Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_doc_when_the_target_src():
    contents = ["some contents", "and a :doc:`object` that", "should change"]
    src = pathlib.Path('object.rst')
    dst = pathlib.Path('renamed.rst')
    expected = [(1, 12)]
    obtained = check_rst_references(contents, src)
    assert set(expected) == set(obtained)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_when_part_of_a_word():
    """ The stem of src appears as a part of a word but it is not a real reference """
    contents = ["something that contains objects", "but not the stem alone"]
    src = pathlib.Path('object.png')
    dst = pathlib.Path('itdoesntmatter')
    expected = list()
    obtained = check_rst_references(contents, src)
    assert set(expected) == set(obtained)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_doc_when_not_a_rst_in_src():
    contents = [
        "some contents", "and a :doc:`object` that", "should not change"
    src = pathlib.Path('object.txt')
    dst = pathlib.Path('renamed.rst')
    expected = list()
    obtained = check_rst_references(contents, src)
    assert set(expected) == set(obtained)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_ref_when_the_target_src_with_caption():
    contents = [
        "some contents", "and a :ref:`with caption <object>` that",
        "should change"
    src = pathlib.Path('object.rst')
    dst = pathlib.Path('renamed.rst')
    expected = [(1, 26)]
    obtained = check_rst_references(contents, src)
    assert set(expected) == set(obtained)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_doc_when_not_the_target_src_with_caption():
    contents = [
        "some contents", "and a :doc:`with caption <toanothercontent>` that",
        "should not change"
    src = pathlib.Path('object.rst')
    dst = pathlib.Path('renamed.rst')
    expected = list()
    obtained = check_rst_references(contents, src)
    assert set(expected) == set(obtained)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_download_when_not_the_target_src():
    contents = [
        "some contents", "and a :dowload:`toanothercontent` that",
        "should not change"
    src = pathlib.Path('object.tar.gz')
    dst = pathlib.Path('renamed.rst')
    expected = list()
    obtained = check_rst_references(contents, src)
    assert set(expected) == set(obtained)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_download_when_the_target_src_with_caption_different_line():
    contents = [
        "some contents", "and a :download:`with ", "caption ",
        "<object.tar.gz>` that", "should change"
    src = pathlib.Path('object.tar.gz')
    dst = pathlib.Path('renamed.rst')
    expected = [(3, 1)]
    obtained = check_rst_references(contents, src)
    assert set(expected) == set(obtained)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_when_part_of_a_regular_sentence():
    """ src is part of a regular sentence in contents but it is not a real reference """
    contents = [
        "something that contains the exact objects.png but",
        "it is not a real reference"
    src = pathlib.Path('object.png')
    dst = pathlib.Path('itdoesntmatter')
    expected = list()
    obtained = check_rst_references(contents, src)
    assert set(expected) == set(obtained)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_download_when_the_target_src_with_three_refs_with_splitted():
    contents = [
        "some contents", "and a :download:`with ", "caption ",
        "<object.tar.gz>` that :doc:`anotherobject` and :download:`another",
        "splitted caption <object.tar.gz>` that", "should change"
    src = pathlib.Path('object.tar.gz')
    dst = pathlib.Path('renamed.rst')
    expected = [(3, 1), (4, 18)]
    obtained = check_rst_references(contents, src)
    assert set(expected) == set(obtained)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_doc_when_two_refs_on_same_line():
    contents = [
        "some contents",
        "and a :doc:`with caption<object>` and :ref:`object` that",
        "should change"
    src = pathlib.Path('object.rst')
    dst = pathlib.Path('renamed.rst')
    expected = [(1, 25), (1, 44)]
    obtained = check_rst_references(contents, src)
    assert set(expected) == set(obtained)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_when_not_referenced_by_an_image_because_suffix():
    contents = [
        "A reference with image to another file",
        ".. image:: object.pngX",
        "   :align: center",
        "And other things",
    src = pathlib.Path('object.png')
    dst = pathlib.Path('itdoesntmatter')
    expected = list()
    obtained = check_rst_references(contents, src)
    assert set(expected) == set(obtained)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_when_referenced_by_a_figure():
    contents = [
        "A real reference with figure",
        ".. figure:: object.png",
        "   :align: center",
        "And other things",
    src = pathlib.Path('object.png')
    dst = pathlib.Path('renamed.png')
    expected = [(2, 12)]
    obtained = check_rst_references(contents, src)
    assert set(expected) == set(obtained)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_when_referenced_by_an_absolute_literalinclude():
    contents = [
        "A real reference with image",
        ".. literalinclude:: /object.java",
        "   :align: center",
        "And other things",
    src = pathlib.Path('object.java')
    dst = pathlib.Path('renamed.java')
    expected = [(2, 21)]
    obtained = check_rst_references(contents, src)
    assert set(expected) == set(obtained)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def test_ref_when_two_targets_and_one_with_caption_different_indented_line():
    contents = [
        "some contents",
        "* and a :ref:`with ",
        "  caption ",
        "  <object>` and :ref:`object` that",
        "  should change",
        "* another point",
    src = pathlib.Path('object.rst')
    dst = pathlib.Path('renamed.rst')
    expected = [(3, 3), (3, 22)]
    obtained = check_rst_references(contents, src)
    assert set(expected) == set(obtained)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_when_looking_in_a_toctree_for_non_rst_src():
    contents = [
        "some contents",
        "   .. toctree::  ",
        "      :titlesonly:",
        "      :maxdepth: 1",
        "      object.rst",
        "      otherobject.rst",
        "other things",
    src = pathlib.Path('object.txt')
    dst = pathlib.Path('renamed.rst')
    expected = list()
    obtained = check_rst_references(contents, src)
    assert set(expected) == set(obtained)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def test_when_first_in_a_toctree_without_extension():
    contents = [
        "some contents",
        "   .. toctree::  ",
        "      :titlesonly:",
        "      :maxdepth: 1",
        "      object",
        "      otherobject.rst",
        "other things",
    src = pathlib.Path('object.rst')
    dst = pathlib.Path('renamed.rst')
    expected = [(5, 6)]
    obtained = check_rst_references(contents, src)
    assert set(expected) == set(obtained)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def test_when_out_of_the_toctree():
    contents = [
        "some contents",
        "   .. toctree::  ",
        "      :titlesonly:",
        "      :maxdepth: 1",
        "      otherobject.rst",
        "      otherobject.rst",
        "Do not count the next::",
        "      object.rst",
    src = pathlib.Path('object.rst')
    dst = pathlib.Path('renamed.rst')
    expected = list()
    obtained = check_rst_references(contents, src)
    assert set(expected) == set(obtained)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def test_when_on_a_second_toctree():
    contents = [
        "some contents",
        "     .. toctree::  ",
        "        :titlesonly:",
        "        :maxdepth: 1",
        "       otherobject.rst",
        "       otherobject.rst",
        "End of first toctree",
        "Something that requires indentation",
        "  .. toctree::",
        "      object.rst",
    src = pathlib.Path('object.rst')
    dst = pathlib.Path('renamed.rst')
    expected = [(13, 6)]
    obtained = check_rst_references(contents, src)
    assert set(expected) == set(obtained)