Ejemplo n.º 1
def tetl(url):
    """ Extracts the destination URL of the te.tl shortened link. """
    up = urlparse(url)
    new_url = "{0}://www.{1}{2}".format(up.scheme, up.netloc, up.path)
    response = make_request(new_url)
    response = get_long_url(url, response)
    return response
Ejemplo n.º 2
def surlhu(url):
    """ Filters the destination URL of the passed surl.hu shortened URL. """
    up = urlparse(url)
    preview_url = "http://surl.hu/s.php/{0}".format(up.path[1:])
    response = make_request(preview_url)
    response = get_long_url(url, response)
    return response
Ejemplo n.º 3
def tinypl(url):
    """ Extracts the destination URL of a tiny.pl shortened URL. """
    if url.endswith("!") or url.endswith("/"):
        url = url[:-1]
    up = urlparse(url)
    new_url = "{0}://{1}/co.php?d={2}".format(up.scheme, up.netloc, up.path[1:])
    response = get_long_url(url, make_request(new_url))
    return response
Ejemplo n.º 4
def minume(url):
    """ Custom routine for minu.me shortened URLs. """
    # add the special char which switches to the preview function
    if url.endswith("/"):
        new_url = url + "p"
        new_url = url + "/p"
    # Make the request and reset the url
    response = get_long_url(url, make_request(new_url))
    return response
Ejemplo n.º 5
def xavcc(url):
    """ Extracts the destination URL of xav.cc shortened URLs. """
    # xav.cc returns with 403 status codes when you use your browser to click a
    # shortened link, not quite sure whats going on with their website but default
    # user agents are declined by their service.
    response = make_request(url, headers={"User-Agent": "I'm a tiny spider :]"})
    if response.status_code in (301, 302):
        response = meta_redirect(url)
        response = get_long_url(url, response)
    return response
Ejemplo n.º 6
def smrl(url):
    """ Extracts the destination of a smrl.tk shortened URL (or one of it's domains). """
    # smrl.tk and it's domains make use of iframes to show where the destination
    # points to. We have to set the passed URL, with the additional /info path,
    # as the referer parameter and make a GET request to srv.smrls.net
    if url.endswith("/"):
        url = url[:-1]
    up = urlparse(url)
    referer = "{0}://{1}{2}/info".format(up.scheme, up.netloc, up.path)
    headers = {"Referer": referer}
    response = make_request("http://srv.smrls.net/", headers=headers)
    response.group_marker = "__smrl__"
    response = get_long_url(url, response)
    return response
Ejemplo n.º 7
def zumlink(url):
    """ Extracts the destination URL or URLs from the zumlink.com shortened URL. """
    # Zumlink.com's URL shortener supports both shortening one single link and
    # multiple links, this method is able to extract both types of shortened links.
    response = make_request(url, allow_redir=False)
    if not response.success:
        return response
    elif "location" in response.headers:
        response.long_url = response.headers["location"]
    elif response.source:
        response = get_long_url(url, response)
        response.error_msg = "Failed to extract the destination URL o_O"
        response.success = False
    return response
Ejemplo n.º 8
def zapitnu(url):
    """ Extracts the long URL of zapit.nu shortened links. """
    if url.endswith("+"):
        url = url[:-1]
    response = get_long_url(url, make_request("{0}+".format(url)))
    return response