Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_oounicode():
    u = ootype.oounicode(u'a', -1)
    assert isinstance(u, ootype._string)
    assert ootype.typeOf(u) is ootype.Unicode

    s = ootype.make_string('a string')
    u = ootype.oounicode(s, -1)
    assert isinstance(u, ootype._string)
    assert ootype.typeOf(u) is ootype.Unicode

    s = ootype.make_string('non-ascii string: \xe0')
    py.test.raises(UnicodeDecodeError, ootype.oounicode, s, -1)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_simple_empty_base():
    def dummyfn():
        x = EmptyBase()
        return x

    result = interpret(dummyfn, [])
    assert isinstance(ootype.typeOf(result), ootype.Instance)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_simple_empty_base():
    def dummyfn():
        x = EmptyBase()
        return x

    result = interpret(dummyfn, [])
    assert isinstance(ootype.typeOf(result), ootype.Instance)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def ll_tuplenext(iter):
    # for iterating over length 1 tuples only!
    t = iter.iterable
    if t:
        iter.iterable = ootype.null(ootype.typeOf(t))
        return t.item0
        raise StopIteration
Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: rtuple.py Proyecto: sota/pypy
def ll_tuplenext(iter):
    # for iterating over length 1 tuples only!
    t = iter.iterable
    if t:
        iter.iterable = ootype.null(ootype.typeOf(t))
        return t.item0
        raise StopIteration
Ejemplo n.º 6
def get_primitive_constant(TYPE, value):
    if is_primitive(TYPE):
        return TYPE, value
    if TYPE is ootype.Object:
        obj = value.obj
        T2 = ootype.typeOf(obj)
        if obj is not None and is_primitive(T2):
            return T2, obj
    return None, None
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def static_meth_to_signature(self, sm):
     from rpython.translator.oosupport import metavm
     graph = getattr(sm, 'graph', None)
     if graph:
         return self.graph_to_signature(graph)
     module, name = metavm.get_primitive_name(sm)
     func_name = '[pypylib]pypy.builtin.%s::%s' % (module, name)
     T = ootype.typeOf(sm)
     return self.format_signatue(func_name, T.ARGS, T.RESULT)
Ejemplo n.º 8
Archivo: cts.py Proyecto: sota/pypy
 def static_meth_to_signature(self, sm):
     from rpython.translator.oosupport import metavm
     graph = getattr(sm, 'graph', None)
     if graph:
         return self.graph_to_signature(graph)
     module, name = metavm.get_primitive_name(sm)
     func_name = '[pypylib]pypy.builtin.%s::%s' % (module, name)
     T = ootype.typeOf(sm)
     return self.format_signatue(func_name, T.ARGS, T.RESULT)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def get_primitive_constant(TYPE, value):
    if is_primitive(TYPE):
        return TYPE, value
    if TYPE is ootype.Object:
        obj = value.obj
        T2 = ootype.typeOf(obj)
        if obj is not None and is_primitive(T2):
            return T2, obj
    return None, None
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def __init__(self, rtyper, methdescs):
     samplemdesc = iter(methdescs).next()
     concretetable, uniquerows = get_concrete_calltable(
         rtyper, samplemdesc.funcdesc.getcallfamily())
     self.row_mapping = {}
     for row in uniquerows:
         sample_as_static_meth = row.itervalues().next()
         SM = ootype.typeOf(sample_as_static_meth)
         M = ootype.Meth(SM.ARGS[1:], SM.RESULT)  # cut self
         self.row_mapping[row.attrname] = row, M
Ejemplo n.º 11
Archivo: rpbc.py Proyecto: sota/pypy
 def __init__(self, rtyper, methdescs):
     samplemdesc = iter(methdescs).next()
     concretetable, uniquerows = get_concrete_calltable(rtyper,
     self.row_mapping = {}
     for row in uniquerows:
         sample_as_static_meth = row.itervalues().next()
         SM = ootype.typeOf(sample_as_static_meth)
         M = ootype.Meth(SM.ARGS[1:], SM.RESULT) # cut self
         self.row_mapping[row.attrname] = row, M
Ejemplo n.º 12
Archivo: rclass.py Proyecto: sota/pypy
    def attach_class_attr_accessor(self, mangled, oovalue):
        def ll_getclassattr(self):
            return oovalue

        M = ootype.Meth([], ootype.typeOf(oovalue))
        ll_getclassattr = func_with_new_name(ll_getclassattr,
                                             'll_get_' + mangled)
        graph = self.rtyper.annotate_helper(ll_getclassattr, [self.lowleveltype])
        m = ootype.meth(M, _name=mangled, _callable=ll_getclassattr,
        ootype.addMethods(self.lowleveltype, {mangled: m})
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def attach_class_attr_accessor(self, mangled, oovalue):
        def ll_getclassattr(self):
            return oovalue

        M = ootype.Meth([], ootype.typeOf(oovalue))
        ll_getclassattr = func_with_new_name(ll_getclassattr,
                                             'll_get_' + mangled)
        graph = self.rtyper.annotate_helper(ll_getclassattr,
        m = ootype.meth(M,
        ootype.addMethods(self.lowleveltype, {mangled: m})
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def _dont_store(self, to_load, to_store):
     # ugly workaround to make the exceptiontransformer work with
     # valuetypes: when exceptiontransforming a function whose result is a
     # .NET valuetype, it tries to store a null into the return variable.
     # Since it is not possible to store a null into a valuetype, and that
     # in that case the value is not used anyway, we simply ignore it.
     from rpython.translator.cli.dotnet import NativeInstance
     if isinstance(to_load, flowmodel.Constant):
         value = to_load.value
         is_null = (not isinstance(value, CDefinedIntSymbolic)) and (not value)
         T = ootype.typeOf(to_load.value)
         if isinstance(T, NativeInstance) and T._is_value_type and is_null:
             return True
     return OOFunction._dont_store(self, to_load, to_store)
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def _dont_store(self, to_load, to_store):
     # ugly workaround to make the exceptiontransformer work with
     # valuetypes: when exceptiontransforming a function whose result is a
     # .NET valuetype, it tries to store a null into the return variable.
     # Since it is not possible to store a null into a valuetype, and that
     # in that case the value is not used anyway, we simply ignore it.
     from rpython.translator.cli.dotnet import NativeInstance
     if isinstance(to_load, flowmodel.Constant):
         value = to_load.value
         is_null = (not isinstance(value,
                                   CDefinedIntSymbolic)) and (not value)
         T = ootype.typeOf(to_load.value)
         if isinstance(T, NativeInstance) and T._is_value_type and is_null:
             return True
     return OOFunction._dont_store(self, to_load, to_store)
Ejemplo n.º 16
Archivo: metavm.py Proyecto: sota/pypy
 def render(self, generator, op):
     cts = generator.cts
     v_obj, c_methname = op.args
     assert c_methname.concretetype is ootype.Void
     TYPE = v_obj.concretetype
     classname = TYPE._name
     methname = 'o' + c_methname.value # XXX: do proper mangling
     _, meth = TYPE._lookup(methname)
     METH = ootype.typeOf(meth)
     ret_type, arg_types = functype_to_cts(cts, METH)
     arg_list = ', '.join(arg_types)
     desc = '%s class %s::%s(%s)' % (ret_type, classname, methname, arg_list)
     generator.ilasm.opcode('ldftn instance', desc)
     generator.ilasm.opcode('newobj', 'instance void class [mscorlib]System.EventHandler::.ctor(object, native int)')
Ejemplo n.º 17
Archivo: runner.py Proyecto: sota/pypy
 def __init__(self, SELFTYPE, methname):
     from rpython.jit.backend.llgraph.runner import boxresult, make_getargs
     _, meth = SELFTYPE._lookup(methname)
     METH = ootype.typeOf(meth)
     getargs = make_getargs(METH.ARGS)
     def callmeth(selfbox, argboxes):
         selfobj = selfbox.getref(SELFTYPE)
         meth = getattr(selfobj, methname)
         methargs = getargs(argboxes)
         res = meth(*methargs)
         if METH.RESULT is not ootype.Void:
             return boxresult(METH.RESULT, res)
     self.callmeth = callmeth
     self.selfclass = ootype.runtimeClass(SELFTYPE)
     self.methname = methname
     self.has_result = (METH.RESULT != ootype.Void)
     self.key = key_manager.getkey((SELFTYPE, methname))
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def render(self, generator, op):
     cts = generator.cts
     v_obj, c_methname = op.args
     assert c_methname.concretetype is ootype.Void
     TYPE = v_obj.concretetype
     classname = TYPE._name
     methname = 'o' + c_methname.value  # XXX: do proper mangling
     _, meth = TYPE._lookup(methname)
     METH = ootype.typeOf(meth)
     ret_type, arg_types = functype_to_cts(cts, METH)
     arg_list = ', '.join(arg_types)
     desc = '%s class %s::%s(%s)' % (ret_type, classname, methname,
     generator.ilasm.opcode('ldftn instance', desc)
         'instance void class [mscorlib]System.EventHandler::.ctor(object, native int)'
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def __init__(self, SELFTYPE, methname):
        from rpython.jit.backend.llgraph.runner import boxresult, make_getargs
        _, meth = SELFTYPE._lookup(methname)
        METH = ootype.typeOf(meth)
        getargs = make_getargs(METH.ARGS)

        def callmeth(selfbox, argboxes):
            selfobj = selfbox.getref(SELFTYPE)
            meth = getattr(selfobj, methname)
            methargs = getargs(argboxes)
            res = meth(*methargs)
            if METH.RESULT is not ootype.Void:
                return boxresult(METH.RESULT, res)

        self.callmeth = callmeth
        self.selfclass = ootype.runtimeClass(SELFTYPE)
        self.methname = methname
        self.has_result = (METH.RESULT != ootype.Void)
        self.key = key_manager.getkey((SELFTYPE, methname))
Ejemplo n.º 20
def op_oogetfield(inst, name):
    if not ootype.typeOf(inst)._hints.get('immutable'):
        raise TypeError("cannot fold oogetfield on mutable instance")
    return getattr(inst, name)
Ejemplo n.º 21
Archivo: rpbc.py Proyecto: sota/pypy
 def convert_pbc(self, pbc):
     if ootype.typeOf(pbc) != PBCROOT:
         pbc = ootype.ooupcast(PBCROOT, pbc)
     return pbc
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def convert_pbc(self, pbc):
     if ootype.typeOf(pbc) != PBCROOT:
         pbc = ootype.ooupcast(PBCROOT, pbc)
     return pbc
Ejemplo n.º 23
def is_inst(inst):
    T = ootype.typeOf(inst)
    return T is ootype.Object or T is ootype.Class or\
        isinstance(T, (ootype.Instance,
Ejemplo n.º 24
def op_oogetfield(inst, name):
    if not ootype.typeOf(inst)._hints.get('immutable'):
        raise TypeError("cannot fold oogetfield on mutable instance")
    return getattr(inst, name)
Ejemplo n.º 25
def test_new():
    DT = Dict(Signed, Float)
    d = new(DT)
    assert typeOf(d) == DT
Ejemplo n.º 26
 def compute_annotation(self):
     return annmodel.SomeOOInstance(ootype=ootype.typeOf(self.instance))
Ejemplo n.º 27
def is_inst(inst):
    T = ootype.typeOf(inst)
    return T is ootype.Object or T is ootype.Class or\
        isinstance(T, (ootype.Instance,