Ejemplo n.º 1
    def analyze_patch(self):
        Analyze loaded patch to extract modified lines
        and statistics
        assert self.patch is not None, "Missing patch"
        assert isinstance(self.patch, str), "Invalid patch type"

        # List all modified lines from current revision changes
        patch_stats = rs_parsepatch.get_lines(self.patch)
        assert len(patch_stats) > 0, "Empty patch"

        self.lines = {stat["filename"]: stat["added_lines"] for stat in patch_stats}

        # Shortcut to files modified
        self.files = self.lines.keys()

        # Report nb of files and lines analyzed
        stats.add_metric("analysis.files", len(self.files))
            "analysis.lines", sum(len(line) for line in self.lines.values())
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_phabricator(mock_config, mock_revision):
    Test a phabricator revision
    assert not hasattr(mock_revision, "mercurial")
    assert mock_revision.diff_id == 42
    assert mock_revision.diff_phid == "PHID-DIFF-test"
    assert mock_revision.url == "https://phabricator.test/D51"
    assert repr(mock_revision) == "PHID-DIFF-test"
    assert mock_revision.id == 51  # revision

    # Patch is automatically loaded from Phabricator
    assert mock_revision.patch is not None
    assert isinstance(mock_revision.patch, str)
    assert len(mock_revision.patch.split("\n")) == 15
    patch = rs_parsepatch.get_diffs(mock_revision.patch)
    assert patch == [
            "binary": False,
            "copied_from": None,
            "deleted": False,
            "filename": "test.txt",
            "lines": [(1, 1, b"Hello World"), (None, 2, b"Second line")],
            "modes": {},
            "new": False,
            "renamed_from": None,
            "binary": False,
            "copied_from": None,
            "deleted": False,
            "filename": "test.cpp",
            "lines": [(None, 1, b"Hello World")],
            "modes": {"new": 33188},
            "new": True,
            "renamed_from": None,
    patch = rs_parsepatch.get_lines(mock_revision.patch)
    assert patch == [
            "added_lines": [2],
            "binary": False,
            "copied_from": None,
            "deleted": False,
            "deleted_lines": [],
            "filename": "test.txt",
            "modes": {},
            "new": False,
            "renamed_from": None,
            "added_lines": [1],
            "binary": False,
            "copied_from": None,
            "deleted": False,
            "deleted_lines": [],
            "filename": "test.cpp",
            "modes": {"new": 33188},
            "new": True,
            "renamed_from": None,
Ejemplo n.º 3
def transform(hg: hglib.client, repo_dir: str, commit: Commit):
    hg_modified_files(hg, commit)

    if commit.ignored or len(commit.backsout) > 0 or commit.bug_id is None:
        return commit

    assert code_analysis_server is not None

    source_code_sizes = []
    other_sizes = []
    test_sizes = []
    metrics_file_count = 0

    patch = hg.export(revs=[commit.node.encode("ascii")], git=True)
        patch_data = rs_parsepatch.get_lines(patch)
    except Exception:
        logger.error(f"Exception while analyzing {commit.node}")

    for stats in patch_data:
        path = stats["filename"]

        if stats["binary"]:
            if not is_test(path):

        size = None
        after = None
        if not stats["deleted"]:
                after = hg.cat(
                    [os.path.join(repo_dir, path).encode("utf-8")],
                size = after.count(b"\n")
            except hglib.error.CommandError as e:
                if b"no such file in rev" not in e.err:

        type_ = get_type(path)

        if is_test(path):
            commit.test_files_modified_num += 1

            commit.test_added += len(stats["added_lines"])
            commit.test_deleted += len(stats["deleted_lines"])

            if size is not None:

            # We don't have a 'test' equivalent of types, as most tests are JS,
            # so this wouldn't add useful information.
        elif type_ in SOURCE_CODE_TYPES_TO_EXT:
            commit.source_code_files_modified_num += 1

            commit.source_code_added += len(stats["added_lines"])
            commit.source_code_deleted += len(stats["deleted_lines"])

            if size is not None:

                if type_ != "IDL/IPDL/WebIDL":
                    metrics = code_analysis_server.metrics(path,
                    if metrics.get("spaces"):
                        metrics_file_count += 1
                        error = get_metrics(commit, metrics["spaces"])
                        if error:
                                f"rust-code-analysis error on commit {commit.node}, path {path}"

                        touched_functions = get_touched_functions(
                        if len(touched_functions) > 0:
                            commit.functions[path] = list(touched_functions)

                    # Replace type with "Objective-C/C++" if rust-code-analysis detected this is an Objective-C/C++ file.
                    if type_ == "C/C++" and metrics.get(
                            "language") == "obj-c/c++":
                        type_ = "Objective-C/C++"

            commit.other_files_modified_num += 1

            commit.other_added += len(stats["added_lines"])
            commit.other_deleted += len(stats["deleted_lines"])

            if size is not None:

            if type_:

    commit.total_source_code_file_size = sum(source_code_sizes)
    commit.average_source_code_file_size = (
        commit.total_source_code_file_size /
        len(source_code_sizes) if len(source_code_sizes) > 0 else 0)
    commit.maximum_source_code_file_size = max(source_code_sizes, default=0)
    commit.minimum_source_code_file_size = min(source_code_sizes, default=0)

    commit.total_other_file_size = sum(other_sizes)
    commit.average_other_file_size = (commit.total_other_file_size /
                                      if len(other_sizes) > 0 else 0)
    commit.maximum_other_file_size = max(other_sizes, default=0)
    commit.minimum_other_file_size = min(other_sizes, default=0)

    commit.total_test_file_size = sum(test_sizes)
    commit.average_test_file_size = (commit.total_test_file_size /
                                     if len(test_sizes) > 0 else 0)
    commit.maximum_test_file_size = max(test_sizes, default=0)
    commit.minimum_test_file_size = min(test_sizes, default=0)

    if metrics_file_count:
        commit.average_cyclomatic = commit.total_cyclomatic / metrics_file_count
        commit.average_halstead_n2 = commit.total_halstead_n2 / metrics_file_count
        commit.average_halstead_N2 = commit.total_halstead_N2 / metrics_file_count
        commit.average_halstead_n1 = commit.total_halstead_n1 / metrics_file_count
        commit.average_halstead_N1 = commit.total_halstead_N1 / metrics_file_count
        commit.average_source_loc = commit.total_source_loc / metrics_file_count
        commit.average_logical_loc = commit.total_logical_loc / metrics_file_count
        # these values are initialized with sys.maxsize (because we take the min)
        # if no files, then reset them to 0 (it'd be stupid to have min > max)
        commit.minimum_cyclomatic = 0
        commit.minimum_halstead_N2 = 0
        commit.minimum_halstead_n2 = 0
        commit.minimum_halstead_N1 = 0
        commit.minimum_halstead_n1 = 0
        commit.minimum_source_loc = 0
        commit.minimum_logical_loc = 0

    return commit
Ejemplo n.º 4
def read(patch):
    counts = pp.get_counts(patch)
    diffs = pp.get_diffs(patch)
    lines = pp.get_lines(patch)

    # compare counts & diffs
    assert len(diffs) == len(counts)
    for count, ppd in zip(counts, diffs):
        diff = copy.deepcopy(ppd)
        del diff["lines"]
        diff.update({"added_lines": 0, "deleted_lines": 0})
        for n, o, _ in ppd["lines"]:
            if n is None:
                diff["added_lines"] += 1
            elif o is None:
                diff["deleted_lines"] += 1
        assert diff == count

    # compare lines & diffs
    assert len(diffs) == len(lines)
    for line, ppd in zip(lines, diffs):
        diff = copy.deepcopy(ppd)
        del diff["lines"]
        diff.update({"added_lines": [], "deleted_lines": []})
        for n, o, _ in ppd["lines"]:
            if n is None:
            elif o is None:
        assert diff == line

    if not isinstance(patch, str):
        patch = patch.decode("utf-8")

    wp_diffs = wp.parse_patch(patch)
    wp_diffs = list(wp_diffs)

    assert len(wp_diffs) == len(diffs)

    # compare wtp and pp outputs
    for ppd, wpd in zip(diffs, wp_diffs):
        wnew_path = get_filename(wpd.header.new_path)
        wold_path = get_filename(wpd.header.old_path)

        assert ppd["filename"] == wnew_path
        if wnew_path != wold_path:
            assert ppd["renamed_from"] == wold_path or ppd[
                "copied_from"] == wold_path
            assert ppd["renamed_from"] is None

        if not wpd.changes:
            assert not ppd["lines"]

        changes = list(wpd.changes)
        assert len(ppd["lines"]) == len(changes)
        for pline, wline in zip(ppd["lines"], changes):
            wn, wo, wc, whc = wline
            pn, po, pc = pline

            assert wn == pn
            assert wo == po

            pc = pc.decode("utf-8")
            assert wc == pc