Ejemplo n.º 1
def execute(param, state, bot_id, pub):
    botPos = Vector2D(int(state.homePos[bot_id].x),
    ballPos = Vector2D(int(state.ballPos.x), int(state.ballPos.y))
    destPoint = Vector2D(int(param.KickToPointP.x), int(param.KickToPointP.y))
    ob = Vector2D()

    finalSlope = destPoint.angle(botPos)
    turnAngleLeft = ob.normalizeAngle(
        finalSlope - state.homePos[bot_id].theta)  #Angle left to turn
    dist = ballPos.dist(botPos)

    if dist > BOT_BALL_THRESH:
        sGoToBall.execute(param, state, bot_id, pub)

    if math.fabs(turnAngleLeft
                 ) > SATISFIABLE_THETA / 2:  # SATISFIABLE_THETA in config file
        sParam = skills_union.SParam()
        sParam.TurnToPointP.x = destPoint.x
        sParam.TurnToPointP.y = destPoint.y
        sParam.TurnToPointP.max_omega = MAX_BOT_OMEGA * 3
        sTurnToPoint.execute(sParam, state, bot_id, pub)

    skill_node.send_command(pub, state.isteamyellow, bot_id, 0, 0, 0,
                            param.KickToPointP.power, False)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def execute(self, state, pub):
        target = Vector2D(int(0), int(0))
        ballPos = Vector2D(int(state.ballPos.x), int(state.ballPos.y))
        botPos = Vector2D(int(state.homePos[self.bot_id].x),
        flag = 0

        theta = atan2((ballPos.y - target.y), (ballPos.x - target.x))

        if ballPos.dist(botPos) > 2 * BOT_RADIUS:
            x1 = BOT_RADIUS * cos(theta) + float(state.ballPos.x)
            y1 = BOT_RADIUS * sin(theta) + float(state.ballPos.y)

            fpoint = Vector2D(int(x1), int(y1))

            x2 = -BOT_RADIUS * cos(theta) + float(state.ballPos.x)
            y2 = -BOT_RADIUS * sin(theta) + float(state.ballPos.y)

            spoint = Vector2D(int(x2), int(y2))

            fix = Vector2D()

            if target.dist(fpoint) > target.dist(spoint):
                fix.x = int(fpoint.x)
                fix.y = int(fpoint.y)
                fix.x = int(spoint.x)
                fix.y = int(spoint.y)

            #angleToTurn = ballPos.normalizeAngle((ballPos.angle(botPos))-(state.homePos[bot_id].theta))

            print "*******BALL POS  " + str(ballPos.x) + "   " + str(ballPos.y)

            print "#####FIX POINT   " + str(fix.x) + "     " + str(fix.y)

            self.sParam.GoToPointP.x = fix.x
            self.sParam.GoToPointP.y = fix.y
            self.sParam.GoToPointP.finalslope = ballPos.angle(target)
            self.sParam.GoToPointP.align = True
            sGoToPoint.execute(self.sParam, state, self.bot_id, pub)
            print "################GOTOPOINT WHEN SELECTING POINT##############"

        elif ballPos.dist(botPos) < 2 * BOT_RADIUS and ballPos.dist(
                botPos) > BOT_RADIUS:

            self.sParam.GoToBallP.intercept = False  #may be true
            sGoToBall.execute(self.sParam, state, self.bot_id, pub)
            print "###############GOTOBALL################"

        elif ballPos.dist(botPos) <= BOT_RADIUS:
            self.sParam.GoToPointP.x = target.x
            self.sParam.GoToPointP.y = target.y
            self.sParam.GoToPointP.finalslope = ballPos.angle(target)
            self.sParam.GoToPointP.align = True
            sGoToPoint.execute(self.sParam, state, self.bot_id, pub)
            print "#################GOING FOR TARGET########"
Ejemplo n.º 3
def execute(param, state, bot_id):
    botPos = Vector2D(state.homePos[bot_id].x, state.homePos[bot_id].y)
    ballPos = Vector2D(state.ballPos.x, state.ballPos.y)
    destPoint = Vector2D(param.KickToPointP.x, param.KickToPointP.y)
    ob = Vector2D()

    finalSlope = ob.angle(destPoint, botPos)
    turnAngleLeft = ob.normalizeAngle(
        finalSlope - state.homePos[bot_id].theta)  #Angle left to turn
    dist = ob.dist(ballPos, botPos)

    if dist > BOT_BALL_THRESH:
        sGoToBall.execute(param, state, bot_id)

    if math.fabs(turnAngleLeft
                 ) > SATISFIABLE_THETA / 2:  # SATISFIABLE_THETA in config file
        paramt = Sparam()
        paramt.TurnToPointP.x = destPoint.x
        paramt.TurnToPointP.y = destPoint.y
        paramt.TurnToPointP.max_omega = MAX_BOT_OMEGA * 3
        sTurnToPoint.execute(paramt, state, bot_id)

    skill_node.send_command(state.isteamyellow, bot_id, 0, 0, 0,
                            param.KickToPointP.power, False)
Ejemplo n.º 4
import skill_node
import maths
import sGoToBall
import sTurnToPoint
def execute(param, state, bot_id):
	botPos=Vector2D(state.homePos[bot_id].x, state.homePos[bot_id].y)
    ballPos=Vector2D(state.ballPos.x, state.ballPos.y)
    destPoint=Vector2D(param.KickToPointP.x, param.KickToPointP.y)
    ob = Vector2D()

    finalSlope = ob.angle(destPoint, botPos)
    turnAngleLeft = ob.normalizeAngle(finalSlope - state.homePos[bot_id].theta)  #Angle left to turn
    dist = ob.dist(ballPos, botPos)

    if dist > BOT_BALL_THRESH :
        return  sGoToBall.execute(param,state,bot_id)

    if math.fabs(turnAngleLeft) > SATISFIABLE_THETA/2 : # SATISFIABLE_THETA in config file
        Sparam paramt()
        paramt.TurnToPointP.x = destPoint.x
        paramt.TurnToPointP.y = destPoint.y
        paramt.TurnToPointP.max_omega = MAX_BOT_OMEGA*3
        return sTurnToPoint.execute(paramt, state, bot_id)

    skill_node.send_command(state.isteamyellow, bot_id ,0, 0, 0, param.KickToPointP.power, False)

Ejemplo n.º 5
    def execute(self, state, pub):
        #add all parameters
        markBotID = self.param.IntercptP.awayBotID
        markBot = Vector2D(int(state.homePos[markBotID].x),
        botPos = Vector2D(int(state.homePos[self.bot_id].x),
        ballpos = Vector2D(int(state.ballPos.x), int(state.ballPos.y))

        passerBotID = -1
        mindis = -1.0
        TEAMSIZE = 5

        for i in range(TEAMSIZE):
            if i != self.bot_id and i != markBotID:
                bot = Vector2D(int(state.homePos[i].x),
                dis = bot.dist(ballpos)
                if 0.0 > mindis:
                    mindis = dis
                    passerBotID = i
                elif dis < mindis:
                    mindis = dis  #ASK
                    passerBotID = i  #ASK

        passerBot = Vector2D(int(state.homePos[passerBotID].x),

        #goal_point is the point which will be blocked by the intercepter
        OUR_GOAL_X = 500

        goal_point = Vector2D(int(OUR_GOAL_X), int(0))
        destination = Vector2D()
        destinationSlope = Vector2D()

        ballFromBot = ballpos.dist(botPos)
        ballFromPasser = ballpos.dist(passerBot)
        ballFromMark = ballpos.dist(markBot)

        global ballFromOpp

        if ballFromPasser > ballFromMark:
            ballFromOpp = ballFromMark / 1.0
            ballFromOpp = ballFromPasser / 1.0

        if ballFromOpp < ballFromBot:
            if self.param.IntercptP.where == 0:
                destination.x = int(0.7 * markBot.x + 0.3 * passerBot.x)
                destination.y = int(
                    0.7 * markBot.y +
                    0.3 * passerBot.y)  #0.7 * markBot + 0.3 * passerBot
                destination.x = int(0.7 * markBot.x + 0.3 * goal_point.x)
                destination.y = int(0.7 * markBot.y + 0.3 * goal_point.y)

            destinationSlope = passerBot.angle(botPos)
            pointFromBot = botPos.dist(destination)

            global iState

            if pointFromBot > BOT_BALL_THRESH:
                iState = 1  #"GOTOPOSITION"
                if pointFromBot <= DRIBBLER_BALL_THRESH:
                    iState = 2  #"GOTOBALL"
                    iState = 1  #"GOTOPOSTION"
            if ballFromBot > DRIBBLER_BALL_THRESH:
                iState = 2  #"GOTOBALL"
                iState = 3  #"CLEAR"

        if iState is 1:
            #call here gotoPosition
            self.sParam.GoToPointP.x = destination.x
            self.sParam.GoToPointP.y = destination.y
            self.sParam.GoToPointP.finalVelocity = MAX_BOT_SPEED
            self.sParam.GoToPointP.finalslope = destinationSlope
            self.sParam.GoToPointP.align = False

            sGoToPoint.execute(self.sParam, state, self.bot_id, pub)
        elif iState is 2:
            #call here gotoBall
            self.sParam.GoToBallP.intercept = False
            sGoToBall.execute(self.sParam, state, self.bot_id, pub)

        elif iState is 3:
            #call here clear
            self.sParam.KickP.power = 10
            sKick.execute(self.sParam, state, self.bot_id, pub)