Ejemplo n.º 1
 def store(self, space, n0, w_obj):
     """Floats are stored in big-endian (PowerPC) order"""
     if n0 == 0:
         self.high = r_uint32(space.unwrap_uint(w_obj))
     elif n0 == 1:
         self.low = r_uint32(space.unwrap_uint(w_obj))
         raise error.PrimitiveFailedError
Ejemplo n.º 2
def program_words(b):
    s = int(len(b) / 4)
    a = [r_uint32(0)] * s
    for i in range(0, s):  #xrange?
        a[i] = r_uint32(
            from_endian_big(ord(b[4 * i + 0]), ord(b[4 * i + 1]),
                            ord(b[4 * i + 2]), ord(b[4 * i + 3])))
    return a
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def short_at0(self, space, index0):
     byte_index0 = index0 * 2
     byte0 = ord(self.getchar(byte_index0))
     byte1 = ord(self.getchar(byte_index0 + 1)) << 8
     if byte1 & 0x8000 != 0:
         byte1 = intmask(
             r_uint(r_uint32(0xffff0000)) | r_uint(r_uint32(byte1)))
     return space.wrap_smallint_unsafe(byte1 | byte0)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def store(self, space, n0, w_obj):
     """Floats are stored in big-endian (PowerPC) order"""
     if n0 == 0:
         self.high = r_uint32(space.unwrap_uint(w_obj))
     elif n0 == 1:
         self.low = r_uint32(space.unwrap_uint(w_obj))
         raise error.PrimitiveFailedError
Ejemplo n.º 5
def program_words(b):
    s = int(len(b)/4)
    a = [r_uint32(0)] * s
    for i in range(0, s): #xrange?
        a[i] = r_uint32(from_endian_big(ord(b[4*i+0]),
    return a
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def rt_hash(self):
        if self._hash is None:
            n = r_uint32(0)
            hash = r_uint32(1)
            for x in range(self._cnt):
                hash = r_uint32(31) * hash + UT.hash(UT.nth(wrap_int(x)))._int_value
                n += 1
                x = RT.next.invoke1(x)

            self._hash = wrap_int(int(mix_col_hash(hash, n)))

        return self._hash
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def fetch(self, space, n0):
     r = float_pack(self.getvalue(), 8)  # C double
     if n0 == 0:
         return space.wrap_int(r_uint32(intmask(r >> 32)))
         # bounds-check for primitive access is done in the primitive
         assert n0 == 1
         if constants.IS_64BIT:
             # mask the bits above 32
             return space.wrap_int(r_uint32(intmask(r & 0xffffffff)))
             return space.wrap_int(r_uint32(intmask(r)))
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def fetch(self, space, n0):
     r = float_pack(self.getvalue(), 8)  # C double
     if n0 == 0:
         return space.wrap_int(r_uint32(intmask(r >> 32)))
         # bounds-check for primitive access is done in the primitive
         assert n0 == 1
         if constants.IS_64BIT:
             # mask the bits above 32
             return space.wrap_int(r_uint32(intmask(r & 0xffffffff)))
             return space.wrap_int(r_uint32(intmask(r)))
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def rt_hash(self):
        if self._hash is None:
            n = r_uint32(0)
            hash = r_uint32(1)
            x = RT.seq.invoke1(self)
            while x is not nil:
                hash = r_uint32(31) * hash + UT.hash(UT.first(x))._int_value
                n += 1
                x = RT.next.invoke1(x)

            self._hash = wrap_int(int(mix_col_hash(hash, n)))

        return self._hash
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def rt_hash(self):
        if self._hash is None:
            n = r_uint32(0)
            hash = r_uint32(1)
            for x in range(self._cnt):
                hash = r_uint32(31) * hash + UT.hash(UT.nth(
                n += 1
                x = RT.next.invoke1(x)

            self._hash = wrap_int(int(mix_col_hash(hash, n)))

        return self._hash
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def rt_hash(self):
        if self._hash is None:
            n = r_uint32(0)
            hash = r_uint32(1)
            x = RT.seq.invoke1(self)
            while x is not nil:
                hash = r_uint32(31) * hash + UT.hash(UT.first(x))._int_value
                n += 1
                x = RT.next.invoke1(x)

            self._hash = wrap_int(int(mix_col_hash(hash, n)))

        return self._hash
Ejemplo n.º 12
  def write( self, start_addr, num_bytes, value ):
    assert 0 < num_bytes <= 4
    word = start_addr >> 2
    byte = start_addr &  0b11

    if self.debug.enabled( "memcheck" ):
      self.bounds_check( start_addr, 'WR' )

    if   num_bytes == 4:  # TODO: byte should only be 0 (only aligned)
      pass # no masking needed
    elif num_bytes == 2:  # TODO: byte should only be 0, 1, 2, not 3
      mask  = ~(0xFFFF << (byte * 8)) & 0xFFFFFFFF
      value = ( widen( self.data[ word ] ) & mask ) \
              | ( (value & 0xFFFF) << (byte * 8) )
    elif num_bytes == 1:
      mask  = ~(0xFF   << (byte * 8)) & 0xFFFFFFFF
      value = ( widen( self.data[ word ] ) & mask ) \
              | ( (value & 0xFF  ) << (byte * 8) )
      raise Exception('Invalid num_bytes: %d!' % num_bytes)

    if self.debug.enabled( "mem" ):
      print ':: WR.MEM[%s] = %s' % ( pad_hex( start_addr ),
                                     pad_hex( value ) ),
    self.data[ word ] = r_uint32( value )
Ejemplo n.º 13
  def __init__( self, data=None, size=2**10 ):
    self.data  = data if data else [ r_uint32(0) ] * (size >> 2)
    self.size  = (len( self.data ) << 2)
    self.debug = Debug()

    # TODO: pass data_section to memory for bounds checking
    self.data_section = 0x00000000
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def write(self, start_addr, num_bytes, value):
        assert 0 < num_bytes <= 4
        start_addr = r_uint(start_addr)
        value = r_uint(value)
        word = start_addr >> 2
        byte = start_addr & 0b11

        if self.debug.enabled("memcheck") and not self.suppress_debug:
            self.bounds_check(start_addr, 'WR')

        if num_bytes == 4:  # TODO: byte should only be 0 (only aligned)
            pass  # no masking needed
        elif num_bytes == 2:  # TODO: byte should only be 0, 1, 2, not 3
            mask = ~(0xFFFF << (byte * 8)) & r_uint(0xFFFFFFFF)
            value = ( widen( self.data[ word ] ) & mask ) \
                    | ( (value & 0xFFFF) << (byte * 8) )
        elif num_bytes == 1:
            mask = ~(0xFF << (byte * 8)) & r_uint(0xFFFFFFFF)
            value = ( widen( self.data[ word ] ) & mask ) \
                    | ( (value & 0xFF  ) << (byte * 8) )
            raise Exception('Invalid num_bytes: %d!' % num_bytes)

        if self.debug.enabled("mem") and not self.suppress_debug:
            print ':: WR.MEM[%s] = %s' % (pad_hex(start_addr), pad_hex(value)),
        self.data[word] = r_uint32(value)
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def __init__(self, data=None, size=2**10):
        self.data = data if data else [r_uint32(0)] * (size >> 2)
        self.size = r_uint(len(self.data) << 2)
        self.debug = Debug()

        # TODO: pass data_section to memory for bounds checking
        self.data_section = 0x00000000
Ejemplo n.º 16
def test_sign_when_casting_uint_to_larger_int():
    from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import rffi
    from rpython.rlib.rarithmetic import r_uint32, r_uint64
    value = 0xAAAABBBB
    assert cast(lltype.SignedLongLong, r_uint32(value)) == value
    if hasattr(rffi, '__INT128_T'):
        value = 0xAAAABBBBCCCCDDDD
        assert cast(rffi.__INT128_T, r_uint64(value)) == value
Ejemplo n.º 17
def test_sign_when_casting_uint_to_larger_int():
    from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import rffi
    from rpython.rlib.rarithmetic import r_uint32, r_uint64
    value = 0xAAAABBBB
    assert cast(lltype.SignedLongLong, r_uint32(value)) == value
    if hasattr(rffi, '__INT128_T'):
        value = 0xAAAABBBBCCCCDDDD
        assert cast(rffi.__INT128_T, r_uint64(value)) == value
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def bits2float(bits):

        # This is a bit convoluted, but this is much faster than ieee.pack
        # stuff. In addition to normal casting through uint2singlefloat, we have
        # additional casting because integer and float types that we can do
        # arithmetic operations on are standard Python sizes (native machine
        # size). Here's the typing going on below:
        # Python Int (64-bit) -> r_uint32 -> r_singlefloat -> Python Float (64-bit)
        flt = rffi.cast(lltype.Float, uint2singlefloat(r_uint32(bits)))
        return flt
Ejemplo n.º 19
def adler32(space, string, start=rzlib.ADLER32_DEFAULT_START):
    adler32(string[, start]) -- Compute an Adler-32 checksum of string.

    An optional starting value can be specified.  The returned checksum is
    an integer.
    ustart = r_uint(r_uint32(start))
    checksum = rzlib.adler32(string, ustart)
    return space.newint(checksum)
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def bits2float(bits):

        # This is a bit convoluted, but this is much faster than ieee.pack
        # stuff. In addition to normal casting through uint2singlefloat, we have
        # additional casting because integer and float types that we can do
        # arithmetic operations on are standard Python sizes (native machine
        # size). Here's the typing going on below:
        # Python Int (64-bit) -> r_uint32 -> r_singlefloat -> Python Float (64-bit)
        flt = rffi.cast(lltype.Float, uint2singlefloat(r_uint32(bits)))
        return flt
Ejemplo n.º 21
def htonl(space, x):
    """htonl(integer) -> integer

    Convert a 32-bit integer from host to network byte order.
    if x < r_longlong(0):
        raise oefmt(space.w_OverflowError,
                    "can't convert negative number to unsigned long")
    if x > LONGLONG_UINT32_MAX:
        raise oefmt(space.w_OverflowError, "long int larger than 32 bits")
    return space.newint(rsocket.htonl(r_uint32(x)))
Ejemplo n.º 22
def adler32(space, string, start=rzlib.ADLER32_DEFAULT_START):
    adler32(string[, start]) -- Compute an Adler-32 checksum of string.

    An optional starting value can be specified.  The returned checksum is
    an integer.
    ustart = r_uint(r_uint32(start))
    checksum = rzlib.adler32(string, ustart)
    # See comments in crc32() for the following line
    checksum = unsigned_to_signed_32bit(checksum)

    return space.newint(checksum)
Ejemplo n.º 23
def crc32(space, string, start = rzlib.CRC32_DEFAULT_START):
    crc32(string[, start]) -- Compute a CRC-32 checksum of string.

    An optional starting value can be specified.  The returned checksum is
    an integer.
    ustart = r_uint(r_uint32(start))
    checksum = rzlib.crc32(string, ustart)

    # This is, perhaps, a little stupid.  zlib returns the checksum unsigned.
    # CPython exposes it as a signed value, though. -exarkun
    # Note that in CPython < 2.6 on 64-bit platforms the result is
    # actually unsigned, but it was considered to be a bug so we stick to
    # the 2.6 behavior and always return a number in range(-2**31, 2**31).
    checksum = unsigned_to_signed_32bit(checksum)

    return space.newint(checksum)
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def __init__(self, value):
     assert value == 0
     self.high = r_uint32(0)
     self.low = r_uint32(0)
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def setvalue(self, v):
     # This will only be called if we `become' a W_MutableFloat, should be rare
     r = float_pack(v, 8)
     # just shift and mask
     self.high = r_uint32(r >> 32)
     self.low = r_uint32(r)
Ejemplo n.º 26
def _siphash24(addr_in, size, SZ=1):
    """Takes an address pointer and a size.  Returns the hash as a r_uint64,
    which can then be casted to the expected type."""

    if BIG_ENDIAN:
        index = SZ - 1
        index = 0
    if size < seed.bound_prebuilt_size:
        if size <= 0:
            return seed.hash_empty
            t = rarithmetic.intmask(llop.raw_load(rffi.UCHAR, addr_in, index))
            return seed.hash_single[t]

    k0 = seed.k0l
    k1 = seed.k1l
    b = r_uint64(size) << 56
    v0 = k0 ^ magic0
    v1 = k1 ^ magic1
    v2 = k0 ^ magic2
    v3 = k1 ^ magic3

    direct = (SZ == 1) and (misaligned_is_fine or
                            (rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, addr_in) & 7) == 0)
    if direct:
        assert SZ == 1
        while size >= 8:
            mi = llop.raw_load(rffi.ULONGLONG, addr_in, index)
            mi = _le64toh(mi)
            size -= 8
            index += 8
            v3 ^= mi
            v0, v1, v2, v3 = _double_round(v0, v1, v2, v3)
            v0 ^= mi
        while size >= 8:
            mi = (
                r_uint64(llop.raw_load(rffi.UCHAR, addr_in, index)) | r_uint64(
                    llop.raw_load(rffi.UCHAR, addr_in, index + 1 * SZ)) << 8
                | r_uint64(llop.raw_load(rffi.UCHAR, addr_in, index + 2 * SZ))
                << 16 | r_uint64(
                    llop.raw_load(rffi.UCHAR, addr_in, index + 3 * SZ)) << 24
                | r_uint64(llop.raw_load(rffi.UCHAR, addr_in, index + 4 * SZ))
                << 32 | r_uint64(
                    llop.raw_load(rffi.UCHAR, addr_in, index + 5 * SZ)) << 40
                | r_uint64(llop.raw_load(rffi.UCHAR, addr_in, index + 6 * SZ))
                << 48 | r_uint64(
                    llop.raw_load(rffi.UCHAR, addr_in, index + 7 * SZ)) << 56)
            size -= 8
            index += 8 * SZ
            v3 ^= mi
            v0, v1, v2, v3 = _double_round(v0, v1, v2, v3)
            v0 ^= mi

    t = r_uint64(0)
    if size == 7:
        t = r_uint64(llop.raw_load(rffi.UCHAR, addr_in, index + 6 * SZ)) << 48
        size = 6
    if size == 6:
        t |= r_uint64(llop.raw_load(rffi.UCHAR, addr_in, index + 5 * SZ)) << 40
        size = 5
    if size == 5:
        t |= r_uint64(llop.raw_load(rffi.UCHAR, addr_in, index + 4 * SZ)) << 32
        size = 4
    if size == 4:
        if direct:
            v = _le32toh(r_uint32(llop.raw_load(rffi.UINT, addr_in, index)))
            t |= r_uint64(v)
            size = 0
            t |= r_uint64(llop.raw_load(rffi.UCHAR, addr_in,
                                        index + 3 * SZ)) << 24
            size = 3
    if size == 3:
        t |= r_uint64(llop.raw_load(rffi.UCHAR, addr_in, index + 2 * SZ)) << 16
        size = 2
    if size == 2:
        t |= r_uint64(llop.raw_load(rffi.UCHAR, addr_in, index + 1 * SZ)) << 8
        size = 1
    if size == 1:
        t |= r_uint64(llop.raw_load(rffi.UCHAR, addr_in, index))
        size = 0
    assert size == 0

    b |= t

    v3 ^= b
    v0, v1, v2, v3 = _double_round(v0, v1, v2, v3)
    v0 ^= b
    v2 ^= 0xff
    v0, v1, v2, v3 = _double_round(v0, v1, v2, v3)
    v0, v1, v2, v3 = _double_round(v0, v1, v2, v3)

    return (v0 ^ v1) ^ (v2 ^ v3)
Ejemplo n.º 27
def _siphash24_with_key(addr_in, size, k0, k1, SZ=1):
    if BIG_ENDIAN:
        index = SZ - 1
        index = 0
    b = r_uint64(size) << 56
    v0 = k0 ^ magic0
    v1 = k1 ^ magic1
    v2 = k0 ^ magic2
    v3 = k1 ^ magic3

    direct = (SZ == 1) and (misaligned_is_fine or
                            (rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, addr_in) & 7) == 0)
    if direct:
        assert SZ == 1
        while size >= 8:
            mi = llop.raw_load(rffi.ULONGLONG, addr_in, index)
            mi = _le64toh(mi)
            size -= 8
            index += 8
            v3 ^= mi
            v0, v1, v2, v3 = _double_round(v0, v1, v2, v3)
            v0 ^= mi
        while size >= 8:
            mi = (
                r_uint64(llop.raw_load(rffi.UCHAR, addr_in, index)) | r_uint64(
                    llop.raw_load(rffi.UCHAR, addr_in, index + 1 * SZ)) << 8
                | r_uint64(llop.raw_load(rffi.UCHAR, addr_in, index + 2 * SZ))
                << 16 | r_uint64(
                    llop.raw_load(rffi.UCHAR, addr_in, index + 3 * SZ)) << 24
                | r_uint64(llop.raw_load(rffi.UCHAR, addr_in, index + 4 * SZ))
                << 32 | r_uint64(
                    llop.raw_load(rffi.UCHAR, addr_in, index + 5 * SZ)) << 40
                | r_uint64(llop.raw_load(rffi.UCHAR, addr_in, index + 6 * SZ))
                << 48 | r_uint64(
                    llop.raw_load(rffi.UCHAR, addr_in, index + 7 * SZ)) << 56)
            size -= 8
            index += 8 * SZ
            v3 ^= mi
            v0, v1, v2, v3 = _double_round(v0, v1, v2, v3)
            v0 ^= mi

    t = r_uint64(0)
    if size == 7:
        t = r_uint64(llop.raw_load(rffi.UCHAR, addr_in, index + 6 * SZ)) << 48
        size = 6
    if size == 6:
        t |= r_uint64(llop.raw_load(rffi.UCHAR, addr_in, index + 5 * SZ)) << 40
        size = 5
    if size == 5:
        t |= r_uint64(llop.raw_load(rffi.UCHAR, addr_in, index + 4 * SZ)) << 32
        size = 4
    if size == 4:
        if direct:
            v = _le32toh(r_uint32(llop.raw_load(rffi.UINT, addr_in, index)))
            t |= r_uint64(v)
            size = 0
            t |= r_uint64(llop.raw_load(rffi.UCHAR, addr_in,
                                        index + 3 * SZ)) << 24
            size = 3
    if size == 3:
        t |= r_uint64(llop.raw_load(rffi.UCHAR, addr_in, index + 2 * SZ)) << 16
        size = 2
    if size == 2:
        t |= r_uint64(llop.raw_load(rffi.UCHAR, addr_in, index + 1 * SZ)) << 8
        size = 1
    if size == 1:
        t |= r_uint64(llop.raw_load(rffi.UCHAR, addr_in, index))
        size = 0
    assert size == 0

    b |= t

    v3 ^= b
    v0, v1, v2, v3 = _double_round(v0, v1, v2, v3)
    v0 ^= b
    v2 ^= 0xff
    v0, v1, v2, v3 = _double_round(v0, v1, v2, v3)
    v0, v1, v2, v3 = _double_round(v0, v1, v2, v3)

    return (v0 ^ v1) ^ (v2 ^ v3)
Ejemplo n.º 28
 def rt_hash(self):
     return wrap_int(int(hash_int(r_uint32(hash(self._str_value)))))
Ejemplo n.º 29
def mainloop(program):
    pc = 0
    reg = [r_uint32(0)] * 8 # registers
    arr = [program]
    fresh = 1
    free = []
    while True:
        p = intmask(arr[0][pc])
        op = p >> (32-4)
        a = (p & 0b111000000) >> 6
        b = (p & 0b000111000) >> 3
        c = (p & 0b000000111) >> 0
        #print "[", op, ",", a, ",", b, ",", c, "]"
        if op == 0: # Conditional Move
            if(intmask(reg[c]) != 0):
                reg[a] = reg[b]
            pc += 1
        elif op == 1: # Array Index
            reg[a] = arr[reg[b]][reg[c]]
            pc += 1
        elif op == 2: # Array Amendment
            arr[reg[a]][reg[b]] = reg[c]
            pc += 1
        elif op == 3: # Addition
            reg[a] = r_uint32(intmask(reg[b]) + intmask(reg[c]))
            pc += 1
        elif op == 4: # Multiplication
            reg[a] = r_uint32(intmask(reg[b]) * intmask(reg[c]))
            pc += 1
        elif op == 5: # Division
            reg[a] = r_uint32(intmask(reg[b]) / intmask(reg[c]))
            pc += 1
        elif op == 6: # Nand
            reg[a] = r_uint32(~(intmask(reg[b]) & intmask(reg[c])))
            pc += 1
        elif op == 7: # Halt
        elif op == 8: # Allocation
            #if len(free) == 0:
            arr.append([r_uint32(0)] * reg[c])
            reg[b] = r_uint32(len(arr)-1)
            #    reg[b] = free.pop()
            #    print "reusing", reg[b]
            #    arr[reg[b]] = [r_uint32(0)] * reg[c]
            pc += 1
        elif op == 9: # Abandonment
            arr[reg[c]] = None
            pc += 1
        elif op == 10: # Output
            os.write(1, chr(reg[c]))
            pc += 1
        elif op == 11:
            #print "11"
            pc += 1
        elif op == 12: # Load Program
            if intmask(reg[b]) != 0:
                arr[0] = list(arr[reg[b]])
            pc = intmask(reg[c])
        elif op == 13: # Orthography
            a = p >> (32-4-3) & 0b111
            value = p & 0b00000001111111111111111111111111
            reg[a] = value
            pc += 1
            assert False
Ejemplo n.º 30
 def rt_hash(self):
     return wrap_int(int(hash_int(r_uint32(hash(self._str_value)))))
Ejemplo n.º 31
 def rt_hash(self):
     h = hash_combine(r_uint32(UT.hash(self._name)._int_value), r_uint32(UT.hash(self._ns)._int_value))
     return wrap_int(int(h))
Ejemplo n.º 32
 def setvalue(self, v):
     # This will only be called if we `become' a W_MutableFloat, should be rare
     r = float_pack(v, 8)
     # just shift and mask
     self.high = r_uint32(r >> 32)
     self.low = r_uint32(r)
Ejemplo n.º 33
def _siphash24(addr_in, size):
    """Takes an address pointer and a size.  Returns the hash as a r_uint64,
    which can then be casted to the expected type."""

    k0 = seed.k0l
    k1 = seed.k1l
    b = r_uint64(size) << 56
    v0 = k0 ^ magic0
    v1 = k1 ^ magic1
    v2 = k0 ^ magic2
    v3 = k1 ^ magic3

    direct = (misaligned_is_fine
              or (rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, addr_in) & 7) == 0)
    index = 0
    if direct:
        while size >= 8:
            mi = llop.raw_load(rffi.ULONGLONG, addr_in, index)
            mi = _le64toh(mi)
            size -= 8
            index += 8
            v3 ^= mi
            v0, v1, v2, v3 = _double_round(v0, v1, v2, v3)
            v0 ^= mi
        while size >= 8:
            mi = (
                r_uint64(llop.raw_load(rffi.UCHAR, addr_in, index))
                | r_uint64(llop.raw_load(rffi.UCHAR, addr_in, index + 1)) << 8
                | r_uint64(llop.raw_load(rffi.UCHAR, addr_in, index + 2)) << 16
                | r_uint64(llop.raw_load(rffi.UCHAR, addr_in, index + 3)) << 24
                | r_uint64(llop.raw_load(rffi.UCHAR, addr_in, index + 4)) << 32
                | r_uint64(llop.raw_load(rffi.UCHAR, addr_in, index + 5)) << 40
                | r_uint64(llop.raw_load(rffi.UCHAR, addr_in, index + 6)) << 48
                r_uint64(llop.raw_load(rffi.UCHAR, addr_in, index + 7)) << 56)
            size -= 8
            index += 8
            v3 ^= mi
            v0, v1, v2, v3 = _double_round(v0, v1, v2, v3)
            v0 ^= mi

    t = r_uint64(0)
    if size == 7:
        t = r_uint64(llop.raw_load(rffi.UCHAR, addr_in, index + 6)) << 48
        size = 6
    if size == 6:
        t |= r_uint64(llop.raw_load(rffi.UCHAR, addr_in, index + 5)) << 40
        size = 5
    if size == 5:
        t |= r_uint64(llop.raw_load(rffi.UCHAR, addr_in, index + 4)) << 32
        size = 4
    if size == 4:
        if direct:
            v = _le32toh(r_uint32(llop.raw_load(rffi.UINT, addr_in, index)))
            t |= r_uint64(v)
            size = 0
            t |= r_uint64(llop.raw_load(rffi.UCHAR, addr_in, index + 3)) << 24
            size = 3
    if size == 3:
        t |= r_uint64(llop.raw_load(rffi.UCHAR, addr_in, index + 2)) << 16
        size = 2
    if size == 2:
        t |= r_uint64(llop.raw_load(rffi.UCHAR, addr_in, index + 1)) << 8
        size = 1
    if size == 1:
        t |= r_uint64(llop.raw_load(rffi.UCHAR, addr_in, index))
        size = 0
    assert size == 0

    b |= t

    v3 ^= b
    v0, v1, v2, v3 = _double_round(v0, v1, v2, v3)
    v0 ^= b
    v2 ^= 0xff
    v0, v1, v2, v3 = _double_round(v0, v1, v2, v3)
    v0, v1, v2, v3 = _double_round(v0, v1, v2, v3)

    return (v0 ^ v1) ^ (v2 ^ v3)
Ejemplo n.º 34
def mainloop(program):
    pc = 0
    reg = [r_uint32(0)] * 8  # registers
    arr = [program]
    fresh = 1
    free = []

    while True:
        p = intmask(arr[0][pc])

        op = p >> (32 - 4)
        a = (p & 0b111000000) >> 6
        b = (p & 0b000111000) >> 3
        c = (p & 0b000000111) >> 0

        #print "[", op, ",", a, ",", b, ",", c, "]"

        if op == 0:  # Conditional Move
            if (intmask(reg[c]) != 0):
                reg[a] = reg[b]
            pc += 1
        elif op == 1:  # Array Index
            reg[a] = arr[reg[b]][reg[c]]
            pc += 1
        elif op == 2:  # Array Amendment
            arr[reg[a]][reg[b]] = reg[c]
            pc += 1
        elif op == 3:  # Addition
            reg[a] = r_uint32(intmask(reg[b]) + intmask(reg[c]))
            pc += 1
        elif op == 4:  # Multiplication
            reg[a] = r_uint32(intmask(reg[b]) * intmask(reg[c]))
            pc += 1
        elif op == 5:  # Division
            reg[a] = r_uint32(intmask(reg[b]) / intmask(reg[c]))
            pc += 1
        elif op == 6:  # Nand
            reg[a] = r_uint32(~(intmask(reg[b]) & intmask(reg[c])))
            pc += 1
        elif op == 7:  # Halt
        elif op == 8:  # Allocation
            #if len(free) == 0:
            arr.append([r_uint32(0)] * reg[c])
            reg[b] = r_uint32(len(arr) - 1)
            #    reg[b] = free.pop()
            #    print "reusing", reg[b]
            #    arr[reg[b]] = [r_uint32(0)] * reg[c]
            pc += 1
        elif op == 9:  # Abandonment
            arr[reg[c]] = None
            pc += 1
        elif op == 10:  # Output
            os.write(1, chr(reg[c]))
            pc += 1
        elif op == 11:
            #print "11"
            pc += 1
        elif op == 12:  # Load Program
            if intmask(reg[b]) != 0:
                arr[0] = list(arr[reg[b]])
            pc = intmask(reg[c])
        elif op == 13:  # Orthography
            a = p >> (32 - 4 - 3) & 0b111
            value = p & 0b00000001111111111111111111111111

            reg[a] = value

            pc += 1
            assert False
Ejemplo n.º 35
 def __init__(self, value):
     assert value == 0
     self.high = r_uint32(0)
     self.low = r_uint32(0)