Ejemplo n.º 1
    async def recieve(self, lcm):
        Reads from the rover GPS over serial connection.
        Attempts to read and proccess all supported NMEA tags
        at least once before publishing a new LCM message.
        Will skip publishing if the GPS quality is 0 (no fix).
        Will complain (but not crash) if encountering an
        unsupported message. Sleeps after publishing to
        allow time for handling incoming LCM messages
        gps_struct = GPS()
        error_counter = 0
        # Mark TXT as always seen because they are not necessary
        seen_tags = {tag: False if not tag == 'TXT' else True
                     for tag in self.NMEA_TAGS_MAPPER.keys()}
        while True:
            # Wait for all tags to be seen
            while (not all(seen_tags.values())):
                    msg = str(self.ser.readline())
                    error_counter = 0
                except Exception as e:
                    if error_counter < self.max_error_count:
                        error_counter += 1
                        await asyncio.sleep(self.sleep)
                        raise e

                match_found = False
                for tag, func in self.NMEA_TAGS_MAPPER.items():
                    if tag in msg:
                        match_found = True
                            func(msg, gps_struct)
                            seen_tags[tag] = True
                        except Exception as e:

                if not match_found:
                    print('Error decoding message stream: {}'.format(msg))
                    # raise ValueError('Unrecognized NMEA string: {}'
                    #                  .format(msg))

            # Skip publish if fix is invalid
            if gps_struct.quality == 0:
                print('Waiting for GPS Fix')

            lcm.publish('/gps', gps_struct.encode())
            seen_tags = {tag: False if not tag == 'TXT' else True
                         for tag in self.NMEA_TAGS_MAPPER.keys()}
            await asyncio.sleep(self.sleep)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self):  # other args if ya want em
        # all initially defined variables should be here
        # while not technically globals, this is basically where they are
        # defined for the sim, since the entire instance is the SimMetaClass

        Obstacles = []
        Waypoints = []
        Tennis_Balls = []

        # below: class list, one class for each message type
        # published or recieved. instantiate them at the bottom
        # of this message definition block
        # use the provided imported classes and dump these later
        # you still need to set all the defaults

        self.NavStatusMsg = NavStatus()
        self.JoystickMsg = Joystick()
        # self.GPSMsg = GPS()
        # self.BearingMsg = Bearing()
        self.GPSMsg = GPS()
        self.ObstacleMsg = Obstacle()
        self.TennisBallMsg = TennisBall()
        self.CourseMsg = Course()
        self.AutonStateMsg = AutonState()

        self.NavStatusMsg.nav_state = 0
        self.NavStatusMsg.completed_wps = 0
        self.NavStatusMsg.missed_wps = 0
        self.NavStatusMsg.total_wps = 0

        self.JoystickMsg.forward_back = 0
        self.JoystickMsg.left_right = 0
        self.JoystickMsg.dampen = 0

        self.GPSMsg.latitude_deg = 39
        self.GPSMsg.latitude_min = 0
        self.GPSMsg.longitude_deg = -110
        self.GPSMsg.longitude_min = 0
        self.GPSMsg.bearing = 0
        self.GPSMsg.speed = -999  # this value is never used
        # so it's being set to a dummy value. DO NOT USE IT

        self.ObstacleMsg.detected = 0
        self.ObstacleMsg.bearing = 0

        self.TennisBallMsg.found = 0
        self.TennisBallMsg.bearing = 0
        self.TennisBallMsg.distance = 0

        self.CourseMsg.num_waypoints = 0
        self.CourseMsg.hash = 0
        self.CourseMsg.waypoints = []

        self.AutonStateMsg.is_auton = False
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def _gpsCallback(self, channel, msg):
        new_gps = GPS.decode(msg)

        # Construct filter on first GPS message
        if self.filter is None and self.gps.ready():
            ref_bearing = self._getFreshBearing()
            if ref_bearing is None:
            pos = self.gps.pos.asMinutes()
            # vel = self.gps.vel.absolutify(ref_bearing)
            vel = {"north": 0, "east": 0}

            self.state_estimate = StateEstimate(
            self.gps.fresh = False
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def _gpsCallback(self, channel, msg):
        new_gps = GPS.decode(msg)

        # Attempt to filter on first GPS message
        if self.filter is None and self.gps.ready():
            self.gps.fresh = False
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def gps_cb(self, channel, msg):
     m = GPS.decode(msg)
     self.GPSMsg.latitude_deg = m.latitude_deg
     self.GPSMsg.latitude_min = m.latitude_min
     self.GPSMsg.longitude_deg = m.longitude_deg
     self.GPSMsg.longitude_min = m.longitude_min
     self.GPSMsg.bearing_deg = m.bearing_deg
     self.GPSMsg.speed = m.speed
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def gps_callback(self, channel, msg):
     gps = GPS.decode(msg)
     if (time.time()*1000 - self.gps_millis) > \
             gps.latitude_deg, gps.latitude_min, gps.longitude_deg,
             gps.longitude_min, gps.bearing_deg, gps.speed
         ], 'gps')
         self.gps_millis = time.time() * 1000
Ejemplo n.º 7
def main():
    lcm = aiolcm.AsyncLCM()
    serialPort = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0')
    serialPort.baudrate = 4800
    serialPort.bytesize = serial.EIGHTBITS
    serialPort.parity = serial.PARITY_NONE
    serialPort.stopbits = serial.STOPBITS_ONE

    while (True):
        oneByte = serialPort.read()
        if oneByte != b'$':

        fiveBytes = serialPort.read(5)
        if fiveBytes != b'GPRMC':

        gps = GPS()

        hasFix = serialPort.read_until(b',')[:-1]
        if hasFix != b'A':

        latitude = float(serialPort.read_until(b',')[:-1])
        ns = serialPort.read_until(b',')[:-1]
        latitude = latitude * -1 if ns is b'S' else latitude
        longitude = float(serialPort.read_until(b',')[:-1])
        ew = serialPort.read_until(b',')[:-1]
        longitude = longitude * -1 if ew is b'W' else longitude
        speed = float(serialPort.read_until(b',')[:-1])
        bearing = float(serialPort.read_until(b',')[:-1])

        gps.latitude_deg = int(latitude/100)
        gps.longitude_deg = int(longitude/100)
        gps.latitude_min = latitude - (
            gps.latitude_deg * 100)
        gps.longitude_min = longitude - (
            gps.longitude_deg * 100)
        gps.bearing_deg = bearing
        gps.speed = speed
        lcm.publish('/gps', gps.encode())
Ejemplo n.º 8
class SimulatorMetaClass:

    # variables defined here are common to all classes
    # ideally it shouldn't matter bc we only ever need one instance
    # this is bad practice imho, just defined vars in the block below
    def __init__(self):  # other args if ya want em
        # all initially defined variables should be here
        # while not technically globals, this is basically where they are
        # defined for the sim, since the entire instance is the SimMetaClass

        # below: class list, one class for each message type
        # published or recieved. instantiate them at the bottom
        # of this message definition block
        # use the provided imported classes and dump these later
        # you still need to set all the defaults

        self.AutonStateMsg = AutonState()
        self.AutonStateMsg.is_auton = False

        self.CourseMsg = Course()
        self.CourseMsg.num_waypoints = 0
        self.CourseMsg.hash = 0
        self.CourseMsg.waypoints = []

        self.GPSMsg = GPS()
        self.GPSMsg.latitude_deg = 39
        self.GPSMsg.latitude_min = 0
        self.GPSMsg.longitude_deg = -110
        self.GPSMsg.longitude_min = 0
        self.GPSMsg.bearing_deg = 0
        self.GPSMsg.speed = -999  # this value is never used
        # so it's being set to a dummy value. DO NOT USE IT

        self.JoystickMsg = Joystick()
        self.JoystickMsg.forward_back = 0
        self.JoystickMsg.left_right = 0
        self.JoystickMsg.dampen = 0
        self.JoystickMsg.kill = False
        self.JoystickMsg.restart = False

        self.NavStatusMsg = NavStatus()
        self.NavStatusMsg.nav_state = 0
        self.NavStatusMsg.nav_state_name = ""
        self.NavStatusMsg.completed_wps = 0
        self.NavStatusMsg.missed_wps = 0
        self.NavStatusMsg.total_wps = 0
        self.NavStatusMsg.found_tbs = 0
        self.NavStatusMsg.total_tbs = 0

        self.ObstacleMsg = Obstacle()
        self.ObstacleMsg.detected = False
        self.ObstacleMsg.bearing = 0.0
        self.ObstacleMsg.distance = 0.0

        self.ObstaclesMsg = Obstacles()
        self.ObstaclesMsg.num_obstacles = 0
        self.ObstaclesMsg.hash = 0
        self.ObstaclesMsg.obstacles = []

        self.OdometryMsg = Odometry()
        self.OdometryMsg.latitude_deg = 0
        self.OdometryMsg.latitude_min = 0
        self.OdometryMsg.longitude_deg = 0
        self.OdometryMsg.longitude_min = 0
        self.OdometryMsg.bearing_deg = 0
        self.OdometryMsg.speed = 0

        self.TargetMsg = Target()
        self.TargetMsg.distance = 0
        self.TargetMsg.bearing = 0

        self.TargetListMsg = TargetList()
        self.TargetListMsg.targetList = [Target(), Target()]

        self.WaypointMsg = Waypoint()
        self.WaypointMsg.search = False
        self.WaypointMsg.gate = False
        self.WaypointMsg.odom = Odometry()

    # definitions for message processing are below, with callbacks (cb)
    # at the top and publishing at the bottom
    # in this setup, camelCasing denotes a class instance
    # while under_scored_variables indicate a variable within the class
    # to avoid confusion

    def autonstate_cb(self, channel, msg):
        m = AutonState.decode(msg)
        self.AutonStateMsg.is_auton = m.is_auton

    def course_cb(self, channel, msg):
        m = Course.decode(msg)
        self.CourseMsg.num_waypoints = m.num_waypoints
        self.CourseMsg.hash = m.hash
        self.CourseMsg.waypoints = m.waypoints

    def gps_cb(self, channel, msg):
        m = GPS.decode(msg)
        self.GPSMsg.latitude_deg = m.latitude_deg
        self.GPSMsg.latitude_min = m.latitude_min
        self.GPSMsg.longitude_deg = m.longitude_deg
        self.GPSMsg.longitude_min = m.longitude_min
        self.GPSMsg.bearing_deg = m.bearing_deg
        self.GPSMsg.speed = m.speed

    def joystick_cb(self, channel, msg):
        m = Joystick.decode(msg)
        self.JoystickMsg.forward_back = m.forward_back
        self.JoystickMsg.left_right = m.left_right
        self.JoystickMsg.dampen = m.dampen
        # 1-dampen/2
        self.JoystickMsg.kill = m.kill
        self.JoystickMsg.restart = m.restart

    def navstatus_cb(self, channel, msg):
        m = NavStatus.decode(msg)
        self.NavStatusMsg.nav_state = m.nav_state
        self.NavStatusMsg.nav_state_name = m.nav_state_name
        self.NavStatusMsg.completed_wps = m.completed_wps
        self.NavStatusMsg.missed_wps = m.missed_wps
        self.NavStatusMsg.total_wps = m.total_wps
        self.NavStatusMsg.found_tbs = m.found_tbs
        self.NavStatusMsg.total_tbs = m.total_tbs

    def obstacle_cb(self, channel, msg):
        m = Obstacle.decode(msg)
        self.ObstacleMsg.detected = m.detected
        self.ObstacleMsg.bearing = m.bearing
        self.ObstacleMsg.distance = m.distance

    def obstacles_cb(self, channel, msg):
        m = Obstacles.decode(msg)
        self.ObstaclesMsg.num_obstacles = m.num_obstacles
        self.ObstaclesMsg.hash = m.hash
        self.ObstaclesMsg.obstacles = m.obstacles

    def odometry_cb(self, channel, msg):
        m = Odometry.decode(msg)
        self.OdometryMsg.latitude_deg = m.latitude_deg
        self.OdometryMsg.latitude_min = m.latitude_min
        self.OdometryMsg.longitude_deg = m.longitude_deg
        self.OdometryMsg.longitude_min = m.longitude_min
        self.OdometryMsg.bearing_deg = m.bearing_deg
        self.OdometryMsg.speed = m.speed

    def target_cb(self, channel, msg):
        m = Target.decode(msg)
        self.TargetMsg.distance = m.distance
        self.TargetMsg.bearing = m.bearing

    def targetlist_cb(self, channel, msg):
        m = TargetList.decode(msg)
        self.TargetListMsg.targetList = m.targetList

    def waypoint_cb(self, channel, msg):
        m = Waypoint.decode(msg)
        self.WaypointMsg.search = m.search
        self.WaypointMsg.gate = m.gate
        self.WaypointMsg.odom = m.odom

    async def publish_autonstate(self, lcm):
        while True:
            lcm.publish("/autonstate", self.AutonStateMsg.encode())
            await asyncio.sleep(1)

    async def publish_course(self, lcm):
        while True:
            lcm.publish("/course", self.CourseMsg.encode())
            await asyncio.sleep(1)

    async def publish_gps(self, lcm):
        while True:
            lcm.publish("/gps", self.GPSMsg.encode())
            await asyncio.sleep(1)

    async def publish_joystick(self, lcm):
        while True:
            lcm.publish("/joystick", self.JoystickMsg.encode())
            await asyncio.sleep(1)

    async def publish_navstatus(self, lcm):
        while True:
            lcm.publish("/navstatus", self.NavStatusMsg.encode())
            await asyncio.sleep(1)

    async def publish_obstacle(self, lcm):
        while True:
            lcm.publish("/obstacle", self.ObstacleMsg.encode())
            await asyncio.sleep(1)

    async def publish_obstacles(self, lcm):
        while True:
            lcm.publish("/obstacles", self.ObstaclesMsg.encode())
            await asyncio.sleep(1)

    async def publish_odometry(self, lcm):
        while True:
            lcm.publish("/odometry", self.OdometryMsg.encode())
            await asyncio.sleep(1)

    async def publish_target(self, lcm):
        while True:
            lcm.publish("/target", self.TargetMsg.encode())
            await asyncio.sleep(1)

    async def publish_targetlist(self, lcm):
        while True:
            lcm.publish("/targetlist", self.TargetListMsg.encode())
            await asyncio.sleep(1)

    async def publish_waypoint(self, lcm):
        while True:
            lcm.publish("/waypoint", self.WaypointMsg.encode())
            await asyncio.sleep(1)

    # callback function: takes in variable from LCM, sets values locally

    # SimObject definitions are below
    # SimObj is the abstract base class that contains properties
    # common to all objects. define additional simulator objects
    # as if you would the Rover class, including proper
    # superclass init

    # identical to the GPS message, minus speed, bc it's a useful
    # object to have internally

    class AutonState:
        def __init__(self, is_auton):
            self.is_auton = is_auton

    class Course:
        def __init__(self, num_waypoints, hash, waypoints):
            self.num_waypoints = num_waypoints
            self.hash = hash
            self.waypoints = waypoints

    class GPS:
        def __init__(self, latitude_deg, latitude_min, longitude_deg,
                     longitude_min, bearing_deg, speed):
            self.latitude_deg = latitude_deg
            self.latitude_min = latitude_min
            self.longitude_deg = longitude_deg
            self.longitude_deg = longitude_min
            self.bearing = bearing_deg
            self.speed = speed

    class Joystick:
        def __init__(self, forward_back, left_right, dampen, kill, restart):
            self.forward_back = forward_back
            self.left_right = left_right
            self.dampen = dampen
            self.kill = kill
            self.restart = restart

    class NavStatus:
        def __init__(self, nav_state, nav_state_name, completed_wps,
                     missed_wps, total_wps, found_tbs, total_tbs):
            self.nav_state = nav_state
            self.nav_state_name = nav_state_name
            self.completed_wps = completed_wps
            self.missed_wps = missed_wps
            self.total_wps = total_wps
            self.found_tbs = found_tbs
            self.total_tbs = total_tbs

    class Obstacle:
        def __init__(self, detected, bearing, distance):
            self.detected = detected
            self.bearing = bearing
            self.distance = distance

    class Obstacles:
        def __init__(self, num_obstacles, hash, obstacles):
            self.num_obstacles = num_obstacles
            self.hash = hash
            self.obstacles = obstacles
            # pull exact coordinates from GPS
            self.lat_deg = GPS.latitude_deg
            self.lat_min = GPS.latitude_min
            self.lon_deg = GPS.longitude_deg
            self.lon_min = GPS.longitude_min
            self.bearing = GPS.bearing_deg

    class Odometry:
        def __init__(self, latitude_deg, latitude_min, longitude_deg,
                     longitude_min, bearing_deg, speed):
            self.latitude_deg = latitude_deg
            self.latitude_min = latitude_min
            self.longitude_deg = longitude_deg
            self.longitude_min = longitude_min
            self.bearing = bearing_deg
            self.speed = speed

    class Target:
        def __init__(self, distance, bearing):
            self.distance = distance
            self.bearing = bearing

    class TargetList:
        def __init__(self, targetList):
            self.targetList = targetList

    class Waypoint:
        def __init__(self, search, gate, odom):
            self.search = search
            self.gate = gate
            self.odom = odom

    # parent class of sim objects. Has all properties common to all
    # objects

    class SimObj(ABC):
        # define initial location and other properties
        def __init__(self, GPS):
            self.lat_deg = GPS.latitude_deg
            self.lat_min = GPS.latitude_min
            self.lon_deg = GPS.longitude_deg
            self.lon_min = GPS.longitude_min
            self.bearing = GPS.bearing_deg
            self.shape = 0  # need to create a seed system?

        # any methods common to all classes should be defined
        def get_coords(self):
            return [self.lat_deg, self.lat_min, self.lon_deg, self.lon_min]

        def get_bearing(self):
            return self.bearing

        # here is an abstract method, may be useful
        # @abstractmethod
        # def sample_abs_method(self):
        #     pass
    class Field(SimObj):
        def __init__(self, GPS, radius=2):  # other properties
            self.radius = radius  # in degrees, if not specified
            # radius is 2

    class Rover(SimObj):
        def __init__(self, GPS, speed_trans=1, speed_rot=1):
            self.fov = 120  # units of degrees,
            # 120 if not specified
            self.cv_thresh = 5
            self.speed_translational = speed_trans
            # speed multiplier, 1 if not specified
            self.speed_rotational = speed_rot

Ejemplo n.º 9
class SimulatorMetaClass:

    # variables defined here are common to all classes
    # ideally it shouldn't matter bc we only ever need one instance
    # this is bad practice imho, just defined vars in the block below
    def __init__(self):  # other args if ya want em
        # all initially defined variables should be here
        # while not technically globals, this is basically where they are
        # defined for the sim, since the entire instance is the SimMetaClass

        Obstacles = []
        Waypoints = []
        Tennis_Balls = []

        # below: class list, one class for each message type
        # published or recieved. instantiate them at the bottom
        # of this message definition block
        # use the provided imported classes and dump these later
        # you still need to set all the defaults

        self.NavStatusMsg = NavStatus()
        self.JoystickMsg = Joystick()
        # self.GPSMsg = GPS()
        # self.BearingMsg = Bearing()
        self.GPSMsg = GPS()
        self.ObstacleMsg = Obstacle()
        self.TennisBallMsg = TennisBall()
        self.CourseMsg = Course()
        self.AutonStateMsg = AutonState()

        self.NavStatusMsg.nav_state = 0
        self.NavStatusMsg.completed_wps = 0
        self.NavStatusMsg.missed_wps = 0
        self.NavStatusMsg.total_wps = 0

        self.JoystickMsg.forward_back = 0
        self.JoystickMsg.left_right = 0
        self.JoystickMsg.dampen = 0

        self.GPSMsg.latitude_deg = 39
        self.GPSMsg.latitude_min = 0
        self.GPSMsg.longitude_deg = -110
        self.GPSMsg.longitude_min = 0
        self.GPSMsg.bearing = 0
        self.GPSMsg.speed = -999  # this value is never used
        # so it's being set to a dummy value. DO NOT USE IT

        self.ObstacleMsg.detected = 0
        self.ObstacleMsg.bearing = 0

        self.TennisBallMsg.found = 0
        self.TennisBallMsg.bearing = 0
        self.TennisBallMsg.distance = 0

        self.CourseMsg.num_waypoints = 0
        self.CourseMsg.hash = 0
        self.CourseMsg.waypoints = []

        self.AutonStateMsg.is_auton = False

    # definitions for message processing are below, with callbacks (cb)
    # at the top and publishing at the bottom
    # in this setup, camelCasing denotes a class instance
    # while under_scored_variables indicate a variable within the class
    # to avoid confusion

    def nav_test(self, channel, msg):
        # define this as per the spec

    def nav_state_cb(self, channel, msg):
        m = NavStatus.decode(msg)
        self.NavStatusMsg.nav_state = m.nav_state
        self.NavStatusMsg.completed_wps = m.completed_wps
        self.NavStatusMsg.missed_wps = m.missed_wps
        self.NavStatusMsg.total_wps = m.total_wps

    def joystick_cb(self, channel, msg):
        m = Joystick.decode(msg)
        self.JoystickMsg.forward_back = m.forward_back
        self.JoystickMsg.left_right = m.left_right
        self.JoystickMsg.dampen = m.dampen
        self.JoystickMsg.kill = m.kill
        self.JoystickMsg.restart = m.restart

    # async def publish_bearing(self, lcm):
    #     while True:
    #         lcm.publish("\bearing", self.BearingMsg.encode())
    #         await asyncio.sleep(10)

    async def publish_auton_state(self, lcm):
        while True:
            lcm.publish("\auton", self.AutonStateMsg.encode())
            await asyncio.sleep(10)

    # async def publish_gps_state(self, lcm):
    #     while True:
    #         lcm.publish("\GPS", self.GPSMsg.encode())
    #         await asyncio.sleep(10)

    # bearing publish

    async def publish_GPS(self, lcm):
        while True:
            lcm.publish("\GPS", self.GPSMsg.encode())
            await asyncio.sleep(10)

    async def publish_course(self, lcm):
        while True:
            lcm.publish("\course", self.CourseMsg.encode())
            await asyncio.sleep(10)

    async def publish_obstacle(self, lcm):
        while True:
            lcm.publish("\obstacle", self.ObstacleMsg.encode())
            await asyncio.sleep(10)

    async def publish_tennis_ball(self, lcm):
        while True:
            lcm.publish("\tennis_ball", self.TennisBallMsg.encode())
            await asyncio.sleep(10)

    # SimObject definitions are below
    # SimObj is the abstract base class that contains properties
    # common to all objects. define additional simulator objects
    # as if you would the Rover class, including proper
    # superclass init

    # identical to the GPS message, minus speed, bc it's a useful
    # object to have internally
    class GPS:
        def __init__(self, lat0, latm0, lon0, lonm0, bearing, speed):
            self.lat_deg = lat0
            self.lat_min = latm0
            self.lon_deg = lon0
            self.lon_min = lonm0
            self.bearing = bearing
            self.speed = speed

    # parent class of sim objects. Has all properties common to all
    # objects

    class SimObj(ABC):
        # define initial location and other properties
        def __init__(self, GPS):
            self.lat_deg = GPS.lat0
            self.lat_min = GPS.latm0
            self.lon_deg = GPS.lon0
            self.lon_min = GPS.lonm0
            self.bearing = GPS.bearing0
            self.shape = 0  # need to create a seed system?

        # any methods common to all classes should be defined
        def get_coords(self):
            return [self.lat_deg, self.lat_min, self.lon_deg, self.lon_min]

        def get_bearing(self):
            return self.bearing

        # here is an abstract method, may be useful
        # @abstractmethod
        # def sample_abs_method(self):
        #     pass
    class Field(SimObj):
        def __init__(self, GPS, radius=2):  # other properties
            self.radius = radius  # in degrees, if not specified
            # radius is 2

    class Rover(SimObj):
        def __init__(self, GPS, speed_trans=1, speed_rot=1):
            self.fov = 120  # units of degrees,
            # 120 if not specified
            self.cv_thresh = 5
            self.speed_translational = speed_trans
            # speed multiplier, 1 if not specified
            self.speed_rotational = speed_rot

    class TennisBall(SimObj):
        def __init__(self, GPS):  # other properties
            self.other_prop = 0

    class Obstacle(SimObj):
        def __init__(self, GPS):  # other properties

    class Waypoint(SimObj):
        def __init__(self, GPS, searchable=0):
            self.search = searchable  # defaults to false if not set
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def sendTimestep(self):
        # send at update rate
        if (time.time() * 1000 - self.millis) < self.SEND_RATE_MILLIS:

        imu = IMUData()
        gps = GPS()

        imu.accel_x_g = self.noisy['accel_x'][self.timesteps] / 9.8
        imu.accel_y_g = self.noisy['accel_y'][self.timesteps] / 9.8
        imu.accel_z_g = self.noisy['accel_z'][self.timesteps] / 9.8
        imu.gyro_x_dps = imu.gyro_y_dps = imu.gyro_z_dps = imu.mag_x_uT = imu.mag_y_uT = \
            imu.mag_z_uT = imu.roll_rad = imu.yaw_rad = 0
        imu.bearing_deg = self.noisy['bearing'][self.timesteps]
        imu.pitch_rad = np.radians(self.noisy['pitch'][self.timesteps])

        gps.latitude_min, gps.latitude_deg = math.modf(
        gps.latitude_deg = int(gps.latitude_deg)
        gps.latitude_min *= 60
        gps.longitude_min, gps.longitude_deg = math.modf(
        gps.longitude_deg = int(gps.longitude_deg)
        gps.longitude_min *= 60
        gps.bearing_deg = self.noisy['bearing'][self.timesteps]
        gps.speed = self.noisy['vel_total'][self.timesteps]
        if gps.speed < 0:
            gps.speed = 0
        gps.quality = 0

        if self.timesteps % self.GPS_DTS == 0:
            self.lcm.publish('/gps', gps.encode())
            # print('Sending GPS')

        if self.timesteps % self.IMU_DTS == 0:
            self.lcm.publish('/imu', imu.encode())
            # print(self.timesteps / self.IMU_DTS)
            # print('Sending IMU')

        self.millis = time.time() * 1000
        self.timesteps += 1
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def _gpsCallback(self, channel, msg):
     new_gps = GPS.decode(msg)
Ejemplo n.º 12
    async def sendTrajectory(self):
        for point in self.trajectory:
            imu_msg = IMUData()
            imu_msg.accel_x_g = np.random.normal(
                point[4], self.sim_config["imu_noise"]["accel_m"]) / 9.8
            imu_msg.accel_y_g = 0.0
            imu_msg.accel_z_g = 0.0
            imu_msg.gyro_x_dps = 0.0
            imu_msg.gyro_y_dps = 0.0
            imu_msg.gyro_z_dps = 0.0
            imu_msg.mag_x_uT = 0.0
            imu_msg.mag_y_uT = 0.0
            imu_msg.mag_z_uT = 0.0
            imu_msg.roll_rad = 0.0
            imu_msg.pitch_rad = 0.0
            imu_msg.yaw_rad = 0.0
            imu_msg.bearing_deg = np.random.normal(
            # Clamp bearing
            while imu_msg.bearing_deg < -180:
                imu_msg.bearing_deg += 360
            while imu_msg.bearing_deg > 180:
                imu_msg.bearing_deg -= 360

            gps_msg = GPS()
            lat_m = np.random.normal(point[0],
            lat = meters2lat(lat_m, ref_lat=self.ref_coords["lat"])
            # Clamp latitude
            while lat < -90:
                lat += 180
            while lat > 90:
                lat -= 180
            lon_m = np.random.normal(point[1],
            lon = meters2lon(lon_m, lat, ref_lon=self.ref_coords["lon"])
            # Clamp longitude
            while lon < -180:
                lon += 360
            while lon > 180:
                lon -= 360
            gps_msg.latitude_deg, gps_msg.latitude_min = decimal2min(lat)
            gps_msg.longitude_deg, gps_msg.longitude_min = decimal2min(lon)
            gps_msg.bearing_deg = np.random.normal(
            # Clamp bearing
            while gps_msg.bearing_deg < -180:
                gps_msg.bearing_deg += 360
            while gps_msg.bearing_deg > 180:
                gps_msg.bearing_deg -= 360
            gps_msg.speed = np.random.normal(
                point[3], self.sim_config["gps_noise"]["vel_m"])
            gps_msg.quality = 4 if self.sim_config["rtk"] else 2

            sensor_data = np.array(
                [[0.0, lat_m, lon_m, imu_msg.bearing_deg, gps_msg.speed]])

            if self.sensor_history is None:
                self.sensor_history = sensor_data
                            0] = self.sensor_history[-1,
                                                     0] + self.sim_config["dt"]
                self.sensor_history = np.vstack(
                    [self.sensor_history, sensor_data])

            await asyncio.sleep(self.sim_config["dt"])