Ejemplo n.º 1
def transfer_map(in_map, H, x, y, w, h, zoom, out_map):
    Transfer the heights computed on the rectified grid to the original
    Pleiades image grid.

        in_map: path to the input map, usually a height map or a mask, sampled
            on the rectified grid
        H: path to txt file containing a numpy 3x3 array representing the
            rectifying homography
        x, y, w, h: four integers defining the rectangular ROI in the original
            image. (x, y) is the top-left corner, and (w, h) are the dimensions
            of the rectangle.
        zoom: zoom factor (usually 1, 2 or 4) used to produce the input height
        out_map: path to the output map
    # write the inverse of the resampling transform matrix. In brief it is:
    # homography * translation * zoom
    # This matrix transports the coordinates of the original cropped and
    # zoomed grid (the one desired for out_height) to the rectified cropped and
    # zoomed grid (the one we have for height)
    Z = np.diag([zoom, zoom, 1])
    A = common.matrix_translation(x, y)
    HH = np.dot(np.loadtxt(H), np.dot(A, Z))

    # apply the homography
    # write the 9 coefficients of the homography to a string, then call synflow
    # to produce the flow, then backflow to apply it
    # zero:256x256 is the iio way to create a 256x256 image filled with zeros
    hij = ' '.join(['%r' % num for num in HH.flatten()])
    common.run('synflow hom "%s" zero:%dx%d /dev/null - | BILINEAR=1 backflow - %s %s' % (
        hij, w/zoom, h/zoom, in_map, out_map))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def transfer_map(in_map, H, x, y, w, h, zoom, out_map):
    Transfer the heights computed on the rectified grid to the original
    Pleiades image grid.

        in_map: path to the input map, usually a height map or a mask, sampled
            on the rectified grid
        H: path to txt file containing a numpy 3x3 array representing the
            rectifying homography
        x, y, w, h: four integers defining the rectangular ROI in the original
            image. (x, y) is the top-left corner, and (w, h) are the dimensions
            of the rectangle.
        zoom: zoom factor (usually 1, 2 or 4) used to produce the input height
        out_map: path to the output map
    # write the inverse of the resampling transform matrix. In brief it is:
    # homography * translation * zoom
    # This matrix transports the coordinates of the original cropped and
    # zoomed grid (the one desired for out_height) to the rectified cropped and
    # zoomed grid (the one we have for height)
    Z = np.diag([zoom, zoom, 1])
    A = common.matrix_translation(x, y)
    HH = np.dot(np.loadtxt(H), np.dot(A, Z))

    # apply the homography
    # write the 9 coefficients of the homography to a string, then call synflow
    # to produce the flow, then backflow to apply it
    # zero:256x256 is the iio way to create a 256x256 image filled with zeros
    hij = ' '.join(['%r' % num for num in HH.flatten()])
    common.run('synflow hom "%s" zero:%dx%d /dev/null - | BILINEAR=1 backflow - %s %s' % (
        hij, w/zoom, h/zoom, in_map, out_map))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def cloud_water_image_domain(x,
    Compute a mask for pixels masked by clouds, water, or out of image domain.

        x, y, w, h: coordinates of the ROI
        roi_gml (optional): path to a gml file containing a mask
            defining the area contained in the full image
        cld_gml (optional): path to a gml file containing a mask
            defining the areas covered by clouds

        2D array containing the output binary mask. 0 indicate masked pixels, 1
        visible pixels.
    # coefficients of the transformation associated to the crop
    H = common.matrix_translation(-x, -y)
    hij = ' '.join([str(el) for el in H.flatten()])

    mask = np.ones((h, w), dtype=np.bool)

    if roi_gml is not None:  # image domain mask (polygons)
        tmp = common.tmpfile('.png')
        subprocess.check_call('cldmask %d %d -h "%s" %s %s' %
                              (w, h, hij, roi_gml, tmp),

        f = gdal.Open(tmp)
        mask = np.logical_and(mask, f.ReadAsArray())
        f = None  # this is the gdal way of closing files

    if not mask.any():
        return mask

    if cld_gml is not None:  # cloud mask (polygons)
        tmp = common.tmpfile('.png')
        subprocess.check_call('cldmask %d %d -h "%s" %s %s' %
                              (w, h, hij, cld_gml, tmp),
        f = gdal.Open(tmp)
        mask = np.logical_and(mask, ~f.ReadAsArray().astype(bool))
        f = None  # this is the gdal way of closing files

    if not mask.any():
        return mask

    if wat_msk is not None:  # water mask (raster)
        f = gdal.Open(wat_msk)
        mask = np.logical_and(mask, f.ReadAsArray(x, y, w, h))
        f = None  # this is the gdal way of closing files

    return mask
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: s2p.py Proyecto: zousiyuan/s2p
def heights_to_ply(tile):
    Generate a ply cloud.

        tile: a dictionary that provides all you need to process a tile
    # merge the n-1 height maps of the tile (n = nb of images)

    # compute a ply from the merged height map
    out_dir = tile['dir']
    x, y, w, h = tile['coordinates']
    z = cfg['subsampling_factor']
    plyfile = os.path.join(out_dir, 'cloud.ply')
    plyextrema = os.path.join(out_dir, 'plyextrema.txt')
    height_map = os.path.join(out_dir, 'height_map.tif')
    if cfg['skip_existing'] and os.path.isfile(plyfile):
        print('ply file already exists for tile {} {}'.format(x, y))

    # H is the homography transforming the coordinates system of the original
    # full size image into the coordinates system of the crop
    H = np.dot(np.diag([1 / z, 1 / z, 1]), common.matrix_translation(-x, -y))
    colors = os.path.join(out_dir, 'ref.png')
    if cfg['images'][0]['clr']:
        common.image_crop_gdal(cfg['images'][0]['clr'], x, y, w, h, colors)
            common.image_crop_gdal(cfg['images'][0]['img'], x, y, w, h),
    common.image_safe_zoom_fft(colors, z, colors)

    # compute the point cloud extrema (xmin, xmax, xmin, ymax)
    common.run("plyextrema %s %s" % (plyfile, plyextrema))

    if cfg['clean_intermediate']:
            os.path.join(out_dir, 'cloud_water_image_domain_mask.png'))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def register_horizontally_translation(matches, H1, H2, flag='center'):
    Adjust rectifying homographies with a translation to modify the disparity range.

        matches: list of pairs of 2D points, stored as a Nx4 numpy array
        H1, H2: two homographies, stored as numpy 3x3 matrices
        flag: option needed to control how to modify the disparity range:
            'center': move the barycenter of disparities of matches to zero
            'positive': make all the disparities positive
            'negative': make all the disparities negative. Required for
                Hirshmuller stereo (java)

        H2: corrected homography H2

    The matches are provided in the original images coordinate system. By
    transforming these coordinates with the provided homographies, we obtain
    matches whose disparity is only along the x-axis. The second homography H2
    is corrected with a horizontal translation to obtain the desired property
    on the disparity range.
    # transform the matches according to the homographies
    p1 = common.points_apply_homography(H1, matches[:, :2])
    x1 = p1[:, 0]
    y1 = p1[:, 1]
    p2 = common.points_apply_homography(H2, matches[:, 2:])
    x2 = p2[:, 0]
    y2 = p2[:, 1]

    # for debug, print the vertical disparities. Should be zero.
    if cfg['debug']:
        print("Residual vertical disparities: max, min, mean. Should be zero")
        print(np.max(y2 - y1), np.min(y2 - y1), np.mean(y2 - y1))

    # compute the disparity offset according to selected option
    t = 0
    if (flag == 'center'):
        t = np.mean(x2 - x1)
    if (flag == 'positive'):
        t = np.min(x2 - x1)
    if (flag == 'negative'):
        t = np.max(x2 - x1)

    # correct H2 with a translation
    return np.dot(common.matrix_translation(-t, 0), H2)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def register_horizontally_translation(matches, H1, H2, flag='center'):
    Adjust rectifying homographies with a translation to modify the disparity range.

        matches: list of pairs of 2D points, stored as a Nx4 numpy array
        H1, H2: two homographies, stored as numpy 3x3 matrices
        flag: option needed to control how to modify the disparity range:
            'center': move the barycenter of disparities of matches to zero
            'positive': make all the disparities positive
            'negative': make all the disparities negative. Required for
                Hirshmuller stereo (java)

        H2: corrected homography H2

    The matches are provided in the original images coordinate system. By
    transforming these coordinates with the provided homographies, we obtain
    matches whose disparity is only along the x-axis. The second homography H2
    is corrected with a horizontal translation to obtain the desired property
    on the disparity range.
    # transform the matches according to the homographies
    p1 = common.points_apply_homography(H1, matches[:, :2])
    x1 = p1[:, 0]
    y1 = p1[:, 1]
    p2 = common.points_apply_homography(H2, matches[:, 2:])
    x2 = p2[:, 0]
    y2 = p2[:, 1]

    # for debug, print the vertical disparities. Should be zero.
    if cfg['debug']:
        print("Residual vertical disparities: max, min, mean. Should be zero")
        print(np.max(y2 - y1), np.min(y2 - y1), np.mean(y2 - y1))

    # compute the disparity offset according to selected option
    t = 0
    if (flag == 'center'):
        t = np.mean(x2 - x1)
    if (flag == 'positive'):
        t = np.min(x2 - x1)
    if (flag == 'negative'):
        t = np.max(x2 - x1)

    # correct H2 with a translation
    return np.dot(common.matrix_translation(-t, 0), H2)
Ejemplo n.º 7
Archivo: s2p.py Proyecto: mnhrdt/s2p
def heights_to_ply(tile):
    Generate a ply cloud.

        tile: a dictionary that provides all you need to process a tile
    # merge the n-1 height maps of the tile (n = nb of images)

    # compute a ply from the merged height map
    out_dir = tile['dir']
    x, y, w, h = tile['coordinates']
    z = cfg['subsampling_factor']
    plyfile = os.path.join(out_dir, 'cloud.ply')
    plyextrema = os.path.join(out_dir, 'plyextrema.txt')
    height_map = os.path.join(out_dir, 'height_map.tif')
    if cfg['skip_existing'] and os.path.isfile(plyfile):
        print('ply file already exists for tile {} {}'.format(x, y))

    # H is the homography transforming the coordinates system of the original
    # full size image into the coordinates system of the crop
    H = np.dot(np.diag([1 / z, 1 / z, 1]), common.matrix_translation(-x, -y))
    colors = os.path.join(out_dir, 'ref.png')
    if cfg['images'][0]['clr']:
        common.image_crop_gdal(cfg['images'][0]['clr'], x, y, w, h, colors)
        common.image_qauto(common.image_crop_gdal(cfg['images'][0]['img'], x, y,
                                                 w, h), colors)
    common.image_safe_zoom_fft(colors, z, colors)
    triangulation.height_map_to_point_cloud(plyfile, height_map,
                                            cfg['images'][0]['rpc'], H, colors,

    # compute the point cloud extrema (xmin, xmax, xmin, ymax)
    common.run("plyextrema %s %s" % (plyfile, plyextrema))

    if cfg['clean_intermediate']:
Ejemplo n.º 8
def rectification_homographies(matches, x, y, w, h, hmargin=0, vmargin=0):
    Computes rectifying homographies from point matches for a given ROI.

    The affine fundamental matrix F is estimated with the gold-standard
    algorithm, then two rectifying similarities (rotation, zoom, translation)
    are computed directly from F.

        matches: numpy array of shape (n, 4) containing a list of 2D point
            correspondences between the two images.
        x, y, w, h: four integers defining the rectangular ROI in the first
            image. (x, y) is the top-left corner, and (w, h) are the dimensions
            of the rectangle.
        {h,v}margin: translations added to the rectifying similarities to extend the
            horizontal and vertical footprint of the rectified images

        S1, S2, F: three numpy arrays of shape (3, 3) representing the
        two rectifying similarities to be applied to the two images and the
        corresponding affine fundamental matrix.
    # estimate the affine fundamental matrix with the Gold standard algorithm
    F = estimation.affine_fundamental_matrix(matches)

    # compute rectifying similarities
    S1, S2 = estimation.rectifying_similarities_from_affine_fundamental_matrix(
        F, cfg['debug'])

    if cfg['debug']:
        y1 = common.points_apply_homography(S1, matches[:, :2])[:, 1]
        y2 = common.points_apply_homography(S2, matches[:, 2:])[:, 1]
        err = np.abs(y1 - y2)
        print("max, min, mean rectification error on point matches: ", end=' ')
        print(np.max(err), np.min(err), np.mean(err))

    # pull back top-left corner of the ROI to the origin (plus margin)
    pts = common.points_apply_homography(
        S1, [[x, y], [x + w, y], [x + w, y + h], [x, y + h]])
    x0, y0 = common.bounding_box2D(pts)[:2]
    T = common.matrix_translation(-x0 + hmargin, -y0 + vmargin)
    return np.dot(T, S1), np.dot(T, S2), F
Ejemplo n.º 9
def rectification_homographies(matches, x, y, w, h, hmargin=0, vmargin=0):
    Computes rectifying homographies from point matches for a given ROI.

    The affine fundamental matrix F is estimated with the gold-standard
    algorithm, then two rectifying similarities (rotation, zoom, translation)
    are computed directly from F.

        matches: numpy array of shape (n, 4) containing a list of 2D point
            correspondences between the two images.
        x, y, w, h: four integers defining the rectangular ROI in the first
            image. (x, y) is the top-left corner, and (w, h) are the dimensions
            of the rectangle.
        {h,v}margin: translations added to the rectifying similarities to extend the
            horizontal and vertical footprint of the rectified images

        S1, S2, F: three numpy arrays of shape (3, 3) representing the
        two rectifying similarities to be applied to the two images and the
        corresponding affine fundamental matrix.
    # estimate the affine fundamental matrix with the Gold standard algorithm
    F = estimation.affine_fundamental_matrix(matches)

    # compute rectifying similarities
    S1, S2 = estimation.rectifying_similarities_from_affine_fundamental_matrix(F, cfg['debug'])

    if cfg['debug']:
        y1 = common.points_apply_homography(S1, matches[:, :2])[:, 1]
        y2 = common.points_apply_homography(S2, matches[:, 2:])[:, 1]
        err = np.abs(y1 - y2)
        print("max, min, mean rectification error on point matches: ", end=' ')
        print(np.max(err), np.min(err), np.mean(err))

    # pull back top-left corner of the ROI to the origin (plus margin)
    pts = common.points_apply_homography(S1, [[x, y], [x+w, y], [x+w, y+h], [x, y+h]])
    x0, y0 = common.bounding_box2D(pts)[:2]
    T = common.matrix_translation(-x0 + hmargin, -y0 + vmargin)
    return np.dot(T, S1), np.dot(T, S2), F
Ejemplo n.º 10
def rectify_pair(im1,
    Rectify a ROI in a pair of images.

        im1, im2: paths to two image files
        rpc1, rpc2: paths to the two xml files containing RPC data
        x, y, w, h: four integers defining the rectangular ROI in the first
            image.  (x, y) is the top-left corner, and (w, h) are the dimensions
            of the rectangle.
        out1, out2: paths to the output rectified crops
        A (optional): 3x3 numpy array containing the pointing error correction
            for im2. This matrix is usually estimated with the pointing_accuracy
        sift_matches (optional): Nx4 numpy array containing a list of sift
            matches, in the full image coordinates frame
        method (default: 'rpc'): option to decide wether to use rpc of sift
            matches for the fundamental matrix estimation.
        {h,v}margin (optional): horizontal and vertical margins added on the
            sides of the rectified images

        H1, H2: Two 3x3 matrices representing the rectifying homographies that
        have been applied to the two original (large) images.
        disp_min, disp_max: horizontal disparity range
    # read RPC data
    rpc1 = rpc_model.RPCModel(rpc1)
    rpc2 = rpc_model.RPCModel(rpc2)

    # compute real or virtual matches
    if method == 'rpc':
        # find virtual matches from RPC camera models
        matches = rpc_utils.matches_from_rpc(rpc1, rpc2, x, y, w, h,

        # correct second image coordinates with the pointing correction matrix
        if A is not None:
            matches[:, 2:] = common.points_apply_homography(
                np.linalg.inv(A), matches[:, 2:])
        matches = sift_matches

    # compute rectifying homographies
    H1, H2, F = rectification_homographies(matches, x, y, w, h, hmargin,

    if cfg['register_with_shear']:
        # compose H2 with a horizontal shear to reduce the disparity range
        a = np.mean(rpc_utils.altitude_range(rpc1, x, y, w, h))
        lon, lat, alt = rpc_utils.ground_control_points(
            rpc1, x, y, w, h, a, a, 4)
        x1, y1 = rpc1.inverse_estimate(lon, lat, alt)[:2]
        x2, y2 = rpc2.inverse_estimate(lon, lat, alt)[:2]
        m = np.vstack([x1, y1, x2, y2]).T
        m = np.vstack({tuple(row)
                       for row in m})  # remove duplicates due to no alt range
        H2 = register_horizontally_shear(m, H1, H2)

    # compose H2 with a horizontal translation to center disp range around 0
    if sift_matches is not None:
        sift_matches = filter_matches_epipolar_constraint(
            F, sift_matches, cfg['epipolar_thresh'])
        if len(sift_matches) < 10:
            print('WARNING: no registration with less than 10 matches')
            H2 = register_horizontally_translation(sift_matches, H1, H2)

    # compute disparity range
    if cfg['debug']:
        out_dir = os.path.dirname(out1)
        np.savetxt(os.path.join(out_dir, 'sift_matches_disp.txt'),
            im1, im2, rpc1, rpc2, sift_matches, x, y, w, h,
            os.path.join(out_dir, 'sift_matches_disp.png'))
    disp_m, disp_M = disparity_range(rpc1, rpc2, x, y, w, h, H1, H2,
                                     sift_matches, A)

    # compute rectifying homographies for non-epipolar mode (rectify the secondary tile only)
    if block_matching.rectify_secondary_tile_only(cfg['matching_algorithm']):
        H1_inv = np.linalg.inv(H1)
        H1 = np.eye(
        )  # H1 is replaced by 2-D array with ones on the diagonal and zeros elsewhere
        H2 = np.dot(H1_inv, H2)
        T = common.matrix_translation(-x + hmargin, -y + vmargin)
        H1 = np.dot(T, H1)
        H2 = np.dot(T, H2)

    # compute output images size
    roi = [[x, y], [x + w, y], [x + w, y + h], [x, y + h]]
    pts1 = common.points_apply_homography(H1, roi)
    x0, y0, w0, h0 = common.bounding_box2D(pts1)
    # check that the first homography maps the ROI in the positive quadrant
    np.testing.assert_allclose(np.round([x0, y0]), [hmargin, vmargin],

    # apply homographies and do the crops
    common.image_apply_homography(out1, im1, H1, w0 + 2 * hmargin,
                                  h0 + 2 * vmargin)
    common.image_apply_homography(out2, im2, H2, w0 + 2 * hmargin,
                                  h0 + 2 * vmargin)

    if block_matching.rectify_secondary_tile_only(cfg['matching_algorithm']):
        pts_in = [[0, 0], [disp_m, 0], [disp_M, 0]]
        pts_out = common.points_apply_homography(H1_inv, pts_in)
        disp_m = pts_out[1, :] - pts_out[0, :]
        disp_M = pts_out[2, :] - pts_out[0, :]

    return H1, H2, disp_m, disp_M
Ejemplo n.º 11
Archivo: s2p.py Proyecto: mnhrdt/s2p
def multidisparities_to_ply(tile):
    Compute a point cloud from the disparity maps of N-pairs of image tiles.

        tile: dictionary containing the information needed to process a tile.

    # There is no guarantee that this function works with z!=1
    out_dir = os.path.join(tile['dir'])
    ply_file = os.path.join(out_dir, 'cloud.ply')
    plyextrema = os.path.join(out_dir, 'plyextrema.txt')
    x, y, w, h = tile['coordinates']

    rpc_ref = cfg['images'][0]['rpc']
    disp_list = list()
    rpc_list = list()

    if cfg['skip_existing'] and os.path.isfile(ply_file):
        print('triangulation done on tile {} {}'.format(x, y))

    mask_orig = os.path.join(out_dir, 'cloud_water_image_domain_mask.png')

    print('triangulating tile {} {}...'.format(x, y))
    n = len(cfg['images']) - 1
    for i in range(n):
        pair = 'pair_%d' % (i+1)
        H_ref = os.path.join(out_dir, pair, 'H_ref.txt')
        H_sec = os.path.join(out_dir, pair, 'H_sec.txt')
        disp = os.path.join(out_dir, pair, 'rectified_disp.tif')
        mask_rect = os.path.join(out_dir, pair, 'rectified_mask.png')
        disp2D = os.path.join(out_dir, pair, 'disp2D.tif')
        rpc_sec = cfg['images'][i+1]['rpc']

        if os.path.exists(disp):
            # homography for warp
            T = common.matrix_translation(x, y)
            hom_ref = np.loadtxt(H_ref)
            hom_ref_shift = np.dot(hom_ref, T)

            # homography for 1D to 2D conversion
            hom_sec = np.loadtxt(H_sec)
            if cfg["use_global_pointing_for_geometric_triangulation"] is True:
                pointing = os.path.join(cfg['out_dir'], 'global_pointing_%s.txt' % pair)
                hom_pointing = np.loadtxt(pointing)
                hom_sec = np.dot(hom_sec,np.linalg.inv(hom_pointing))
            hom_sec_shift_inv = np.linalg.inv(hom_sec)

            h1 = " ".join(str(x) for x in hom_ref_shift.flatten())
            h2 = " ".join(str(x) for x in hom_sec_shift_inv.flatten())

            # relative disparity map to absolute disparity map
            tmp_abs = common.tmpfile('.tif')
            os.environ["PLAMBDA_GETPIXEL"] = "0"
            common.run('plambda %s %s "y 0 = nan x[0] :i + x[1] :j + 1 3 njoin if" -o %s' % (disp, mask_rect, tmp_abs))

            # 1d to 2d conversion
            tmp_1d_to_2d = common.tmpfile('.tif')
            common.run('plambda %s "%s 9 njoin x mprod" -o %s' % (tmp_abs, h2, tmp_1d_to_2d))

            # warp
            tmp_warp = common.tmpfile('.tif')
            common.run('homwarp -o 2 "%s" %d %d %s %s' % (h1, w, h, tmp_1d_to_2d, tmp_warp))

            # set masked value to NaN
            exp = 'y 0 = nan x if'
            common.run('plambda %s %s "%s" -o %s' % (tmp_warp, mask_orig, exp, disp2D))
            # disp2D contains positions in the secondary image

            # added input data for triangulation module

            if cfg['clean_intermediate']:

    colors = os.path.join(out_dir, 'ref.png')
    if cfg['images'][0]['clr']:
        common.image_crop_gdal(cfg['images'][0]['clr'], x, y, w, h, colors)
        common.image_qauto(common.image_crop_gdal(cfg['images'][0]['img'], x, y,
                                                 w, h), colors)

    # compute the point cloud
    triangulation.multidisp_map_to_point_cloud(ply_file, disp_list, rpc_ref, rpc_list,
                                               xybbx=(x, x+w, y, y+h))

    # compute the point cloud extrema (xmin, xmax, xmin, ymax)
    common.run("plyextrema %s %s" % (ply_file, plyextrema))

    if cfg['clean_intermediate']:
Ejemplo n.º 12
def local_translation_rectified(r1, r2, x, y, w, h, m):
    Estimates the optimal translation to minimise the relative pointing error
    on a given tile.

        r1, r2: two instances of the rpc_model.RPCModel class
        x, y, w, h: region of interest in the reference image (r1)
        m: Nx4 numpy array containing a list of matches, one per line. Each
            match is given by (p1, p2, q1, q2) where (p1, p2) is a point of the
            reference view and (q1, q2) is the corresponding point in the
            secondary view.

        3x3 numpy array containing the homogeneous representation of the
        optimal planar translation, to be applied to the secondary image in
        order to correct the pointing error.
    # estimate the affine fundamental matrix between the two views
    n = cfg['n_gcp_per_axis']
    rpc_matches = rpc_utils.matches_from_rpc(r1, r2, x, y, w, h, n)
    F = estimation.affine_fundamental_matrix(rpc_matches)

    # Apply rectification on image 1
    S1p1 = common.points_apply_homography(S1, m[:,0:2])
    S1p1 = np.column_stack((S1p1,np.ones((N,1))))
    print("Points 1 rectied")
    # Apply rectification on image 2
    S2p2 = common.points_apply_homography(S1, m[:,2:4])
    S2p2 = np.column_stack((S2p2, np.ones((N,1))))
    print("Points 2 rectied")

    # Compute F in the rectified space
    rect_matches = np.column_stack((S1p1[:,0:2], S2p2[:, 0:2]))
    F_rect2 = estimation.affine_fundamental_matrix(rect_matches)

    # Compute epipolar lines
    FS1p1 = np.dot(F_rect2, S1p1.T).T

    # Normalize epipolar lines
    c1 = -FS1p1[:, 1]
    FS1p1_norm = FS1p1/c1[:, np.newaxis]

    b_ = np.abs(S2p2[:, 1] - S1p1[:, 1])
    t_med = np.median(b_)

    t_med2 = np.sort(b_)[int(N/2)]
    print("t_med2", t_med2)

    # Compute epipolar lines witout recitifcation
    p1 = np.column_stack((m[:,0:2],np.ones((N,1))))
    Fp1 = np.dot(F, p1.T).T

    # Compute normal vector to epipolar liness
    ab = np.array([Fp1[0][0], Fp1[0][1]])
    ab = ab/np.linalg.norm(ab)

    tx = t_med*ab[0]
    ty = t_med*ab[1]
    print(tx, ty)

    # Get translation in not rectified image
    T = common.matrix_translation(0, -t_med)
    T = np.linalg.inv(S2).dot(T).dot(S2)
    # T = np.dot(S2_inv, T)

    # the correction to be applied to the second view is the opposite
    A = np.array([[1, 0, -out_x],
                  [0, 1, -out_y],
                  [0, 0, 1]])
    return A, F
Ejemplo n.º 13
def rectify_pair(im1, im2, rpc1, rpc2, x, y, w, h, out1, out2, A=None,
                 sift_matches=None, method='rpc', hmargin=0, vmargin=0):
    Rectify a ROI in a pair of images.

        im1, im2: paths to two image files
        rpc1, rpc2: paths to the two xml files containing RPC data
        x, y, w, h: four integers defining the rectangular ROI in the first
            image.  (x, y) is the top-left corner, and (w, h) are the dimensions
            of the rectangle.
        out1, out2: paths to the output rectified crops
        A (optional): 3x3 numpy array containing the pointing error correction
            for im2. This matrix is usually estimated with the pointing_accuracy
        sift_matches (optional): Nx4 numpy array containing a list of sift
            matches, in the full image coordinates frame
        method (default: 'rpc'): option to decide wether to use rpc of sift
            matches for the fundamental matrix estimation.
        {h,v}margin (optional): horizontal and vertical margins added on the
            sides of the rectified images

        This function uses the parameter subsampling_factor from the
        config module. If the factor z > 1 then the output images will
        be subsampled by a factor z. The output matrices H1, H2, and the
        ranges are also updated accordingly:
        Hi = Z * Hi with Z = diag(1/z, 1/z, 1) and
        disp_min = disp_min / z  (resp _max)

        H1, H2: Two 3x3 matrices representing the rectifying homographies that
        have been applied to the two original (large) images.
        disp_min, disp_max: horizontal disparity range
    # read RPC data
    rpc1 = rpc_model.RPCModel(rpc1)
    rpc2 = rpc_model.RPCModel(rpc2)

    # compute real or virtual matches
    if method == 'rpc':
        # find virtual matches from RPC camera models
        matches = rpc_utils.matches_from_rpc(rpc1, rpc2, x, y, w, h,

        # correct second image coordinates with the pointing correction matrix
        if A is not None:
            matches[:, 2:] = common.points_apply_homography(np.linalg.inv(A),
                                                            matches[:, 2:])
        matches = sift_matches

    # compute rectifying homographies
    H1, H2, F = rectification_homographies(matches, x, y, w, h, hmargin, vmargin)

    if cfg['register_with_shear']:
        # compose H2 with a horizontal shear to reduce the disparity range
        a = np.mean(rpc_utils.altitude_range(rpc1, x, y, w, h))
        lon, lat, alt = rpc_utils.ground_control_points(rpc1, x, y, w, h, a, a, 4)
        x1, y1 = rpc1.inverse_estimate(lon, lat, alt)[:2]
        x2, y2 = rpc2.inverse_estimate(lon, lat, alt)[:2]
        m = np.vstack([x1, y1, x2, y2]).T
        m = np.vstack({tuple(row) for row in m})  # remove duplicates due to no alt range
        H2 = register_horizontally_shear(m, H1, H2)

    # compose H2 with a horizontal translation to center disp range around 0
    if sift_matches is not None:
        sift_matches = filter_matches_epipolar_constraint(F, sift_matches,
        if len(sift_matches) < 10:
            print('WARNING: no registration with less than 10 matches')
            H2 = register_horizontally_translation(sift_matches, H1, H2)

    # compute disparity range
    if cfg['debug']:
        out_dir = os.path.dirname(out1)
        np.savetxt(os.path.join(out_dir, 'sift_matches_disp.txt'),
                   sift_matches, fmt='%9.3f')
        visualisation.plot_matches(im1, im2, rpc1, rpc2, sift_matches, x, y, w, h,
                                   os.path.join(out_dir, 'sift_matches_disp.png'))
    disp_m, disp_M = disparity_range(rpc1, rpc2, x, y, w, h, H1, H2,
                                     sift_matches, A)

    # impose a minimal disparity range (TODO this is valid only with the
    # 'center' flag for register_horizontally_translation)
    disp_m = min(-3, disp_m)
    disp_M = max(3, disp_M)

    # compute rectifying homographies for non-epipolar mode (rectify the secondary tile only)
    if block_matching.rectify_secondary_tile_only(cfg['matching_algorithm']):
        H1_inv = np.linalg.inv(H1)
        H1 = np.eye(3) # H1 is replaced by 2-D array with ones on the diagonal and zeros elsewhere
        H2 = np.dot(H1_inv,H2)
        T = common.matrix_translation(-x + hmargin, -y + vmargin)
        H1 = np.dot(T, H1)
        H2 = np.dot(T, H2)

    #  if subsampling_factor'] the homographies are altered to reflect the zoom
    z = cfg['subsampling_factor']
    if z != 1:
        Z = np.diag((1/z, 1/z, 1))
        H1 = np.dot(Z, H1)
        H2 = np.dot(Z, H2)
        disp_m = np.floor(disp_m / z)
        disp_M = np.ceil(disp_M / z)
        hmargin = int(np.floor(hmargin / z))
        vmargin = int(np.floor(vmargin / z))

    # compute output images size
    roi = [[x, y], [x+w, y], [x+w, y+h], [x, y+h]]
    pts1 = common.points_apply_homography(H1, roi)
    x0, y0, w0, h0 = common.bounding_box2D(pts1)
    # check that the first homography maps the ROI in the positive quadrant
    np.testing.assert_allclose(np.round([x0, y0]), [hmargin, vmargin], atol=.01)

    # apply homographies and do the crops
    common.image_apply_homography(out1, im1, H1, w0 + 2*hmargin, h0 + 2*vmargin)
    common.image_apply_homography(out2, im2, H2, w0 + 2*hmargin, h0 + 2*vmargin)

    if cfg['disp_min'] is not None: disp_m = cfg['disp_min']
    if cfg['disp_max'] is not None: disp_M = cfg['disp_max']

    if block_matching.rectify_secondary_tile_only(cfg['matching_algorithm']):
        pts_in = [[0, 0], [disp_m, 0], [disp_M, 0]]
        pts_out = common.points_apply_homography(H1_inv,
        disp_m = pts_out[1,:] - pts_out[0,:]
        disp_M = pts_out[2,:] - pts_out[0,:]

    return H1, H2, disp_m, disp_M
Ejemplo n.º 14
def cloud_water_image_domain(x,
    Compute a mask for pixels masked by clouds, water, or out of image domain.

        x, y, w, h: coordinates of the ROI
        rpc: path to the xml file containing the rpc coefficients of the image
            RPC model is used with SRTM data to derive the water mask
        roi_gml (optional): path to a gml file containing a mask
            defining the area contained in the full image
        cld_gml (optional): path to a gml file containing a mask
            defining the areas covered by clouds
        wat_msk (optional): path to an image file containing a water mask

        2D array containing the output binary mask. 0 indicate masked pixels, 1
        visible pixels.
    # coefficients of the transformation associated to the crop and zoom
    z = cfg['subsampling_factor']
    H = np.dot(np.diag((1 / z, 1 / z, 1)), common.matrix_translation(-x, -y))
    hij = ' '.join([str(x) for x in H.flatten()])

    w, h = int(w / z), int(h / z)
    mask = np.ones((h, w), dtype=np.bool)

    if roi_gml is not None:  # image domain mask (polygons)
        tmp = common.tmpfile('.png')
        subprocess.check_call('cldmask %d %d -h "%s" %s %s' %
                              (w, h, hij, roi_gml, tmp),

        f = gdal.Open(tmp)
        mask = np.logical_and(mask, f.ReadAsArray())
        f = None  # this is the gdal way of closing files

    if not mask.any():
        return mask

    if cld_gml is not None:  # cloud mask (polygons)
        tmp = common.tmpfile('.png')
        subprocess.check_call('cldmask %d %d -h "%s" %s %s' %
                              (w, h, hij, cld_gml, tmp),
        f = gdal.Open(tmp)
        mask = np.logical_and(mask, ~f.ReadAsArray().astype(bool))
        f = None  # this is the gdal way of closing files

    if not mask.any():
        return mask

    if wat_msk is not None:  # water mask (raster)
        f = gdal.Open(wat_msk)
        mask = np.logical_and(mask, f.ReadAsArray(x, y, w, h))
        f = None  # this is the gdal way of closing files

    elif use_srtm_for_water:  # water mask (srtm)
        tmp = common.tmpfile('.png')
        env = os.environ.copy()
        env['SRTM4_CACHE'] = cfg['srtm_dir']
        subprocess.check_call('watermask %d %d -h "%s" %s %s' %
                              (w, h, hij, rpc, tmp),
        f = gdal.Open(tmp)
        mask = np.logical_and(mask, f.ReadAsArray())
        f = None  # this is the gdal way of closing files

    return mask
Ejemplo n.º 15
def cloud_water_image_domain(x, y, w, h, rpc, roi_gml=None, cld_gml=None,
                             wat_msk=None, use_srtm_for_water=False):
    Compute a mask for pixels masked by clouds, water, or out of image domain.

        x, y, w, h: coordinates of the ROI
        rpc: path to the xml file containing the rpc coefficients of the image
            RPC model is used with SRTM data to derive the water mask
        roi_gml (optional): path to a gml file containing a mask
            defining the area contained in the full image
        cld_gml (optional): path to a gml file containing a mask
            defining the areas covered by clouds
        wat_msk (optional): path to an image file containing a water mask

        2D array containing the output binary mask. 0 indicate masked pixels, 1
        visible pixels.
    # coefficients of the transformation associated to the crop and zoom
    z = cfg['subsampling_factor']
    H = np.dot(np.diag((1/z, 1/z, 1)), common.matrix_translation(-x, -y))
    hij = ' '.join([str(el) for el in H.flatten()])

    w, h = int(w/z), int(h/z)
    mask = np.ones((h, w), dtype=np.bool)

    if roi_gml is not None:  # image domain mask (polygons)
        tmp = common.tmpfile('.png')
        subprocess.check_call('cldmask %d %d -h "%s" %s %s' % (w, h, hij,
                                                               roi_gml, tmp),

        f = gdal.Open(tmp)
        mask = np.logical_and(mask, f.ReadAsArray())
        f = None  # this is the gdal way of closing files

    if not mask.any():
        return mask

    if cld_gml is not None:  # cloud mask (polygons)
        tmp = common.tmpfile('.png')
        subprocess.check_call('cldmask %d %d -h "%s" %s %s' % (w, h, hij,
                                                               cld_gml, tmp),
        f = gdal.Open(tmp)
        mask = np.logical_and(mask, ~f.ReadAsArray().astype(bool))
        f = None  # this is the gdal way of closing files

    if not mask.any():
        return mask

    if wat_msk is not None:  # water mask (raster)
        f = gdal.Open(wat_msk)
        mask = np.logical_and(mask, f.ReadAsArray(x, y, w, h))
        f = None  # this is the gdal way of closing files

    elif use_srtm_for_water:  # water mask (srtm)
        tmp = common.tmpfile('.png')
        env = os.environ.copy()
        env['SRTM4_CACHE'] = cfg['srtm_dir']
        subprocess.check_call('watermask %d %d -h "%s" %s %s' % (w, h, hij, rpc,
                              shell=True, env=env)
        f = gdal.Open(tmp)
        mask = np.logical_and(mask, f.ReadAsArray())
        f = None  # this is the gdal way of closing files

    return mask
Ejemplo n.º 16
def multidisparities_to_ply(tile):
    Compute a point cloud from the disparity maps of N-pairs of image tiles.

        tile: dictionary containing the information needed to process a tile.

    # There is no guarantee that this function works with z!=1
    out_dir = os.path.join(tile['dir'])
    ply_file = os.path.join(out_dir, 'cloud.ply')
    plyextrema = os.path.join(out_dir, 'plyextrema.txt')
    x, y, w, h = tile['coordinates']

    rpc_ref = cfg['images'][0]['rpc']
    disp_list = list()
    rpc_list = list()

    if cfg['skip_existing'] and os.path.isfile(ply_file):
        print('triangulation done on tile {} {}'.format(x, y))

    mask_orig = os.path.join(out_dir, 'cloud_water_image_domain_mask.png')

    print('triangulating tile {} {}...'.format(x, y))
    n = len(cfg['images']) - 1
    for i in range(n):
        pair = 'pair_%d' % (i + 1)
        H_ref = os.path.join(out_dir, pair, 'H_ref.txt')
        H_sec = os.path.join(out_dir, pair, 'H_sec.txt')
        disp = os.path.join(out_dir, pair, 'rectified_disp.tif')
        mask_rect = os.path.join(out_dir, pair, 'rectified_mask.png')
        disp2D = os.path.join(out_dir, pair, 'disp2D.tif')
        rpc_sec = cfg['images'][i + 1]['rpc']

        if os.path.exists(disp):
            # homography for warp
            T = common.matrix_translation(x, y)
            hom_ref = np.loadtxt(H_ref)
            hom_ref_shift = np.dot(hom_ref, T)

            # homography for 1D to 2D conversion
            hom_sec = np.loadtxt(H_sec)
            if cfg["use_global_pointing_for_geometric_triangulation"] is True:
                pointing = os.path.join(cfg['out_dir'],
                                        'global_pointing_%s.txt' % pair)
                hom_pointing = np.loadtxt(pointing)
                hom_sec = np.dot(hom_sec, np.linalg.inv(hom_pointing))
            hom_sec_shift_inv = np.linalg.inv(hom_sec)

            h1 = " ".join(str(x) for x in hom_ref_shift.flatten())
            h2 = " ".join(str(x) for x in hom_sec_shift_inv.flatten())

            # relative disparity map to absolute disparity map
            tmp_abs = common.tmpfile('.tif')
            os.environ["PLAMBDA_GETPIXEL"] = "0"
                'plambda %s %s "y 0 = nan x[0] :i + x[1] :j + 1 3 njoin if" -o %s'
                % (disp, mask_rect, tmp_abs))

            # 1d to 2d conversion
            tmp_1d_to_2d = common.tmpfile('.tif')
            common.run('plambda %s "%s 9 njoin x mprod" -o %s' %
                       (tmp_abs, h2, tmp_1d_to_2d))

            # warp
            tmp_warp = common.tmpfile('.tif')
            common.run('homwarp -o 2 "%s" %d %d %s %s' %
                       (h1, w, h, tmp_1d_to_2d, tmp_warp))

            # set masked value to NaN
            exp = 'y 0 = nan x if'
            common.run('plambda %s %s "%s" -o %s' %
                       (tmp_warp, mask_orig, exp, disp2D))
            # disp2D contains positions in the secondary image

            # added input data for triangulation module

            if cfg['clean_intermediate']:

    colors = os.path.join(out_dir, 'ref.png')
    if cfg['images'][0]['clr']:
        common.image_crop_gdal(cfg['images'][0]['clr'], x, y, w, h, colors)
            common.image_crop_gdal(cfg['images'][0]['img'], x, y, w, h),

    # compute the point cloud
                                               xybbx=(x, x + w, y, y + h))

    # compute the point cloud extrema (xmin, xmax, xmin, ymax)
    common.run("plyextrema %s %s" % (ply_file, plyextrema))

    if cfg['clean_intermediate']:
Ejemplo n.º 17
def local_translation_rotation(r1, r2, x, y, w, h, m):
    Estimates the optimal translation to minimise the relative pointing error
    on a given tile.

        r1, r2: two instances of the rpc_model.RPCModel class
        x, y, w, h: region of interest in the reference image (r1)
        m: Nx4 numpy array containing a list of matches, one per line. Each
            match is given by (p1, p2, q1, q2) where (p1, p2) is a point of the
            reference view and (q1, q2) is the corresponding point in the
            secondary view.

        3x3 numpy array containing the homogeneous representation of the
        optimal planar translation, to be applied to the secondary image in
        order to correct the pointing error.
    # estimate the affine fundamental matrix between the two views
    n = cfg['n_gcp_per_axis']
    rpc_matches = rpc_utils.matches_from_rpc(r1, r2, x, y, w, h, n)
    F = estimation.affine_fundamental_matrix(rpc_matches)

    # Compute rectification homographies
    # S1, S2 = estimation.rectifying_similarities_from_affine_fundamental_matrix(F, cfg['debug'])
    hmargin = cfg['horizontal_margin']
    vmargin = cfg['vertical_margin']
    S1, S2, F_rect = rectification.rectification_homographies(rpc_matches, x, y, w, h, hmargin, vmargin)

    N = len(m)
    # Apply rectification on image 1
    S1p1 = common.points_apply_homography(S1, m[:,0:2])
    S1p1 = np.column_stack((S1p1,np.ones((N,1))))
    print("Points 1 rectied")
    # Apply rectification on image 2
    S2p2 = common.points_apply_homography(S1, m[:,2:4])
    S2p2 = np.column_stack((S2p2, np.ones((N,1))))
    print("Points 2 rectied")

    # Compute F in the rectified space
    rect_matches = np.column_stack((S1p1[:,0:2], S2p2[:, 0:2]))
    F_rect2 = estimation.affine_fundamental_matrix(rect_matches)

    # Compute epipolar lines
    FS1p1 = np.dot(F_rect2, S1p1.T).T

    # Normalize epipolar lines
    c1 = -FS1p1[:, 1]
    FS1p1_norm = FS1p1/c1[:, np.newaxis]

    # Variable of optimization problem
    A_ = np.ones((N,1))
    # A_ = np.column_stack((S2p2[:,0].reshape(N, 1),np.ones((N,1))))
    # b_ = S2p2[:, 1] - FS1p1_norm[:, 2]
    b_ = S2p2[:, 1] - S1p1[:, 1]
    t_med = np.median(b_)

    t_med2 = np.sort(b_)[int(N/2)]
    print("t_med2", t_med2)

    # min ||Ax + b||^2 => x = - (A^T A )^-1 A^T b
    # X_ = - np.dot(np.linalg.inv(np.dot(A_.T, A_)), np.dot(A_.T, b_))
    # [theta, t] = X_
    # print(t, theta)
    # t = X_[0]

    # Compute epipolar lines witout recitifcation
    p1 = np.column_stack((m[:,0:2],np.ones((N,1))))
    Fp1 = np.dot(F, p1.T).T

    # Compute normal vector to epipolar liness
    ab = np.array([Fp1[0][0], Fp1[0][1]])
    ab = ab/np.linalg.norm(ab)

    tx = t_med*ab[0]
    ty = t_med*ab[1]
    print(tx, ty)

    # Get translation in not rectified image
    T = common.matrix_translation(0, -t_med)
    T = np.linalg.inv(S2).dot(T).dot(S2)
    # T = np.dot(S2_inv, T)

    theta = 0
    cos_theta = np.cos(theta)
    sin_theta = np.sin(theta)
    A = np.array([[cos_theta, -sin_theta, tx],
                  [sin_theta,  cos_theta, ty],
                  [0, 0, 1]])
    return A, F