Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_data(cat=None):
	if cat == None	:
		qry = "select user,ucat_term, seslen,bin+bout, arr_ts from data_log group by user"
		qry = "select user,ucat_term,seslen,bin+bout, arr_ts, from data_log where ucat_term = '" + cat + "' group by user"

	s = sql.RunSQL("azure.db")
	x = s.sqlq(qry)

	acct_data = dict()
	for r in x:
		usr = r[0].strip()
		cat = r[1].strip()
		slen = float(r[2])
		b = float(r[3])
		ats = float(r[4])

		if usr not in acct_data:

			acct_data[usr] = [cat, sa, ba, atsa]

	fx = []
	for item in acct_data.items():
		usr = item[0]
		val = item[1]

		cat = val[0]
		nslen = np.array(val[1])
		nb = np.array(val[2])
		nats = np.array(val[3])


		ifx = [usr, cat, np.sum(nslen), np.sum(nb), nats.min(), nats.max()]
	y = s.sqlq("select ucat,price from user_pfx")
	pmap = dict()
	for r1 in y:
		pmap[r1[0].strip()] = float(r1[1])	
	return (fx, pmap)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def flow_ia_count(ap=None):
    ps = sql.RunSQL("unc-proc.db")
    pf = sql.RunSQL("unc.db")

    if ap == None:
        qry = "select * from sessions"
        qry = "select * from sessions where ap = " + str(int(ap))

    ses1 = ps.sqlq(qry)
    seslist = np.array(ses1)

    counts = []
    ia = []

    qry = "select ts from flows where client = %%client%% and ap = %%ap%% and ts >= %%sts%% and ts <= %%ets%%"

    for ses in seslist:
        sts = ses[TS]
        ets = ses[TS] + ses[SLEN] + 300
        client = ses[CL]
        sap = ses[AP]

        this_q = qry.replace("%%client%%", str(client)).replace(
            "%%ap%%", str(sap)).replace("%%sts%%",
                                        str(sts)).replace("%%ets%%", str(ets))
        flows1 = pf.sqlq(this_q)

        if len(flows1) == 0:
            flows = np.array(flows1)
            n = len(flows)
            if n > 1:
                this_ia = flows[1:n] - flows[0:n - 1]
                for each_ia in this_ia:

    return (counts, ia)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def main():
    day_list = [13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20]
    sql_str = "select bytes from flows where day = "
    unc = sql.RunSQL("unc.db")

    for d in day_list:
        fname = "flow_" + str(d)
        dsql_str = sql_str + str(d)

        print "Running query --> SQL: ", dsql_str
        f = unc.sqlq(dsql_str)

        print "Writing data --> file: ", fname
        util.write_data(fname, f)
        del (f)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def get_data1(cat=None):
	if cat == None	:
		qry = "select user,ucat_term, sum(seslen),sum(bin+bout), min(arr_ts),max(arr_ts+seslen) from data_log where seslen <= 18100 group by user"
		qry = "select user,ucat_term, sum(seslen),sum(bin+bout),min(arr_ts),max(arr_ts+seslen) from data_log where seslen <= 18100 and ucat_term = '" + cat + "' group by user"
	# print qry
	s = sql.RunSQL("azure.db")
	x = s.sqlq(qry)
	fx = []
	for r in x:
		ifx = [r[0].strip(), r[1].strip(), float(r[2]), float(r[3]), float(r[4]), float(r[5])]
	y = s.sqlq("select ucat,price from user_pfx")
	pmap = dict()
	for r1 in y:
		pmap[r1[0].strip()] = float(r1[1])	
	return (fx, pmap)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def main(dt):
	slen = {"catm": "select seslen from data_log where ucat_term='catm\n' and seslen>0 and seslen<18000 order by seslen", \
			  "catd": "select seslen from data_log where ucat_term='catd\n' and seslen>0 and seslen<18000 order by seslen", \
			  "cath": "select seslen from data_log where ucat_term='cath\n' and seslen>0 and seslen<18000 order by seslen", \
			  "all": "select seslen from data_log where seslen>0 and seslen<18000 order by seslen"}

	inb = {"catm": "select bin from data_log where ucat_term='catm\n' and bin>0 and seslen>0 and seslen<18000 order by bin", \
			  "catd": "select bin from data_log where ucat_term='catd\n' and bin>0 and seslen>0 and seslen<18000 order by bin", \
			  "cath": "select bin from data_log where ucat_term='cath\n' and bin>0 and seslen>0 and seslen<18000 order by bin", \
			  "all": "select bin from data_log where bin>0 and seslen>0 and seslen<18000 order by bin"}
	outb = {"catm": "select bout from data_log where ucat_term='catm\n' and bout>0 and seslen>0 and seslen<18000 order by bout", \
			  "catd": "select bout from data_log where ucat_term='catd\n' and bout>0 and seslen>0 and seslen<18000 order by bout", \
			  "cath": "select bout from data_log where ucat_term='cath\n' and bout>0 and seslen>0 and seslen<18000 order by bout", \
			  "all": "select bout from data_log where bout>0 and seslen>0 and seslen<18000 order by bout"}

	to_inb = {"all": "select bin from data_log where seslen >= 18000 and bin>0 order by bin"}

	to_outb = {"all": "select bout from data_log where seslen >= 18000 and bout>0 order by bout"}
	tslen = {"catm": "select sum(seslen) t from data_log where ucat_term='catm\n' and seslen>0 and seslen<18000 group by user order by t", \
			  "catd": "select sum(seslen) t from data_log where ucat_term='catd\n' and seslen>0 and seslen<18000 group by user order by t", \
			  "cath": "select sum(seslen) t from data_log where ucat_term='cath\n' and seslen>0 and seslen<18000 group by user order by t", \
			  "all": "select sum(seslen) t from data_log where seslen>0 and seslen<18000 group by user order by t"}

	tinb = {"catm": "select sum(bin) t from data_log where ucat_term='catm\n' and bin > 0 and seslen>0 and seslen<18000 group by user order by t", \
			  "catd": "select sum(bin) t from data_log where ucat_term='catd\n' and bin > 0 and seslen>0 and seslen<18000 group by user order by t", \
			  "cath": "select sum(bin) t from data_log where ucat_term='cath\n' and bin > 0 and seslen>0 and seslen<18000 group by user order by t", \
			  "all": "select sum(bin) t from data_log where bin > 0 and seslen>0 and seslen<18000 group by user order by t"}
	toutb = {"catm": "select sum(bout) t from data_log where ucat_term='catm\n' and bout>0 and seslen>0 and seslen<18000 group by user order by t", \
			  "catd": "select sum(bout) t from data_log where ucat_term='catd\n' and bout>0 and seslen>0 and seslen<18000 group by user order by t", \
			  "cath": "select sum(bout) t from data_log where ucat_term='cath\n' and bout>0 and seslen>0 and seslen<18000 group by user order by t", \
			  "all": "select sum(bout) t from data_log where bout>0 and seslen>0 and seslen<18000 group by user order by t"}

	dtmap = {"slen": slen, "inb": inb, "outb": outb, "to_inb": to_inb, "to_outb": to_outb, "tslen": tslen, "tinb": tinb, "toutb": toutb}

	if dt not in dtmap:
		raise NotImplementedError("Type - " + dt + " - is not implemented")
	qmap = dtmap[dt]
	s = sql.RunSQL("azure.db")
	for i in qmap.items():
		q = i[1]
		y = s.sqlq(q)
		x = np.array(y)
		x.sort() # just making sure

		df = i[0] + "_" + dt
		ccf = i[0] + "_ccdf"
		ecf = i[0] + "_ecdf"

		cc = util.ccdf(x)
		ec = util.ecdf(x)

		util.write_data(df, x)
		util.write_data(ccf, cc)
		util.write_data(ecf, ec)

		mle = ml.ModLav.fromFit(x,fit="mlefit")
		mme = ml.ModLav.fromFit(x,fit="mmefit")
		mle_mt = ml.ModLav.fromFit(x,fit="mlefit",mt=True)
		mme_mt = ml.ModLav.fromFit(x,fit="mmefit",mt=True)

		omle = ml.optfit(x,0.1*x.max(),10*x.max(),500,mlefit=True,mt=False);
		omle_mt = ml.optfit(x,0.1*x.max(),10*x.max(),500,mlefit=True,mt=True);
		omme = ml.optfit(x,0.1*x.max(),10*x.max(),500,mlefit=False,mt=False);
		omme_mt = ml.optfit(x,0.1*x.max(),10*x.max(),500,mlefit=False,mt=True);

		mle_opt = omle["fit"][0]
		xm_mle_opt = omle["fit"][1]

		mle_opt_mt = omle_mt["fit"][0]
		xm_mle_opt_mt = omle_mt["fit"][1]

		mme_opt = omme["fit"][0]
		xm_mme_opt = omme["fit"][1]

		mme_opt_mt = omme_mt["fit"][0]
		xm_mme_opt_mt = omme_mt["fit"][1]

		yyy = [("MLE", mle, x.max()), ("MME", mme, x.max()), ("MLE-MT", mle_mt, x.max()), ("MME-MT", mme_mt, x.max()), ("MLE-OPT", mle_opt, xm_mle_opt), ("MLE-OPT-MT", mle_opt_mt, xm_mle_opt_mt), ("MME-OPT", mme_opt, xm_mme_opt), ("MME-OPT-MT", mme_opt_mt, xm_mme_opt_mt)]
		n,amin,amax,mu,sigma = len(x), x.min(), x.max(), x.mean(), x.std()
		cv = sigma/mu
		q = ms.mquantiles(x, [0.1, 0.5, 0.9])
		op_str = []
		op_str.append("BASIC STATISTICS")
		op_str.append("Size: " + str(n))
		op_str.append("Range: " + str(amin) + " - " + str(amax))
		op_str.append("Quantiles: 10% - " + str(q[0]) + " 50% - " + str(q[1]) + " 90% - " + str(q[2]))
		op_str.append("Mean: " + str(mu))
		op_str.append("Sigma: " + str(sigma))
		op_str.append("CV: " + str(cv))

		for yy in yyy:
			typ = i[0]
			lbl = yy[0]
			m = yy[1]
			xmx = yy[2]

			op_str.append("Modlav params: " + str(m))
			op_str.append("Xmax: " + str(xmx))
			op_str.append("Xmax/Max: " + str(xmx/amax))
			op_str.append("FIT metric: " + str(m.fitmetric(points=x)))
			op_str.append("K-S metric: " + str(m.ksmetric(points=x)))

			flbl = lbl.lower().replace("-", "_")
			fname_pfx = typ + "_" + flbl 

			lx = util.gen_points(math.log10(x.min()),math.log10(xmx),2000)
			ex = np.power(10, lx)

			mcc = m.ccdf(ex)
			mec = m.cdf(ec[:,0])

			fmcc = np.array([ex, mcc]).transpose()
			fmec = np.array([ec[:,0], mec]).transpose()

			util.write_data(fname_pfx+"_ccdf", fmcc)
			util.write_data(fname_pfx+"_ecdf", fmec)
		op1_str = []
		for s1 in op_str:
			op1_str.append(s1 + "\n")
		txf = open(typ+"_metric", "w+")
Ejemplo n.º 6
def main():
	r = sql.RunSQL("azure.db")
	for w in wday: