' + origin].Fill( ROOT.TMath.Log10(Ekin_entry), D.Mag(), W) rc = h['EkinF-original' + origin].Fill( ROOT.TMath.Log10(Ekin), D.Mag(), W) # find location Rsens = ['','topSens','botSens','leftSens','rightSens','frontSens','backSens'] found = False for r in Rsens: if r == '': continue X = eval('firstPoint.' + Rsens[r] + '()') if abs(X - boundaries[r]) < epsi: # if r=='botSens' and p!=trajectory[trackID][0]: continue # to enter from bottom is without crossing shield. It is more complicated! found = True break if not found: txt = '' for r in Rsens: if r == '': continue X = eval('firstPoint.' + Rsens[r] + '()') txt += " " + r + " " + str(X) print("this should no happen", txt, boundaries) for P in trajectory[trackID]: print(P.GetDetectorID(), P.LastPoint().X(), P.LastPoint().Y(), P.LastPoint().Z()) rc = h['DF' + r + origin].Fill(TD.Mag(), W) rc = h['EkinF' + r + origin].Fill( ROOT.TMath.Log10(Ekin_entry), D.Mag(), W) rc = h['EkinF-original' + r + origin].Fill( ROOT.TMath.Log10(Ekin), D.Mag(), W) rc = h['checkBox' + r + origin].Fill( firstPoint.X(), firstPoint.Y(), firstPoint.Z(), W) if p.GetDetectorID() == 1: # inside shielding # check that first point is further out. if firstPoint.Mag() < lastPoint.Mag(): continue rc = h['Ekin' + origin].Fill(ROOT.TMath.Log10(Ekin), D.Mag(), W) rc = h['EkinE' + origin].Fill( ROOT.TMath.Log10(Ekin_entry), D.Mag(), W) rc = h['entry' + origin].Fill(firstPoint.X(), firstPoint.Y(), firstPoint.Z(), W) if Ekin * 1E9 < 10: rc = h['entrycold' + origin].Fill( firstPoint.X(), firstPoint.Y(), firstPoint.Z(), W) # 10eV else: rc = h['entryhot' + origin].Fill( firstPoint.X(), firstPoint.Y(), firstPoint.Z(), W) # find location for r in Rin: if r == '': continue X = eval('firstPoint.' + Rin[r] + '()') if abs(X - boundaries[r]) < epsi: break rc = h['Ekin' + r + origin].Fill( ROOT.TMath.Log10(Ekin), X, W) rc = h['EkinE' + r + origin].Fill( ROOT.TMath.Log10(Ekin_entry), X, W) tmp = options.inputFile.split('/') outFile = 'histos-' + tmp[len(tmp) - 1] # make sum of seco and prim hkeys = list(h.keys()) for x in hkeys: if x.find('_seco') > 0: hname = x.replace('_seco', '') h[hname] = h[x].Clone(hname) h[hname].Add(h[x.replace('_seco', '_prim')]) # ut.writeHists(h, outFile) print('finished making histograms ', 'histos-noConc-' + options.inputFile) else: ut.readHists(h, options.inputFile) if pas != '': ut.readHists( hnorm, 'histos-thermNeutron_vacuums_0.0001_coldbox_pass1.root') else: ut.readHists(hnorm, options.inputFile) tmp = options.inputFile.split('_') material = tmp[1] + "_coldbox/" thickness = "_" + tmp[2] binning = {} for c in ['entry', 'exit']: binning[c] = {} for p in ['x', 'y', 'z']: tmp = h[c].Project3D(p) for imin in range(1, tmp.GetNbinsX() + 1): if tmp.GetBinContent(imin) > 0: break for imax in range(tmp.GetNbinsX(), 0, -1): if tmp.GetBinContent(imax) > 0: break binning[c][p] = {'min': imin, 'max': imax} # ytop = { 'axis': 'Y', 'proj': 'xz', 'entry': binning['entry']['y']['max'], 'exit': h['exit'].GetYaxis().FindBin(boundaries['topSens']), 'xdist': dZ, 'ydist': dX } ybot = { 'axis': 'Y', 'proj': 'xz', 'entry': binning['entry']['y']['min'], 'exit': h['exit'].GetYaxis().FindBin(boundaries['botSens']), 'xdist': dZ, 'ydist': dX } xLeft = { 'axis': 'X', 'proj': 'yz', 'entry': binning['entry']['x']['min'], 'exit': h['exit'].GetXaxis().FindBin(boundaries['leftSens']), 'xdist': dZ, 'ydist': dY } xRight = { 'axis': 'X', 'proj': 'yz', 'entry': binning['entry']['x']['max'], 'exit': h['exit'].GetXaxis().FindBin(boundaries['rightSens']), 'xdist': dZ, 'ydist': dY } zMin = { 'axis': 'Z', 'proj': 'yx', 'entry': binning['entry']['z']['min'], 'exit': h['exit'].GetZaxis().FindBin(boundaries['backSens']), 'xdist': dX, 'ydist': dY } zMax = { 'axis': 'Z', 'proj': 'yx', 'entry': binning['entry']['z']['max'], 'exit': h['exit'].GetXaxis().FindBin(boundaries['frontSens']), 'xdist': dX, 'ydist': dY } print('boundaries', boundaries) # make projections projections = { 'Top': ytop, 'Bot': ybot, 'Right': xRight, 'Left': xLeft, 'Front': zMax, 'Back': zMin } h['fluences'] = {} for o in ['', '_prim']: for T in ['', 'cold', 'hot']: for Z in ['entry', 'exit', 'exit-original']: tmp = Z.split('-') c = tmp[0] x = '' if len(tmp) > 1: x = '-' + tmp[1] case = c + T + x + o ut.bookCanvas(h, 't' + case, case, 1200, 1800, 2, 3) k = 1 for p in projections: h['t' + case].cd(k) tmp = h[case] axis = eval('tmp.Get' + projections[p]['axis'] + 'axis()') if Z == 'entry': axis.SetRange(projections[p][c] - 1, projections[p][c] + 1) else: axis.SetRange(projections[p][c], projections[p][c]) if p == 'xBot': xax = tmp.GetXaxis() xax.SetRange( xax.FindBin(boundaries['leftSens']) + 1, xax.FindBin(boundaries['rightSens']) - 1) zax = tmp.GetZaxis() zax.SetRange( zax.FindBin(boundaries['backSens']) + 1, zax.FindBin(boundaries['frontSens']) - 1) h[case + p] = tmp.Project3D(projections[p]['proj']) h[case + p].SetName(case + p) tmp.GetXaxis().SetRange(0, 0) tmp.GetYaxis().SetRange(0, 0) tmp.GetZaxis().SetRange(0, 0) h[case + p].SetStats(0) h[case + p].SetMinimum(0) h[case + p].SetTitle(p) h[case + p].Draw('colz') # check uniformity: h['X-' + case + p] = h[case + p].ProjectionX('X-' + case + p) h['Y-' + case + p] = h[case + p].ProjectionY('Y-' + case + p) k += 1 sqcm = projections[p]['xdist'] * projections[p]['ydist'] entries = h[case + p].GetSumOfWeights() X = entries / sqcm if X > 100: txt = "%5.1F/cm^{2}" % (X) else: txt = "%5.2F/cm^{2}" % (X) h['fluences'][case + p] = X L = ROOT.TLatex() rc = L.DrawLatexNDC(0.2, 0.85, txt) h['X-' + case + p].Scale(1. / projections[p]['ydist']) h['Y-' + case + p].Scale(1. / projections[p]['xdist']) myPrint(h['t' + case], material + 't' + case + thickness) # make cross checks ut.bookCanvas(h, 'crosschecks', 'cross checks', 900, 600, 1, 1) tc = h['crosschecks'].cd() tc.SetLogy(1) tc.SetGridx() tc.SetGridy() h['EkinW'].SetStats(0) h['EkinW'].SetStats(0) h['EkinW'].SetLineWidth(3) h['EkinW'].SetTitle(';log(E) [GeV];dn/dlogE [cm^{-2}y^{-1}] ') h['EkinW'].SetMaximum(1E8) h['EkinW'].SetMinimum(1E2) h['EkinW'].Draw() myPrint(h['crosschecks'], material + 'kinEnergy' + thickness) tc.SetLogy(0) k = -10 for p in projections: for l in ['X-', 'Y-']: case = l + 'entry' + p h[case].SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed + k) h[case].SetStats(0) if k < -9: h[case].SetTitle('; x,y,z [cm]; N/L [cm^{-1}]') tpl = ut.findMaximumAndMinimum(h[case]) h[case].SetMaximum(tpl[1] * 1.5) h[case].Draw() else: h[case].Draw('same') k += 1 myPrint(h['crosschecks'], material + 'irradiationXYZ' + thickness) # tc.SetLogy(1) # Ekin Rin = {'':'','topIn':'Y','leftIn':'X','rightIn':'X','frontIn':'Z','backIn':'Z'} # EkinF Rsens = {'':'','topSens':'Y','botSens':'Y','leftSens':'X','rightSens':'X','frontSens':'Z','backSens':'Z'} ut.bookCanvas(h, 'trej', 'rejections', 1200, 1800, 2, 3) k = 0 for r in ['', 'top', 'bot', 'right', 'left', 'front', 'back']: rej = 'rej' + r rejo = 'rejo' + r if r == '': norm = hnorm['Ekin'].ProjectionX('norm') h[rej] = h['EkinF'].ProjectionX(rej) h[rejo] = h['EkinF-original'].ProjectionX(rejo) else: k += 1 if r == 'bot': norm = hnorm['EkintopIn'].ProjectionX('norm') else: norm = hnorm['Ekin' + r + 'In'].ProjectionX('norm') h[rej] = h['EkinF' + r + 'Sens'].ProjectionX(rej) h[rejo] = h['EkinF-original' + r + 'Sens'].ProjectionX(rejo) h[rej].Divide(norm) h[rejo].Divide(norm) h[rej].SetStats(0) h[rejo].SetStats(0) h[rej].SetTitle(';log10(Ekin) GeV; rejection') h[rej].SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlue) h[rej].SetLineWidth(2) h[rejo].SetLineWidth(2) h[rejo].SetLineColor(ROOT.kGreen) h[rej].GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(-13., -1.) h[rej].SetMaximum(1.2) h[rej].SetMinimum(1.E-4) if k == 0: tc = h['crosschecks'].cd() else: tc = h['trej'].cd(k) tc.SetGridx() tc.SetGridy() h[rej].SetMinimum(1.E-6) h[rej].SetTitle(r[0].upper() + r[1:]) tc.SetLogy() h[rej].Draw('hist') h[rejo].Draw('histsame') h['legR' + r] = ROOT.TLegend(0.11, 0.74, 0.72, 0.82) rc = h['legR' + r].AddEntry( h[rejo], 'reduction as function of original E_{kin} when entering shield', 'PL') rc = h['legR' + r].AddEntry( h[rej], 'reduction as function of E_{kin} when leaving shield', 'PL') h['legR' + r].Draw('same') if k == 0: myPrint(h['crosschecks'], material + 'rejections' + thickness) myPrint(h['trej'], material + 'Listrejections' + thickness + pas) # h['dangerZone'] = ROOT.TGraph() h['dangerZone'].SetPoint(0, -8.6, 0.) h['dangerZone'].SetPoint(1, -8.6, 1.) h['dangerZone'].SetPoint(2, -8.1, 1.) h['dangerZone'].SetPoint(3, -8.1, 0.) h['dangerZone'].SetFillStyle(1001) h['dangerZone'].SetFillColor(ROOT.kYellow) for r in ['rej', 'rejo']: ut.bookCanvas(h, r + 'ection2', 'rejectionRate', 900, 600, 1, 1) h[r + 'TopLeftRightBack'] = h[r + 'top'].Clone(r + 'TopLeftRightBack') h[r + 'TopLeftRightBack'].Add(h[r + 'left']) h[r + 'TopLeftRightBack'].Add(h[r + 'right']) h[r + 'TopLeftRightBack'].Add(h[r + 'back']) h[r + 'TopLeftRightBack'].Scale(1. / 4.) h[r + 'TopLeftRightBack'].SetTitle('') if r == 'rej': h[r + 'TopLeftRightBack'].GetXaxis().SetTitle( 'outgoing ' + h[r + 'TopLeftRightBack'].GetXaxis().GetTitle()) if r == 'rejo': h[r + 'TopLeftRightBack'].GetXaxis().SetTitle( 'incoming ' + h[r + 'TopLeftRightBack'].GetXaxis().GetTitle()) h[r + 'TopLeftRightBack'].SetLineColor(ROOT.kGreen) h[r + 'bot'].SetLineColor(ROOT.kGray) h[r + 'front'].SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed) h[r + 'TopLeftRightBack'].SetMaximum(1.2) h[r + 'TopLeftRightBack'].SetMinimum(1.E-6) tc = h[r + 'ection2'].cd() tc.SetGridx() tc.SetGridy() tc.SetLogy() h[r + 'TopLeftRightBack'].Draw() h['dangerZone'].Draw('sameF') h[r + 'TopLeftRightBack'].Draw('same') h[r + 'bot'].Draw('same') h[r + 'front'].Draw('same') h[r + 'legR2'] = ROOT.TLegend(0.55, 0.30, 0.86, 0.45) rc = h[r + 'legR2'].AddEntry(h[r + 'TopLeftRightBack'], 'av. rejection top/left/right/back', 'PL') rc = h[r + 'legR2'].AddEntry(h[r + 'bot'], 'rejction bottom, only concrete', 'PL') rc = h[r + 'legR2'].AddEntry(h[r + 'front'], 'rejction front, with holes', 'PL') h[r + 'legR2'].Draw('same') myPrint(h[r + 'ection2'], material + 'Sum ' + r + 'ections' + thickness + pas) if pas == '': ut.writeHists(h, options.inputFile.replace('.root', '_pass1.root')) # statistics: for o in ['', '-original']: for T in ['cold', 'hot']: norm = 0 exit = 0 concrete = 0 holes = 0 for p in projections: if p != 'Bot' and norm != 'Front': norm += h['fluences']['entry' + T + p] exit += h['fluences']['exit' + T + o + p] if p == 'Bot': concrete = h['fluences']['exit' + T + o + p] elif p == 'Front': holes = h['fluences']['exit' + T + o + p] norm = norm / float(4) exit = exit / float(4) #! do not need average, need total. # incoming = 6 * average ! print( '%s %s region: %5.2F concrete: %5.2F holes: %5.2F x permille total: %5.2F x permille' % (o, T, exit / norm * 1000, concrete / norm * 1000, holes / norm * 1000, (4 * exit + concrete + holes) / (6 * norm) * 1000))