Ejemplo n.º 1
def cd(cmd_path, full_path):
    path, port = parse_path(full_path)
    if port:
        # Can't change dir to a port
        print >> sys.stderr, "rtcd: {0}: Not a \
        return 1

    if not path[-1]:
        # Remove trailing slash part
        path = path[:-1]

    tree = create_rtctree(paths=path)
    if not tree:
        return 1

    if not tree.has_path(path):
        print >> sys.stderr, "rtcd: {0}: No such directory or \
        return 1
    if not tree.is_directory(path):
        print >> sys.stderr, "rtcd: {0}: Not a directory".format(cmd_path)
        return 1

    print make_cmd_line(full_path)
    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_manager(cmd_path, full_path, tree=None):
    path, port = parse_path(full_path)
    if port:
        # Can't configure a port
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: Cannot access {1}: No such \
object.'.format(sys.argv[0], cmd_path)
        return None

    if not path[-1]:
        # There was a trailing slash - ignore it
        path = path[:-1]

    if not tree:
        tree = create_rtctree(paths=path)
    if not tree:
        return None

    object = tree.get_node(path)
    if not object:
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: Cannot access {1}: No such \
object.'.format(sys.argv[0], cmd_path)
        return tree, None
    if not object.is_manager:
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: Cannot access {1}: Not a \
manager.'.format(sys.argv[0], cmd_path)
        return tree, None

    return tree, object
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_comp_obj(cmd_path, path, options, tree=None, orb=None):
    if not tree:
        tree = create_rtctree(paths=path, orb=orb)
    if not tree:
        return 1, (None, None)

    if not tree.has_path(path):
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: Cannot access {1}: No such \
object.'.format(sys.argv[0], cmd_path)
        return 1, (None, None)

    comp = tree.get_node(path)
    if not comp or not comp.is_component:
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: Cannot access {1}: No such \
object'.format(sys.argv[0], cmd_path)
        return 1, None
    return 0, (tree, comp)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def get_our_listener(options, tree=None, orb=None):
    if not tree:
        tree = create_rtctree(paths=['/', 'localhost'], orb=orb)
    if not tree:
        return 1, None

    listener_name = listener_reg_name(index)
    def get_result(node, args):
        return node
    def is_our_listener(node):
        if node.name == listener_name:
            return True
    matches = tree.iterate(get_result, filter=['is_component', is_our_listener])
    if not matches or len(matches) != 1:
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: Could not find listener component.'.format(\
        return 1, None
    return 0, matches[0]
Ejemplo n.º 5
def select_index(path, tree=None):
    if not tree:
        tree = create_rtctree(paths=path)
    if not tree:
        return 1, 0

    listener_re = re.compile('{0}(\d+)0.rtc'.format(listener_name_base()))
    def get_result(node, args):
        return int(listener_re.match(node.name).group(1))
    def is_listener(node):
        if listener_re.match(node.name):
            return True
    matches = tree.iterate(get_result, filter=['is_component', is_listener])
    if not matches:
        # No existing listeners, so claim the first spot
        return 0, 0
    matches.sort ()
    return 0, matches[-1] + 1
Ejemplo n.º 6
def delete_object_reference(cmd_path, full_path, options, tree=None):
    path, port = parse_path(full_path)
    if port:
        # Can't delete a port
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: Cannot access {1}: Cannot delete \
ports.'.format(sys.argv[0], cmd_path)
        return 1

    trailing_slash = False
    if not path[-1]:
        path = path[:-1]

    # Cannot delete name servers
    if len(path) == 2:
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: {1}: Cannot delete name servers.'.format(\
                sys.argv[0], cmd_path)
        return 1

    if not tree:
        tree = create_rtctree(paths=path)
    if not tree:
        return 1

    # There is no point in doing path checks for the path, as the path we are
    # deleting may not be in the tree if it's a zombie. Instead, we need to
    # find its parent, and use that to remove the name.
    parent = tree.get_node(path[:-1])
    if parent.is_manager:
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: {1}: Use rtmgr to delete components from \
managers.'.format(sys.argv[0], cmd_path)
        return 1
    if not parent.is_directory:
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: {1}: Parent is not a directory.'.format(\
                sys.argv[0], cmd_path)
        return 1

    except BadPathError:
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: {1}: No such name registered.'.format(\
                sys.argv[0], cmd_path)
        return 1
    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 7
def cat_target(cmd_path, full_path, options, tree=None):
    use_colour = sys.stdout.isatty()

    path, port = parse_path(full_path)
    if port:
        # Can't cat a port
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: Cannot access {1}: No such \
object.'.format(sys.argv[0], cmd_path)
        return 1

    trailing_slash = False
    if not path[-1]:
        # There was a trailing slash
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: {1}: Not an \
object'.format(sys.argv[0], cmd_path)
        return 1

    if not tree:
        tree = create_rtctree(paths=path)
    if not tree:
        return tree

    if not tree.has_path(path):
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: Cannot access {1}: No such \
object.'.format(sys.argv[0], cmd_path)
        return 1
    object = tree.get_node(path)
    if object.is_component:
        for l in format_component(object, use_colour=sys.stdout.isatty(),
            print l
    elif object.is_manager:
        for l in format_manager(object, use_colour=sys.stdout.isatty(),
            print l
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: Cannot access {1}: No such \
object.'.format(sys.argv[0], cmd_path)
        return 1

    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 8
def set_conf_value(set, param, new_value, cmd_path, full_path, options,
    path, port = parse_path(full_path)
    if port:
        # Can't configure a port
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: Cannot access {1}: No such \
object.'.format(sys.argv[0], cmd_path)
        return 1

    trailing_slash = False
    if not path[-1]:
        # There was a trailing slash
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: {1}: Not an \
object'.format(sys.argv[0], cmd_path)
        return 1

    if not tree:
        tree = create_rtctree(paths=path)
    if not tree:
        return 1

    object = tree.get_node(path)
    if not object:
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: Cannot access {1}: No such \
object.'.format(sys.argv[0], cmd_path)
        return 1
    if not object.is_component:
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: Cannot access {1}: Not a \
component.'.format(sys.argv[0], cmd_path)
        return 1

    if not set:
        set = object.active_conf_set_name
        object.set_conf_set_value(set, param, new_value)
    except NoSuchConfSetError, e:
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: {1}: No such configuration \
set'.format(sys.argv[0], e)
        return 1
Ejemplo n.º 9
def disconnect_all(cmd_path, full_path, options, tree=None):
    path, port = parse_path(full_path)
    if not path[-1]:
        # Trailing slashes are bad
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: Not a directory: {1}'.format(sys.argv[0],
        return 1

    if not tree:
        tree = create_rtctree(paths=path)
    if not tree:
        return 1

    object = tree.get_node(path)
    if not object:
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: Cannot access {1}: No such \
object.'.format(sys.argv[0], cmd_path)
        return 1
    if not object.is_component:
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: Cannot access {1}: No such \
object'.format(sys.argv[0], cmd_path)
        return 1

    if port:
        # Disconnect a single port
        port_obj = object.get_port_by_name(port)
        if not port_obj:
            print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: Cannot access {1}: No such \
    port'.format(sys.argv[0], cmd_path)
            return 1
        # Disconnect all ports

    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 10
def print_conf_sets(cmd_path, full_path, options, tree=None):
    use_colour = sys.stdout.isatty()

    path, port = parse_path(full_path)
    if port:
        # Can't configure a port
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: Cannot access {1}: No such \
object.'.format(sys.argv[0], cmd_path)
        return 1

    trailing_slash = False
    if not path[-1]:
        # There was a trailing slash
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: {1}: Not an \
object'.format(sys.argv[0], cmd_path)
        return 1

    if not tree:
        tree = create_rtctree(paths=path)
    if not tree:
        return 1

    object = tree.get_node(path)
    if not object:
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: Cannot access {1}: No such \
object.'.format(sys.argv[0], cmd_path)
        return 1
    if not object.is_component:
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: Cannot access {1}: Not a \
component.'.format(sys.argv[0], cmd_path)
        return 1

    for l in format_conf_sets(object.conf_sets, object.active_conf_set_name,
                              use_colour, options.long):
        print l

    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 11
def alter_component_state(action, cmd_path, full_path, options, tree=None):
    path, port = parse_path(full_path)
    if port:
        # Can't cat a port
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: Cannot access {1}: No such \
object.'.format(sys.argv[0], cmd_path)
        return 1

    trailing_slash = False
    if not path[-1]:
        # There was a trailing slash
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: {1}: Not an \
object'.format(sys.argv[0], cmd_path)
        return 1

    if not tree:
        tree = create_rtctree(paths=path)
    if not tree:
        return 1

    if not tree.has_path(path):
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: Cannot access {1}: No such \
object.'.format(sys.argv[0], cmd_path)
        return 1
    object = tree.get_node(path)
    if not object.is_component:
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: Cannot access {1}: Not an \
object'.format(sys.argv[0], cmd_path)
        return 1

        action(object, options.ec_index)
    except BadECIndexError, e:
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: No execution context at index \
{1}'.format(sys.argv[0], e.args[0])
        return 1
Ejemplo n.º 12
def connect_ports(source_cmd_path, source_full_path,
                  dest_cmd_path, dest_full_path,
                  options, tree=None):
    source_path, source_port = parse_path(source_full_path)
    if not source_port:
        # Need a port to connect to
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: No source port specified'.format(sys.argv[0])
        return 1
    if not source_path[-1]:
        # Trailing slashes are bad
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: Bad source path'.format(sys.argv[0])
        return 1

    dest_path, dest_port = parse_path(dest_full_path)
    if not dest_port:
        # Need a port to connect to
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: No destination port \
        return 1
    if not dest_path[-1]:
        # Trailing slashes are bad
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: Bad destination path'.format(sys.argv[0])
        return 1

    if not tree:
        tree = create_rtctree(paths=[source_path, dest_path])
    if not tree:
        return 1

    if not tree.has_path(source_path):
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: Cannot access {1}: No such \
object.'.format(sys.argv[0], source_cmd_path)
        return 1
    if not tree.has_path(dest_path):
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: Cannot access {1}: No such \
object.'.format(sys.argv[0], dest_cmd_path)
        return 1

    source_comp = tree.get_node(source_path)
    if not source_comp or not source_comp.is_component:
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: Cannot access {1}: No such \
object'.format(sys.argv[0], source_cmd_path)
        return 1
    source_port_obj = source_comp.get_port_by_name(source_port)
    if not source_port_obj:
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: Cannot access {1}: No such \
port'.format(sys.argv[0], source_cmd_path)
        return 1
    dest_comp = tree.get_node(dest_path)
    if not dest_comp or not dest_comp.is_component:
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: Cannot access {1}: No such \
object'.format(sys.argv[0], dest_cmd_path)
        return 1
    dest_port_obj = dest_comp.get_port_by_name(dest_port)
    if not dest_port_obj:
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: Cannot access {1}: No such \
port'.format(sys.argv[0], dest_cmd_path)
        return 1

    conn_name = options.name if options.name else None
        source_port_obj.connect(dest_port_obj, name=conn_name, id=options.id,
    except IncompatibleDataPortConnectionPropsError:
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: An incompatible data port property or \
property value was given.'.format(sys.argv[0])
        return 1
    except WrongPortTypeError:
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: Mismatched port types.'.format(sys.argv[0])
        return 1
    except MismatchedPolarityError:
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: Service port polarities do not \
        return 1
    except MismatchedInterfacesError:
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: Service port interfaces do not \
        return 1
    except FailedToConnectError:
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: Failed to connect.'.format(sys.argv[0])
        return 1
    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 13
def disconnect_ports(source_cmd_path, source_full_path,
                  dest_cmd_path, dest_full_path,
                  options, tree=None):
    source_path, source_port = parse_path(source_full_path)
    if not source_port:
        # Need a port to disconnect
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: No source port specified'.format(sys.argv[0])
        return 1
    if not source_path[-1]:
        # Trailing slashes are bad
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: Bad source path'.format(sys.argv[0])
        return 1

    dest_path, dest_port = parse_path(dest_full_path)
    if not dest_port:
        # Need a port to disconnect
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: No destination port \
        return 1
    if not dest_path[-1]:
        # Trailing slashes are bad
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: Bad destination path'.format(sys.argv[0])
        return 1

    if not tree:
        tree = create_rtctree(paths=[source_path, dest_path])
    if not tree:
        return 1

    source_comp = tree.get_node(source_path)
    if not source_comp:
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: Cannot access {1}: No such \
object.'.format(sys.argv[0], source_cmd_path)
        return 1
    if not source_comp.is_component:
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: Cannot access {1}: No such \
object'.format(sys.argv[0], source_cmd_path)
        return 1
    source_port_obj = source_comp.get_port_by_name(source_port)
    if not source_port_obj:
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: Cannot access {1}: No such \
port'.format(sys.argv[0], source_cmd_path)
        return 1
    dest_comp = tree.get_node(dest_path)
    if not dest_comp:
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: Cannot access {1}: No such \
object.'.format(sys.argv[0], dest_cmd_path)
        return 1
    if not dest_comp.is_component:
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: Cannot access {1}: No such \
object'.format(sys.argv[0], dest_cmd_path)
        return 1
    dest_port_obj = dest_comp.get_port_by_name(dest_port)
    if not dest_port_obj:
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: Cannot access {1}: No such \
port'.format(sys.argv[0], dest_cmd_path)
        return 1

    conn = source_port_obj.get_connection_by_dest(dest_port_obj)
    if not conn:
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: No connection between {1} and \
{2}'.format(sys.argv[0], source_cmd_path, dest_cmd_path)
        return 1


    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 14
def search(cmd_path, full_path, options, tree=None, returnvalue=None):
    path, port = parse_path(full_path)
    if port:
        # Can't search in a port
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: Cannot access {1}: No such directory or \
object.'.format(sys.argv[0], cmd_path)
        if returnvalue == 'list':
            return None
            return 1

    trailing_slash = False
    if not path[-1]:
        # There was a trailing slash
        trailing_slash = True
        path = path[:-1]

    if not tree:
        tree = create_rtctree(paths=path)
    if not tree:
        if returnvalue == 'list':
            return None
        else :
            return 1        

    # Find the root node of the search
    root = tree.get_node(path)
    if not root:
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: Cannot access {1}: No such directory or \
object.'.format(sys.argv[0], cmd_path)
        if returnvalue == 'list':
            return None
        else :
            return 1
    if root.is_component and trailing_slash:
        # If there was a trailing slash, complain that a component is not a
        # directory.
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: cannot access {1}: Not a directory.'.format(\
                sys.argv[0], address)
        if returnvalue == 'list':
            return None
        else :
            return 1

    name_res = []
    for name in options.name:
        # Replace regex special characters
        name = re.escape (name)
        # * goes to .*?
        name = name.replace (r'\*', '.*?')
        # ? goes to .
        name = name.replace (r'\?', r'.')
    for name in options.iname:
        # Replace regex special characters
        name = re.escape (name)
        # * goes to .*?
        name = name.replace (r'\*', '.*?')
        # ? goes to .
        name = name.replace (r'\?', r'.')
        name_res.append(re.compile(name, re.IGNORECASE))

    def get_result(node, args):
        if node.full_path.startswith(cmd_path):
            result = node.full_path[len(cmd_path):]
            if not result:
                # This will happen if the search root is a component
                return node.name
            return node.full_path
            return node.full_path
    def matches_search(node):
        # Filter out types
        if node.is_component and 'c' not in options.type:
            return False
        if node.is_manager and 'm' not in options.type and \
                'd' not in options.type:
            return False
        if node.is_nameserver and 'n' not in options.type and \
                'd' not in options.type:
            return False
        if node.is_directory and 'd' not in options.type and \
                (not node.is_nameserver and not node.is_manager):
            return False
        if not name_res:
            return True
        # Check for name matches
        for name_re in name_res:
            if name_re.search(node.full_path):
                return True
        return False
    matches = root.iterate(get_result, filter=[matches_search])
    if returnvalue == 'list':
        return matches
    else :
        for m in matches:
            print m
        return 0
Ejemplo n.º 15
def list_target(cmd_path, full_path, options, tree=None):
    path, port = parse_path(full_path)
    if port:
        # Can't list a port
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: Cannot access {1}: No such directory or \
object.'.format(sys.argv[0], cmd_path)
        return 1

    trailing_slash = False
    if not path[-1]:
        # There was a trailing slash
        trailing_slash = True
        path = path[:-1]

    if not tree:
        tree = create_rtctree(paths=path)
    if not tree:
        return 1

    if not tree.has_path(path):
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: Cannot access {1}: No such directory or \
object.'.format(sys.argv[0], cmd_path)
        return 1
    if tree.is_component(path):
        # Path points to a single component: print it like 'ls <file>'.
        if trailing_slash:
            # If there was a trailing slash, complain that a component is not a
            # directory.
            print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: cannot access {1}: Not a \
directory.'.format(sys.argv[0], address)
            return 1
        if options.long:
            lines = get_node_long_lines([tree.get_node(path)],
            for l in lines:
                print l
            print path[-1]
    elif tree.is_directory(path):
        # If recursing, need to list this directory and all its children
        if options.recurse:
            recurse_root = tree.get_node(path)
            recurse_root_path = recurse_root.full_path
            def get_name(node, args):
                if node.full_path.startswith(recurse_root_path):
                    result = node.full_path[len(recurse_root_path):]
                    result = node.full_path
                return result.lstrip('/')
            dir_names = ['.'] + recurse_root.iterate(get_name,
                    args=options.long, filter=['is_directory'])[1:]
            listings = recurse_root.iterate(list_directory,
                    args=options.long, filter=['is_directory'])
            for dir, listing in zip(dir_names, listings):
                if dir == '.':
                    print '.:'
                    print './' + dir + ':'
                for l in listing:
                    print l
            dir_node = tree.get_node(path)
            lines = list_directory(dir_node, options.long)
            for l in lines:
                print l
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: cannot access {1}: Unknown object \
type.'.format(sys.argv[0], cmd_path)
        return 1

    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 16
def inject_data(cmd_path, full_path, options, data, tree):
    path, port = parse_path(full_path)
    if not port:
        # Need a port to inject to
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: Cannot access {1}: Not a port'.format(\
                sys.argv[0], cmd_path)
        return 1

    trailing_slash = False
    if not path[-1]:
        # There was a trailing slash
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: {1}: Not a port'.format(\
                sys.argv[0], cmd_path)
        return 1

    if not tree:
        tree = create_rtctree(paths=path)
    if not tree:
        return tree

    comp = tree.get_node(path)
    if not comp or not comp.is_component:
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: Cannot access {1}: No such \
component.'.format(sys.argv[0], cmd_path)
        return 1
    port = comp.get_port_by_name(port)
    if not port:
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: Cannot access {1}: No such \
port'.format(sys.argv[0], cmd_path)
        return 1
    if not port.porttype == 'DataInPort':
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: Can only inject to DataInPort port \
        return 1

    # Create a dummy connector on the port
    datatype = str(data.__class__).rpartition('.')[2]
    props = []
    profile = RTC.ConnectorProfile(path[-1] + '.inject_conn',
                                   path[-1] + '.temp', [port.object], props)
    return_code, profile = port.object.connect(profile)
    if return_code != RTC.RTC_OK:
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: Failed to create local connection. Check \
your data type matches the port.'.format(sys.argv[0])
        return 1
    # Get the connection's IOR and narrow it to an InPortCdr object
    conn = port.get_connection_by_name(path[-1] + '.inject_conn')
    ior = conn.properties['dataport.corba_cdr.inport_ior']
    object = comp.orb.string_to_object(ior)
    if CORBA.is_nil(object):
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: Failed to get inport object.'.format(\
        return 1
    object = object._narrow(InPortCdr)
    # Inject the data
    cdr = cdrMarshal(any.to_any(data).typecode(), data, True)
    if object.put(cdr) != PORT_OK:
        print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: Failed to inject data.'.format(sys.argv[0])
        return 1
    # Remove the dummy connection

    return 0