Ejemplo n.º 1
  def send_data ( self ):
    """ runs the SEND_DATA operation """
    # calculate dir size
    mycommandline = '%s %s %s' % (
      self.__CONFIG['system']['disk usage command full path'][1],
      self.__CONFIG['system']['disk usage command arguments'][1], 
      self.myDirectoryName )
    args = shlex.split ( mycommandline )
    logging.info('Calculating size of %s (%s)' % (self.myDirectoryName, mycommandline) ) 
    proc = subprocess.Popen ( args, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE)
    (stdoutdata, stderrdata) = proc.communicate()
    if proc.returncode != 0 :
      raise Exception('External process returned non 0 value : %s' % mycommandline)
    sizeGb = float ( stdoutdata.split()[0] ) / 1024**3
    logging.info('Directory size is %.2fGb' % sizeGb)
    # check limits (logbook)
    if ( self.myLogbook and not self.ignoreLimits):
      logging.info('Checking size limits : must be under %.2fGb per week.' % self.__CONFIG['limits']['weekly max size'][1]) 
      totalsize = self.logbook_compute_size(offset=7)
      logging.info('Size of data transferred since one week: %.2fGb' % totalsize )
      if (totalsize + sizeGb > self.__CONFIG['limits']['weekly max size'][1]):
	    raise Exception('Transfer size exceeds limit (see log file for details)')
    # build XML object, write XML file
    logging.info ('Building XML object')
    tree = Transaction()
    self.myTransactionID = tree.get_transaction_id()
    logging.info ( 'Transaction ID is %s' % self.myTransactionID )
    tree.set_resif_node(self.__CONFIG['my resif node']['my node name'][1])
    tree.set_client_size( '%.4f' % sizeGb )
    tree.set_comment('data sent to datacentre by client-side application, waiting for processing.')
    xmlfile = os.path.join ( self.__CONFIG['system']['working directory'][1], self.myTransactionID + '.xml' )
    logging.info ('Writing XML in %s' % xmlfile)
    # send data + XML file
    myRsync = Rsync (
      server = self.__CONFIG['rsync']['rsync server'][1], 
      module = 'INCOMING_' + self.__CONFIG['my resif node']['my node name'][1],
      port = self.__CONFIG['rsync']['rsync port'][1],
      timeout = self.__CONFIG['rsync']['rsync timeout'][1],
      login = self.__CONFIG['my resif node']['my node name'][1].lower(),
      password = self.__CONFIG['my resif node']['my node password'][1],
      compress = self.__CONFIG['rsync']['rsync compress'][1],
      dryrun = self.myTestOnly,
      command = self.__CONFIG['rsync']['rsync command full path'][1],
      bwlimit = None if self.ignoreLimits else self.__CONFIG['limits']['bandwidth max'][1],
      extraargs = self.__CONFIG['rsync']['rsync extra args'][1]
    logging.info ('Calling rsync to transfer %s and %s' % ( self.myDirectoryName, xmlfile))
    (stdoutdata,stderrdata) = myRsync.push ( source = self.myDirectoryName + ' ' + xmlfile, destination = self.myTransactionID )
    # print transaction identifier on stdout
    sys.stdout.write ( self.myTransactionID + '\n' )
    logging.debug('rsync stderr follows: %s' % stderrdata)
    # update logbook
    self.myLogbook.append ( { 'date': time.strftime ( self.__DATE_FORMAT,time.gmtime() ),
        'node': self.__CONFIG['my resif node']['my node name'][1],
        'datatype':self.myDataType  })
    if not self.myTestOnly:
      logging.info ('Updating transfer loogbook')
      with open ( self.__CONFIG['logging']['logbook'][1], 'w' ) as f: json.dump(self.myLogbook,f,indent=2) 
    # on success, returns 0
    return 0