Ejemplo n.º 1
def blocksparse_attention_impl(q, k, v, heads, attn_mode, local_attn_ctx=None,
                               blocksize=32, num_verts=None, vertsize=None):
    global bst_dict
    n_ctx = shape_list(q)[1]
    assert shape_list(v)[1]%n_ctx == 0
    if attn_mode == 'strided':
        # Strided attention is implemented on the transposed matrix to provide greater block sparsity
        q = strided_transpose(q, n_ctx, local_attn_ctx, blocksize)
        k = strided_transpose(k, n_ctx, local_attn_ctx, blocksize)
        v = strided_transpose(v, n_ctx, local_attn_ctx, blocksize)
    n_state = shape_list(q)[-1] // heads
    key = f'{local_attn_ctx}' + f'{n_ctx}' + attn_mode
    if key not in bst_dict:
        bst_dict[key]= get_blocksparse_obj(n_ctx, heads, attn_mode, blocksize, local_attn_ctx, num_verts, vertsize, shape_list(v)[1]//n_ctx - 1)
    bst = bst_dict[key]
    scale_amount = tf.cast(1.0 / np.sqrt(n_state), tf.float32)
    w = bst.query_key_op(q, k)
    w = bst.masked_softmax(w, scale=scale_amount)
    a = bst.weight_value_op(w, v)
    if attn_mode == 'strided':
        n, t, embd = shape_list(a)
        bT_ctx = n_ctx // local_attn_ctx
        a = tf.reshape(a, [n, local_attn_ctx, bT_ctx, embd])
        a = tf.transpose(a, [0, 2, 1, 3])
        a = tf.reshape(a, [n, t, embd])
    return a
Ejemplo n.º 2
def merge_states(x):
    reshape (batch, pixel, head, head_state) -> (batch, pixel, state)
    x_shape = shape_list(x)
    new_x_shape = x_shape[:-2] + [np.prod(x_shape[-2:])]
    return tf.reshape(x, new_x_shape)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def split_states(x, n):
    reshape (batch, pixel, state) -> (batch, pixel, head, head_state)
    x_shape = shape_list(x)
    m = x_shape[-1]
    new_x_shape = x_shape[:-1] + [n, m // n]
    return tf.reshape(x, new_x_shape)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def strided_transpose(x, n_ctx, local_attn_ctx, blocksize):
    bT_ctx = n_ctx // local_attn_ctx
    assert bT_ctx % blocksize == 0, f'{bT_ctx}, {blocksize}'
    n, t, embd = shape_list(x)
    x = tf.reshape(x, [n, bT_ctx, local_attn_ctx, embd])
    x = tf.transpose(x, [0, 2, 1, 3])
    x = tf.reshape(x, [n, t, embd])
    return x
Ejemplo n.º 5
def attention_impl(q, k, v, heads, attn_mode, local_attn_ctx=None):
    q = split_heads(q, heads)
    k = split_heads(k, heads)
    v = split_heads(v, heads)
    n_timesteps = shape_list(k)[2]
    mask = tf.to_float(get_attn_mask(n_timesteps, attn_mode, local_attn_ctx))
    w = tf.matmul(q, k, transpose_b=True)
    scale_amount = 1.0 / np.sqrt(shape_list(q)[-1])
    orig_dtype = q.dtype
    if orig_dtype == tf.float16:
        w = tf.cast(w, tf.float32)
    w = w * scale_amount
    w = w * mask + -1e9 * (1 - mask)
    w = tf.nn.softmax(w)
    w = tf.cast(w, orig_dtype)
    a = tf.matmul(w, v)
    a = merge_heads(a)
    return a