Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_regalloc_lists(self):
     v1 = Variable()
     v1.concretetype = lltype.Signed
     v2 = Variable()
     v2.concretetype = lltype.Signed
     v3 = Variable()
     v3.concretetype = lltype.Signed
     v4 = Variable()
     v4.concretetype = lltype.Signed
     v5 = Variable()
     v5.concretetype = lltype.Signed
     block = Block([v1])
     block.operations = [
         SpaceOperation('int_add', [v1, Constant(1, lltype.Signed)], v2),
         SpaceOperation('rescall', [ListOfKind('int', [v1, v2])], v5),
         SpaceOperation('rescall', [ListOfKind('int', [v1, v2])], v3),
     graph = FunctionGraph('f', block, v4)
     block.closeblock(Link([v3], graph.returnblock))
         graph, """
         int_add %i0, $1 -> %i1
         rescall I[%i0, %i1] -> %i2
         rescall I[%i0, %i1] -> %i0
         int_return %i0
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_assemble_list():
    ssarepr = SSARepr("test")
    i0, i1 = Register('int', 0x16), Register('int', 0x17)
    ssarepr.insns = [
        ('foobar', ListOfKind('int',
                              [i0, i1, Constant(42, lltype.Signed)]),
         ListOfKind('ref', [])),
    assembler = Assembler()
    jitcode = assembler.assemble(ssarepr)
    assert jitcode.code == "\x00\x03\x16\x17\xFF\x00"
    assert assembler.insns == {'foobar/IR': 0}
    assert jitcode.constants_i == [42]
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_arg_sublist_1(self):
     v1 = varoftype(lltype.Signed)
     v2 = varoftype(lltype.Char)
     v3 = varoftype(rclass.OBJECTPTR)
     v4 = varoftype(lltype.Ptr(rstr.STR))
     v5 = varoftype(lltype.Float)
     op = SpaceOperation('residual_call_ir_f',
                         [Constant(12345, lltype.Signed),  # function ptr
                          ListOfKind('int', [v1, v2]),     # int args
                          ListOfKind('ref', [v3, v4])],    # ref args
                         v5)                    # result
     flattener = GraphFlattener(None, fake_regallocs())
     assert_format(flattener.ssarepr, """
         residual_call_ir_f $12345, I[%i0, %i1], R[%r0, %r1] -> %f0
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_unformat_assembler_lists():
    input = """
        foo F[%f0, %f3]
    regs = {}
    ssarepr = unformat_assembler(input, regs)
    assert ssarepr.insns == [('foo',
                              ListOfKind('float', [regs['%f0'], regs['%f3']]))]
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_format_assembler_list():
    ssarepr = SSARepr("test")
    i0, i1 = Register('int', 0), Register('int', 1)
    ssarepr.insns = [
        ('foobar', ListOfKind('int', [i0, Constant(123, lltype.Signed), i1])),
    asm = format_assembler(ssarepr)
    expected = """
        foobar I[%i0, $123, %i1]
    assert asm == str(py.code.Source(expected)).strip() + '\n'
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_assemble_list_semibug():
    # the semibug is that after forcing 42 into the dict of constants,
    # it would be reused for all future 42's, even ones that can be
    # encoded directly.
    ssarepr = SSARepr("test")
    ssarepr.insns = [
        ('foobar', ListOfKind('int', [Constant(42, lltype.Signed)])),
        ('foobar', ListOfKind('int', [Constant(42, lltype.Signed)])),
        ('baz', Constant(42, lltype.Signed)),
        ('bok', Constant(41, lltype.Signed)),
    assembler = Assembler()
    jitcode = assembler.assemble(ssarepr)
    assert jitcode.code == ("\x00\x01\xFF"
    assert assembler.insns == {
        'foobar/I': 0,
        'baz/c': 1,  # in USE_C_FORM
        'bok/i': 2
    }  # not in USE_C_FORM
    assert jitcode.constants_i == [42, 41]
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def unformat_arg(s):
     if s.endswith(','):
         s = s[:-1].rstrip()
     if s[0] == '%':
             return registers[s]
         except KeyError:
             num = int(s[2:])
             if s[1] == 'i': reg = Register('int', num)
             elif s[1] == 'r': reg = Register('ref', num)
             elif s[1] == 'f': reg = Register('float', num)
             else: raise AssertionError("bad register type")
             registers[s] = reg
             return reg
     elif s[0] == '$':
         intvalue = int(s[1:])
         return Constant(intvalue, lltype.Signed)
     elif s[0] == 'L':
         return TLabel(s)
     elif s[0] in 'IRF' and s[1] == '[' and s[-1] == ']':
         items = split_words(s[2:-1])
         items = map(unformat_arg, items)
         return ListOfKind({'I': 'int', 'R': 'ref', 'F': 'float'}[s[0]],
     elif s.startswith('<SwitchDictDescr '):
         assert s.endswith('>')
         switchdict = SwitchDictDescr()
         switchdict._labels = []
         items = split_words(s[len('<SwitchDictDescr '):-1])
         for item in items:
             key, value = item.split(':')
             value = value.rstrip(',')
             switchdict._labels.append((int(key), TLabel(value)))
         return switchdict
         raise AssertionError("unsupported argument: %r" % (s,))