Ejemplo n.º 1
def is_archive(path: str) -> Tuple[int, Any, str]:
    """Check if file in path is an ZIP, RAR or 7z file
    :param path: path to file
    :return: (zf, status, expected_extension)
            status: -1==Error/Retry, 0==OK, 1==Ignore
    if zipfile.is_zipfile(path):
            zf = zipfile.ZipFile(path)
            return 0, zf, ".zip"
            logging.info(T("Cannot read %s"), path, exc_info=True)
            return -1, None, ""
    elif rarfile.is_rarfile(path):
            # Set path to tool to open it
            rarfile.UNRAR_TOOL = sabnzbd.newsunpack.RAR_COMMAND
            zf = rarfile.RarFile(path)
            return 0, zf, ".rar"
            logging.info(T("Cannot read %s"), path, exc_info=True)
            return -1, None, ""
    elif sabnzbd.newsunpack.is_sevenfile(path):
            zf = sabnzbd.newsunpack.SevenZip(path)
            return 0, zf, ".7z"
            logging.info(T("Cannot read %s"), path, exc_info=True)
            return -1, None, ""
        logging.info("Archive %s is not a real archive!",
        return 1, None, ""
Ejemplo n.º 2
def is_archive(path):
    """ Check if file in path is an ZIP, RAR or 7z file
    :param path: path to file
    :return: (zf, status, expected_extension)
            status: -1==Error/Retry, 0==OK, 1==Ignore
    if zipfile.is_zipfile(path):
            zf = zipfile.ZipFile(path)
            return 0, zf, '.zip'
            logging.info(T('Cannot read %s'), path, exc_info=True)
            return -1, None, ''
    elif misc.is_rarfile(path):
            # Set path to tool to open it
            rarfile.UNRAR_TOOL = sabnzbd.newsunpack.RAR_COMMAND
            zf = rarfile.RarFile(path)
            return 0, zf, '.rar'
            logging.info(T('Cannot read %s'), path, exc_info=True)
            return -1, None, ''
    elif is_sevenfile(path):
            zf = SevenZip(path)
            return 0, zf, '.7z'
            logging.info(T('Cannot read %s'), path, exc_info=True)
            return -1, None, ''
        logging.info('Archive %s is not a real archive!',
        return 1, None, ''
Ejemplo n.º 3
def is_archive(path):
    """ Check if file in path is an ZIP, RAR or 7z file
    :param path: path to file
    :return: (zf, status, expected_extension)
            status: -1==Error/Retry, 0==OK, 1==Ignore
    if zipfile.is_zipfile(path):
            zf = zipfile.ZipFile(path)
            return 0, zf, '.zip'
            return -1, None, ''
    elif rarfile.is_rarfile(path):
            zf = rarfile.RarFile(path)
            # Set path to tool to open it
            rarfile.UNRAR_TOOL = sabnzbd.newsunpack.RAR_COMMAND
            return 0, zf, '.rar'
            return -1, None, ''
    elif is_sevenfile(path):
            zf = SevenZip(path)
            return 0, zf, '.7z'
            return -1, None, ''
        return 1, None, ''
Ejemplo n.º 4
def try_rar_check(nzo, workdir, setname):
    """ Attempt to verify set using the RARs
        Return True if verified, False when failed
        When setname is '', all RAR files will be used, otherwise only the matching one
        If no RAR's are found, returns True
    _, _, rars, _, _ = build_filelists(workdir)

    if setname:
        # Filter based on set
        rars = [
            rar for rar in rars if os.path.basename(rar).startswith(setname)

    # Sort

    # Test
    if rars:
        nzo.status = Status.VERIFYING
                            T('Trying RAR-based verification'),
        nzo.set_action_line(T('Trying RAR-based verification'), '...')
            # Set path to unrar and open the file
            # Requires de-unicode for RarFile to work!
            rarfile.UNRAR_TOOL = sabnzbd.newsunpack.RAR_COMMAND
            zf = rarfile.RarFile(rars[0])

            # Skip if it's encrypted
            if zf.needs_password():
                msg = T('[%s] RAR-based verification failed: %s') % (unicoder(
                    os.path.basename(rars[0])), T('Passworded'))
                nzo.set_unpack_info('Repair', msg, set=setname)
                return True

            # Will throw exception if something is wrong
            # Success!
            msg = T('RAR files verified successfully')
            nzo.set_unpack_info('Repair', msg, set=setname)
            return True
        except rarfile.Error as e:
            nzo.fail_msg = T('RAR files failed to verify')
            msg = T('[%s] RAR-based verification failed: %s') % (unicoder(
                    rars[0])), unicoder(e.message.replace('\r\n', ' ')))
            nzo.set_unpack_info('Repair', msg, set=setname)
            return False
        # No rar-files, so just continue
        return True
Ejemplo n.º 5
def try_rar_check(nzo, rars):
    """Attempt to verify set using the RARs
    Return True if verified, False when failed
    When setname is '', all RAR files will be used, otherwise only the matching one
    If no RAR's are found, returns True
    # Sort for better processing

    # Test
    if rars:
        setname = setname_from_path(rars[0])
        nzo.status = Status.VERIFYING
        nzo.set_unpack_info("Repair", T("Trying RAR-based verification"),
        nzo.set_action_line(T("Trying RAR-based verification"), "...")
            # Set path to unrar and open the file
            # Requires de-unicode for RarFile to work!
            rarfile.UNRAR_TOOL = sabnzbd.newsunpack.RAR_COMMAND
            zf = rarfile.RarFile(rars[0])

            # Skip if it's encrypted
            if zf.needs_password():
                msg = T("[%s] RAR-based verification failed: %s") % (
                    setname, T("Passworded"))
                nzo.set_unpack_info("Repair", msg)
                return True

            # Will throw exception if something is wrong
            # Success!
            msg = T("RAR files verified successfully")
            nzo.set_unpack_info("Repair", msg, setname)
            return True
        except rarfile.Error as e:
            nzo.fail_msg = T("RAR files failed to verify")
            msg = T("[%s] RAR-based verification failed: %s") % (setname, e)
            nzo.set_unpack_info("Repair", msg, setname)
            return False
        # No rar-files, so just continue
        return True
Ejemplo n.º 6
def check_encrypted_and_unwanted_files(nzo, filepath):
    """ Combines check for unwanted and encrypted files to save on CPU and IO """
    encrypted = False
    unwanted = None

    if (cfg.unwanted_extensions() and cfg.action_on_unwanted_extensions()) or (
            nzo.encrypted == 0 and cfg.pause_on_pwrar()):
        # These checks should not break the assembler
            # Rarfile freezes on Windows special names, so don't try those!
            if sabnzbd.WIN32 and has_win_device(filepath):
                return encrypted, unwanted

            # Is it even a rarfile?
            if rarfile.is_rarfile(filepath):
                # Open the rar
                rarfile.UNRAR_TOOL = sabnzbd.newsunpack.RAR_COMMAND
                zf = rarfile.RarFile(filepath, all_names=True)

                # Check for encryption
                if nzo.encrypted == 0 and cfg.pause_on_pwrar() and (
                        or is_cloaked(nzo, filepath, zf.namelist())):
                    # Load all passwords
                    passwords = get_all_passwords(nzo)

                    # Cloaked job?
                    if is_cloaked(nzo, filepath, zf.namelist()):
                        encrypted = True
                    elif not sabnzbd.HAVE_CRYPTOGRAPHY and not passwords:
                        # if no cryptography installed, only error when no password was set
                        logging.info(T('%s missing'), 'Python Cryptography')
                        nzo.encrypted = 1
                        encrypted = True

                    elif sabnzbd.HAVE_CRYPTOGRAPHY:
                        # Lets test if any of the password work
                        password_hit = False

                        for password in passwords:
                            if password:
                                    'Trying password "%s" on job "%s"',
                                    password, nzo.final_name)
                                    # On weird passwords the setpassword() will fail
                                    # but the actual rartest() will work
                                    password_hit = password
                                except rarfile.RarCRCError:
                                    # On CRC error we can continue!
                                    password_hit = password
                                except Exception as e:
                                    # Did we start from the right volume?
                                    if 'need to start extraction from a previous volume' in e[
                                        return encrypted, unwanted
                                    # This one failed

                        # Did any work?
                        if password_hit:
                            # We always trust the user's input
                            if not nzo.password:
                                nzo.password = password_hit
                            # Don't check other files
                            logging.info('Password "%s" matches for job "%s"',
                                         password_hit, nzo.final_name)
                            nzo.encrypted = -1
                            encrypted = False
                            # Encrypted and none of them worked
                            nzo.encrypted = 1
                            encrypted = True
                        # Don't check other files
                        nzo.encrypted = -1
                        encrypted = False

                # Check for unwanted extensions
                if cfg.unwanted_extensions(
                ) and cfg.action_on_unwanted_extensions():
                    for somefile in zf.namelist():
                        logging.debug('File contains: %s', somefile)
                        if get_ext(somefile).replace(
                                '.', '').lower() in cfg.unwanted_extensions():
                            logging.debug('Unwanted file %s', somefile)
                            unwanted = somefile
                del zf
            logging.info('Error during inspection of RAR-file %s', filepath)
            logging.debug('Traceback: ', exc_info=True)

    return encrypted, unwanted
Ejemplo n.º 7
def rar_renamer(nzo, workdir):
    """ Deobfuscate rar file names: Use header and content information to give RAR-files decent names """
    nzo.status = Status.VERIFYING
    nzo.set_unpack_info("Repair", T("Trying RAR-based verification"))
    nzo.set_action_line(T("Trying RAR-based verification"), "...")

    renamed_files = 0

    # This is the most important datastructure (in case of mixed obfuscated rarsets)
    rarvolnr = {}
    # rarvolnr will contain per rar vol number the rarfilenames and their respective contents (and maybe other characteristics, like filesizes).
    # for example: rarvolnr[6]['somerandomfilename.rar']={'readme.txt', 'linux.iso'},
    # which means 'somerandomfilename.rar' has rarvolnumber 6, and contents 'readme.txt' and 'linux.iso'
    # if we find a rarfile with rarvolnumber 7, and 'linux.iso' in it, we have a match!

    # The volume number and real extension of a (obfuscated) rar file
    # so volnrext['dfakjldfalkjdfl.blabla'] = (14, 'part014.rar') or (2, 'r000')
    # Not really needed, but handy to avoid a second lookup at the renaming
    volnrext = {}

    # Scan rar files in workdir, but not subdirs
    workdir_files = os.listdir(workdir)
    for file_to_check in workdir_files:
        file_to_check = os.path.join(workdir, file_to_check)
        # We only want files:
        if not (os.path.isfile(file_to_check)):
        # The function will check if it's a RAR-file
        # We do a sanity-check for the returned number
        rar_vol, new_extension = rarvolinfo.get_rar_extension(file_to_check)
        if 0 < rar_vol < 1000:
            logging.debug("Detected volume-number %s from RAR-header: %s ",
                          rar_vol, file_to_check)
            volnrext[file_to_check] = (rar_vol, new_extension)
            # The files inside rar file
            rar_contents = rarfile.RarFile(os.path.join(
                workdir, file_to_check),
                # does not yet exist, so create:
                rarvolnr[rar_vol] = {}
                file_to_check] = rar_contents  # store them for matching (if needed)
            logging.debug("No RAR-volume-number found in %s", file_to_check)

    logging.debug("Deobfuscate: rarvolnr is: %s", rarvolnr)
    logging.debug("Deobfuscate: volnrext is: %s", volnrext)

    # Could be that there are no rar-files, we stop
    if not len(rarvolnr):
        return renamed_files

    # Check number of different obfuscated rar sets:
    numberofrarsets = len(rarvolnr[1])
    if numberofrarsets == 1:
        # Just one obfuscated rarset
        logging.debug("Deobfuscate: Just one obfuscated rarset")
        for filename in volnrext:
            new_rar_name = "%s.%s" % (nzo.final_name, volnrext[filename][1])
            new_rar_name = os.path.join(workdir, new_rar_name)
            new_rar_name = get_unique_filename(new_rar_name)
            logging.debug("Deobfuscate: Renaming %s to %s" %
                          (filename, new_rar_name))
            renamer(filename, new_rar_name)
            renamed_files += 1
        # More than one obfuscated rarset, so we must do matching based of files inside the rar files
        logging.debug("Number of obfuscated rarsets: %s", numberofrarsets)

        # Assign (random) rar set names
        rarsetname = {
        }  # in which rar set it should be, so rar set 'A', or 'B', or ...
        mychar = "A"
        # First things first: Assigning a rarsetname to the rar file which have volume number 1
        for base_obfuscated_filename in rarvolnr[1]:
                base_obfuscated_filename] = mychar + "--" + nzo.final_name
            mychar = chr(ord(mychar) + 1)
        logging.debug("Deobfuscate: rarsetname %s", rarsetname)

        # Do the matching, layer by layer (read: rarvolnumber)
        # So, all rar files with rarvolnr 1, find the contents (files inside the rar),
        # and match with rarfiles with rarvolnr 2, and put them in the correct rarset.
        # And so on, until the highest rarvolnr minus 1 matched against highest rarvolnr
        for n in range(1, len(rarvolnr.keys())):
                "Deobfuscate: Finding matches between rar sets %s and %s" %
                (n, n + 1))
            for base_obfuscated_filename in rarvolnr[n]:
                matchcounter = 0
                for next_obfuscated_filename in rarvolnr[n + 1]:
                    # set() method with intersection (less strict): set(rarvolnr[n][base_obfuscated_filename]).intersection(set(rarvolnr[n+1][next_obfuscated_filename]))
                    # check if the last filename inside the existing rar matches with the first filename in the following rar
                    if rarvolnr[n][base_obfuscated_filename][-1] == rarvolnr[
                            n + 1][next_obfuscated_filename][0]:
                            rarsetname[next_obfuscated_filename] = rarsetname[
                            matchcounter += 1
                        except KeyError:
                                T("No matching earlier rar file for %s"),
                if matchcounter > 1:
                        "Deobfuscate: more than one match, so risk on false positive matching."

        # Do the renaming:
        for filename in rarsetname:
            new_rar_name = "%s.%s" % (rarsetname[filename],
            new_rar_name = os.path.join(workdir, new_rar_name)
            new_rar_name = get_unique_filename(new_rar_name)
            logging.debug("Deobfuscate: Renaming %s to %s" %
                          (filename, new_rar_name))
            renamer(filename, new_rar_name)
            renamed_files += 1

    # Done: The obfuscated rar files have now been renamed to regular formatted filenames
    return renamed_files
Ejemplo n.º 8
def check_encrypted_and_unwanted_files(nzo: NzbObject, filepath: str) -> Tuple[bool, Optional[str]]:
    """ Combines check for unwanted and encrypted files to save on CPU and IO """
    encrypted = False
    unwanted = None

    if (cfg.unwanted_extensions() and cfg.action_on_unwanted_extensions()) or (
        nzo.encrypted == 0 and cfg.pause_on_pwrar()
        # These checks should not break the assembler
            # Rarfile freezes on Windows special names, so don't try those!
            if sabnzbd.WIN32 and has_win_device(filepath):
                return encrypted, unwanted

            # Is it even a rarfile?
            if rarfile.is_rarfile(filepath):
                # Open the rar
                rarfile.UNRAR_TOOL = sabnzbd.newsunpack.RAR_COMMAND
                zf = rarfile.RarFile(filepath, single_file_check=True)

                # Check for encryption
                if (
                    nzo.encrypted == 0
                    and cfg.pause_on_pwrar()
                    and (zf.needs_password() or is_cloaked(nzo, filepath, zf.namelist()))
                    # Load all passwords
                    passwords = get_all_passwords(nzo)

                    # Cloaked job?
                    if is_cloaked(nzo, filepath, zf.namelist()):
                        encrypted = True
                    elif not passwords:
                        # Only error when no password was set
                        nzo.encrypted = 1
                        encrypted = True
                        # Lets test if any of the password work
                        password_hit = False

                        for password in passwords:
                            if password:
                                logging.info('Trying password "%s" on job "%s"', password, nzo.final_name)
                                except rarfile.Error:
                                    # On weird passwords the setpassword() will fail
                                    # but the actual testrar() will work
                                    password_hit = password
                                except rarfile.RarWrongPassword:
                                    # This one really didn't work
                                except rarfile.RarCRCError as e:
                                    # CRC errors can be thrown for wrong password or
                                    # missing the next volume (with correct password)
                                    if "cannot find volume" in str(e).lower():
                                        # We assume this one worked!
                                        password_hit = password
                                    # This one didn't work
                                    # All the other errors we skip, they might be fixable in post-proc.
                                    # For example starting from the wrong volume, or damaged files
                                    # This will cause the check to be performed again for the next rar, might
                                    # be disk-intensive! Could be removed later and just accept the password.
                                    return encrypted, unwanted

                        # Did any work?
                        if password_hit:
                            # We always trust the user's input
                            if not nzo.password:
                                nzo.password = password_hit
                            # Don't check other files
                            logging.info('Password "%s" matches for job "%s"', password_hit, nzo.final_name)
                            nzo.encrypted = -1
                            encrypted = False
                            # Encrypted and none of them worked
                            nzo.encrypted = 1
                            encrypted = True

                # Check for unwanted extensions
                if cfg.unwanted_extensions() and cfg.action_on_unwanted_extensions():
                    for somefile in zf.namelist():
                        logging.debug("File contains: %s", somefile)
                        if get_ext(somefile).replace(".", "").lower() in cfg.unwanted_extensions():
                            logging.debug("Unwanted file %s", somefile)
                            unwanted = somefile
                del zf
            logging.info("Error during inspection of RAR-file %s", filepath)
            logging.debug("Traceback: ", exc_info=True)

    return encrypted, unwanted
Ejemplo n.º 9
def rar_renamer(nzo: NzbObject, workdir):
    """ Deobfuscate rar file names: Use header and content information to give RAR-files decent names """
    nzo.status = Status.VERIFYING
    nzo.set_unpack_info("Repair", T("Trying RAR renamer"))
    nzo.set_action_line(T("Trying RAR renamer"), "...")

    renamed_files = 0

    # This is the most important datastructure (in case of mixed obfuscated rarsets)
    rarvolnr = {}
    # rarvolnr will contain per rar vol number the rarfilenames and their respective contents (and maybe other characteristics, like filesizes).
    # for example: rarvolnr[6]['somerandomfilename.rar']={'readme.txt', 'linux.iso'},
    # which means 'somerandomfilename.rar' has rarvolnumber 6, and contents 'readme.txt' and 'linux.iso'
    # if we find a rarfile with rarvolnumber 7, and 'linux.iso' in it, we have a match!

    # The volume number and real extension of a (obfuscated) rar file
    # so volnrext['dfakjldfalkjdfl.blabla'] = (14, 'part014.rar') or (2, 'r000')
    # Not really needed, but handy to avoid a second lookup at the renaming
    volnrext = {}

    # Scan rar files in workdir, but not subdirs
    workdir_files = os.listdir(workdir)
    for file_to_check in workdir_files:
        file_to_check = os.path.join(workdir, file_to_check)
        # We only want files:
        if not (os.path.isfile(file_to_check)):
        # The function will check if it's a RAR-file
        # We do a sanity-check for the returned number
        rar_vol, new_extension = rarvolinfo.get_rar_extension(file_to_check)
        if 0 < rar_vol < 1000:
            logging.debug("Detected volume-number %s from RAR-header: %s ",
                          rar_vol, file_to_check)
            volnrext[file_to_check] = (rar_vol, new_extension)
            # The files inside rar file
            rar_contents = rarfile.RarFile(os.path.join(
                workdir, file_to_check),
                # does not yet exist, so create:
                rarvolnr[rar_vol] = {}
                file_to_check] = rar_contents  # store them for matching (if needed)
            logging.debug("No RAR-volume-number found in %s", file_to_check)

    logging.debug("Deobfuscate: rarvolnr is: %s", rarvolnr)
    logging.debug("Deobfuscate: volnrext is: %s", volnrext)

    # Could be that there are no rar-files, we stop
    if not len(rarvolnr):
        return renamed_files

    # this can probably done with a max-key-lambda oneliner, but ... how?
    numberofrarsets = 0
    for mykey in rarvolnr.keys():
        numberofrarsets = max(numberofrarsets, len(rarvolnr[mykey]))
    logging.debug("Number of rarset is %s", numberofrarsets)

    if numberofrarsets == 1:
        # Just one obfuscated rarset ... that's easy
        logging.debug("Deobfuscate: Just one obfuscated rarset")
        for filename in volnrext:
            new_rar_name = "%s.%s" % (nzo.final_name, volnrext[filename][1])
            new_rar_name = os.path.join(workdir, new_rar_name)
            new_rar_name = get_unique_filename(new_rar_name)
            logging.debug("Deobfuscate: Renaming %s to %s" %
                          (filename, new_rar_name))
            renamer(filename, new_rar_name)
            renamed_files += 1
        return renamed_files

    # numberofrarsets bigger than 1, so a mixed rar set, so we need pre-checking

    # Sanity check of the rar set
    # Get the highest rar part number (that's the upper limit):
    highest_rar = sorted(rarvolnr.keys())[-1]
    # A staircase check: number of rarsets should no go up, but stay the same or go down
    how_many_previous = 1000  # 1000 rarset mixed ... should be enough ... typical is 1, 2 or maybe 3
    # Start at part001.rar and go the highest
    for rar_set_number in range(1, highest_rar + 1):
            how_many_here = len(rarvolnr[rar_set_number])
            # rarset does not exist at all
                "rarset %s is missing completely, so I can't deobfuscate.",
            return 0
        # OK, it exists, now let's check it's not higher
        if how_many_here > how_many_previous:
            # this should not happen: higher number of rarset than previous number of rarset
                "no staircase! rarset %s is higher than previous, so I can't deobfuscate.",
            return 0
        how_many_previous = how_many_here

    # OK, that looked OK (a declining staircase), so we can safely proceed
    # More than one obfuscated rarset, so we must do matching based of files inside the rar files

    # Assign (random) rar set names, first come first serve basis
    rarsetname = {
    }  # in which rar set it should be, so rar set 'A', or 'B', or ...
    mychar = "A"
    # First things first: Assigning a rarsetname to the rar file which have volume number 1
    for base_obfuscated_filename in rarvolnr[1]:
        rarsetname[base_obfuscated_filename] = mychar + "--" + nzo.final_name
        mychar = chr(ord(mychar) + 1)
    logging.debug("Deobfuscate: rarsetname %s", rarsetname)

    # Do the matching, layer by layer (read: rarvolnumber)
    # So, all rar files with rarvolnr 1, find the contents (files inside the rar),
    # and match with rarfiles with rarvolnr 2, and put them in the correct rarset.
    # And so on, until the highest rarvolnr minus 1 matched against highest rarvolnr
    for n in range(1, len(rarvolnr)):
            "Deobfuscate: Finding matches between rar sets %s and %s" %
            (n, n + 1))
        for base_obfuscated_filename in rarvolnr[n]:
            matchcounter = 0
            for next_obfuscated_filename in rarvolnr[n + 1]:
                # set() method with intersection (less strict): set(rarvolnr[n][base_obfuscated_filename]).intersection(set(rarvolnr[n+1][next_obfuscated_filename]))
                # check if the last filename inside the existing rar matches with the first filename in the following rar
                if rarvolnr[n][base_obfuscated_filename][-1] == rarvolnr[
                        n + 1][next_obfuscated_filename][0]:
                        rarsetname[next_obfuscated_filename] = rarsetname[
                        matchcounter += 1
                    except KeyError:
                            T("No matching earlier rar file for %s"),
            if matchcounter > 1:
                    "Deobfuscate: more than one match, so risk on false positive matching."

    # Do the renaming:
    for filename in rarsetname:
        new_rar_name = "%s.%s" % (rarsetname[filename], volnrext[filename][1])
        new_rar_name = os.path.join(workdir, new_rar_name)
        new_rar_name = get_unique_filename(new_rar_name)
        logging.debug("Deobfuscate: Renaming %s to %s" %
                      (filename, new_rar_name))
        renamer(filename, new_rar_name)
        renamed_files += 1

    # Done: The obfuscated rar files have now been renamed to regular formatted filenames
    return renamed_files
Ejemplo n.º 10
def check_encrypted_and_unwanted_files(nzo, filepath):
    """ Combines check for unwanted and encrypted files to save on CPU and IO """
    encrypted = False
    unwanted = None

    if cfg.unwanted_extensions() or (nzo.encrypted == 0 and cfg.pause_on_pwrar()):
        # Safe-format for Windows
        # RarFile requires de-unicoded filenames for zf.testrar()
        filepath_split = os.path.split(filepath)
        workdir_short = short_path(filepath_split[0])
        filepath = deunicode(os.path.join(workdir_short, filepath_split[1]))

        # Is it even a rarfile?
        if rarfile.is_rarfile(filepath):
                zf = rarfile.RarFile(filepath, all_names=True)
                # Check for encryption
                if nzo.encrypted == 0 and cfg.pause_on_pwrar() and (zf.needs_password() or is_cloaked(filepath, zf.namelist())):
                    # Load all passwords
                    passwords = get_all_passwords(nzo)

                    # if no cryptography installed, only error when no password was set
                    if not sabnzbd.HAVE_CRYPTOGRAPHY and not passwords:
                        logging.info(T('%s missing'), 'Python Cryptography')
                        nzo.encrypted = 1
                        encrypted = True

                    elif sabnzbd.HAVE_CRYPTOGRAPHY:
                        # Lets test if any of the password work
                        password_hit = False
                        rarfile.UNRAR_TOOL = sabnzbd.newsunpack.RAR_COMMAND

                        for password in passwords:
                            if password:
                                logging.info('Trying password "%s" on job "%s"', password, nzo.final_name)
                                    password_hit = password
                                except rarfile.RarCRCError:
                                    # On CRC error we can continue!
                                    password_hit = password

                        # Did any work?
                        if password_hit:
                            # Don't check other files
                            logging.info('Password "%s" matches for job "%s"', password_hit, nzo.final_name)
                            nzo.encrypted = -1
                            encrypted = False
                            # Encrypted and none of them worked
                            nzo.encrypted = 1
                            encrypted = True
                        # Don't check other files
                        nzo.encrypted = -1
                        encrypted = False

                # Check for unwanted extensions
                if cfg.unwanted_extensions():
                    for somefile in zf.namelist():
                        logging.debug('File contains: %s', somefile)
                        if os.path.splitext(somefile)[1].replace('.', '').lower() in cfg.unwanted_extensions():
                            logging.debug('Unwanted file %s', somefile)
                            unwanted = somefile
                del zf
                logging.debug('RAR file %s cannot be inspected', filepath)

    return encrypted, unwanted