Ejemplo n.º 1
    def mod_group_entry(self, req, cmd, **_kwargs):
            group = eval(req.body)
        except SyntaxError:
            LOG.debug('invalid syntax %s', req.body)
            return Response(status=400)

        dpid = group.get('dpid')
        dp = self.dpset.get(int(dpid))
        if dp is None:
            return Response(status=404)

        if dp.ofproto.OFP_VERSION == ofproto_v1_0.OFP_VERSION:
            LOG.debug('Unsupported OF protocol')
            return Response(status=501)

        if cmd == 'add':
            cmd = dp.ofproto.OFPGC_ADD
        elif cmd == 'modify':
            cmd = dp.ofproto.OFPGC_MODIFY
        elif cmd == 'delete':
            cmd = dp.ofproto.OFPGC_DELETE
            return Response(status=404)

        if dp.ofproto.OFP_VERSION == ofproto_v1_2.OFP_VERSION:
            ofctl_v1_2.mod_group_entry(dp, group, cmd)
        elif dp.ofproto.OFP_VERSION == ofproto_v1_3.OFP_VERSION:
            ofctl_v1_3.mod_group_entry(dp, group, cmd)
            LOG.debug('Unsupported OF protocol')
            return Response(status=501)

        return Response(status=200)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def mod_group_entry(self, req, cmd, **_kwargs):
            group = ast.literal_eval(req.body)
        except SyntaxError:
            LOG.debug('invalid syntax %s', req.body)
            return Response(status=400)

        dpid = group.get('dpid')
        dp = self.dpset.get(int(dpid))
        if dp is None:
            return Response(status=404)

        if dp.ofproto.OFP_VERSION == ofproto_v1_0.OFP_VERSION:
            LOG.debug('Request not supported in this OF protocol version')
            return Response(status=501)

        if cmd == 'add':
            cmd = dp.ofproto.OFPGC_ADD
        elif cmd == 'modify':
            cmd = dp.ofproto.OFPGC_MODIFY
        elif cmd == 'delete':
            cmd = dp.ofproto.OFPGC_DELETE
            return Response(status=404)

        if dp.ofproto.OFP_VERSION == ofproto_v1_2.OFP_VERSION:
            ofctl_v1_2.mod_group_entry(dp, group, cmd)
        elif dp.ofproto.OFP_VERSION == ofproto_v1_3.OFP_VERSION:
            ofctl_v1_3.mod_group_entry(dp, group, cmd)
            LOG.debug('Unsupported OF protocol')
            return Response(status=501)

        return Response(status=200)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def _restore_rules(self, dp, rules):
     LOG.info("Restauration des règles de "+str(dp.id)+" en cours...")
     flows = filter(lambda rule: "buckets" not in rule, rules)
     groups = filter(lambda rule: "buckets" in rule, rules)
     for rule in groups:
         ofctl_v1_3.mod_group_entry(dp, rule, dp.ofproto.OFPGC_ADD)
     for rule in flows:
         ofctl_v1_3.mod_flow_entry(dp, rule, dp.ofproto.OFPFC_ADD)
     LOG.info("Restauration des règles de "+str(dp.id)+" terminé")
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def initialize_switch(self):
        flow_stat = ofctl.get_flow_stats(self.dp, self.waiters)
        for s in flow_stat[str(self.dp.id)]:
            self.logger.debug("deleting flow [cookie: %d]" % s['cookie'])
            cmd = self.dp.ofproto.OFPFC_DELETE
            ofctl.mod_flow_entry(self.dp, {'table_id':self.dp.ofproto.OFPTT_ALL}, cmd)

        group_stat = ofctl.get_group_desc(self.dp, self.waiters)
        for s in group_stat[str(self.dp.id)]:
            self.logger.debug("deleting group[id: %d] %s" % (s['group_id'], s))
            cmd = self.dp.ofproto.OFPGC_DELETE
            ofctl.mod_group_entry(self.dp, {'type':s['type'], 'group_id':s['group_id']}, cmd)

        ofctl.mod_meter_entry(self.dp, {'meter_id':self.dp.ofproto.OFPM_ALL}, self.dp.ofproto.OFPMC_DELETE)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def initialize_switch(self):
        flow_stat = ofctl.get_flow_stats(self.dp, self.waiters)
        for s in flow_stat[str(self.dp.id)]:
            self.logger.debug("deleting flow [cookie: %d]" % s['cookie'])
            cmd = self.dp.ofproto.OFPFC_DELETE
                                 {'table_id': self.dp.ofproto.OFPTT_ALL}, cmd)

        group_stat = ofctl.get_group_desc(self.dp, self.waiters)
        for s in group_stat[str(self.dp.id)]:
            self.logger.debug("deleting group[id: %d] %s" % (s['group_id'], s))
            cmd = self.dp.ofproto.OFPGC_DELETE
            ofctl.mod_group_entry(self.dp, {
                'type': s['type'],
                'group_id': s['group_id']
            }, cmd)

        ofctl.mod_meter_entry(self.dp, {'meter_id': self.dp.ofproto.OFPM_ALL},
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def mod_group_entry(self, req, cmd, **_kwargs):
            group = eval(req.body)
        except SyntaxError:
            LOG.debug('invalid syntax %s', req.body)
            return Response(status=400)

        dpid = group.get('dpid')
        dp = self.dpset.get(int(dpid))
        if dp is None:
            return Response(status=404)

        if dp.ofproto.OFP_VERSION == ofproto_v1_0.OFP_VERSION:
            LOG.debug('Unsupported OF protocol')
            return Response(status=501)

        if cmd == 'add':
            cmd = dp.ofproto.OFPGC_ADD
        elif cmd == 'modify':
            cmd = dp.ofproto.OFPGC_MODIFY
        elif cmd == 'delete':
            cmd = dp.ofproto.OFPGC_DELETE
            return Response(status=404)

        if dp.ofproto.OFP_VERSION == ofproto_v1_2.OFP_VERSION:
            ofctl_v1_2.mod_group_entry(dp, group, cmd)
        elif dp.ofproto.OFP_VERSION == ofproto_v1_3.OFP_VERSION:
            ofctl_v1_3.mod_group_entry(dp, group, cmd)
            LOG.debug('Unsupported OF protocol')
            return Response(status=501)

        res = Response(status=200)
	res.headers.add('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')
        return res
Ejemplo n.º 7
        def _setup_dp():
            self.dp = ev.dp

            # delete all flows and groups at first

            # create flood to down group entry
            buckets = []
            for vid in (i + 101 for i in range(3)):
                actions = [{
                    'type': 'PUSH_VLAN',
                    'ethertype': ether.ETH_TYPE_8021Q
                }, {
                    'type': 'SET_FIELD',
                    'field': 'vlan_vid',
                    'value': vid | 0x1000
                }, {
                    'type': 'OUTPUT',
                    'port': self.inter_port
                buckets.append({'actions': actions})

                {'actions': [{
                    'type': 'OUTPUT',
                    'port': self.access_port
                {'actions': [{
                    'type': 'OUTPUT',
                    'port': self.wlc_port

            self.flood_group_ids = []

            for i in range(len(buckets)):
                group_id = self._next_cookie()
                b = []
                for j, e in enumerate(buckets):
                    if j != i:
                ofctl.mod_group_entry(self.dp, {
                    'type': 'ALL',
                    'group_id': group_id,
                    'buckets': b
                }, self.dp.ofproto.OFPGC_ADD)

            buckets = []
                {'actions': [{
                    'type': 'OUTPUT',
                    'port': self.access_port
                {'actions': [{
                    'type': 'OUTPUT',
                    'port': self.wlc_port
            group_id = self._next_cookie()
            ofctl.mod_group_entry(self.dp, {
                'type': 'ALL',
                'group_id': group_id,
                'buckets': buckets
            }, self.dp.ofproto.OFPGC_ADD)

            # create 3 meter entry
            meter_id = self._next_cookie()
            self.low_meter_id = meter_id

            meter = {
                'meter_id': meter_id,
                'flags': 'KBPS',
                'bands': [{
                    'type': 'DROP',
                    'rate': 50000
            ofctl.mod_meter_entry(self.dp, meter, self.dp.ofproto.OFPMC_ADD)

            meter_id = self._next_cookie()
            self.mid_meter_id = meter_id

            meter = {
                'meter_id': meter_id,
                'flags': 'KBPS',
                'bands': [{
                    'type': 'DROP',
                    'rate': 30000
            ofctl.mod_meter_entry(self.dp, meter, self.dp.ofproto.OFPMC_ADD)

            meter_id = self._next_cookie()
            self.high_meter_id = meter_id

            meter = {
                'meter_id': meter_id,
                'flags': 'KBPS',
                'bands': [{
                    'type': 'DROP',
                    'rate': 20000
            ofctl.mod_meter_entry(self.dp, meter, self.dp.ofproto.OFPMC_ADD)

            # default drop at table 0
            cmd = self.dp.ofproto.OFPFC_ADD
            flow = {
                'priority': 0,
                'table_id': 0,
                'cookie': self._next_cookie()
            ofctl.mod_flow_entry(self.dp, flow, cmd)

            # default flood up at table 1
            cmd = self.dp.ofproto.OFPFC_ADD

            #            match = {'in_port' : self.inter_port, 'metadata' : '101'}
            match = {'in_port': self.inter_port}
            actions = [{'type': 'GROUP', 'group_id': self.flood_group_ids[5]}]
            flow = {
                'match': match,
                'priority': 0,
                'table_id': 1,
                'actions': actions,
                'cookie': self._next_cookie()
            ofctl.mod_flow_entry(self.dp, flow, cmd)

            ##            match = {'in_port' : self.inter_port, 'metadata' : '102'}
            #            match = {'in_port' : self.inter_port}
            #            actions = [{'type':'GROUP', 'group_id':self.flood_group_ids[1]}]
            #            flow = {'match':match, 'priority':0, 'table_id':1, 'actions':actions, 'cookie':self._next_cookie()}
            #            ofctl.mod_flow_entry(self.dp, flow, cmd)
            ##            match = {'in_port' : self.inter_port, 'metadata' : '103'}
            #            match = {'in_port' : self.inter_port}
            #            actions = [{'type':'GROUP', 'group_id':self.flood_group_ids[2]}]
            #            flow = {'match':match, 'priority':0, 'table_id':1, 'actions':actions, 'cookie':self._next_cookie()}
            #            ofctl.mod_flow_entry(self.dp, flow, cmd)

            match = {'in_port': self.access_port}
            actions = [{'type': 'GROUP', 'group_id': self.flood_group_ids[3]}]
            flow = {
                'match': match,
                'priority': 0,
                'table_id': 1,
                'actions': actions,
                'cookie': self._next_cookie()
            ofctl.mod_flow_entry(self.dp, flow, cmd)

            match = {'in_port': self.wlc_port}
            actions = [{'type': 'GROUP', 'group_id': self.flood_group_ids[4]}]
            flow = {
                'match': match,
                'priority': 0,
                'table_id': 1,
                'actions': actions,
                'cookie': self._next_cookie()
            ofctl.mod_flow_entry(self.dp, flow, cmd)

            # packet-in when node is not familier at table 0
            actions = [{
                'type': 'OUTPUT',
                'port': self.dp.ofproto.OFPP_CONTROLLER

            # should be more tight? may occur many packet in
            match = {'in_port': self.inter_port}
            flow = {
                'match': match,
                'actions': actions,
                'table_id': 0,
                'priority': 1,
                'cookie': self._next_cookie()
            ofctl.mod_flow_entry(self.dp, flow, cmd)

            match = {'in_port': self.access_port}
            flow = {
                'match': match,
                'actions': actions,
                'table_id': 0,
                'priority': 1,
                'cookie': self._next_cookie()
            ofctl.mod_flow_entry(self.dp, flow, cmd)

            match = {'in_port': self.wlc_port}
            flow = {
                'match': match,
                'actions': actions,
                'table_id': 0,
                'priority': 1,
                'cookie': self._next_cookie()
            ofctl.mod_flow_entry(self.dp, flow, cmd)
Ejemplo n.º 8
        def _setup_dp():
            self.dp = ev.dp

            # delete all flows and groups at first

            # create flood to down group entry
            buckets = []
            for vid in (i+101 for i in range(3)):
                actions = [{'type':'PUSH_VLAN', 'ethertype':ether.ETH_TYPE_8021Q},
                           {'type':'SET_FIELD', 'field':'vlan_vid', 'value':vid | 0x1000},
                           {'type':'OUTPUT', 'port':self.inter_port}]
                buckets.append({'actions': actions})

            buckets.append({'actions':[{'type':'OUTPUT', 'port':self.access_port}]})
            buckets.append({'actions':[{'type':'OUTPUT', 'port':self.wlc_port}]})

            self.flood_group_ids = []

            for i in range(len(buckets)):
                group_id = self._next_cookie()
                b = []
                for j, e in enumerate(buckets):
                    if j != i:
                ofctl.mod_group_entry(self.dp, {'type':'ALL', 'group_id':group_id, 'buckets':b}, self.dp.ofproto.OFPGC_ADD)

            buckets = []
            buckets.append({'actions':[{'type':'OUTPUT', 'port':self.access_port}]})
            buckets.append({'actions':[{'type':'OUTPUT', 'port':self.wlc_port}]})
            group_id = self._next_cookie()
            ofctl.mod_group_entry(self.dp, {'type':'ALL', 'group_id':group_id, 'buckets':buckets}, self.dp.ofproto.OFPGC_ADD)

            # create 3 meter entry
            meter_id = self._next_cookie()
            self.low_meter_id = meter_id

            meter = {'meter_id': meter_id,
                    'flags': 'KBPS',
                    'bands': [{'type': 'DROP', 'rate': 50000}]}
            ofctl.mod_meter_entry(self.dp, meter, self.dp.ofproto.OFPMC_ADD)

            meter_id = self._next_cookie()
            self.mid_meter_id = meter_id

            meter = {'meter_id': meter_id,
                    'flags': 'KBPS',
                    'bands': [{'type': 'DROP', 'rate': 30000}]}
            ofctl.mod_meter_entry(self.dp, meter, self.dp.ofproto.OFPMC_ADD)

            meter_id = self._next_cookie()
            self.high_meter_id = meter_id

            meter = {'meter_id': meter_id,
                    'flags': 'KBPS',
                    'bands': [{'type': 'DROP', 'rate': 20000}]}
            ofctl.mod_meter_entry(self.dp, meter, self.dp.ofproto.OFPMC_ADD)

            # default drop at table 0
            cmd = self.dp.ofproto.OFPFC_ADD
            flow = {'priority':0, 'table_id':0, 'cookie':self._next_cookie()}
            ofctl.mod_flow_entry(self.dp, flow, cmd)

            # default flood up at table 1
            cmd = self.dp.ofproto.OFPFC_ADD

#            match = {'in_port' : self.inter_port, 'metadata' : '101'}
            match = {'in_port' : self.inter_port}
            actions = [{'type':'GROUP', 'group_id':self.flood_group_ids[5]}]
            flow = {'match':match, 'priority':0, 'table_id':1, 'actions':actions, 'cookie':self._next_cookie()}
            ofctl.mod_flow_entry(self.dp, flow, cmd)

##            match = {'in_port' : self.inter_port, 'metadata' : '102'}
#            match = {'in_port' : self.inter_port}
#            actions = [{'type':'GROUP', 'group_id':self.flood_group_ids[1]}]
#            flow = {'match':match, 'priority':0, 'table_id':1, 'actions':actions, 'cookie':self._next_cookie()}
#            ofctl.mod_flow_entry(self.dp, flow, cmd)
##            match = {'in_port' : self.inter_port, 'metadata' : '103'}
#            match = {'in_port' : self.inter_port}
#            actions = [{'type':'GROUP', 'group_id':self.flood_group_ids[2]}]
#            flow = {'match':match, 'priority':0, 'table_id':1, 'actions':actions, 'cookie':self._next_cookie()}
#            ofctl.mod_flow_entry(self.dp, flow, cmd)

            match = {'in_port' : self.access_port}
            actions = [{'type':'GROUP', 'group_id':self.flood_group_ids[3]}]
            flow = {'match':match, 'priority':0, 'table_id':1, 'actions':actions, 'cookie':self._next_cookie()}
            ofctl.mod_flow_entry(self.dp, flow, cmd)

            match = {'in_port' : self.wlc_port}
            actions = [{'type':'GROUP', 'group_id':self.flood_group_ids[4]}]
            flow = {'match':match, 'priority':0, 'table_id':1, 'actions':actions, 'cookie':self._next_cookie()}
            ofctl.mod_flow_entry(self.dp, flow, cmd)

            # packet-in when node is not familier at table 0
            actions = [{'type':'OUTPUT', 'port':self.dp.ofproto.OFPP_CONTROLLER}]

            # should be more tight? may occur many packet in
            match = {'in_port' : self.inter_port}
            flow = {'match':match, 'actions':actions, 'table_id':0, 'priority':1, 'cookie':self._next_cookie()}
            ofctl.mod_flow_entry(self.dp, flow, cmd)

            match = {'in_port' : self.access_port}
            flow = {'match':match, 'actions':actions, 'table_id':0, 'priority':1, 'cookie':self._next_cookie()}
            ofctl.mod_flow_entry(self.dp, flow, cmd)

            match = {'in_port' : self.wlc_port}
            flow = {'match':match, 'actions':actions, 'table_id':0, 'priority':1, 'cookie':self._next_cookie()}
            ofctl.mod_flow_entry(self.dp, flow, cmd)