Ejemplo n.º 1
class RPZPack(object):
    """Encapsulates operations on the RPZ pack format.
    def __init__(self, pack):
        self.pack = Path(pack)

        self.tar = tarfile.open(str(self.pack), 'r:*')
        f = self.tar.extractfile('METADATA/version')
        version = f.read()
        if version.startswith(b'REPROZIP VERSION '):
                version = int(version[17:].rstrip())
            except ValueError:
                version = None
            if version in (1, 2):
                self.version = version
                self.data_prefix = PosixPath(b'DATA')
                raise ValueError(
                    "Unknown format version %r (maybe you should upgrade "
                    "reprounzip? I only know versions 1 and 2" % version)
            raise ValueError("File doesn't appear to be a RPZ pack")

        if self.version == 1:
            self.data = self.tar
        elif version == 2:
            self.data = tarfile.open(
                fileobj=self.tar.extractfile('DATA.tar.gz'), mode='r:*')
            assert False

    def remove_data_prefix(self, path):
        if not isinstance(path, PosixPath):
            path = PosixPath(path)
        components = path.components[1:]
        if not components:
            return path.__class__('')
        return path.__class__(*components)

    def open_config(self):
        """Gets the configuration file.
        return self.tar.extractfile('METADATA/config.yml')

    def extract_config(self, target):
        """Extracts the config to the specified path.

        It is up to the caller to remove that file once done.
        member = copy.copy(self.tar.getmember('METADATA/config.yml'))
        member.name = str(target.components[-1])
        self.tar.extract(member, path=str(Path.cwd() / target.parent))
        assert target.is_file()

    def with_config(self):
        """Context manager that extracts the config to  a temporary file.
        fd, tmp = Path.tempfile(prefix='reprounzip_')
        yield tmp

    def extract_trace(self, target):
        """Extracts the trace database to the specified path.

        It is up to the caller to remove that file once done.
        target = Path(target)
        if self.version == 1:
            member = self.tar.getmember('METADATA/trace.sqlite3')
        elif self.version == 2:
                member = self.tar.getmember('METADATA/trace.sqlite3.gz')
            except KeyError:
                member = self.tar.getmember('METADATA/trace.sqlite3')
            assert False
        member = copy.copy(member)
        member.name = str(target.components[-1])
        self.tar.extract(member, path=str(Path.cwd() / target.parent))
        assert target.is_file()

    def with_trace(self):
        """Context manager that extracts the trace database to a temporary file.
        fd, tmp = Path.tempfile(prefix='reprounzip_')
        yield tmp

    def list_data(self):
        """Returns tarfile.TarInfo objects for all the data paths.
        return [
            copy.copy(m) for m in self.data.getmembers()
            if m.name.startswith('DATA/')

    def data_filenames(self):
        """Returns a set of filenames for all the data paths.

        Those paths begin with a slash / and the 'DATA' prefix has been
        return set(
            PosixPath(m.name[4:]) for m in self.data.getmembers()
            if m.name.startswith('DATA/'))

    def get_data(self, path):
        """Returns a tarfile.TarInfo object for the data path.

        Raises KeyError if no such path exists.
        path = PosixPath(path)
        path = join_root(PosixPath(b'DATA'), path)
        return copy.copy(self.data.getmember(path))

    def extract_data(self, root, members):
        """Extracts the given members from the data tarball.

        The members must come from get_data().
        self.data.extractall(str(root), members)

    def copy_data_tar(self, target):
        """Copies the file in which the data lies to the specified destination.
        if self.version == 1:
        elif self.version == 2:
            with target.open('wb') as fp:
                data = self.tar.extractfile('DATA.tar.gz')
                copyfile(data, fp)

    def close(self):
        if self.data is not self.tar:
        self.data = self.tar = None
Ejemplo n.º 2
def functional_tests(raise_warnings, interactive, run_vagrant, run_docker):
    rpz_python = [os.environ.get('REPROZIP_PYTHON', sys.executable)]
    rpuz_python = [os.environ.get('REPROUNZIP_PYTHON', sys.executable)]

    # Can't match on the SignalWarning category here because of a Python bug
    # http://bugs.python.org/issue22543
    if raise_warnings:
        rpz_python.extend(['-W', 'error:signal'])
        rpuz_python.extend(['-W', 'error:signal'])

    if 'COVER' in os.environ:
        rpz_python.extend(['-m'] + os.environ['COVER'].split(' '))
        rpuz_python.extend(['-m'] + os.environ['COVER'].split(' '))

    reprozip_main = tests.parent / 'reprozip/reprozip/main.py'
    reprounzip_main = tests.parent / 'reprounzip/reprounzip/main.py'

    verbose = ['-v'] * 3
    rpz = rpz_python + [reprozip_main.absolute().path] + verbose
    rpuz = rpuz_python + [reprounzip_main.absolute().path] + verbose

    print("Command lines are:\n%r\n%r" % (rpz, rpuz))

    # ########################################
    # testrun /bin/echo

    output = check_output(rpz + ['testrun', '/bin/echo', 'outputhere'])
    assert any(b' 1 | /bin/echo outputhere ' in l for l in output.splitlines())

    output = check_output(
        rpz + ['testrun', '-a', '/fake/path/echo', '/bin/echo', 'outputhere'])
    assert any(b' 1 | (/bin/echo) /fake/path/echo outputhere ' in l
               for l in output.splitlines())

    # ########################################
    # testrun multiple commands

    check_call(rpz + [
        'testrun', 'bash', '-c', 'cat ../../../../../etc/passwd;'
        'cd /var/lib;'
        'cat ../../etc/group'
    check_call(rpz +
               ['trace', '--overwrite', 'bash', '-c', 'cat /etc/passwd;echo'])
        rpz +
        ['trace', '--continue', 'sh', '-c', 'cat /etc/group;/usr/bin/id'])
    check_call(rpz + ['pack'])
    check_call(rpuz + ['graph', 'graph.dot'])
    check_call(rpuz + ['graph', 'graph2.dot', 'experiment.rpz'])

    sudo = ['sudo', '-E']  # -E to keep REPROZIP_USAGE_STATS

    # ########################################
    # 'simple' program: trace, pack, info, unpack

    def check_simple(args, stream, infile=1):
        output = check_output(args, stream).splitlines()
            first = output.index(b"Read 6 bytes")
        except ValueError:
            stderr.write("output = %r\n" % output)
        if infile == 1:
            assert output[first + 1] == b"a = 29, b = 13"
            assert output[first + 2] == b"result = 42"
        else:  # infile == 2
            assert output[first + 1] == b"a = 25, b = 11"
            assert output[first + 2] == b"result = 36"

    # Build
    build('simple', ['simple.c'])
    # Trace
    check_call(rpz + [
        'trace', '--overwrite', '-d', 'rpz-simple', './simple',
        (tests / 'simple_input.txt').path, 'simple_output.txt'
    orig_output_location = Path('simple_output.txt').absolute()
    assert orig_output_location.is_file()
    with orig_output_location.open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
        assert fp.read().strip() == '42'
    # Read config
    with Path('rpz-simple/config.yml').open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
        conf = yaml.safe_load(fp)
    other_files = set(Path(f).absolute() for f in conf['other_files'])
    expected = [Path('simple'), (tests / 'simple_input.txt')]
    assert other_files.issuperset([f.resolve() for f in expected])
    # Check input and output files
    inputs_outputs = conf['inputs_outputs']
    # Exactly one input: "arg1", "...simple_input.txt"
    # Output: 'arg2', "...simple_output.txt"
    # There might be more output files: the C coverage files
    found = 0
    for fdict in inputs_outputs:
        if Path(fdict['path']).name == b'simple_input.txt':
            assert fdict['name'] == 'arg1'
            assert fdict['read_by_runs'] == [0]
            assert not fdict.get('written_by_runs')
            found |= 0x01
        elif Path(fdict['path']).name == b'simple_output.txt':
            assert fdict['name'] == 'arg2'
            assert not fdict.get('read_by_runs')
            assert fdict['written_by_runs'] == [0]
            found |= 0x02
            # No other inputs
            assert not fdict.get('read_by_runs')
    assert found == 0x03
    # Pack
    check_call(rpz + ['pack', '-d', 'rpz-simple', 'simple.rpz'])
    # Info
    check_call(rpuz + ['info', 'simple.rpz'])
    # Show files
    check_call(rpuz + ['showfiles', 'simple.rpz'])
    # Lists packages
    check_call(rpuz + ['installpkgs', '--summary', 'simple.rpz'])
    # Unpack directory
    check_call(rpuz + ['directory', 'setup', 'simple.rpz', 'simpledir'])
    # Run directory
    check_simple(rpuz + ['directory', 'run', 'simpledir'], 'err')
    output_in_dir = join_root(Path('simpledir/root'), orig_output_location)
    with output_in_dir.open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
        assert fp.read().strip() == '42'
    # Delete with wrong command (should fail)
    p = subprocess.Popen(rpuz + ['chroot', 'destroy', 'simpledir'],
    out, err = p.communicate()
    assert p.poll() != 0
    err = err.splitlines()
    assert b"Wrong unpacker used" in err[0]
    assert err[1].startswith(b"usage: ")
    # Delete directory
    check_call(rpuz + ['directory', 'destroy', 'simpledir'])
    # Unpack chroot
        sudo + rpuz +
        ['chroot', 'setup', '--bind-magic-dirs', 'simple.rpz', 'simplechroot'])
        output_in_chroot = join_root(Path('simplechroot/root'),
        # Run chroot
        check_simple(sudo + rpuz + ['chroot', 'run', 'simplechroot'], 'err')
        with output_in_chroot.open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
            assert fp.read().strip() == '42'
        # Get output file
        check_call(sudo + rpuz +
                   ['chroot', 'download', 'simplechroot', 'arg2:output1.txt'])
        with Path('output1.txt').open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
            assert fp.read().strip() == '42'
        # Get random file
        check_call(sudo + rpuz + [
            'chroot', 'download', 'simplechroot',
            '%s:binc.bin' % (Path.cwd() / 'simple')
        assert same_files('simple.orig', 'binc.bin')
        # Replace input file
        check_call(sudo + rpuz + [
            'chroot', 'upload', 'simplechroot',
            '%s:arg1' % (tests / 'simple_input2.txt')
        check_call(sudo + rpuz + ['chroot', 'upload', 'simplechroot'])
        # Run again
        check_simple(sudo + rpuz + ['chroot', 'run', 'simplechroot'], 'err', 2)
        with output_in_chroot.open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
            assert fp.read().strip() == '36'
        # Reset input file
        check_call(sudo + rpuz + ['chroot', 'upload', 'simplechroot', ':arg1'])
        # Run again
        check_simple(sudo + rpuz + ['chroot', 'run', 'simplechroot'], 'err')
        with output_in_chroot.open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
            assert fp.read().strip() == '42'
        # Replace input file via path
        check_call(sudo + rpuz + [
            'chroot', 'upload', 'simplechroot',
            '%s:%s' % (tests / 'simple_input2.txt', tests / 'simple_input.txt')
        check_call(sudo + rpuz + ['chroot', 'upload', 'simplechroot'])
        # Run again
        check_simple(sudo + rpuz + ['chroot', 'run', 'simplechroot'], 'err', 2)
        # Delete with wrong command (should fail)
        p = subprocess.Popen(rpuz + ['directory', 'destroy', 'simplechroot'],
        out, err = p.communicate()
        assert p.poll() != 0
        err = err.splitlines()
        assert b"Wrong unpacker used" in err[0]
        assert err[1].startswith(b"usage:")
        # Delete chroot
        check_call(sudo + rpuz + ['chroot', 'destroy', 'simplechroot'])

    # Use reprounzip-vistrails with chroot
    check_call(sudo + rpuz + [
        'chroot', 'setup', '--bind-magic-dirs', 'simple.rpz', 'simplechroot_vt'
        output_in_chroot = join_root(Path('simplechroot_vt/root'),
        # Run using reprounzip-vistrails
            sudo + rpuz_python + [
                '-m', 'reprounzip.plugins.vistrails', '1', 'chroot',
                'simplechroot_vt', '0', '--input-file',
                'arg1:%s' % (tests / 'simple_input2.txt'), '--output-file',
            ], 'err', 2)
        with output_in_chroot.open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
            assert fp.read().strip() == '36'
        # Delete chroot
        check_call(sudo + rpuz + ['chroot', 'destroy', 'simplechroot_vt'])

    if not (tests / 'vagrant').exists():
            'sudo', 'sh', '-c',
            'mkdir %(d)s; chmod 777 %(d)s' % {
                'd': tests / 'vagrant'

    # Unpack Vagrant-chroot
    check_call(rpuz + [
        'vagrant', 'setup/create', '--memory', '512', '--use-chroot',
        'simple.rpz', (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrantchroot').path
    print("\nVagrant project set up in simplevagrantchroot")
        if run_vagrant:
                rpuz + [
                    'vagrant', 'run', '--no-stdin',
                    (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrantchroot').path
                ], 'out')
            # Get output file
            check_call(rpuz + [
                'vagrant', 'download', (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrantchroot'
                                        ).path, 'arg2:voutput1.txt'
            with Path('voutput1.txt').open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
                assert fp.read().strip() == '42'
            # Get random file
            check_call(rpuz + [
                'vagrant', 'download', (tests /
                '%s:binvc.bin' % (Path.cwd() / 'simple')
            assert same_files('simple.orig', 'binvc.bin')
            # Replace input file
            check_call(rpuz + [
                'vagrant', 'upload', (tests /
                '%s:arg1' % (tests / 'simple_input2.txt')
            check_call(rpuz + [
                'vagrant', 'upload', (tests /
            # Run again
                rpuz + [
                    'vagrant', 'run', '--no-stdin',
                    (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrantchroot').path
                ], 'out', 2)
            # Get output file
            check_call(rpuz + [
                'vagrant', 'download', (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrantchroot'
                                        ).path, 'arg2:voutput2.txt'
            with Path('voutput2.txt').open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
                assert fp.read().strip() == '36'
            # Reset input file
            check_call(rpuz + [
                'vagrant', 'upload',
                (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrantchroot').path, ':arg1'
            # Run again
                rpuz + [
                    'vagrant', 'run', '--no-stdin',
                    (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrantchroot').path
                ], 'out')
            # Get output file
            check_call(rpuz + [
                'vagrant', 'download', (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrantchroot'
                                        ).path, 'arg2:voutput1.txt'
            with Path('voutput1.txt').open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
                assert fp.read().strip() == '42'
            # Replace input file via path
            check_call(rpuz + [
                'vagrant', 'upload', (tests /
                '%s:%s' %
                (tests / 'simple_input2.txt', tests / 'simple_input.txt')
            # Run again
                rpuz + [
                    'vagrant', 'run', '--no-stdin',
                    (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrantchroot').path
                ], 'out', 2)
            # Destroy
            check_call(rpuz + [
                'vagrant', 'destroy', (tests /
        elif interactive:
            print("Test and press enter")
        if (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrantchroot').exists():
            (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrantchroot').rmtree()
    # Unpack Vagrant without chroot
    check_call(rpuz + [
        'vagrant', 'setup/create', '--dont-use-chroot', 'simple.rpz',
        (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrant').path
    print("\nVagrant project set up in simplevagrant")
        if run_vagrant:
                rpuz + [
                    'vagrant', 'run', '--no-stdin',
                    (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrant').path
                ], 'out')
            # Get output file
            check_call(rpuz + [
                'vagrant', 'download',
                (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrant').path, 'arg2:woutput1.txt'
            with Path('woutput1.txt').open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
                assert fp.read().strip() == '42'
            # Get random file
            check_call(rpuz + [
                'vagrant', 'download', (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrant').path,
                '%s:binvs.bin' % (Path.cwd() / 'simple')
            assert same_files('simple.orig', 'binvs.bin')
            # Replace input file
            check_call(rpuz + [
                'vagrant', 'upload', (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrant').path,
                '%s:arg1' % (tests / 'simple_input2.txt')
                rpuz +
                ['vagrant', 'upload', (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrant').path])
            # Run again
                rpuz + [
                    'vagrant', 'run', '--no-stdin',
                    (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrant').path
                ], 'out', 2)
            # Get output file
            check_call(rpuz + [
                'vagrant', 'download',
                (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrant').path, 'arg2:woutput2.txt'
            with Path('woutput2.txt').open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
                assert fp.read().strip() == '36'
            # Reset input file
            check_call(rpuz + [
                'vagrant', 'upload', (tests /
                                      'vagrant/simplevagrant').path, ':arg1'
            # Run again
                rpuz + [
                    'vagrant', 'run', '--no-stdin',
                    (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrant').path
                ], 'out')
            # Get output file
            check_call(rpuz + [
                'vagrant', 'download',
                (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrant').path, 'arg2:voutput1.txt'
            with Path('voutput1.txt').open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
                assert fp.read().strip() == '42'
            # Destroy
                rpuz +
                ['vagrant', 'destroy', (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrant').path])
        elif interactive:
            print("Test and press enter")
        if (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrant').exists():
            (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrant').rmtree()

    # Unpack Docker
    check_call(rpuz + ['docker', 'setup/create', 'simple.rpz', 'simpledocker'])
    print("\nDocker project set up in simpledocker")
        if run_docker:
            check_call(rpuz + ['docker', 'setup/build', 'simpledocker'])
            check_simple(rpuz + ['docker', 'run', 'simpledocker'], 'out')
            # Get output file
                rpuz +
                ['docker', 'download', 'simpledocker', 'arg2:doutput1.txt'])
            with Path('doutput1.txt').open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
                assert fp.read().strip() == '42'
            # Get random file
            check_call(rpuz + [
                'docker', 'download', 'simpledocker',
                '%s:bind.bin' % (Path.cwd() / 'simple')
            assert same_files('simple.orig', 'bind.bin')
            # Replace input file
            check_call(rpuz + [
                'docker', 'upload', 'simpledocker',
                '%s:arg1' % (tests / 'simple_input2.txt')
            check_call(rpuz + ['docker', 'upload', 'simpledocker'])
            check_call(rpuz + ['showfiles', 'simpledocker'])
            # Run again
            check_simple(rpuz + ['docker', 'run', 'simpledocker'], 'out', 2)
            # Get output file
                rpuz +
                ['docker', 'download', 'simpledocker', 'arg2:doutput2.txt'])
            with Path('doutput2.txt').open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
                assert fp.read().strip() == '36'
            # Reset input file
            check_call(rpuz + ['docker', 'upload', 'simpledocker', ':arg1'])
            # Run again
            check_simple(rpuz + ['docker', 'run', 'simpledocker'], 'out')
            # Get output file
                rpuz +
                ['docker', 'download', 'simpledocker', 'arg2:doutput1.txt'])
            with Path('doutput1.txt').open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
                assert fp.read().strip() == '42'
            # Replace input file via path
            check_call(rpuz + [
                'docker', 'upload', 'simpledocker',
                '%s:%s' %
                (tests / 'simple_input2.txt', tests / 'simple_input.txt')
            # Run again
            check_simple(rpuz + ['docker', 'run', 'simpledocker'], 'out', 2)
            # Destroy
            check_call(rpuz + ['docker', 'destroy', 'simpledocker'])
        elif interactive:
            print("Test and press enter")
        if Path('simpledocker').exists():

    # ########################################
    # 'threads' program: testrun

    # Build
    build('threads', ['threads.c'], ['-lpthread'])
    # Trace
    output = check_output(rpz + ['testrun', './threads'], 'err')
    assert any(b'successfully exec\'d /bin/./echo' in l
               for l in output.splitlines())

    # ########################################
    # 'threads2' program: testrun

    # Build
    build('threads2', ['threads2.c'], ['-lpthread'])
    # Trace
    output = check_output(rpz + ['testrun', './threads2'], 'err')
    assert any(b'successfully exec\'d /bin/echo' in l
               for l in output.splitlines())

    # ########################################
    # 'segv' program: testrun

    # Build
    build('segv', ['segv.c'])
    # Trace
    check_call(rpz + ['testrun', './segv'])

    # ########################################
    # 'exec_echo' program: trace, pack, run --cmdline

    # Build
    build('exec_echo', ['exec_echo.c'])
    # Trace
        rpz +
        ['trace', '--overwrite', './exec_echo', 'originalexecechooutput'])
    # Pack
    check_call(rpz + ['pack', 'exec_echo.rpz'])
    # Unpack chroot
    check_call(sudo + rpuz +
               ['chroot', 'setup', 'exec_echo.rpz', 'echochroot'])
        # Run original command-line
        output = check_output(sudo + rpuz + ['chroot', 'run', 'echochroot'])
        assert output == b'originalexecechooutput\n'
        # Prints out command-line
        output = check_output(sudo + rpuz +
                              ['chroot', 'run', 'echochroot', '--cmdline'])
        assert any(b'./exec_echo originalexecechooutput' == s.strip()
                   for s in output.split(b'\n'))
        # Run with different command-line
        output = check_output(sudo + rpuz + [
            'chroot', 'run', 'echochroot', '--cmdline', './exec_echo',
        assert output == b'changedexecechooutput\n'
        check_call(sudo + rpuz + ['chroot', 'destroy', 'echochroot'])

    # ########################################
    # 'exec_echo' program: testrun
    # This is built with -m32 so that we transition:
    #   python (x64) -> exec_echo (i386) -> echo (x64)

    if sys.maxsize > 2**32:
        # Build
        build('exec_echo32', ['exec_echo.c'], ['-m32'])
        # Trace
        check_call(rpz + ['testrun', './exec_echo32', '42'])
        print("Can't try exec_echo transitions: not running on 64bits")

    # ########################################
    # Tracing non-existing program

    ret = call(rpz + ['testrun', './doesntexist'])
    assert ret == 127

    # ########################################
    # 'connect' program: testrun

    # Build
    build('connect', ['connect.c'])
    # Trace
    err = check_output(rpz + ['testrun', './connect'], 'err')
    err = err.split(b'\n')
    assert not any(b'program exited with non-zero code' in l for l in err)
    assert any(re.search(br'process connected to [0-9.]+:80', l) for l in err)

    # ########################################
    # 'vfork' program: testrun

    # Build
    build('vfork', ['vfork.c'])
    # Trace
    err = check_output(rpz + ['testrun', './vfork'], 'err')
    err = err.split(b'\n')
    assert not any(b'program exited with non-zero code' in l for l in err)

    # ########################################
    # 'rename' program: trace

    # Build
    build('rename', ['rename.c'])
    # Trace
    check_call(rpz +
               ['trace', '--overwrite', '-d', 'rename-trace', './rename'])
    with Path('rename-trace/config.yml').open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
        config = yaml.safe_load(fp)
    # Check that written files were logged
    database = Path.cwd() / 'rename-trace/trace.sqlite3'
    if PY3:
        # On PY3, connect() only accepts unicode
        conn = sqlite3.connect(str(database))
        conn = sqlite3.connect(database.path)
    conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
    rows = conn.execute('''
        SELECT name FROM opened_files
    files = set(Path(r[0]) for r in rows)
    for n in ('dir1/file', 'dir2/file', 'dir2/brokensymlink', 'dir2/symlink'):
        if (Path.cwd() / n) not in files:
            raise AssertionError("Missing file: %s" % (Path.cwd() / n))
    # Check that created files won't be packed
    for f in config.get('other_files'):
        if 'dir2' in Path(f).parent.components:
            raise AssertionError("Created file shouldn't be packed: %s" %

    # ########################################
    # 'readwrite' program: trace

    # Build
    build('readwrite', ['readwrite.c'])
    # Create test folder
    with Path('readwrite_test/existing').open('w'):

    # Trace existing one
    check_call(rpz + [
        'trace', '--overwrite', '-d', 'readwrite-E-trace', './readwrite',
    # Check that file was logged as read and written
    database = Path.cwd() / 'readwrite-E-trace/trace.sqlite3'
    if PY3:
        # On PY3, connect() only accepts unicode
        conn = sqlite3.connect(str(database))
        conn = sqlite3.connect(database.path)
    conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
    rows = list(
        SELECT mode FROM opened_files
        WHERE name = ?
        ''', (str(Path('readwrite_test/existing').absolute()), )))
    assert rows
    assert rows[0][0] == FILE_READ | FILE_WRITE

    # Trace non-existing one
    check_call(rpz + [
        'trace', '--overwrite', '-d', 'readwrite-N-trace', './readwrite',
    # Check that file was logged as written only
    database = Path.cwd() / 'readwrite-N-trace/trace.sqlite3'
    if PY3:
        # On PY3, connect() only accepts unicode
        conn = sqlite3.connect(str(database))
        conn = sqlite3.connect(database.path)
    conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
    rows = list(
        SELECT mode FROM opened_files
        WHERE name = ?
        ''', (str(Path('readwrite_test/nonexisting').absolute()), )))
    assert rows
    assert rows[0][0] == FILE_WRITE

    # Trace a failure: inaccessible file
    ret = call(rpz + [
        'trace', '--overwrite', '-d', 'readwrite-F-trace', './readwrite',
    assert ret == 1

    # ########################################
    # Test shebang corner-cases

    with Path('b').open('w') as fp:
        fp.write('#!%s 0\nsome content\n' % (Path.cwd() / 'c'))
    with Path('d').open('w') as fp:
    with Path('e').open('w') as fp:

    # Trace
    out = check_output(rpz + [
        'trace', '--overwrite', '-d', 'shebang-trace',
        '--dont-identify-packages', './a', '1', '2'
    out = out.splitlines()[0]
    assert out == ('e %s 0 ./a 1 2' % (Path.cwd() / 'c')).encode('ascii')

    # Check config
    with Path('shebang-trace/config.yml').open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
        config = yaml.safe_load(fp)
    other_files = set(
        Path(f) for f in config['other_files']
        if f.startswith('%s/' % Path.cwd()))

    # Check database
    database = Path.cwd() / 'shebang-trace/trace.sqlite3'
    if PY3:
        # On PY3, connect() only accepts unicode
        conn = sqlite3.connect(str(database))
        conn = sqlite3.connect(database.path)
    conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
    rows = conn.execute('''
        SELECT name FROM opened_files
    opened = [Path(r[0]) for r in rows if r[0].startswith('%s/' % Path.cwd())]
    rows = conn.execute('''
        SELECT name, argv FROM executed_files
    executed = [(Path(r[0]), r[1]) for r in rows
                if Path(r[0]).lies_under(Path.cwd())]

    print("other_files: %r" % sorted(other_files))
    print("opened: %r" % opened)
    print("executed: %r" % executed)

    assert other_files == set(Path.cwd() / p
                              for p in ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'))
    assert opened == [Path.cwd() / 'c', Path.cwd() / 'e']
    assert executed == [(Path.cwd() / 'a', './a\x001\x002\x00')]

    # ########################################
    # Test old packages

    old_packages = [
    for name, url in old_packages:
        print("Testing old package %s" % name)
        f = Path(name)
        if not f.exists():
            download_file_retry(url, f)
        # Info
        check_call(rpuz + ['info', name])
        # Show files
        check_call(rpuz + ['showfiles', name])
        # Lists packages
        check_call(rpuz + ['installpkgs', '--summary', name])
        # Unpack directory
        check_call(rpuz + ['directory', 'setup', name, 'simpledir'])
        # Run directory
        check_simple(rpuz + ['directory', 'run', 'simpledir'], 'err')
        output_in_dir = Path('simpledir/root/tmp')
        output_in_dir = output_in_dir.listdir('reprozip_*')[0]
        output_in_dir = output_in_dir / 'simple_output.txt'
        with output_in_dir.open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
            assert fp.read().strip() == '42'
        # Delete with wrong command (should fail)
        p = subprocess.Popen(rpuz + ['chroot', 'destroy', 'simpledir'],
        out, err = p.communicate()
        assert p.poll() != 0
        err = err.splitlines()
        assert b"Wrong unpacker used" in err[0]
        assert err[1].startswith(b"usage: ")
        # Delete directory
        check_call(rpuz + ['directory', 'destroy', 'simpledir'])

    # ########################################
    # Copies back coverage report

    coverage = Path('.coverage')
    if coverage.exists():
        coverage.copyfile(tests.parent / '.coverage.runpy')
Ejemplo n.º 3
def docker_setup_create(args):
    """Sets up the experiment to be run in a Docker-built container.
    pack = Path(args.pack[0])
    target = Path(args.target[0])
    if target.exists():
        logging.critical("Target directory exists")

    signals.pre_setup(target=target, pack=pack)

    # Unpacks configuration file
    tar = tarfile.open(str(pack), 'r:*')
    member = tar.getmember('METADATA/config.yml')
    member.name = 'config.yml'
    tar.extract(member, str(target))

    # Loads config
    runs, packages, other_files = load_config(target / 'config.yml', True)

    if args.base_image:
        base_image = args.base_image[0]
        if args.distribution:
            target_distribution = args.distribution[0]
            target_distribution = None
        target_distribution, base_image = select_image(runs)
    logging.info("Using base image %s", base_image)
    logging.debug("Distribution: %s", target_distribution or "unknown")

    pack.copyfile(target / 'experiment.rpz')

    # Writes Dockerfile
    logging.info("Writing %s...", target / 'Dockerfile')
    with (target / 'Dockerfile').open('w',
                                      encoding='utf-8', newline='\n') as fp:
        fp.write('FROM %s\n\n' % base_image)

        # Installs busybox
                      target / 'busybox')
        fp.write('COPY busybox /bin/busybox\n')

        fp.write('COPY experiment.rpz /reprozip_experiment.rpz\n\n')
        fp.write('RUN \\\n'
                 '    chmod +x /bin/busybox && \\\n')

        if args.install_pkgs:
            # Install every package through package manager
            missing_packages = []
            # Only install packages that were not packed
            missing_packages = [pkg for pkg in packages if pkg.packfiles]
            packages = [pkg for pkg in packages if not pkg.packfiles]
        # FIXME : Right now, we need 'sudo' to be available (and it's not
        # necessarily in the base image)
        if packages:
        packages += [Package('sudo', None, packfiles=False)]
        if packages:
                installer = select_installer(pack, runs, target_distribution)
            except CantFindInstaller as e:
                logging.error("Need to install %d packages but couldn't "
                              "select a package installer: %s",
                              len(packages), e)
            # Updates package sources
            fp.write('    %s && \\\n' % installer.update_script())
            # Installs necessary packages
            fp.write('    %s && \\\n' % installer.install_script(packages))
        logging.info("Dockerfile will install the %d software packages that "
                     "were not packed", len(packages))

        # Untar
        paths = set()
        pathlist = []
        dataroot = PosixPath('DATA')
        # Adds intermediate directories, and checks for existence in the tar
        tar = tarfile.open(str(pack), 'r:*')
        missing_files = chain.from_iterable(pkg.files
                                            for pkg in missing_packages)
        for f in chain(other_files, missing_files):
            path = PosixPath('/')
            for c in f.path.components[1:]:
                path = path / c
                if path in paths:
                datapath = join_root(dataroot, path)
                except KeyError:
                    logging.info("Missing file %s", datapath)
        # FIXME : for some reason we need reversed() here, I'm not sure why.
        # Need to read more of tar's docs.
        # TAR bug: --no-overwrite-dir removes --keep-old-files
        fp.write('    cd / && tar zpxf /reprozip_experiment.rpz '
                 '--numeric-owner --strip=1 %s\n' %
                 ' '.join(shell_escape(p) for p in reversed(pathlist)))

    # Meta-data for reprounzip
    write_dict(target / '.reprounzip', {})

Ejemplo n.º 4
class RPZPack(object):
    """Encapsulates operations on the RPZ pack format.
    def __init__(self, pack):
        self.pack = Path(pack)

        self.tar = tarfile.open(str(self.pack), 'r:*')
        f = self.tar.extractfile('METADATA/version')
        version = f.read()
        if version.startswith(b'REPROZIP VERSION '):
                version = int(version[17:].rstrip())
            except ValueError:
                version = None
            if version in (1, 2):
                self.version = version
                self.data_prefix = PosixPath(b'DATA')
                raise ValueError(
                    "Unknown format version %r (maybe you should upgrade "
                    "reprounzip? I only know versions 1 and 2" % version)
            raise ValueError("File doesn't appear to be a RPZ pack")

        if self.version == 1:
            self.data = self.tar
        elif version == 2:
            self.data = tarfile.open(
            assert False

    def remove_data_prefix(self, path):
        if not isinstance(path, PosixPath):
            path = PosixPath(path)
        components = path.components[1:]
        if not components:
            return path.__class__('')
        return path.__class__(*components)

    def open_config(self):
        """Gets the configuration file.
        return self.tar.extractfile('METADATA/config.yml')

    def extract_config(self, target):
        """Extracts the config to the specified path.

        It is up to the caller to remove that file once done.
        member = copy.copy(self.tar.getmember('METADATA/config.yml'))
        member.name = str(target.components[-1])
                         path=str(Path.cwd() / target.parent))
        assert target.is_file()

    def with_config(self):
        """Context manager that extracts the config to  a temporary file.
        fd, tmp = Path.tempfile(prefix='reprounzip_')
        yield tmp

    def extract_trace(self, target):
        """Extracts the trace database to the specified path.

        It is up to the caller to remove that file once done.
        target = Path(target)
        if self.version == 1:
            member = self.tar.getmember('METADATA/trace.sqlite3')
        elif self.version == 2:
                member = self.tar.getmember('METADATA/trace.sqlite3.gz')
            except KeyError:
                member = self.tar.getmember('METADATA/trace.sqlite3')
            assert False
        member = copy.copy(member)
        member.name = str(target.components[-1])
                         path=str(Path.cwd() / target.parent))
        assert target.is_file()

    def with_trace(self):
        """Context manager that extracts the trace database to a temporary file.
        fd, tmp = Path.tempfile(prefix='reprounzip_')
        yield tmp

    def list_data(self):
        """Returns tarfile.TarInfo objects for all the data paths.
        return [copy.copy(m)
                for m in self.data.getmembers()
                if m.name.startswith('DATA/')]

    def get_data(self, path):
        """Returns a tarfile.TarInfo object for the data path.

        Raises KeyError if no such path exists.
        path = PosixPath(path)
        path = join_root(PosixPath(b'DATA'), path)
        return copy.copy(self.data.getmember(path))

    def extract_data(self, root, members):
        """Extracts the given members from the data tarball.

        The members must come from get_data().
        self.data.extractall(str(root), members)

    def copy_data_tar(self, target):
        """Copies the file in which the data lies to the specified destination.
        if self.version == 1:
        elif self.version == 2:
            with target.open('wb') as fp:
                data = self.tar.extractfile('DATA.tar.gz')
                copyfile(data, fp)

    def close(self):
        if self.data is not self.tar:
        self.data = self.tar = None
Ejemplo n.º 5
def vagrant_setup_create(args):
    """Sets up the experiment to be run in a Vagrant-built virtual machine.

    This can either build a chroot or not.

    If building a chroot, we do just like without Vagrant: we copy all the
    files and only get what's missing from the host. But we do install
    automatically the packages whose files are required.

    If not building a chroot, we install all the packages, and only unpack
    files that don't come from packages.

    In short: files from packages with packfiles=True will only be used if
    building a chroot.
    if not args.pack:
        logging.critical("setup/create needs the pack filename")

    pack = Path(args.pack[0])
    target = Path(args.target[0])
    if target.exists():
        logging.critical("Target directory exists")
    use_chroot = args.use_chroot
    mount_bind = args.bind_magic_dirs

    signals.pre_setup(target=target, pack=pack)

    # Unpacks configuration file
    tar = tarfile.open(str(pack), 'r:*')
    member = tar.getmember('METADATA/config.yml')
    member.name = 'config.yml'
    tar.extract(member, str(target))

    # Loads config
    runs, packages, other_files = load_config(target / 'config.yml', True)

    if args.base_image and args.base_image[0]:
        box = args.base_image[0]
        if args.distribution:
            target_distribution = args.distribution[0]
            target_distribution = None
        target_distribution, box = select_box(runs)
    logging.info("Using box %s", box)
    logging.debug("Distribution: %s", target_distribution or "unknown")

    # If using chroot, we might still need to install packages to get missing
    # (not packed) files
    if use_chroot:
        packages = [pkg for pkg in packages if not pkg.packfiles]
        if packages:
            logging.info("Some packages were not packed, so we'll install and "
                         "copy their files\n"
                         "Packages that are missing:\n%s",
                         ' '.join(pkg.name for pkg in packages))

    if packages:
            installer = select_installer(pack, runs, target_distribution)
        except CantFindInstaller as e:
            logging.error("Need to install %d packages but couldn't select a "
                          "package installer: %s",
                          len(packages), e)


    # Writes setup script
    logging.info("Writing setup script %s...", target / 'setup.sh')
    with (target / 'setup.sh').open('w', encoding='utf-8', newline='\n') as fp:
        fp.write('#!/bin/sh\n\nset -e\n\n')
        if packages:
            # Updates package sources
            # Installs necessary packages
            # TODO : Compare package versions (painful because of sh)

        # Untar
        if use_chroot:
                     'mkdir /experimentroot; cd /experimentroot\n')
            fp.write('tar zpxf /vagrant/experiment.rpz '
                     '--numeric-owner --strip=1 DATA\n')
            if mount_bind:
                         'mkdir -p /experimentroot/dev\n'
                         'mount -o rbind /dev /experimentroot/dev\n'
                         'mkdir -p /experimentroot/proc\n'
                         'mount -o rbind /proc /experimentroot/proc\n')

            for pkg in packages:
                fp.write('\n# Copies files from package %s\n' % pkg.name)
                for f in pkg.files:
                    f = f.path
                    dest = join_root(PosixPath('/experimentroot'), f)
                    fp.write('mkdir -p %s\n' %
                    fp.write('cp -L %s %s\n' % (
            fp.write('\ncd /\n')
            paths = set()
            pathlist = []
            dataroot = PosixPath('DATA')
            # Adds intermediate directories, and checks for existence in the
            # tar
            tar = tarfile.open(str(pack), 'r:*')
            for f in other_files:
                path = PosixPath('/')
                for c in f.path.components[1:]:
                    path = path / c
                    if path in paths:
                    datapath = join_root(dataroot, path)
                    except KeyError:
                        logging.info("Missing file %s", datapath)
            # FIXME : for some reason we need reversed() here, I'm not sure
            # why. Need to read more of tar's docs.
            # TAR bug: --no-overwrite-dir removes --keep-old-files
            # TAR bug: there is no way to make --keep-old-files not report an
            # error if an existing file is encountered. --skip-old-files was
            # introduced too recently. Instead, we just ignore the exit status
            fp.write('tar zpxf /vagrant/experiment.rpz --keep-old-files '
                     '--numeric-owner --strip=1 %s || /bin/true\n' %
                     ' '.join(shell_escape(p) for p in reversed(pathlist)))

        # Copies /bin/sh + dependencies
        if use_chroot:
            url = busybox_url(runs[0]['architecture'])
mkdir -p /experimentroot/bin
mkdir -p /experimentroot/usr/bin
if [ ! -e /experimentroot/bin/sh -o ! -e /experimentroot/usr/bin/env ]; then
    wget --quiet -O /experimentroot/bin/busybox {url}
    chmod +x /experimentroot/bin/busybox
[ -e /experimentroot/bin/sh ] || \
    ln -s /bin/busybox /experimentroot/bin/sh
[ -e /experimentroot/usr/bin/env ] || \
    ln -s /bin/busybox /experimentroot/usr/bin/env

    # Copies pack
    logging.info("Copying pack file...")
    pack.copyfile(target / 'experiment.rpz')

    # Writes Vagrant file
    logging.info("Writing %s...", target / 'Vagrantfile')
    with (target / 'Vagrantfile').open('w', encoding='utf-8',
                                       newline='\n') as fp:
        # Vagrant header and version
        fp.write('# -*- mode: ruby -*-\n'
                 '# vi: set ft=ruby\n\n'
                 'VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION = "2"\n\n'
                 'Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config|\n')
        # Selects which box to install
        fp.write('  config.vm.box = "%s"\n' % box)
        # Run the setup script on the virtual machine
        fp.write('  config.vm.provision "shell", path: "setup.sh"\n')


    # Meta-data for reprounzip
    write_dict(target / '.reprounzip', {'use_chroot': use_chroot})

Ejemplo n.º 6
def vagrant_setup_create(args):
    """Sets up the experiment to be run in a Vagrant-built virtual machine.

    This can either build a chroot or not.

    If building a chroot, we do just like without Vagrant: we copy all the
    files and only get what's missing from the host. But we do install
    automatically the packages whose files are required.

    If not building a chroot, we install all the packages, and only unpack
    files that don't come from packages.

    In short: files from packages with packfiles=True will only be used if
    building a chroot.
    if not args.pack:
        logging.critical("setup/create needs the pack filename")

    pack = Path(args.pack[0])
    target = Path(args.target[0])
    if target.exists():
        logging.critical("Target directory exists")
    use_chroot = args.use_chroot
    mount_bind = args.bind_magic_dirs
    record_usage(use_chroot=use_chroot, mount_bind=mount_bind)

    signals.pre_setup(target=target, pack=pack)

    # Unpacks configuration file
    tar = tarfile.open(str(pack), 'r:*')
    member = tar.getmember('METADATA/config.yml')
    member.name = 'config.yml'
    tar.extract(member, str(target))

    # Loads config
    runs, packages, other_files = load_config(target / 'config.yml', True)

    if args.base_image and args.base_image[0]:
        box = args.base_image[0]
        if args.distribution:
            target_distribution = args.distribution[0]
            target_distribution = None
        target_distribution, box = select_box(runs)
    logging.info("Using box %s", box)
    logging.debug("Distribution: %s", target_distribution or "unknown")

    # If using chroot, we might still need to install packages to get missing
    # (not packed) files
    if use_chroot:
        packages = [pkg for pkg in packages if not pkg.packfiles]
        if packages:
                "Some packages were not packed, so we'll install and "
                "copy their files\n"
                "Packages that are missing:\n%s",
                ' '.join(pkg.name for pkg in packages))

    if packages:
            installer = select_installer(pack, runs, target_distribution)
        except CantFindInstaller as e:
                "Need to install %d packages but couldn't select a "
                "package installer: %s", len(packages), e)


    # Writes setup script
    logging.info("Writing setup script %s...", target / 'setup.sh')
    with (target / 'setup.sh').open('w', encoding='utf-8', newline='\n') as fp:
        fp.write('#!/bin/sh\n\nset -e\n\n')
        if packages:
            # Updates package sources
            # Installs necessary packages
            # TODO : Compare package versions (painful because of sh)

        # Untar
        if use_chroot:
            fp.write('\n' 'mkdir /experimentroot; cd /experimentroot\n')
            fp.write('tar zpxf /vagrant/experiment.rpz '
                     '--numeric-owner --strip=1 DATA\n')
            if mount_bind:
                         'mkdir -p /experimentroot/dev\n'
                         'mount -o rbind /dev /experimentroot/dev\n'
                         'mkdir -p /experimentroot/proc\n'
                         'mount -o rbind /proc /experimentroot/proc\n')

            for pkg in packages:
                fp.write('\n# Copies files from package %s\n' % pkg.name)
                for f in pkg.files:
                    f = f.path
                    dest = join_root(PosixPath('/experimentroot'), f)
                    fp.write('mkdir -p %s\n' %
                    fp.write('cp -L %s %s\n' % (shell_escape(
                        unicode_(f)), shell_escape(unicode_(dest))))
            fp.write('\ncd /\n')
            paths = set()
            pathlist = []
            dataroot = PosixPath('DATA')
            # Adds intermediate directories, and checks for existence in the
            # tar
            tar = tarfile.open(str(pack), 'r:*')
            for f in other_files:
                path = PosixPath('/')
                for c in f.path.components[1:]:
                    path = path / c
                    if path in paths:
                    datapath = join_root(dataroot, path)
                    except KeyError:
                        logging.info("Missing file %s", datapath)
            # FIXME : for some reason we need reversed() here, I'm not sure
            # why. Need to read more of tar's docs.
            # TAR bug: --no-overwrite-dir removes --keep-old-files
            # TAR bug: there is no way to make --keep-old-files not report an
            # error if an existing file is encountered. --skip-old-files was
            # introduced too recently. Instead, we just ignore the exit status
            fp.write('tar zpxf /vagrant/experiment.rpz --keep-old-files '
                     '--numeric-owner --strip=1 %s || /bin/true\n' %
                     ' '.join(shell_escape(p) for p in reversed(pathlist)))

        # Copies /bin/sh + dependencies
        if use_chroot:
            url = busybox_url(runs[0]['architecture'])
mkdir -p /experimentroot/bin
mkdir -p /experimentroot/usr/bin
if [ ! -e /experimentroot/bin/sh -o ! -e /experimentroot/usr/bin/env ]; then
    wget --quiet -O /experimentroot/bin/busybox {url}
    chmod +x /experimentroot/bin/busybox
[ -e /experimentroot/bin/sh ] || \
    ln -s /bin/busybox /experimentroot/bin/sh
[ -e /experimentroot/usr/bin/env ] || \
    ln -s /bin/busybox /experimentroot/usr/bin/env

    # Copies pack
    logging.info("Copying pack file...")
    pack.copyfile(target / 'experiment.rpz')

    # Writes Vagrant file
    logging.info("Writing %s...", target / 'Vagrantfile')
    with (target / 'Vagrantfile').open('w', encoding='utf-8',
                                       newline='\n') as fp:
        # Vagrant header and version
        fp.write('# -*- mode: ruby -*-\n'
                 '# vi: set ft=ruby\n\n'
                 'VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION = "2"\n\n'
                 'Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config|\n')
        # Selects which box to install
        fp.write('  config.vm.box = "%s"\n' % box)
        # Run the setup script on the virtual machine
        fp.write('  config.vm.provision "shell", path: "setup.sh"\n')


    # Meta-data for reprounzip
    write_dict(target / '.reprounzip', {'use_chroot': use_chroot})

Ejemplo n.º 7
def functional_tests(raise_warnings, interactive, run_vagrant, run_docker):
    # Tests on Python < 2.7.3: need to use separate reprozip Python (with known
    # working version of Python)
    if sys.version_info < (2, 7, 3):
        bug13676 = True
        if 'REPROZIP_PYTHON' not in os.environ:
            sys.stderr.write("Error: using reprozip with Python %s!\n" %
                             sys.version.split(' ', 1)[0])
        bug13676 = False

    rpz = [os.environ.get('REPROZIP_PYTHON', sys.executable)]
    rpuz = [os.environ.get('REPROUNZIP_PYTHON', sys.executable)]

    # Can't match on the SignalWarning category here because of a Python bug
    # http://bugs.python.org/issue22543
    if raise_warnings:
        rpz.extend(['-W', 'error:signal'])
        rpuz.extend(['-W', 'error:signal'])

    if 'COVER' in os.environ:
        rpz.extend(['-m'] + os.environ['COVER'].split(' '))
        rpuz.extend(['-m'] + os.environ['COVER'].split(' '))

    reprozip_main = tests.parent / 'reprozip/reprozip/main.py'
    reprounzip_main = tests.parent / 'reprounzip/reprounzip/main.py'

    verbose = ['-v'] * 3
    rpz.extend([reprozip_main.absolute().path] + verbose)
    rpuz.extend([reprounzip_main.absolute().path] + verbose)

    print("Command lines are:\n%r\n%r" % (rpz, rpuz))

    # ########################################
    # testrun /bin/echo

    output = check_output(rpz + ['testrun', '/bin/echo', 'outputhere'])
    assert any(b' 1 | /bin/echo outputhere ' in l for l in output.splitlines())

    output = check_output(
        rpz + ['testrun', '-a', '/fake/path/echo', '/bin/echo', 'outputhere'])
    assert any(b' 1 | (/bin/echo) /fake/path/echo outputhere ' in l
               for l in output.splitlines())

    # ########################################
    # testrun multiple commands

    check_call(rpz + [
        'testrun', 'bash', '-c', 'cat ../../../../../etc/passwd;'
        'cd /var/lib;'
        'cat ../../etc/group'
    check_call(rpz + ['trace', 'bash', '-c', 'cat /etc/passwd;echo'])
        rpz +
        ['trace', '--continue', 'sh', '-c', 'cat /etc/group;/usr/bin/id'])
    check_call(rpz + ['pack'])
    if not bug13676:
        check_call(rpuz + ['graph', 'graph.dot'])
        check_call(rpuz + ['graph', 'graph2.dot', 'experiment.rpz'])

    sudo = ['sudo', '-E']  # -E to keep REPROZIP_USAGE_STATS

    # ########################################
    # 'simple' program: trace, pack, info, unpack

    # Build
    build('simple', ['simple.c'])
    # Trace
    check_call(rpz + [
        'trace', '-d', 'rpz-simple', './simple',
        (tests / 'simple_input.txt').path, 'simple_output.txt'
    orig_output_location = Path('simple_output.txt').absolute()
    assert orig_output_location.is_file()
    with orig_output_location.open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
        assert fp.read().strip() == '42'
    # Read config
    with Path('rpz-simple/config.yml').open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
        conf = yaml.safe_load(fp)
    other_files = set(Path(f).absolute() for f in conf['other_files'])
    expected = [Path('simple'), (tests / 'simple_input.txt')]
    assert other_files.issuperset([f.resolve() for f in expected])
    # Check input and output files
    input_files = conf['runs'][0]['input_files']
    assert (dict((k, Path(f).name) for k, f in iteritems(input_files)) == {
        'arg': b'simple_input.txt'
    output_files = conf['runs'][0]['output_files']
    print(dict((k, Path(f).name) for k, f in iteritems(output_files)))
    # Here we don't test for dict equality, since we might have C coverage
    # files in the mix
    assert Path(output_files['arg']).name == b'simple_output.txt'
    # Pack
    check_call(rpz + ['pack', '-d', 'rpz-simple', 'simple.rpz'])
    # Info
    check_call(rpuz + ['info', 'simple.rpz'])
    # Show files
    check_call(rpuz + ['showfiles', 'simple.rpz'])
    # Lists packages
    check_call(rpuz + ['installpkgs', '--summary', 'simple.rpz'])
    # Unpack directory
    check_call(rpuz + ['directory', 'setup', 'simple.rpz', 'simpledir'])
    # Run directory
    check_call(rpuz + ['directory', 'run', 'simpledir'])
    output_in_dir = join_root(Path('simpledir/root'), orig_output_location)
    with output_in_dir.open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
        assert fp.read().strip() == '42'
    # Delete with wrong command (should fail)
    p = subprocess.Popen(rpuz + ['chroot', 'destroy', 'simpledir'],
    stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
    assert p.poll() != 0
    stderr = stderr.splitlines()
    assert b"Wrong unpacker used" in stderr[0]
    assert stderr[1].startswith(b"usage: ")
    # Delete directory
    check_call(rpuz + ['directory', 'destroy', 'simpledir'])
    # Unpack chroot
        sudo + rpuz +
        ['chroot', 'setup', '--bind-magic-dirs', 'simple.rpz', 'simplechroot'])
        # Run chroot
        check_call(sudo + rpuz + ['chroot', 'run', 'simplechroot'])
        output_in_chroot = join_root(Path('simplechroot/root'),
        with output_in_chroot.open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
            assert fp.read().strip() == '42'
        # Get output file
        check_call(sudo + rpuz +
                   ['chroot', 'download', 'simplechroot', 'arg:output1.txt'])
        with Path('output1.txt').open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
            assert fp.read().strip() == '42'
        # Replace input file
        check_call(sudo + rpuz + [
            'chroot', 'upload', 'simplechroot',
            '%s:arg' % (tests / 'simple_input2.txt')
        check_call(sudo + rpuz + ['chroot', 'upload', 'simplechroot'])
        # Run again
        check_call(sudo + rpuz + ['chroot', 'run', 'simplechroot'])
        output_in_chroot = join_root(Path('simplechroot/root'),
        with output_in_chroot.open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
            assert fp.read().strip() == '36'
        # Delete with wrong command (should fail)
        p = subprocess.Popen(rpuz + ['directory', 'destroy', 'simplechroot'],
        stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
        assert p.poll() != 0
        stderr = stderr.splitlines()
        assert b"Wrong unpacker used" in stderr[0]
        assert stderr[1].startswith(b"usage:")
        # Delete chroot
        check_call(sudo + rpuz + ['chroot', 'destroy', 'simplechroot'])

    if not (tests / 'vagrant').exists():
            'sudo', 'sh', '-c',
            'mkdir %(d)s; chmod 777 %(d)s' % {
                'd': tests / 'vagrant'

    # Unpack Vagrant-chroot
    check_call(rpuz + [
        'vagrant', 'setup/create', '--use-chroot', 'simple.rpz',
        (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrantchroot').path
    print("\nVagrant project set up in simplevagrantchroot")
        if run_vagrant:
            check_call(rpuz + [
                'vagrant', 'run', '--no-stdin',
                (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrantchroot').path
            # Destroy
            check_call(rpuz + [
                'vagrant', 'destroy', (tests /
        elif interactive:
            print("Test and press enter")
        if (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrantchroot').exists():
            (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrantchroot').rmtree()
    # Unpack Vagrant without chroot
    check_call(rpuz + [
        'vagrant', 'setup/create', '--dont-use-chroot', 'simple.rpz',
        (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrant').path
    print("\nVagrant project set up in simplevagrant")
        if run_vagrant:
            check_call(rpuz + [
                'vagrant', 'run', '--no-stdin',
                (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrant').path
            # Destroy
                rpuz +
                ['vagrant', 'destroy', (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrant').path])
        elif interactive:
            print("Test and press enter")
        if (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrant').exists():
            (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrant').rmtree()

    # Unpack Docker
    check_call(rpuz + ['docker', 'setup/create', 'simple.rpz', 'simpledocker'])
    print("\nDocker project set up in simpledocker")
        if run_docker:
            check_call(rpuz + ['docker', 'setup/build', 'simpledocker'])
            check_call(rpuz + ['docker', 'run', 'simpledocker'])
            # Get output file
                rpuz +
                ['docker', 'download', 'simpledocker', 'arg:doutput1.txt'])
            with Path('doutput1.txt').open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
                assert fp.read().strip() == '42'
            # Replace input file
            check_call(rpuz + [
                'docker', 'upload', 'simpledocker',
                '%s:arg' % (tests / 'simple_input2.txt')
            check_call(rpuz + ['docker', 'upload', 'simpledocker'])
            check_call(rpuz + ['showfiles', 'simpledocker'])
            # Run again
            check_call(rpuz + ['docker', 'run', 'simpledocker'])
            # Get output file
                rpuz +
                ['docker', 'download', 'simpledocker', 'arg:doutput2.txt'])
            with Path('doutput2.txt').open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
                assert fp.read().strip() == '36'
            # Destroy
            check_call(rpuz + ['docker', 'destroy', 'simpledocker'])
        elif interactive:
            print("Test and press enter")
        if Path('simpledocker').exists():

    # ########################################
    # 'threads' program: testrun

    # Build
    build('threads', ['threads.c'], ['-lpthread'])
    # Trace
    check_call(rpz + ['testrun', './threads'])

    # ########################################
    # 'segv' program: testrun

    # Build
    build('segv', ['segv.c'])
    # Trace
    check_call(rpz + ['testrun', './segv'])

    # ########################################
    # 'exec_echo' program: trace, pack, run --cmdline

    # Build
    build('exec_echo', ['exec_echo.c'])
    # Trace
    check_call(rpz + ['trace', './exec_echo', 'originalexecechooutput'])
    # Pack
    check_call(rpz + ['pack', 'exec_echo.rpz'])
    # Unpack chroot
    check_call(sudo + rpuz +
               ['chroot', 'setup', 'exec_echo.rpz', 'echochroot'])
        # Run original command-line
        output = check_output(sudo + rpuz + ['chroot', 'run', 'echochroot'])
        assert output == b'originalexecechooutput\n'
        # Prints out command-line
        output = check_output(sudo + rpuz +
                              ['chroot', 'run', 'echochroot', '--cmdline'])
        assert any(b'./exec_echo originalexecechooutput' == s.strip()
                   for s in output.split(b'\n'))
        # Run with different command-line
        output = check_output(sudo + rpuz + [
            'chroot', 'run', 'echochroot', '--cmdline', './exec_echo',
        assert output == b'changedexecechooutput\n'
        check_call(sudo + rpuz + ['chroot', 'destroy', 'echochroot'])

    # ########################################
    # 'exec_echo' program: testrun
    # This is built with -m32 so that we transition:
    #   python (x64) -> exec_echo (i386) -> echo (x64)

    if sys.maxsize > 2**32:
        # Build
        build('exec_echo32', ['exec_echo.c'], ['-m32'])
        # Trace
        check_call(rpz + ['testrun', './exec_echo32 42'])
        print("Can't try exec_echo transitions: not running on 64bits")

    # ########################################
    # Tracing non-existing program

    check_call(rpz + ['testrun', './doesntexist'])

    # ########################################
    # 'connect' program: testrun

    # Build
    build('connect', ['connect.c'])
    # Trace
    stderr = check_errout(rpz + ['testrun', './connect'])
    stderr = stderr.split(b'\n')
    assert not any(b'program exited with non-zero code' in l for l in stderr)
    assert any(
        re.search(br'process connected to [0-9.]+:80', l) for l in stderr)

    # ########################################
    # Copies back coverage report

    coverage = Path('.coverage')
    if coverage.exists():
        coverage.copyfile(tests.parent / '.coverage.runpy')
Ejemplo n.º 8
def functional_tests(raise_warnings, interactive, run_vagrant, run_docker):
    # Tests on Python < 2.7.3: need to use separate reprozip Python (with known
    # working version of Python)
    if sys.version_info < (2, 7, 3):
        bug13676 = True
        if 'REPROZIP_PYTHON' not in os.environ:
            sys.stderr.write("Error: using reprozip with Python %s!\n" %
                             sys.version.split(' ', 1)[0])
        bug13676 = False

    rpz = [os.environ.get('REPROZIP_PYTHON', sys.executable)]
    rpuz = [os.environ.get('REPROUNZIP_PYTHON', sys.executable)]

    # Can't match on the SignalWarning category here because of a Python bug
    # http://bugs.python.org/issue22543
    if raise_warnings:
        rpz.extend(['-W', 'error:signal'])
        rpuz.extend(['-W', 'error:signal'])

    if 'COVER' in os.environ:
        rpz.extend(['-m'] + os.environ['COVER'].split(' '))
        rpuz.extend(['-m'] + os.environ['COVER'].split(' '))

    reprozip_main = tests.parent / 'reprozip/reprozip/main.py'
    reprounzip_main = tests.parent / 'reprounzip/reprounzip/main.py'

    verbose = ['-v'] * 3
    rpz.extend([reprozip_main.absolute().path] + verbose)
    rpuz.extend([reprounzip_main.absolute().path] + verbose)

    print("Command lines are:\n%r\n%r" % (rpz, rpuz))

    # ########################################
    # testrun /bin/echo

    output = check_output(rpz + ['testrun', '/bin/echo', 'outputhere'])
    assert any(b' 1 | /bin/echo outputhere ' in l
               for l in output.splitlines())

    output = check_output(rpz + ['testrun', '-a', '/fake/path/echo',
                                 '/bin/echo', 'outputhere'])
    assert any(b' 1 | (/bin/echo) /fake/path/echo outputhere ' in l
               for l in output.splitlines())

    # ########################################
    # testrun multiple commands

    check_call(rpz + ['testrun', 'bash', '-c',
                      'cat ../../../../../etc/passwd;'
                      'cd /var/lib;'
                      'cat ../../etc/group'])
    check_call(rpz + ['trace',
                      'bash', '-c', 'cat /etc/passwd;echo'])
    check_call(rpz + ['trace', '--continue',
                      'sh', '-c', 'cat /etc/group;/usr/bin/id'])
    check_call(rpz + ['pack'])
    if not bug13676:
        check_call(rpuz + ['graph', 'graph.dot'])
        check_call(rpuz + ['graph', 'graph2.dot', 'experiment.rpz'])

    sudo = ['sudo', '-E']  # -E to keep REPROZIP_USAGE_STATS

    # ########################################
    # 'simple' program: trace, pack, info, unpack

    def check_simple(args, stream, infile=1):
        output = check_output(args, stream).splitlines()
            first = output.index(b"Read 6 bytes")
        except ValueError:
            stderr.write("output = %r\n" % output)
        if infile == 1:
            assert output[first + 1] == b"a = 29, b = 13"
            assert output[first + 2] == b"result = 42"
        else:  # infile == 2
            assert output[first + 1] == b"a = 25, b = 11"
            assert output[first + 2] == b"result = 36"

    # Build
    build('simple', ['simple.c'])
    # Trace
    check_call(rpz + ['trace', '-d', 'rpz-simple',
                      (tests / 'simple_input.txt').path,
    orig_output_location = Path('simple_output.txt').absolute()
    assert orig_output_location.is_file()
    with orig_output_location.open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
        assert fp.read().strip() == '42'
    # Read config
    with Path('rpz-simple/config.yml').open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
        conf = yaml.safe_load(fp)
    other_files = set(Path(f).absolute() for f in conf['other_files'])
    expected = [Path('simple'), (tests / 'simple_input.txt')]
    assert other_files.issuperset([f.resolve() for f in expected])
    # Check input and output files
    inputs_outputs = conf['inputs_outputs']
    # Exactly one input: "arg1", "...simple_input.txt"
    # Output: 'arg2', "...simple_output.txt"
    # There might be more output files: the C coverage files
    found = 0
    for fdict in inputs_outputs:
        if Path(fdict['path']).name == b'simple_input.txt':
            assert fdict['name'] == 'arg1'
            assert fdict['read_by_runs'] == [0]
            assert not fdict.get('written_by_runs')
            found |= 0x01
        elif Path(fdict['path']).name == b'simple_output.txt':
            assert fdict['name'] == 'arg2'
            assert not fdict.get('read_by_runs')
            assert fdict['written_by_runs'] == [0]
            found |= 0x02
            # No other inputs
            assert not fdict.get('read_by_runs')
    assert found == 0x03
    # Pack
    check_call(rpz + ['pack', '-d', 'rpz-simple', 'simple.rpz'])
    # Info
    check_call(rpuz + ['info', 'simple.rpz'])
    # Show files
    check_call(rpuz + ['showfiles', 'simple.rpz'])
    # Lists packages
    check_call(rpuz + ['installpkgs', '--summary', 'simple.rpz'])
    # Unpack directory
    check_call(rpuz + ['directory', 'setup', 'simple.rpz', 'simpledir'])
    # Run directory
    check_simple(rpuz + ['directory', 'run', 'simpledir'], 'err')
    output_in_dir = join_root(Path('simpledir/root'), orig_output_location)
    with output_in_dir.open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
        assert fp.read().strip() == '42'
    # Delete with wrong command (should fail)
    p = subprocess.Popen(rpuz + ['chroot', 'destroy', 'simpledir'],
    out, err = p.communicate()
    assert p.poll() != 0
    err = err.splitlines()
    assert b"Wrong unpacker used" in err[0]
    assert err[1].startswith(b"usage: ")
    # Delete directory
    check_call(rpuz + ['directory', 'destroy', 'simpledir'])
    # Unpack chroot
    check_call(sudo + rpuz + ['chroot', 'setup', '--bind-magic-dirs',
                              'simple.rpz', 'simplechroot'])
        output_in_chroot = join_root(Path('simplechroot/root'),
        # Run chroot
        check_simple(sudo + rpuz + ['chroot', 'run', 'simplechroot'], 'err')
        with output_in_chroot.open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
            assert fp.read().strip() == '42'
        # Get output file
        check_call(sudo + rpuz + ['chroot', 'download', 'simplechroot',
        with Path('output1.txt').open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
            assert fp.read().strip() == '42'
        # Replace input file
        check_call(sudo + rpuz + ['chroot', 'upload', 'simplechroot',
                                  '%s:arg1' % (tests / 'simple_input2.txt')])
        check_call(sudo + rpuz + ['chroot', 'upload', 'simplechroot'])
        # Run again
        check_simple(sudo + rpuz + ['chroot', 'run', 'simplechroot'], 'err', 2)
        with output_in_chroot.open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
            assert fp.read().strip() == '36'
        # Reset input file
        check_call(sudo + rpuz + ['chroot', 'upload', 'simplechroot', ':arg1'])
        # Run again
        check_simple(sudo + rpuz + ['chroot', 'run', 'simplechroot'], 'err')
        with output_in_chroot.open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
            assert fp.read().strip() == '42'
        # Delete with wrong command (should fail)
        p = subprocess.Popen(rpuz + ['directory', 'destroy', 'simplechroot'],
        out, err = p.communicate()
        assert p.poll() != 0
        err = err.splitlines()
        assert b"Wrong unpacker used" in err[0]
        assert err[1].startswith(b"usage:")
        # Delete chroot
        check_call(sudo + rpuz + ['chroot', 'destroy', 'simplechroot'])

    if not (tests / 'vagrant').exists():
        check_call(['sudo', 'sh', '-c',
                    'mkdir %(d)s; chmod 777 %(d)s' % {'d': tests / 'vagrant'}])

    # Unpack Vagrant-chroot
    check_call(rpuz + ['vagrant', 'setup/create', '--memory', '512',
                       '--use-chroot', 'simple.rpz',
                       (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrantchroot').path])
    print("\nVagrant project set up in simplevagrantchroot")
        if run_vagrant:
            check_simple(rpuz + ['vagrant', 'run', '--no-stdin',
                                 (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrantchroot').path],
            # Get output file
            check_call(rpuz + ['vagrant', 'download',
                               (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrantchroot').path,
            with Path('voutput1.txt').open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
                assert fp.read().strip() == '42'
            # Replace input file
            check_call(rpuz + ['vagrant', 'upload',
                               (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrantchroot').path,
                               '%s:arg1' % (tests / 'simple_input2.txt')])
            check_call(rpuz + ['vagrant', 'upload',
                               (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrantchroot').path])
            # Run again
            check_simple(rpuz + ['vagrant', 'run', '--no-stdin',
                                 (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrantchroot').path],
                         'out', 2)
            # Get output file
            check_call(rpuz + ['vagrant', 'download',
                               (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrantchroot').path,
            with Path('voutput2.txt').open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
                assert fp.read().strip() == '36'
            # Reset input file
            check_call(rpuz + ['vagrant', 'upload',
                               (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrantchroot').path,
            # Run again
            check_simple(rpuz + ['vagrant', 'run', '--no-stdin',
                                 (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrantchroot').path],
            # Get output file
            check_call(rpuz + ['vagrant', 'download',
                               (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrantchroot').path,
            with Path('voutput1.txt').open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
                assert fp.read().strip() == '42'
            # Destroy
            check_call(rpuz + ['vagrant', 'destroy',
                               (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrantchroot').path])
        elif interactive:
            print("Test and press enter")
        if (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrantchroot').exists():
            (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrantchroot').rmtree()
    # Unpack Vagrant without chroot
    check_call(rpuz + ['vagrant', 'setup/create', '--dont-use-chroot',
                       (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrant').path])
    print("\nVagrant project set up in simplevagrant")
        if run_vagrant:
            check_simple(rpuz + ['vagrant', 'run', '--no-stdin',
                                 (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrant').path],
            # Get output file
            check_call(rpuz + ['vagrant', 'download',
                               (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrant').path,
            with Path('woutput1.txt').open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
                assert fp.read().strip() == '42'
            # Replace input file
            check_call(rpuz + ['vagrant', 'upload',
                               (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrant').path,
                               '%s:arg1' % (tests / 'simple_input2.txt')])
            check_call(rpuz + ['vagrant', 'upload',
                               (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrant').path])
            # Run again
            check_simple(rpuz + ['vagrant', 'run', '--no-stdin',
                                 (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrant').path],
                         'out', 2)
            # Get output file
            check_call(rpuz + ['vagrant', 'download',
                               (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrant').path,
            with Path('woutput2.txt').open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
                assert fp.read().strip() == '36'
            # Reset input file
            check_call(rpuz + ['vagrant', 'upload',
                               (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrant').path,
            # Run again
            check_simple(rpuz + ['vagrant', 'run', '--no-stdin',
                                 (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrant').path],
            # Get output file
            check_call(rpuz + ['vagrant', 'download',
                               (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrant').path,
            with Path('voutput1.txt').open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
                assert fp.read().strip() == '42'
            # Destroy
            check_call(rpuz + ['vagrant', 'destroy',
                               (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrant').path])
        elif interactive:
            print("Test and press enter")
        if (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrant').exists():
            (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrant').rmtree()

    # Unpack Docker
    check_call(rpuz + ['docker', 'setup/create', 'simple.rpz', 'simpledocker'])
    print("\nDocker project set up in simpledocker")
        if run_docker:
            check_call(rpuz + ['docker', 'setup/build', 'simpledocker'])
            check_simple(rpuz + ['docker', 'run', 'simpledocker'], 'out')
            # Get output file
            check_call(rpuz + ['docker', 'download', 'simpledocker',
            with Path('doutput1.txt').open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
                assert fp.read().strip() == '42'
            # Replace input file
            check_call(rpuz + ['docker', 'upload', 'simpledocker',
                               '%s:arg1' % (tests / 'simple_input2.txt')])
            check_call(rpuz + ['docker', 'upload', 'simpledocker'])
            check_call(rpuz + ['showfiles', 'simpledocker'])
            # Run again
            check_simple(rpuz + ['docker', 'run', 'simpledocker'], 'out', 2)
            # Get output file
            check_call(rpuz + ['docker', 'download', 'simpledocker',
            with Path('doutput2.txt').open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
                assert fp.read().strip() == '36'
            # Reset input file
            check_call(rpuz + ['docker', 'upload', 'simpledocker',
            # Run again
            check_simple(rpuz + ['docker', 'run', 'simpledocker'], 'out')
            # Get output file
            check_call(rpuz + ['docker', 'download', 'simpledocker',
            with Path('doutput1.txt').open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
                assert fp.read().strip() == '42'
            # Destroy
            check_call(rpuz + ['docker', 'destroy', 'simpledocker'])
        elif interactive:
            print("Test and press enter")
        if Path('simpledocker').exists():

    # ########################################
    # 'threads' program: testrun

    # Build
    build('threads', ['threads.c'], ['-lpthread'])
    # Trace
    output = check_output(rpz + ['testrun', './threads'], 'err')
    assert any(b'successfully exec\'d /bin/./echo' in l
               for l in output.splitlines())

    # ########################################
    # 'threads2' program: testrun

    # Build
    build('threads2', ['threads2.c'], ['-lpthread'])
    # Trace
    output = check_output(rpz + ['testrun', './threads2'], 'err')
    assert any(b'successfully exec\'d /bin/echo' in l
               for l in output.splitlines())

    # ########################################
    # 'segv' program: testrun

    # Build
    build('segv', ['segv.c'])
    # Trace
    check_call(rpz + ['testrun', './segv'])

    # ########################################
    # 'exec_echo' program: trace, pack, run --cmdline

    # Build
    build('exec_echo', ['exec_echo.c'])
    # Trace
    check_call(rpz + ['trace', './exec_echo', 'originalexecechooutput'])
    # Pack
    check_call(rpz + ['pack', 'exec_echo.rpz'])
    # Unpack chroot
    check_call(sudo + rpuz + ['chroot', 'setup',
                              'exec_echo.rpz', 'echochroot'])
        # Run original command-line
        output = check_output(sudo + rpuz + ['chroot', 'run',
        assert output == b'originalexecechooutput\n'
        # Prints out command-line
        output = check_output(sudo + rpuz + ['chroot', 'run',
                                             'echochroot', '--cmdline'])
        assert any(b'./exec_echo originalexecechooutput' == s.strip()
                   for s in output.split(b'\n'))
        # Run with different command-line
        output = check_output(sudo + rpuz + [
            'chroot', 'run', 'echochroot',
            '--cmdline', './exec_echo', 'changedexecechooutput'])
        assert output == b'changedexecechooutput\n'
        check_call(sudo + rpuz + ['chroot', 'destroy', 'echochroot'])

    # ########################################
    # 'exec_echo' program: testrun
    # This is built with -m32 so that we transition:
    #   python (x64) -> exec_echo (i386) -> echo (x64)

    if sys.maxsize > 2 ** 32:
        # Build
        build('exec_echo32', ['exec_echo.c'], ['-m32'])
        # Trace
        check_call(rpz + ['testrun', './exec_echo32 42'])
        print("Can't try exec_echo transitions: not running on 64bits")

    # ########################################
    # Tracing non-existing program

    check_call(rpz + ['testrun', './doesntexist'])

    # ########################################
    # 'connect' program: testrun

    # Build
    build('connect', ['connect.c'])
    # Trace
    err = check_output(rpz + ['testrun', './connect'], 'err')
    err = err.split(b'\n')
    assert not any(b'program exited with non-zero code' in l for l in err)
    assert any(re.search(br'process connected to [0-9.]+:80', l)
               for l in err)

    # ########################################
    # 'vfork' program: testrun

    # Build
    build('vfork', ['vfork.c'])
    # Trace
    err = check_output(rpz + ['testrun', './vfork'], 'err')
    err = err.split(b'\n')
    assert not any(b'program exited with non-zero code' in l for l in err)

    # ########################################
    # 'rename' program: trace

    # Build
    build('rename', ['rename.c'])
    # Trace
    check_call(rpz + ['trace', '-d', 'rename-trace', './rename'])
    with Path('rename-trace/config.yml').open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
        config = yaml.safe_load(fp)
    # Check that written files were logged
    database = Path.cwd() / 'rename-trace/trace.sqlite3'
    if PY3:
        # On PY3, connect() only accepts unicode
        conn = sqlite3.connect(str(database))
        conn = sqlite3.connect(database.path)
    conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
    rows = conn.execute(
        SELECT name FROM opened_files
    files = set(Path(r[0]) for r in rows)
    for n in ('dir1/file', 'dir2/file', 'dir2/brokensymlink', 'dir2/symlink'):
        if (Path.cwd() / n) not in files:
            raise AssertionError("Missing file: %s" % (Path.cwd() / n))
    # Check that created files won't be packed
    for f in config.get('other_files'):
        if 'dir2' in Path(f).parent.components:
            raise AssertionError("Created file shouldn't be packed: %s" %

    # ########################################
    # Test shebang corner-cases

    with Path('b').open('w') as fp:
        fp.write('#!%s 0\nsome content\n' % (Path.cwd() / 'c'))
    with Path('d').open('w') as fp:
    with Path('e').open('w') as fp:

    # Trace
    out = check_output(rpz + ['trace', '--dont-identify-packages',
                              '-d', 'shebang-trace', './a', '1', '2'])
    out = out.splitlines()[0]
    assert out == ('e %s 0 ./a 1 2' % (Path.cwd() / 'c')).encode('ascii')

    # Check config
    with Path('shebang-trace/config.yml').open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
        config = yaml.safe_load(fp)
    other_files = set(Path(f) for f in config['other_files']
                      if f.startswith('%s/' % Path.cwd()))

    # Check database
    database = Path.cwd() / 'shebang-trace/trace.sqlite3'
    if PY3:
        # On PY3, connect() only accepts unicode
        conn = sqlite3.connect(str(database))
        conn = sqlite3.connect(database.path)
    conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
    rows = conn.execute(
        SELECT name FROM opened_files
    opened = [Path(r[0]) for r in rows
              if r[0].startswith('%s/' % Path.cwd())]
    rows = conn.execute(
        SELECT name, argv FROM executed_files
    executed = [(Path(r[0]), r[1]) for r in rows
                if Path(r[0]).lies_under(Path.cwd())]

    print("other_files: %r" % sorted(other_files))
    print("opened: %r" % opened)
    print("executed: %r" % executed)

    assert other_files == set(Path.cwd() / p
                              for p in ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'))
    if not bug13676:
        assert opened == [Path.cwd() / 'c', Path.cwd() / 'e']
        assert executed == [(Path.cwd() / 'a', './a\x001\x002\x00')]

    # ########################################
    # Test old packages

    old_packages = [
    for name, url in old_packages:
        print("Testing old package %s" % name)
        f = Path(name)
        if not f.exists():
            download_file(url, f)
        # Info
        check_call(rpuz + ['info', name])
        # Show files
        check_call(rpuz + ['showfiles', name])
        # Lists packages
        check_call(rpuz + ['installpkgs', '--summary', name])
        # Unpack directory
        check_call(rpuz + ['directory', 'setup', name, 'simpledir'])
        # Run directory
        check_simple(rpuz + ['directory', 'run', 'simpledir'], 'err')
        output_in_dir = Path('simpledir/root/tmp')
        output_in_dir = output_in_dir.listdir('reprozip_*')[0]
        output_in_dir = output_in_dir / 'simple_output.txt'
        with output_in_dir.open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
            assert fp.read().strip() == '42'
        # Delete with wrong command (should fail)
        p = subprocess.Popen(rpuz + ['chroot', 'destroy', 'simpledir'],
        out, err = p.communicate()
        assert p.poll() != 0
        err = err.splitlines()
        assert b"Wrong unpacker used" in err[0]
        assert err[1].startswith(b"usage: ")
        # Delete directory
        check_call(rpuz + ['directory', 'destroy', 'simpledir'])

    # ########################################
    # Copies back coverage report

    coverage = Path('.coverage')
    if coverage.exists():
        coverage.copyfile(tests.parent / '.coverage.runpy')
Ejemplo n.º 9
def functional_tests(raise_warnings, interactive, run_vagrant, run_docker):
    python = [sys.executable]

    # Can't match on the SignalWarning category here because of a Python bug
    # http://bugs.python.org/issue22543
    python.extend(['-W', 'error:signal'])

    if 'COVER' in os.environ:
        python.extend(['-m'] + os.environ['COVER'].split(' '))

    reprozip_main = tests.parent / 'reprozip/reprozip/main.py'
    reprounzip_main = tests.parent / 'reprounzip/reprounzip/main.py'

    verbose = ['-v'] * 3
    rpz = python + [reprozip_main.absolute().path] + verbose
    rpuz = python + [reprounzip_main.absolute().path] + verbose

    # ########################################
    # 'simple' program: trace, pack, info, unpack

    # Build
    build('simple', ['simple.c'])
    # Trace
    check_call(rpz + [
        'trace', '-d', 'rpz-simple', './simple',
        (tests / 'simple_input.txt').path, 'simple_output.txt'
    orig_output_location = Path('simple_output.txt').absolute()
    assert orig_output_location.is_file()
    with orig_output_location.open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
        assert fp.read().strip() == '42'
    # Read config
    with Path('rpz-simple/config.yml').open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
        conf = yaml.safe_load(fp)
    other_files = set(Path(f).absolute() for f in conf['other_files'])
    expected = [Path('simple'), (tests / 'simple_input.txt')]
    assert other_files.issuperset([f.resolve() for f in expected])
    # Check input and output files
    input_files = conf['runs'][0]['input_files']
    assert (dict((k, Path(f).name) for k, f in iteritems(input_files)) == {
        'arg': b'simple_input.txt'
    output_files = conf['runs'][0]['output_files']
    print(dict((k, Path(f).name) for k, f in iteritems(output_files)))
    # Here we don't test for dict equality, since we might have C coverage
    # files in the mix
    assert Path(output_files['arg']).name == b'simple_output.txt'
    # Pack
    check_call(rpz + ['pack', '-d', 'rpz-simple', 'simple.rpz'])
    # Info
    check_call(rpuz + ['info', 'simple.rpz'])
    # Show files
    check_call(rpuz + ['showfiles', 'simple.rpz'])
    # Lists packages
    check_call(rpuz + ['installpkgs', '--summary', 'simple.rpz'])
    # Unpack directory
    check_call(rpuz + ['directory', 'setup', 'simple.rpz', 'simpledir'])
    # Run directory
    check_call(rpuz + ['directory', 'run', 'simpledir'])
    output_in_dir = join_root(Path('simpledir/root'), orig_output_location)
    with output_in_dir.open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
        assert fp.read().strip() == '42'
    # Delete with wrong command (should fail)
    assert call(rpuz + ['chroot', 'destroy', 'simpledir']) != 0
    # Delete directory
    check_call(rpuz + ['directory', 'destroy', 'simpledir'])
    # Unpack chroot
        ['sudo'] + rpuz +
        ['chroot', 'setup', '--bind-magic-dirs', 'simple.rpz', 'simplechroot'])
    # Run chroot
    check_call(['sudo'] + rpuz + ['chroot', 'run', 'simplechroot'])
    output_in_chroot = join_root(Path('simplechroot/root'),
    with output_in_chroot.open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
        assert fp.read().strip() == '42'
    # Get output file
    check_call(['sudo'] + rpuz +
               ['chroot', 'download', 'simplechroot', 'arg:output1.txt'])
    with Path('output1.txt').open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
        assert fp.read().strip() == '42'
    # Replace input file
    check_call(['sudo'] + rpuz + [
        'chroot', 'upload', 'simplechroot',
        '%s:arg' % (tests / 'simple_input2.txt')
    check_call(['sudo'] + rpuz + ['chroot', 'upload', 'simplechroot'])
    # Run again
    check_call(['sudo'] + rpuz + ['chroot', 'run', 'simplechroot'])
    output_in_chroot = join_root(Path('simplechroot/root'),
    with output_in_chroot.open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
        assert fp.read().strip() == '36'
    # Delete with wrong command (should fail)
    assert call(rpuz + ['directory', 'destroy', 'simplechroot']) != 0
    # Delete chroot
    check_call(['sudo'] + rpuz + ['chroot', 'destroy', 'simplechroot'])

    if not Path('/vagrant').exists():
        check_call(['sudo', 'sh', '-c', 'mkdir /vagrant; chmod 777 /vagrant'])

    # Unpack Vagrant-chroot
    check_call(rpuz + [
        'vagrant', 'setup/create', '--use-chroot', 'simple.rpz',
    print("\nVagrant project set up in simplevagrantchroot")
        if run_vagrant:
            check_call(rpuz + [
                'vagrant', 'run', '--no-stdin', '/vagrant/simplevagrantchroot'
            # Destroy
            check_call(rpuz +
                       ['vagrant', 'destroy', '/vagrant/simplevagrantchroot'])
        elif interactive:
            print("Test and press enter")
        if Path('/vagrant/simplevagrantchroot').exists():
    # Unpack Vagrant without chroot
    check_call(rpuz + [
        'vagrant', 'setup/create', '--dont-use-chroot', 'simple.rpz',
    print("\nVagrant project set up in simplevagrant")
        if run_vagrant:
                rpuz +
                ['vagrant', 'run', '--no-stdin', '/vagrant/simplevagrant'])
            # Destroy
            check_call(rpuz + ['vagrant', 'destroy', '/vagrant/simplevagrant'])
        elif interactive:
            print("Test and press enter")
        if Path('/vagrant/simplevagrant').exists():

    # Unpack Docker
    check_call(rpuz + ['docker', 'setup/create', 'simple.rpz', 'simpledocker'])
    print("\nDocker project set up in simpledocker")
        if run_docker:
            check_call(rpuz + ['docker', 'setup/build', 'simpledocker'])
            check_call(rpuz + ['docker', 'run', 'simpledocker'])
            # Get output file
                rpuz +
                ['docker', 'download', 'simpledocker', 'arg:doutput1.txt'])
            with Path('doutput1.txt').open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
                assert fp.read().strip() == '42'
            # Replace input file
            check_call(rpuz + [
                'docker', 'upload', 'simpledocker',
                '%s:arg' % (tests / 'simple_input2.txt')
            check_call(rpuz + ['docker', 'upload', 'simpledocker'])
            check_call(rpuz + ['showfiles', 'simpledocker'])
            # Run again
            check_call(rpuz + ['docker', 'run', 'simpledocker'])
            # Get output file
                rpuz +
                ['docker', 'download', 'simpledocker', 'arg:doutput2.txt'])
            with Path('doutput2.txt').open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
                assert fp.read().strip() == '36'
            # Destroy
            check_call(rpuz + ['docker', 'destroy', 'simpledocker'])
        elif interactive:
            print("Test and press enter")
        if Path('simpledocker').exists():

    # ########################################
    # 'threads' program: testrun

    # Build
    build('threads', ['threads.c'], ['-lpthread'])
    # Trace
    check_call(rpz + ['testrun', './threads'])

    # ########################################
    # 'segv' program: testrun

    # Build
    build('segv', ['segv.c'])
    # Trace
    check_call(rpz + ['testrun', './segv'])

    # ########################################
    # 'exec_echo' program: trace, pack, run --cmdline

    # Build
    build('exec_echo', ['exec_echo.c'])
    # Trace
    check_call(rpz + ['trace', './exec_echo', 'originalexecechooutput'])
    # Pack
    check_call(rpz + ['pack', 'exec_echo.rpz'])
    # Unpack chroot
    check_call(['sudo'] + rpuz +
               ['chroot', 'setup', 'exec_echo.rpz', 'echochroot'])
        # Run original command-line
        output = check_output(['sudo'] + rpuz +
                              ['chroot', 'run', 'echochroot'])
        assert output == b'originalexecechooutput\n'
        # Prints out command-line
        output = check_output(['sudo'] + rpuz +
                              ['chroot', 'run', 'echochroot', '--cmdline'])
        assert any(b'./exec_echo originalexecechooutput' == s.strip()
                   for s in output.split(b'\n'))
        # Run with different command-line
        output = check_output(['sudo'] + rpuz + [
            'chroot', 'run', 'echochroot', '--cmdline', './exec_echo',
        assert output == b'changedexecechooutput\n'
        check_call(['sudo'] + rpuz + ['chroot', 'destroy', 'echochroot'])

    # ########################################
    # 'exec_echo' program: testrun
    # This is built with -m32 so that we transition:
    #   python (x64) -> exec_echo (i386) -> echo (x64)

    if sys.maxsize > 2**32:
        # Build
        build('exec_echo32', ['exec_echo.c'], ['-m32'])
        # Trace
        check_call(rpz + ['testrun', './exec_echo32 42'])
        print("Can't try exec_echo transitions: not running on 64bits")

    # ########################################
    # Tracing non-existing program

    check_call(rpz + ['testrun', './doesntexist'])

    # ########################################
    # 'connect' program: testrun

    # Build
    build('connect', ['connect.c'])
    # Trace
    stderr = check_errout(rpz + ['testrun', './connect'])
    stderr = stderr.split(b'\n')
    assert not any(b'program exited with non-zero code' in l for l in stderr)
    assert any(
        re.search(br'process connected to [0-9.]+:80', l) for l in stderr)

    # ########################################
    # Copies back coverage report

    coverage = Path('.coverage')
    if coverage.exists():
        coverage.copyfile(tests.parent / '.coverage.runpy')
Ejemplo n.º 10
def functional_tests(raise_warnings, interactive, run_vagrant, run_docker):
    # Tests on Python < 2.7.3: need to use separate reprozip Python (with known
    # working version of Python)
    if sys.version_info < (2, 7, 3):
        bug13676 = True
        if 'REPROZIP_PYTHON' not in os.environ:
            sys.stderr.write("Error: using reprozip with Python %s!\n" %
                             sys.version.split(' ', 1)[0])
        bug13676 = False

    rpz = [os.environ.get('REPROZIP_PYTHON', sys.executable)]
    rpuz = [os.environ.get('REPROUNZIP_PYTHON', sys.executable)]

    # Can't match on the SignalWarning category here because of a Python bug
    # http://bugs.python.org/issue22543
    if raise_warnings:
        rpz.extend(['-W', 'error:signal'])
        rpuz.extend(['-W', 'error:signal'])

    if 'COVER' in os.environ:
        rpz.extend(['-m'] + os.environ['COVER'].split(' '))
        rpuz.extend(['-m'] + os.environ['COVER'].split(' '))

    reprozip_main = tests.parent / 'reprozip/reprozip/main.py'
    reprounzip_main = tests.parent / 'reprounzip/reprounzip/main.py'

    verbose = ['-v'] * 3
    rpz.extend([reprozip_main.absolute().path] + verbose)
    rpuz.extend([reprounzip_main.absolute().path] + verbose)

    print("Command lines are:\n%r\n%r" % (rpz, rpuz))

    # ########################################
    # testrun /bin/echo

    output = check_output(rpz + ['testrun', '/bin/echo', 'outputhere'])
    assert any(b' 1 | /bin/echo outputhere ' in l
               for l in output.splitlines())

    output = check_output(rpz + ['testrun', '-a', '/fake/path/echo',
                                 '/bin/echo', 'outputhere'])
    assert any(b' 1 | (/bin/echo) /fake/path/echo outputhere ' in l
               for l in output.splitlines())

    # ########################################
    # testrun multiple commands

    check_call(rpz + ['testrun', 'bash', '-c',
                      'cat ../../../../../etc/passwd;'
                      'cd /var/lib;'
                      'cat ../../etc/group'])
    check_call(rpz + ['trace',
                      'bash', '-c', 'cat /etc/passwd;echo'])
    check_call(rpz + ['trace', '--continue',
                      'sh', '-c', 'cat /etc/group;/usr/bin/id'])
    check_call(rpz + ['pack'])
    if not bug13676:
        check_call(rpuz + ['graph', 'graph.dot'])
        check_call(rpuz + ['graph', 'graph2.dot', 'experiment.rpz'])

    sudo = ['sudo', '-E']  # -E to keep REPROZIP_USAGE_STATS

    # ########################################
    # 'simple' program: trace, pack, info, unpack

    def check_simple(args, stream, infile=1):
        output = check_output(args, stream).splitlines()
            first = output.index(b"Read 6 bytes")
        except ValueError:
            stderr.write("output = %r\n" % output)
        if infile == 1:
            assert output[first + 1] == b"a = 29, b = 13"
            assert output[first + 2] == b"result = 42"
        else:  # infile == 2
            assert output[first + 1] == b"a = 25, b = 11"
            assert output[first + 2] == b"result = 36"

    # Build
    build('simple', ['simple.c'])
    # Trace
    check_call(rpz + ['trace', '-d', 'rpz-simple',
                      (tests / 'simple_input.txt').path,
    orig_output_location = Path('simple_output.txt').absolute()
    assert orig_output_location.is_file()
    with orig_output_location.open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
        assert fp.read().strip() == '42'
    # Read config
    with Path('rpz-simple/config.yml').open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
        conf = yaml.safe_load(fp)
    other_files = set(Path(f).absolute() for f in conf['other_files'])
    expected = [Path('simple'), (tests / 'simple_input.txt')]
    assert other_files.issuperset([f.resolve() for f in expected])
    # Check input and output files
    inputs_outputs = conf['inputs_outputs']
    # Exactly one input: "arg1", "...simple_input.txt"
    # Output: 'arg2', "...simple_output.txt"
    # There might be more output files: the C coverage files
    found = 0
    for fdict in inputs_outputs:
        if Path(fdict['path']).name == b'simple_input.txt':
            assert fdict['name'] == 'arg1'
            assert fdict['read_by_runs'] == [0]
            assert not fdict.get('written_by_runs')
            found |= 0x01
        elif Path(fdict['path']).name == b'simple_output.txt':
            assert fdict['name'] == 'arg2'
            assert not fdict.get('read_by_runs')
            assert fdict['written_by_runs'] == [0]
            found |= 0x02
            # No other inputs
            assert not fdict.get('read_by_runs')
    assert found == 0x03
    # Pack
    check_call(rpz + ['pack', '-d', 'rpz-simple', 'simple.rpz'])
    # Info
    check_call(rpuz + ['info', 'simple.rpz'])
    # Show files
    check_call(rpuz + ['showfiles', 'simple.rpz'])
    # Lists packages
    check_call(rpuz + ['installpkgs', '--summary', 'simple.rpz'])
    # Unpack directory
    check_call(rpuz + ['directory', 'setup', 'simple.rpz', 'simpledir'])
    # Run directory
    check_simple(rpuz + ['directory', 'run', 'simpledir'], 'err')
    output_in_dir = join_root(Path('simpledir/root'), orig_output_location)
    with output_in_dir.open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
        assert fp.read().strip() == '42'
    # Delete with wrong command (should fail)
    p = subprocess.Popen(rpuz + ['chroot', 'destroy', 'simpledir'],
    out, err = p.communicate()
    assert p.poll() != 0
    err = err.splitlines()
    assert b"Wrong unpacker used" in err[0]
    assert err[1].startswith(b"usage: ")
    # Delete directory
    check_call(rpuz + ['directory', 'destroy', 'simpledir'])
    # Unpack chroot
    check_call(sudo + rpuz + ['chroot', 'setup', '--bind-magic-dirs',
                              'simple.rpz', 'simplechroot'])
        output_in_chroot = join_root(Path('simplechroot/root'),
        # Run chroot
        check_simple(sudo + rpuz + ['chroot', 'run', 'simplechroot'], 'err')
        with output_in_chroot.open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
            assert fp.read().strip() == '42'
        # Get output file
        check_call(sudo + rpuz + ['chroot', 'download', 'simplechroot',
        with Path('output1.txt').open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
            assert fp.read().strip() == '42'
        # Replace input file
        check_call(sudo + rpuz + ['chroot', 'upload', 'simplechroot',
                                  '%s:arg1' % (tests / 'simple_input2.txt')])
        check_call(sudo + rpuz + ['chroot', 'upload', 'simplechroot'])
        # Run again
        check_simple(sudo + rpuz + ['chroot', 'run', 'simplechroot'], 'err', 2)
        with output_in_chroot.open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
            assert fp.read().strip() == '36'
        # Reset input file
        check_call(sudo + rpuz + ['chroot', 'upload', 'simplechroot', ':arg1'])
        # Run again
        check_simple(sudo + rpuz + ['chroot', 'run', 'simplechroot'], 'err')
        with output_in_chroot.open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
            assert fp.read().strip() == '42'
        # Delete with wrong command (should fail)
        p = subprocess.Popen(rpuz + ['directory', 'destroy', 'simplechroot'],
        out, err = p.communicate()
        assert p.poll() != 0
        err = err.splitlines()
        assert b"Wrong unpacker used" in err[0]
        assert err[1].startswith(b"usage:")
        # Delete chroot
        check_call(sudo + rpuz + ['chroot', 'destroy', 'simplechroot'])

    if not (tests / 'vagrant').exists():
        check_call(['sudo', 'sh', '-c',
                    'mkdir %(d)s; chmod 777 %(d)s' % {'d': tests / 'vagrant'}])

    # Unpack Vagrant-chroot
    check_call(rpuz + ['vagrant', 'setup/create', '--use-chroot', 'simple.rpz',
                       (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrantchroot').path])
    print("\nVagrant project set up in simplevagrantchroot")
        if run_vagrant:
            check_simple(rpuz + ['vagrant', 'run', '--no-stdin',
                                 (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrantchroot').path],
            # Get output file
            check_call(rpuz + ['vagrant', 'download',
                               (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrantchroot').path,
            with Path('voutput1.txt').open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
                assert fp.read().strip() == '42'
            # Replace input file
            check_call(rpuz + ['vagrant', 'upload',
                               (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrantchroot').path,
                               '%s:arg1' % (tests / 'simple_input2.txt')])
            check_call(rpuz + ['vagrant', 'upload',
                               (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrantchroot').path])
            # Run again
            check_simple(rpuz + ['vagrant', 'run', '--no-stdin',
                                 (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrantchroot').path],
                         'out', 2)
            # Get output file
            check_call(rpuz + ['vagrant', 'download',
                               (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrantchroot').path,
            with Path('voutput2.txt').open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
                assert fp.read().strip() == '36'
            # Reset input file
            check_call(rpuz + ['vagrant', 'upload',
                               (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrantchroot').path,
            # Run again
            check_simple(rpuz + ['vagrant', 'run', '--no-stdin',
                                 (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrantchroot').path],
            # Get output file
            check_call(rpuz + ['vagrant', 'download',
                               (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrantchroot').path,
            with Path('voutput1.txt').open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
                assert fp.read().strip() == '42'
            # Destroy
            check_call(rpuz + ['vagrant', 'destroy',
                               (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrantchroot').path])
        elif interactive:
            print("Test and press enter")
        if (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrantchroot').exists():
            (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrantchroot').rmtree()
    # Unpack Vagrant without chroot
    check_call(rpuz + ['vagrant', 'setup/create', '--dont-use-chroot',
                       (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrant').path])
    print("\nVagrant project set up in simplevagrant")
        if run_vagrant:
            check_simple(rpuz + ['vagrant', 'run', '--no-stdin',
                                 (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrant').path],
            # Get output file
            check_call(rpuz + ['vagrant', 'download',
                               (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrant').path,
            with Path('woutput1.txt').open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
                assert fp.read().strip() == '42'
            # Replace input file
            check_call(rpuz + ['vagrant', 'upload',
                               (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrant').path,
                               '%s:arg1' % (tests / 'simple_input2.txt')])
            check_call(rpuz + ['vagrant', 'upload',
                               (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrant').path])
            # Run again
            check_simple(rpuz + ['vagrant', 'run', '--no-stdin',
                                 (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrant').path],
                         'out', 2)
            # Get output file
            check_call(rpuz + ['vagrant', 'download',
                               (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrant').path,
            with Path('woutput2.txt').open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
                assert fp.read().strip() == '36'
            # Reset input file
            check_call(rpuz + ['vagrant', 'upload',
                               (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrant').path,
            # Run again
            check_simple(rpuz + ['vagrant', 'run', '--no-stdin',
                                 (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrant').path],
            # Get output file
            check_call(rpuz + ['vagrant', 'download',
                               (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrant').path,
            with Path('voutput1.txt').open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
                assert fp.read().strip() == '42'
            # Destroy
            check_call(rpuz + ['vagrant', 'destroy',
                               (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrant').path])
        elif interactive:
            print("Test and press enter")
        if (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrant').exists():
            (tests / 'vagrant/simplevagrant').rmtree()

    # Unpack Docker
    check_call(rpuz + ['docker', 'setup/create', 'simple.rpz', 'simpledocker'])
    print("\nDocker project set up in simpledocker")
        if run_docker:
            check_call(rpuz + ['docker', 'setup/build', 'simpledocker'])
            check_simple(rpuz + ['docker', 'run', 'simpledocker'], 'out')
            # Get output file
            check_call(rpuz + ['docker', 'download', 'simpledocker',
            with Path('doutput1.txt').open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
                assert fp.read().strip() == '42'
            # Replace input file
            check_call(rpuz + ['docker', 'upload', 'simpledocker',
                               '%s:arg1' % (tests / 'simple_input2.txt')])
            check_call(rpuz + ['docker', 'upload', 'simpledocker'])
            check_call(rpuz + ['showfiles', 'simpledocker'])
            # Run again
            check_simple(rpuz + ['docker', 'run', 'simpledocker'], 'out', 2)
            # Get output file
            check_call(rpuz + ['docker', 'download', 'simpledocker',
            with Path('doutput2.txt').open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
                assert fp.read().strip() == '36'
            # Reset input file
            check_call(rpuz + ['docker', 'upload', 'simpledocker',
            # Run again
            check_simple(rpuz + ['docker', 'run', 'simpledocker'], 'out')
            # Get output file
            check_call(rpuz + ['docker', 'download', 'simpledocker',
            with Path('doutput1.txt').open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
                assert fp.read().strip() == '42'
            # Destroy
            check_call(rpuz + ['docker', 'destroy', 'simpledocker'])
        elif interactive:
            print("Test and press enter")
        if Path('simpledocker').exists():

    # ########################################
    # 'threads' program: testrun

    # Build
    build('threads', ['threads.c'], ['-lpthread'])
    # Trace
    output = check_output(rpz + ['testrun', './threads'], 'err')
    assert any(b'successfully exec\'d /bin/./echo' in l
               for l in output.splitlines())

    # ########################################
    # 'threads2' program: testrun

    # Build
    build('threads2', ['threads2.c'], ['-lpthread'])
    # Trace
    output = check_output(rpz + ['testrun', './threads2'], 'err')
    assert any(b'successfully exec\'d /bin/echo' in l
               for l in output.splitlines())

    # ########################################
    # 'segv' program: testrun

    # Build
    build('segv', ['segv.c'])
    # Trace
    check_call(rpz + ['testrun', './segv'])

    # ########################################
    # 'exec_echo' program: trace, pack, run --cmdline

    # Build
    build('exec_echo', ['exec_echo.c'])
    # Trace
    check_call(rpz + ['trace', './exec_echo', 'originalexecechooutput'])
    # Pack
    check_call(rpz + ['pack', 'exec_echo.rpz'])
    # Unpack chroot
    check_call(sudo + rpuz + ['chroot', 'setup',
                              'exec_echo.rpz', 'echochroot'])
        # Run original command-line
        output = check_output(sudo + rpuz + ['chroot', 'run',
        assert output == b'originalexecechooutput\n'
        # Prints out command-line
        output = check_output(sudo + rpuz + ['chroot', 'run',
                                             'echochroot', '--cmdline'])
        assert any(b'./exec_echo originalexecechooutput' == s.strip()
                   for s in output.split(b'\n'))
        # Run with different command-line
        output = check_output(sudo + rpuz + [
                'chroot', 'run', 'echochroot',
                '--cmdline', './exec_echo', 'changedexecechooutput'])
        assert output == b'changedexecechooutput\n'
        check_call(sudo + rpuz + ['chroot', 'destroy', 'echochroot'])

    # ########################################
    # 'exec_echo' program: testrun
    # This is built with -m32 so that we transition:
    #   python (x64) -> exec_echo (i386) -> echo (x64)

    if sys.maxsize > 2 ** 32:
        # Build
        build('exec_echo32', ['exec_echo.c'], ['-m32'])
        # Trace
        check_call(rpz + ['testrun', './exec_echo32 42'])
        print("Can't try exec_echo transitions: not running on 64bits")

    # ########################################
    # Tracing non-existing program

    check_call(rpz + ['testrun', './doesntexist'])

    # ########################################
    # 'connect' program: testrun

    # Build
    build('connect', ['connect.c'])
    # Trace
    err = check_output(rpz + ['testrun', './connect'], 'err')
    err = err.split(b'\n')
    assert not any(b'program exited with non-zero code' in l for l in err)
    assert any(re.search(br'process connected to [0-9.]+:80', l)
               for l in err)

    # ########################################
    # 'vfork' program: testrun

    # Build
    build('vfork', ['vfork.c'])
    # Trace
    err = check_output(rpz + ['testrun', './vfork'], 'err')
    err = err.split(b'\n')
    assert not any(b'program exited with non-zero code' in l for l in err)

    # ########################################
    # 'rename' program: trace

    # Build
    build('rename', ['rename.c'])
    # Trace
    check_call(rpz + ['trace', '-d', 'rename-trace', './rename'])
    with Path('rename-trace/config.yml').open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
        config = yaml.safe_load(fp)
    # Check that written files were logged
    database = Path.cwd() / 'rename-trace/trace.sqlite3'
    if PY3:
        # On PY3, connect() only accepts unicode
        conn = sqlite3.connect(str(database))
        conn = sqlite3.connect(database.path)
    conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
    rows = conn.execute(
            SELECT name FROM opened_files
    files = set(Path(r[0]) for r in rows)
    for n in ('dir1/file', 'dir2/file', 'dir2/brokensymlink', 'dir2/symlink'):
        if (Path.cwd() / n) not in files:
            raise AssertionError("Missing file: %s" % (Path.cwd() / n))
    # Check that created files won't be packed
    for f in config.get('other_files'):
        if 'dir2' in Path(f).parent.components:
            raise AssertionError("Created file shouldn't be packed: %s" %

    # ########################################
    # Copies back coverage report

    coverage = Path('.coverage')
    if coverage.exists():
        coverage.copyfile(tests.parent / '.coverage.runpy')
Ejemplo n.º 11
def functional_tests(raise_warnings, interactive, run_vagrant, run_docker):
    python = [sys.executable]

    # Can't match on the SignalWarning category here because of a Python bug
    # http://bugs.python.org/issue22543
    python.extend(['-W', 'error:signal'])

    if 'COVER' in os.environ:
        python.extend(['-m'] + os.environ['COVER'].split(' '))

    reprozip_main = tests.parent / 'reprozip/reprozip/main.py'
    reprounzip_main = tests.parent / 'reprounzip/reprounzip/main.py'

    verbose = ['-v'] * 3
    rpz = python + [reprozip_main.absolute().path] + verbose
    rpuz = python + [reprounzip_main.absolute().path] + verbose

    # ########################################
    # 'simple' program: trace, pack, info, unpack

    # Build
    build('simple', ['simple.c'])
    # Trace
    check_call(rpz + ['trace', '-d', 'rpz-simple',
                      (tests / 'simple_input.txt').path,
    orig_output_location = Path('simple_output.txt').absolute()
    assert orig_output_location.is_file()
    with orig_output_location.open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
        assert fp.read().strip() == '42'
    # Read config
    with Path('rpz-simple/config.yml').open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
        conf = yaml.safe_load(fp)
    other_files = set(Path(f).absolute() for f in conf['other_files'])
    expected = [Path('simple'), (tests / 'simple_input.txt')]
    assert other_files.issuperset([f.resolve() for f in expected])
    # Check input and output files
    input_files = conf['runs'][0]['input_files']
    assert (dict((k, Path(f).name)
                 for k, f in iteritems(input_files)) ==
            {'arg': b'simple_input.txt'})
    output_files = conf['runs'][0]['output_files']
    print(dict((k, Path(f).name) for k, f in iteritems(output_files)))
    # Here we don't test for dict equality, since we might have C coverage
    # files in the mix
    assert Path(output_files['arg']).name == b'simple_output.txt'
    # Pack
    check_call(rpz + ['pack', '-d', 'rpz-simple', 'simple.rpz'])
    # Info
    check_call(rpuz + ['info', 'simple.rpz'])
    # Show files
    check_call(rpuz + ['showfiles', 'simple.rpz'])
    # Lists packages
    check_call(rpuz + ['installpkgs', '--summary', 'simple.rpz'])
    # Unpack directory
    check_call(rpuz + ['directory', 'setup', 'simple.rpz', 'simpledir'])
    # Run directory
    check_call(rpuz + ['directory', 'run', 'simpledir'])
    output_in_dir = join_root(Path('simpledir/root'), orig_output_location)
    with output_in_dir.open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
        assert fp.read().strip() == '42'
    # Delete with wrong command (should fail)
    assert call(rpuz + ['chroot', 'destroy', 'simpledir']) != 0
    # Delete directory
    check_call(rpuz + ['directory', 'destroy', 'simpledir'])
    # Unpack chroot
    check_call(['sudo'] + rpuz + ['chroot', 'setup', '--bind-magic-dirs',
                                  'simple.rpz', 'simplechroot'])
    # Run chroot
    check_call(['sudo'] + rpuz + ['chroot', 'run', 'simplechroot'])
    output_in_chroot = join_root(Path('simplechroot/root'),
    with output_in_chroot.open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
        assert fp.read().strip() == '42'
    # Get output file
    check_call(['sudo'] + rpuz + ['chroot', 'download', 'simplechroot',
    with Path('output1.txt').open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
        assert fp.read().strip() == '42'
    # Replace input file
    check_call(['sudo'] + rpuz + ['chroot', 'upload', 'simplechroot',
                                  '%s:arg' % (tests / 'simple_input2.txt')])
    check_call(['sudo'] + rpuz + ['chroot', 'upload', 'simplechroot'])
    # Run again
    check_call(['sudo'] + rpuz + ['chroot', 'run', 'simplechroot'])
    output_in_chroot = join_root(Path('simplechroot/root'),
    with output_in_chroot.open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
        assert fp.read().strip() == '36'
    # Delete with wrong command (should fail)
    assert call(rpuz + ['directory', 'destroy', 'simplechroot']) != 0
    # Delete chroot
    check_call(['sudo'] + rpuz + ['chroot', 'destroy', 'simplechroot'])

    if not Path('/vagrant').exists():
        check_call(['sudo', 'sh', '-c', 'mkdir /vagrant; chmod 777 /vagrant'])

    # Unpack Vagrant-chroot
    check_call(rpuz + ['vagrant', 'setup/create', '--use-chroot', 'simple.rpz',
    print("\nVagrant project set up in simplevagrantchroot")
        if run_vagrant:
            check_call(rpuz + ['vagrant', 'run', '--no-stdin',
            # Destroy
            check_call(rpuz + ['vagrant', 'destroy',
        elif interactive:
            print("Test and press enter")
        if Path('/vagrant/simplevagrantchroot').exists():
    # Unpack Vagrant without chroot
    check_call(rpuz + ['vagrant', 'setup/create', '--dont-use-chroot',
    print("\nVagrant project set up in simplevagrant")
        if run_vagrant:
            check_call(rpuz + ['vagrant', 'run', '--no-stdin',
            # Destroy
            check_call(rpuz + ['vagrant', 'destroy', '/vagrant/simplevagrant'])
        elif interactive:
            print("Test and press enter")
        if Path('/vagrant/simplevagrant').exists():

    # Unpack Docker
    check_call(rpuz + ['docker', 'setup/create', 'simple.rpz', 'simpledocker'])
    print("\nDocker project set up in simpledocker")
        if run_docker:
            check_call(rpuz + ['docker', 'setup/build', 'simpledocker'])
            check_call(rpuz + ['docker', 'run', 'simpledocker'])
            # Get output file
            check_call(rpuz + ['docker', 'download', 'simpledocker',
            with Path('doutput1.txt').open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
                assert fp.read().strip() == '42'
            # Replace input file
            check_call(rpuz + ['docker', 'upload', 'simpledocker',
                               '%s:arg' % (tests / 'simple_input2.txt')])
            check_call(rpuz + ['docker', 'upload', 'simpledocker'])
            check_call(rpuz + ['showfiles', 'simpledocker'])
            # Run again
            check_call(rpuz + ['docker', 'run', 'simpledocker'])
            # Get output file
            check_call(rpuz + ['docker', 'download', 'simpledocker',
            with Path('doutput2.txt').open(encoding='utf-8') as fp:
                assert fp.read().strip() == '36'
            # Destroy
            check_call(rpuz + ['docker', 'destroy', 'simpledocker'])
        elif interactive:
            print("Test and press enter")
        if Path('simpledocker').exists():

    # ########################################
    # 'threads' program: testrun

    # Build
    build('threads', ['threads.c'], ['-lpthread'])
    # Trace
    check_call(rpz + ['testrun', './threads'])

    # ########################################
    # 'segv' program: testrun

    # Build
    build('segv', ['segv.c'])
    # Trace
    check_call(rpz + ['testrun', './segv'])

    # ########################################
    # 'exec_echo' program: trace, pack, run --cmdline

    # Build
    build('exec_echo', ['exec_echo.c'])
    # Trace
    check_call(rpz + ['trace', './exec_echo', 'originalexecechooutput'])
    # Pack
    check_call(rpz + ['pack', 'exec_echo.rpz'])
    # Unpack chroot
    check_call(['sudo'] + rpuz + ['chroot', 'setup',
                                  'exec_echo.rpz', 'echochroot'])
        # Run original command-line
        output = check_output(['sudo'] + rpuz + ['chroot', 'run',
        assert output == b'originalexecechooutput\n'
        # Prints out command-line
        output = check_output(['sudo'] + rpuz + ['chroot', 'run',
                                                 'echochroot', '--cmdline'])
        assert any(b'./exec_echo originalexecechooutput' == s.strip()
                   for s in output.split(b'\n'))
        # Run with different command-line
        output = check_output(['sudo'] + rpuz + [
                'chroot', 'run', 'echochroot',
                '--cmdline', './exec_echo', 'changedexecechooutput'])
        assert output == b'changedexecechooutput\n'
        check_call(['sudo'] + rpuz + ['chroot', 'destroy', 'echochroot'])

    # ########################################
    # 'exec_echo' program: testrun
    # This is built with -m32 so that we transition:
    #   python (x64) -> exec_echo (i386) -> echo (x64)

    if sys.maxsize > 2 ** 32:
        # Build
        build('exec_echo32', ['exec_echo.c'], ['-m32'])
        # Trace
        check_call(rpz + ['testrun', './exec_echo32 42'])
        print("Can't try exec_echo transitions: not running on 64bits")

    # ########################################
    # Tracing non-existing program

    check_call(rpz + ['testrun', './doesntexist'])

    # ########################################
    # 'connect' program: testrun

    # Build
    build('connect', ['connect.c'])
    # Trace
    stderr = check_errout(rpz + ['testrun', './connect'])
    stderr = stderr.split(b'\n')
    assert not any(b'program exited with non-zero code' in l for l in stderr)
    assert any(re.search(br'process connected to [0-9.]+:80', l)
               for l in stderr)

    # ########################################
    # Copies back coverage report

    coverage = Path('.coverage')
    if coverage.exists():
        coverage.copyfile(tests.parent / '.coverage.runpy')