Ejemplo n.º 1
def load_geometries(in_layer_path: str, id_field: str = None, epsg: int = None, spatial_ref: osr.SpatialReference = None) -> dict:

        in_layer_path (str): [description]
        id_field (str, optional): [description]. Defaults to None.
        epsg (int, optional): [description]. Defaults to None.
        spatial_ref (osr.SpatialReference, optional): [description]. Defaults to None.

        VectorBaseException: [description]

        dict: [description]
    log = Logger('load_geometries')

    if epsg is not None and spatial_ref is not None:
        raise VectorBaseException('Specify either an EPSG or a spatial_ref. Not both')

    with get_shp_or_gpkg(in_layer_path) as in_layer:
        # Determine the transformation if user provides an EPSG
        transform = None
        if epsg is not None:
            _outref, transform = VectorBase.get_transform_from_epsg(in_layer.spatial_ref, epsg)
        elif spatial_ref is not None:
            transform = in_layer.get_transform(in_layer.spatial_ref, spatial_ref)

        features = {}

        for feature, _counter, progbar in in_layer.iterate_features("Loading features"):

            if id_field is None:
                reach = feature.GetFID()
                reach = feature.GetField(id_field)

            geom = feature.GetGeometryRef()
            geo_type = geom.GetGeometryType()

            new_geom = VectorBase.ogr2shapely(geom, transform=transform)

            if new_geom.is_empty:
                progbar.erase()  # get around the progressbar
                log.warning('Empty feature with FID={} cannot be unioned and will be ignored'.format(feature.GetFID()))
            elif not new_geom.is_valid:
                progbar.erase()  # get around the progressbar
                log.warning('Invalid feature with FID={} cannot be unioned and will be ignored'.format(feature.GetFID()))
            # Filter out zero-length lines
            elif geo_type in VectorBase.LINE_TYPES and new_geom.length == 0:
                progbar.erase()  # get around the progressbar
                log.warning('Zero Length for feature with FID={}'.format(feature.GetFID()))
            # Filter out zero-area polys
            elif geo_type in VectorBase.POLY_TYPES and new_geom.area == 0:
                progbar.erase()  # get around the progressbar
                log.warning('Zero Area for feature with FID={}'.format(feature.GetFID()))
                features[reach] = new_geom

    return features
Ejemplo n.º 2
def load_geoms(in_lines):
    out = []
    with get_shp_or_gpkg(in_lines) as in_lyr:
        for feat, _counter, _progbar in in_lyr.iterate_features(
                "Loading geometry"):
            shapely_geom = VectorBase.ogr2shapely(feat)

    return out
Ejemplo n.º 3
def network_statistics(label: str, vector_layer_path: str):

    log = Logger('network_statistics')
    log.info('Network ShapeFile Summary: {}'.format(vector_layer_path))

    results = {}
    total_length = 0.0
    min_length = None
    max_length = None
    invalid_features = 0
    no_geometry = 0

    with get_shp_or_gpkg(vector_layer_path) as vector_layer:

        # Delete output column from network ShapeFile if it exists and then recreate it
        for fieldidx in range(0, vector_layer.ogr_layer_def.GetFieldCount()):
            results[vector_layer.ogr_layer_def.GetFieldDefn(fieldidx).GetName()] = 0

        for feature, _counter, _progbar in vector_layer.iterate_features("Calculating Stats"):
            geom = feature.GetGeometryRef()

            if geom is None:
                no_geometry += 1

            shapely_obj = VectorBase.ogr2shapely(geom)
            length = shapely_obj.length

            if shapely_obj.is_empty or shapely_obj.is_valid is False:
                invalid_features += 1

            total_length += length
            min_length = length if not min_length or min_length > length else min_length
            max_length = length if not max_length or max_length < length else max_length

            for fieldidx in range(0, vector_layer.ogr_layer_def.GetFieldCount()):
                field = vector_layer.ogr_layer_def.GetFieldDefn(fieldidx).GetName()
                if field not in results:
                    results[field] = 0

                results[field] += 0 if feature.GetField(field) else 1

        features = vector_layer.ogr_layer.GetFeatureCount()
        results['Feature Count'] = features
        results['Invalid Features'] = invalid_features
        results['Features without geometry'] = no_geometry
        results['Min Length'] = min_length
        results['Max Length'] = max_length
        results['Avg Length'] = (total_length / features) if features > 0 and total_length != 0 else 0.0
        results['Total Length'] = total_length

        for key, value in results.items():
            if value > 0:
                log.info('{}, {} with {:,} NULL values'.format(label, key, value))

    return results
Ejemplo n.º 4
def midpoints(in_lines):

    out_points = []
    with get_shp_or_gpkg(in_lines) as in_lyr:
        for feat in in_lyr.iterate_features('Getting Midpoints'):
            geom = feat.GetGeometryRef()
            line = VectorBase.ogr2shapely(geom)
            out_points.append(RiverPoint(line.interpolate(0.5, True)))
            feat = None

    return out_points
Ejemplo n.º 5
def centerline_points(
        in_lines: Path,
        distance: float = 0.0,
        transform: Transform = None) -> Dict[int, List[RiverPoint]]:
    """Generates points along each line feature at specified distances from the end as well as quarter and halfway

        in_lines (Path): path of shapefile with features
        distance (float, optional): distance from ends to generate points. Defaults to 0.0.
        transform (Transform, optional): coordinate transformation. Defaults to None.

        [type]: [description]
    log = Logger('centerline_points')
    with get_shp_or_gpkg(in_lines) as in_lyr:
        out_group = {}
        ogr_extent = in_lyr.ogr_layer.GetExtent()
        extent = Polygon.from_bounds(ogr_extent[0], ogr_extent[2],
                                     ogr_extent[1], ogr_extent[3])

        for feat, _counter, progbar in in_lyr.iterate_features(
                "Centerline points"):

            line = VectorBase.ogr2shapely(feat, transform)

            fid = feat.GetFID()
            out_points = []
            # Attach the FID in case we need it later
            props = {'fid': fid}

            pts = [
                line.interpolate(0.5, True),

            if line.project(line.interpolate(0.25, True)) > distance:
                pts.append(line.interpolate(0.25, True))
                pts.append(line.interpolate(-0.25, True))

            for pt in pts:
                # Recall that interpolation can have multiple solutions due to pythagorean theorem
                # Throw away anything that's not inside our bounds
                if not extent.contains(pt):
                    log.warning('Point {} is outside of extent: {}'.format(
                        pt.coords[0], ogr_extent))
                out_points.append(RiverPoint(pt, properties=props))

            out_group[int(fid)] = out_points
            feat = None
        return out_group
Ejemplo n.º 6
def get_riverpoints(inpath, epsg, attribute_filter=None):

        inpath ([type]): Path to a ShapeFile
        epsg ([type]):  Desired output spatial reference
        attribute_filter ([type], optional): [description]. Defaults to None.

        [type]: List of RiverPoint objects

    log = Logger('get_riverpoints')
    points = []

    with get_shp_or_gpkg(inpath) as in_lyr:

        _out_spatial_ref, transform = get_transform_from_epsg(
            in_lyr.spatial_ref, epsg)

        for feat, _counter, progbar in in_lyr.iterate_features(
                'Getting points for use in Thiessen',

            new_geom = feat.GetGeometryRef()

            if new_geom is None:
                progbar.erase()  # get around the progressbar
                    'Feature with FID={} has no geometry. Skipping'.format(

            new_shape = VectorBase.ogr2shapely(new_geom)

            if new_shape.type == 'Polygon':
                new_shape = MultiPolygon([new_shape])

            for poly in new_shape:
                # Exterior is the shell and there is only ever 1
                for pt in list(poly.exterior.coords):
                    points.append(RiverPoint(pt, interior=False))

                # Now we consider interiors. NB: Interiors are only qualifying islands in this case
                for idx, island in enumerate(poly.interiors):
                    for pt in list(island.coords):
                        points.append(RiverPoint(pt, interior=True,

    return points
Ejemplo n.º 7
def load_geometries(database, target_srs=None, where_clause=None):

    transform = None
    if target_srs:
        db_srs = get_db_srs(database)
        # https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/issues/1546
        transform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(db_srs, target_srs)

    conn = sqlite3.connect(database)
    curs = conn.execute('SELECT ReachID, Geometry FROM Reaches {}'.format('WHERE {}'.format(where_clause) if where_clause else ''))
    reaches = {}

    for row in curs.fetchall():
        geom = ogr.CreateGeometryFromJson(row[1])
        if transform:
        reaches[row[0]] = VectorBase.ogr2shapely(geom)
    return reaches
Ejemplo n.º 8
def get_geometry_union(in_layer_path: str, epsg: int = None,
                       attribute_filter: str = None,
                       clip_shape: BaseGeometry = None,
                       clip_rect: List[float] = None
                       ) -> BaseGeometry:

        in_layer_path (str): [description]
        epsg (int, optional): [description]. Defaults to None.
        attribute_filter (str, optional): [description]. Defaults to None.
        clip_shape (BaseGeometry, optional): [description]. Defaults to None.
        clip_rect (List[double minx, double miny, double maxx, double maxy)]): Iterate over a subset by clipping to a Shapely-ish geometry. Defaults to None.

        BaseGeometry: [description]

    log = Logger('get_geometry_union')

    with get_shp_or_gpkg(in_layer_path) as in_layer:

        transform = None
        if epsg:
            _outref, transform = VectorBase.get_transform_from_epsg(in_layer.spatial_ref, epsg)

        geom = None

        for feature, _counter, progbar in in_layer.iterate_features("Getting geometry union", attribute_filter=attribute_filter, clip_shape=clip_shape, clip_rect=clip_rect):
            if feature.GetGeometryRef() is None:
                progbar.erase()  # get around the progressbar
                log.warning('Feature with FID={} has no geometry. Skipping'.format(feature.GetFID()))

            new_shape = VectorBase.ogr2shapely(feature, transform=transform)
                geom = geom.union(new_shape) if geom is not None else new_shape
            except Exception:
                progbar.erase()  # get around the progressbar
                log.warning('Union failed for shape with FID={} and will be ignored'.format(feature.GetFID()))

    return geom
def calc_max_drainage(huc_search, precip_raster, wbd, bankfull):
    """ Temporary script to calculate the BRAT maximum drainage area threshold
        Takes HUC8 watershed boundary polygons and finds the mean annual
        precipitation then uses the inverted Beechi and Imaki formula
        to derive drainage area at the specified constant bankfull width.

        huc_search (str): feature layer attribute filter string (e.g. '17%' for hydro region 17)
        precip_raster (str): path to the national PRISM annual precipitation raster
        wbd (str): file path to the national watershed boundary dataset (WBD) file geodatabase
        bankfull (float): bankfull width at which drainage area threshold is calculated

    # open watershed boundary file geodatabase
    driver = ogr.GetDriverByName('OpenFileGDB')
    data_source = driver.Open(wbd, 0)
    wbd_layer = data_source.GetLayer('WBDHU8')
    wbd_layer.SetAttributeFilter('HUC8 LIKE \'{}\''.format(huc_search))

    # Need to convert watersheds to the PESG:4269 used by the PRISM raster
    _srs, transform = get_transform_from_epsg(wbd_layer.GetSpatialRef(), 4269)

    watersheds = {}
    for feature in wbd_layer:
        huc = feature.GetField('HUC8')
        states = feature.GetField('states')
        if 'cn' not in states.lower():
            watersheds[huc] = VectorBase.ogr2shapely(feature, transform)

    stats = raster_buffer_stats2(watersheds, precip_raster)

    for huc, stat in stats.items():

        # PRISM precipitation is in mm but Beechie and Imaki require it in cm
        mean_precip_cm = stat['Mean'] / 10.0

        max_drain = pow(bankfull / (0.177) / (pow(mean_precip_cm, 0.453)),
                        1 / 0.397)
            "UPDATE watersheds SET max_drainage = {} WHERE watershed_id = '{}' AND ((max_drainage IS NULL) OR (max_drainage = 0)); -- {}"
            .format(int(max_drain), huc, mean_precip_cm))
Ejemplo n.º 10
def centerline_vertex_between_distance(in_lines, distance=0.0):

    out_group = []
    with get_shp_or_gpkg(in_lines) as in_lyr:
        for feat, _counter, _progbar in in_lyr.iterate_features(
                "Centerline points between distance"):
            line = VectorBase.ogr2shapely(feat)

            out_points = []

            max_distance = line.length - distance

            for vertex in list(line.coords):
                test_dist = line.project(Point(vertex))
                if test_dist > distance and test_dist < max_distance:
            feat = None
    return out_group
Ejemplo n.º 11
def get_geometry_unary_union(in_layer_path: str, epsg: int = None, spatial_ref: osr.SpatialReference = None,
                             attribute_filter: str = None,
                             clip_shape: BaseGeometry = None,
                             clip_rect: List[float] = None
                             ) -> BaseGeometry:
    """Load all features from a ShapeFile and union them together into a single geometry

        in_layer_path (str): path to layer
        epsg (int, optional): EPSG to project to. Defaults to None.
        spatial_ref (osr.SpatialReference, optional): Spatial Ref to project to. Defaults to None.
        attribute_filter (str, optional): Filter to a set of attributes. Defaults to None.
        clip_shape (BaseGeometry, optional): Clip to a specified shape. Defaults to None.
        clip_rect (List[double minx, double miny, double maxx, double maxy)]): Iterate over a subset by clipping to a Shapely-ish geometry. Defaults to None.

        VectorBaseException: [description]

        BaseGeometry: [description]
    log = Logger('get_geometry_unary_union')

    if epsg is not None and spatial_ref is not None:
        raise VectorBaseException('Specify either an EPSG or a spatial_ref. Not both')

    with get_shp_or_gpkg(in_layer_path) as in_layer:
        transform = None
        if epsg is not None:
            _outref, transform = VectorBase.get_transform_from_epsg(in_layer.spatial_ref, epsg)
        elif spatial_ref is not None:
            transform = in_layer.get_transform(in_layer.spatial_ref, spatial_ref)

        geom_list = []

        for feature, _counter, progbar in in_layer.iterate_features("Unary Unioning features", attribute_filter=attribute_filter, clip_shape=clip_shape, clip_rect=clip_rect):
            new_geom = feature.GetGeometryRef()
            geo_type = new_geom.GetGeometryType()

            # We can't union non-valid shapes but sometimes a buffer by 0 can help
            if not new_geom.IsValid():
                progbar.erase()  # get around the progressbar
                log.warning('Invalid shape with FID={} trying the Buffer0 technique...'.format(feature.GetFID()))
                    new_geom = new_geom.Buffer(0)
                    if not new_geom.IsValid():
                        log.warning('   Still invalid. Skipping this geometry')
                except Exception:
                    log.warning('Exception raised during buffer 0 technique. skipping this file')

            if new_geom is None:
                progbar.erase()  # get around the progressbar
                log.warning('Feature with FID={} has no geoemtry. Skipping'.format(feature.GetFID()))
            # Filter out zero-length lines
            elif geo_type in VectorBase.LINE_TYPES and new_geom.Length() == 0:
                progbar.erase()  # get around the progressbar
                log.warning('Zero Length for shape with FID={}'.format(feature.GetFID()))
            # Filter out zero-area polys
            elif geo_type in VectorBase.POLY_TYPES and new_geom.Area() == 0:
                progbar.erase()  # get around the progressbar
                log.warning('Zero Area for shape with FID={}'.format(feature.GetFID()))
                geom_list.append(VectorBase.ogr2shapely(new_geom, transform))

                # IF we get past a certain size then run the union
                if len(geom_list) >= 500:
                    geom_list = [unary_union(geom_list)]
            new_geom = None

    log.debug('finished iterating with list of size: {}'.format(len(geom_list)))

    if len(geom_list) > 1:
        log.debug('Starting final union of geom_list of size: {}'.format(len(geom_list)))
        # Do a final union to clean up anything that might still be in the list
        geom_union = unary_union(geom_list)
    elif len(geom_list) == 0:
        log.warning('No geometry found to union')
        return None
        log.debug('FINAL Unioning geom_list of size {}'.format(len(geom_list)))
        geom_union = geom_list[0]
        log.debug('   done')

    print_geom_size(log, geom_union)
    # Return a shapely object
    return geom_union
Ejemplo n.º 12
def reach_geometry(flow_lines: Path, dem_path: Path, buffer_distance: float):
    """ Calculate reach geometry BRAT attributes

        flow_lines (Path): [description]
        dem_path (Path): [description]
        buffer_distance (float): [description]

    log = Logger('Reach Geometry')

    # Determine the best projected coordinate system based on the raster
    dataset = gdal.Open(dem_path)
    geo_transform = dataset.GetGeoTransform()
    xcentre = geo_transform[0] + (dataset.RasterXSize * geo_transform[1]) / 2.0
    epsg = get_utm_zone_epsg(xcentre)

    with rasterio.open(dem_path) as raster:
        bounds = raster.bounds
        extent = box(*bounds)

    # Buffer the start and end point of each reach
    line_start_polygons = {}
    line_end_polygons = {}
    reaches = {}
    with get_shp_or_gpkg(flow_lines) as lyr:

        # Transformations from original flow line features to metric EPSG, and to raster spatial reference
        _srs, transform_to_metres = VectorBase.get_transform_from_epsg(lyr.spatial_ref, epsg)
        _srs, transform_to_raster = VectorBase.get_transform_from_raster(lyr.spatial_ref, dem_path)

        # Buffer distance converted to the units of the raster spatial reference
        vector_buffer = VectorBase.rough_convert_metres_to_raster_units(dem_path, buffer_distance)

        for feature, _counter, _progbar in lyr.iterate_features("Processing reaches"):
            reach_id = feature.GetFID()
            geom = feature.GetGeometryRef()
            geom_clone = geom.Clone()

            # Calculate the reach length in the output spatial reference
            if transform_to_metres is not None:

            reaches[reach_id] = {'iGeo_Len': geom.Length(), 'iGeo_Slope': 0.0, 'iGeo_ElMin': None, 'IGeo_ElMax': None}

            if transform_to_raster is not None:

            # Buffer the ends of the reach polyline in the raster spatial reference
            pt_start = Point(VectorBase.ogr2shapely(geom_clone, transform_to_raster).coords[0])
            pt_end = Point(VectorBase.ogr2shapely(geom_clone, transform_to_raster).coords[-1])
            if extent.contains(pt_start) and extent.contains(pt_end):
                line_start_polygons[reach_id] = pt_start.buffer(vector_buffer)
                line_end_polygons[reach_id] = pt_end.buffer(vector_buffer)

    # Retrieve the mean elevation of start and end of point
    line_start_elevations = raster_buffer_stats2(line_start_polygons, dem_path)
    line_end_elevations = raster_buffer_stats2(line_end_polygons, dem_path)

    for reach_id, data in reaches.items():
        if reach_id in line_start_elevations and reach_id in line_end_elevations:
            sta_data = line_start_elevations[reach_id]
            end_data = line_end_elevations[reach_id]

            data['iGeo_ElMax'] = _max_ignore_none(sta_data['Maximum'], end_data['Maximum'])
            data['iGeo_ElMin'] = _min_ignore_none(sta_data['Minimum'], end_data['Minimum'])

            if sta_data['Mean'] is not None and end_data['Mean'] is not None and sta_data['Mean'] != end_data['Mean']:
                data['iGeo_Slope'] = abs(sta_data['Mean'] - end_data['Mean']) / data['iGeo_Len']
            log.warning('{:,} features skipped because one or both ends of polyline not on DEM raster'.format(reach_id))

    write_db_attributes(os.path.dirname(flow_lines), reaches, ['iGeo_Len', 'iGeo_ElMax', 'iGeo_ElMin', 'iGeo_Slope'])