Ejemplo n.º 1
def disparity_range(rpc1, rpc2, x, y, w, h, H1, H2, matches, A=None):
    Compute the disparity range of a ROI from a list of point matches.

        rpc1, rpc2 (rpcm.RPCModel): two RPC camera models
        x, y, w, h (int): 4-tuple of integers defining the rectangular ROI in
            the first image. (x, y) is the top-left corner, and (w, h) are the
            dimensions of the rectangle.
        H1, H2 (np.array): two rectifying homographies, stored as 3x3 arrays
        matches (np.array): Nx4 array containing a list of sift matches, in the
            full image coordinates frame
        A (np.array): 3x3 array containing the pointing error correction for
            im2. This matrix is usually estimated with the pointing_accuracy

        disp: 2-uple containing the horizontal disparity range
    # compute exogenous disparity range if needed
    if cfg['disp_range_method'] in ['exogenous', 'wider_sift_exogenous']:
        exogenous_disp = rpc_utils.exogenous_disp_range_estimation(
            rpc1, rpc2, x, y, w, h, H1, H2, A,

        print("exogenous disparity range:", exogenous_disp)

    # compute SIFT disparity range if needed
    if cfg['disp_range_method'] in ['sift', 'wider_sift_exogenous']:
        if matches is not None and len(matches) >= 2:
            sift_disp = disparity_range_from_matches(matches, H1, H2, w, h)
            sift_disp = None
        print("SIFT disparity range:", sift_disp)

    # compute altitude range disparity if needed
    if cfg['disp_range_method'] == 'fixed_altitude_range':
        alt_disp = rpc_utils.altitude_range_to_disp_range(
            cfg['alt_min'], cfg['alt_max'], rpc1, rpc2, x, y, w, h, H1, H2, A)
        print("disparity range computed from fixed altitude range:", alt_disp)

    # now compute disparity range according to selected method
    if cfg['disp_range_method'] == 'exogenous':
        disp = exogenous_disp

    elif cfg['disp_range_method'] == 'sift':
        disp = sift_disp

    elif cfg['disp_range_method'] == 'wider_sift_exogenous':
        if sift_disp is not None and exogenous_disp is not None:
            disp = min(exogenous_disp[0],
                       sift_disp[0]), max(exogenous_disp[1], sift_disp[1])
            disp = sift_disp or exogenous_disp

    elif cfg['disp_range_method'] == 'fixed_altitude_range':
        disp = alt_disp

    elif cfg['disp_range_method'] == 'fixed_pixel_range':
        disp = cfg['disp_min'], cfg['disp_max']

    # default disparity range to return if everything else broke
    if disp is None:
        disp = -3, 3

    # impose a minimal disparity range (TODO this is valid only with the
    # 'center' flag for register_horizontally_translation)
    disp = min(-3, disp[0]), max(3, disp[1])

    print("Final disparity range:", disp)
    return disp
Ejemplo n.º 2
def disparity_range(rpc1, rpc2, x, y, w, h, H1, H2, matches, A=None):
    Compute the disparity range of a ROI from a list of point matches.

    The estimation is based on the extrapolation of the affine registration
    estimated from the matches. The extrapolation is done on the whole region of

        rpc1, rpc2: two instances of the rpc_model.RPCModel class
        x, y, w, h: four integers defining the rectangular ROI in the first
            image.  (x, y) is the top-left corner, and (w, h) are the dimensions
            of the rectangle.
        H1, H2: two rectifying homographies, stored as numpy 3x3 matrices
        matches: Nx4 numpy array containing a list of sift matches, in the full
            image coordinates frame
        A (optional): 3x3 numpy array containing the pointing error correction
            for im2. This matrix is usually estimated with the pointing_accuracy

        disp: 2-uple containing the horizontal disparity range
    # Default disparity range to return if everything else breaks
    disp = (-3, 3)
    exogenous_disp = None
    sift_disp = None
    alt_disp = None

    # Compute exogenous disparity range if needed
    if (cfg['disp_range_method'] in ['exogenous', 'wider_sift_exogenous']):
        exogenous_disp = rpc_utils.exogenous_disp_range_estimation(
            rpc1, rpc2, x, y, w, h, H1, H2, A,

        print("exogenous disparity range: [%f, %f]" %
              (exogenous_disp[0], exogenous_disp[1]))

    # Compute SIFT disparity range if needed
    if (cfg['disp_range_method'] in ['sift', 'wider_sift_exogenous']):
        if matches is not None and len(matches) >= 2:
            sift_disp = disparity_range_from_matches(matches, H1, H2, w, h)
            print("SIFT disparity range: [%f, %f]" %
                  (sift_disp[0], sift_disp[1]))
            print("No SIFT available, SIFT disparity can not be estimated")

    # Compute altitude range disparity if needed
    if cfg['disp_range_method'] == 'fixed_altitude_range':
        if cfg['alt_min'] is not None and cfg['alt_max'] is not None:
            alt_disp = rpc_utils.altitude_range_to_disp_range(
                cfg['alt_min'], cfg['alt_max'], rpc1, rpc2, x, y, w, h, H1, H2,
            print("Altitude fixed disparity range: [%f, %f]" %
                  (alt_disp[0], alt_disp[1]))

    # Now, compute disparity range according to selected method
    if cfg['disp_range_method'] == 'exogenous':
        if exogenous_disp is not None:
            disp = exogenous_disp

    elif cfg['disp_range_method'] == 'sift':
        if sift_disp is not None:
            disp = sift_disp

    elif cfg['disp_range_method'] == 'wider_sift_exogenous':
        if sift_disp is not None and exogenous_disp is not None:
            disp = min(exogenous_disp[0],
                       sift_disp[0]), max(exogenous_disp[1], sift_disp[1])
            if sift_disp is not None:
                disp = sift_disp
                disp = exogenous_disp

    elif cfg['disp_range_method'] == 'fixed_pixel_range':
        if cfg['disp_min'] is not None and cfg['disp_max'] is not None:
            disp = cfg['disp_min'], cfg['disp_max']

    elif cfg['disp_range_method'] == 'fixed_altitude_range':
        disp = alt_disp

    # impose a minimal disparity range (TODO this is valid only with the
    # 'center' flag for register_horizontally_translation)
    disp = min(-3, disp[0]), max(3, disp[1])

    print("Final disparity range: [%f, %f]" % (disp[0], disp[1]))
    return disp