Ejemplo n.º 1
def handle_initialization_request(req):
    "rope initialization service"

    xyz, _ = pc2xyzrgb(req.cloud)
    xyz = np.squeeze(xyz)
    obj_type = determine_object_type(xyz, plotting=False)
    print "object type:", obj_type

    if obj_type == "towel":
        xyz = xyz[(xyz[:, 2] - np.median(xyz[:, 2])) < .05, :]
        center, (height, width), angle = cv2.minAreaRect(
            xyz[:, :2].astype('float32').reshape(1, -1, 2))
        angle *= np.pi / 180
        corners = np.array(center)[None, :] + np.dot(
            np.array([[-height / 2, -width / 2], [-height / 2, width / 2],
                      [height / 2, width / 2], [height / 2, -width / 2]]),
            np.array([[np.cos(angle), np.sin(angle)],
                      [-np.sin(angle), np.cos(angle)]]))
        resp = bs.InitializationResponse()
        resp.objectInit.type = "towel_corners"
        resp.objectInit.towel_corners.polygon.points = [
            gm.Point(corner[0], corner[1], np.median(xyz[:, 2]))
            for corner in corners
        resp.objectInit.towel_corners.header = req.cloud.header
        print req.cloud.header

    if obj_type == "rope":
        total_path_3d = find_path_through_point_cloud(xyz, plotting=False)
        resp = bs.InitializationResponse()
        resp.objectInit.type = "rope"
        rope = resp.objectInit.rope = bm.Rope()

        rope.header = req.cloud.header
        rope.nodes = [gm.Point(x, y, z) for (x, y, z) in total_path_3d]
        rope.radius = .006
            "TODO: actually figure out rope radius from data. setting to .4cm")

        pose_array = gm.PoseArray()
        pose_array.header = req.cloud.header
        pose_array.poses = [
            gm.Pose(position=point, orientation=gm.Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1))
            for point in rope.nodes
        marker_handles[0] = rviz.draw_curve(pose_array, 0)

    return resp
Ejemplo n.º 2
def handle_initialization_request(req):
    "rope initialization service"
    xyz, _ = pc2xyzrgb(req.cloud)
    xyz = np.squeeze(xyz)
    obj_type = determine_object_type(xyz)
    print "object type:", obj_type
    if obj_type == "towel":
        xyz = xyz[(xyz[:,2]-np.median(xyz[:,2]))<.05,:]
        center, (height, width), angle = cv2.minAreaRect(xyz[:,:2].astype('float32').reshape(1,-1,2))
        angle *= np.pi/180
        corners = np.array(center)[None,:] + np.dot(
                      [height/2, width/2],
                      [height/2, -width/2]]),
            np.array([[np.cos(angle), np.sin(angle)],
        resp = bs.InitializationResponse()
        resp.objectInit.type = "towel_corners"
        resp.objectInit.towel_corners.polygon.points = [gm.Point(corner[0], corner[1], np.median(xyz[:,2])) for corner in corners]
        resp.objectInit.towel_corners.header = req.cloud.header
        print req.cloud.header
    if obj_type == "rope":
        total_path_3d = find_path_through_point_cloud(xyz, plotting=False)            
        resp = bs.InitializationResponse()
        resp.objectInit.type = "rope"
        rope = resp.objectInit.rope = bm.Rope()
        rope.header = req.cloud.header
        rope.nodes = [gm.Point(x,y,z) for (x,y,z) in total_path_3d]    
        rope.radius = .005
        rospy.logwarn("TODO: actually figure out rope radius from data. setting to .5cm")
        pose_array = gm.PoseArray()
        pose_array.header = req.cloud.header
        pose_array.poses = [gm.Pose(position=point, orientation=gm.Quaternion(0,0,0,1)) for point in rope.nodes]
        marker_handles[0] = rviz.draw_curve(pose_array,0)

    return resp
Ejemplo n.º 3
from jds_image_proc.pcd_io import load_xyzrgb
import rope_vision.rope_initialization as ri
import numpy as np
import sys
import networkx as nx
import itertools
from mayavi import mlab
from brett2 import ros_utils
import sensor_msgs.msg as sm

import rospy
cloud = rospy.wait_for_message("/preprocessor/points", sm.PointCloud2)
xyz, rgb = ros_utils.pc2xyzrgb(cloud)
# xyz, rgb = load_xyzrgb("data000000000004.pcd")
# xyz = xyz.reshape(-1,3)
#xyz = np.squeeze(np.loadtxt("/tmp/rope.txt"))
total_path_3d = ri.find_path_through_point_cloud(xyz, plotting=True)
Ejemplo n.º 4
from image_proc.pcd_io import load_xyzrgb
import rope_vision.rope_initialization as ri
import numpy as np
import sys
import networkx as nx
import itertools
from mayavi import mlab
from brett2 import ros_utils
import sensor_msgs.msg as sm
import rospy
cloud = rospy.wait_for_message("/preprocessor/points", sm.PointCloud2)
xyz,rgb = ros_utils.pc2xyzrgb(cloud)
# xyz, rgb = load_xyzrgb("data000000000004.pcd")
# xyz = xyz.reshape(-1,3)
#xyz = np.squeeze(np.loadtxt("/tmp/rope.txt"))
total_path_3d = ri.find_path_through_point_cloud(xyz, plotting=True)