Ejemplo n.º 1
def getService(serviceName, apiVersion):
    # For some reason, the drive API suggests 'v3' for the api version, but gmail wants 'v1'. Ok.

    creds = None
    # The file token.pickle stores the user's access and refresh tokens, and is
    # created automatically when the authorization flow completes for the first
    # time.
    homeTempDirectory = getSaddlebagsDirectory()
    #jsonFileLocation = join(homeTempDirectory, 'credentials.json')
    jsonFileLocation = join(homeTempDirectory, 'client_secrets.json')
    tokenPickleLocation = join(homeTempDirectory, 'token.pickle')

    if os.path.exists(tokenPickleLocation):
        with open(tokenPickleLocation, 'rb') as token:
            creds = pickle.load(token)
    # If there are no (valid) credentials available, let the user log in.
    if not creds or not creds.valid:
        if creds and creds.expired and creds.refresh_token:
            flow = InstalledAppFlow.from_client_secrets_file(
                jsonFileLocation, SCOPES)
            creds = flow.run_local_server()
        # Save the credentials for the next run
        with open(tokenPickleLocation, 'wb') as token:
            pickle.dump(creds, token)
    service = build(serviceName, apiVersion, credentials=creds)
    return service
Ejemplo n.º 2
def initializeLog():
    logFileLocation = join(getSaddlebagsDirectory(), 'Saddlebags.Log.txt')

    # If there is no "globals" yet, then I haven't loaded a config yet, lets default to 'DEBUG' level.
    if (not ("globalVariables" in globals())
            or getConfigurationValue('logging') is None):
        logLevelText = 'DEBUG'
        logLevelText = getConfigurationValue('logging')

    logLevel = getattr(logging, logLevelText.upper())

    logFormatter = logging.Formatter(
    rootLogger = logging.getLogger()

    # Remove handlers, It's easiest for me to add my own.
    rootLogger.handlers = []

    # Add the Stream Handler to print to console.
    consoleHandler = logging.StreamHandler()

    # Add the File Handler to log to a file.
    fileHandler = logging.FileHandler(logFileLocation)
def getService(serviceName, apiVersion):
    # For some reason, the drive API suggests 'v3' for the api version, but gmail wants 'v1'. Ok.

    creds = None
    # The file token.pickle stores the user's access and refresh tokens, and is
    # created automatically when the authorization flow completes for the first
    # time.
    homeTempDirectory = getSaddlebagsDirectory()
    #jsonFileLocation = join(homeTempDirectory, 'credentials.json')
    jsonFileLocation = join(homeTempDirectory, 'client_secrets.json')
    tokenPickleLocation = join(homeTempDirectory, 'token.pickle')

    if os.path.exists(tokenPickleLocation):
        with open(tokenPickleLocation, 'rb') as token:
            creds = pickle.load(token)
    # If there are no (valid) credentials available, let the user log in.
    if not creds or not creds.valid:
        if creds and creds.expired and creds.refresh_token:
            flow = InstalledAppFlow.from_client_secrets_file(
                jsonFileLocation, SCOPES)
            creds = flow.run_local_server()
        # Save the credentials for the next run
        with open(tokenPickleLocation, 'wb') as token:
            pickle.dump(creds, token)
    service = build(serviceName, apiVersion, credentials=creds)
    return service
Ejemplo n.º 4
def performFullSubmission(submissionText):
    logging.info('Uploading Submission to ENA')
    # Determine a working directory. Folder underneath executable called temp.
        workingDirectory = getSaddlebagsDirectory()
        logging.info('I can work in this directory:' + workingDirectory)
        if not isdir(workingDirectory):
            logging.info('Making Directory:' + workingDirectory)
    except Exception:
        logging.error ('Cannot Initialize Working Directory')
        logging.error (exc_info())
        messagebox.showinfo('Working Directory Error', 
            'Sorry, I failed to create this working directory:\n'
            + str(workingDirectory)
            + '\n and I cannot continue.\nMaybe this is a '
            + 'permissions issue, are these folders read only?\n' 
            +  str(exc_info()[1]))

    enaUsername = getConfigurationValue('ena_username')
    enaPassword = getConfigurationValue('ena_password')
    if(enaUsername is None
        or len(enaUsername) < 1
        or enaPassword is None
        or len(enaPassword) < 1):
        messagebox.showinfo('Missing Login Credentials', 
            'You must provide ENA username and password.\n'
            'Please use the "Submission Options" button.')
        logging.error('Missing ENA Username or Password.' + '\n')
        logging.info('ENA Username and Password exist.' + '\n')

    useTestServers = (int(getConfigurationValue('test_submission')) == 1)
    # Are you sure?
    if useTestServers:
        logging.info('Using Test ENA Server.' + '\n')
        result = messagebox.askquestion("Submit to TEST / DEMO environment", "You are about to submit a sequence to the\n\nTEST / DEMO ENA environment.\n\nAre You Sure?", icon='warning')
        logging.info('Using Production ENA Server.' + '\n')
        result = messagebox.askquestion("Submit to LIVE / PROD environment", "You are about to submit a sequence to the\n\nLIVE / PROD ENA environment.\n\nAre You Sure?", icon='warning')

    if result == 'yes':
    # TODO: Existing project? Maybe I should check if the study/project exists, before I get started
    # Give my submission a filename. SOmething with a datetime stamp
        # This includes a "seconds" measure, should be pretty unique.
        dateTimeNow = '{:%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S}'.format(datetime.now())
        submissionShortFileName = 'HLA_Submission_' + dateTimeNow + '.txt'
        submissionFileName = join(workingDirectory, submissionShortFileName)
        zippedShortFileName = submissionShortFileName + '.gz'
        zippedFileName = join(workingDirectory, zippedShortFileName)
        md5FileName = zippedFileName + '.md5'
        #submissionText = self.submOutputGuiObject.get('1.0', 'end')         
        outputFileObject = open(submissionFileName, 'w') 
        logging.info('Submission Text:\n' + submissionText)
    except Exception:
        logging.error ('Cannot Write Submission Flatfile')
        logging.error (exc_info())
        messagebox.showinfo('Cannot Write Submission Flatfile', 
            'Sorry, I failed to create the submission file:\n'
            + str(submissionText)
            + '\n and I cannot continue.\nMaybe this is a '
            + 'permissions issue, are these folders read only?\n' 
            +  str(exc_info()[1]))
        logging.error('Failure to create submission file:' + str(exc_info()[1]) + '\n')
    logging.info('Submission file was created:\n' + str(submissionFileName) + '\n')
    # gzip the submission file.  Make a gz file.
        #zippedFileName = submissionFileName + '.gz'
        with open(submissionFileName, 'rb') as fileIn, gzipOpen(zippedFileName, 'wb') as fileOut:
            copyfileobj(fileIn, fileOut)
    except Exception:
        logging.error ('Cannot Compress Submission File')
        logging.error (exc_info())
        messagebox.showinfo('Cannot Compress Submission File', 
            'Sorry, I failed to compress the submission file:\n'
            + str(zippedFileName)
            + '\n and I cannot continue.\n' 
            +  str(exc_info()[1]))
        logging.error('Failure to create zip file:' + str(exc_info()[1]) + '\n')
    logging.info('Zip file was created:\n' + str(zippedFileName) + '\n')
    # Calculate an MD5SUM
        #md5FileName = zippedFileName + '.md5'
        md5HashValue = writeMd5(zippedFileName,md5FileName)
    except Exception:
        logging.error ('Cannot Calculate MD5')
        logging.error (exc_info())
        messagebox.showinfo('Cannot Calculate an Md5 checksum', 
            'Sorry, I failed to calculate an md5 checksum\nand I cannot continue.\n' 
            +  str(exc_info()[1]))
        logging.error('Failure to create zip file:' + str(exc_info()[1]) + '\n')
    logging.info('md5 file was created:\n' + str(md5FileName) + '\n')

    # Use FTP  to send the file to ENA
        if useTestServers:
            ftpServerAddress = getConfigurationValue('ena_ftp_upload_site_test')
            ftpServerAddress = getConfigurationValue('ena_ftp_upload_site_prod')
        #logging.info ('attempting to open ftp connection')
        ftp = FTP(ftpServerAddress)
        ftp.login(getConfigurationValue('ena_username'), getConfigurationValue('ena_password'))
        ftp.storbinary('STOR ' + '/' + split(zippedFileName)[1], open(zippedFileName, 'rb'), 1024)
        ftp.storbinary('STOR ' + '/' + split(md5FileName)[1], open(md5FileName, 'rb'), 1024)
        # is that it?  Easy.

    except Exception:
        logging.error ('Cannot Upload to FTP site')
        logging.error (exc_info())
        messagebox.showinfo('Cannot Upload to FTP site', 
            'Sorry, I failed to upload your submission files to the ENA FTP site\nand I cannot continue.\n'
            +  str(exc_info()[1]))
        logging.error('Failure to upload to FTP site:' + str(exc_info()[1]) + '\n')
    logging.info('Submission and MD5 successfully uploaded.\n')
    # Handle the new project
    # effectively, study = project 
    # existing study = 1, new study = 2
    newProject = (getConfigurationValue('choose_project') == '2')
    if newProject:
        # Generate Project and Project Submission XML Files
            projectFileName = join(workingDirectory, 'project.xml')
            projectText = createProjectXML(projectFileName)
            #logging.info ('My project text looks like this:\n' + projectText)
            projectSubmissionFileName = join(workingDirectory, 'project_submission.xml')
            projectSubmissionText = createProjectSubmissionXML(projectSubmissionFileName
                ,'proj_sub_' + dateTimeNow
            #logging.info('I made this project text:\n' + projectText)
            #logging.info('I made this project submission text:\n' + projectSubmissionText)
        except Exception:
            logging.error ('Cannot Create Project Submission XML')
            logging.error (exc_info())
            messagebox.showinfo('Cannot Create Project Submission XML', 
                'Sorry, I failed to create a project XML file\nand I cannot continue.\n' 
                +  str(exc_info()[1]))
            logging.error('Failure to create project submission file:' + str(exc_info()[1]) + '\n')
        logging.info('Project Submission XML files were created.\n')
        logging.info('Project Text:\n' + projectText)
        logging.info('Project Submission Text:\n' + projectText)
        # Use REST to submit this project
            # Return value should be a tuple:
            # (Success, ProjectAccession, Messages[])   
            (projectSubmissionSuccess, projectAccessionNumber, projectErrorMessages) = performProjectSubmission(projectSubmissionFileName,projectFileName)
                # Great. The project was created successfully. 
                # Lets use this new study accession moving forward.
                assignConfigurationValue('study_accession', projectAccessionNumber)
                messageText = ('There was a problem in the Project Submission.\n' 
                    + 'I cannot continue.\n'
                    + 'These messages were reported by ENA:\n')
                for errorMessage in projectErrorMessages:
                    messageText += ('\n' + errorMessage + '\n')                    
                messagebox.showinfo('Cannot Submit Project XML via REST', messageText)
                logging.error('Failure to submit project submission file:' + str(exc_info()[1]) + '\n' + messageText + '\n')
        except Exception:
            logging.error ('Cannot Submit Project XML')
            logging.error (exc_info())
            messagebox.showinfo('Cannot Submit Project XML', 
                'Sorry, I failed to submit the project XML file\nand I cannot continue.\n' 
                +  str(exc_info()[1]))
            logging.error('Failure to upload project submission file:' + str(exc_info()[1]) + '\n')
        logging.info('New study has been uploaded, accession:' + str(getConfigurationValue('study_accession')) + '\n')
    # existing project, we will use the supplied accession #    
        logging.info('Using existing study accession:' + str(getConfigurationValue('study_accession')) + '\n')
        # projectAccessionNumber = getConfigurationValue('study_accession')
    # Generate Analysis and Analysis Submission xmls
        analysisFileName = join(workingDirectory, 'analysis.xml')
        analysisText = createAnalysisXML(analysisFileName, md5HashValue, zippedShortFileName)
        analysisSubmissionFileName = join(workingDirectory, 'analysis_submission.xml')
        analysisSubmissionText = createAnalysisSubmissionXML(analysisSubmissionFileName
            ,'analysis_sub_' + dateTimeNow
    except Exception:
        logging.error('Cannot Create Analysis Submission XML')
        logging.error (exc_info())
        messagebox.showinfo('Cannot Create Analysis Submission XML', 
            'Sorry, I failed to create a Analysis XML file\nand I cannot continue.\n' 
            +  str(exc_info()[1]))
        logging.error('Failure to create analysis submission file:' + str(exc_info()[1]) + '\n')
    logging.info('Analysis Submission XML files were created.\n')
    # Use REST to submit this analysis
        # Return value should be a tuple:
        # (Success, analysisAccessionNumber, Messages[])   
        (analysisSubmissionSuccess, analysisAccessionNumber, analysisErrorMessages) = performAnalysisSubmission(analysisSubmissionFileName,analysisFileName)
            # Great. The analysis was created successfully. 
            messageText = ('There was a problem in the Analysis Submission.\n' 
                + 'I cannot continue.\n'
                + 'These messages were reported by ENA:\n')
            for errorMessage in analysisErrorMessages:
                messageText += ('\n' + errorMessage + '\n')                    
            messagebox.showinfo('Cannot Submit Analysis XML via REST', messageText)
            logging.error('Failure to submit analysis submission file:' + str(exc_info()[1]) + '\n')
    except Exception:
        logging.error ('Cannot Submit Analysis XML')
        logging.error (exc_info())
        messagebox.showinfo('Cannot Submit Analysis XML via REST', 
            'Sorry, I failed to submit the analysis XML file\nand I cannot continue.\n' 
            +  str(exc_info()[1]))

    logging.info('New analysis has been Uploaded, accession:' + str(analysisAccessionNumber) + '\n')

    # Popup message with Results
    messagebox.showinfo('Success uploading submission to ENA.',
        'The sequence and analysis was uploaded to EMBL ENA Successfully.\n\n' 
        + 'For your reference:\n\n'
        + 'You can use this Project/Study accession\nnumber on future submissions:\n'
        + 'Study Accession:' + str(getConfigurationValue('study_accession') + '\n\n')
        + 'Use the Analysis Accession number if you\ncontact EMBL regarding this\nsequence submission:\n'
        + 'Analysis Accession:' + str(analysisAccessionNumber) + '\n\n'
        + 'Find your submission files here:\n'
        + workingDirectory + '\n\n'
        + 'If EMBL successfully validates your sequence, you will\n'
        + 'receive an email with an ENA Sequence accession number.\n'
        + 'This accession number is necessary for IPD-IMGT/HLA submission.\n'
        + 'Contact EMBL Support with your\nAnalysis Accession # if it has been\nmore than 48 hours since submission.\n'

Ejemplo n.º 5
def performFullEnaSubmission(submission, submissionBatch):
    logging.info('Performing an EMBL/ENA Submission.')

    submissionText = submission.enaSubmissionText

    # This includes a "seconds" measure, should be pretty unique.
    # TODO: I could add milliseconds to make this more unique.
    # TODO: I'm worried about batch submissions, is it a problem if the submission files have the same name? I think it's not a problem.
    dateTimeNow = '{:%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S_%f}'.format(datetime.now())

    # TODO: If the submissionText is None, generate a submission now.
    if (submissionText is None or len(submissionText) < 5):
            'Oh no, there is no submission text. I probably forgot to generate a submission. Fix this bug please!'
        #generate a submission text now......

    if (checkENAPrerequisites):

        useTestServers = (int(getConfigurationValue('test_submission')) == 1)
        sequenceName = submission.localAlleleName
        # Are you sure? Test or Live?
        if useTestServers:
            logging.info('Using Test ENA Server.' + '\n')
            result = showYesNoBox(
                "Submit to TEST / DEMO environment",
                "You are about to submit " + str(sequenceName) +
                " to the\n\nTEST / DEMO ENA environment.\n\nAre You Sure?")
            logging.info('Using Production ENA Server.' + '\n')
            result = showYesNoBox(
                "Submit to LIVE / PROD environment",
                "You are about to submit " + str(sequenceName) +
                " to the\n\nLIVE / PROD ENA environment.\n\nAre You Sure?")
        if result:
                'Submission aborted by the user, because we do not want to submit to the Test/Live server'

        # set some parameters real quick.
        jarFileLocation = findJarFile()
        logging.info('I will use this webin cli jar file:' +
        saddlebagsDirectory = getSaddlebagsDirectory()
        workingDirectory = join(saddlebagsDirectory, 'submission_temp')
        logging.info('I\'m working in this directory:' + str(workingDirectory))

        enaUserName = submissionBatch.enaUserName
        enaPassword = submissionBatch.enaPassword

        # Check the credentials, do they look okay?
        if (enaUserName is None or len(enaUserName) < 1):
            logging.warning('Missing ENA Username.' + '\n')
            enaUserName = getInfoBox(
                "ENA Username Please",
                "You must provide ENA Username for submission.")
            submissionBatch.enaUserName = enaUserName
            logging.info('ENA Username ok.' + '\n')

        if (enaPassword is None or len(enaPassword) < 1):
            logging.warning('Missing ENA Password.' + '\n')
            enaPassword = getInfoBox(
                "ENA Password Please",
                "You must provide ENA Password for user " + enaUserName +
                " for submission.\nSaddlebags will not store your password anywhere."
            submissionBatch.enaPassword = enaPassword
            logging.info('ENA Password look ok.' + '\n')

        # Submission is divided into 3 stages (https://ena-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/general-guide/webin-cli.html)
        # Stage 1 - Register Study (Registering a Sample is not necessary for submitting a sequence)
        registerStudy(submissionBatch, workingDirectory, dateTimeNow)

        # Stage 2 - Prepare Files
        prepareSubmissionFiles(submission, submissionBatch, workingDirectory,

        # Stage 3 - Validate and Submit Files
        validateAndSubmit(submission, submissionBatch, workingDirectory,

        # Report Results
        # Send a summary of what was submitted.
        # Delete the files.
        # reportAndCleanup()
        # popup message with results.
        # Maybe: delete working directory, but the files first. Maybe delete output files?

        # TODO: Handle this better, tell the user somehow.
            'ENA Submission Requirements are not met. Details: (TODO)')
Ejemplo n.º 6
def uploadZipToIpdHla(zipFileName):
    """Shows basic usage of the Drive v3 API.
    Prints the names and ids of the first 10 files the user has access to.

    print('Uploading a zip file to IMGT/HLA:' + str(zipFileName))

    homeTempDirectory = getSaddlebagsDirectory()
    zipFileFullPath = join(homeTempDirectory, zipFileName)
    #jsonFileLocation = join(homeTempDirectory, 'credentials.json')
    #tokenPickleLocation = join(homeTempDirectory, 'token.pickle')

    service = getGoogleDriveService()

    # Call the Drive v3 API
    # Get a list of 10 files.
    results = service.files().list(
        pageSize=10, fields="nextPageToken, files(id, name)").execute()
    items = results.get('files', [])

    # list the first 10 files.
    if not items:
        print('No files found.')
        for item in items:
            print(u'{0} ({1})'.format(item['name'], item['id']))

    # TODO: Check if the file with this name already exists.
    # Conversely, name the zip file with a timestamp. This is risky because
    # we might accidentally send dupe zip files.

    # TODO: Detect the "Saddlebags" folder name from the list of files I have access to.
    # Conversely - Ask IPD to setup the upload folder.
    # They will send the upload folder directory.
    # Dominic suggests, I set up the initial configuration for the IPD upload.
    # IPD will set up my account for bulk submissions.
    # IPD sets up a shared google drive folder, which they share with a google email that I provide.

    # TODO: Send an Email to ipd submissions that a file has been uploaded.
    # Use google interface to do this again.
    # put (Test) in the email subject.

    # This folder is shared with mumc.tissuetyping.
    #folder_id = '1haV3w8DYawFKo0V4-pwwXoai4JUFaqeT'

    # This folder is in the personal drive of mumc.transplantationimmunology
    folder_id = '1Yw6Skb_ZsQn2kCbYUjo_zTnjSf-jstxX'

    print('zip file full path:' + zipFileFullPath)
    # Lets try to upload the file
    file_metadata = {'name': zipFileName, 'parents': [folder_id]}
    media = MediaFileUpload(zipFileFullPath, mimetype='application/zip')
    file = service.files().create(body=file_metadata,
    print('File ID: %s' % file.get('id'))

    # TODO: Somehow export the gui stuff to the GUI. Popups shouldn't happen in here.
    # Popup a query. Do you want to send an email to ipd submissions?

    # If yes, send an email.
    # Subject = Saddlebags HLA Allele Submission
    # Subject = (TEST) Saddlebags HLA Allele Submission
    # Body = "IPD User (username) has uploade the file "HLASubmission.zip"
    # to the shared folder "Saddlebags" (with the folder id (X))

    # Body += "Since this is a test submission, this file is safe to remove."

    emailSubject = '(TEST) Saddlebags HLA Allele Submission'
    emailBody = ('IPD user (username) has just uploaded the file ' +
                 zipFileName + '\n' + 'It was placed into the folder ' +
                 'Saddlebags' + ' with a google folder resource id of ' +

    if (True):
        emailBody += '\nSince this is a test submission, you are free to remove the file.'

    # or should the sender be "me"...maybe it's silly to pass this information in.
    # I reckon I could hard-code the target email address. not sure what it is right now, [email protected]? I made that up.
    sendEmail(emailSubject, emailBody, '*****@*****.**', 'me')
Ejemplo n.º 7
def assignConfigName():
    # Join together the working directory, a subfolder called "saddlebags", and the config name.
        join(getSaddlebagsDirectory(), 'Saddlebags.Config.xml'))
def uploadZipToIpdHla(zipFileName):

    """Shows basic usage of the Drive v3 API.
    Prints the names and ids of the first 10 files the user has access to.

    print ('Uploading a zip file to IMGT/HLA:' + str(zipFileName))

    homeTempDirectory = getSaddlebagsDirectory()
    zipFileFullPath = join(homeTempDirectory, zipFileName)
    #jsonFileLocation = join(homeTempDirectory, 'credentials.json')
    #tokenPickleLocation = join(homeTempDirectory, 'token.pickle')

    service = getGoogleDriveService()

    # Call the Drive v3 API
    # Get a list of 10 files.
    results = service.files().list(
        pageSize=10, fields="nextPageToken, files(id, name)").execute()
    items = results.get('files', [])

    # list the first 10 files.
    if not items:
        print('No files found.')
        for item in items:
            print(u'{0} ({1})'.format(item['name'], item['id']))

    # TODO: Check if the file with this name already exists.
    # Conversely, name the zip file with a timestamp. This is risky because
    # we might accidentally send dupe zip files.

    # TODO: Detect the "Saddlebags" folder name from the list of files I have access to.
    # Conversely - Ask IPD to setup the upload folder.
    # They will send the upload folder directory.
    # Dominic suggests, I set up the initial configuration for the IPD upload.
    # IPD will set up my account for bulk submissions.
    # IPD sets up a shared google drive folder, which they share with a google email that I provide.

    # TODO: Send an Email to ipd submissions that a file has been uploaded.
    # Use google interface to do this again.
    # put (Test) in the email subject.

    # This folder is shared with mumc.tissuetyping.
    #folder_id = '1haV3w8DYawFKo0V4-pwwXoai4JUFaqeT'

    # This folder is in the personal drive of mumc.transplantationimmunology
    folder_id = '1Yw6Skb_ZsQn2kCbYUjo_zTnjSf-jstxX'

    print('zip file full path:' + zipFileFullPath)
    # Lets try to upload the file
    file_metadata = {'name': zipFileName,
        'parents': [folder_id]}
    media = MediaFileUpload(zipFileFullPath,
    file = service.files().create(body=file_metadata,
    print('File ID: %s' % file.get('id'))

    # TODO: Somehow export the gui stuff to the GUI. Popups shouldn't happen in here.
    # Popup a query. Do you want to send an email to ipd submissions?

    # If yes, send an email.
        # Subject = Saddlebags HLA Allele Submission
        # Subject = (TEST) Saddlebags HLA Allele Submission
        # Body = "IPD User (username) has uploade the file "HLASubmission.zip"
        # to the shared folder "Saddlebags" (with the folder id (X))

        # Body += "Since this is a test submission, this file is safe to remove."

    emailSubject = '(TEST) Saddlebags HLA Allele Submission'
    emailBody  = ('IPD user (username) has just uploaded the file ' + zipFileName + '\n' +
        'It was placed into the folder ' + 'Saddlebags' + ' with a google folder resource id of ' + folder_id)

        emailBody += '\nSince this is a test submission, you are free to remove the file.'

    # or should the sender be "me"...maybe it's silly to pass this information in.
    # I reckon I could hard-code the target email address. not sure what it is right now, [email protected]? I made that up.
    sendEmail(emailSubject, emailBody, '*****@*****.**', 'me')