Ejemplo n.º 1
    return model

inputs = {
    # 'file': file(extension=".zip"),
    'image': image(),
    'model': category(choices=["none", "random", "color", "bit/m-r101x1", "vgg16"], default="color", description='Cluster model.'),
    'slices': number(min=5, max=30, step=5, default=10, description='Number of slices.'),
    'vgg_depth': number(min=1, max=8, step=1, default=7, description='VGG Feature Depth'),

# Every model needs to have at least one command. Every command allows to send
# inputs and process outputs. To see a complete list of supported inputs and
# outputs data types: https://sdk.runwayml.com/en/latest/data_types.html
                outputs={ 'image': image(width=512, height=512), 'info': text("hello") },
                description='Generates a red square when the input text input is "red".')
def generate(model, args):
    print('[GENERATE] Ran with image "{}"'.format(args['image']))
    # Generate a PIL or Numpy image based on the input caption, and return it
    output_image = model.run_on_input(args['image'], args['slices'], args['model'], args['vgg_depth'])
    return {
        'image': output_image['image'], 'info': output_image['info']

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # run the model server using the default network interface and ports,
    # displayed here for convenience
    runway.run(host='', port=9000)

## Now that the model is running, open a new terminal and give it a command to
Ejemplo n.º 2

classify_description = ("Classify give face image returning probabilities and "
                        "most likely class\n Probabilities correspond to:"
                        f" {', '.join(emotion_classifier.EMOTIONS)}")

                inputs={'image': image(description="Cropped face image")},
                           description="Probabilities of corresponding "
                           "face being each possible class"),
                    text(description="Most likely class of face")
def classify(model, inputs):
    """Classify given face image.

    Returns probabilities of face's emotion classification
    and most likely class.

    probabilities correspond to emotion_classifier.EMOTIONS
    image = inputs['image']
    gray_image = utils.grayscale_from_pil(image)
    probabilities = model.predict_emotions([gray_image])[0]
    most_likely_class = emotion_classifier.EMOTIONS[probabilities.argmax()]
    return {
Ejemplo n.º 3

def setup(opts):
    msg = '[SETUP] Ran with options: seed = {}, truncation = {}'
    print(msg.format(opts['seed'], opts['truncation']))
    model = ExampleModel(opts)
    return model

# Every model needs to have at least one command. Every command allows to send
# inputs and process outputs. To see a complete list of supported inputs and
# outputs data types: https://sdk.runwayml.com/en/latest/data_types.html
    inputs={'caption': text()},
    outputs={'image': image(width=512, height=512)},
    description='Generates a red square when the input text input is "red".')
def generate(model, args):
    print('[GENERATE] Ran with caption value "{}"'.format(args['caption']))
    # Generate a PIL or Numpy image based on the input caption, and return it
    output_image = model.run_on_input(args['caption'])
    return {'image': output_image}

                    'x': number('', 10, 10, 0, 200),
                    'y': number('', 40, 10, 0, 200),
                outputs={'addition': number()},
Ejemplo n.º 4
import runway
from runway.data_types import text, number

import gzip

from markovify import Text

def setup():
    msg = '[SETUP]'
    with gzip.open('./novel-model-markovify.json.gz') as fh:
        return Text.from_json(fh.read())

    inputs={'max_len': number(default=80, min=10, max=1000),
        'seed': number(default=0, min=0, max=1e6)},
    outputs={'output': text()})
def generate(model, args):
    print('[GENERATE] Ran with max_len value "{}"'.format(args['max_len']))
    output = model.make_short_sentence(args['max_len'])
    return {'output': output}

if __name__ == '__main__':
    runway.run(host='', port=8000)

Ejemplo n.º 5
# used.
setup_options = {
    'truncation': number(min=5, max=100, step=1, default=10),
    'seed': number(min=0, max=1000000)

def setup(opts):
    msg = '[SETUP] Ran with options: seed = {}, truncation = {}'
    print(msg.format(opts['seed'], opts['truncation']))
    model = ExampleModel(opts)
    return model

# Every model needs to have at least one command. Every command allows to send
# inputs and process outputs. To see a complete list of supported inputs and
# outputs data types: https://sdk.runwayml.com/en/latest/data_types.html
                inputs={'image': image(width=224, height=224)},
                outputs={'class_name': text()})
def classify(model, args):
    # Generate a PIL or Numpy image based on the input caption, and return it
    class_name = model.classify(args['image'])
    return {'class_name': class_name}

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # run the model server using the default network interface and ports,
    # displayed here for convenience
    runway.run(host='', port=8000)
Ejemplo n.º 6
# Load model
def setup():
    return models.load_model(arch)

# Get dataset categories
categories = models.load_categories()

# Load the video frame transform
transform = models.load_transform()

                inputs={'video': text()},
                outputs={'label': text()})
def classify(model, input):
    yt = YouTube('https://youtube.com/embed/%s?start=%d&end=%d' %
                 (input['video'], start, end))
    video = yt.streams.all()[0]
    video_file = video.download(videoPath)
    num_segments = 16

    print('Extracting frames using ffmpeg...')
    frames = extract_frames(video_file, num_segments)

    # Prepare input tensor

    input = torch.stack([transform(frame) for frame in frames], 1).unsqueeze(0)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_model_setup_and_command():

    # use a dict to share state across function scopes. This makes up for the
    # fact that Python 2.x doesn't have support for the 'nonlocal' keyword.
    closure = dict(setup_ran=False, command_ran=False)

    expected_manifest = {
        os.environ.get('GPU', False),
        'options': [{
            'oneOf': ['big', 'small'],
            'The size of the model. Bigger is better but also slower.',
        'commands': [{
            'inputs': [{
                'type': 'text',
                'name': 'input',
                'description': 'Some input text.',
                'default': '',
                'minLength': 0
            'outputs': [{
                'type': 'number',
                'name': 'output',
                'description': 'An output number.',
                'default': 0

    rw = RunwayModel()

    description = 'The size of the model. Bigger is better but also slower.'

        category(choices=['big', 'small'], description=description)
    def setup(opts):
        closure['setup_ran'] = True
        return {}

    inputs = {'input': text(description='Some input text.')}
    outputs = {'output': number(description='An output number.')}

    # Python 2.7 doesn't seem to handle emoji serialization correctly in JSON,
    # so we will only test emoji serialization/deserialization in Python 3
    if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
        description = 'Sorry, Python 2 doesn\'t support emoji very well'
        description = 'A test command whose description contains emoji 🕳'
    expected_manifest['commands'][0]['description'] = description

    def test_command(model, opts):
        closure['command_ran'] = True
        return 100


    client = get_test_client(rw)

    response = client.get('/meta')
    assert response.is_json

    manifest = json.loads(response.data)

    # unset millisRunning as we can't reliably predict this value.
    # testing that it is an int should be good enough.
    assert type(manifest['millisRunning']) == int
    manifest['millisRunning'] = None

    assert manifest == expected_manifest

    # TEMPORARILY CHECK / PATH IN ADDITION TO /meta ----------------------------
    # ... sorry for the gross dupe code ;)
    response = client.get('/')
    assert response.is_json

    manifest = json.loads(response.data)

    # unset millisRunning as we can't reliably predict this value.
    # testing that it is an int should be good enough.
    assert type(manifest['millisRunning']) == int
    manifest['millisRunning'] = None

    assert manifest == expected_manifest
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # check the input/output manifest for GET /test_command
    response = client.get('/test_command')
    assert response.is_json

    command_manifest = json.loads(response.data)
    assert command_manifest == expected_manifest['commands'][0]

    post_data = {'input': 'test input'}
    response = client.post('/test_command', json=post_data)
    assert response.is_json
    assert json.loads(response.data) == {'output': 100}

    # now that we've run a command lets make sure millis since last command is
    # a number
    manifest_after_command = get_manifest(client)
    assert type(manifest_after_command['millisSinceLastCommand']) == int

    assert closure['command_ran'] == True
    assert closure['setup_ran'] == True
Ejemplo n.º 8
# Import the Runway SDK. Please install it first with
# `pip install runway-python`.
import runway
from runway.data_types import number, text, image, vector
from example_model import CPPNModel

# Setup the model, initialize weights, set the configs of the model, etc.
# Every model will have a different set of configurations and requirements.
# Check https://docs.runwayapp.ai/#/python-sdk to see a complete list of
# supported configs. The setup function should return the model ready to be
# used.

setup_options = {
    'mode': text(default='tanh'),
    'seed': number(min=0, max=1000000, default=5, description='A seed used to initialize the model.'),
    'resolution': number(min=32, max=1024, default=64, description='output image size')

res = 64

def setup(opts):
    msg = '[SETUP] Ran with options: mode = {}, seed = {}, res = {}'
    print(msg.format(opts['mode'], opts['seed'], opts['resolution']))
    res = opts['resolution']
    model = CPPNModel(opts)
    return model

Ejemplo n.º 9
import runway
import shutil
import gpt_2_simple as gpt2
from runway.data_types import text

# Setup the model, initialize weights, set the configs of the model, etc.
# Every model will have a different set of configurations and requirements.
# Check https://docs.runwayapp.ai/#/python-sdk to see a complete list of
# supported configs. The setup function should return the model ready to be
# used.
setup_options = {
    'run_name': text(default='first_345m_run'),
    'checkpoint_file': runway.file(),

run_name = None
sess = None

def setup(opts):
    global run_name, sess
    run_name = opts['run_name']
    print(f'Run name: {run_name}')


    sess = gpt2.start_tf_sess()
    gpt2.load_gpt2(sess, run_name=run_name)
    return None
Ejemplo n.º 10
def setup():
    print('[SETUP] loading model...')
    model = UniSentenceEncXling()
    print('[SETUP] done.')
    return model

desc = """\
Infers embeddings for input. Returns an array with the lines of
text and an array with the corresponding embeddings for each line.

                    'text': text(),
                    'tokenize_sentences': boolean(default=True)
                    'sentences': array(item_type=text),
                    'embeddings': array(item_type=vector(length=512))
def embed(model, args):
    if args['tokenize_sentences']:
        sentences = sent_tokenize(args['text'])
        sentences = args['text'].split("\n")
    print('[EMBED] Embedding {} sentences'.format(len(sentences)))
    results = model.embed(sentences)
    return {'sentences': sentences, 'embeddings': results}
Ejemplo n.º 11
normalize = transforms.Normalize(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406],
                                 std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225])

preprocess = transforms.Compose([
    transforms.ToTensor(), normalize

def setup():
    return models.squeezenet1_1(pretrained=True)

                inputs={'photo': image()},
                outputs={'label': text()})
def classify(model, input):
    img = input['photo']
    img_tensor = preprocess(img)
    img_variable = Variable(img_tensor)
    fc_out = model(img_variable)
    label = labels[str(fc_out.data.numpy().argmax())]
    return {'label': label}

if __name__ == '__main__':
# RunwayML port of White-box-Cartoonization
# https://github.com/SystemErrorWang/White-box-Cartoonization
# https://www.runwayml.com

# =========================================================================

import runway
from runway.data_types import number, text, image, category, boolean
from inpaint_model import PhotoInpaintModel

effect_types = ['dolly-zoom-in', 'zoom-in', 'circle', 'swing']

setup_options = {
    text(description='Model path. Empty string = default model.'),

def setup(opts):
    model = PhotoInpaintModel()
    return model

Ejemplo n.º 13
labels = json.load(open('labels.json'))

normalize = transforms.Normalize(
   mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406],
   std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225]

preprocess = transforms.Compose([

def setup():
  return models.squeezenet1_1(pretrained=True)

@runway.command('classify', inputs={'photo': image() }, outputs={'label': text() })
def classify(model, inputs):
    img = inputs['photo']
    img_tensor = preprocess(img)
    img_variable = Variable(img_tensor)
    fc_out = model(img_variable)
    label = labels[str(fc_out.data.numpy().argmax())]
    return {'label': label}

if __name__ == '__main__':
Ejemplo n.º 14
        runway.category(description="Pretrained checkpoints to use.",
                        choices=['celebAHQ-512', 'celebAHQ-256', 'celeba'],
def setup(opts):
    model = BertForNextSentencePrediction.from_pretrained('bert-base-uncased')
    tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained('bert-base-uncased')
    return model, tokenizer

                    'line1': text(),
                    'next_line_candidates': text()
                outputs={'scores': array(item_type=number)})
def sequence_score(setup_tuple, inputs):
    model, tokenizer = setup_tuple
    line1 = inputs['line1']
    outpath = line1[:5] + '.txt'
    outfile = open(outpath, 'w')
    next_line_candidates = inputs['next_line_candidates']
    candidates = [line.strip() for line in next_line_candidates.split('\n')]
    loss_scores = []
    for candidate in candidates:
        combined = inputs[
            'line1'] + ' ' + candidate  # may be better to concatenate *after* tokenization using special [SEP] token
        input_tokens = tokenizer.encode(combined, add_special_tokens=True)
Ejemplo n.º 15
import json
import runway
from runway.data_types import image, text

def nullModel():

def setup():
    return nullModel()

@runway.command('classify', inputs={'image': text()}, outputs={'text': text()})
def classify(model, input):
    image = input.get("image")
    return {'text': image.upper()}

if __name__ == '__main__':
Ejemplo n.º 16
import runway
from runway.data_types import text

@runway.setup(options={"flavor": text(default="vanilla")})
def setup(opts):
    print("The selected flavor is {}".format(opts["flavor"]))


# curl -H "content-type: application/json" -d '{"flavor": "chocolate"}' http://localhost:8000/setup
Ejemplo n.º 17
# No options needed for this model.
setup_options = {}

def setup(opts):
    model = TransformersModel(opts)
    return model

# Query a text with a question
                    'document': text(),
                    'question': text()
                    'answer': text(),
                    'score': number(),
                    'start': number(),
                    'end': number()
                description='Ask a question about a text.')
def query(model, args):
    answer = model.query(args['document'], args['question'])
    return answer

Ejemplo n.º 18
def setup(opts):
    args = cli()

    # load model
    model, _ = nets.factory_from_args(args)
    model = model.to(args.device)
    processor = decoder.factory_from_args(args, model)

    return model, processor

                inputs={'image': image()},
                    'keypoints': text(),
                    'image': image()
def generate(m, inputs):
    args = cli()
    model, processor = m
    image = inputs["image"]

    # data
    preprocess = None
    if args.long_edge:
        preprocess = transforms.Compose([