Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self,
     super(FunctionDesc, self).__init__(bookkeeper, pyobj)
     if name is None:
         name = pyobj.func_name
     if signature is None:
         if hasattr(pyobj, '_generator_next_method_of_'):
             from rpython.flowspace.argument import Signature
             signature = Signature(['entry'])  # haaaaaack
             defaults = ()
             signature = cpython_code_signature(pyobj.func_code)
     if defaults is None:
         defaults = pyobj.func_defaults
     self.name = name
     self.signature = signature
     self.defaults = defaults or ()
     # 'specializer' is a function with the following signature:
     #      specializer(funcdesc, args_s) => graph
     #                                 or => s_result (overridden/memo cases)
     self.specializer = specializer
     self._cache = {}  # convenience for the specializer
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def newfuncdesc(self, pyfunc):
     name = pyfunc.__name__
     if hasattr(pyfunc, '_generator_next_method_of_'):
         from rpython.flowspace.argument import Signature
         signature = Signature(['entry'])     # haaaaaack
         defaults = ()
         signature = cpython_code_signature(pyfunc.func_code)
         defaults = pyfunc.func_defaults
     # get the specializer based on the tag of the 'pyobj'
     # (if any), according to the current policy
     tag = getattr(pyfunc, '_annspecialcase_', None)
     specializer = self.annotator.policy.get_specializer(tag)
     if specializer is memo:
         return description.MemoDesc(self, pyfunc, name, signature, defaults, specializer)
     return description.FunctionDesc(self, pyfunc, name, signature, defaults, specializer)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def newfuncdesc(self, pyfunc):
     name = pyfunc.__name__
     if hasattr(pyfunc, '_generator_next_method_of_'):
         from rpython.flowspace.argument import Signature
         signature = Signature(['entry'])  # haaaaaack
         defaults = ()
         signature = cpython_code_signature(pyfunc.__code__)
         defaults = pyfunc.__defaults__
     # get the specializer based on the tag of the 'pyobj'
     # (if any), according to the current policy
     tag = getattr(pyfunc, '_annspecialcase_', None)
     specializer = self.annotator.policy.get_specializer(tag)
     if specializer is memo:
         return description.MemoDesc(self, pyfunc, name, signature,
                                     defaults, specializer)
     return description.FunctionDesc(self, pyfunc, name, signature,
                                     defaults, specializer)
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: typedef.py Proyecto: Mu-L/pypy
def _make_descr_typecheck_wrapper(tag, func, extraargs, cls, use_closure):
    from rpython.flowspace.bytecode import cpython_code_signature
    # - if cls is None, the wrapped object is passed to the function
    # - if cls is a class, an unwrapped instance is passed
    if cls is None and use_closure:
        return func
    if hasattr(func, 'im_func'):
        assert func.im_class is cls
        func = func.im_func

    miniglobals = {func.__name__: func, 'OperationError': OperationError}
    if cls is None:
        source = """
        def descr_typecheck_%(name)s(closure, space, obj, %(extra)s):
            return %(name)s(%(args)s, %(extra)s)
        cls_name = cls.__name__
        assert issubclass(cls, W_Root)
        source = """
        def descr_typecheck_%(name)s(closure, space, w_obj, %(extra)s):
            obj = space.descr_self_interp_w(%(cls_name)s, w_obj)
            return %(name)s(%(args)s, %(extra)s)
        miniglobals[cls_name] = cls

    name = func.__name__
    extra = ', '.join(extraargs)
    sig = cpython_code_signature(func.func_code)
    argnames = sig.argnames
    if use_closure:
        if argnames[1] == 'space':
            args = "closure, space, obj"
            args = "closure, obj, space"
        if argnames[0] == 'space':
            args = "space, obj"
            args = "obj, space"
    source = py.code.Source(source % locals())
    exec source.compile() in miniglobals
    return miniglobals['descr_typecheck_%s' % func.__name__]
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(self, bookkeeper, pyobj=None,
              name=None, signature=None, defaults=None,
     super(FunctionDesc, self).__init__(bookkeeper, pyobj)
     if name is None:
         name = pyobj.func_name
     if signature is None:
         if hasattr(pyobj, '_generator_next_method_of_'):
             from rpython.flowspace.argument import Signature
             signature = Signature(['entry'])     # haaaaaack
             defaults = ()
             signature = cpython_code_signature(pyobj.func_code)
     if defaults is None:
         defaults = pyobj.func_defaults
     self.name = name
     self.signature = signature
     self.defaults = defaults or ()
     # 'specializer' is a function with the following signature:
     #      specializer(funcdesc, args_s) => graph
     #                                 or => s_result (overridden/memo cases)
     self.specializer = specializer
     self._cache = {}     # convenience for the specializer
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: gateway.py Proyecto: Mu-L/pypy
    def __init__(self,
        from rpython.rlib import rutf8
        from rpython.flowspace.bytecode import cpython_code_signature
        # 'implfunc' is the interpreter-level function.
        # Note that this uses a lot of (construction-time) introspection.
        Code.__init__(self, func.__name__)
        self.docstring = doc or func.__doc__
        if self.docstring:
            # check that it's utf-8
            rutf8.check_utf8(self.docstring, False)

        self.identifier = "%s-%s-%s" % (func.__module__, func.__name__,
                                        getattr(self_type, '__name__', '*'))

        # unwrap_spec can be passed to interp2app or
        # attached as an attribute to the function.
        # It is a list of types or singleton objects:
        #  baseobjspace.ObjSpace is used to specify the space argument
        #  baseobjspace.W_Root is for wrapped arguments to keep wrapped
        #  argument.Arguments is for a final rest arguments Arguments object
        # 'args_w' for fixedview applied to rest arguments
        # 'w_args' for rest arguments passed as wrapped tuple
        # str,int,float: unwrap argument as such type
        # (function, cls) use function to check/unwrap argument of type cls

        # First extract the signature from the (CPython-level) code object
        sig = cpython_code_signature(func.func_code)
        argnames = sig.argnames
        varargname = sig.varargname
        kwargname = sig.kwargname
        self._argnames = argnames

        if unwrap_spec is None:
            unwrap_spec = build_unwrap_spec(func, argnames, self_type)

        if self_type:
            assert unwrap_spec[
                0] == 'self', "self_type without 'self' spec element"
            unwrap_spec = list(unwrap_spec)
            if descrmismatch is not None:
                assert issubclass(self_type, W_Root)
                unwrap_spec[0] = ('INTERNAL:self', self_type)
                self.descrmismatch_op = descrmismatch
                self.descr_reqcls = self_type
                unwrap_spec[0] = self_type
            assert descrmismatch is None, (
                "descrmismatch without a self-type specified")

        app_sig = SignatureBuilder(func)

        UnwrapSpec_Check(func, argnames).apply_over(unwrap_spec, app_sig)
        self.sig = app_sig.signature()
        argnames = self.sig.argnames
        varargname = self.sig.varargname

        self.minargs = len(argnames)
        if varargname:
            self.maxargs = sys.maxint
            self.maxargs = self.minargs

        self.activation = UnwrapSpec_EmitRun.make_activation(unwrap_spec, func)
        self._bltin = func
        self._unwrap_spec = unwrap_spec

        # speed hack
        if 0 <= len(unwrap_spec) <= 5:
                arity, fastfunc = UnwrapSpec_FastFunc_Unwrap.make_fastfunc(
                    unwrap_spec, func)
            except FastFuncNotSupported:
                if unwrap_spec == [ObjSpace, Arguments]:
                    self.__class__ = BuiltinCodePassThroughArguments0
                    self.func__args__ = func
                elif unwrap_spec == [ObjSpace, W_Root, Arguments]:
                    self.__class__ = BuiltinCodePassThroughArguments1
                    self.func__args__ = func
                elif unwrap_spec == [self_type, ObjSpace, Arguments]:
                    self.__class__ = BuiltinCodePassThroughArguments1
                    self.descr_reqcls = self_type
                    miniglobals = {'func': func, 'self_type': self_type}
                    d = {}
                    source = """if 1:
                        def _call(space, w_obj, args):
                            self = space.descr_self_interp_w(self_type, w_obj)
                            return func(self, space, args)
                    exec compile2(source) in miniglobals, d
                    self.func__args__ = d['_call']
                self.__class__ = globals()['BuiltinCode%d' % arity]
                setattr(self, 'fastfunc_%d' % arity, fastfunc)