Ejemplo n.º 1
def performJob(runs, string, dirName, fileName, results, i):
    lagComp = runningJavelin(runs)
    lagComp.uLag = 1000.
    lagComp.computeLag(string, dirName, fileName, results, i)
    # Print update to screen
    print "\n", "=" * 40
    print "\tLoop", i+1, "out of", runs
    print "\t", float(runs-i-1)/float(runs)*100, "% left"
    print "=" * 40, "\n"
Ejemplo n.º 2
def runJavelinOnFakeData(dataFile, limits, maxNum, dirName, string, emLine='MgII'):
    # Check that we have a valid emission line
    if (emLine != 'Hb' and emLine != 'MgII' and emLine != 'CIV'):
        print 'Please give valid emission line (Hb/MgII/CIV)'
        return -1
    # End if-statement
    # Extract limits
    zMin = limits[0]
    zMax = limits[1]
    MagMin = limits[2]
    MagMax = limits[3]
    # Check that the given emission line agrees with redshifts
    if (emLine == 'Hb' and zMax > 0.74):
        print 'Emission line does not correspond to z-limits.'
        print 'Please give valid emission line (Hb/MgII/CIV)'
        return -1
    elif (emLine == 'MgII' and (zMin < 0.69 or zMax > 1.94)):
        print 'Emission line does not correspond to z-limits.'
        print 'Please give valid emission line (Hb/MgII/CIV)'
        return -1
    elif (emLine == 'CIV' and zMin < 1.58):
        print 'Emission line does not correspond to z-limits.'
        print 'Please give valid emission line (Hb/MgII/CIV)'
        return -1
    # End if-statement
    # Import data for LightCurve-function
    data = np.loadtxt(dataFile)
    if (data.shape == (11,)):
        # Import each datset as a vector even if only one AGN has been created
        z       = data[0][None]
        rMag    = data[1][None]
        absMag  = data[2][None]
        lag1    = data[5][None]
        lag2    = data[6][None]
        sf1     = data[7][None]
        sf2     = data[8][None]
        tau1    = data[9][None]
        tau2    = data[10][None]
        # Import dataset for all AGN
        z       = data[:, 0]
        rMag    = data[:, 1]
        absMag  = data[:, 2]
        lag1    = data[:, 5]
        lag2    = data[:, 6]
        sf1     = data[:, 7]
        sf2     = data[:, 8]
        tau1    = data[:, 9]
        tau2    = data[:, 10]
    # End if-statement
    nFull = np.size(z)      # Find number of elements in arrays
    # Extract relevant data
    zBin      = np.array([])
    rMagBin   = np.array([])
    absMagBin = np.array([])
    lagBin  = np.array([])
    sfBin   = np.array([])
    tauBin  = np.array([])
    counter = 0
    for i in range(0, nFull):
        if (z[i] > zMin and z[i] <= zMax and absMag[i] > MagMin and absMag[i] <= MagMax):
            zBin      = np.append(zBin,    z[i])
            rMagBin   = np.append(rMagBin, rMag[i])
            absMagBin = np.append(absMagBin, absMag[i])
            # Choose the right lags, SF and tau values
            if (emLine == 'Hb'):
                lagBin = np.append(lagBin, lag1[i])
                sfBin  = np.append(sfBin,  sf1[i])
                tauBin = np.append(tauBin, tau1[i])
            elif (emLine == 'MgII'):
                # Take into account redshift when deciding on lag, SF and tau values
                if (z[i] > 0.74):
                    lagBin = np.append(lagBin, lag1[i])
                    sfBin  = np.append(sfBin,  sf1[i])
                    tauBin = np.append(tauBin, tau1[i])
                    lagBin = np.append(lagBin, lag2[i])
                    sfBin  = np.append(sfBin,  sf2[i])
                    tauBin = np.append(tauBin, tau2[i])
                # End if-statement
            elif (emLine == 'CIV'):
                lagBin = np.append(lagBin, lag2[i])
                sfBin  = np.append(sfBin,  sf2[i])
                tauBin = np.append(tauBin, tau2[i])
            # End if-statement
            counter += 1
            if (counter > maxNum):
            # End if-statement
        # End if-statement
    # End for-loop
    nBin = np.size(zBin)
    length = 4190
    # Defining directory where the results will be saved
    fileName  = dirName + string + '.dat'
    directory = os.path.dirname(dirName)                    # Turn name into directory
    if not os.path.exists(directory):                       # Check whether directory exists
        os.makedirs(directory)                              # Create directory if nonexistent
    # End if-statement
    # Continue appending to file if it did not complete during the previous run
        results = np.loadtxt(fileName)                      # Load file
        if (results[:,0].size < nBin):                      # Check whether there are zero elements
            numToAppend = nBin - results[:, 0].size         # Find number of missing rows to fill
            zeros       = np.zeros((numToAppend, 4))        # Create array of appropriate size
            results     = np.concatenate((results, zeros))  # Append array to previous results
    except Exception:
        results = np.zeros((nBin, 4))                       # Create completely new array if needed
    # Do the loop!
    for i in range(0, nBin):
        lagComp = runningJavelin(nBin)
        # Defining parameters for LightCurve and Javelin
        lagComp.length = length
        lagComp.z    = zBin[i]
        lagComp.sf   = sfBin[i]
        lagComp.tau  = tauBin[i]
        lagComp.mag  = rMagBin[i]
        lagComp.tLag = lagBin[i]
        lagComp.lLag = 0
        if (3*lagComp.tLag > 1000.0):
            lagComp.uLag = 3*lagComp.tLag
            lagComp.uLag = 1000.0
        # End if-statement
        # Run Javelin
        lagComp.computeLag(string, dirName, fileName, results, i)
        # Print update to screen
        print "\n", "=" * 40
        print "\tLoop", i+1, "out of", nBin
        print "\t", float(nBin-i-1)/float(nBin)*100, "% left"
        print "=" * 40, "\n"
    # End for-loop
    print 'Finished running Javelin'