Ejemplo n.º 1
    def find_sites_in_area(self):

        if not self.sites:
            return 0

        area_geometry = ([(d.geometry) for d in self.area.values()][0])

        idx = index.Index()

        for site in self.sites.values():
            idx.insert(0, Point(site.coordinates).bounds, site)

        sites_in_area = []

        for n in idx.intersection(shape(area_geometry).bounds, objects=True):
            point = Point(n.object.coordinates)
            if shape(area_geometry).contains(point):

        return sites_in_area
Ejemplo n.º 2
def intersectGeom(poly1, poly2, id1, id2, precDigit=10):
    """return the intersection ids between two lists of polygons"""
    gO = otree.h3tree()
    idx = index.Index()
    for i, p in enumerate(poly2):
        idx.insert(i, p.bounds)
    sectL = {}
    numL = []
    for i, p in zip(id1, poly1):
        merged_cells = cascaded_union(
            [poly2[i] for i in idx.intersection(p.bounds)])
        pint = p.intersection(merged_cells)
        if isinstance(pint, sh.geometry.Point):
            l = [gO.encode(pint.x, pint.y, precision=precDigit)]
            l = [gO.encode(x.x, x.y, precision=precDigit) for x in pint]
        sectL[i] = l
    print("%.2f points per polygon" % (np.mean(numL)))
    return sectL
Ejemplo n.º 3
def knnRTree(size, k, image):
    p = index.Property()
    p.dimension = 128 #D
    p.buffering_capacity = 3#M
    p.dat_extension = 'dat'
    p.idx_extension = 'idx'
    idx = index.Index(f"RTree/RTree_{size}", properties=p)

    picture = face_recognition.load_image_file(image)
    vector = face_recognition.face_encodings(picture)
    q = tuple(vector[0])

    if not len(q): return []

    lres = list(idx.nearest(coordinates=q, num_results=k))
    res = []
    for x in lres:
        line=json.loads(linecache.getline(f"Sequential/Sequential_{size}.json", x+1))
    return res
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def _create_spatial_index(self):
        This creates the spatial index for the input mesh

        # Setting rtree properties
        prop = index.Property()
        prop.dimension = 3

        # Set the geographic projection
        lons = self.mesh.lons.flatten('F')
        mean_lat = np.mean(self.mesh.lats)
        self.p = Proj(proj='lcc', lon_0=np.mean(lons), lat_1=mean_lat-10.,

        # Create the spatial index for the grid mesh
        r = index.Index(_generator(self.mesh, self.p), properties=prop)

        # Set the rtree
        self.rtree = r
Ejemplo n.º 5
def add_lad_to_exchanges(exchanges, lads):

    joined_exchanges = []

    # Initialze Rtree
    idx = index.Index()

    for rtree_idx, exchange in enumerate(exchanges):
        idx.insert(rtree_idx, shape(exchange['geometry']).bounds, exchange)

    # Join the two
    for lad in lads:
        for n in idx.intersection((shape(lad['geometry']).bounds), objects='raw'):
            lad_shape = shape(lad['geometry'])
            premise_shape = shape(n['geometry'])
            if lad_shape.contains(premise_shape):
                n['properties']['lad'] = lad['properties']['name']

    return joined_exchanges
Ejemplo n.º 6
def build_rtree_index(geom):
    """Builds an rtree index. Useful for multiple intersections with same index.

    geom : list
        list of shapely geometry objects
        idx : rtree spatial index object
    from rtree import index

    # build spatial index for items in geom1
    print('\nBuilding spatial index...')
    ta = time.time()
    idx = index.Index()
    for i, g in enumerate(geom):
        idx.insert(i, g.bounds)
    print("finished in {:.2f}s".format(time.time() - ta))
    return idx
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def create_rtree_index(inshp):
        """Create rtree bounding index for an input shape.

            inshp (obj):  Shapefile with features.

            obj: rtree bounding box index.

        print("creating node index.....")
        feature_list = []
        for feature in inshp:
            line = shape(feature['geometry'])
        idx = index.Index()
        for i in range(len(feature_list)):
            idx.insert(i, feature_list[i].bounds)

        return idx
Ejemplo n.º 8
def demo2(ports):
    print "Checking " + str(len(ports)) + " ports"
    violations = []
    idx = index.Index()
    ## add everything to the spatial index
    for p in ports:
        (pid, (pminx,pminy,pmaxx,pmaxy)) = p.boundingBox()
        idx.insert(pid, (pminx,pminy,pmaxx,pmaxy))
    ## now check the rules
    for p in ports:
        if not rule28.apply((p,)):
            violations.append(Violation(rule28, [p]))
        # find things that could violate rule 27?
        possible = p.center.buffer(250).bounds  ## How do I do this generally?
        candidates = idx.intersection(possible)
        for c in candidates:
            pj = ports[c]
            if not rule27.apply((p,pj)):
                violations.append(Violation(rule27, [p,pj]))
    return violations
Ejemplo n.º 9
def similarity(directory, filename, k):
    # first extract features from query file
    featureVector = extractFeatures(directory,filename)

    # then open and query spatial index
    p = index.Property()
    p.dat_extension = 'data'
    p.idx_extension = 'index'
    p.dimension = 13

    rtree = index.Index('rtreez', properties=p, interleaved=True)
    similar = list(rtree.nearest((featureVector[0], featureVector[1],
        featureVector[2], featureVector[3], featureVector[4],featureVector[5],
        featureVector[6], featureVector[7], featureVector[8], featureVector[9],
        featureVector[10], featureVector[11], featureVector[12],
        featureVector[0], featureVector[1], featureVector[2], featureVector[3],
        featureVector[4], featureVector[5], featureVector[6], featureVector[7],
        featureVector[8], featureVector[9], featureVector[10],
        featureVector[11], featureVector[12]), k))
    return similar
def load_shapes(geojson_file):
    from shapely.geometry import shape
    from rtree import index
    import json

    # load the initial collection from the geojson
    collection = json.load(geojson_file)

    # create a spatial index
    idx = index.Index()

    for feature in collection['features']:
        # add the shapely-parsed shape onto each feature
        feature['shape'] = shape(feature['geometry'])
        feature['centroid'] = feature['shape'].centroid
        # spatially index each feature
        objid = feature['properties']['OBJECTID']
        idx.insert(objid, feature['shape'].bounds, obj=feature)

    return collection, idx
Ejemplo n.º 11
def selectByIntersection(allAdmin, inD, exact=False):
    ''' Select features from allAdmin that intersect inD
    allAdmin [shapely geometry] - describes the feature of interest
    inD [geopandas dataframe] - features to be intersected
    exact (optional) [boolean] - perform exact geometry match, default is False, which
                                 will only calculate bounding box intersection
    RETURNS [geopandas dataframe] - subset of inD that intersects allAdmin
        inS = gpd.read_file(sourceFile)   
        inD = gpd.read_file(intersectingFile)        
        if inS.crs != inD.crs:
            inS = inS.to_crs(inD.crs)
        allAdmin = shapely.ops.cascaded_union(MultiPolygon(inS['geometry'].tolist()))
        selectByIntersection(allAdmin, inD, exact=False)
    TODO: Projection checks
    #Read the source boundaries into an rtree opbject
    idxAdmin = index.Index()
        for i, shape in enumerate(allAdmin):
            idxAdmin.insert(i, shape.bounds)
        idxAdmin.insert(0, allAdmin.bounds)
    #Enumerate through the intersecting file
    intersectingList = []
    for i, row in inD.iterrows():
        interSection = list(idxAdmin.intersection(row['geometry'].bounds))
        if len(interSection):

    returnDF = gpd.GeoDataFrame(intersectingList)

    if exact:
        selData = []
        for j, origRow in returnDF.iterrows():
            xx = allAdmin.intersects(origRow['geometry'])
            print("%s - %s" % (j, xx))
            if xx:
            returnDF = gpd.GeoDataFrame(selData)
    return returnDF
Ejemplo n.º 12
def run_images(valid_output_full, validated_image_filename, graph,
    idxprop = index.Property()
    idxprop.dimension = DIMENSIONS
    idxprop.dat_extension = 'data'
    idxprop.idx_extension = 'index'
    idx = index.Index('3d_index', properties=idxprop)
    idx_nr = 0

    for input_image_file in input_image_filename_list:
        print("Processing [", idx_nr, "] file ", input_image_file)
        # read one of the images to run an inference on from the disk
        infer_image = cv2.imread(IMAGES_DIR + input_image_file)

        # run a single inference on the image and overwrite the
        # boxes and labels
        test_output_full = run_inference(
            infer_image, graph, input_image_file + " -- " + str(idx_nr))
        test_output = rmsList(test_output_full, 13)
        print("test_output=", test_output)
        testTupl = toRecTuple(test_output)
        print("testTuble=", testTupl)
        idx.insert(idx_nr, testTupl, obj=idx_nr)

        valid_output = rmsList(valid_output_full, 13)
        print("valid_output=", valid_output)
        validTupl = toRecTuple(valid_output)
        print("validTuble=", validTupl)
        a = list(idx.nearest(validTupl))
        print("R-tree near: ", a)
        idx_nr = idx_nr + 1

        # Test the inference results of this image with the results
        # from the known valid face.
        if (face_match(valid_output_full, test_output_full)):
            print('PASS!  File ' + input_image_file + ' matches ' +
            print('FAIL!  File ' + input_image_file + ' does not match ' +
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def addSeparatorFeature(self):
        We load the graphical separators
        COmpute a set of shapely object
        In turn, for each edge, we compute the intersection

        # graphical separators
        from xml_formats.PageXml import PageXml
        dNS = {"pc": PageXml.NS_PAGE_XML}
        ndRoot = self.lNode[0].node.getroottree()
        lNdSep = ndRoot.xpath(".//pc:SeparatorRegion", namespaces=dNS)
        loSep = [ShapeLoader.node_to_LineString(_nd) for _nd in lNdSep]

        if self.bVerbose: traceln(" %d graphical separators" % len(loSep))

        # make an indexed rtree
        idx = index.Index()
        for i, oSep in enumerate(loSep):
            idx.insert(i, oSep.bounds)

        # take each edge in turn and list the separators it crosses
        nCrossing = 0
        for edge in self.lEdge:
            # bottom-left corner to bottom-left corner
            oEdge = geom.LineString([(edge.A.x1, edge.A.y1),
                                     (edge.B.x1, edge.B.y1)])
            prepO = prep(oEdge)
            bCrossing = False
            for i in idx.intersection(oEdge.bounds):
                # check each candidate in turn
                if prepO.intersects(loSep[i]):
                    bCrossing = True
                    nCrossing += 1
            edge.bCrossingSep = bCrossing

        if self.bVerbose:
                " %d (/ %d) edges crossing at least one graphical separator" %
                (nCrossing, len(self.lEdge)))
def mapper():
    index = rtree.Index()
    neighborhoods = []
    readNeighborhood('ZillowNeighborhoods-NY.shp', index, neighborhoods)
    agg = {}
    for values in parseInput():
        pickup_location = (float(values[10]), float(values[11]))
        pickup_time = values[PICKUP_TIME]
        weekhour = getWeekday(pickup_time)

        pickup_neighborhood = findNeighborhood(pickup_location, index, neighborhoods)
        time_neighbor_key = weekhour+'|'+str(pickup_neighborhood)
        if pickup_neighborhood!=-1:
            agg[time_neighbor_key] = agg.get(time_neighbor_key , 0) + 1

    for item in agg.iteritems():
        key_array = item[0].split('|')
        neighborhood_name = neighborhoods[int(key_array[1])][0]
        output_key = key_array[0]+'|'+ neighborhood_name
        print '%s\t%s' % (output_key, item[1])
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def __init__(self, filename):
     PATH = 'data/shapefiles/'
     print("processing " + filename + ".shp")
     myshp = open(PATH + filename + ".shp", "rb")
     mydbf = open(PATH + filename + ".dbf", "rb")
     r = shapefile.Reader(shp=myshp, dbf=mydbf)
     records = r.records()
     self.records = records
     idx = index.Index()
     shapes = r.shapes()
     id_num = 0
     for shape in shapes:
         sh = shape.bbox
         xmin = sh[1]
         ymin = sh[0]
         xmax = sh[3]
         ymax = sh[2]
         idx.insert(id_num, (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax))
         id_num = id_num + 1
         self.idx = idx
Ejemplo n.º 16
	def create_index(self, location):
		photos = self.get_photos(location)
		# If interleaved=False, the bbox format looks like xmin, xmax, ymin,ymax
		prop = index.Property()
		prop.overwrite = True
		index_file = "index_" + str(location)
		idx = index.Index(index_file, interleaved=False, properties=prop)

		_id = 1
		for photo in photos:
			latitude = float(photo['latitude'])
			longitude = float(photo['longitude'])
			idx.insert(_id, (latitude, latitude, longitude, longitude), obj={
					'photo_id': photo['photo_id'],
					'owner': photo['owner'],
					'latitude': latitude,
					'longitude': longitude
		print _id
def get_intersecting_buildings(postcode_sector, buildings):

    intersecting_buildings = []

    # Initialze Rtree
    idx = index.Index()
                   shape(building['geometry']).bounds, building)
        for building in buildings

    for n in idx.intersection((shape(postcode_sector['geometry']).bounds),
        postcode_sector_shape = shape(postcode_sector['geometry'])
        premise_shape = shape(n.object['geometry'])
        if postcode_sector_shape.contains(

    return intersecting_buildings
Ejemplo n.º 18
def load_n(i):
    nl = {}
    with open("result.pkl", "rb") as f:
        data = pickle.load(f)
        contador = 0
        for d in data:
            if (contador == i):
            nl[d[0]] = parse_row(d[1])
            contador += 1

    prop = index.Property()
    prop.dat_extension = "data"
    prop.idx_extension = "index"
    prop.dimension = 128
    idx = index.Index('3d_index' + str(i), properties=prop, interleaved=False)
    c_id = 0
    for key in nl:
        idx.insert(c_id, nl[key], key)
        c_id += 1
    return idx
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def __init__(self, dim_range, Obs=None):
        ''' Initialize Search Space
        dim_range:  upper bound of each dimension, lower bound is defaultly set as 0
        Obs: default value=None
        self.dim_range = dim_range
        self.dim = len(dim_range)

        # sanity process
        if self.dim < 2:
            raise Exception('at least initialize 2D map.')
        if self.dim > 3:
            raise Exception('at most initialize 3D map.')

        self.obs = Obs
        if Obs is not None:
            # empty initialize self.obs
            # index member: interleaved=True xmin, ymin, ..., kmin, xmax, ymax, ..., kmax
            self.obs = index.Index(interleaved=True)
            for i in Obs:
                self.obs.insert(i[0], i[1])
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def index(self):
        if not self.indexed:
            self.minx = sys.maxint
            self.miny = sys.maxint
            self.maxx = sys.minint
            self.maxy = sys.minint

            self.index = index.Index()

            for entity in self.entities.values():
                left, bottom, right, top = self.make_rectangle(entity)
                if left is not None:
                    self.index.insert(entity.get_id().get_value(), (left, bottom, right, top))
                    self.minx = min(self.minx, left, right)
                    self.maxx = max(self.maxx, left, right)
                    self.miny = min(self.miny, bottom, top)
                    self.maxy = max(self.maxy, bottom, top)
                    if isinstance(entity, Human):
                        self.human_rectangles[entity] = (left, bottom, right, top)
            self.indexed = True
Ejemplo n.º 21
def get_intersecting_rtree(x, y, windows):
    """ Returns a list of I3 window objects who intersect witht he point x, y.

        x (int): Query x. 0 <= x <= Screen width
        y (int): Query y. 0 <= y <= Screen height
        windows (list): Possibly empty list of i3ipc.window connections

        list: Possibly empty list of intersecting windows.
    top = lambda window: window.rect.y
    right = lambda window: window.rect.x + window.rect.width
    bottom = lambda window: window.rect.y + window.rect.height
    left = lambda window: window.rect.x

    rtree = index.Index()
    for idx, w in enumerate(windows):
        rtree.insert(idx, (left(w), top(w), right(w), bottom(w)))

    return [windows[idx] for idx in rtree.intersection((x, y))]
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def get_spatial_points(self, x, y, distance):
        """Use spatial index to retrieve pulsewave within a given bounding box
           :param left:
           :param right:
           :param bottom
:           :param top:     

        if not os.path.isfile(os.path.splitext(self.filename)[0] + ".idx"):
            print("Spatial index not found!!!")

        spatial_index = index.Index(os.path.splitext(self.filename)[0])

        intersected_pulses = list(
                (x - distance, y - distance, x + distance, y + distance)))


        return intersected_pulses
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def __init__(self):
        if osp.exists("state_index.dat"):
        self.obs_dimension = 16
        self.visited_state_value = np.loadtxt(
            usecols=(i for i in range(self.obs_dimension +
                                      1, self.obs_dimension + 3, 1)))
        self.visited_state_value = self.visited_state_value.tolist()
        self.visited_state_counter = len(self.visited_state_value)

        visited_state_tree_prop = rindex.Property()
        visited_state_tree_prop.dimension = self.obs_dimension + 1
        self.visited_state_dist = np.array(
            [[1, 0.3, 3, 1, 10, 0.3, 3, 1, 10, 0.3, 3, 1, 10, 0.3, 3, 1,
              0.1]])  #, 10, 0.3, 3, 1, 0.1]])
        self.visited_state_tree = rindex.Index(
            'state_index', properties=visited_state_tree_prop)
        self.recostruct_state_counter = 0
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def __init__(self, crs="epsg:3857"):
        """Create a GeoSpace for GIS enabled mesa modeling.

            crs: Coordinate reference system of the GeoSpace
                If `crs` is not set, epsg:3857 (Web Mercator) is used as default.
                However, this system is only accurate at the equator and errors
                increase with latitude.

            crs: Project coordinate reference system
            idx: R-tree index for fast spatial queries
            bbox: Bounding box of all agents within the GeoSpace
            agents: List of all agents in the Geospace

            add_agents: add a list or a single GeoAgent.
            remove_agent: Remove a single agent from GeoSpace
            agents_at: List all agents at a specific position
            distance: Calculate distance between two agents
            get_neighbors: Returns a list of (touching) neighbors
            get_intersecting_agents: Returns list of agents that intersect
            get_agents_within: Returns a list of agents within
            get_agent_contains: Returns a list of agents contained
            get_agents_touches: Returns a list of agents that touch
            update_bbox: Update the bounding box of the GeoSpace
        self.crs = pyproj.CRS(crs)
        self.WGS84 = pyproj.CRS("epsg:4326")
        self.Transformer = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs(self.crs,

        self.bbox = None
        self._neighborhood = None

        # Set up rtree index
        self.idx = index.Index()
        self.idx.agents = {}
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def load(self):
        # load elevation data
        self.elevation = rasterio.open("../Material/elevation/SZ.asc")
        self.elevation_band = self.elevation.read(1)

        # for task 1, restrict user point in a range that is more than 5km from the bounding edge
        self.bound_polygon = self.bound_polygon(self.elevation.bounds)
        self.inner_polygon = self.bound_polygon.buffer(-5000)

        # load itn data
        self.itndata = self.read_geojson("../Material/itn/solent_itn.json")
        self.road_nodes = self.itndata["roadnodes"]

        # for task 3, build rtree from itn data
        count = 0
        self.itn_rtree = index.Index()
        for fid, node in self.road_nodes.items():
            corrds = node["coords"].copy()
            self.itn_rtree.insert(count, corrds, fid)
            count += 1

        # for task 4, build networkx graph from itn data, we store link feature id in Graph for
        # computing
        self.itn_graph = networkx.Graph()
        road_links = self.itndata['roadlinks']
        for link in road_links:
            s = road_links[link]['start']
            e = road_links[link]['end']

            # get start point elevation and end point elevation
            s_ele = self.get_elevation(self.road_nodes[s]["coords"][0],
            e_ele = self.get_elevation(self.road_nodes[e]["coords"][0],

            length = road_links[link]['length']

            # compute travel time according to Naismith's rule
            time = length * 60 / 5000 + max(e_ele - s_ele, 0) / 10
            self.itn_graph.add_edge(s, e, fid=link, weight=time)
Ejemplo n.º 26
def create_rtree(shape_file: str, inEPSG='EPSG:4326', outEPSG='EPSG:4326'):
        buildings = fiona.open(shape_file)

        # outEPSG = 'EPSG:4326'
        # inEPSG = 'EPSG:3857'
        transformer = Transformer.from_crs(inEPSG, outEPSG, always_xy=True)

        # rtree
        rtree_path = shape_file.replace(".shp", '_rtree')
        p = index.Property()
        p.overwrite = True
        r_tree = index.Index(rtree_path, properties=p)

        print_interval = int(len(buildings) / 1000)

        for idx, building in tqdm(enumerate(buildings[:])):
                if idx % print_interval == 0:
                    logger.info("Processing polyogn #: %d", idx)

                bound = fiona.bounds(building)
                # logger.info("bound: %s", bound)
                bound = list(bound)
                # logger.info("bound: %s", bound)

                bound[0], bound[1] = transformer.transform(bound[0], bound[1])
                # logger.info("bound: %s", bound)

                bound[2], bound[3] = transformer.transform(bound[2], bound[3])

                r_tree.insert(idx, bound)

            except Exception as e:
                logger.error("Error in building polygons: %s", e)

    except Exception as e:
        logger.error("Error in creating rtree: %s", e)
Ejemplo n.º 27
def extract_tributary(eList1, eList2):
    idxP = index.Property()
    idxP.filename = 'road_index'
    idxP.overwrite = True
    idxP.storage = index.RT_Disk
    idxP.dimension = 2
    idx = index.Index(idxP.filename,

    #    linkNum = 0
    for currentEntity in eList1:
        currentGeom = shapely.geometry.asShape(currentEntity['geometry'])
        currentQueryBox = currentGeom.bounds  #对上一级河流求bbox
        currentID = currentEntity['properties']['UUID']
        currentLevel = currentEntity['properties']['LEVEL']
        currentBuffer = currentGeom.buffer(0.2)
        judgeIds = list(idx.intersection(currentQueryBox))  #求出相交的下一级河流
        for jid in judgeIds:
            judgeEntity = eList2[jid]
            judgeGeom = shapely.geometry.asShape(judgeEntity['geometry'])
            if currentBuffer.intersects(judgeGeom):
                jID = judgeEntity['properties']['UUID']
                jLevel = judgeEntity['properties']['LEVEL']
                jNAME = judgeEntity['properties']['NAME']
                if jID != currentID and jID not in currentEntity['relation'][
                        'Tributary'] and jLevel > currentLevel:

#                    linkNum += 1

    print('Step4: extracting relations finished')
    return eList1
Ejemplo n.º 28
def simpleRTree():
    print("R-tree test")
    idx = index.Index()
    pt1 = Point(1, 1)
    pt2 = Point(4, 1)
    pt3 = Point(3, 3)
    # Insert the points into the R-tree index
    idx.insert(1, (pt1.x, pt1.y, pt1.x, pt1.y))
    idx.insert(2, (pt2.x, pt2.y, pt2.x, pt2.y))
    idx.insert(3, (pt3.x, pt3.y, pt3.x, pt3.y))

    # Query. This library only supports rectangular queries

    # Specify the bounds
    leftBottom = Point(0, 0)
    rightTop = Point(3, 4)

    # Perform the query
    results = list(
        idx.intersection((leftBottom.x, leftBottom.y, rightTop.x, rightTop.y)))
    print("Query result:")
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def __init__(self, vertices, indices):

        # need to find self-intersections
        if Polygon2d.check_ccw(vertices, indices):
            self.outline = indices[:]
            self.outline = indices[::-1]

        self.vertices = vertices[:]

        self.rti = index.Index()
        self.rti.interleaved = True

        # insert vertices into spatial index
        for vid in self.outline:
            vert = self.vertices[vid]
            self.rti.insert(vid, (vert.x, vert.y, vert.x, vert.y))

        # resolve self-intersections (sinters)

        self.holes = []
Ejemplo n.º 30
def chunk(featureFileName, sectionFileName, pattern, key=None):

    # Load and index
    with collection(featureFileName, "r") as featureFile:
        featureIdx = index.Index()
        features = []
        for feature in featureFile:
                len(features) - 1,

        # Break up by sections and export
        with collection(sectionFileName, "r") as sectionFile:
            i = 0
            for section in sectionFile:
                fileName = pattern % i
                if key:
                    fileName = pattern % section['properties'][key]
                    properties = {}
                        with collection(fileName,
                                        'ESRI Shapefile',
                                        crs=featureFile.crs) as output:
                            sectionShape = asShape(section['geometry'])
                            for j in featureIdx.intersection(
                                if asShape(features[j]['geometry']).intersects(
                                    properties = features[j]['properties']
                            print "Exported %s" % fileName
                            i = i + 1
                    except ValueError:
                        print "Error exporting " + fileName