Ejemplo n.º 1
def multiple_plot(files, image=True):
    from openalea.core.path import path
    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
    import rsml

    def get_file(f):
        exts = ['.png', '.jpg', '.tif']
        fn = f.splitext()[0]
        for ext in exts:
            _f = path(fn + ext)
            if _f.exists():
                return _f

    n = len(files)
    f, axes = plt.subplots(1, n, sharex=True, sharey=True)
    f.set_size_inches(7 * n, 5)
    for i in range(n):
        fn = files[i]
        g = rsml.rsml2mtg(fn)
        if image:
            plot2d(g, img_file=get_file(fn), axis=axes[i], ms=1)
            plot2d(g, axis=axes[i], ms=1)
    if not image:
        ax = axes[0]
Ejemplo n.º 2
def rw(fn, display=False):
    gs = rsml.rsml2mtg(fn)
    if display:
        dump = rsml.Dumper()
        s = dump.dump(gs)
        print s
    rsml.plot3d(gs, img_dir='.')
    return gs
Ejemplo n.º 3
def rw(fn, display=False):
	gs = rsml.rsml2mtg(fn)
	if display:
		dump = rsml.Dumper()
		s = dump.dump(gs)
		print s
	rsml.plot3d(gs, img_dir='.')
	return gs
Ejemplo n.º 4
def f2():
    rsml.plot3d(gs, img_dir='.')

    # OK

    data = shared_data(rsml) / 'rsml' / 'rootnav'

    files = [fn for fn in data.glob('*.rsml') if 'old' not in fn]
    fn = files[0]

    print "read ", fn

    def get_file(f, ext='.png'):
        return f.splitext()[0] + ext

    gs = rsml.rsml2mtg(fn)
    rsml.plot2d(gs, img_file=get_file(fn))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def f2():
	rsml.plot3d(gs, img_dir='.')

	# OK

	data = shared_data(rsml)/'rsml'/'rootnav'

	files = [fn for fn in data.glob('*.rsml') if 'old' not in fn]
	fn= files[0]

	print "read ", fn 

	def get_file(f, ext='.png'):
		return f.splitext()[0]+ext

	gs = rsml.rsml2mtg(fn)
	rsml.plot2d(gs, img_file=get_file(fn))
def plot_from_file(rsml_file, ax, split_plant, label=""):
    g = rsml.rsml2mtg(rsml_file)

    # extract properties & measurments for all roots
    root = measurements.root_order(g)               # ids of lateral roots
    root = [r for r,o in root.iteritems() if o==2]
    length = measurements.root_length(g,root)       # length of roots
    ppos = measurements.parent_position(g,roots=root,distance2tip=True)  # branching position on parent                
    plant = dict((r,g.complex(r)) for r in root)    # plant id of all roots
    if split_plant:
        # plot root length w.r.t parent_position, for each plant
        for i,pid in enumerate(sorted(set(plant.values()))):
            rids = [r for r,p in plant.iteritems() if p==pid]
            x = np.array([ppos[r]   for r in rids])
            y = np.array([length[r] for r in rids])
            plot(x,y,"plant %d"%(i+1))

        x = np.array([ppos[r]   for r in root])
        y = np.array([length[r] for r in root])
        plot(x,y, label)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def plot_from_file(rsml_file, ax, split_plant, label=""):
    g = rsml.rsml2mtg(rsml_file)

    # extract properties & measurments for all roots
    root = measurements.root_order(g)  # ids of lateral roots
    root = [r for r, o in root.iteritems() if o == 2]
    length = measurements.root_length(g, root)  # length of roots
    ppos = measurements.parent_position(
        g, roots=root, distance2tip=True)  # branching position on parent
    plant = dict((r, g.complex(r)) for r in root)  # plant id of all roots

    if split_plant:
        # plot root length w.r.t parent_position, for each plant
        for i, pid in enumerate(sorted(set(plant.values()))):
            rids = [r for r, p in plant.iteritems() if p == pid]
            x = np.array([ppos[r] for r in rids])
            y = np.array([length[r] for r in rids])
            plot(x, y, "plant %d" % (i + 1))

        x = np.array([ppos[r] for r in root])
        y = np.array([length[r] for r in root])
        plot(x, y, label)