Ejemplo n.º 1
    def info_trans_params(self):
        # Add the potential from the transitions
        trans_distn, omega = self.trans_distn, self.trans_omegas

        prev_state = one_hot(self.stateseq[:-1], self.num_states)
        next_state = one_hot(self.stateseq[1:], self.num_states)

        A = trans_distn.A[:, :self.num_states]
        C = trans_distn.A[:, self.num_states:self.num_states + self.D_latent]
        # D = trans_distn.A[:, self.num_states+self.D_latent:]
        b = trans_distn.b

        CCT = np.array([np.outer(cp, cp) for cp in C]). \
            reshape((trans_distn.D_out, self.D_latent ** 2))
        J_node = np.dot(omega, CCT)

        kappa = trans_distn.kappa_func(next_state[:, :-1])
        h_node = kappa.dot(C)
        h_node -= (omega * b.T).dot(C)
        h_node -= (omega * prev_state.dot(A.T)).dot(C)
        # h_node[:-1] -= (omega * self.inputs.dot(D.T)).dot(C)

        # Restore J_node to its original shape
        J_node = J_node.reshape((self.T - 1, self.D_latent, self.D_latent))
        return J_node, h_node
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def joint_log_probability(self, logpi, W, stateseqs, covseqs):
        K, D = self.num_states, self.covariate_dim

        # Compute the objective
        ll = 0
        for z, x in zip(stateseqs, covseqs):
            T = z.size
            assert x.ndim == 2 and x.shape[0] == T - 1
            z_prev = one_hot(z[:-1], K)
            z_next = one_hot(z[1:], K)

            # Numerator
            tmp = anp.dot(z_prev, logpi) + anp.dot(x, W)
            ll += anp.sum(tmp * z_next)

            # Denominator
            Z = amisc.logsumexp(tmp, axis=1)
            ll -= anp.sum(Z)

        return ll
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def resample_transition_auxiliary_variables(self):
        # Resample the auxiliary variable for the transition matrix
        trans_distn = self.trans_distn
        prev_state = one_hot(self.stateseq[:-1], self.num_states)
        next_state = one_hot(self.stateseq[1:], self.num_states)

        A = trans_distn.A[:, :self.num_states]
        C = trans_distn.A[:, self.num_states:self.num_states + self.D_latent]
        # D = trans_distn.A[:, self.num_states+self.D_latent:]
        b = trans_distn.b

        psi = prev_state.dot(A.T) \
              + self.covariates.dot(C.T) \
              + b.T \
              # + self.inputs.dot(D.T) \

        b_pg = trans_distn.b_func(next_state[:,:-1])

        import pypolyagamma as ppg
        ppg.pgdrawvpar(self.ppgs, b_pg.ravel(), psi.ravel(), self.trans_omegas.ravel())
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def align_lags(stateseq, covseq):
     prev_state = one_hot(stateseq[:-1], self.num_states)
     next_state = one_hot(stateseq[1:], self.num_states)
     return np.column_stack([prev_state, covseq]), next_state
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def initialize_with_logistic_regression(self, zs, xs, initialize=False):
        from sklearn.linear_model.logistic import LogisticRegression
        if not hasattr(self, '_lr'):
            self._lr = LogisticRegression(verbose=False,
        lr = self._lr

        # Make the covariates
        K, D = self.num_states, self.covariate_dim

        # Split zs into prevs and nexts
        zps = zs[:-1] if isinstance(zs, np.ndarray) else np.concatenate(
            [z[:-1] for z in zs], axis=0)
        zns = zs[1:] if isinstance(zs, np.ndarray) else np.concatenate(
            [z[1:] for z in zs], axis=0)
        xps = xs[:-1] if isinstance(xs, np.ndarray) else np.concatenate(
            [x[:-1] for x in xs], axis=0)

        assert zps.shape[0] == xps.shape[0]
        assert zps.ndim == 1 and zps.dtype == np.int32 and zps.min(
        ) >= 0 and zps.max() < K
        assert zns.ndim == 1 and zns.dtype == np.int32 and zns.min(
        ) >= 0 and zns.max() < K
        assert xps.ndim == 2 and xps.shape[1] == D

        used = np.bincount(zns, minlength=K) > 0
        K_used = np.sum(used)

        lr_X = np.column_stack((one_hot(zps, K), xps))
        lr_y = zns

        # The logistic regression solver fails if we only have one class represented
        # In this case, set the regression weights to zero and set logpi to have
        # high probability of the visited class
        if K_used == 1:
            self.W = np.zeros((D, K))
            self.log_pi = np.zeros((K, K))
            self.log_pi[:, used] = 3.0
            lr.fit(lr_X, lr_y)

            # Now convert the logistic regression into weights
            if K_used > 2:
                self.W = np.zeros((D, K))
                self.W[:, used] = lr.coef_[:, K:].T
                self.logpi = np.zeros((K, K))
                self.logpi[:, used] = lr.coef_[:, :K].T
                self.logpi[:, used] += lr.intercept_[None, :]
                self.logpi[:, ~used] += -100.

            elif K_used == 2:
                # LogisticRegression object only represents one
                # set of weights for binary problems
                self.W = np.zeros((D, K))
                self.W[:, 1] = lr.coef_[0, K:]
                self.logpi = np.zeros((K, K))
                self.logpi[:, 1] = lr.coef_[0, :K].T
                self.logpi[:, 1] += lr.intercept_
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def align_lags(stateseq, covseq):
     prev_state = np.zeros((stateseq.shape[0] - 1, self.num_states))
     next_state = one_hot(stateseq[1:], self.num_states)
     return np.column_stack([prev_state, covseq]), next_state