def load_view(self, view_name, rosdep_db, verbose=False):
        Load view data into *rosdep_db*. If the view has already
        been loaded into *rosdep_db*, this method does nothing.  If
        view has no rosdep data, it will be initialized with an empty
        data map.

        :raises: :exc:`InvalidData` if view rosdep.yaml is invalid
        :raises: :exc:`rospkg.ResourceNotFound` if view cannot be located

        :returns: ``True`` if view was loaded.  ``False`` if view
          was already loaded.
        if rosdep_db.is_loaded(view_name):
        if view_name not in self.get_loadable_views():
            raise rospkg.ResourceNotFound(view_name)
        elif view_name == 'invalid':
            raise rospkg.ResourceNotFound('FOUND' + view_name +
        if verbose:
            print('loading view [%s] with rospkg loader' % (view_name))
        # chain into underlay if set
        if self._underlay_key:
            view_dependencies = [self._underlay_key]
            view_dependencies = []
        # no rospkg view has actual data
        rosdep_db.set_view_data(view_name, {}, view_dependencies, '<nodata>')
Ejemplo n.º 2
def find_resource_from_string(resource, rospack=None, extension=None):
      Convenience wrapper around roslib to find a resource (file) inside
      a package. This function passes off the work to find_resource
      once the input string is split.

      @param package : ros package
      @param resource : string resource identifier of the form package/filename

      @param extension : file name extension to look for/expect
      @type string

      @return full pathname to the resource
      @rtype str

      @raise rospkg.ResourceNotFound : raised if the resource is not found or has an inappropriate extension.
    if extension is not None:
        filename_extension = os.path.splitext(resource)[-1]
        if filename_extension == '':  # no ext given
            resource += ".%s" % extension
        elif filename_extension != "." + extension and filename_extension != extension:
            raise rospkg.ResourceNotFound("resource with invalid filename extension specified [%s][%s]" % (resource, extension))
    package, filename = roslib.names.package_resource_name(resource)
    if not package:
        raise rospkg.ResourceNotFound("resource could not be split with a valid leading package name [%s]" % (resource))
    return find_resource(package, filename, rospack)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def get_rosdeps(self, resource_name, implicit=True):
        Always raises as SourceListLoader defines no concrete resources with rosdeps.

        :raises: :exc:`rospkg.ResourceNotFound`
        raise rospkg.ResourceNotFound(resource_name)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def package_resource_name(name):
    Split a name into its package and resource name parts, e.g.

     - 'std_msgs/String -> std_msgs, String'
     - 'gopher_gazebo/gocart.xacro -> gopher_gazebo, gocart.xacro'
    -  'gopher_gazebo/urfd/gocart.xacro -> gopher_gazebo, urdf/gocart.xacro'

    This emulates what the original roslib.names.package_resource_name() function did, but also caters
    for the third example above where its a full relative path inside the package so as to disambiguate
    against multiple matches.

    @param name: package resource name, e.g. 'std_msgs/String'
    @type  name: str
    @return: package name, resource name
    @rtype: str
    @raise rospkg.ResourceNotFound: if name is invalid (cannot split into two arguments)
    if roslib.names.PRN_SEPARATOR in name:
        val = tuple(name.split(roslib.names.PRN_SEPARATOR, 1))
        if len(val) <= 1:
            raise rospkg.ResourceNotFound("invalid name [%s]" % name)
            return val
        return '', name
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def get_rosdeps(self, resource_name, implicit=True):
        If *resource_name* is a stack, returns an empty list.

        :raises: :exc:`rospkg.ResourceNotFound` if *resource_name* cannot be found.

        if resource_name in self.get_catkin_paths():
            pkg = catkin_pkg.package.parse_package(self.get_catkin_paths()[resource_name])
            deps = pkg.build_depends + pkg.buildtool_depends + pkg.run_depends + pkg.test_depends + pkg.buildtool_export_depends
            return [ for d in deps if d.evaluated_condition]
        elif resource_name in self.get_loadable_resources():
            rosdeps = set(self._rospack.get_rosdeps(resource_name, implicit=False))
            if implicit:
                # This resource is a manifest.xml, but it might depend on things with a package.xml
                # Make sure they get a chance to evaluate conditions
                for dep in self._rospack.get_depends(resource_name):
                    rosdeps = rosdeps.union(set(self.get_rosdeps(dep, implicit=True)))
            return list(rosdeps)
        elif resource_name in self._rosstack.list():
            # stacks currently do not have rosdeps of their own, implicit or otherwise
            return []
            raise rospkg.ResourceNotFound(resource_name)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def get_view_key(self, resource_name):
        Always raises as SourceListLoader defines no concrete resources with rosdeps.

        :returns: Name of view that *resource_name* is in, ``None`` if no associated view.
        :raises: :exc:`rospkg.ResourceNotFound` if *resource_name* cannot be found.
        raise rospkg.ResourceNotFound(resource_name)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def find_resource_pair_from_string(resource, rospack=None, extension=None):
      Convenience wrapper around roslib to find a resource (file) inside
      a package. This function passes off the work to find_resource
      once the input string is split.

      Pass it a shared rospack (:class:`.rospkg.RosPack`) object to accelerate
      the crawling across the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH when you are calling this
      function for many resources consecutively.

      .. code-block:: python

           rospack = rospkg.RosPack()
           for ros_resource_name in ['rocon_interactions/pc.interactions', 'rocon_interactions/demo.interactions']
               filename = find_resource_from_string(ros_resource_name, rospack)
               # do something

      :param str resource: ros resource name (in the form package/filename)
      :param rospack: a caching utility to help accelerate catkin filesystem lookups
      :type rospack: :class:`.rospkg.RosPack`
      :param str extension: file name extension to look for/expect

      :returns: (package, full pathname) to the resource
      :rtype: (str, str)

      :raises: :exc:`.rospkg.ResourceNotFound` raised if the resource is not found or has an inappropriate extension.
    if extension is not None:
        filename_extension = os.path.splitext(resource)[-1]
        if filename_extension == '':  # no ext given
            resource += ".%s" % extension
        elif filename_extension != "." + extension and filename_extension != extension:
            raise rospkg.ResourceNotFound(
                "resource with invalid filename extension specified [%s][%s]" %
                (resource, extension))
        package, filename = package_resource_name(resource)
    except rospkg.ResourceNotFound:
        raise rospkg.ResourceNotFound(
            "resource with invalid ros name specified [%s][%s]" %
            (resource, extension))
    if not package:
        raise rospkg.ResourceNotFound(
            "resource could not be split with a valid leading package name [%s]"
            % (resource))
    return (package, find_resource(package, filename, rospack))
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def get_view_key(self, resource_name):
        Map *resource_name* to a view key.  In rospkg, this maps the
        DEFAULT_VIEW_KEY if *resource_name* exists.

        :raises: :exc:`rospkg.ResourceNotFound`
        if resource_name in self.get_loadable_resources():
            return DEFAULT_VIEW_KEY
            raise rospkg.ResourceNotFound(resource_name)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def _read_service_profiles_from_cache(self):
        Load service profile from cached solution configuration.

        :returns: file path of loaded service profile
        :rtype: str

        :raises: :exc:`rospkg.ResourceNotFound`

        loaded_profile = {}
        concert_name = self._concert_name
        service_file_name = self._service_profile_file

        if not rocon_python_utils.ros.is_validation_file(service_file_name):
            raise rospkg.ResourceNotFound("can not find service file in cache [%s]" % service_file_name)
            self._profile_files.append([service_file_name, time.ctime(os.path.getmtime(service_file_name))])
            with open(service_file_name) as f:
                loaded_profile = yaml.load(f)
                if 'parameters' in loaded_profile.keys():
                    loaded_profile['parameters_detail'] = []
                    parameters_yaml_file = os.path.join(get_service_profile_cache_home(concert_name, loaded_profile['name']), loaded_profile['parameters'])
                    if not rocon_python_utils.ros.is_validation_file(parameters_yaml_file):
                        raise rospkg.ResourceNotFound("can not find parameters file in cache [%s]" % parameters_yaml_file)
                    self._profile_files.append([parameters_yaml_file, time.ctime(os.path.getmtime(parameters_yaml_file))])
                    with open(parameters_yaml_file) as f:
                        parameters_yaml = yaml.load(f)
                        loaded_profile['parameters_detail'] = parameters_yaml
                if 'interactions' in loaded_profile.keys():
                    loaded_profile['interactions_detail'] = []
                    interactions_yaml_file = os.path.join(get_service_profile_cache_home(concert_name, loaded_profile['name']), loaded_profile['interactions'])
                    if not rocon_python_utils.ros.is_validation_file(interactions_yaml_file):
                        raise rospkg.ResourceNotFound("can not find interactions file in cache [%s]" % interactions_yaml_file)
                    self._profile_files.append([interactions_yaml_file, time.ctime(os.path.getmtime(interactions_yaml_file))])
                    with open(interactions_yaml_file) as f:
                        interactions_yaml = yaml.load(f)
                        loaded_profile['interactions_detail'] = interactions_yaml
        return loaded_profile
Ejemplo n.º 10
def find_resource(package, filename, rospack=None):
      Convenience wrapper around roslib to find a resource (file) inside
      a package. It checks the output, and provides the appropriate
      error if there is one.

      @param package : ros package
      @param filename : some file inside the specified package
      @return str : absolute path to the file

      @raise rospkg.ResourceNotFound : raised if there is nothing found or multiple objects found.
        resolved = roslib.packages.find_resource(package, filename, rospack=rospack)
        if not resolved:
            raise rospkg.ResourceNotFound("cannot locate [%s] in package [%s]" % (filename, package))
        elif len(resolved) == 1:
            return resolved[0]
        elif len(resolved) > 1:
            raise rospkg.ResourceNotFound("multiple resources named [%s] in package [%s]:%s\nPlease specify full path instead" % (filename, package, ''.join(['\n- %s' % r for r in resolved])))
    except rospkg.ResourceNotFound:
        raise rospkg.ResourceNotFound("[%s] is not a package or launch file name [%s]" % (package, package + '/' + filename))
    return None
Ejemplo n.º 11
def find_resource(package, filename, rospack=None):
      Convenience wrapper around roslib to find a resource (file) inside
      a package. It checks the output, and provides the appropriate
      error if there is one.

      :param str package: ros package
      :param str filename: some file inside the specified package
      :returns: absolute path to the file
      :rtype: str

      :raises: :exc:`.rospkg.ResourceNotFound` : raised if there is nothing found or multiple objects found.
    # try an explicit lookup first by concatenating package and filename paths, it's faster and avoids ambiguities
    resolved_path = _find_resource_explicitly(package, filename)
    if resolved_path is not None:
        return resolved_path
    # must be a 'convenient' resource path.
        resolved = roslib.packages.find_resource(package,
        if not resolved:
            raise rospkg.ResourceNotFound(
                "cannot locate [%s] in package [%s]" % (filename, package))
        elif len(resolved) == 1:
            return resolved[0]
        elif len(resolved) > 1:
            raise rospkg.ResourceNotFound(
                "multiple resources named [%s] in package [%s]:%s\nPlease specify full path instead"
                % (filename, package, ''.join(['\n- %s' % r
                                               for r in resolved])))
    except rospkg.ResourceNotFound:
        raise rospkg.ResourceNotFound(
            "[%s] is not a package or launch file name [%s]" %
            (package, package + '/' + filename))
    return None
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def get_rosdeps(self, resource_name, implicit=True):
        If *resource_name* is a stack, returns an empty list.

        :raises: :exc:`rospkg.ResourceNotFound` if *resource_name* cannot be found.

        if resource_name in self.get_catkin_paths():
            pkg = catkin_pkg.package.parse_package(self.get_catkin_paths()[resource_name])
            deps = pkg.build_depends + pkg.buildtool_depends + pkg.run_depends + pkg.test_depends
            return [ for d in deps]
        elif resource_name in self.get_loadable_resources():
            return self._rospack.get_rosdeps(resource_name, implicit=implicit)
        elif resource_name in self._rosstack.list():
            # stacks currently do not have rosdeps of their own, implicit or otherwise
            return []
            raise rospkg.ResourceNotFound(resource_name)
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def _filename(self):
          Try and find the service profile filename. Update the cache if necessary.

          :raises: :exc:`rospkg.ResourceNotFound` if the service profile yaml is not found
        # 1st attempt - look in da cache
            if os.path.isfile(self._location_cache[self.resource_name]):
                return self._location_cache[self.resource_name]
        except KeyError:
        # 2nd attempt - do the hard yakka
            filename = rocon_python_utils.ros.find_resource_from_string(self.resource_name)
            self._location_cache[self.resource_name] = filename  # update the cache
            return filename
        except rospkg.ResourceNotFound:
            raise rospkg.ResourceNotFound("could not find service profile [%s]" % self.resource_name)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def get_uri(path):
    """Get the path to the file.


    mod_url = path
    if path.find('package://') == 0:
        mod_url = path[10:]
        pos = mod_url.find('/')
        if pos == -1:
            raise rospkg.ResourceNotFound(
                "Could not parse package:// format into raw URI path format for "
                + path)
        package = mod_url[0:pos]
        mod_url = mod_url[pos:]
        package_path = rospkg.RosPack().get_path(package)
        mod_url = package_path + mod_url
    elif path.find('file://') == 0:
        mod_url = path[7:]
    return mod_url
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def get_source(self, view_name):
     matches = [x for x in self.sources if x.url == view_name]
     if matches:
         return matches[0]
         raise rospkg.ResourceNotFound(view_name)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def _package_args_handler(command, parser, options, args):
    if options.rosdep_all:
        if args:
            parser.error('cannot specify additional arguments with -a')
            # let the loader filter the -a. This will take out some
            # packages that are catkinized (for now).
            lookup = _get_default_RosdepLookup(options)
            loader = lookup.get_loader()
            args = loader.get_loadable_resources()
            not_found = []
    elif not args:
        parser.error('no packages or stacks specified')

    # package or stack names as args.  have to convert stack names to packages.
    # - overrides to enable testing
    packages = []
    not_found = []
    if options.from_paths:
        for path in args:
            if options.verbose:
                print("Using argument '{0}' as a path to search.".format(path))
            if not os.path.exists(path):
                print("given path '{0}' does not exist".format(path))
                return 1
            path = os.path.abspath(path)
            if 'ROS_PACKAGE_PATH' not in os.environ:
                os.environ['ROS_PACKAGE_PATH'] = '{0}'.format(path)
                os.environ['ROS_PACKAGE_PATH'] = '{0}{1}{2}'.format(
                    path, os.pathsep, os.environ['ROS_PACKAGE_PATH'])
            pkgs = find_catkin_packages_in(path, options.verbose)
        # Make packages list unique
        packages = list(set(packages))
        rospack = rospkg.RosPack()
        rosstack = rospkg.RosStack()
        val = rospkg.expand_to_packages(args, rospack, rosstack)
        packages = val[0]
        not_found = val[1]
    if not_found:
        raise rospkg.ResourceNotFound(not_found[0], rospack.get_ros_paths())

    # Handle the --ignore-src option
    if command in ['install', 'check'] and options.ignore_src:
        if options.verbose:
            print('Searching ROS_PACKAGE_PATH for '
                  'sources: ' + str(os.environ['ROS_PACKAGE_PATH'].split(':')))
        ws_pkgs = get_workspace_packages()
        for path in os.environ['ROS_PACKAGE_PATH'].split(':'):
            path = os.path.abspath(path.strip())
            if os.path.exists(path):
                pkgs = find_catkin_packages_in(path, options.verbose)
            elif options.verbose:
                print('Skipping non-existent path ' + path)

    lookup = _get_default_RosdepLookup(options)

    # Handle the --skip-keys option by pretending that they are packages in the catkin workspace
    if command in ['install', 'check'] and options.skip_keys:
        if options.verbose:
            print('Skipping the specified rosdep keys:\n- ' +
                  '\n- '.join(options.skip_keys))
        lookup.skipped_keys = options.skip_keys

    if 0 and not packages:  # disable, let individual handlers specify behavior
        # possible with empty stacks
        print('No packages in arguments, aborting')

    return command_handlers[command](lookup, packages, options)