Ejemplo n.º 1
def realize_global_int(ffi, g, gindex):
    fetch_fnptr = rffi.cast(FUNCPTR_FETCH_LONGLONG, g.c_address)
    with lltype.scoped_alloc(parse_c_type.GETCONST_S) as p_value:
        p_value.c_ctx = ffi.ctxobj.ctx
        rffi.setintfield(p_value, 'c_gindex', gindex)
        neg = fetch_fnptr(p_value)
        value = p_value.c_value
    neg = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, neg)

    if neg == 0:     # positive
        if value <= rffi.cast(rffi.ULONGLONG, sys.maxint):
            return ffi.space.wrap(intmask(value))
            return ffi.space.wrap(value)
    elif neg == 1:   # negative
        value = rffi.cast(rffi.LONGLONG, value)
        if value >= -sys.maxint-1:
            return ffi.space.wrap(intmask(value))
            return ffi.space.wrap(value)

    if neg == 2:
        got = "%d (0x%x)" % (value, value)
        got = "%d" % (rffi.cast(rffi.LONGLONG, value),)
    raise oefmt(ffi.w_FFIError,
                "the C compiler says '%s' is equal to %s, "
                "but the cdef disagrees", rffi.charp2str(g.c_name), got)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def parse(input):
    OUTPUT_SIZE = 100
    out = lltype.malloc(rffi.VOIDPP.TO,
    info = lltype.malloc(parse_c_type.PINFO.TO,
    info.c_ctx = ctx
    info.c_output = out
    rffi.setintfield(info, 'c_output_size', OUTPUT_SIZE)
    for j in range(OUTPUT_SIZE):
        out[j] = rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDP, -424242)
    res = parse_c_type.parse_c_type(info, input.encode('ascii'))
    if res < 0:
        raise ParseError(
            rffi.getintfield(info, 'c_error_location'))
    assert 0 <= res < OUTPUT_SIZE
    result = []
    for j in range(OUTPUT_SIZE):
        if out[j] == rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDP, -424242):
            assert res < j
        i = rffi.cast(rffi.SIGNED, out[j])
        if j == res:
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 3
def decompress(stream, data, flush=Z_SYNC_FLUSH, max_length=sys.maxint):
    Feed more data into an inflate stream.  Returns a tuple (string,
    finished, unused_data_length).  The string contains (a part of) the
    decompressed data.  If flush != Z_NO_FLUSH, this also flushes the
    output data; see zlib.h or the documentation of the zlib module for
    the possible values of 'flush'.

    The 'string' is never longer than 'max_length'.  The
    'unused_data_length' is the number of unprocessed input characters,
    either because they are after the end of the compressed stream or
    because processing it would cause the 'max_length' to be exceeded.
    # Warning, reentrant calls to the zlib with a given stream can cause it
    # to crash.  The caller of rpython.rlib.rzlib should use locks if needed.

    # _operate() does not support the Z_FINISH method of decompressing.
    # We can use Z_SYNC_FLUSH instead and manually check that we got to
    # the end of the data.
    if flush == Z_FINISH:
        flush = Z_SYNC_FLUSH
        should_finish = True
        should_finish = False
    while_doing = "while decompressing data"
    data, err, avail_in = _operate(stream, data, flush, max_length, _inflate,
    if should_finish:
        # detect incomplete input
        rffi.setintfield(stream, 'c_avail_in', 0)
        err = _inflate(stream, Z_FINISH)
        if err < 0:
            raise RZlibError.fromstream(stream, err, while_doing)
    finished = (err == Z_STREAM_END)
    return data, finished, avail_in
Ejemplo n.º 4
def PyBuffer_FillInfo(space, view, obj, buf, length, readonly, flags):
    Fills in a buffer-info structure correctly for an exporter that can only
    share a contiguous chunk of memory of "unsigned bytes" of the given
    length. Returns 0 on success and -1 (with raising an error) on error.

    This is not a complete re-implementation of the CPython API; it only
    provides a subset of CPython's behavior.
    if flags & PyBUF_WRITABLE and readonly:
        raise OperationError(space.w_ValueError,
                             space.wrap("Object is not writable"))
    view.c_buf = buf
    view.c_len = length
    view.c_obj = obj
    Py_IncRef(space, obj)
    view.c_itemsize = 1
    rffi.setintfield(view, 'c_readonly', readonly)
    rffi.setintfield(view, 'c_ndim', 0)
    view.c_format = lltype.nullptr(rffi.CCHARP.TO)
    view.c_shape = lltype.nullptr(Py_ssize_tP.TO)
    view.c_strides = lltype.nullptr(Py_ssize_tP.TO)
    view.c_suboffsets = lltype.nullptr(Py_ssize_tP.TO)
    view.c_internal = lltype.nullptr(rffi.VOIDP.TO)

    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def _select(self, for_writing):
     """Returns 0 when reading/writing is possible,
     1 when timing out and -1 on error."""
     timeout = self.timeout
     if timeout <= 0.0 or self.fd == _c.INVALID_SOCKET:
         # blocking I/O or no socket.
         return 0
     tv = rffi.make(_c.timeval)
     rffi.setintfield(tv, 'c_tv_sec', int(timeout))
     rffi.setintfield(tv, 'c_tv_usec', int((timeout-int(timeout))
                                           * 1000000))
     fds = lltype.malloc(_c.fd_set.TO, flavor='raw')
     _c.FD_SET(self.fd, fds)
     null = lltype.nullptr(_c.fd_set.TO)
     if for_writing:
         n = _c.select(self.fd + 1, null, fds, null, tv)
         n = _c.select(self.fd + 1, fds, null, null, tv)
     lltype.free(fds, flavor='raw')
     lltype.free(tv, flavor='raw')
     if n < 0:
         return -1
     if n == 0:
         return 1
     return 0
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def poll(fddict, timeout=-1):
        """'fddict' maps file descriptors to interesting events.
        'timeout' is an integer in milliseconds, and NOT a float
        number of seconds, but it's the same in CPython.  Use -1 for infinite.
        Returns a list [(fd, events)].
        numfd = len(fddict)
        pollfds = lltype.malloc(_c.pollfdarray, numfd, flavor='raw')
            i = 0
            for fd, events in fddict.iteritems():
                rffi.setintfield(pollfds[i], 'c_fd', fd)
                rffi.setintfield(pollfds[i], 'c_events', events)
                i += 1
            assert i == numfd

            ret = _c.poll(pollfds, numfd, timeout)

            if ret < 0:
                raise PollError(_c.geterrno())

            retval = []
            for i in range(numfd):
                pollfd = pollfds[i]
                fd      = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, pollfd.c_fd)
                revents = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, pollfd.c_revents)
                if revents:
                    retval.append((fd, revents))
            lltype.free(pollfds, flavor='raw')
        return retval
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_deflate_set_dictionary():
    text = 'abcabc'
    zdict = 'abc'
    stream = rzlib.deflateInit()
    rzlib.deflateSetDictionary(stream, zdict)
    bytes = rzlib.compress(stream, text, rzlib.Z_FINISH)
    stream2 = rzlib.inflateInit()

    from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import lltype, rffi, rstr
    from rpython.rtyper.annlowlevel import llstr
    from rpython.rlib.rstring import StringBuilder
    with lltype.scoped_alloc(rffi.CCHARP.TO, len(bytes)) as inbuf:
        rstr.copy_string_to_raw(llstr(bytes), inbuf, 0, len(bytes))
        stream2.c_next_in = rffi.cast(rzlib.Bytefp, inbuf)
        rffi.setintfield(stream2, 'c_avail_in', len(bytes))
        with lltype.scoped_alloc(rffi.CCHARP.TO, 100) as outbuf:
            stream2.c_next_out = rffi.cast(rzlib.Bytefp, outbuf)
            bufsize = 100
            rffi.setintfield(stream2, 'c_avail_out', bufsize)
            err = rzlib._inflate(stream2, rzlib.Z_SYNC_FLUSH)
            assert err == rzlib.Z_NEED_DICT
            rzlib.inflateSetDictionary(stream2, zdict)
            rzlib._inflate(stream2, rzlib.Z_SYNC_FLUSH)
            avail_out = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, stream2.c_avail_out)
            result = StringBuilder()
            result.append_charpsize(outbuf, bufsize - avail_out)

    assert result.build() == text
Ejemplo n.º 8
def frame_attach(space, py_obj, w_obj):
    "Fills a newly allocated PyFrameObject with a frame object"
    frame = space.interp_w(PyFrame, w_obj)
    py_frame = rffi.cast(PyFrameObject, py_obj)
    py_frame.c_f_code = rffi.cast(PyCodeObject, make_ref(space, frame.pycode))
    py_frame.c_f_globals = make_ref(space, frame.w_globals)
    rffi.setintfield(py_frame, 'c_f_lineno', frame.f_lineno)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def _decompress_buf(self, data, max_length):
        total_in = len(data)
        in_bufsize = min(total_in, MAX_BUFSIZE)
        total_in -= in_bufsize
        with rffi.scoped_nonmovingbuffer(data) as in_buf:
            # setup the input and the size it can consume
            self.bzs.c_next_in = in_buf
            rffi.setintfield(self.bzs, 'c_avail_in', in_bufsize)
            self.left_to_process = in_bufsize

            with OutBuffer(self.bzs, max_length=max_length) as out:
                while True:
                    bzreturn = BZ2_bzDecompress(self.bzs)
                    # add up the size that has not been processed
                    avail_in = rffi.getintfield(self.bzs, 'c_avail_in')
                    self.left_to_process = avail_in
                    if bzreturn == BZ_STREAM_END:
                        self.running = False
                    if bzreturn != BZ_OK:
                        _catch_bz2_error(self.space, bzreturn)

                    if self.left_to_process == 0:
                    elif rffi.getintfield(self.bzs, 'c_avail_out') == 0:
                        if out.get_data_size() == max_length:

                self.left_to_process += total_in
                res = out.make_result_string()
                return self.space.newbytes(res)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def _sem_timedwait_save(sem, deadline):
        delay = 0
        void = lltype.nullptr(rffi.VOIDP.TO)
        with lltype.scoped_alloc(TIMEVALP.TO, 1) as tvdeadline:
            while True:
                # poll
                if _sem_trywait(sem) == 0:
                    return 0
                elif rposix.get_saved_errno() != errno.EAGAIN:
                    return -1

                now = gettimeofday()
                c_tv_sec = rffi.getintfield(deadline[0], 'c_tv_sec')
                c_tv_nsec = rffi.getintfield(deadline[0], 'c_tv_nsec')
                if (c_tv_sec < now[0]
                        or (c_tv_sec == now[0] and c_tv_nsec <= now[1])):
                    return -1

                # calculate how much time is left
                difference = ((c_tv_sec - now[0]) * 1000000 +
                              (c_tv_nsec - now[1]))

                # check delay not too long -- maximum is 20 msecs
                if delay > 20000:
                    delay = 20000
                if delay > difference:
                    delay = difference
                delay += 1000

                # sleep
                rffi.setintfield(tvdeadline[0], 'c_tv_sec', delay / 1000000)
                rffi.setintfield(tvdeadline[0], 'c_tv_usec', delay % 1000000)
                if _select(0, void, void, void, tvdeadline) < 0:
                    return -1
Ejemplo n.º 11
def buffer_attach(space, py_obj, w_obj):
    Fills a newly allocated PyBufferObject with the given (str) buffer object.
    py_buf = rffi.cast(PyBufferObject, py_obj)
    py_buf.c_b_offset = 0
    rffi.setintfield(py_buf, 'c_b_readonly', 1)
    rffi.setintfield(py_buf, 'c_b_hash', -1)

    assert isinstance(w_obj, W_Buffer)
    buf = w_obj.buf

    if isinstance(buf, SubBuffer):
        py_buf.c_b_offset = buf.offset
        buf = buf.buffer

    # If buf already allocated a fixed buffer, use it, and keep a
    # reference to buf.
    # Otherwise, b_base stays NULL, and we own the b_ptr.

    if isinstance(buf, StringBuffer):
        py_buf.c_b_base = lltype.nullptr(PyObject.TO)
        py_buf.c_b_ptr = rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDP, rffi.str2charp(buf.value))
        py_buf.c_b_size = buf.getlength()
    elif isinstance(buf, ArrayBuffer):
        w_base = buf.array
        py_buf.c_b_base = make_ref(space, w_base)
        py_buf.c_b_ptr = rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDP, buf.array._charbuf_start())
        py_buf.c_b_size = buf.getlength()
        raise OperationError(space.w_NotImplementedError, space.wrap(
            "buffer flavor not supported"))
Ejemplo n.º 12
def fill_Py_buffer(space, buf, view):
    # c_buf, c_obj have been filled in
    ndim = buf.getndim()
    view.c_len = buf.getlength()
    view.c_itemsize = buf.getitemsize()
    rffi.setintfield(view, 'c_ndim', ndim)
    fmt = buf.getformat()
    n = len(fmt)
    view.c_format = lltype.malloc(rffi.CCHARP.TO,
                                  n + 1,
    flags = widen(view.c_flags)
    view.c_flags = rffi.cast(rffi.INT_real, flags)
    for i in range(n):
        view.c_format[i] = fmt[i]
    view.c_format[n] = '\x00'
    if ndim > 0:
        view.c_shape = rffi.cast(Py_ssize_tP, view.c__shape)
        view.c_strides = rffi.cast(Py_ssize_tP, view.c__strides)
        shape = buf.getshape()
        strides = buf.getstrides()
        for i in range(ndim):
            view.c_shape[i] = shape[i]
            view.c_strides[i] = strides[i]
        view.c_shape = lltype.nullptr(Py_ssize_tP.TO)
        view.c_strides = lltype.nullptr(Py_ssize_tP.TO)
    view.c_suboffsets = lltype.nullptr(Py_ssize_tP.TO)
    view.c_internal = lltype.nullptr(rffi.VOIDP.TO)
    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def poll(fddict, timeout=-1):
        """'fddict' maps file descriptors to interesting events.
        'timeout' is an integer in milliseconds, and NOT a float
        number of seconds, but it's the same in CPython.  Use -1 for infinite.
        Returns a list [(fd, events)].
        numfd = len(fddict)
        pollfds = lltype.malloc(_c.pollfdarray, numfd, flavor='raw')
            i = 0
            for fd, events in fddict.iteritems():
                rffi.setintfield(pollfds[i], 'c_fd', fd)
                rffi.setintfield(pollfds[i], 'c_events', events)
                i += 1
            assert i == numfd

            ret = _c.poll(pollfds, numfd, timeout)

            if ret < 0:
                raise PollError(_c.geterrno())

            retval = []
            for i in range(numfd):
                pollfd = pollfds[i]
                fd      = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, pollfd.c_fd)
                revents = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, pollfd.c_revents)
                if revents:
                    retval.append((fd, revents))
            lltype.free(pollfds, flavor='raw')
        return retval
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def assert_updated_metrics(width, height):
     rffi.setintfield(stub_videoresize_event, 'c_w', width)
     rffi.setintfield(stub_videoresize_event, 'c_h', height)
     result = sut.get_next_event()
     # TODO: decide whether no events or windowmetric events should be raised
     assert sut.width == width
     assert sut.height == height
Ejemplo n.º 15
def _operate(stream, data, flush, max_length, cfunc, while_doing):
    """Common code for compress() and decompress().
    # Prepare the input buffer for the stream
    with lltype.scoped_alloc(rffi.CCHARP.TO, len(data)) as inbuf:
        for i in xrange(len(data)):
            inbuf[i] = data[i]
        stream.c_next_in = rffi.cast(Bytefp, inbuf)
        rffi.setintfield(stream, 'c_avail_in', len(data))

        # Prepare the output buffer
        with lltype.scoped_alloc(rffi.CCHARP.TO, OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE) as outbuf:
            # Strategy: we call deflate() to get as much output data as fits in
            # the buffer, then accumulate all output into a StringBuffer
            # 'result'.
            result = StringBuilder()

            while True:
                stream.c_next_out = rffi.cast(Bytefp, outbuf)
                bufsize = OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE
                if max_length < bufsize:
                    if max_length <= 0:
                        err = Z_OK
                    bufsize = max_length
                max_length -= bufsize
                rffi.setintfield(stream, 'c_avail_out', bufsize)
                err = cfunc(stream, flush)
                if err == Z_OK or err == Z_STREAM_END:
                    # accumulate data into 'result'
                    avail_out = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, stream.c_avail_out)
                    result.append_charpsize(outbuf, bufsize - avail_out)
                    # if the output buffer is full, there might be more data
                    # so we need to try again.  Otherwise, we're done.
                    if avail_out > 0:
                    # We're also done if we got a Z_STREAM_END (which should
                    # only occur when flush == Z_FINISH).
                    if err == Z_STREAM_END:
                elif err == Z_BUF_ERROR:
                    avail_out = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, stream.c_avail_out)
                    # When compressing, we will only get Z_BUF_ERROR if
                    # the output buffer was full but there wasn't more
                    # output when we tried again, so it is not an error
                    # condition.
                    if avail_out == bufsize:

                # fallback case: report this error
                raise RZlibError.fromstream(stream, err, while_doing)

    # When decompressing, if the compressed stream of data was truncated,
    # then the zlib simply returns Z_OK and waits for more.  If it is
    # complete it returns Z_STREAM_END.
    return (result.build(),
            rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, stream.c_avail_in))
Ejemplo n.º 16
Archivo: object.py Proyecto: sota/pypy
def PyBuffer_FillInfo(space, view, obj, buf, length, readonly, flags):
    Fills in a buffer-info structure correctly for an exporter that can only
    share a contiguous chunk of memory of "unsigned bytes" of the given
    length. Returns 0 on success and -1 (with raising an error) on error.

    This is not a complete re-implementation of the CPython API; it only
    provides a subset of CPython's behavior.
    if flags & PyBUF_WRITABLE and readonly:
        raise OperationError(space.w_ValueError, space.wrap("Object is not writable"))
    view.c_buf = buf
    view.c_len = length
    view.c_obj = obj
    Py_IncRef(space, obj)
    view.c_itemsize = 1
    rffi.setintfield(view, "c_readonly", readonly)
    rffi.setintfield(view, "c_ndim", 0)
    view.c_format = lltype.nullptr(rffi.CCHARP.TO)
    view.c_shape = lltype.nullptr(Py_ssize_tP.TO)
    view.c_strides = lltype.nullptr(Py_ssize_tP.TO)
    view.c_suboffsets = lltype.nullptr(Py_ssize_tP.TO)
    view.c_internal = lltype.nullptr(rffi.VOIDP.TO)

    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def _select(self, for_writing):
     """Returns 0 when reading/writing is possible,
     1 when timing out and -1 on error."""
     timeout = self.timeout
     if timeout <= 0.0 or self.fd == _c.INVALID_SOCKET:
         # blocking I/O or no socket.
         return 0
     tv = rffi.make(_c.timeval)
     rffi.setintfield(tv, 'c_tv_sec', int(timeout))
     rffi.setintfield(tv, 'c_tv_usec', int((timeout-int(timeout))
                                           * 1000000))
     fds = lltype.malloc(_c.fd_set.TO, flavor='raw')
     _c.FD_SET(self.fd, fds)
     null = lltype.nullptr(_c.fd_set.TO)
     if for_writing:
         n = _c.select(self.fd + 1, null, fds, null, tv)
         n = _c.select(self.fd + 1, fds, null, null, tv)
     lltype.free(fds, flavor='raw')
     lltype.free(tv, flavor='raw')
     if n < 0:
         return -1
     if n == 0:
         return 1
     return 0
Ejemplo n.º 18
def realize_global_int(ffi, g, gindex):
    fetch_fnptr = rffi.cast(FUNCPTR_FETCH_LONGLONG, g.c_address)
    with lltype.scoped_alloc(parse_c_type.GETCONST_S) as p_value:
        p_value.c_ctx = ffi.ctxobj.ctx
        rffi.setintfield(p_value, 'c_gindex', gindex)
        neg = fetch_fnptr(p_value)
        value = p_value.c_value
    neg = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, neg)

    if neg == 0:  # positive
        if value <= rffi.cast(rffi.ULONGLONG, sys.maxint):
            return ffi.space.newint(intmask(value))
            return ffi.space.newint(value)
    elif neg == 1:  # negative
        value = rffi.cast(rffi.LONGLONG, value)
        if value >= -sys.maxint - 1:
            return ffi.space.newint(intmask(value))
            return ffi.space.newint(value)

    if neg == 2:
        got = "%d (0x%x)" % (value, value)
        got = "%d" % (rffi.cast(rffi.LONGLONG, value), )
    raise oefmt(
        ffi.w_FFIError, "the C compiler says '%s' is equal to %s, "
        "but the cdef disagrees", rffi.charp2str(g.c_name), got)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def parse(input):
    OUTPUT_SIZE = 100
    out = lltype.malloc(rffi.VOIDPP.TO, OUTPUT_SIZE, flavor='raw',
    info = lltype.malloc(parse_c_type.PINFO.TO, flavor='raw', zero=True,
    info.c_ctx = ctx
    info.c_output = out
    rffi.setintfield(info, 'c_output_size', OUTPUT_SIZE)
    for j in range(OUTPUT_SIZE):
        out[j] = rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDP, -424242)
    res = parse_c_type.parse_c_type(info, input.encode('ascii'))
    if res < 0:
        raise ParseError(rffi.charp2str(info.c_error_message).decode('ascii'),
                         rffi.getintfield(info, 'c_error_location'))
    assert 0 <= res < OUTPUT_SIZE
    result = []
    for j in range(OUTPUT_SIZE):
        if out[j] == rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDP, -424242):
            assert res < j
        i = rffi.cast(rffi.SIGNED, out[j])
        if j == res:
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 20
def buffer_attach(space, py_obj, w_obj, w_userdata=None):
    Fills a newly allocated PyBufferObject with the given (str) buffer object.
    py_buf = rffi.cast(PyBufferObject, py_obj)
    py_buf.c_b_offset = 0
    rffi.setintfield(py_buf, 'c_b_readonly', 1)
    rffi.setintfield(py_buf, 'c_b_hash', -1)

    assert isinstance(w_obj, W_Buffer)
    buf = w_obj.buf

    if isinstance(buf, SubBuffer):
        py_buf.c_b_offset = buf.offset
        buf = buf.buffer

    # If buf already allocated a fixed buffer, use it, and keep a
    # reference to buf.
    # Otherwise, b_base stays NULL, and we own the b_ptr.

    if isinstance(buf, StringBuffer):
        py_buf.c_b_base = lltype.nullptr(PyObject.TO)
        py_buf.c_b_ptr = rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDP, rffi.str2charp(buf.value))
        py_buf.c_b_size = buf.getlength()
    elif isinstance(buf, ArrayBuffer):
        w_base = buf.w_array
        py_buf.c_b_base = make_ref(space, w_base)
        py_buf.c_b_ptr = rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDP, buf.w_array._charbuf_start())
        py_buf.c_b_size = buf.getlength()
        raise oefmt(space.w_NotImplementedError, "buffer flavor not supported")
Ejemplo n.º 21
def test_deflate_set_dictionary():
    text = 'abcabc'
    zdict = 'abc'
    stream = rzlib.deflateInit()
    rzlib.deflateSetDictionary(stream, zdict)
    bytes = rzlib.compress(stream, text, rzlib.Z_FINISH)

    stream2 = rzlib.inflateInit()

    from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import lltype, rffi, rstr
    from rpython.rtyper.annlowlevel import llstr
    from rpython.rlib.rstring import StringBuilder
    with lltype.scoped_alloc(rffi.CCHARP.TO, len(bytes)) as inbuf:
        rstr.copy_string_to_raw(llstr(bytes), inbuf, 0, len(bytes))
        stream2.c_next_in = rffi.cast(rzlib.Bytefp, inbuf)
        rffi.setintfield(stream2, 'c_avail_in', len(bytes))
        with lltype.scoped_alloc(rffi.CCHARP.TO, 100) as outbuf:
            stream2.c_next_out = rffi.cast(rzlib.Bytefp, outbuf)
            bufsize = 100
            rffi.setintfield(stream2, 'c_avail_out', bufsize)
            err = rzlib._inflate(stream2, rzlib.Z_SYNC_FLUSH)
            assert err == rzlib.Z_NEED_DICT
            rzlib.inflateSetDictionary(stream2, zdict)
            rzlib._inflate(stream2, rzlib.Z_SYNC_FLUSH)
            avail_out = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, stream2.c_avail_out)
            result = StringBuilder()
            result.append_charpsize(outbuf, bufsize - avail_out)

    assert result.build() == text
Ejemplo n.º 22
def memory_attach(space, py_obj, w_obj, w_userdata=None):
    Fills a newly allocated PyMemoryViewObject with the given W_MemoryView object.
    assert isinstance(w_obj, W_MemoryView)
    py_obj = rffi.cast(PyMemoryViewObject, py_obj)
    view = py_obj.c_view
    ndim = w_obj.getndim()
    if ndim >= Py_MAX_NDIMS:
        # XXX warn?
    fill_Py_buffer(space, w_obj.view, view)
        view.c_buf = rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDP, w_obj.view.get_raw_address())
        # not used in PyPy to keep something alive,
        # but some c-extensions check the type without checking for NULL
        view.c_obj = make_ref(space, space.w_None)
        rffi.setintfield(view, 'c_readonly',
                         rffi.cast(rffi.INT_real, w_obj.view.readonly))
    except ValueError:
        w_s = w_obj.descr_tobytes(space)
        view.c_obj = make_ref(space, w_s)
        view.c_buf = rffi.cast(
            rffi.str2charp(space.bytes_w(w_s), track_allocation=False))
        rffi.setintfield(view, 'c_readonly', 1)
Ejemplo n.º 23
def decompress(stream, data, flush=Z_SYNC_FLUSH, max_length=sys.maxint):
    Feed more data into an inflate stream.  Returns a tuple (string,
    finished, unused_data_length).  The string contains (a part of) the
    decompressed data.  If flush != Z_NO_FLUSH, this also flushes the
    output data; see zlib.h or the documentation of the zlib module for
    the possible values of 'flush'.

    The 'string' is never longer than 'max_length'.  The
    'unused_data_length' is the number of unprocessed input characters,
    either because they are after the end of the compressed stream or
    because processing it would cause the 'max_length' to be exceeded.
    # Warning, reentrant calls to the zlib with a given stream can cause it
    # to crash.  The caller of rpython.rlib.rzlib should use locks if needed.

    # _operate() does not support the Z_FINISH method of decompressing.
    # We can use Z_SYNC_FLUSH instead and manually check that we got to
    # the end of the data.
    if flush == Z_FINISH:
        flush = Z_SYNC_FLUSH
        should_finish = True
        should_finish = False
    while_doing = "while decompressing data"
    data, err, avail_in = _operate(stream, data, flush, max_length, _inflate,
    if should_finish:
        # detect incomplete input
        rffi.setintfield(stream, 'c_avail_in', 0)
        err = _inflate(stream, Z_FINISH)
        if err < 0:
            raise RZlibError.fromstream(stream, err, while_doing)
    finished = (err == Z_STREAM_END)
    return data, finished, avail_in
Ejemplo n.º 24
Archivo: rzlib.py Proyecto: juokaz/pypy
def _operate(stream, data, flush, max_length, cfunc, while_doing):
    """Common code for compress() and decompress().
    # Prepare the input buffer for the stream
    with lltype.scoped_alloc(rffi.CCHARP.TO, len(data)) as inbuf:
        # XXX (groggi) should be possible to improve this with pinning by
        # not performing the 'copy_string_to_raw' if non-movable/pinned
        copy_string_to_raw(llstr(data), inbuf, 0, len(data))
        stream.c_next_in = rffi.cast(Bytefp, inbuf)
        rffi.setintfield(stream, 'c_avail_in', len(data))

        # Prepare the output buffer
        with lltype.scoped_alloc(rffi.CCHARP.TO, OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE) as outbuf:
            # Strategy: we call deflate() to get as much output data as fits in
            # the buffer, then accumulate all output into a StringBuffer
            # 'result'.
            result = StringBuilder()

            while True:
                stream.c_next_out = rffi.cast(Bytefp, outbuf)
                bufsize = OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE
                if max_length < bufsize:
                    if max_length <= 0:
                        err = Z_OK
                    bufsize = max_length
                max_length -= bufsize
                rffi.setintfield(stream, 'c_avail_out', bufsize)
                err = cfunc(stream, flush)
                if err == Z_OK or err == Z_STREAM_END:
                    # accumulate data into 'result'
                    avail_out = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, stream.c_avail_out)
                    result.append_charpsize(outbuf, bufsize - avail_out)
                    # if the output buffer is full, there might be more data
                    # so we need to try again.  Otherwise, we're done.
                    if avail_out > 0:
                    # We're also done if we got a Z_STREAM_END (which should
                    # only occur when flush == Z_FINISH).
                    if err == Z_STREAM_END:
                elif err == Z_BUF_ERROR:
                    avail_out = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, stream.c_avail_out)
                    # When compressing, we will only get Z_BUF_ERROR if
                    # the output buffer was full but there wasn't more
                    # output when we tried again, so it is not an error
                    # condition.
                    if avail_out == bufsize:

                # fallback case: report this error
                raise RZlibError.fromstream(stream, err, while_doing)

    # When decompressing, if the compressed stream of data was truncated,
    # then the zlib simply returns Z_OK and waits for more.  If it is
    # complete it returns Z_STREAM_END.
    return (result.build(), err, rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, stream.c_avail_in))
Ejemplo n.º 25
def select(space, w_iwtd, w_owtd, w_ewtd, w_timeout):
    """Wait until one or more file descriptors are ready for some kind of I/O.
The first three arguments are sequences of file descriptors to be waited for:
rlist -- wait until ready for reading
wlist -- wait until ready for writing
xlist -- wait for an ``exceptional condition''
If only one kind of condition is required, pass [] for the other lists.
A file descriptor is either a socket or file object, or a small integer
gotten from a fileno() method call on one of those.

The optional 4th argument specifies a timeout in seconds; it may be
a floating point number to specify fractions of seconds.  If it is absent
or None, the call will never time out.

The return value is a tuple of three lists corresponding to the first three
arguments; each contains the subset of the corresponding file descriptors
that are ready.

On Windows, only sockets are supported; on Unix, all file descriptors.

    iwtd_w = space.listview(w_iwtd)
    owtd_w = space.listview(w_owtd)
    ewtd_w = space.listview(w_ewtd)

    if space.is_w(w_timeout, space.w_None):
        timeout = -1.0
        timeout = space.float_w(w_timeout)

    ll_inl  = lltype.nullptr(_c.fd_set.TO)
    ll_outl = lltype.nullptr(_c.fd_set.TO)
    ll_errl = lltype.nullptr(_c.fd_set.TO)
    ll_timeval = lltype.nullptr(_c.timeval)

        if len(iwtd_w) > 0:
            ll_inl = lltype.malloc(_c.fd_set.TO, flavor='raw')
        if len(owtd_w) > 0:
            ll_outl = lltype.malloc(_c.fd_set.TO, flavor='raw')
        if len(ewtd_w) > 0:
            ll_errl = lltype.malloc(_c.fd_set.TO, flavor='raw')
        if timeout >= 0.0:
            ll_timeval = rffi.make(_c.timeval)
            i = int(timeout)
            rffi.setintfield(ll_timeval, 'c_tv_sec', i)
            rffi.setintfield(ll_timeval, 'c_tv_usec', int((timeout-i)*1000000))

        # Call this as a separate helper to avoid a large piece of code
        # in try:finally:.  Needed for calling further _always_inline_
        # helpers like _build_fd_set().
        return _call_select(space, iwtd_w, owtd_w, ewtd_w,
                            ll_inl, ll_outl, ll_errl, ll_timeval)
        if ll_timeval: lltype.free(ll_timeval, flavor='raw')
        if ll_errl:    lltype.free(ll_errl, flavor='raw')
        if ll_outl:    lltype.free(ll_outl, flavor='raw')
        if ll_inl:     lltype.free(ll_inl, flavor='raw')
Ejemplo n.º 26
 def draw_pixel(self, x, y, color):
     color = self.colors[color]
     start_x = x * self.scale
     start_y = y * self.scale
     dstrect = self.blit_rect
     rffi.setintfield(dstrect, 'c_x', start_x)
     rffi.setintfield(dstrect, 'c_y', start_y)
     RSDL.FillRect(self.screen, dstrect, color)
Ejemplo n.º 27
def frame_attach(space, py_obj, w_obj, w_userdata=None):
    "Fills a newly allocated PyFrameObject with a frame object"
    frame = space.interp_w(PyFrame, w_obj)
    py_frame = rffi.cast(PyFrameObject, py_obj)
    py_frame.c_f_code = rffi.cast(PyCodeObject, make_ref(space, frame.pycode))
    py_frame.c_f_globals = make_ref(space, frame.get_w_globals())
    py_frame.c_f_locals = make_ref(space, frame.get_w_locals())
    rffi.setintfield(py_frame, 'c_f_lineno', frame.getorcreatedebug().f_lineno)
Ejemplo n.º 28
def timeval_from_double(d, timeval):
    c_tv_sec = int(d)
    c_tv_usec = int((d - int(d)) * 1000000)
    # Don't disable the timer if the computation above rounds down to zero.
    if d > 0.0 and c_tv_sec == 0 and c_tv_usec == 0:
        c_tv_usec = 1
    rffi.setintfield(timeval, 'c_tv_sec', c_tv_sec)
    rffi.setintfield(timeval, 'c_tv_usec', c_tv_usec)
Ejemplo n.º 29
def mktime(tup):
    buf = _gettmarg(tup)
    rffi.setintfield(buf, "c_tm_wday", -1)
    tt = c_mktime(buf)
    if tt == -1 and rffi.getintfield(buf, "c_tm_wday") == -1:
        raise Exception('mktime argument out of range')

    return float(tt)
Ejemplo n.º 30
 def unregister_sock(self, sock):
     assert isinstance(sock, s.Socket)
     del self.sockets[sock.fd]
     with lltype.scoped_alloc(epoll_event) as ev:
         ev.c_events = rffi.cast(rffi.UINT, 0)
         rffi.setintfield(ev.c_data, 'c_fd', sock.fd)
         if epoll_ctl(self.fd, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, sock.fd, ev) < 0:
             raise rsocket.last_error()
Ejemplo n.º 31
 def clock_settime(space, clk_id, secs):
     with lltype.scoped_alloc(TIMESPEC) as timespec:
         integer_secs = rffi.cast(TIMESPEC.c_tv_sec, secs)
         frac = secs - widen(integer_secs)
         rffi.setintfield(timespec, 'c_tv_sec', integer_secs)
         rffi.setintfield(timespec, 'c_tv_nsec', int(frac * 1e9))
         ret = c_clock_settime(clk_id, timespec)
         if ret != 0:
             raise exception_from_saved_errno(space, space.w_OSError)
Ejemplo n.º 32
 def from_in6_addr(in6_addr):
     result = instantiate(INET6Address)
     # store the malloc'ed data into 'result' as soon as possible
     # to avoid leaks if an exception occurs inbetween
     sin = lltype.malloc(_c.sockaddr_in6, flavor="raw", zero=True, track_allocation=False)
     result.setdata(sin, sizeof(_c.sockaddr_in6))
     rffi.setintfield(sin, "c_sin6_family", AF_INET6)
     rffi.structcopy(sin.c_sin6_addr, in6_addr)
     return result
Ejemplo n.º 33
 def register_sock(self, sock, flags):
     assert isinstance(sock, s.Socket)
     assert isinstance(flags, data.UInt)
     self.sockets[sock.fd] = sock
     with lltype.scoped_alloc(epoll_event) as ev:
         ev.c_events = rffi.cast(rffi.UINT, flags.n)
         rffi.setintfield(ev.c_data, 'c_fd', sock.fd)
         if epoll_ctl(self.fd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, sock.fd, ev) < 0:
             raise rsocket.last_error()
Ejemplo n.º 34
def test_dont_do_superfluous_flag_writes():
    with lltype.scoped_alloc(capi.MEM) as pMem:
        rffi.setintfield(pMem, 'flags', CConfig.MEM_Int)
        pMem.u.i = 17
        pMem.u.r = 2.3
        mem = Mem(FakeHLQuery(), pMem, 0)
        assert mem.get_flags() == CConfig.MEM_Int
        mem.pMem = None
        mem.set_flags(CConfig.MEM_Int) # works, because unnecessary
Ejemplo n.º 35
def _call_select(space, iwtd_w, owtd_w, ewtd_w, ll_inl, ll_outl, ll_errl,
                 ll_timeval, timeout):
    fdlistin = fdlistout = fdlisterr = None
    nfds = -1
    if ll_inl:
        fdlistin, nfds = _build_fd_set(space, iwtd_w, ll_inl, nfds)
    if ll_outl:
        fdlistout, nfds = _build_fd_set(space, owtd_w, ll_outl, nfds)
    if ll_errl:
        fdlisterr, nfds = _build_fd_set(space, ewtd_w, ll_errl, nfds)

    if ll_timeval:
        end_time = timeutils.monotonic(space) + timeout
        end_time = 0.0

    while True:
        if ll_timeval:
            i = int(timeout)
            rffi.setintfield(ll_timeval, 'c_tv_sec', i)
            rffi.setintfield(ll_timeval, 'c_tv_usec',
                             int((timeout - i) * 1000000))

        res = _c.select(nfds + 1, ll_inl, ll_outl, ll_errl, ll_timeval)

        if res >= 0:
            break  # normal path
        err = _c.geterrno()
        if err != errno.EINTR:
            msg = _c.socket_strerror_unicode(err)
            raise OperationError(
        # got EINTR, automatic retry
        if timeout > 0.0:
            timeout = end_time - timeutils.monotonic(space)
            if timeout < 0.0:
                timeout = 0.0

    resin_w = []
    resout_w = []
    reserr_w = []
    if res > 0:
        if fdlistin is not None:
            _unbuild_fd_set(space, iwtd_w, fdlistin, ll_inl, resin_w)
        if fdlistout is not None:
            _unbuild_fd_set(space, owtd_w, fdlistout, ll_outl, resout_w)
        if fdlisterr is not None:
            _unbuild_fd_set(space, ewtd_w, fdlisterr, ll_errl, reserr_w)
    return space.newtuple([
Ejemplo n.º 36
def select(inl, outl, excl, timeout=-1.0):
    nfds = 0
    if inl: 
        ll_inl = lltype.malloc(_c.fd_set.TO, flavor='raw')
        for i in inl:
            _c.FD_SET(i, ll_inl)
            if i > nfds:
                nfds = i
        ll_inl = lltype.nullptr(_c.fd_set.TO)
    if outl: 
        ll_outl = lltype.malloc(_c.fd_set.TO, flavor='raw')
        for i in outl:
            _c.FD_SET(i, ll_outl)
            if i > nfds:
                nfds = i
        ll_outl = lltype.nullptr(_c.fd_set.TO)
    if excl: 
        ll_excl = lltype.malloc(_c.fd_set.TO, flavor='raw')
        for i in excl:
            _c.FD_SET(i, ll_excl)
            if i > nfds:
                nfds = i
        ll_excl = lltype.nullptr(_c.fd_set.TO)
    if timeout != -1.0:
        ll_timeval = rffi.make(_c.timeval)
        rffi.setintfield(ll_timeval, 'c_tv_sec', int(timeout))
        rffi.setintfield(ll_timeval, 'c_tv_usec', int((timeout-int(timeout))
                                                  * 1000000))
        ll_timeval = lltype.nullptr(_c.timeval)
        res = _c.select(nfds + 1, ll_inl, ll_outl, ll_excl, ll_timeval)
        if res == -1:
            raise SelectError(_c.geterrno())
        if res == 0:
            return ([], [], [])
            return (
                [i for i in inl if _c.FD_ISSET(i, ll_inl)],
                [i for i in outl if _c.FD_ISSET(i, ll_outl)],
                [i for i in excl if _c.FD_ISSET(i, ll_excl)])
        if ll_inl:
            lltype.free(ll_inl, flavor='raw')
        if ll_outl:
            lltype.free(ll_outl, flavor='raw')
        if ll_excl:
            lltype.free(ll_excl, flavor='raw')
        if ll_timeval:
            lltype.free(ll_timeval, flavor='raw')
Ejemplo n.º 37
def makeipv4addr(s_addr, result=None):
    if result is None:
        result = instantiate(INETAddress)
    elif result.family != AF_INET:
        raise RSocketError("address family mismatched")
    sin = lltype.malloc(_c.sockaddr_in, flavor="raw", zero=True, track_allocation=False)
    result.setdata(sin, sizeof(_c.sockaddr_in))
    rffi.setintfield(sin, "c_sin_family", AF_INET)  # PLAT sin_len
    rffi.setintfield(sin.c_sin_addr, "c_s_addr", s_addr)
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 38
def make_null_address(family):
    klass = familyclass(family)
    result = instantiate(klass)
    buf = lltype.malloc(rffi.CCHARP.TO, klass.maxlen, flavor="raw", zero=True, track_allocation=False)
    # Initialize the family to the correct value.  Avoids surprizes on
    # Windows when calling a function that unexpectedly does not set
    # the output address (e.g. recvfrom() on a connected IPv4 socket).
    rffi.setintfield(rffi.cast(_c.sockaddr_ptr, buf), "c_sa_family", family)
    result.setdata(buf, 0)
    return result, klass.maxlen
Ejemplo n.º 39
def code_attach(space, py_obj, w_obj):
    py_code = rffi.cast(PyCodeObject, py_obj)
    assert isinstance(w_obj, PyCode)
    py_code.c_co_name = make_ref(space, space.wrap(w_obj.co_name))
    co_flags = 0
    for name, value in ALL_CODE_FLAGS:
        if w_obj.co_flags & getattr(pycode, name):
            co_flags |= value
    rffi.setintfield(py_code, 'c_co_flags', co_flags)
    rffi.setintfield(py_code, 'c_co_argcount', w_obj.co_argcount)
Ejemplo n.º 40
Archivo: ruv.py Proyecto: dckc/typhon
def tcpConnect(stream, address, port, callback):
    connect = alloc_connect()
    rffi.setintfield(sin, "c_sin_family", s.AF_INET)
    rffi.setintfield(sin, "c_sin_port", s.htons(port))
    if inet_pton(s.AF_INET, address, sin.c_sin_addr):
        print "tcpConnect: inet_pton failed!?"
        assert False

    rv = check("tcp_connect", tcp_connect(connect, stream, sin, callback))
    return rv
Ejemplo n.º 41
 def from_in6_addr(in6_addr):
     result = instantiate(INET6Address)
     # store the malloc'ed data into 'result' as soon as possible
     # to avoid leaks if an exception occurs inbetween
     sin = lltype.malloc(_c.sockaddr_in6, flavor='raw', zero=True,
     result.setdata(sin, sizeof(_c.sockaddr_in6))
     rffi.setintfield(sin, 'c_sin6_family', AF_INET6)
     rffi.structcopy(sin.c_sin6_addr, in6_addr)
     return result
Ejemplo n.º 42
Archivo: ruv.py Proyecto: dckc/typhon
def tcpBind(stream, address, port):
    rffi.setintfield(sin, "c_sin_family", s.AF_INET)
    rffi.setintfield(sin, "c_sin_port", s.htons(port))
    if inet_pton(s.AF_INET, address, sin.c_sin_addr):
        print "tcpBind: inet_pton failed!?"
        assert False

    # No flags.
    rv = check("tcp_bind", tcp_bind(stream, sin, 0))
    return rv
Ejemplo n.º 43
def allocate_ctxobj(src_ctx):
    p = lltype.malloc(PCTXOBJ.TO, flavor='raw', zero=True)
    if src_ctx:
        rffi.c_memcpy(rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDP, p.ctx),
                      rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDP, src_ctx),
                      rffi.cast(rffi.SIZE_T, rffi.sizeof(PCTX.TO)))
    p.info.c_ctx = p.ctx
    p.info.c_output = internal_output
    rffi.setintfield(p.info, 'c_output_size', FFI_COMPLEXITY_OUTPUT)
    return p
Ejemplo n.º 44
def tcpBind(stream, address, port):
    rffi.setintfield(sin, "c_sin_family", s.AF_INET)
    rffi.setintfield(sin, "c_sin_port", s.htons(port))
    if inet_pton(s.AF_INET, address, sin.c_sin_addr):
        print "tcpBind: inet_pton failed!?"
        assert False

    # No flags.
    rv = check("tcp_bind", tcp_bind(stream, sin, 0))
    return rv
Ejemplo n.º 45
def allocate_ctxobj(src_ctx):
    p = lltype.malloc(PCTXOBJ.TO, flavor='raw', zero=True)
    if src_ctx:
        rffi.c_memcpy(rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDP, p.ctx),
                      rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDP, src_ctx),
                      rffi.cast(rffi.SIZE_T, rffi.sizeof(PCTX.TO)))
    p.info.c_ctx = p.ctx
    p.info.c_output = internal_output
    rffi.setintfield(p.info, 'c_output_size', FFI_COMPLEXITY_OUTPUT)
    return p
Ejemplo n.º 46
def tcpConnect(stream, address, port, callback):
    connect = alloc_connect()
    rffi.setintfield(sin, "c_sin_family", s.AF_INET)
    rffi.setintfield(sin, "c_sin_port", s.htons(port))
    if inet_pton(s.AF_INET, address, sin.c_sin_addr):
        print "tcpConnect: inet_pton failed!?"
        assert False

    rv = check("tcp_connect", tcp_connect(connect, stream, sin, callback))
    return rv
Ejemplo n.º 47
    def epoll_ctl(self, space, ctl, w_fd, eventmask, ignore_ebadf=False):
        fd = space.c_filedescriptor_w(w_fd)
        with lltype.scoped_alloc(epoll_event) as ev:
            ev.c_events = rffi.cast(rffi.UINT, eventmask)
            rffi.setintfield(ev.c_data, 'c_fd', fd)

            result = epoll_ctl(self.epfd, ctl, fd, ev)
            if ignore_ebadf and get_errno() == errno.EBADF:
                result = 0
            if result < 0:
                raise exception_from_errno(space, space.w_IOError)
Ejemplo n.º 48
 def posix_fakeimpl(arg):
     if s_arg == traits.str0:
         arg = hlstr(arg)
     st = getattr(os, name)(arg)
     fields = [TYPE for fieldname, TYPE in STATVFS_FIELDS]
     TP = TUPLE_TYPE(fields)
     ll_tup = lltype.malloc(TP.TO)
     for i, (fieldname, TYPE) in enumerate(STATVFS_FIELDS):
         val = getattr(st, fieldname)
         rffi.setintfield(ll_tup, 'item%d' % i, int(val))
     return ll_tup
Ejemplo n.º 49
def make_null_address(family):
    klass = familyclass(family)
    result = instantiate(klass)
    buf = lltype.malloc(rffi.CCHARP.TO, klass.maxlen, flavor='raw', zero=True,
    # Initialize the family to the correct value.  Avoids surprizes on
    # Windows when calling a function that unexpectedly does not set
    # the output address (e.g. recvfrom() on a connected IPv4 socket).
    rffi.setintfield(rffi.cast(_c.sockaddr_ptr, buf), 'c_sa_family', family)
    result.setdata(buf, 0)
    return result, klass.maxlen
Ejemplo n.º 50
def traceback_attach(space, py_obj, w_obj):
    py_traceback = rffi.cast(PyTracebackObject, py_obj)
    traceback = space.interp_w(PyTraceback, w_obj)
    if traceback.next is None:
        w_next_traceback = None
        w_next_traceback = space.wrap(traceback.next)
    py_traceback.c_tb_next = rffi.cast(PyTracebackObject, make_ref(space, w_next_traceback))
    py_traceback.c_tb_frame = rffi.cast(PyFrameObject, make_ref(space, space.wrap(traceback.frame)))
    rffi.setintfield(py_traceback, 'c_tb_lasti', traceback.lasti)
    rffi.setintfield(py_traceback, 'c_tb_lineno',traceback.get_lineno())
Ejemplo n.º 51
def stub_videoresize_event(stub_event, monkeypatch):
    p_test_resize_event = rffi.cast(RSDL.ResizeEventPtr, stub_event)
    rffi.setintfield(p_test_resize_event, 'c_type', RSDL.VIDEORESIZE)
    def PollEvent_stub(p_event):
        p_event.c_type = p_test_resize_event.c_type
        p_resizeevent = rffi.cast(RSDL.ResizeEventPtr, p_event)
        p_resizeevent.c_w = p_test_resize_event.c_w
        p_resizeevent.c_h = p_test_resize_event.c_h
        return 1
    monkeypatch.setattr(RSDL, "PollEvent", PollEvent_stub)
    return p_test_resize_event
Ejemplo n.º 52
def makeipv4addr(s_addr, result=None):
    if result is None:
        result = instantiate(INETAddress)
    elif result.family != AF_INET:
        raise RSocketError("address family mismatched")
    sin = lltype.malloc(_c.sockaddr_in, flavor='raw', zero=True,
    result.setdata(sin, sizeof(_c.sockaddr_in))
    rffi.setintfield(sin, 'c_sin_family', AF_INET)   # PLAT sin_len
    rffi.setintfield(sin.c_sin_addr, 'c_s_addr', s_addr)
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 53
    def epoll_ctl(self, space, ctl, w_fd, eventmask, ignore_ebadf=False):
        fd = space.c_filedescriptor_w(w_fd)
        with lltype.scoped_alloc(epoll_event) as ev:
            ev.c_events = rffi.cast(rffi.UINT, eventmask)
            rffi.setintfield(ev.c_data, 'c_fd', fd)

            result = epoll_ctl(self.epfd, ctl, fd, ev)
            if ignore_ebadf and get_saved_errno() == errno.EBADF:
                result = 0
            if result < 0:
                raise exception_from_saved_errno(space, space.w_IOError)
Ejemplo n.º 54
 def posix_fakeimpl(arg):
     if s_arg == traits.str0:
         arg = hlstr(arg)
     st = getattr(os, name)(arg)
     fields = [TYPE for fieldname, TYPE in STATVFS_FIELDS]
     TP = TUPLE_TYPE(fields)
     ll_tup = lltype.malloc(TP.TO)
     for i, (fieldname, TYPE) in enumerate(STATVFS_FIELDS):
         val = getattr(st, fieldname)
         rffi.setintfield(ll_tup, 'item%d' % i, int(val))
     return ll_tup
Ejemplo n.º 55
def tcp6Connect(stream, address, port, callback):
    inet, sin, s_addr, s_fam, s_port = af6

    connect = alloc_connect()
    rffi.setintfield(sin, s_fam, inet)
    rffi.setintfield(sin, s_port, s.htons(port))
    if inet_pton(inet, address, getattr(sin, s_addr)):
        print "tcp6Connect: inet_pton failed!?"
        assert False

    rv = check("tcp_connect", tcp_connect(connect, stream, sin, callback))
    return rv
Ejemplo n.º 56
def test_unknown_addr_as_object():
    from pypy.module._socket.interp_socket import addr_as_object
    c_addr = lltype.malloc(rsocket._c.sockaddr, flavor='raw', track_allocation=False)
    c_addr.c_sa_data[0] = 'c'
    rffi.setintfield(c_addr, 'c_sa_family', 15)
    # XXX what size to pass here? for the purpose of this test it has
    #     to be short enough so we have some data, 1 sounds good enough
    #     + sizeof USHORT
    w_obj = addr_as_object(rsocket.Address(c_addr, 1 + 2), -1, space)
    assert space.isinstance_w(w_obj, space.w_tuple)
    assert space.int_w(space.getitem(w_obj, space.wrap(0))) == 15
    assert space.str_w(space.getitem(w_obj, space.wrap(1))) == 'c'
Ejemplo n.º 57
def test_unknown_addr_as_object():
    from pypy.module._socket.interp_socket import addr_as_object
    c_addr = lltype.malloc(rsocket._c.sockaddr, flavor='raw', track_allocation=False)
    c_addr.c_sa_data[0] = 'c'
    rffi.setintfield(c_addr, 'c_sa_family', 15)
    # XXX what size to pass here? for the purpose of this test it has
    #     to be short enough so we have some data, 1 sounds good enough
    #     + sizeof USHORT
    w_obj = addr_as_object(rsocket.Address(c_addr, 1 + 2), -1, space)
    assert space.isinstance_w(w_obj, space.w_tuple)
    assert space.int_w(space.getitem(w_obj, space.wrap(0))) == 15
    assert space.str_w(space.getitem(w_obj, space.wrap(1))) == 'c'
Ejemplo n.º 58
def tcp6Bind(stream, address, port):
    inet, sin, s_addr, s_fam, s_port = af6

    rffi.setintfield(sin, s_fam, inet)
    rffi.setintfield(sin, s_port, s.htons(port))
    if inet_pton(inet, address, getattr(sin, s_addr)):
        print "tcp6Bind: inet_pton failed!?"
        assert False

    # No flags.
    rv = check("tcp_bind", tcp_bind(stream, sin, 0))
    return rv
Ejemplo n.º 59
def tcp6Connect(stream, address, port, callback):
    inet, sin, s_addr, s_fam, s_port = af6

    connect = alloc_connect()
    rffi.setintfield(sin, s_fam, inet)
    rffi.setintfield(sin, s_port, s.htons(port))
    if inet_pton(inet, address, getattr(sin, s_addr)):
        print "tcp6Connect: inet_pton failed!?"
        assert False

    rv = check("tcp_connect", tcp_connect(connect, stream, sin, callback))
    return rv