Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_set_account_limit(self):
        """ ACCOUNT_LIMIT (CORE): Setting account limit """

                                            rse_id=self.rse1_id), 100000)
                                            rse_id=self.rse2_id), None)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_account_limit(account, rse):
    Lists the limitation names/values for the specified account name and rse name.

    REST API: http://<host>:<port>/rucio/account/<account>/limits

    :param account:     The account name.
    :param rse:         The rse name.

    :returns: The account limit.

    rse_id = get_rse_id(rse=rse)
    return {rse: account_limit_core.get_account_limit(account=account, rse_id=rse_id)}
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_account_limit(account, rse):
    Lists the limitation names/values for the specified account name and rse name.

    REST API: http://<host>:<port>/rucio/account/<account>/limits

    :param account:     The account name.
    :param rse:         The rse name.

    :returns: The account limit.

    rse_id = get_rse_id(rse=rse)
    return {rse: account_limit_core.get_account_limit(account=account, rse_id=rse_id)}
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, account, rses, weight, copies, session=None):
        Initialize the RSE Selector.

        :param account:  Account owning the rule.
        :param rses:     List of rse dictionaries.
        :param weight:   Weighting to use.
        :param copies:   Number of copies to create.
        :param session:  DB Session in use.
        :raises:         InvalidRuleWeight, InsufficientAccountLimit, InsufficientTargetRSEs
        self.account = account
        self.rses = []  # [{'rse_id':, 'weight':, 'staging_area'}]
        self.copies = copies
        if weight is not None:
            for rse in rses:
                attributes = list_rse_attributes(rse=None, rse_id=rse['id'], session=session)
                if weight not in attributes:
                    continue  # The RSE does not have the required weight set, therefore it is ignored
                    self.rses.append({'rse_id': rse['id'],
                                      'weight': float(attributes[weight]),
                                      'staging_area': rse['staging_area']})
                except ValueError:
                    raise InvalidRuleWeight('The RSE with id \'%s\' has a non-number specified for the weight \'%s\'' % (rse['id'], weight))
            for rse in rses:
                self.rses.append({'rse_id': rse['id'],
                                  'weight': 1,
                                  'staging_area': rse['staging_area']})

        if len(self.rses) < self.copies:
            raise InsufficientTargetRSEs('Target RSE set not sufficient for number of copies. (%s copies requested, RSE set size %s)' % (self.copies, len(self.rses)))

        for rse in self.rses:
            # TODO: Add RSE-space-left here!
            rse['quota_left'] = get_account_limit(account=account, rse_id=rse['rse_id'], session=session)\
                - get_counter(rse_id=rse['rse_id'], account=account, session=session)['bytes']

        self.rses = [rse for rse in self.rses if rse['quota_left'] > 0]

        if len(self.rses) < self.copies:
            raise InsufficientAccountLimit('There is insufficient quota on any of the target RSE\'s to fullfill the operation.')
Ejemplo n.º 5
def get_account_limit(account, rse, vo='def'):
    Lists the limitation names/values for the specified account name and rse name.

    REST API: http://<host>:<port>/rucio/account/<account>/limits

    :param account:     The account name.
    :param rse:         The rse name.
    :param vo:          The VO to act on.

    :returns: The account limit.

    account = InternalAccount(account, vo=vo)

    rse_id = get_rse_id(rse=rse, vo=vo)
    return {
        rse: account_limit_core.get_account_limit(account=account,
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def test_set_account_limit(self):
        """ ACCOUNT_LIMIT (CORE): Setting account limit """
        account_limit.set_account_limit(account=self.account, rse_id=self.rse1_id, bytes=100000)

        assert_equal(account_limit.get_account_limit(account=self.account, rse_id=self.rse1_id), 100000)
        assert_equal(account_limit.get_account_limit(account=self.account, rse_id=self.rse2_id), float("Inf"))
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self, account, rses, weight, copies, ignore_account_limit=False, session=None):
        Initialize the RSE Selector.

        :param account:               Account owning the rule.
        :param rses:                  List of rse dictionaries.
        :param weight:                Weighting to use.
        :param copies:                Number of copies to create.
        :param ignore_account_limit:  Flag if the quota should be ignored.
        :param session:               DB Session in use.
        :raises:                      InvalidRuleWeight, InsufficientAccountLimit, InsufficientTargetRSEs
        self.account = account
        self.rses = []  # [{'rse_id':, 'weight':, 'staging_area'}]
        self.copies = copies
        if weight is not None:
            for rse in rses:
                attributes = list_rse_attributes(rse=None, rse_id=rse['id'], session=session)
                availability_write = True if rse.get('availability', 7) & 2 else False
                if weight not in attributes:
                    continue  # The RSE does not have the required weight set, therefore it is ignored
                    self.rses.append({'rse_id': rse['id'],
                                      'weight': float(attributes[weight]),
                                      'mock_rse': attributes.get('mock', False),
                                      'availability_write': availability_write,
                                      'staging_area': rse['staging_area']})
                except ValueError:
                    raise InvalidRuleWeight('The RSE with id \'%s\' has a non-number specified for the weight \'%s\'' % (rse['id'], weight))
            for rse in rses:
                mock_rse = has_rse_attribute(rse['id'], 'mock', session=session)
                availability_write = True if rse.get('availability', 7) & 2 else False
                self.rses.append({'rse_id': rse['id'],
                                  'weight': 1,
                                  'mock_rse': mock_rse,
                                  'availability_write': availability_write,
                                  'staging_area': rse['staging_area']})

        if len(self.rses) < self.copies:
            raise InsufficientTargetRSEs('Target RSE set not sufficient for number of copies. (%s copies requested, RSE set size %s)' % (self.copies, len(self.rses)))

        if has_account_attribute(account=account, key='admin', session=session) or ignore_account_limit:
            for rse in self.rses:
                rse['quota_left'] = float('inf')
            for rse in self.rses:
                if rse['mock_rse']:
                    rse['quota_left'] = float('inf')
                    # TODO: Add RSE-space-left here!
                    limit = get_account_limit(account=account, rse_id=rse['rse_id'], session=session)
                    if limit is None:
                        rse['quota_left'] = 0
                        rse['quota_left'] = limit - get_counter(rse_id=rse['rse_id'], account=account, session=session)['bytes']

        self.rses = [rse for rse in self.rses if rse['quota_left'] > 0]

        if len(self.rses) < self.copies:
            raise InsufficientAccountLimit('There is insufficient quota on any of the target RSE\'s to fullfill the operation.')