def test_one_pair(): jacks = 'JdJc7h3d2h' eights = '8d8hAcKdTs' same_eights = '8s8cAdKsTd' assert (score(jacks) > score(eights)) assert (score(eights) == score(same_eights))
def test_no_hand(): royal_sampler = 'AcKdQsJd9h' other_royal_sampler = 'AdKhQhJs9d' meh = 'Jd8h7s4s2h' assert (score(royal_sampler) == score(other_royal_sampler)) assert (score(royal_sampler) > score(meh))
def test_straight_flushes(): royal_clubs = 'AcJcTcQcKc' royal_diamonds = 'AdKdQdTdJd' middle_sflush = '9s8s7s6s5s' wheel_sflush = 'Ah2h4h5h3h' assert (score(royal_clubs) == score(royal_diamonds)) assert (score(royal_clubs) > score(middle_sflush)) assert (score(middle_sflush) > score(wheel_sflush)) assert (score(royal_diamonds) > score(wheel_sflush))
def test_holdem_scoring(): aces = 'AdAh' other_aces = 'AsAc' jackten = 'JsTc' suitdiscon = '9d7d' board_a = 'JhKdQc4s4c' board_b = '6d5d4d3d2d' board_c = 'KsJs9s4s2s' board_d = 'JdTs4c4d8h' assert (score_holdem(aces, board_a) == score('AdAhKd4s4c')) assert (score_holdem(aces, board_a) == score_holdem(other_aces, board_a)) assert (score_holdem(aces, board_b) == score_holdem(other_aces, board_b)) assert (score_holdem(aces, board_c) < score_holdem(other_aces, board_c)) assert (score_holdem(jackten, board_d) == score('JsJdTcTs8h')) assert (score_holdem(suitdiscon, board_b) > score_holdem(aces, board_b)) assert (score_holdem(suitdiscon, board_d) == score('JdTs9d8h7d'))
def help_noninteractive(): global autoplayer_helper if player == GAME_OVER: update_helper("The game is over. The max tile is {0}. You can safely close the board...".format( rules.score(board))) return if autoplayer is not None and autoplayer.is_alive(): update_helper("Current player {0} is a bit slow to play... Please wait !".format( PLAYER_NAME[player]), True)
def test_two_pair(): aces_up = 'AhAd7c7d4s' other_aces_up = 'AsAc6s6dKc' tens_deuces = 'TdTs2h2c4d' nines_eights = '9c9d8h8s4s' same_nines_eights = '9h9s8d8c4d' assert (score(aces_up) > score(other_aces_up)) assert (score(aces_up) > score(tens_deuces)) assert (score(tens_deuces) > score(nines_eights)) assert (score(nines_eights) == score(same_nines_eights))
def test_straights(): broadway = 'AcKdQsJhTh' other_broadway = 'AcKdQdJcTh' middling = 'JsTs9h8d7c' six_high = '6h5s4d3d2h' wheel = 'Ad2s3s4s5c' assert (score(broadway) > score(middling)) assert (score(broadway) == score(other_broadway)) assert (score(middling) > score(six_high)) assert (score(six_high) > score(wheel))
def test_flushes(): wheel_sflush = 'Ah2h4h5h3h' nutty_hearts = 'AhKhQhJh9h' nutty_clubs = 'AcKcQcJc9c' king_n_crap = 'Kd7d6d4d2d' queen_good = 'QsJsTs8s7s' assert (score(wheel_sflush) > score(nutty_hearts)) assert (score(nutty_hearts) == score(nutty_clubs)) assert (score(nutty_clubs) > score(king_n_crap)) assert (score(king_n_crap) > score(queen_good))
def test_trips(): trip_queens = 'QdQcQhJd4s' trip_jacks = 'JcJdJhAcKd' other_trip_jacks = 'JhJdJcAc6d' same_other_trip_jacks = 'JsJdJcAs6s' assert (score(trip_queens) > score(trip_jacks)) assert (score(trip_jacks) > score(other_trip_jacks)) assert (score(other_trip_jacks) == score(same_other_trip_jacks))
def test_boats(): tens_over_kings = 'TdTsThKdKc' deuces_over_aces = '2d2c2hAhAd' tens_over_fours = 'TdThTs4s4h' tens_over_other_fours = 'TdThTs4d4c' assert (score(tens_over_kings) > score(tens_over_fours)) assert (score(tens_over_fours) > score(deuces_over_aces)) assert (score(tens_over_fours) == score(tens_over_other_fours))
def test_quads(): eights_with_ten = '8c8d8h8sTd' eights_with_jack = '8c8d8h8sJh' aces = 'AdAhAsAc7h' aces_same_value_kicker = 'AdAsAhAc7s' assert (score(eights_with_ten) < score(eights_with_jack)) assert (score(aces) > score(eights_with_jack)) assert (score(aces) == score(aces_same_value_kicker))
def test_omaha_scoring(): aces = 'AdAcKc7c' random = 'Jc9d4d4c' pizza_special = 'KdKhKcKs' low_con = '6d5h4d3h' board_a = 'Ah9h9s4s2d' board_b = 'Qc8c5c5s5d' board_c = 'JdJs7d7h2h' assert (score_omaha(aces, board_a) == score('AdAcAh9h9s')) assert (score_omaha(aces, board_b) == score('AdAc5c5s5d')) assert (score_omaha(aces, board_c) == score('Ad7cJd7d7h')) assert (score_omaha(random, board_a) == score('9d4d9h9s4s')) assert (score_omaha(random, board_b) == score('4d4c5c5s5d')) assert (score_omaha(random, board_c) == score('Jc9dJdJs7d')) assert (score_omaha(pizza_special, board_a) == score('KhKsAh9h9s')) assert (score_omaha(pizza_special, board_b) == score('KdKs5c5s5d')) assert (score_omaha(pizza_special, board_c) == score('KcKdJdJs7d')) assert (score_omaha(low_con, board_a) == score('5h3hAh4s2d')) assert (score_omaha(low_con, board_b) == score('6d5h5s5c5d')) assert (score_omaha(low_con, board_c) == score('6d5hJdJs7d'))
def test_between_hand_types(): worst_sflush = 'As2s3s4s5s' best_quads = 'AdAhAcAsKh' worst_quads = '2s2d2h2c3c' best_boat = 'AcAdAhKcKh' worst_boat = '2c2d2h3c3h' best_flush = 'AsKsQsJs9s' worst_flush = '7d5d4d3d2d' best_straight = 'AcKcQdJhTs' worst_straight = 'Ah2h3c4h5d' best_trips = 'AcAdAhKhQd' worst_trips = '2c2d2h3s4h' best_two_pair = 'AhAdKhKsQd' worst_two_pair = '2h2s3h3c4s' best_one_pair = 'AhAcKhQhJd' worst_one_pair = '2h2c3h4d5c' best_high_card = 'AhKcQdJs9d' assert (score(worst_sflush) > score(best_quads)) assert (score(worst_quads) > score(best_boat)) assert (score(worst_boat) > score(best_flush)) assert (score(worst_flush) > score(best_straight)) assert (score(worst_straight) > score(best_trips)) assert (score(worst_trips) > score(best_two_pair)) assert (score(worst_two_pair) > score(best_one_pair)) assert (score(worst_one_pair) > score(best_high_card))