Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_rotation_signed_area(random_quat):
    """Ensure that rotating does not change the signed area."""
    assume(not np.all(random_quat == 0))
    random_quat = rowan.normalize(random_quat)
    rotated_points = rowan.rotate(random_quat, get_square_points())
    poly = Polygon(rotated_points)
    assert np.isclose(poly.signed_area, 1)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_angle(self):
        """Test computation of angles."""
        self.assertTrue(geometry.angle(one) == 0)

        p = normalize(self.saved_data["p"])
        my_ans = geometry.angle(p)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(self.saved_data["angle"], my_ans))
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def render(self, rotation=(1, 0, 0, 0), translation=(0, 0, 0), **kwargs):
        (positions, orientations, colors) = mesh.unfoldProperties(
            [self.positions, self.orientations, self.colors])
        positions = rowan.rotate(rotation, positions)
        positions += translation
        orientations = rowan.multiply(rotation, rowan.normalize(orientations))
        rotations = np.degrees(rowan.to_euler(orientations))

        lines = []
        for (pos, rot, col, alpha) in zip(positions, rotations, colors[:, :3],
                                          1 - colors[:, 3]):
                'sphere {{ '
                '0, 1 scale<{a}, {b}, {c}> '
                'rotate <{rot[2]}, {rot[1]}, {rot[0]}> '
                'translate <{pos[0]}, {pos[1]}, {pos[2]}> '
                'pigment {{ color <{col[0]}, {col[1]}, {col[2]}> transmit {alpha} }} '
        return lines
Ejemplo n.º 4
def RungeKuttaOrient(OmegaInput, QuatInput):
    #Make sure Omega is in body frame before putting it in here
    #Input matrix to quaternion
    QuatInput = rot.from_matrix(QuatInput)
    QuatInput = QuatInput.as_quat()

    #Does everything in body frame
    k1 = np.array(TimeStep * ObtainQuatDot(OmegaInput, QuatInput))
    k2 = np.array(TimeStep * ObtainQuatDot(OmegaInput, QuatInput + 0.5 * k1))
    k3 = np.array(TimeStep * ObtainQuatDot(OmegaInput, QuatInput + 0.5 * k2))
    k4 = np.array(TimeStep * ObtainQuatDot(OmegaInput, QuatInput + k3))

    # Update next value of Omega
    QuatOutput = QuatInput + (1.0 / 6.0) * (k1 + 2 * k2 + 2 * k3 + k4)

    #Syntactical acrobatics to return the correct rotation matrix
    #It would otheriwse have rotations around z and x axis confused
    QuatOutput = rot.from_quat(QuatOutput)
    #print("Quat Output (as quaternion);\n", QuatOutput.as_quat())
    #These conversions cause errors, but we need to flip the matrices around so things rotate around the axes properly --> need new funciton
    #QuatOutput = QuatOutput.as_euler("zyx")
    #QuatOutput = rot.from_euler("xyz", QuatOutput)
    QuatOutput = QuatOutput.as_matrix()
    #print("Quat Output (as matrix):\n", QuatOutput)
    #print("Norm: ", quat.norm(QuatOutput))
    QuatOutput = quat.normalize(QuatOutput)

    return QuatOutput  #Gets rid of extra parentheses; in matrix form
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_from_to_euler(self):
        """2-way conversion starting from Euler angles."""
        quats = rowan.normalize(np.random.rand(25, 4))
        conventions = [
        axis_types = ["extrinsic", "intrinsic"]

        for convention in conventions:
            for axis_type in axis_types:
                euler = rowan.to_euler(quats, convention, axis_type)
                out = rowan.from_euler(euler[..., 0], euler[..., 1],
                                       euler[..., 2], convention, axis_type)
                        np.logical_or(np.isclose(out - quats, 0),
                                      np.isclose(out + quats, 0))),
                    msg="Failed for convention {}, axis type {}".format(
                        convention, axis_type),
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def test_normalize(self):
     """Test quaternion normalize"""
     shapes = [(4, ), (5, 4), (5, 5, 4), (5, 5, 5, 4)]
     for shape in shapes:
         quats = np.random.random_sample(shape)
         norms = np.linalg.norm(quats, axis=-1)
                                == quats / norms[..., np.newaxis]))
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def render(self, scene):
     geometry = fresnel.geometry.Polygon(
     return geometry
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_bounding_circle_radius_random_hull_rotation(points, rotation):
    """Test that rotating vertices does not change the bounding radius."""
    assume(not np.all(rotation == 0))

    hull = ConvexHull(points)
    poly = Polygon(points[hull.vertices])

    rotation = rowan.normalize(rotation)
    rotated_vertices = rowan.rotate(rotation, poly.vertices)
    poly_rotated = Polygon(rotated_vertices)

    circle = poly.bounding_circle
    rotated_circle = poly_rotated.bounding_circle
    assert np.isclose(circle.radius, rotated_circle.radius)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def testfun(random_quat):
        assume(not np.all(random_quat == 0))
        random_quat = rowan.normalize(random_quat)
        rotated_points = rowan.rotate(random_quat, square_points)
        r = 1
        poly = ConvexSpheropolygon(rotated_points, radius=r)

        hull = ConvexHull(square_points[:, :2])

        cap_area = np.pi * r * r
        edge_area = np.sum(
            np.linalg.norm(square_points - np.roll(square_points, 1, 0), axis=1), axis=0
        sphero_area = cap_area + edge_area
        assert np.isclose(poly.signed_area, hull.volume + sphero_area)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def f(self, s, a):
        # input:
        # 	s, nd array, (n,)
        # 	a, nd array, (m,1)
        # output
        # 	dsdt, nd array, (n,1)

        dsdt = np.zeros(self.n)
        q = s[6:10]
        omega = s[10:]

        # get input
        a = np.reshape(a, (self.m, ))
        eta = np.dot(self.B0, a)
        f_u = np.array([0, 0, eta[0]])
        tau_u = np.array([eta[1], eta[2], eta[3]])

        # dynamics
        # dot{p} = v
        dsdt[0:3] = s[3:6]
        # mv = mg + R f_u
        dsdt[3:6] = self.g + rowan.rotate(q, f_u) / self.mass

        # dot{R} = R S(w)
        # to integrate the dynamics, see
        # https://www.ashwinnarayan.com/post/how-to-integrate-quaternions/, and
        # https://arxiv.org/pdf/1604.08139.pdf
        qnew = rowan.calculus.integrate(q, omega, self.ave_dt)
        qnew = rowan.normalize(qnew)
        if qnew[0] < 0:
            qnew = -qnew
        # transform qnew to a "delta q" that works with the usual euler integration
        dsdt[6:10] = (qnew - q) / self.ave_dt

        # mJ = Jw x w + tau_u
        dsdt[10:] = self.inv_J * (np.cross(self.J * omega, omega) + tau_u)
        return dsdt.reshape((len(dsdt), 1))
    def f(self, X, Z, A, t, logentry=None):
        # x = X[0]
        # y = X[1]
        # z = X[2]
        # xdot = X[3]
        # ydot = X[4]
        # zdot = X[5]
        # qw = X[6]
        # qx = X[7]
        # qy = X[8]
        # qz = X[9]
        # wx = X[10]
        # wy = X[11]
        # wz = X[12]
        a = Z**2
        # a = A
        J = self.J
        dxdt = np.zeros(13)
        q = X[6:10]
        q = rowan.normalize(q)
        omega = X[10:]
        B0 = self.B0 * self.params['C_T']
        # B0 = self.B0
        eta = np.dot(B0, a)
        f_u = np.array([0, 0, eta[0]])
        tau_u = np.array([eta[1], eta[2], eta[3]])

        dxdt[0:3] = X[3:6]
        # dxdt[3:6] = -9.81 + rowan.rotate(q, f_u) / self.params['m']
        dxdt[3:6] = np.array([0., 0., -9.81
                              ]) + rowan.rotate(q, f_u) / self.params['m']
        Vinf = self.params['Vwind_mean'] - np.linalg.norm(X[3:6])
        Vinf_B = rowan.rotate(rowan.inverse(q), Vinf)
        Vz_B = np.array([0.0, 0.0, Vinf_B[2]])
        Vs_B = Vinf_B - Vz_B
        alpha = np.arcsin(np.linalg.norm(Vz_B) / np.linalg.norm(Vinf_B))
        n = np.sqrt(
            np.multiply(a, self.B0[0, :]) /
            (self.params['C_T'] * self.params['rho'] * self.params['D']**4))
        Fs_B = (Vs_B / np.linalg.norm(Vs_B)
                ) * self.params['C_s'] * self.params['rho'] * sum(
                    n**self.params['k1']) * (np.linalg.norm(Vinf)**(
                        2 - self.params['k1'])) * (self.params['D']**(
                            2 + self.params['k1'])) * (
                                (np.pi / 2)**2 -
                                alpha**2) * (alpha + self.params['k2'])
        # Fs_B = [0,0,0]
        dxdt[3:6] += rowan.rotate(q, Fs_B) / self.mass
        qnew = rowan.calculus.integrate(q, omega, self.ave_dt)
        if qnew[0] < 0:
            qnew = -qnew

        dxdt[6:10] = (qnew - q) / self.ave_dt
        dxdt[10:] = 1 / J * (np.cross(J * omega, omega) + tau_u)
        dxdt[10:] += 1 / J * np.cross(
            np.array([0.0, 0.0, self.params['D'] / 4]), Fs_B)
        euler_o = rowan.to_euler(q, 'xyz')
        if logentry is not None:
            logentry['f_u'] = f_u
            logentry['tau'] = tau_u
            logentry['euler_o'] = euler_o

        return dxdt.reshape((len(dxdt), 1))
    def policy(self,
        #     print('baseline: X = ', X)
        p_e = pd - X[:3]
        v_e = vd - X[3:6]
        int_p_e = self.integrate_error(p_e, time)
        F_d = (self.K_i * int_p_e + self.K_p * p_e +
               self.K_d * v_e) * self.mass  # TODO: add integral term
        F_d[2] += self.g * self.mass
        T_d = np.linalg.norm(F_d)
        yaw_d = 0
        roll_d = np.arcsin(
            (F_d[0] * np.sin(yaw_d) - F_d[1] * np.cos(yaw_d)) / T_d)
        pitch_d = np.arctan(
            (F_d[0] * np.cos(yaw_d) + F_d[1] * np.sin(yaw_d)) / F_d[2])
        euler_d = np.array([roll_d, pitch_d, yaw_d])
        q = rowan.normalize(X[6:10])
        euler = rowan.to_euler(q, 'xyz')

        att_e = -(euler - euler_d)
        th_r = rowan.normalize(
            rowan.from_euler(att_e[0], att_e[1], att_e[2], 'xyz'))
        th_d = rowan.normalize(
            rowan.from_euler(euler_d[0], euler_d[1], euler_d[2], 'xyz'))
        att_v_e = -X[10:]

        torque = self.Att_p * att_e + self.Att_d * att_v_e
        torque[0] *= self.J[0]
        torque[1] *= self.J[1]
        torque[2] *= self.J[2]
        Jomega = np.array(
            [self.J[0] * X[10], self.J[1] * X[11], self.J[2] * X[12]])
        torque -= np.cross(Jomega, X[10:])

        yawpart = -0.25 * torque[2] / self.t2t
        rollpart = 0.25 / self.arm * torque[0]  #/ self.t2t
        pitchpart = 0.25 / self.arm * torque[1]  #/ self.t2t
        thrustpart = 0.25 * T_d
        motorForce = np.array([
            thrustpart - rollpart - pitchpart + yawpart,
            thrustpart - rollpart + pitchpart - yawpart,
            thrustpart + rollpart + pitchpart + yawpart,
            thrustpart + rollpart - pitchpart - yawpart
        Fc = motorForce / self.params['C_T']
        omega = np.sqrt(np.maximum(Fc, self.params['motor_min_speed'])
                        )  # Ensure each prop has a positive thrust
        omega = np.minimum(
            omega, self.params['motor_max_speed'])  # Maximum rotation speed
        #     print('baseline: omega = ', omega)
        #     print('T', T_r)
        #     print('tau',tau_r)

        # x_error = pd[0] - X[0]
        # y_error = pd[1] - X[1]
        # z_error = pd[2] - X[2]
        # vx_error = vd[0] - X[3]
        # vy_error = vd[1] - X[4]
        # vz_error = vd[2] - X[5]
        # #     print('baseline: x_error = ', x_error)
        # #     print('baseline: y_error = ', y_error)
        # ax_d = ad[0]
        # ay_d = ad[1]
        # az_d = ad[2]
        # self.int_x_error += self.params.dt_posctrl * x_error
        # self.int_y_error += self.params.dt_posctrl * y_error
        # self.int_z_error += self.params.dt_posctrl * z_error
        # ax_r = self.params['K_p_x'] * x_error + self.params['K_d_x'] * vx_error + self.params[
        #     'K_i_x'] * self.int_x_error + ax_d
        # ay_r = self.params['K_p_y'] * y_error + self.params['K_d_y'] * vy_error + self.params[
        #     'K_i_y'] * self.int_y_error + ay_d
        # az_r = self.params['K_p_z'] * z_error + self.params['K_d_z'] * vz_error + self.params[
        #     'K_i_z'] * self.int_z_error + az_d
        # #     print('baseline: x PDI terms:',K_p_x * x_error, K_d_x * vx_error, K_i_x * intx_error, ax_d)
        # #     print('baseline: y PDI terms:',K_p_y * y_error, K_d_y * vy_error, K_i_y * inty_error, ay_d)
        # jx_d = jd[0]
        # jy_d = jd[1]
        # jz_d = jd[2]
        # #     jx_r = K_p_x * vx_error + K_d_x * (ax_d - ax_r) + K_i_x * x_error + jx_d
        # #     jy_r = K_p_y * vy_error + K_d_y * (ay_d - ay_r) + K_i_y * y_error + jy_d
        # sx_d = sd[0]
        # sy_d = sd[1]
        # sz_d = sd[2]
        # #     sx_r = K_p_x * (ax_d - ax_r) + K_d_x * (jx_d - jx_r) + K_i_x * vx_error + sx_d
        # #     sy_r = K_p_y * (ay_d - ay_r) + K_d_y * (jy_d - jy_r) + K_i_y * vy_error + sy_d
        # #     print('baseline: ay_r = ', ay_r)
        # Fx_r = ax_r * self.params['m']
        # Fy_r = (ay_r + self.params['g']) * self.params['m']
        # Fz_r = az_r * self.params['m']
        # Fy_r = np.maximum(Fy_r, 0.10 * self.params['g'] * self.params['m'])
        # #     print('baseline: Fx_r, Fy_r = ', Fx_r, Fy_r)
        # T_r = np.minimum(np.sqrt(Fy_r ** 2 + Fx_r ** 2 + Fz_r ** 2), 125.)  # / np.cos(X[2])
        # if T_r > 124.:
        #     warn('thrust gets too high')
        #     # print('T_r = ', T_r)
        # T_d = self.params['m'] * np.sqrt(ax_d ** 2 + (ay_d + self.params['g']) ** 2 + az_d ** 2)
        # # th = X[2]
        # th_r =
        # th_d =
        # mat = np.array([[-np.sin(th_d), -T_d * np.cos(th_d)],  #TODO: use th_d, T_d
        #                 [np.cos(th_d), -T_d * np.sin(th_d)]])
        # b = self.params['m'] * np.array([jx_d, jy_d, jz_d])#
        # v = np.linalg.solve(mat, b)
        # T_d_dot = v[0]
        # w_d = v[1]
        # # w = X[5]
        # mat = np.array([[-np.sin(th_d), -T_d * np.cos(th_d)],
        #                 [np.cos(th_d), -T_d * np.sin(th_d)]])
        # b = self.params['m'] * np.array([sx_d, sy_d]) - np.array(
        #     [-2. * T_d_dot * np.cos(th_d) * w_d + T_d * np.sin(th_d) * (w_d ** 2),
        #      -2. * T_d_dot * np.sin(th_d) * w_d - T_d * np.cos(th_d) * (w_d ** 2)])
        # v = np.linalg.solve(mat, b)
        # # T_d_ddot = v[0]
        # alpha_d = v[1]
        # #     print('baseline_pos: Tdot, w_d, alpha_d', Tdot, w_d, alpha_d)
        w_d = 0
        alpha_d = 0
        if logentry is not None:
            logentry['th_d'] = th_d
            logentry['th_r'] = th_r
            logentry['T_d'] = T_d
            logentry['euler'] = euler
            logentry['att_e'] = att_e
            # logentry['Fx_r'] = Fx_r
            # logentry['Fy_r'] = Fy_r
            # logentry['Fz_r'] = Fz_r
            # logentry['int_x_error'] = self.int_x_error
            # logentry['int_y_error'] = self.int_y_error
            # logentry['int_y_error'] = self.int_z_error
        return T_d, th_d, w_d, alpha_d, omega, motorForce
Ejemplo n.º 13
def quat():
    return rowan.normalize(rowan.random.rand(1000))
Ejemplo n.º 14
    fibre_q[fi] = {}

    nn_gridPts[fi] = {}
    nn_gridDist[fi] = {}

    for yi in trange(len(xyz_pf)):

        y = xyz_pf[yi]

        #    for fi,fam in enumerate(pf.symHKL):

        axis = np.cross(fam, y)
        angle = np.arccos(np.dot(fam, y))

        q0 = quat.from_axis_angle(axis, angle)
        q0_n = quat.normalize(q0)

        q1_n = [quat.normalize(quat.from_axis_angle(h, omega)) for h in fam]

        # eu = np.zeros((len(omega),3,fam.shape[0]))
        eu2 = []

        qfib = np.zeros((len(q1_n[0]), len(q0_n), 4))

        for sym_eq, (qA, qB) in enumerate(zip(q0_n, q1_n)):

            temp = quat.multiply(qA, qB)

            qfib[:, sym_eq, :] = temp

        phi1, Phi, phi2 = quat2eu(qfib)
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def check_orientation(central_orientation, constituent_orientation,
     expected_orientation = rowan.normalize(
         rowan.multiply(central_orientation, local_orientation))
     assert np.allclose(expected_orientation, local_orientation)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def calcFibre(symHKL, yset, qgrid, phi, rad, tree, euc_rad):

    cphi = np.cos(phi / 2)
    sphi = np.sin(phi / 2)

    q0 = {}
    q = {}
    qf = {}

    axis = {}
    omega = {}

    fibre_e = {}
    fibre_q = {}

    nn_gridPts = {}
    nn_gridDist = {}

    egrid_trun = {}

    for fi, fam in enumerate(tqdm(symHKL)):

        fibre_e[fi] = {}
        fibre_q[fi] = {}

        nn_gridPts[fi] = {}
        nn_gridDist[fi] = {}

        egrid_trun[fi] = {}

        q0[fi] = {}
        q[fi] = {}

        axis[fi] = {}
        omega[fi] = {}
        """ set proper iterator """
        if isinstance(yset, dict): it = yset[fi]
        else: it = yset

        for yi, y in enumerate(it):

            axis[fi][yi] = np.cross(fam, y)
            axis[fi][yi] = axis[fi][yi] / np.linalg.norm(axis[fi][yi],
                                                         axis=1)[:, None]
            omega[fi][yi] = np.arccos(np.dot(fam, y))

            q0[fi][yi] = {}
            q[fi][yi] = {}
            qf[yi] = {}
            qfib = np.zeros((len(phi), len(fam), 4))

            for hi, HxY in enumerate(axis[fi][yi]):

                q0[fi][yi][hi] = quat.normalize(
                        np.cos(omega[fi][yi][hi] / 2),
                        np.sin(omega[fi][yi][hi] / 2) * HxY
                q[fi][yi][hi] = quat.normalize(
                        cphi[:, np.newaxis],
                        np.tile(y, (len(cphi), 1)) * sphi[:, np.newaxis]

                qf[yi][hi] = quat.multiply(q[fi][yi][hi], q0[fi][yi][hi])

                for qi in range(qf[yi][hi].shape[0]):

                    qfib[qi, hi, :] = qf[yi][hi][qi, :]

            phi1, Phi, phi2 = quat2eu(qfib)

            phi1 = np.where(phi1 < 0, phi1 + 2 * np.pi,
                            phi1)  #brnng back to 0 - 2pi
            Phi = np.where(Phi < 0, Phi + np.pi, Phi)  #brnng back to 0 - pi
            phi2 = np.where(phi2 < 0, phi2 + 2 * np.pi,
                            phi2)  #brnng back to 0 - 2pi

            eu_fib = np.stack((phi1, Phi, phi2), axis=2)
            eu_fib = np.reshape(eu_fib, (eu_fib.shape[0] * eu_fib.shape[1],
                                         eu_fib.shape[2]))  #new method

            fz = (eu_fib[:, 0] <= od._phi1max) & (
                eu_fib[:, 1] <= od._Phimax) & (eu_fib[:, 2] <= od._phi2max)
            fz_idx = np.nonzero(fz)

            fibre_e[fi][yi] = eu_fib

            fib_idx = np.unravel_index(fz_idx[0],
                                       (qfib.shape[0], qfib.shape[1]))

            fibre_q[fi][yi] = qfib
            """ reduce geodesic query size """
            qfib_pos = np.copy(qfib[fib_idx])
            qfib_pos[qfib_pos[:, 0] < 0] *= -1

            query = np.concatenate(tree.query_radius(qfib_pos, euc_rad))
            query_uni = np.unique(query)
            qgrid_trun = qgrid[query_uni]
            qgrid_trun_idx = np.arange(len(qgrid))[
                query_uni]  #store indexes to retrieve original grid pts later
            """ distance calc """
            temp = quatMetricNumba(qgrid_trun, qfib[fib_idx])
            """ find tube """
            tube = (temp <= rad)
            temp = np.column_stack((np.argwhere(tube)[:, 0], temp[tube]))
            """ round very small values """
            temp = np.round(temp, decimals=7)
            """ move values at zero to very small (1E-5) """
            temp[:, 1] = np.where(temp[:, 1] == 0, 1E-5, temp[:, 1])
            """ sort by min distance """
            temp = temp[np.argsort(temp[:, 1], axis=0)]
            """ return unique pts (first in list) """
            uni_pts = np.unique(temp[:, 0], return_index=True)

            nn_gridPts[fi][yi] = qgrid_trun_idx[uni_pts[0].astype(int)]
            nn_gridDist[fi][yi] = temp[uni_pts[1], 1]

            # egrid_trun[fi][yi] = bungeAngs[query_uni]

    return nn_gridPts, nn_gridDist, fibre_e, axis, omega
Ejemplo n.º 17
def calcFibre(h, pf_y, omega):
    fibre_e = {}
    fibre_q = {}
    nn_gridPts = {}
    nn_gridDist = {}
    h_y = np.cross(h, pf_y)
    h_yAng = np.arccos(np.dot(pf_y, h))
    qh_y = np.column_stack((np.cos(h_yAng/2),np.sin(h_yAng/2)[:,None]*h_y))
    qh_y = quat.normalize(qh_y)
    qy_om = np.column_stack((np.cos(omega/2), np.sin(omega/2)))
#    qh_y = quat.vector_vector_rotation(h,pf_y)
#    qh_om = quat.from_axis_angle(h,omega)
    for yi,y in enumerate(pf_y):
        qy_om = np.column_stack((np.cos(omega/2), np.sin(omega/2)[:,None]*np.tile(y,(len(omega),1))))
        qy_om = quat.normalize(qy_om)
        qfib = quat.multiply(qy_om,qh_y[yi,:])
        """  reshape for tiling, simplify?? """
        qfib = qfib.T.reshape((1,4,len(omega)),order='F')
        qfib = np.tile(qfib,(quatSymOps.shape[1],1,1))
        qfib = qfib.transpose((2,0,1))
        """ apply symmetry """
        qfib = quat.multiply(quatSymOps,qfib)
        """ symmetry ops, then filter by given maximum bunge angles """
        phi1, Phi, phi2 = quat2eu(qfib)
        phi1 = np.where(phi1 < 0, phi1 + 2*np.pi, phi1) #brnng back to 0 - 2pi
        Phi = np.where(Phi < 0, Phi + np.pi, Phi) #brnng back to 0 - pi
        phi2 = np.where(phi2 < 0, phi2 + 2*np.pi, phi2) #brnng back to 0 - 2pi
        eu_fib = np.stack( (phi1, Phi, phi2), axis=2 )
        eu_fib = np.reshape( eu_fib, (eu_fib.shape[0]*eu_fib.shape[1], eu_fib.shape[2]) )
        fz = (eu_fib[:,0] < od._phi1max) & (eu_fib[:,1] < od._Phimax) & (eu_fib[:,2] < od._phi2max)
        fz_idx = np.nonzero(fz)
        fibre_e[yi] = eu_fib[fz]

        fib_idx = np.unravel_index(fz_idx[0], (qfib.shape[0],qfib.shape[1]))
        fibre_q[yi] = qfib[fib_idx].reshape((len(fz_idx[0]),4))
        """ distance calc """
        temp = quatMetricNumba(qgrid,qfib[fib_idx])
        """ find tube """
        tube = (temp <= rad)
        temp = np.column_stack((np.argwhere(tube)[:,0],temp[tube]))
        """ sort by min distance """
        temp = temp[np.argsort(temp[:,1],axis=0)]
        """ return unique pts (first in list) """
        uni_pts = np.unique(temp[:,0],return_index=True)

        nn_gridPts[yi] = uni_pts[0]
        nn_gridDist[yi] = temp[uni_pts[1],1]
    return nn_gridPts, nn_gridDist, fibre_e
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def deduce_state(self, s):
     rpy = np.degrees(rowan.to_euler(rowan.normalize(s[6:10]), 'xyz'))
     return rpy
Ejemplo n.º 19
omega = np.radians(np.arange(0,365,5))

ro_y = {}
yi = 0

for v in tqdm(pf_xyz):
    ro_h = {}
    for fi,fam in enumerate(pf.symHKL):
        axis = np.cross(fam,v)
        angle = np.arccos(np.dot(fam,v))
        q0 = rowan.from_axis_angle(axis, angle)
        q0_n = rowan.normalize(q0) 
        q1_n = [rowan.normalize(rowan.from_axis_angle(h, omega)) for h in fam]
         # eu = np.zeros((len(omega),3,fam.shape[0]))
        eu = []
        for i,(qA,qB) in enumerate(zip(q0_n,q1_n)):
            qF = rowan.multiply(qA, qB)
            with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):

                temp = np.array((qF[:,1]/qF[:,0],qF[:,2]/qF[:,0],qF[:,3]/qF[:,0])).T
                ax = ro2ax(temp)
                om = ax2om(ax)
Ejemplo n.º 20
for yi,by in enumerate(xyz_pf): 
    # brass_y2[:,:,yi] = by
    HxY[yi] = np.cross(symHKL[0],by)
    HxY[yi] = HxY[yi] / np.linalg.norm(HxY[yi],axis=1)[:,None]
    ome[yi] = np.arccos(np.dot(symHKL[0],by))
    q0[yi] = {}
    q[yi] = {}
    qf[yi] = {}
    fibre_marc[yi] = np.zeros_like(brassFibre[yi])
    for hi,h in enumerate(HxY[yi]):
        q0[yi][hi] = quat.normalize(np.hstack( [ np.cos(ome[yi][hi]/2), np.sin(ome[yi][hi]/2) * h ] ))
        q[yi][hi]  = quat.normalize(np.hstack( [ cphi[:, np.newaxis], np.tile( by, (len(cphi),1) ) * sphi[:, np.newaxis] ] ))
        qf[yi][hi] = quat.multiply(q[yi][hi], q0[yi][hi])
        for qi in range(qf[yi][hi].shape[0]):
            fibre_marc[yi][qi,hi,:] = qf[yi][hi][qi,:]
    phi1, Phi, phi2 = quat2eu(fibre_marc[yi])
    phi1 = np.where(phi1 < 0, phi1 + 2*np.pi, phi1) #brnng back to 0 - 2pi
    Phi = np.where(Phi < 0, Phi + np.pi, Phi) #brnng back to 0 - pi
    phi2 = np.where(phi2 < 0, phi2 + 2*np.pi, phi2) #brnng back to 0 - 2pi
    eu_fib = np.stack( (phi1, Phi, phi2), axis=2 )