def __init__(self, map_data, start, goal, goal_dist, step, ccd, rrt_iters, movement_dt): self.start = start self.rrt = RRTstar( start=start, goal=goal, env=map_data, goal_dist=goal_dist, step_size=step, near_radius=ccd, max_iter=rrt_iters, ) # Initial state self.pos = self.start self.goal = goal self.plan_id = 0 # ID of the node in the current plan we are at self.latest_movement_timestamp = self.movement_dt = movement_dt self.plan = None self.curr_agent_id = ""
def set_goal(self, goal): """ """ self.goal = goal self.start = self.pos if goal: self.rrt = RRTstar( start=self.pos, goal=goal, env=self.map_data, goal_dist=self.goal_dist, step_size=self.step, near_radius=self.ccd, max_iter=self.rrt_iters, ) self.curr_plan_id = 0 else: self.rrt.goal = None
def reassign_goal(self, new_goal): new_goal = (new_goal.x, new_goal.y) new_start = self.pos self.goal = new_goal self.start = new_start self.rrt = RRTstar( start=new_start, goal=new_goal, env=self.map_data, goal_dist=self.goal_dist, step_size=self.step, near_radius=self.ccd, max_iter=self.rrt_iters, ) self.curr_plan = None self.best_plan = None self.curr_plan_id = 0 msg = Queue(goal_points=self.queue) self.queue_pub.publish(msg) self.goal_count += 1
def __init__(self): # Get All ROS params self.identifier = rospy.get_name()[1:] self.body_frame = self.identifier + "_body" # Get map data from server self.map_topic = rospy.get_param("/map_topic") self.map_data = rospy.wait_for_message(self.map_topic, OccupancyGrid) self.agent_params = rospy.get_param("/" + self.identifier) self.spin_rate = self.agent_params["spin_rate"] # Initialize the RRT planner. self.start = (self.agent_params["start_pos"]["x"], self.agent_params["start_pos"]["y"]) self.goal = (self.agent_params["goal_pos"]["x"], self.agent_params["goal_pos"]["y"]) self.goal_dist = self.agent_params["goal_dist"] self.rrt_iters = self.agent_params["rrt_iters"] self.step = self.agent_params["step_size"] self.ccd = self.agent_params["near_radius"] # Setup our RRT implementation self.rrt = RRTstar( start=self.start, goal=self.goal, env=self.map_data, goal_dist=self.goal_dist, step_size=self.step, near_radius=self.ccd, max_iter=self.rrt_iters, ) # Initial state self.pos = self.start self.curr_plan_id = 0 # ID of the node in the current plan we are at self.latest_movement_timestamp = self.movement_dt = self.agent_params["movement_dt"] # Send and track robot positions self.tf_broadcaster = tf2_ros.TransformBroadcaster() # self.tf_listener = tf.TransformListener() # curr_plan is the currently executing plan; best_plan is a # lower-cost path than curr_plan, if one exists. self.curr_plan = None self.best_plan = None # manage DMA-RRT bid and waypoint info self.plan_bids = {} self.peer_waypoints = {} self.plan_token_holder = rospy.get_param("~has_token", False) # Multithreading locks self.plan_bid_lock = threading.Lock() self.peer_waypoints_lock = threading.Lock() self.plan_token_lock = threading.Lock() # be ready for replanning bids rospy.Subscriber("plan/bids", PlanBid, self.plan_bid_cb) self.plan_bid_pub = rospy.Publisher("plan/bids", PlanBid, queue_size=10) # publishers for replanning self.winner_id_pub = rospy.Publisher("plan/winner_id", WinnerID, queue_size=10) self.waypoint_pub = rospy.Publisher("plan/waypoints", PathRosMsg, queue_size=10) # Time-synchronized replan subscribers self.planning_ts = message_filters.TimeSynchronizer([ message_filters.Subscriber("plan/winner_id", WinnerID), message_filters.Subscriber("plan/waypoints", PathRosMsg) ], 10) self.planning_ts.registerCallback(self.winner_waypoint_cb) # publish static tf for private map frame self.own_map_frame_id = "/" + self.identifier + "_map" self.static_tf_broadcaster = tf2_ros.StaticTransformBroadcaster() own_map_tf = TransformStamped() own_map_tf.header.stamp = own_map_tf.header.frame_id = self.map_topic own_map_tf.child_frame_id = self.own_map_frame_id own_map_tf.transform.rotation.w = 1.0 self.static_tf_broadcaster.sendTransform([own_map_tf]) # Visualization publishers self.curr_path_viz_pub = rospy.Publisher(self.identifier + "/viz/curr_path", PathRosMsg, queue_size=10) self.best_path_viz_pub = rospy.Publisher(self.identifier + "/viz/best_path", PathRosMsg, queue_size=10) self.rrt_tree_pub = rospy.Publisher(self.identifier + "/viz/rrt/tree", Marker, queue_size=10) self.endpoint_marker_pub = rospy.Publisher(self.identifier + "/viz/rrt/endpoints", Marker, queue_size=10) self.tree_marker = self.setup_tree_marker() self.endpoint_marker = self.setup_endpoint_marker() rospy.loginfo(self.identifier + " has initialized.") # Setup the spin self.spin_timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(1.0 / self.spin_rate), self.spin)
class DMARRTAgent(object): """ An Agent that uses DMA-RRT for distributed path planning """ def __init__(self): # Get All ROS params self.identifier = rospy.get_name()[1:] self.body_frame = self.identifier + "_body" # Get map data from server self.map_topic = rospy.get_param("/map_topic") self.map_data = rospy.wait_for_message(self.map_topic, OccupancyGrid) self.agent_params = rospy.get_param("/" + self.identifier) self.spin_rate = self.agent_params["spin_rate"] # Initialize the RRT planner. self.start = (self.agent_params["start_pos"]["x"], self.agent_params["start_pos"]["y"]) self.goal = (self.agent_params["goal_pos"]["x"], self.agent_params["goal_pos"]["y"]) self.goal_dist = self.agent_params["goal_dist"] self.rrt_iters = self.agent_params["rrt_iters"] self.step = self.agent_params["step_size"] self.ccd = self.agent_params["near_radius"] # Setup our RRT implementation self.rrt = RRTstar( start=self.start, goal=self.goal, env=self.map_data, goal_dist=self.goal_dist, step_size=self.step, near_radius=self.ccd, max_iter=self.rrt_iters, ) # Initial state self.pos = self.start self.curr_plan_id = 0 # ID of the node in the current plan we are at self.latest_movement_timestamp = self.movement_dt = self.agent_params["movement_dt"] # Send and track robot positions self.tf_broadcaster = tf2_ros.TransformBroadcaster() # self.tf_listener = tf.TransformListener() # curr_plan is the currently executing plan; best_plan is a # lower-cost path than curr_plan, if one exists. self.curr_plan = None self.best_plan = None # manage DMA-RRT bid and waypoint info self.plan_bids = {} self.peer_waypoints = {} self.plan_token_holder = rospy.get_param("~has_token", False) # Multithreading locks self.plan_bid_lock = threading.Lock() self.peer_waypoints_lock = threading.Lock() self.plan_token_lock = threading.Lock() # be ready for replanning bids rospy.Subscriber("plan/bids", PlanBid, self.plan_bid_cb) self.plan_bid_pub = rospy.Publisher("plan/bids", PlanBid, queue_size=10) # publishers for replanning self.winner_id_pub = rospy.Publisher("plan/winner_id", WinnerID, queue_size=10) self.waypoint_pub = rospy.Publisher("plan/waypoints", PathRosMsg, queue_size=10) # Time-synchronized replan subscribers self.planning_ts = message_filters.TimeSynchronizer([ message_filters.Subscriber("plan/winner_id", WinnerID), message_filters.Subscriber("plan/waypoints", PathRosMsg) ], 10) self.planning_ts.registerCallback(self.winner_waypoint_cb) # publish static tf for private map frame self.own_map_frame_id = "/" + self.identifier + "_map" self.static_tf_broadcaster = tf2_ros.StaticTransformBroadcaster() own_map_tf = TransformStamped() own_map_tf.header.stamp = own_map_tf.header.frame_id = self.map_topic own_map_tf.child_frame_id = self.own_map_frame_id own_map_tf.transform.rotation.w = 1.0 self.static_tf_broadcaster.sendTransform([own_map_tf]) # Visualization publishers self.curr_path_viz_pub = rospy.Publisher(self.identifier + "/viz/curr_path", PathRosMsg, queue_size=10) self.best_path_viz_pub = rospy.Publisher(self.identifier + "/viz/best_path", PathRosMsg, queue_size=10) self.rrt_tree_pub = rospy.Publisher(self.identifier + "/viz/rrt/tree", Marker, queue_size=10) self.endpoint_marker_pub = rospy.Publisher(self.identifier + "/viz/rrt/endpoints", Marker, queue_size=10) self.tree_marker = self.setup_tree_marker() self.endpoint_marker = self.setup_endpoint_marker() rospy.loginfo(self.identifier + " has initialized.") # Setup the spin self.spin_timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(1.0 / self.spin_rate), self.spin) #################################################################### def spin(self, event): """ The main loop for the Agent """ if rospy.get_param("/run_sim"): self.spin_once() def spin_once(self): """ Individual component of DMA-RRT as described in algorithm 4 from Desaraju/How 2012. If this agent holds the replanning token, it will update its internal plan and broadcast the next winner. Otw, it will broadcast its own PPI bid. """ # Move the agent by one timestep. curr_time = dt = curr_time - self.latest_movement_timestamp if dt.to_sec() > self.movement_dt: self.publish_new_tf(curr_time) self.latest_movement_timestamp = curr_time # TODO: do we need a timeout here instead of rrt_iters??? new_plan = None if not self.at_goal(): new_plan = self.create_new_plan() # Assign first "current path" found if new_plan: self.best_plan = new_plan if not self.curr_plan: self.curr_plan = new_plan if self.plan_token_holder and (new_plan or self.at_goal()): # Replan to new best path self.curr_plan = self.best_plan # Solve collisions with time reallocation # self.curr_plan = DMARRTAgent.multiagent_aware_time_reallocmultiagent_aware_time_realloc( # self.curr_plan, self.other_agent_plans # ) # Broadcast the new winner of the bidding round self.plan_bid_lock.acquire() winner_id = self.identifier if len(self.plan_bids) > 0: # select a winner based on bids winner_bid = max(self.plan_bids.values()) winner_ids = [ id for id, bid in self.plan_bids.items() if bid == winner_bid ] winner_id = random.choice( winner_ids) # break bid ties with randomness self.plan_bid_lock.release() # broadcast new tokenholder self.plan_token_lock.acquire() self.plan_token_holder = False self.plan_token_lock.release() # These topics are time-synchronized for all agents self.publish_winner_id(winner_id, curr_time) self.publish_path(self.curr_plan, curr_time, self.waypoint_pub) if self.at_goal(): # no more replanning necessary! self.publish_plan_bid(-1000.0, curr_time) else: if self.curr_plan and self.best_plan: # broadcast plan bid self.publish_plan_bid( np.abs(self.curr_plan.cost - self.best_plan.cost), curr_time) # self.publish_plan_bid(self.curr_plan.cost - self.best_plan.cost, curr_time) self.visualize(curr_time) def visualize(self, curr_time): # Visualize relevant data self.publish_rrt_tree(self.rrt.node_list) self.publish_endpoints() self.publish_path(self.curr_plan, curr_time, self.curr_path_viz_pub) self.publish_path(self.best_plan, curr_time, self.best_path_viz_pub) #################################################################### def plan_bid_cb(self, msg): """ Update internal state to reflect other agent's PPI bid. msg - message of type PlanBid msg.header - contains the sender's ID as frame_id - agent's PPI (potential path improvement) for current planning iteration """ if msg.header.frame_id != self.identifier: self.plan_bid_lock.acquire() self.plan_bids[msg.header.frame_id] = self.plan_bid_lock.release() def winner_waypoint_cb(self, winner_id_msg, waypoint_msg): """ """ self.winner_id_cb(winner_id_msg) self.waypoint_cb(waypoint_msg) def winner_id_cb(self, msg): """ Update our token holder status """ if msg.winner_id == self.identifier: self.plan_token_lock.acquire() self.plan_token_holder = True self.plan_token_lock.release() def waypoint_cb(self, msg): """ Update waypoints as they're broadcasted """ self.peer_waypoints_lock.acquire() self.peer_waypoints[msg.header.frame_id] = msg.poses self.peer_waypoints_lock.release() #################################################################### def publish_plan_bid(self, bid, stamp): """ Broadcast our bid for the token """ if not rospy.is_shutdown( ) and self.plan_bid_pub.get_num_connections() > 0: bid_msg = PlanBid() bid_msg.header.stamp = stamp bid_msg.header.frame_id = self.identifier = bid self.plan_bid_pub.publish(bid_msg) def publish_winner_id(self, winner_id, stamp): """ Broadcast the token winner """ if not rospy.is_shutdown( ) and self.winner_id_pub.get_num_connections() > 0: winner_id_msg = WinnerID() winner_id_msg.header.stamp = stamp winner_id_msg.header.frame_id = self.identifier winner_id_msg.winner_id = winner_id self.winner_id_pub.publish(winner_id_msg) def publish_path(self, plan, stamp, pub): """ Broadcast our waypoints """ if not rospy.is_shutdown() and pub.get_num_connections() > 0: path_msg = PathRosMsg() path_msg.header.stamp = stamp path_msg.header.frame_id = self.own_map_frame_id if plan: path_msg.poses = [ PoseStamped() for i in range(len(plan.nodes)) ] for i in range(len(plan.nodes)): pose = PoseStamped() node = plan.nodes[i] pose.header.frame_id = self.own_map_frame_id pose.header.stamp = node.stamp pose.pose.position.x = node.x pose.pose.position.y = node.y pose.pose.position.z = 0.0 # TODO(marcus): extend to 3D pose.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 # TODO(marcus): include orientation info path_msg.poses[i] = pose try: pub.publish(path_msg) except rospy.ROSException: pass def publish_rrt_tree(self, nodes): """ Broadcast our RRT tree """ if not rospy.is_shutdown( ) and self.rrt_tree_pub.get_num_connections() > 0: self.tree_marker.points = [] self.tree_marker.header.stamp = for node in nodes: if node.parent: self.tree_marker.points.append(Point(node.x, node.y, 0.0)) self.tree_marker.points.append( Point(node.parent.x, node.parent.y, 0.0)) try: self.rrt_tree_pub.publish(self.tree_marker) except rospy.ROSException: pass def publish_endpoints(self): """ """ if not rospy.is_shutdown( ) and self.endpoint_marker_pub.get_num_connections() > 0: self.endpoint_marker.header.stamp = if self.start: self.endpoint_marker.points[0].x = self.start[0] self.endpoint_marker.points[0].y = self.start[1] if self.goal: self.endpoint_marker.points[1].x = self.goal[0] self.endpoint_marker.points[1].y = self.goal[1] self.endpoint_marker.color.a = 1.0 try: self.endpoint_marker_pub.publish(self.endpoint_marker) except rospy.ROSException: pass def publish_new_tf(self, timestamp): """ Publish the ground-truth transform to the TF tree. Args: timestamp: A rospy.Time instance representing the current time in the simulator. """ if not rospy.is_shutdown(): if self.curr_plan: curr_node = None for i in range(self.curr_plan_id + 1, len(self.curr_plan.nodes)): curr_node = self.curr_plan.nodes[i] if curr_node.stamp >= timestamp: self.curr_plan_id = i break if curr_node: self.pos = (curr_node.x, curr_node.y) ts = TransformStamped() ts.header.stamp = timestamp ts.header.frame_id = self.own_map_frame_id ts.child_frame_id = self.body_frame ts.transform.translation.x = self.pos[0] ts.transform.translation.y = self.pos[1] ts.transform.rotation.w = 1.0 try: self.tf_broadcaster.sendTransform(ts) except rospy.ROSException: pass #################################################################### def set_goal(self, goal): """ """ self.goal = goal if goal: self.rrt.goal = Node(goal[0], goal[1]) else: self.rrt.goal = None def setup_tree_marker(self): """ Create a tree marker for visualization Returns: visualization_msgs.msg.Marker """ tree_marker = Marker() tree_marker.points = [] tree_marker.header.frame_id = self.own_map_frame_id tree_marker.action = Marker.ADD tree_marker.type = Marker.LINE_LIST tree_marker.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 tree_marker.scale.x = 0.5 tree_marker.color.r = 1.0 tree_marker.color.a = 1.0 return tree_marker def setup_endpoint_marker(self): """ """ markers = Marker() markers.header.frame_id = self.own_map_frame_id markers.action = Marker.ADD markers.type = Marker.SPHERE_LIST markers.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 markers.scale.x = 10.0 markers.scale.y = 10.0 markers.scale.z = 10.0 markers.color.g = 1.0 markers.color.a = 0.0 # Make visible after you confirm they exist. markers.points = [Point(), Point()] return markers def at_goal(self): """ Checks if the agent's current location is the goal location. Returns: bool """ if self.goal: dist = np.sqrt((self.pos[0] - self.goal[0])**2 + (self.pos[1] - self.goal[1])**2) if dist <= 0.3: return True return False def create_new_plan(self): """ Spin RRT to create a new plan Returns: Path """ # Refresh environment to reflect agent's current positions # TODO(marcus): handled by tf tree! self.rrt.update_pos(self.pos, 0, wipe_tree=True) # Grow the tree by one set of iterations if self.rrt.goal: self.rrt.spin(False) # Find the new best path in the tree return self.allocate_time_to_path(self.rrt.get_path(), return None def allocate_time_to_path(self, path, start_time): """ Distribute time to nodes in path Returns: Path """ if path.nodes: if self.curr_plan: start_id = 0 for i in range(len(path.nodes)): node = path.nodes[i] if self.curr_plan_id < len(self.curr_plan.nodes): if node == self.curr_plan.nodes[self.curr_plan_id]: start_id = i break for i in range(len(path.nodes)): if i < start_id: path.nodes[i].stamp = rospy.Time.from_sec(0.0) else: path.nodes[i].stamp = start_time + rospy.Duration( i * self.movement_dt) else: for i in range(len(path.nodes)): path.nodes[i].stamp = start_time + rospy.Duration( i * self.movement_dt) return path @staticmethod def multiagent_aware_time_realloc(path, other_agent_plans): """ Allocates more time to nodes in a path that conflict with other agent nodes, s.t. the conflict is gone. Only tokenholders should use this, to prevent duplicate conflict resolution. Args: path: a Path object. other_agent_plans: a dictionary keyed by Agent ID containing the current Path objects of other agents in the scenario. Returns: a Path object similar to `path` but with collision-free timestamps on each node. """ for i in range(1, len(path.nodes)): # Check for collisions with any other node: for id, other_path in other_agent_plans.items(): if other_path: curr_stamp = path.nodes[i].stamp if curr_stamp in other_path.ts_dict.keys(): if path.nodes[i] == other_path.ts_dict[curr_stamp]: # Collision detected! Allocate more time to this node. revised_stamp = curr_stamp while path.nodes[i] == other_path.ts_dict[ revised_stamp]: revised_stamp += 1 path.nodes[i].stamp = revised_stamp # Update all nodes after that one to have higher timetsamps. for node in path.nodes[i + 1:]: revised_stamp += 1 node.stamp = revised_stamp path.ts_dict = {node.stamp: node for node in path.nodes} return path
def __init__(self, mode, received_bid, received_waypoints, start_pos, goal_pos, environment, goal_dist, rrt_iters): """ Initializer for Agent class; represents a robot capable of planning and moving in an environment. Args: mode: a string: "normal" or "cooperative" indicates whether to use DMA-RRT or Cooperative DMA-RRT (respectively). received_bid: a method representing the callback for bid messages passed over the network. received_waypoints: a method representing the callback for the waypoints and winner_id messages passed over the network. start_pos: a 2-tuple representing the starting x-y position. goal_pos: a 2-tuple representing the goal x-y position. environment: an Environment object representing the map in which the agent must plan. goal_dist: a float representing the length of a single branch in the RRT tree for the agent's planner. rrt_iters: the number of iterations to run for RRT at each spin_once. """ self.antenna = Antenna() # Assign interaction callbacks for messages Agent.received_bid = received_bid Agent.received_waypoints = received_waypoints self.curr_time = 0.0 # Simulation time. Updated externally self.mode = mode self.token_holder = False # Keeps track of other agents' current bids for PPI # (potential path improvement) at any given time: self.bids = {} # Keeps track of other agents' plans so that we can # add the other agents as obstacles when replanning: self.other_agent_plans = {} # Initial state and environment self.start = start_pos self.goal = goal_pos self.pos = self.start self.environment = environment self.rrt = RRTstar(self.start, self.goal, self.environment, goal_dist, max_iter=rrt_iters) self.goal_dist = goal_dist # curr_plan is the currently executing plan; best_plan is a lower-cost path # than curr_plan, if one exists. The cost difference is the bid! self.curr_plan = Path() self.best_plan = Path() # Register as listener for different kinds of messages self.antenna.on_message("peers", self.received_id) self.antenna.on_message("bids", self.received_bid) self.antenna.on_message("waypoints", self.received_waypoints)
def __init__(self): # Get All ROS params self.identifier = rospy.get_name()[1:] self.body_frame = self.identifier + "_body" agent_params = rospy.get_param("/" + self.identifier) start_pos = (agent_params["start_pos"]["x"], agent_params["start_pos"]["y"]) goal_pos = (agent_params["goal_pos"]["x"], agent_params["goal_pos"]["y"]) goal_dist = agent_params["goal_dist"] rrt_iters = agent_params["rrt_iters"] step = agent_params["step_size"] ccd = agent_params["near_radius"] self.spin_rate = agent_params["spin_rate"] # get map data from server self.map_topic = rospy.get_param("/map_topic") map_data = rospy.wait_for_message(self.map_topic, OccupancyGrid) # Initial state self.start = start_pos self.goal = goal_pos self.pos = self.start self.curr_plan_id = 0 # ID of the node in the current plan we are at self.latest_movement_timestamp = self.movement_dt = agent_params["movement_dt"] # set our RRT implementation self.rrt = RRTstar( start_pos, goal_pos, map_data, goal_dist, step_size=step, near_radius=ccd, max_iter=rrt_iters, ) # Send and track robot positions self.tf_broadcaster = tf.TransformBroadcaster() # self.tf_listener = tf.TransformListener() # curr_plan is the currently executing plan; best_plan is a # lower-cost path than curr_plan, if one exists. self.curr_plan = None self.best_plan = None # manage DMA-RRT bid and waypoint info self.plan_bids = {} self.peer_waypoints = {} self.plan_token_holder = rospy.get_param("~has_token", False) # cooperative DMA-RRT emergency stop management # for now, hardcode evenly spaced emergency stops along the broadcasted waypoints self.num_estops = 2 self.check_estops = True # be ready for replanning bids rospy.Subscriber("plan_bids", PlanBid, self.plan_bid_cb) self.plan_bid_pub = rospy.Publisher("plan_bids", PlanBid, queue_size=10) # be ready for updated waypoints from the winner self.waypoints_pub = rospy.Publisher(self.identifier + "/waypoints", EstopWaypoints, queue_size=10) # be ready for winner ID messages rospy.Subscriber("winner_id", WinnerID, self.winner_id_cb) self.winner_id_pub = rospy.Publisher("winner_id", WinnerID, queue_size=10) # be ready for emergency stops rospy.Subscriber("estop", Estop, self.estop_cb) self.estop_pub = rospy.Publisher("estop", Estop, queue_size=10) # publish static tf for private map frame self.own_map_frame_id = "/" + self.identifier + "_map" self.static_tf_broadcaster = tf2_ros.StaticTransformBroadcaster() own_map_tf = TransformStamped() own_map_tf.header.stamp = own_map_tf.header.frame_id = self.map_topic own_map_tf.child_frame_id = self.own_map_frame_id own_map_tf.transform.rotation.w = 1.0 self.static_tf_broadcaster.sendTransform([own_map_tf]) # optionally publish RRT tree self.rrt_tree_pub = rospy.Publisher(self.identifier + "/rrt/tree", Marker, queue_size=10) self.tree_marker = self.setup_tree_marker() rospy.loginfo(self.identifier + " has initialized.") # Setup the spin rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(1.0 / self.spin_rate), self.spin)
class CoopDMARRTAgent(object): """ An Agent that uses DMA-RRT for distributed path planning """ def __init__(self): # Get All ROS params self.identifier = rospy.get_name()[1:] self.body_frame = self.identifier + "_body" agent_params = rospy.get_param("/" + self.identifier) start_pos = (agent_params["start_pos"]["x"], agent_params["start_pos"]["y"]) goal_pos = (agent_params["goal_pos"]["x"], agent_params["goal_pos"]["y"]) goal_dist = agent_params["goal_dist"] rrt_iters = agent_params["rrt_iters"] step = agent_params["step_size"] ccd = agent_params["near_radius"] self.spin_rate = agent_params["spin_rate"] # get map data from server self.map_topic = rospy.get_param("/map_topic") map_data = rospy.wait_for_message(self.map_topic, OccupancyGrid) # Initial state self.start = start_pos self.goal = goal_pos self.pos = self.start self.curr_plan_id = 0 # ID of the node in the current plan we are at self.latest_movement_timestamp = self.movement_dt = agent_params["movement_dt"] # set our RRT implementation self.rrt = RRTstar( start_pos, goal_pos, map_data, goal_dist, step_size=step, near_radius=ccd, max_iter=rrt_iters, ) # Send and track robot positions self.tf_broadcaster = tf.TransformBroadcaster() # self.tf_listener = tf.TransformListener() # curr_plan is the currently executing plan; best_plan is a # lower-cost path than curr_plan, if one exists. self.curr_plan = None self.best_plan = None # manage DMA-RRT bid and waypoint info self.plan_bids = {} self.peer_waypoints = {} self.plan_token_holder = rospy.get_param("~has_token", False) # cooperative DMA-RRT emergency stop management # for now, hardcode evenly spaced emergency stops along the broadcasted waypoints self.num_estops = 2 self.check_estops = True # be ready for replanning bids rospy.Subscriber("plan_bids", PlanBid, self.plan_bid_cb) self.plan_bid_pub = rospy.Publisher("plan_bids", PlanBid, queue_size=10) # be ready for updated waypoints from the winner self.waypoints_pub = rospy.Publisher(self.identifier + "/waypoints", EstopWaypoints, queue_size=10) # be ready for winner ID messages rospy.Subscriber("winner_id", WinnerID, self.winner_id_cb) self.winner_id_pub = rospy.Publisher("winner_id", WinnerID, queue_size=10) # be ready for emergency stops rospy.Subscriber("estop", Estop, self.estop_cb) self.estop_pub = rospy.Publisher("estop", Estop, queue_size=10) # publish static tf for private map frame self.own_map_frame_id = "/" + self.identifier + "_map" self.static_tf_broadcaster = tf2_ros.StaticTransformBroadcaster() own_map_tf = TransformStamped() own_map_tf.header.stamp = own_map_tf.header.frame_id = self.map_topic own_map_tf.child_frame_id = self.own_map_frame_id own_map_tf.transform.rotation.w = 1.0 self.static_tf_broadcaster.sendTransform([own_map_tf]) # optionally publish RRT tree self.rrt_tree_pub = rospy.Publisher(self.identifier + "/rrt/tree", Marker, queue_size=10) self.tree_marker = self.setup_tree_marker() rospy.loginfo(self.identifier + " has initialized.") # Setup the spin rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(1.0 / self.spin_rate), self.spin) def spin(self, event): """ The main loop for the Agent """ while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if rospy.get_param("/run_sim"): self.spin_once() def plan_bid_cb(self, msg): """ Update internal state to reflect other agent's PPI bid. msg - message of type PlanBid msg.sender_id - unique ID of the agent who sent the message - agent's PPI (potential path improvement) for current planning iteration """ self.plan_bids[msg.header.frame_id] = def winner_id_cb(self, msg): """ Update our token holder status Params: msg distributed_planning.msg.WinnerID """ if msg.winner_id == self.identifier: self.plan_token_holder = True def waypoint_cb(self, msg): """ Update waypoints as they're broadcasted """ self.peer_waypoints[msg.header.frame_id] = msg.poses def estop_cb(self, msg): """ A peer told us to stop Params: msg distributed_planning.msg.Estop """ if not msg.recipient_id == self.identifier: return # truncate self.curr_plan at msg.pose # assume we're doing 2D mapping nodes = list(map(lambda n: (n.x, n.y, 0.0), self.curr_plan.nodes)) i = nodes.index(msg.pose.position) self.curr_plan = self.curr_plan[:i] self.check_estops = False def estop_check(self, peer_id): """ Emergency stop check of cooperative DMA-RRT as described in algorithm 7 from Desaraju/How 2012. Look at a conflicting peer's emergency stops to determine if asking an agent to apply an emergency stop will result in lower global cost. """ if not self.check_estops: return estops = {} # look backwards in their estops for es in reversed(self.peer_waypoints[peer_id].estops): # truncate their path and check for conflict # if no conflict, calculate total_cost = cost of self + cost of peer total_cost = 0.0 estops[node] = total_cost # get the min total_cost from estops # broadcast def spin_once(self): """ Individual component of DMA-RRT as described in algorithm 6 from Desaraju/How 2012. If this agent holds the replanning token, it will update its internal plan and broadcast the next winner. Otw, it will broadcast its own PPI bid. This agent may also check peer emergency stops to move towards a more globally optimized path """ # Move the agent by one timestep. curr_time = dt = curr_time - self.latest_movement_timestamp if dt.to_sec() > self.movement_dt: self.publish_new_tf(curr_time) self.latest_movement_timestamp = curr_time # TODO: do we need a timeout here instead of rrt_iters??? if not self.at_goal(): new_plan = self.create_new_plan() self.publish_rrt_tree(self.rrt.node_list) # Assign first "current path" found if not self.curr_plan: self.curr_plan = new_plan self.best_plan = new_plan if self.plan_token_holder: # Replan to new best path self.curr_plan = self.best_plan # Solve collisions with time reallocation # self.curr_plan = CoopDMARRTAgent.multiagent_aware_time_reallocmultiagent_aware_time_realloc( # self.curr_plan, self.other_agent_plans # ) # Broadcast the new winner of the bidding round if len(self.plan_bids) > 0: # select a winner based on bids winner_bid = max(self.plan_bids.values()) winner_ids = [ id for id, bid in self.plan_bids.items() if bid == winner_bid ] winner_id = random.choice( winner_ids) # break bid ties with randomness # broadcast new tokenholder self.plan_token_holder = ( False # Set to false here in case we get the token back. ) self.publish_winner_id(winner_id) # broadcast own waypoints self.publish_waypoints(self.best_plan) if self.at_goal(): # no more replanning necessary! self.publish_plan_bid(-1000.0) else: # broadcast plan bid self.publish_plan_bid(self.curr_plan.cost - self.best_plan.cost) def publish_winner_id(self, winner_id): """ Broadcast the token winner """ if not rospy.is_shutdown( ) and self.winner_id_pub.get_num_connections() > 0: winner_id_msg = WinnerID() winner_id_msg.header.stamp = winner_id_msg.header.frame_id = self.identifier winner_id_msg.winner_id = winner_id self.winner_id_pub.publish(winner_id_msg) def publish_plan_bid(self, bid): """ Broadcast our bid for the token """ if not rospy.is_shutdown( ) and self.plan_bid_pub.get_num_connections() > 0: bid_msg = PlanBid() bid_msg.header.stamp = bid_msg.header.frame_id = self.identifier = bid self.plan_bid_pub.publish(bid_msg) def publish_waypoints(self, plan): """ Broadcast our waypoints """ if not rospy.is_shutdown( ) and self.waypoints_pub.get_num_connections() > 0: path_msg = EstopWaypoints() path_msg.header.stamp = path_msg.header.frame_id = self.own_map_frame_id path_msg.poses = [PoseStamped() for i in range(len(plan.nodes))] for i in range(len(plan.nodes)): pose = PoseStamped() node = plan.nodes[i] pose.header.frame_id = self.own_map_frame_id pose.header.stamp = node.stamp pose.pose.position.x = node.x pose.pose.position.y = node.y pose.pose.position.z = 0.0 # TODO(marcus): extend to 3D pose.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 # TODO(marcus): include orientation info path_msg.poses[i] = pose # mark evenly spaced poses along the path as estops path_msg.estops = [] spacing = math.floor(len(plan.nodes) / (self.num_estops + 1)) for n in range(1, self.num_estops + 1): estop = path_msg.poses[n * spacing] path_msg.estops.push(estop) self.waypoints_pub.publish(path_msg) def publish_rrt_tree(self, nodes): """ Broadcast our RRT tree """ if not rospy.is_shutdown( ) and self.rrt_tree_pub.get_num_connections() > 0: self.tree_marker.points = [] self.tree_marker.header.stamp = for node in nodes: if node.parent: self.tree_marker.points.append(Point(node.x, node.y, 0.0)) self.tree_marker.points.append( Point(node.parent.x, node.parent.y, 0.0)) self.rrt_tree_pub.publish(self.tree_marker) def publish_new_tf(self, timestamp): """ Publish the ground-truth transform to the TF tree. Args: timestamp: A rospy.Time instance representing the current time in the simulator. """ # Publish current transform to tf tree. if self.curr_plan: curr_node = None for i in range(self.curr_plan_id + 1, len(self.curr_plan.nodes)): curr_node = self.curr_plan.nodes[i] if curr_node.stamp >= timestamp: self.curr_plan_id = i break if curr_node: trans = [curr_node.x, curr_node.y, 0.0] quat = [0, 0, 0, 1] # TODO(marcus): add this dimensionality self.tf_broadcaster.sendTransform(trans, quat, timestamp, self.body_frame, self.own_map_frame_id) self.pos = (curr_node.x, curr_node.y) def setup_tree_marker(self): """ Create a tree marker for visualization Returns: visualization_msgs.msg.Marker """ tree_marker = Marker() tree_marker.points = [] tree_marker.header.frame_id = self.own_map_frame_id tree_marker.action = Marker.ADD tree_marker.type = Marker.LINE_LIST tree_marker.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 tree_marker.scale.x = 0.5 tree_marker.color.r = 1.0 tree_marker.color.a = 1.0 return tree_marker def at_goal(self): """ Checks if the agent's current location is the goal location. Returns: bool """ dist = np.sqrt((self.pos[0] - self.goal[0])**2 + (self.pos[1] - self.goal[1])**2) if dist <= 0.3: return True return False def create_new_plan(self): """ Spin RRT to create a new plan Returns: Path """ # Refresh environment to reflect agent's current positions # TODO(marcus): handled by tf tree! self.rrt.update_pos(self.pos, 0, wipe_tree=True) # Grow the tree by one set of iterations self.rrt.spin(False) # Find the new best path in the tree return self.allocate_time_to_path(self.rrt.get_path(), def allocate_time_to_path(self, path, start_time): """ Distribute time to nodes in path Returns: Path """ if path.nodes: if self.curr_plan: start_id = 0 for i in range(len(path.nodes)): node = path.nodes[i] if self.curr_plan_id < len(self.curr_plan.nodes): if node == self.curr_plan.nodes[self.curr_plan_id]: start_id = i break for i in range(len(path.nodes)): if i < start_id: path.nodes[i].stamp = rospy.Time.from_sec(0.0) else: path.nodes[i].stamp = start_time + rospy.Duration( i * self.movement_dt) else: for i in range(len(path.nodes)): path.nodes[i].stamp = start_time + rospy.Duration( i * self.movement_dt) return path @staticmethod def multiagent_aware_time_realloc(path, other_agent_plans): """ Allocates more time to nodes in a path that conflict with other agent nodes, s.t. the conflict is gone. Only tokenholders should use this, to prevent duplicate conflict resolution. Args: path: a Path object. other_agent_plans: a dictionary keyed by Agent ID containing the current Path objects of other agents in the scenario. Returns: a Path object similar to `path` but with collision-free timestamps on each node. """ for i in range(1, len(path.nodes)): # Check for collisions with any other node: for id, other_path in other_agent_plans.items(): if other_path: curr_stamp = path.nodes[i].stamp if curr_stamp in other_path.ts_dict.keys(): if path.nodes[i] == other_path.ts_dict[curr_stamp]: # Collision detected! Allocate more time to this node. revised_stamp = curr_stamp while path.nodes[i] == other_path.ts_dict[ revised_stamp]: revised_stamp += 1 path.nodes[i].stamp = revised_stamp # Update all nodes after that one to have higher timetsamps. for node in path.nodes[i + 1:]: revised_stamp += 1 node.stamp = revised_stamp path.ts_dict = {node.stamp: node for node in path.nodes} return path
class Subagent(object): def __init__(self, map_data, start, goal, goal_dist, step, ccd, rrt_iters, movement_dt): self.start = start self.rrt = RRTstar( start=start, goal=goal, env=map_data, goal_dist=goal_dist, step_size=step, near_radius=ccd, max_iter=rrt_iters, ) # Initial state self.pos = self.start self.goal = goal self.plan_id = 0 # ID of the node in the current plan we are at self.latest_movement_timestamp = self.movement_dt = movement_dt self.plan = None self.curr_agent_id = "" def spin_once(self, curr_time): dt = curr_time - self.latest_movement_timestamp if dt.to_sec() > self.movement_dt: self.update_pos(curr_time) self.latest_movement_timestamp = curr_time self.plan = self.create_new_plan() def create_new_plan(self): """ Spin RRT to create a new plan Returns: Path """ # Refresh environment to reflect agent's current positions self.rrt.update_pos(self.pos, 0, wipe_tree=True) # Grow the tree by one set of iterations if self.rrt.goal: self.rrt.spin(False) # Find the new best path in the tree return self.allocate_time_to_path(self.rrt.get_path(), return None def update_pos(self, timestamp): if not rospy.is_shutdown(): if self.plan: curr_node = None for i in range(self.plan_id + 1, len(self.plan.nodes)): curr_node = self.plan.nodes[i] if curr_node.stamp >= timestamp: self.plan_id = i break if curr_node: self.pos = (curr_node.x, curr_node.y) def allocate_time_to_path(self, path, start_time): """ Distribute time to nodes in path Returns: Path """ if path.nodes: if self.plan: start_id = 0 for i in range(len(path.nodes)): node = path.nodes[i] if self.plan_id < len(self.plan.nodes): if node == self.plan.nodes[self.plan_id]: start_id = i break for i in range(len(path.nodes)): if i < start_id: path.nodes[i].stamp = rospy.Time.from_sec(0.0) else: path.nodes[i].stamp = start_time + rospy.Duration( i * self.movement_dt) else: for i in range(len(path.nodes)): path.nodes[i].stamp = start_time + rospy.Duration( i * self.movement_dt) return path