def negation(self, result_path): result = np.ones((self.height, self.width), dtype=np.uint8) for x in range(self.height): for y in range(self.width): result[x, y] = 255 - self.content[x, y] store(result, result_path) return Image(result_path)
def addition(self, image, result_path): assert (self.width == image.width and self.height == image.height), "Les deux images ne sont pas de meme taille" result = np.ones((self.height, self.width), dtype=np.uint8) for x in range(self.height): for y in range(self.width): result[x, y] = min(self.content[x, y] + image.content[x, y], 255) store(result, result_path) return Image(result_path)
def multiplication(self, scalar, result_path): assert (scalar >= 0), "Donner un scalaire positif." result = np.ones((self.height, self.width), dtype=np.uint8) for x in range(self.height): for y in range(self.width): result[x, y] = min(scalar*self.content[x, y], 255) store(result, result_path) return Image(result_path)
def enhance_contrast(self, func, result_path): result = np.zeros((self.height, self.width), dtype=np.uint8) LUT = list(range(256)) for i in range(256): LUT[i] = func(i) for x in range(self.height): for y in range(self.width): result[x, y] = LUT[self.content[x, y]] store(result, result_path) return Image(result_path)
def histogram_equalization(self, result_path): normalized_histogram = self.hist / (self.width*self.height) density = np.array(range(256)) for i in range(256): density[i] = np.sum(normalized_histogram[0, 0:i+1]) print(density) result = np.zeros((self.height, self.width), dtype=np.uint8) for x in range(self.height): for y in range(self.width): result[x, y] = np.round(density[self.content[x, y]]*255) store(result, result_path) return Image(result_path)
def interpollation(self, size, method, result_path): if method == "knn": result = np.zeros((size*self.height, size*self.width), dtype=np.uint8) index_x = 0 for x in range(self.height): index_y = 0 for y in range(self.width): result[index_x:index_x+size, index_y:index_y+size] = self.content[x, y]*np.ones((size, size)) index_y += size index_x += size store(result, result_path) return Image(result_path) else: print("Les autres méthodes ne marchent pas.")
def intensity_profil(self, point1, point2, color, result_path, intensity_path): assert (255 >= color or self.width >= point1[0] and self.width >= point2[0] and self.height >= point1[1] and self.height >= point2[1]), "Au moins un point n'est pas contenu dans l'image." if point1[0] == point2[0]: values_for_y = list(range(point1[1], point2[1]+1)) if (point2[1] > point1[1]) else list(range(point2[1], point1[1]+1)) values_for_x = len(values_for_y)*[point1[0]] elif point1[1] == point2[1]: values_for_x = list(range(point1[0], point2[0]+1)) if (point2[0] > point1[0]) else list(range(point2[0], point1[0]+1)) values_for_y = len(values_for_x)*[point1[1]] else: # Find parameter of the line: slope and y-intercept y = np.transpose(np.array([point1[1], point2[1]])) x = np.array([[point1[0], 1], [point2[0], 1]]) slope = (point2[1] - point1[1]) / (point2[0] - point1[0]) y_intercept = point1[1] - point1[0]*slope # Find points on the line def line(x): return int(x*slope + y_intercept) Lvec = np.vectorize(line) values_for_x = list(range(point1[0], point2[0]+1)) if (point2[0] > point1[0]) else list(range(point2[0], point1[0]+1)) values_for_y = list(Lvec(np.array(values_for_x))) # Convert image to numpy array numpy_matrix = np.array(self.content, dtype=np.uint8) # Draw the line intensities = [] for (x, y) in zip(values_for_x, values_for_y): intensities.append(numpy_matrix[y, x]) numpy_matrix[y, x] = color # Plot #intensities = intensities.reverse() plt.plot(intensities[::-1]) plt.xlabel("Pixels") plt.ylabel("Gray scale") plt.title("Line profil") plt.savefig(intensity_path, dpi=600 , format=intensity_path.split(".")[-1]) # Store the result store(numpy_matrix, result_path)
def enhance_contrast_with_saturation(self, smin, smax, result_path): result = np.zeros((self.height, self.width), dtype=np.uint8) def func(i): return 255*(i - smin)/(smax - smin) LUT = list(range(256)) for i in range(256): LUT[i] = func(i) for x in range(self.height): for y in range(self.width): result[x, y] = LUT[self.content[x, y]] store(result, result_path) return Image(result_path)
def convolution(self, filter, stride, method, result_path): size = filter.shape[0] assert size == filter.shape[1], "Votre matrice vous servant de filtre n'est pas carre" assert type(stride) == int, "Le stride doit etre un entier" assert method in ["VALID", "SAME"], "Methode invalide, vous devez choisir entre SAME et VALID" if method == "VALID": numpy_image = np.asarray(self.content) new_width = round((self.width - size) / stride) new_height = round((self.height - size) / stride) result = np.zeros((new_height, new_width), dtype=np.uint8) for x in range(new_height): for y in range(new_width): a = movement(x, stride, size) b = movement(y, stride, size) result[x, y] = cross_correlation(numpy_image[a-size: a, b-size: b], filter) store(result, result_path) return Image(result_path) if method == "SAME": new_width = round((self.width - size) / stride) + 1 new_height = round((self.height - size) / stride) + 1 result = np.zeros((new_height, new_width), dtype=np.uint8) numpy_image = np.zeros((self.height, self.width), dtype=np.uint8) numpy_image[0:self.height, 0:self.width] = np.asarray(self.content) for x in range(new_height): for y in range(new_width): a = movement(x, stride, size) b = movement(y, stride, size) result[x, y] = cross_correlation(numpy_image[a-size: a, b-size: b], filter) store(result, result_path) return Image(result_path)
def median_filter(self, size, stride, method, result_path): assert type(stride) == int, "Le stride doit etre un entier" assert type(size) == int, "La taille doit etre un entier" if method == "VALID": numpy_image = np.asarray(self.content) new_width = round((self.width - size) / stride) new_height = round((self.height - size) / stride) result = np.zeros((new_height, new_width), dtype=np.uint8) for x in range(new_height): for y in range(new_width): a = movement(x, stride, size) b = movement(y, stride, size) result[x, y] = median(numpy_image[a-size: a, b-size: b]) store(result, result_path) return Image(result_path) if method == "SAME": new_width = round((self.width - size) / stride) + 1 new_height = round((self.height - size) / stride) + 1 result = np.zeros((new_height, new_width), dtype=np.uint8) numpy_image = np.zeros((self.height, self.width)) numpy_image[0:self.height, 0:self.width] = np.asarray(self.content) for x in range(new_height): for y in range(new_width): a = movement(x, stride, size) b = movement(y, stride, size) result[x, y] = median(numpy_image[a-size: a, b-size: b]) store(result, result_path) return Image(result_path)