Ejemplo n.º 1
    def print_data(self):
		Print debug data
        print("Time: %s" % self.t)
        print("Cartesian: %s" % self.state['p'])
        print("Euler angles: %s" % rotations.quat2euler(self.state['q']))
        print("Max gen. torques: %s" % self.max_torques.CurrentMax())
        print("Max forces: %s" % self.max_forces.CurrentMax())
        print("feet locations: %s" % self.feet_locations)
        print("contacts: %s" % self.contacts)
        print("QP feet forces: %s" % self.foot_forces)
        print("Joint torques: %s" % self.torques)
Ejemplo n.º 2
	def Update(self,coordinates,
					verbose = 0):
		Run the QP Balance controller

		(xyz, v_xyz, orientation, w_rpy, qpos_joints) = coordinates

		########## Generate desired body accelerations ##########
		rpy = rotations.quat2euler(orientation)
		rotmat = rotations.quat2mat(orientation)

		# Foot Kinematics
		feet_locations = LegForwardKinematics(orientation, qpos_joints)

		# Feet contact
		contacts = active_feet

		# Use a whole-body PD controller to generate desired body moments
		### Cartesian force ###
		wn_cart		= 20			# desired natural frequency
		zeta_cart	= 0.8			# desired damping ratio
		kp_cart 	= wn_cart**2 	# wn^2
		kd_cart		= 2*wn_cart*zeta_cart		# 2wn*zeta
		a_xyz 		= PropController(	xyz,	o_ref,	kp_cart) + \
					  PropController(	v_xyz, 	0, 		kd_cart)
		a_xyz	   += np.array([0,0,9.81])
		f_xyz 		= woof_config.MASS * a_xyz
		### Angular moment ###
		wn_ang 		= 20
		zeta_ang 	= 0.8
		kp_ang 		= wn_ang**2
		kd_ang		= 2*wn_ang*zeta_ang
		a_rpy 		= PropController(	rpy,	rpy_ref,	kp_ang) + \
					  PropController(	w_rpy,	0.0, 		kd_ang)			  
		tau_rpy		= np.matmul(woof_config.INERTIA, a_rpy)

		### Combined force and moment ###
		ref_wrench 	= np.concatenate([f_xyz, tau_rpy])

		########## Solve for foot forces #########

		# Find foot forces to achieve the desired body moments
		feet_forces = SolveFeetForces(	feet_locations, 
										mu = qp_config.MU, 
										alpha = qp_config.ALPHA, 
										beta = qp_config.BETA,
										gamma = qp_config.GAMMA, 
										verbose = verbose)

		joint_torques = np.zeros(12)
		for f in range(4):
			# Extract the foot force vector for foot i
			foot_force_world = feet_forces[f*3 : f*3 + 3]

			# Transform from world to body frames, 
			# The negative sign makes it the force exerted by the body
			foot_force_body 				= -np.dot(rotmat.T, foot_force_world)
			(beta,theta,r) 					= tuple(qpos_joints[f*3 : f*3 + 3])
			# Transform from body frame forces into joint torques
			joint_torques[f*3 : f*3 + 3] 	= np.dot(LegJacobian(beta, theta, r).T, foot_force_body)

		return (joint_torques, feet_forces, ref_wrench)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def euler_angles(self):
     e = self.quaternion
     return quat2euler(e)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def step(self, sim):
		Get sensor data and update state estimate and contact estimate. Then calculate joint torques for locomotion.

		Gait controller:
		Looks at phase variable to determine foot placements and COM trajectory

		Generates joint torques to achieve given desired CoM trajectory given stance feet

		Swing controller:
		Swing controller needs reference foot landing positions and phase
        ################################### State & contact estimation ###################################
        self.state = self.state_estimator.update(sim)
        self.contacts = self.contact_estimator.update(sim)

        # Use forward kinematics from the robot body to compute where the woofer feet are
        self.feet_locations = WooferDynamics.LegForwardKinematics(
            self.state['q'], self.state['j'])

        self.phase = self.gait.getPhase(self.t)

        self.step_phase = self.gait.getStepPhase(self.t, self.phase)

        self.active_feet = self.gait.feetInContact(self.phase)

         self.p_step_locations) = self.gait.updateStepLocations(
             self.state, self.step_locations, self.p_step_locations,

        # ################################### Swing leg control ###################################
        self.swing_torques, \
        self.swing_trajectory, \
        self.foot_positions = self.swing_controller.update( self.state,

        state = np.zeros(12)
        state[0:3] = self.state['p']
        state[3:6] = rotations.quat2euler(self.state['q'])
        state[6:9] = self.state['p_d']
        state[9:12] = self.state['w']

        # only update the mpc trajectory at rate of planning discretization
        if (self.i % (self.gait_planner.dt / self.dt) == 0):
            self.foot_hist = self.gait.constuctFutureFootHistory(
                self.t, self.state, self.feet_locations, self.step_locations,
                self.gait_planner.N, self.gait_planner.dt)
            self.foot_forces = self.gait_planner.update(
                state, self.state['j'], self.foot_hist, self.t)

        # update the torques via jacobian at different rate
        if (self.i % (self.gait_planner.dt_torque / self.dt) == 0):
            for i in range(4):
                # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
                f_i = -self.foot_forces[(3 * i):(3 * i + 3)][np.newaxis].T
                self.mpc_torques[(3 * i):(
                    3 * i + 3)] = WooferDynamics.FootForceToJointTorques(
                        f_i, self.state['j'][(3 * i):(3 * i + 3)],
                        self.state['q'], 0)[:, 0]

        # Expanded version of active feet
        active_feet_12 = self.active_feet[[0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3]]

        self.torques = active_feet_12 * self.mpc_torques + (
            1 - active_feet_12) * self.swing_torques

        # Update our record of the maximum force/torque
        # self.max_forces.Update(self.foot_forces)
        # self.max_torques.Update(self.torques)

        # Log stuff
        # self.log_data()

        # Step time forward
        self.t += self.dt
        self.i += 1

        return self.torques