Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self):
        self.coord = CameraCoordinates()
        self.lock_capture = threading.Lock()
        self.video_captures = []
        self.frames = [None, None]
        self.frame_times = [None, None]
        self.detect_time = rospy.Time.now()
        self.detect_count = 0
        flips = [2, 2]
        rospy.loginfo(rospy.get_name() + " Opened cameras")
        self.last_image_sent = rospy.Time.now()
        # Load model
        if debug_detect:
            rospy.loginfo(rospy.get_name() + " Loading model...")
            start = rospy.Time.now()
            self.detect_fn = tensorflow.saved_model.load(path_to_checkpoint)
            rospy.loginfo(rospy.get_name() +
                          " ...model loaded in {} seconds".format(
                              (rospy.Time.now() - start) / 1000000000))

        # Initialize the node and name it.
        self.detectionarray_pub = rospy.Publisher("detectionarray",
        self.detectionimage_pub = rospy.Publisher("detectionimage",
        if debug_detect:
            rospy.Timer(Duration.from_sec(1.0 / detect_fps),
        if debug_show:
            rospy.Timer(Duration.from_sec(1.0 / cam_fps), self.callback_show)
        # Read images from cameras at a bit faster than the frame rate (to never have buffer overrun)
        # Doing this in two separate threads (timers) guarantees that we have full speed on both channels
        rospy.Timer(Duration.from_sec(1.0 / (cam_fps * 1.1)),
        rospy.Timer(Duration.from_sec(1.0 / (cam_fps * 1.1)),
        rospy.Service('detection_node/save_image', Empty,
                      self.save_image)  #Can be used to debug
        rospy.loginfo(rospy.get_name() + " started detection_node.")
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def _createTimeRange(randomBag, startTime, stopTime):
     if startTime == _startTime0 and stopTime == _stopTime_1:
         msgSamples = range(len(randomBag))
         if startTime == _startTime0:
             startTime = randomBag.timestamps[0]
         if stopTime == _stopTime_1:
             stopTime = randomBag.timestamps[-1]
         probeTime = startTime - Duration.from_sec(_timeFuzzyOffset)
         if probeTime >= randomBag.timestamps[0]:
             startTime = probeTime
         msgSamples = randomBag.desample(-1, True, startTime, stopTime)
     return msgSamples
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def positionAt(self, time):
        Returns position at requested time using interpolation
        if (isinstance(time, float)):
            if (time < 0 or time > self.duration.to_sec()):
                raise ValueError("Offset value is outside bag timestamp range")
            time = self.timestamps[0] + Duration.from_sec(time)
        elif (isinstance(time, Time)):
            if (time < self.timestamps[0] or time > self.timestamps[-1]):
                raise ValueError("Timestamp value is outside the bag range")

        _t1 = bisect_left(self.timestamps, time)
        if _t1 == len(self.timestamps) - 1:
            _t1 = len(self.timestamps) - 2
        t1 = self.timestamps[_t1]
        t2 = self.timestamps[_t1 + 1]
        r = ((time - t1).to_sec()) / (t2 - t1).to_sec()
        #         return self.coordinates[_t1] + (self.coordinates[_t1+1] - self.coordinates[_t1])*r
        return GeographicTrajectory.interpolate(self.coordinates[_t1],
                                                self.coordinates[_t1 + 1], r)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_Time(self):
        # This is a copy of test_roslib_rostime
        from rospy import Time, Duration
        # #1600 Duration > Time should fail
        failed = False
            v = Duration.from_sec(0.1) > Time.from_sec(0.5)
            failed = True
        self.failIf(failed, "should have failed to compare")
            v = Time.from_sec(0.4) > Duration.from_sec(0.1)
            failed = True
        self.failIf(failed, "should have failed to compare")

        try:  # neg time fails
            failed = True
        self.failIf(failed, "negative time not allowed")
            Time(1, -1000000001)
            failed = True
        self.failIf(failed, "negative time not allowed")

        # test Time.now() is within 10 seconds of actual time (really generous)
        import time
        t = time.time()
        v = Time.from_sec(t)
        self.assertEquals(v.to_sec(), t)
        # test from_sec()
        self.assertEquals(Time.from_sec(0), Time())
        self.assertEquals(Time.from_sec(1.), Time(1))
        self.assertEquals(Time.from_sec(v.to_sec()), v)
        self.assertEquals(v.from_sec(v.to_sec()), v)

        # test to_time()
        self.assertEquals(v.to_sec(), v.to_time())

        # test addition
        # - time + time fails
            v = Time(1, 0) + Time(1, 0)
            failed = True
        self.failIf(failed, "Time + Time must fail")

        # - time + duration
        v = Time(1, 0) + Duration(1, 0)
        self.assertEquals(Time(2, 0), v)
        v = Duration(1, 0) + Time(1, 0)
        self.assertEquals(Time(2, 0), v)
        v = Time(1, 1) + Duration(1, 1)
        self.assertEquals(Time(2, 2), v)
        v = Duration(1, 1) + Time(1, 1)
        self.assertEquals(Time(2, 2), v)

        v = Time(1) + Duration(0, 1000000000)
        self.assertEquals(Time(2), v)
        v = Duration(1) + Time(0, 1000000000)
        self.assertEquals(Time(2), v)

        v = Time(100, 100) + Duration(300)
        self.assertEquals(Time(400, 100), v)
        v = Duration(300) + Time(100, 100)
        self.assertEquals(Time(400, 100), v)

        v = Time(100, 100) + Duration(300, 300)
        self.assertEquals(Time(400, 400), v)
        v = Duration(300, 300) + Time(100, 100)
        self.assertEquals(Time(400, 400), v)

        v = Time(100, 100) + Duration(300, -101)
        self.assertEquals(Time(399, 999999999), v)
        v = Duration(300, -101) + Time(100, 100)
        self.assertEquals(Time(399, 999999999), v)

        # test subtraction
            v = Time(1, 0) - 1
            failed = True
        self.failIf(failed, "Time - non Duration must fail")

        class Foob(object):

            v = Time(1, 0) - Foob()
            failed = True
        self.failIf(failed, "Time - non TVal must fail")

        # - Time - Duration
        v = Time(1, 0) - Duration(1, 0)
        self.assertEquals(Time(), v)

        v = Time(1, 1) - Duration(-1, -1)
        self.assertEquals(Time(2, 2), v)
        v = Time(1) - Duration(0, 1000000000)
        self.assertEquals(Time(), v)
        v = Time(2) - Duration(0, 1000000000)
        self.assertEquals(Time(1), v)
        v = Time(400, 100) - Duration(300)
        self.assertEquals(Time(100, 100), v)
        v = Time(100, 100) - Duration(0, 101)
        self.assertEquals(Time(99, 999999999), v)

        # - Time - Time = Duration
        v = Time(100, 100) - Time(100, 100)
        self.assertEquals(Duration(), v)
        v = Time(100, 100) - Time(100)
        self.assertEquals(Duration(0, 100), v)
        v = Time(100) - Time(200)
        self.assertEquals(Duration(-100), v)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_Duration(self):
        Duration = rospy.Duration

        # test from_sec
        v = Duration(1000)
        self.assertEquals(v, Duration.from_sec(v.to_sec()))
        self.assertEquals(v, v.from_sec(v.to_sec()))
        v = Duration(0, 1000)
        self.assertEquals(v, Duration.from_sec(v.to_sec()))
        self.assertEquals(v, v.from_sec(v.to_sec()))

        # test neg
        v = -Duration(1, -1)
        self.assertEquals(-1, v.secs)
        self.assertEquals(1, v.nsecs)
        v = -Duration(-1, -1)
        self.assertEquals(1, v.secs)
        self.assertEquals(1, v.nsecs)
        v = -Duration(-1, 1)
        self.assertEquals(0, v.secs)
        self.assertEquals(999999999, v.nsecs)

        # test addition
        failed = False
            v = Duration(1, 0) + Time(1, 0)
            failed = True
        self.failIf(failed, "Duration + Time must fail")
            v = Duration(1, 0) + 1
            failed = True
        self.failIf(failed, "Duration + int must fail")

        v = Duration(1, 0) + Duration(1, 0)
        self.assertEquals(2, v.secs)
        self.assertEquals(0, v.nsecs)
        self.assertEquals(Duration(2, 0), v)
        v = Duration(-1, -1) + Duration(1, 1)
        self.assertEquals(0, v.secs)
        self.assertEquals(0, v.nsecs)
        self.assertEquals(Duration(), v)
        v = Duration(1) + Duration(0, 1000000000)
        self.assertEquals(2, v.secs)
        self.assertEquals(0, v.nsecs)
        self.assertEquals(Duration(2), v)
        v = Duration(100, 100) + Duration(300)
        self.assertEquals(Duration(400, 100), v)
        v = Duration(100, 100) + Duration(300, 300)
        self.assertEquals(Duration(400, 400), v)
        v = Duration(100, 100) + Duration(300, -101)
        self.assertEquals(Duration(399, 999999999), v)

        # test subtraction
            v = Duration(1, 0) - 1
            failed = True
        self.failIf(failed, "Duration - non duration must fail")
            v = Duration(1, 0) - Time(1, 0)
            failed = True
        self.failIf(failed, "Duration - Time must fail")

        v = Duration(1, 0) - Duration(1, 0)
        self.assertEquals(Duration(), v)
        v = Duration(-1, -1) - Duration(1, 1)
        self.assertEquals(Duration(-3, 999999998), v)
        v = Duration(1) - Duration(0, 1000000000)
        self.assertEquals(Duration(), v)
        v = Duration(2) - Duration(0, 1000000000)
        self.assertEquals(Duration(1), v)
        v = Duration(100, 100) - Duration(300)
        self.assertEquals(Duration(-200, 100), v)
        v = Duration(100, 100) - Duration(300, 101)
        self.assertEquals(Duration(-201, 999999999), v)

        # test abs
        self.assertEquals(abs(Duration()), Duration())
        self.assertEquals(abs(Duration(1)), Duration(1))
        self.assertEquals(abs(Duration(-1)), Duration(1))
        self.assertEquals(abs(Duration(0, -1)), Duration(0, 1))
        self.assertEquals(abs(Duration(-1, -1)), Duration(1, 1))
Ejemplo n.º 6
def or_to_ros_trajectory(robot, traj, time_tolerance=0.01):
    """ Convert an OpenRAVE trajectory to a ROS trajectory.

    @param robot: OpenRAVE robot
    @type  robot: openravepy.Robot
    @param traj: input trajectory
    @type  traj: openravepy.Trajectory
    @param time_tolerance: minimum time between two waypoints
    @type  time_tolerance: float
    import numpy
    from rospy import Duration
    from trajectory_msgs.msg import JointTrajectory, JointTrajectoryPoint

    assert time_tolerance >= 0.

    if traj.GetEnv() != robot.GetEnv():
        raise ValueError(
            'Robot and trajectory are not in the same environment.')

    cspec = traj.GetConfigurationSpecification()
    dof_indices, _ = cspec.ExtractUsedIndices(robot)

    traj_msg = JointTrajectory(
        joint_names=[ robot.GetJointFromDOFIndex(dof_index).GetName()
                      for dof_index in dof_indices ]

    time_from_start = 0.
    prev_time_from_start = 0.
    for iwaypoint in xrange(traj.GetNumWaypoints()):
        waypoint = traj.GetWaypoint(iwaypoint)

        dt = cspec.ExtractDeltaTime(waypoint)
        q = cspec.ExtractJointValues(waypoint, robot, dof_indices, 0)
        qd = cspec.ExtractJointValues(waypoint, robot, dof_indices, 1)
        qdd = cspec.ExtractJointValues(waypoint, robot, dof_indices, 2)

        if dt is None:
            raise ValueError('Trajectory is not timed.')
        elif q is None:
            raise ValueError('Trajectory does not contain joint values')
        elif qdd is not None and qd is None:
            raise ValueError('Trajectory contains accelerations,'
                             ' but not velocities.')

        # Duplicate waypoints break trajectory execution, so we explicitly
        # filter them out. Note that we check the difference in time between
        # the current and the previous waypoint, not the raw "dt" value. This
        # is necessary to support very densely sampled trajectories.
        time_from_start += dt
        deltatime = time_from_start - prev_time_from_start

        if iwaypoint > 0 and deltatime < time_tolerance:
            logger.warning('Skipped waypoint %d because deltatime is %.3f < %.3f.',
                deltatime, time_tolerance)

        prev_time_from_start = time_from_start

        # Create the waypoint.
                velocities=list(qd) if qd is not None else [],
                accelerations=list(qdd) if qdd is not None else [],

    assert abs(time_from_start - traj.GetDuration()) < time_tolerance
    return traj_msg
    def test_Time(self):
        # This is a copy of test_roslib_rostime
        from rospy import Time, Duration
        # #1600 Duration > Time should fail
        failed = False
            v = Duration.from_sec(0.1) > Time.from_sec(0.5)
            failed = True
        except: pass
        self.failIf(failed, "should have failed to compare")
            v = Time.from_sec(0.4) > Duration.from_sec(0.1)
            failed = True        
        except: pass
        self.failIf(failed, "should have failed to compare")

        try: # neg time fails
            failed = True
        except: pass
        self.failIf(failed, "negative time not allowed")
            Time(1, -1000000001)
            failed = True
        except: pass
        self.failIf(failed, "negative time not allowed")

        # test Time.now() is within 10 seconds of actual time (really generous)
        import time
        t = time.time()
        v = Time.from_sec(t)
        self.assertEquals(v.to_sec(), t)
        # test from_sec()
        self.assertEquals(Time.from_sec(0), Time())
        self.assertEquals(Time.from_sec(1.), Time(1))
        self.assertEquals(Time.from_sec(v.to_sec()), v)
        self.assertEquals(v.from_sec(v.to_sec()), v)

        # test to_time()
        self.assertEquals(v.to_sec(), v.to_time())

        # test addition
        # - time + time fails
            v = Time(1,0) + Time(1, 0)
            failed = True
        except: pass
        self.failIf(failed, "Time + Time must fail")

        # - time + duration
        v = Time(1,0) + Duration(1, 0)
        self.assertEquals(Time(2, 0), v)
        v = Duration(1, 0) + Time(1,0)
        self.assertEquals(Time(2, 0), v)
        v = Time(1,1) + Duration(1, 1)
        self.assertEquals(Time(2, 2), v)
        v = Duration(1, 1) + Time(1,1)
        self.assertEquals(Time(2, 2), v)

        v = Time(1) + Duration(0, 1000000000)
        self.assertEquals(Time(2), v)
        v = Duration(1) + Time(0, 1000000000)
        self.assertEquals(Time(2), v)

        v = Time(100, 100) + Duration(300)
        self.assertEquals(Time(400, 100), v)
        v = Duration(300) + Time(100, 100)
        self.assertEquals(Time(400, 100), v)

        v = Time(100, 100) + Duration(300, 300)
        self.assertEquals(Time(400, 400), v)
        v = Duration(300, 300) + Time(100, 100)
        self.assertEquals(Time(400, 400), v)

        v = Time(100, 100) + Duration(300, -101)
        self.assertEquals(Time(399, 999999999), v)
        v =  Duration(300, -101) + Time(100, 100)
        self.assertEquals(Time(399, 999999999), v)

        # test subtraction
            v = Time(1,0) - 1
            failed = True
        except: pass
        self.failIf(failed, "Time - non Duration must fail")
        class Foob(object): pass      
            v = Time(1,0) - Foob()
            failed = True          
        except: pass
        self.failIf(failed, "Time - non TVal must fail")

        # - Time - Duration
        v = Time(1,0) - Duration(1, 0)
        self.assertEquals(Time(), v)

        v = Time(1,1) - Duration(-1, -1)
        self.assertEquals(Time(2, 2), v)
        v = Time(1) - Duration(0, 1000000000)
        self.assertEquals(Time(), v)
        v = Time(2) - Duration(0, 1000000000)
        self.assertEquals(Time(1), v)
        v = Time(400, 100) - Duration(300)
        self.assertEquals(Time(100, 100), v)
        v = Time(100, 100) - Duration(0, 101)
        self.assertEquals(Time(99, 999999999), v)

        # - Time - Time = Duration      
        v = Time(100, 100) - Time(100, 100)
        self.assertEquals(Duration(), v)
        v = Time(100, 100) - Time(100)
        self.assertEquals(Duration(0,100), v)
        v = Time(100) - Time(200)
        self.assertEquals(Duration(-100), v)
    def test_Duration(self):
        Duration = rospy.Duration

        # test from_sec
        v = Duration(1000)
        self.assertEquals(v, Duration.from_sec(v.to_sec()))
        self.assertEquals(v, v.from_sec(v.to_sec()))
        v = Duration(0,1000)
        self.assertEquals(v, Duration.from_sec(v.to_sec()))
        self.assertEquals(v, v.from_sec(v.to_sec()))
        # test neg
        v = -Duration(1, -1)
        self.assertEquals(-1, v.secs)
        self.assertEquals(1, v.nsecs)
        v = -Duration(-1, -1)
        self.assertEquals(1, v.secs)
        self.assertEquals(1, v.nsecs)
        v = -Duration(-1, 1)
        self.assertEquals(0, v.secs)
        self.assertEquals(999999999, v.nsecs)
        # test addition
        failed = False
            v = Duration(1,0) + Time(1, 0)
            failed = True
        except: pass
        self.failIf(failed, "Duration + Time must fail")
            v = Duration(1,0) + 1
            failed = True
        except: pass
        self.failIf(failed, "Duration + int must fail")
        v = Duration(1,0) + Duration(1, 0)
        self.assertEquals(2, v.secs)
        self.assertEquals(0, v.nsecs)
        self.assertEquals(Duration(2, 0), v)
        v = Duration(-1,-1) + Duration(1, 1)
        self.assertEquals(0, v.secs)
        self.assertEquals(0, v.nsecs)
        self.assertEquals(Duration(), v)
        v = Duration(1) + Duration(0, 1000000000)
        self.assertEquals(2, v.secs)
        self.assertEquals(0, v.nsecs)
        self.assertEquals(Duration(2), v)
        v = Duration(100, 100) + Duration(300)
        self.assertEquals(Duration(400, 100), v)
        v = Duration(100, 100) + Duration(300, 300)
        self.assertEquals(Duration(400, 400), v)
        v = Duration(100, 100) + Duration(300, -101)
        self.assertEquals(Duration(399, 999999999), v)
        # test subtraction
            v = Duration(1,0) - 1
            failed = True
        except: pass
        self.failIf(failed, "Duration - non duration must fail")
            v = Duration(1, 0) - Time(1,0)
            failed = True          
        except: pass
        self.failIf(failed, "Duration - Time must fail")
        v = Duration(1,0) - Duration(1, 0)
        self.assertEquals(Duration(), v)
        v = Duration(-1,-1) - Duration(1, 1)
        self.assertEquals(Duration(-3, 999999998), v)
        v = Duration(1) - Duration(0, 1000000000)
        self.assertEquals(Duration(), v)
        v = Duration(2) - Duration(0, 1000000000)
        self.assertEquals(Duration(1), v)
        v = Duration(100, 100) - Duration(300)
        self.assertEquals(Duration(-200, 100), v)
        v = Duration(100, 100) - Duration(300, 101)
        self.assertEquals(Duration(-201, 999999999), v)

        # test abs
        self.assertEquals(abs(Duration()), Duration())
        self.assertEquals(abs(Duration(1)), Duration(1))      
        self.assertEquals(abs(Duration(-1)), Duration(1))
        self.assertEquals(abs(Duration(0,-1)), Duration(0,1))
        self.assertEquals(abs(Duration(-1,-1)), Duration(1,1))
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def __init__(self):
     self.pub = Pub('/trace', Path, queue_size=100)
     self.loc = LocationFinder()
     self.path = Path()
     self.path.header.frame_id = 'odom'
     Timer(Duration.from_sec(1), self._path)
Ejemplo n.º 10

GRIPPER_DIST = 0.15     #Distance from the brick when setting a goal

GRIPPER_TOLERANCE = 0.003  #Max distance in m from gripper in order to pick up the piece

GRIPPER_POS_DOWN = 0.95 # Servo position when gripper is down
GRIPPER_POS_UP = 0.25 # Servo position when gripper is up (default position)
GRIPPER_MOVE_TIME= Duration.from_sec(2.5) # time to move gripper from one position to another
GRIPPER_GRIP_TIME= Duration.from_sec(1.5) # time to open/close gripper
GOAL_STATUS_LOG_INTERVAL = Duration.from_sec(5.0)
enc_per_m=11500.0 #encoder units per cm #TODO: centralize this value (shared with odom_data)

MAX_DISTANCE_SLOWDOWN = 0.50  # Distance when robot will start slowing down as it is approaching the brick
MIN_DISTANCE_SLOWDOWN = 0.15  # Distance when robot will have reached minimum speed
MAX_SPEED = 0.21  # Max speed - keep this in line with navigation params
MAX_ANG_SPEED = 0.18  # Max speed - keep this in line with navigation params
MIN_SPEED = 0.05  # Min speed, to be used when we get really close to brick / approaching the brick. Must be > penalty_epsilon
MIN_ANG_SPEED = 0.02  # Min angular speed, to be used when approaching

#Tolerance of base_link to waypoint before the target waypoint is updated to the next one
#Defines a path which the robot should follow if there is no brick around to collect
Ejemplo n.º 11
Archivo: util.py Proyecto: tcl326/ada
def or_to_ros_trajectory(robot, traj, time_tolerance=0.01):
    """ Convert an OpenRAVE trajectory to a ROS trajectory.

    @param robot: OpenRAVE robot
    @type  robot: openravepy.Robot
    @param traj: input trajectory
    @type  traj: openravepy.Trajectory
    @param time_tolerance: minimum time between two waypoints
    @type  time_tolerance: float
    import numpy
    from rospy import Duration
    from trajectory_msgs.msg import JointTrajectory, JointTrajectoryPoint

    assert time_tolerance >= 0.

    if traj.GetEnv() != robot.GetEnv():
        raise ValueError(
            'Robot and trajectory are not in the same environment.')

    cspec = traj.GetConfigurationSpecification()
    dof_indices, _ = cspec.ExtractUsedIndices(robot)

    traj_msg = JointTrajectory(joint_names=[
        for dof_index in dof_indices

    time_from_start = 0.
    prev_time_from_start = 0.

    for iwaypoint in xrange(traj.GetNumWaypoints()):
        waypoint = traj.GetWaypoint(iwaypoint)

        dt = cspec.ExtractDeltaTime(waypoint)
        q = cspec.ExtractJointValues(waypoint, robot, dof_indices, 0)
        qd = cspec.ExtractJointValues(waypoint, robot, dof_indices, 1)
        qdd = cspec.ExtractJointValues(waypoint, robot, dof_indices, 2)

        if dt is None:
            raise ValueError('Trajectory is not timed.')
        elif q is None:
            raise ValueError('Trajectory does not contain joint values')
        elif qdd is not None and qd is None:
            raise ValueError('Trajectory contains accelerations,'
                             ' but not velocities.')

        # Duplicate waypoints break trajectory execution, so we explicitly
        # filter them out. Note that we check the difference in time between
        # the current and the previous waypoint, not the raw "dt" value. This
        # is necessary to support very densely sampled trajectories.
        time_from_start += dt
        deltatime = time_from_start - prev_time_from_start

        # openrave includes the first trajectory point as current, with time zero
        # ros ignores this. so if time zero, then skip
        if time_from_start == 0:

        if iwaypoint > 0 and deltatime < time_tolerance:
                'Skipped waypoint %d because deltatime is %.3f < %.3f.',
                iwaypoint, deltatime, time_tolerance)

        prev_time_from_start = time_from_start

        # Create the waypoint.
                velocities=list(qd) if qd is not None else [],
                accelerations=list(qdd) if qdd is not None else [],

    assert abs(time_from_start - traj.GetDuration()) < time_tolerance
    return traj_msg