def _dimension_Kp(wt, p): """ Return the dimensions of subspaces of Siegel modular forms on $K(p)$ for primes $p$. OUTPUT ("Total", "Gritsenko Lifts", "Nonlifts", "Oldforms") """ oldforms = 0 grits = __JacobiDimension(wt, p) if not is_prime(p): return (uk, grits, uk, uk) if wt <= 1: return (0, 0, 0, 0) if wt == 2: newforms = '?' total = '' + str(grits) + ' - ?' if p < 600: newforms = 0 total = grits interestingPrimes = [277, 349, 353, 389, 461, 523, 587] if p in interestingPrimes: if p == 587: newforms = '0 - 2' total = '' + str(grits) + ' - ' + str(grits + 2) newforms = '0 - 1' total = '' + str(grits) + ' - ' + str(grits + 1) return (total, grits, newforms, oldforms) total = dimKp(wt, p) newforms = total - grits - oldforms return (total, grits, newforms, oldforms)
def t2(self, q=3): """ Return mod 2 matrix t2 computed using the current choice of prime q, as returned by self.q. INPUT: - `q` -- integer OUTPUT: - a mod 2 matrix EXAMPLES:: sage: from mdsage import * sage: C = KamiennyCriterion(29) sage: C.t2()[0] (1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0) """ if q==2 or self.p % q == 0 or not is_prime(q): raise ValueError("q must be prime, unequal to 2 and not divide self.p") if self.congruence_type==0: return self.T(q) - (q + 1) else: return self.T(q) - self.dbd(q) - q
def prime_anisotropic_symbols(p): print p if not (p==1 or is_prime(p) or p == 4 or p == 8): raise ValueError else: if is_odd(p) and is_prime(p): if p % 4 == 3: return [str(p) + '^+1', str(p) + '^-1', str(p) + '^+2'] else: return [str(p) + '^+1', str(p) + '^-1', str(p) + '^-2'] else: if p==1: return [''] if p == 2: return ['2^-2'] elif p==4: return ['2_1^+1', '2_7^+1', '2_2^+2', '2_0^+2', '2_3^-3', '2_5^-3'] elif p==8: return ['4_1^+1', '4_3^-1', '4_5^-1', '4_7^+1', '2_1^+1.4_1^+1', '2_1^+1.4_3^-1', '2_1^+1.4_5^-1', '2_1^+1.4_7^+1']
def _set_coset_reps(self): if is_prime(self._level): self._coset_reps[0] = SL2Z([1,0,0,1]) for n in range(self._level): self._coset_reps[n+1] = SL2Z([0,-1,1,n]) else: G = Gamma0(self._level) n = 0 for A in G.coset_reps(): self._coset_reps[n] = A n+=1
def is_valid_curve(q,t,r,k,D): """ Description: Tests that (q,t,r,k,D) is a valid elliptic curve Input: q - size of prime field t - trace of Frobenius r - size of prime order subgroup k - embedding degree D - (negative) fundamental discriminant Output: bool - true iff there exists an elliptic curve over F_q with trace t, a subgroup of order r with embedding degree k, and fundamental discriminant D """ if q == 0 or t == 0 or r == 0 or k == 0 or D == 0: return False if not is_prime(q): return False if not is_prime(r): return False if not fundamental_discriminant(D) == D: return False if D % 4 == 0: #check CM equation if not is_square(4*(t*t - 4*q)//D): return False if D % 4 == 1: if not is_square((t*t - 4*q)//D): return False if not (q+1-t) % r == 0: #check r | #E(F_q) return False if not power_mod(q,k,r) == 1: #check embedding degree is k return False return True
def _mnt_subcall(k,D, m, condition, modulus, c1, c2, l1, l2, t1, t2, q0): D2 = -3*D D2 = Integer(D2) assert condition(-D), 'No curve exists' pell_sols = pell_solve(D2, m) # solve the Pell equation curves = [] curves2 = [] if len(pell_sols[1])== 0: # no solutions found, so abort return curves sols = [(Integer(i[0]), Integer(i[1])) for i in pell_sols[1]] gen = (Integer(pell_sols[0][0]), Integer(pell_sols[0][1])) q = 0 t = 0 for i in range(0, len(sols)): if sols[i][0] < 0: sols[i] = (sols[i][0]*gen[0] + D2*sols[i][1]*gen[1], sols[i][1]*gen[0] + sols[i][0]*gen[1]) for sol in sols: check = False x = sol[0] l = 0 t = 0 q = 0 if x % modulus == c1: l = l1(x) t = t1(l) check = True elif x % modulus == c2: l = l2(x) t = t2(l) check = True if check: q = q0(l) if is_prime(q) and is_prime(q+1-t): if ((q,t) not in curves2): curves.append((q,t,q+1-t,k,D)) curves2.append((q,t)) return curves
def is_suitable_q(q): """ Description: User-defined method that filters the set of primes q that are returned. By default checks if q is prime Input: q - integer Output: bool - true iff q is suitable """ return is_prime(q)
def genCurve(bits): p = sg.next_prime(random.randint(2**(bits-1), 2**(bits))) order = 0 while not(sg.is_prime(order)) or order == p or order == p+1: A = random.randint(1, 10**5) B = random.randint(1, 10**5) if (4*A**3 + 27*B**2) % p != 0: ## Avoid singular curves ## E = sg.EllipticCurve(sg.GF(p), [A,B]) order = E.cardinality() P = E.random_point() Q = E.random_point() f = open("curves.csv", "a") f.write(str(bits)+",") f.write(str(A)+",") f.write(str(B)+",") f.write(str(p)+",") f.write(str(order)+",") f.write(str(P.xy()[0])+","+str(P.xy()[1])+",") f.write(str(Q.xy()[0])+","+str(Q.xy()[1])+"\n") f.close()
def test_ec(num_tests,num_bits, debug=False): print('testing EC chain...') func_start = time.time() fail = 0 for i in range(0, num_tests): try: k = randint(5,20) r = 0 while not (r % k == 1 and is_prime(r)): r = random_prime(2**(num_bits-1), 2**num_bits) k_vector = [k] k_vector.append(randint(5,20)) k_vector.append(randint(5,20)) curves = ec.new_chain(r, k_vector) assert ec.is_chain(curves) except AssertionError as e: fail += 1 if fail == 0: print('test passed') return True else: print("failed %.2f" %(100*fail/num_tests) + "% of tests!") return False
def primes_arith_prog(bound=10**4, out='arith_prog.pdf', d=3): ''' Run through all prime powers r up to `bound`, and select for each the smallest u such that ur+1 is prime. Then do degree `d` linear regression, and plot everything into `out`. ''' # Find primes x, y = np.array([(p, next(u for u in xrange(p) if is_prime(u*p+1))) for p in prime_powers(3,bound)]).T # linear regression lstsq = np.polyfit(np.log10(x), y, d) # Figure settings plt.rc('text', usetex=True) plt.rc('font', family='serif', serif='Computer Modern') plt.figure(figsize=(8,3)) # Plot a 2D histogram of the data, with abscissa in log scale plt.hist2d(np.log10(x), y, bins=(1.5*max(y),max(y)/2), weights=np.log10(x)/x, cmap=cm.jet, norm=LogNorm()) plt.colorbar() # Plot the linear regression x = np.linspace(*plt.xlim(), num=100) plt.plot(x, np.polyval(lstsq, x), c='black', label='degree %d polynomial regression' % d) plt.legend(loc='upper left') # More figure settings locs, _ = plt.xticks() plt.xticks(locs, map(lambda l: '$10^%d$' % l, locs)) plt.tight_layout() # Write to file plt.savefig(out, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close()
def general_webpagedata(self): info = {} try: info['support'] = except AttributeError: info['support'] = '' info['Ltype'] = self.Ltype() try: info['label'] = self.label except AttributeError: info['label'] = "" try: info['credit'] = except AttributeError: info['credit'] = "" info['degree'] = int( info['conductor'] = self.level if not is_prime(int(self.level)): if self.level >= 10**8: info['conductor'] = latex(self.level_factored) else: info['conductor_factored'] = latex(self.level_factored) info['sign'] = "$" + styleTheSign(self.sign) + "$" info['algebraic'] = self.algebraic if self.selfdual: info['selfdual'] = 'yes' else: info['selfdual'] = 'no' if self.primitive: info['primitive'] = 'yes' else: info['primitive'] = 'no' info['dirichlet'] = lfuncDShtml(self, "analytic") # Hack, fix this more general? info['dirichlet'] = info['dirichlet'].replace('*I','<em>i</em>') info['eulerproduct'] = lfuncEPtex(self, "abstract") info['functionalequation'] = lfuncFEtex(self, "analytic") info['functionalequationSelberg'] = lfuncFEtex(self, "selberg") if hasattr(self, 'positive_zeros'): info['positive_zeros'] = self.positive_zeros info['negative_zeros'] = self.negative_zeros if hasattr(self, 'plot'): info['plot'] = self.plot if hasattr(self, 'factorization'): info['factorization'] = self.factorization if self.fromDB and self.algebraic: info['dirichlet_arithmetic'] = lfuncDShtml(self, "arithmetic") info['eulerproduct_arithmetic'] = lfuncEPtex(self, "arithmetic") info['functionalequation_arithmetic'] = lfuncFEtex(self, "arithmetic") if self.motivic_weight % 2 == 0: arith_center = "\\frac{" + str(1 + self.motivic_weight) + "}{2}" else: arith_center = str(ZZ(1)/2 + self.motivic_weight/2) svt_crit = specialValueTriple(self, 0.5, '\\frac12',arith_center) info['sv_critical'] = svt_crit[0] + "\\ =\\ " + svt_crit[2] info['sv_critical_analytic'] = [svt_crit[0], svt_crit[2]] info['sv_critical_arithmetic'] = [svt_crit[1], svt_crit[2]] if self.motivic_weight % 2 == 1: arith_edge = "\\frac{" + str(2 + self.motivic_weight) + "}{2}" else: arith_edge = str(ZZ(1) + self.motivic_weight/2) svt_edge = specialValueTriple(self, 1, '1',arith_edge) info['sv_edge'] = svt_edge[0] + "\\ =\\ " + svt_edge[2] info['sv_edge_analytic'] = [svt_edge[0], svt_edge[2]] info['sv_edge_arithmetic'] = [svt_edge[1], svt_edge[2]] chilatex = "$\chi_{" + str(self.charactermodulus) + "} (" + str(self.characternumber) +", \cdot )$" info['chi'] = '' if self.charactermodulus != self.level: info['chi'] += "induced by " info['chi'] += '<a href="' + url_for('characters.render_Dirichletwebpage', modulus=self.charactermodulus, number=self.characternumber) info['chi'] += '">' + chilatex + '</a>' info['st_group'] = self.st_group info['st_link'] = self.st_link info['rank'] = self.order_of_vanishing info['motivic_weight'] = r'\(%d\)' % self.motivic_weight elif self.Ltype() == "riemann": info['sv_edge'] = r"\[\zeta(1) \approx $\infty$\]" info['sv_critical'] = r"\[\zeta(1/2) \approx -1.460354508\]" elif self.Ltype() != "artin" or (self.Ltype() == "artin" and self.sign != 0): try: info['sv_edge'] = specialValueString(self, 1, '1') info['sv_critical'] = specialValueString(self, 0.5, '1/2') except: info['sv_critical'] = "L(1/2): not computed" info['sv_edge'] = "L(1): not computed" return info
def primes(self, primes, test=True): self._primes = primes if test: for p in primes: if not is_prime(p): self._primes.remove(p)
def test_SECCON_2020_crypto01(): masked_flag = 8077275413285507538357977814283814136815067070436948406142717872478737670143034266458000767181162602217137657160614964831459653429727469965712631294123225 ciphertexts = [ ( 886775008733978973740257525650074677865489026053222554158847150065839924739525729402395428639350660027796013999414358689067171124475540042281892825140355436902197270317502862419355737833115120643020255177020178331283541002427279377648285229476212651491301857891044943211950307475969543789857568915505152189, 428559018841948586040450870835405618958247103990365896475476359721456520823105336402250177610460462882418373365551361955769011150860740050608377302711322189733933012507453380208960247649622047461113987220437673085, (80103920082434941308951713928956232093682985133090231319482222058601362901404235742975739345738195056858602864819514638254604213654261535503537998613664606957411824998071339098079622119781772477940471338367084695408560473046701072890754255641388442248683562485936267601216704036749070688609079527182189924, 842529568002033827493313169405480104392127700904794758022297608679141466431472390397211660887148306350328312067659313538964875094877785244888004725864621826211254824064492961341512012172365417791553455922872091302295614295785447354268009914265614957287377743897340475899980395298019735631787570231395791009 ), 59051335744243522933765175665, ), ( 37244493713246153778174562251362609960152354778990433088693945121840521598316370898923829767722653817418453309557995775960963654893571162621888675965423771020678918714406461976659339420718804301006282789714856197345257634581330970033427061846386874027391337895557558939538516456076874074642348992933600929747, 152657520846237173082171645969128953029734435220247551748055538422696193261367413610113664730705318574898280226247526051526753570012356026049784218573767765351341949785570284026342156807244268439356037529507501666987, (14301224815357080657295611483943004076662022528706782110580690613822599700117720290144067866898573981166927919045773324162651193822888938569692341428439887892150361361566562459037438581637126808773605536449091609307652818862273375400935935851849153633881318435727224452416837785155763820052159016539063161774, 711567521767597846126014317418558888899966530302382481896965868976010995445213619798358362850235642988939870722858624888544954189591439381230859036120045216842190726357421800117080884618285875510251442474167884705409694074544449959388473647082485564659040849556130494057742499029963072560315800049629531101 ), 56178670950277431873900982569, ), ( 6331516792334912993168705942035497262087604457828016897033541606942408964421467661323530702416001851055818803331278149668787143629857676822265398153269496232656278975610802921303671791426728632525217213666490425139054750899596417296214549901614709644307007461708968510489409278966392105040423902797155302293, 2041454339352622193656627164408774503102680941657965640324880658919242765901541504713444825283928928662755298871656269360429687747026596290805541345773049732439830112665647963627438433525577186905830365395002284129, (4957181230366693742871089608567285130576943723414681430592899115510633732100117146460557849481224254840925101767808247789524040371495334272723624632991086495766920694854539353934108291010560628236400352109307607758762704896162926316651462302829906095279281186440520100069819712951163378589378112311816255944, 2715356151156550887523953822376791368905549782137733960800063674240100539578667744855739741955125966795181973779300950371154326834354436541128751075733334790425302253483346802547763927140263874521376312837536602237535819978061120675338002761853910905172273772708894687214799261210445915799607932569795429868 ), 70953285682097151767648136059, ), ] HINTSIZE = 96 def decrypt(c, d, n): n = int(n) size = n.bit_length() // 2 c_high, c_low = c b = (c_low**2 - c_high**3) % n EC = EllipticCurve(Zmod(n), [0, b]) m_high, m_low = (EC((c_high, c_low)) * d).xy() m_high, m_low = int(m_high), int(m_low) return (m_high << size) | m_low hintmod = 2**HINTSIZE todec = masked_flag for data in ciphertexts: n, e, c, hint = data c_high, c_low = c for f in (e / QQ(n)).continued_fraction().convergents(): y = f.numerator() x = f.denominator() if is_prime(x) and is_prime(y): print("good", x, y) break plo = hint qlo = n * inverse_mod(plo, hintmod) % hintmod slo = (plo + qlo) % hintmod assert plo * qlo % hintmod == n % hintmod a = e * x - (n + 1) * y z_mod_y = (-a) % y z_mod_hintmod = (-a + slo * y) % hintmod midmod = hintmod * y zmid = crt([z_mod_y, z_mod_hintmod], [y, hintmod]) aa = a - slo * y + zmid assert aa % midmod == 0 aa //= midmod # shi = (p + q) // hintmod # zhi is ~216 bits # assert shi == aa + zhi sumpq = aa * hintmod eps = 2**216 * hintmod rsa = RSA(n) pbound, qbound = rsa.bound_primes_from_approximate_sum( sumpq - eps, 2 * eps) try: print("factor1") p, q = rsa.factor_with_prime_hint(low_mod=(plo, hintmod), bounds=pbound, beta=0.49) except RuntimeError: print("factor2") p, q = rsa.factor_with_prime_hint(low_mod=(qlo, hintmod), bounds=pbound, beta=0.49) print("ok!") d = inverse_mod(e, n + p + q + 1) mask = decrypt(c, d, n) todec ^= mask assert Bin(todec).bytes == b'SECCON{gut_poweeeeeeeeeeeeeer}'
Z[i] = bool(z) d = {"X": X, "Z": Z} save_pickle(d, FOLDER, "is_cyclic.pkl") ############################################################################### # Prime number functions ############################################################################### set_seed(SEED + 301) X = [random.randint(1, 1000) for _ in range(10)] Z = [0,]*len(X) for i in range(len(X)): x = X[i] z = prime_range(x) # Returns primes 0 <= p < x if is_prime(x): # galois.primes() returns 0 <= p <= x z.append(x) Z[i] = [int(zz) for zz in z] d = {"X": X, "Z": Z} save_pickle(d, FOLDER, "primes.pkl") set_seed(SEED + 302) X = [random.randint(1, 1000) for _ in range(20)] Z = [0,]*len(X) for i in range(len(X)): x = X[i] z = nth_prime(x) Z[i] = int(z) d = {"X": X, "Z": Z} save_pickle(d, FOLDER, "kth_prime.pkl")
def lfuncFEtex(L, fmt): """ Return the LaTex for displaying the Functional equation of the L-function L. fmt could be any of the values: "analytic", "selberg" """ if fmt == "arithmetic": mu_list = [mu - L.motivic_weight / 2 for mu in L.mu_fe] nu_list = [nu - L.motivic_weight / 2 for nu in L.nu_fe] mu_list.sort() nu_list.sort() texname = L.texname_arithmetic try: tex_name_s = L.texnamecompleteds_arithmetic tex_name_1ms = L.texnamecompleted1ms_arithmetic except AttributeError: tex_name_s = L.texnamecompleteds tex_name_1ms = L.texnamecompleted1ms else: mu_list = L.mu_fe[:] nu_list = L.nu_fe[:] texname = L.texname tex_name_s = L.texnamecompleteds tex_name_1ms = L.texnamecompleted1ms ans = "" if fmt == "arithmetic" or fmt == "analytic": ans = r"\begin{aligned}" + tex_name_s + r"=\mathstrut &" if L.level > 1: if L.level >= 10**8 and not is_prime(int(L.level)): ans += r"\left(%s\right)^{s/2}" % latex(L.level_factored) else: ans += latex(L.level) + "^{s/2}" ans += r" \, " def munu_str(factors_list, field): assert field in [r"\R", r"\C"] # set up to accommodate multiplicity of Gamma factors old = "" res = "" curr_exp = 0 for elt in factors_list: if elt == old: curr_exp += 1 else: old = elt if curr_exp > 1: res += "^{" + str(curr_exp) + "}" if curr_exp > 0: res += r" \, " curr_exp = 1 res += (r"\Gamma_{" + field + "}(s" + seriescoeff(elt, 0, "signed", "", 3) + ")") if curr_exp > 1: res += "^{" + str(curr_exp) + "}" if res != "": res += r" \, " return res ans += munu_str(mu_list, r"\R") ans += munu_str(nu_list, r"\C") ans += texname + r"\cr" ans += r"=\mathstrut & " if L.sign == 0: ans += r"\epsilon \cdot " else: ans += seriescoeff(L.sign, 0, "factor", "", 3) + r"\," ans += tex_name_1ms if L.sign == 0 and == 1: ans += r"\quad (\text{with }\epsilon \text{ not computed})" if L.sign == 0 and > 1: ans += r"\quad (\text{with }\epsilon \text{ unknown})" ans += r"\end{aligned}" elif fmt == "selberg": ans += "(" + str(int( + r",\ " if L.level >= 10**8 and not is_prime(int(L.level)): ans += latex(L.level_factored) else: ans += str(int(L.level)) ans += r",\ " ans += "(" # this is mostly a hack for GL2 Maass forms def real_digits(x): return len(str(x).replace(".", "").lstrip("-").lstrip("0")) def mu_fe_prec(x): if L._Ltype == "maass": return real_digits(imag_part(x)) else: return 3 if L.mu_fe != []: mus = [ display_complex(CDF(mu).real(), CDF(mu).imag(), mu_fe_prec(mu), method="round") for mu in L.mu_fe ] if len(mus) >= 6 and mus == [mus[0]] * len(mus): ans += "[%s]^{%d}" % (mus[0], len(mus)) else: ans += ", ".join(mus) else: ans += r"\ " ans += ":" if L.nu_fe != []: if len(L.nu_fe) >= 6 and L.nu_fe == [L.nu_fe[0]] * len(L.nu_fe): ans += "[%s]^{%d}" % (L.nu_fe[0], len(L.nu_fe)) else: ans += ", ".join(map(str, L.nu_fe)) else: ans += r"\ " ans += r"),\ " ans += seriescoeff(L.sign, 0, "literal", "", 3) ans += ")" return ans
n = A.ncols() A = list(matrix(ZZ, A)) for i in range(n): A.append([0]*i + [mod] + [0]*(n-i-1)) L = matrix(ZZ, A).LLL() W1 = L*vector(ZZ, y) W2 = vector([int(round(RR(w)/mod))*mod - w for w in W1]) return L.solve_right(W2) + y if __name__ == "__main__": test = 0 while True: print ' Testing heterogenous LGS mod composite' # from secrets import key # p = 2**126 # p = 2**135 p = 21652247421304131782679331804390761485569 assert not is_prime(p) Zp = Integers(p) n = 40 # num vars m = n-1 # num equations x = vector([randrange(lo) for _ in range(n)]) A = matrix([[randrange(lo) for _ in range(n)] for _ in range(m)]) c = vector(ZZ,matrix(Zp,A)*x) assert x == small_lgs2(A, c, p)
from sage.all import MatrixSpace, matrix, VectorSpace, vector, \ is_prime, GF CHARSET = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz01345678{}_" p = len(CHARSET) assert is_prime(p) Fp = GF(p) def double_char_to_vector(s): assert len(s) == 2 return vector(Fp, [CHARSET.index(s[0]), CHARSET.index(s[1])]) def vector_to_double_char(v): assert len(v) == 2 return CHARSET[v[0]] + CHARSET[v[1]] def encrypt(msg, K): assert all(c in CHARSET for c in msg) assert len(msg) % 2 == 0 A, v = K ciphertext = "" for i in range(0, len(msg), 2): tmp = A * double_char_to_vector(msg[i:i + 2]) + v ciphertext += vector_to_double_char(tmp) return ciphertext
def B(M,m, algorithm='theorem',rec=True,dict=False): if algorithm == 'bf': return Bbf(M,m) elif not algorithm == 'theorem': raise ValueError('algorithm has to be one of "theorem" and "bf" (for brute force)') Bs = list() if not is_prime(m): raise ValueError('m is supposed to be prime (general case: TODO)') p = m if isinstance(M,FiniteQuadraticModule_ambient): sym_M = genus_symbol_string_to_dict(M.jordan_decomposition().genus_symbol()) elif isinstance(M, str): if len(M)>0: sym_M = genus_symbol_string_to_dict(M) else: sym_M = {} else: raise ValueError('M needs to be a "FiniteQuadraticModule" or a "str".') if not sym_M.has_key(p): sym_M[p]=list() #print sym_M #sym_M = get_genus_symbol_dict(M) if p == 2: sym_new = deepcopy(sym_M) sym_new[p].append([1,2,7,0,0]) Bs.append(sym_new) print sym_new, dict_to_genus_symbol_string(sym_new) sym_new = deepcopy(sym_M) sym_new[p].append([1,2,7,1,0]) Bs.append(sym_new) print sym_new, dict_to_genus_symbol_string(sym_new) for s in sym_M[p]: print s t=s[3] print t if rec: for ss in sym_M[p]: if t==1 and ss[0]==s[0]+1: sym_new=deepcopy(sym_M) sym_new[p].remove(s) if s[2] in [1,5]: s2n = s[2]+2 else: s2n = s[2]-2 sym_new[p].append([s[0],s[1],s2n,s[3],(s[4]+2)%8]) sym_new[p].remove(ss) if ss[2] in [1,5]: ss2n = ss[2]+2 else: ss2n = ss[2]-2 sym_new[p].append([ss[0],ss[1],ss2n,ss[3],(ss[4]+2)%8]) Br = B(dict_to_genus_symbol_string(sym_new),p,rec=False,dict=True) print "Br=", B(dict_to_genus_symbol_string(sym_new),p,rec=False,dict=True) Bs = Bs+Br if s[1]>2 or t == 0 or t == None: # q^+2 type II -> (2q)^+2 type II if s[1] > 2 or s[4]==0: print "rule q^+2 -> (2q)^+2" sym_new = deepcopy(sym_M) sym_new[p].remove(s) sym_new[p].append([s[0]+1,2,7,0,0]) if s[1] > 2: sym_new[p].append([s[0],s[1]-2,-s[2],s[3],s[4]]) Bs.append(sym_new) print dict_to_genus_symbol_string(sym_new) # q^-2 -> (2q)_4^-2 if s[1] > 2 or s[4]==4: print "rule q^-2 -> (2q)_4^-2" sym_new = deepcopy(sym_M) sym_new[p].remove(s) sym_new[p].append([s[0]+1,2,3,1,4]) if s[1] > 2: sym_new[p].append([s[0],s[1]-2,(s[2]*3) % 8, s[3], (s[4]+4) % 8]) Bs.append(sym_new) print sym_new, dict_to_genus_symbol_string(sym_new) # q^+2 -> (2q)_0^+2 if s[1] > 2 or s[4]==0: print "rule q^+2 -> (2q)_0^+2" sym_new = deepcopy(sym_M) sym_new[p].remove(s) sym_new[p].append([s[0]+1,2,7,1,0]) if s[1] > 2: sym_new[p].append([s[0],s[1]-2,-s[2],s[3],s[4]]) Bs.append(sym_new) print dict_to_genus_symbol_string(sym_new) if t == 1: print "t=1" #rule for odd type, mult 1 power up odds = [1,3,5,7] for o in odds: if (s[1] == 1 and (s[4]==o or s[0]==1 and s[4] % 8 == (o+4) %8)) \ or s[1]>3 \ or (s[1]==3 and not ((s[4]-o) % 8 ) in [4,6] and kronecker(s[2]*o,2) % 8 == 1) \ or (s[1]==2 and (s[4]-o) % 8 in odds): sym_new = deepcopy(sym_M) sym_new[p].remove(s) sym_new[p].append([s[0]+2,1,o,1,o]) if s[1] > 1: sym_new[p].append([s[0],s[1]-1,s[2]*o,1,(s[4]-o) % 8]) print dict_to_genus_symbol_string(sym_new) Bs.append(sym_new) print s[1] if s[1] >= 2: print s if s[4] == 0 or (s[0]==1 and s[4]==4): print "1,4" print sym_M sym_new = deepcopy(sym_M) sym_new[p].remove(s) sym_new[p].append([s[0]+1,2,7,0,0]) if s[1]>2: sym_new[p].append([s[0],s[1]-2,(-s[2]) % 8, 1, s[4]]) Bs.append(sym_new) print sym_new print dict_to_genus_symbol_string(sym_new) if s[4] == 4: sym_new = deepcopy(sym_M) sym_new[p].remove(s) sym_new[p].append([s[0]+1,2,3,0,4]) if s[1]>2: sym_new[p].append([s[0],s[1]-2,(s[2]*3) % 8, 1, (s[4]-4)%8]) Bs.append(sym_new) print sym_new if s[1]>2 and s[1] % 2 == 0: sym_new = deepcopy(sym_M) sym_new[p].remove(s) sym_new[p].append([s[0]+1,2,s[2],0,s[4]]) sym_new[p].append([s[0],s[1]-2,0,0,0]) Bs.append(sym_new) else: ep = -1 if p % 4 == 3 else 1 if not sym_M.has_key(p): sym_M[p]=list() #rule 1+2 for triv p-module sym_new = deepcopy(sym_M) sym_new[p].append([2,1,1]) Bs.append(sym_new) sym_new = deepcopy(sym_M) sym_new[p].append([2,1,-1]) Bs.append(sym_new) sym_new = deepcopy(sym_M) sym_new[p].append([1,2,ep]) Bs.append(sym_new) for s in sym_M[p]: sym_new = deepcopy(sym_M) sym_new[p].remove(s) #rule 1 (power+2, mult 1) sym_new[p].append([s[0]+2,1,s[2]]) if s[1] > 1: sym_new[p].append([s[0],s[1]-1,1]) Bs.append(sym_new) sym_new = deepcopy(sym_M) sym_new[p].remove(s) sym_new[p].append([s[0]+2,1,-s[2]]) sym_new[p].append([s[0],s[1]-1,-1]) Bs.append(sym_new) else: Bs.append(sym_new) #rule 2 (power+1, mult 2) if s[1] >= 2: if s[1]==2 and s[2]==ep: sym_new = deepcopy(sym_M) sym_new[p].remove(s) sym_new[p].append([s[0]+1,2,ep]) Bs.append(sym_new) elif s[1]>2: sym_new = deepcopy(sym_M) sym_new[p].remove(s) sym_new[p].append([s[0]+1,2,ep]) sym_new[p].append([s[0],s[1]-2,ep*s[2]]) Bs.append(sym_new) if dict: return Bs Bss = list() for sym in Bs: sym = reduce_symbol(sym) sym = dict_to_genus_symbol_string(sym) Bss.append(sym) if p == 2: Bs = list() for s in Bss: try: FiniteQuadraticModule(s) Bs.append(s) except: print "ERROR: ", s Bss = Bs print "Bs = ", Bs #mods_uniq=list() #for M in mods: # seen = False # for N in mods_uniq: # if N.is_isomorphic(M): # seen = True # if not seen: # mods_uniq.append(M) #Bss = [M.jordan_decomposition().genus_symbol() for M in mods_uniq] return Bss
def general_webpagedata(self): info = {} try: info['support'] = except AttributeError: info['support'] = '' info['Ltype'] = self.Ltype() try: info['label'] = self.label except AttributeError: info['label'] = "" try: info['credit'] = except AttributeError: info['credit'] = "" info['degree'] = int( info['conductor'] = self.level if not is_prime(int(self.level)) and int(self.level) != 1: if self.level >= 10**8: info['conductor'] = latex(self.level_factored) else: info['conductor_factored'] = latex(self.level_factored) if self.analytic_conductor: info['analytic_conductor'] = display_float( self.analytic_conductor, 6, extra_truncation_digits=40, latex=True) info['root_analytic_conductor'] = display_float( self.root_analytic_conductor, 6, extra_truncation_digits=40, latex=True) else: info['analytic_conductor'] = self.analytic_conductor info['root_analytic_conductor'] = self.root_analytic_conductor if self.rational is not None: info['rational'] = 'yes' if self.rational else 'no' info['sign'] = "$" + styleTheSign(self.sign) + "$" info['algebraic'] = self.algebraic info['arithmetic'] = 'yes' if self.arithmetic else 'no' if self.selfdual: info['selfdual'] = 'yes' else: info['selfdual'] = 'no' if self.primitive: info['primitive'] = 'yes' else: info['primitive'] = 'no' info['dirichlet'] = lfuncDShtml(self, "analytic") # Hack, fix this more general? info['dirichlet'] = info['dirichlet'].replace('*I', '<em>i</em>') info['eulerproduct'] = lfuncEPtex(self, "abstract") info['functionalequation'] = lfuncFEtex(self, "analytic") info['functionalequationSelberg'] = lfuncFEtex(self, "selberg") if hasattr(self, 'positive_zeros'): info['positive_zeros'] = self.positive_zeros info['negative_zeros'] = self.negative_zeros if hasattr(self, 'plot'): info['plot'] = self.plot if hasattr(self, 'factorization'): info['factorization'] = self.factorization if self.fromDB and self.algebraic: info['dirichlet_arithmetic'] = lfuncDShtml(self, "arithmetic") info['eulerproduct_arithmetic'] = lfuncEPtex(self, "arithmetic") info['functionalequation_arithmetic'] = lfuncFEtex( self, "arithmetic") if self.motivic_weight % 2 == 0: arith_center = "\\frac{" + str(1 + self.motivic_weight) + "}{2}" else: arith_center = str(ZZ(1) / 2 + self.motivic_weight / 2) svt_crit = specialValueTriple(self, 0.5, '\\frac12', arith_center) info['sv_critical'] = svt_crit[0] + "\\ =\\ " + svt_crit[2] info['sv_critical_analytic'] = [ svt_crit[0], scientific_notation_helper(svt_crit[2]) ] info['sv_critical_arithmetic'] = [ svt_crit[1], scientific_notation_helper(svt_crit[2]) ] if self.motivic_weight % 2 == 1: arith_edge = "\\frac{" + str(2 + self.motivic_weight) + "}{2}" else: arith_edge = str(ZZ(1) + self.motivic_weight / 2) svt_edge = specialValueTriple(self, 1, '1', arith_edge) info['sv_edge'] = svt_edge[0] + "\\ =\\ " + svt_edge[2] info['sv_edge_analytic'] = [ svt_edge[0], scientific_notation_helper(svt_edge[2]) ] info['sv_edge_arithmetic'] = [ svt_edge[1], scientific_notation_helper(svt_edge[2]) ] chilatex = r"$\chi_{" + str(self.charactermodulus) + "} (" + str( self.characternumber) + r", \cdot )$" info['chi'] = '' if self.charactermodulus != self.level: info['chi'] += "induced by " info['chi'] += '<a href="' + url_for( 'characters.render_Dirichletwebpage', modulus=self.charactermodulus, number=self.characternumber) info['chi'] += '">' + chilatex + '</a>' info['st_group'] = self.st_group info['st_link'] = self.st_link info['rank'] = self.order_of_vanishing info['motivic_weight'] = r'\(%d\)' % self.motivic_weight elif self.Ltype() == "riemann": info['sv_edge'] = r"\[\zeta(1) \approx $\infty$\]" info['sv_critical'] = r"\[\zeta(1/2) \approx -1.460354508\]" elif self.Ltype() != "artin" or (self.Ltype() == "artin" and self.sign != 0): try: info['sv_edge'] = specialValueString(self, 1, '1') info['sv_critical'] = specialValueString(self, 0.5, '1/2') except Exception: info['sv_critical'] = "L(1/2): not computed" info['sv_edge'] = "L(1): not computed" return info
def B(M, m, algorithm='theorem', rec=True, dict=False): if algorithm == 'bf': return Bbf(M, m) elif not algorithm == 'theorem': raise ValueError( 'algorithm has to be one of "theorem" and "bf" (for brute force)') Bs = list() if not is_prime(m): raise ValueError('m is supposed to be prime (general case: TODO)') p = m if isinstance(M, FiniteQuadraticModule_ambient): sym_M = genus_symbol_string_to_dict( M.jordan_decomposition().genus_symbol()) elif isinstance(M, str): if len(M) > 0: sym_M = genus_symbol_string_to_dict(M) else: sym_M = {} else: raise ValueError('M needs to be a "FiniteQuadraticModule" or a "str".') if not sym_M.has_key(p): sym_M[p] = list() #print sym_M #sym_M = get_genus_symbol_dict(M) if p == 2: sym_new = deepcopy(sym_M) sym_new[p].append([1, 2, 7, 0, 0]) Bs.append(sym_new) print sym_new, dict_to_genus_symbol_string(sym_new) sym_new = deepcopy(sym_M) sym_new[p].append([1, 2, 7, 1, 0]) Bs.append(sym_new) print sym_new, dict_to_genus_symbol_string(sym_new) for s in sym_M[p]: print s t = s[3] print t if rec: for ss in sym_M[p]: if t == 1 and ss[0] == s[0] + 1: sym_new = deepcopy(sym_M) sym_new[p].remove(s) if s[2] in [1, 5]: s2n = s[2] + 2 else: s2n = s[2] - 2 sym_new[p].append( [s[0], s[1], s2n, s[3], (s[4] + 2) % 8]) sym_new[p].remove(ss) if ss[2] in [1, 5]: ss2n = ss[2] + 2 else: ss2n = ss[2] - 2 sym_new[p].append( [ss[0], ss[1], ss2n, ss[3], (ss[4] + 2) % 8]) Br = B(dict_to_genus_symbol_string(sym_new), p, rec=False, dict=True) print "Br=", B(dict_to_genus_symbol_string(sym_new), p, rec=False, dict=True) Bs = Bs + Br if s[1] > 2 or t == 0 or t == None: # q^+2 type II -> (2q)^+2 type II if s[1] > 2 or s[4] == 0: print "rule q^+2 -> (2q)^+2" sym_new = deepcopy(sym_M) sym_new[p].remove(s) sym_new[p].append([s[0] + 1, 2, 7, 0, 0]) if s[1] > 2: sym_new[p].append([s[0], s[1] - 2, -s[2], s[3], s[4]]) Bs.append(sym_new) print dict_to_genus_symbol_string(sym_new) # q^-2 -> (2q)_4^-2 if s[1] > 2 or s[4] == 4: print "rule q^-2 -> (2q)_4^-2" sym_new = deepcopy(sym_M) sym_new[p].remove(s) sym_new[p].append([s[0] + 1, 2, 3, 1, 4]) if s[1] > 2: sym_new[p].append([ s[0], s[1] - 2, (s[2] * 3) % 8, s[3], (s[4] + 4) % 8 ]) Bs.append(sym_new) print sym_new, dict_to_genus_symbol_string(sym_new) # q^+2 -> (2q)_0^+2 if s[1] > 2 or s[4] == 0: print "rule q^+2 -> (2q)_0^+2" sym_new = deepcopy(sym_M) sym_new[p].remove(s) sym_new[p].append([s[0] + 1, 2, 7, 1, 0]) if s[1] > 2: sym_new[p].append([s[0], s[1] - 2, -s[2], s[3], s[4]]) Bs.append(sym_new) print dict_to_genus_symbol_string(sym_new) if t == 1: print "t=1" #rule for odd type, mult 1 power up odds = [1, 3, 5, 7] for o in odds: if (s[1] == 1 and (s[4]==o or s[0]==1 and s[4] % 8 == (o+4) %8)) \ or s[1]>3 \ or (s[1]==3 and not ((s[4]-o) % 8 ) in [4,6] and kronecker(s[2]*o,2) % 8 == 1) \ or (s[1]==2 and (s[4]-o) % 8 in odds): sym_new = deepcopy(sym_M) sym_new[p].remove(s) sym_new[p].append([s[0] + 2, 1, o, 1, o]) if s[1] > 1: sym_new[p].append( [s[0], s[1] - 1, s[2] * o, 1, (s[4] - o) % 8]) print dict_to_genus_symbol_string(sym_new) Bs.append(sym_new) print s[1] if s[1] >= 2: print s if s[4] == 0 or (s[0] == 1 and s[4] == 4): print "1,4" print sym_M sym_new = deepcopy(sym_M) sym_new[p].remove(s) sym_new[p].append([s[0] + 1, 2, 7, 0, 0]) if s[1] > 2: sym_new[p].append( [s[0], s[1] - 2, (-s[2]) % 8, 1, s[4]]) Bs.append(sym_new) print sym_new print dict_to_genus_symbol_string(sym_new) if s[4] == 4: sym_new = deepcopy(sym_M) sym_new[p].remove(s) sym_new[p].append([s[0] + 1, 2, 3, 0, 4]) if s[1] > 2: sym_new[p].append([ s[0], s[1] - 2, (s[2] * 3) % 8, 1, (s[4] - 4) % 8 ]) Bs.append(sym_new) print sym_new if s[1] > 2 and s[1] % 2 == 0: sym_new = deepcopy(sym_M) sym_new[p].remove(s) sym_new[p].append([s[0] + 1, 2, s[2], 0, s[4]]) sym_new[p].append([s[0], s[1] - 2, 0, 0, 0]) Bs.append(sym_new) else: ep = -1 if p % 4 == 3 else 1 if not sym_M.has_key(p): sym_M[p] = list() #rule 1+2 for triv p-module sym_new = deepcopy(sym_M) sym_new[p].append([2, 1, 1]) Bs.append(sym_new) sym_new = deepcopy(sym_M) sym_new[p].append([2, 1, -1]) Bs.append(sym_new) sym_new = deepcopy(sym_M) sym_new[p].append([1, 2, ep]) Bs.append(sym_new) for s in sym_M[p]: sym_new = deepcopy(sym_M) sym_new[p].remove(s) #rule 1 (power+2, mult 1) sym_new[p].append([s[0] + 2, 1, s[2]]) if s[1] > 1: sym_new[p].append([s[0], s[1] - 1, 1]) Bs.append(sym_new) sym_new = deepcopy(sym_M) sym_new[p].remove(s) sym_new[p].append([s[0] + 2, 1, -s[2]]) sym_new[p].append([s[0], s[1] - 1, -1]) Bs.append(sym_new) else: Bs.append(sym_new) #rule 2 (power+1, mult 2) if s[1] >= 2: if s[1] == 2 and s[2] == ep: sym_new = deepcopy(sym_M) sym_new[p].remove(s) sym_new[p].append([s[0] + 1, 2, ep]) Bs.append(sym_new) elif s[1] > 2: sym_new = deepcopy(sym_M) sym_new[p].remove(s) sym_new[p].append([s[0] + 1, 2, ep]) sym_new[p].append([s[0], s[1] - 2, ep * s[2]]) Bs.append(sym_new) if dict: return Bs Bss = list() for sym in Bs: sym = reduce_symbol(sym) sym = dict_to_genus_symbol_string(sym) Bss.append(sym) if p == 2: Bs = list() for s in Bss: try: FiniteQuadraticModule(s) Bs.append(s) except: print "ERROR: ", s Bss = Bs print "Bs = ", Bs #mods_uniq=list() #for M in mods: # seen = False # for N in mods_uniq: # if N.is_isomorphic(M): # seen = True # if not seen: # mods_uniq.append(M) #Bss = [M.jordan_decomposition().genus_symbol() for M in mods_uniq] return Bss
def general_webpagedata(self): info = {} try: info['support'] = except AttributeError: info['support'] = '' info['Ltype'] = self.Ltype() info['label'] = self.label info['credit'] = info['degree'] = int( info['conductor'] = self.level if not is_prime(int(self.level)): info['conductor_factored'] = latex(factor(int(self.level))) info['sign'] = "$" + styleTheSign(self.sign) + "$" info['algebraic'] = self.algebraic if self.selfdual: info['selfdual'] = 'yes' else: info['selfdual'] = 'no' if self.primitive: info['primitive'] = 'yes' else: info['primitive'] = 'no' info['dirichlet'] = lfuncDShtml(self, "analytic") # Hack, fix this more general? info['dirichlet'] = info['dirichlet'].replace('*I','<em>i</em>') info['eulerproduct'] = lfuncEPtex(self, "abstract") info['functionalequation'] = lfuncFEtex(self, "analytic") info['functionalequationSelberg'] = lfuncFEtex(self, "selberg") if hasattr(self, 'positive_zeros'): info['positive_zeros'] = self.positive_zeros info['negative_zeros'] = self.negative_zeros if hasattr(self, 'plot'): info['plot'] = self.plot if hasattr(self, 'factorization'): info['factorization'] = self.factorization if self.fromDB and self.algebraic: info['dirichlet_arithmetic'] = lfuncDShtml(self, "arithmetic") info['eulerproduct_arithmetic'] = lfuncEPtex(self, "arithmetic") info['functionalequation_arithmetic'] = lfuncFEtex(self, "arithmetic") if self.motivic_weight % 2 == 0: arith_center = "\\frac{" + str(1 + self.motivic_weight) + "}{2}" else: arith_center = str(ZZ(1)/2 + self.motivic_weight/2) svt_crit = specialValueTriple(self, 0.5, '\\frac12',arith_center) info['sv_critical'] = svt_crit[0] + "\\ =\\ " + svt_crit[2] info['sv_critical_analytic'] = [svt_crit[0], svt_crit[2]] info['sv_critical_arithmetic'] = [svt_crit[1], svt_crit[2]] if self.motivic_weight % 2 == 1: arith_edge = "\\frac{" + str(2 + self.motivic_weight) + "}{2}" else: arith_edge = str(ZZ(1) + self.motivic_weight/2) svt_edge = specialValueTriple(self, 1, '1',arith_edge) info['sv_edge'] = svt_edge[0] + "\\ =\\ " + svt_edge[2] info['sv_edge_analytic'] = [svt_edge[0], svt_edge[2]] info['sv_edge_arithmetic'] = [svt_edge[1], svt_edge[2]] info['st_group'] = self.st_group info['st_link'] = self.st_link info['rank'] = self.order_of_vanishing info['motivic_weight'] = self.motivic_weight elif self.Ltype() != "artin" or (self.Ltype() == "artin" and self.sign != 0): try: info['sv_edge'] = specialValueString(self, 1, '1') info['sv_critical'] = specialValueString(self, 0.5, '1/2') except: info['sv_critical'] = "L(1/2): not computed" info['sv_edge'] = "L(1): not computed" return info
for i in range(m): cs = [randrange(p) for _ in range(n-1)] last_c = -sum(c*x for c, x in zip(cs, xs)) * inverse_mod(xs[-1], p) cs.append(last_c % p) assert sum(c*x for c, x in zip(cs, xs))%p == 0 A.append(cs) A = matrix(ZZ, A) assert xs == small_lgs(A, mod=p) assert xs == small_lgs2(A, c=None, mod=p) print ' Testing homogenous LGS modulo composite' hi = 2**128 lo = 2**100 p = hi + 1 assert not is_prime(p) n = 40 # num vars m = 35 # num equations xs = [randrange(lo) for _ in range(n)] xs = vector(xs) A = [] for i in range(m): cs = [randrange(p) for _ in range(n-1)] last_c = -sum(c*x for c, x in zip(cs, xs)) * inverse_mod(xs[-1], p) cs.append(last_c % p) assert sum(c*x for c, x in zip(cs, xs))%p == 0 A.append(cs) A = matrix(ZZ, A)
import sys import itertools from sage.all import is_prime, factor N = 32 J = 500 out = 'Case #1:\n' found = 0 for i in itertools.product('01',repeat=N-2): n = '1'+''.join(i)+'1' l = [] for j in range(2,11): if is_prime(int(n,j)): break l.append(str(factor(int(n,j))[0][0])) else: print("found",n,l) out += '{} {}\n'.format(n,' '.join(l)) found += 1 if found >= J: break open('C.out','w').write(out)
def elliptic_curve_search(info, query): parse_rational_to_list(info, query, 'jinv', 'j-invariant') parse_ints(info, query, 'conductor') if info.get('conductor_type'): if info['conductor_type'] == 'prime': query['num_bad_primes'] = 1 query['semistable'] = True elif info['conductor_type'] == 'prime_power': query['num_bad_primes'] = 1 elif info['conductor_type'] == 'squarefree': query['semistable'] = True elif info['conductor_type'] == 'divides': if not isinstance(query.get('conductor'), int): err = "You must specify a single conductor" flash_error(err) raise ValueError(err) else: query['conductor'] = {'$in': integer_divisors(ZZ(query['conductor']))} parse_signed_ints(info, query, 'discriminant', qfield=('signD', 'absD')) parse_ints(info,query,'rank') parse_ints(info,query,'sha','analytic order of Ш') parse_ints(info,query,'num_int_pts','num_int_pts') parse_ints(info,query,'class_size','class_size') if info.get('class_deg'): parse_ints(info,query,'class_deg','class_deg') if not isinstance(query.get('class_deg'), int): err = "You must specify a single isogeny class degree" flash_error(err) raise ValueError(err) parse_floats(info,query,'regulator','regulator') parse_floats(info, query, 'faltings_height', 'faltings_height') if info.get('reduction'): if info['reduction'] == 'semistable': query['semistable'] = True elif info['reduction'] == 'not semistable': query['semistable'] = False elif info['reduction'] == 'potentially good': query['potential_good_reduction'] = True elif info['reduction'] == 'not potentially good': query['potential_good_reduction'] = False if info.get('torsion'): if info['torsion'][0] == '[': parse_bracketed_posints(info,query,'torsion',qfield='torsion_structure',maxlength=2,check_divisibility='increasing') else: parse_ints(info,query,'torsion') # speed up slow torsion_structure searches by also setting torsion #if 'torsion_structure' in query and not 'torsion' in query: # query['torsion'] = reduce(mul,[int(n) for n in query['torsion_structure']],1) if 'cm' in info: if info['cm'] == 'noCM': query['cm'] = 0 elif info['cm'] == 'CM': query['cm'] = {'$ne' : 0} else: parse_ints(info,query,field='cm',qfield='cm') parse_element_of(info,query,'isogeny_degrees',split_interval=200,contained_in=get_stats().isogeny_degrees) parse_primes(info, query, 'nonmax_primes', name='non-maximal primes', qfield='nonmax_primes', mode=info.get('nonmax_quantifier'), radical='nonmax_rad') parse_primes(info, query, 'bad_primes', name='bad primes', qfield='bad_primes',mode=info.get('bad_quantifier')) parse_primes(info, query, 'sha_primes', name='sha primes', qfield='sha_primes',mode=info.get('sha_quantifier')) if info.get('galois_image'): labels = [a.strip() for a in info['galois_image'].split(',')] elladic_labels = [a for a in labels if elladic_image_label_regex.fullmatch(a) and is_prime_power(elladic_image_label_regex.match(a)[1])] modell_labels = [a for a in labels if modell_image_label_regex.fullmatch(a) and is_prime(modell_image_label_regex.match(a)[1])] if len(elladic_labels)+len(modell_labels) != len(labels): err = "Unrecognized Galois image label, it should be the label of a subgroup of GL(2,Z_ell), such as %s, or the label of a subgroup of GL(2,F_ell), such as %s, or a list of such labels" flash_error(err, "", "13S4") raise ValueError(err) if elladic_labels: query['elladic_images'] = {'$contains': elladic_labels} if modell_labels: query['modell_images'] = {'$contains': modell_labels} if 'cm' not in query: query['cm'] = 0 info['cm'] = "noCM" if query['cm']: # try to help the user out if they specify the normalizer of a Cartan in the CM case (these are either maximal or impossible if any(a.endswith("Nn") for a in modell_labels) or any(a.endswith("Ns") for a in modell_labels): err = "To search for maximal images, exclude non-maximal primes" flash_error(err) raise ValueError(err) else: # if the user specifies full mod-ell image with ell > 3, automatically exclude nonmax primes (if possible) max_labels = [a for a in modell_labels if a.endswith("G") and int(modell_image_label_regex.match(a)[1]) > 3] if max_labels: if info.get('nonmax_primes') and info['nonmax_quantifier'] != 'exclude': err = "To search for maximal images, exclude non-maximal primes" flash_error(err) raise ValueError(err) else: modell_labels = [a for a in modell_labels if a not in max_labels] max_primes = [modell_image_label_regex.match(a)[1] for a in max_labels] if info.get('nonmax_primes'): max_primes += [l.strip() for l in info['nonmax_primes'].split(',') if not l.strip() in max_primes] max_primes.sort(key=int) info['nonmax_primes'] = ','.join(max_primes) info['nonmax_quantifier'] = 'exclude' parse_primes(info, query, 'nonmax_primes', name='non-maximal primes', qfield='nonmax_primes', mode=info.get('nonmax_quantifier'), radical='nonmax_rad') info['galois_image'] = ','.join(modell_labels + elladic_labels) query['modell_images'] = { '$contains': modell_labels } # The button which used to be labelled Optimal only no/yes" # (default: no) has been renamed "Curves per isogeny class # all/one" (default: all). When this option is "one" we only list # one curve in each class, currently choosing the curve with # minimal Faltings heights, which is conjecturally the # Gamma_1(N)-optimal curve. if 'optimal' in info and info['optimal'] == 'on': query["__one_per__"] = "lmfdb_iso" info['curve_ainvs'] = lambda dbc: str([ZZ(ai) for ai in dbc['ainvs']]) info['curve_url_LMFDB'] = lambda dbc: url_for(".by_triple_label", conductor=dbc['conductor'], iso_label=split_lmfdb_label(dbc['lmfdb_iso'])[1], number=dbc['lmfdb_number']) info['iso_url_LMFDB'] = lambda dbc: url_for(".by_double_iso_label", conductor=dbc['conductor'], iso_label=split_lmfdb_label(dbc['lmfdb_iso'])[1]) info['cremona_bound'] = CREMONA_BOUND info['curve_url_Cremona'] = lambda dbc: url_for(".by_ec_label", label=dbc['Clabel']) info['iso_url_Cremona'] = lambda dbc: url_for(".by_ec_label", label=dbc['Ciso']) info['FH'] = lambda dbc: RealField(20)(dbc['faltings_height'])
def lfuncFEtex(L, fmt): """ Returns the LaTex for displaying the Functional equation of the L-function L. fmt could be any of the values: "analytic", "selberg" """ if fmt == "arithmetic": mu_list = [mu - L.motivic_weight/2 for mu in L.mu_fe] nu_list = [nu - L.motivic_weight/2 for nu in L.nu_fe] mu_list.sort() nu_list.sort() texname = L.texname_arithmetic try: tex_name_s = L.texnamecompleteds_arithmetic tex_name_1ms = L.texnamecompleted1ms_arithmetic except AttributeError: tex_name_s = L.texnamecompleteds tex_name_1ms = L.texnamecompleted1ms else: mu_list = L.mu_fe[:] nu_list = L.nu_fe[:] texname = L.texname tex_name_s = L.texnamecompleteds tex_name_1ms = L.texnamecompleted1ms ans = "" if fmt == "arithmetic" or fmt == "analytic": ans = "\\begin{align}\n" + tex_name_s + "=\\mathstrut &" if L.level > 1: if L.level >= 10**8 and not is_prime(int(L.level)): ans += r"\left(%s\right)^{s/2}" % latex(L.level_factored) else: ans += latex(L.level) + "^{s/2}" ans += " \\, " def munu_str(factors_list, field): assert field in ['\R','\C'] # set up to accommodate multiplicity of Gamma factors old = "" res = "" curr_exp = 0 for elt in factors_list: if elt == old: curr_exp += 1 else: old = elt if curr_exp > 1: res += "^{" + str(curr_exp) + "}" if curr_exp > 0: res += " \\, " curr_exp = 1 res += "\Gamma_{" + field + "}(s" + seriescoeff(elt, 0, "signed", "", 3) + ")" if curr_exp > 1: res += "^{" + str(curr_exp) + "}" if res != "": res += " \\, " return res ans += munu_str(mu_list, '\R') ans += munu_str(nu_list, '\C') ans += texname + "\\cr\n" ans += "=\\mathstrut & " if L.sign == 0: ans += "\epsilon \cdot " else: ans += seriescoeff(L.sign, 0, "factor", "", 3) + "\\," ans += tex_name_1ms if L.sign == 0 and == 1: ans += "\quad (\\text{with }\epsilon \\text{ not computed})" if L.sign == 0 and > 1: ans += "\quad (\\text{with }\epsilon \\text{ unknown})" ans += "\n\\end{align}\n" elif fmt == "selberg": ans += "(" + str(int( + ",\\ " if L.level >= 10**8 and not is_prime(int(L.level)): ans += latex(L.level_factored) else: ans += str(int(L.level)) ans += ",\\ " ans += "(" # this is mostly a hack for GL2 Maass forms def real_digits(x): return len(str(x).replace('.','').lstrip('-').lstrip('0')) def mu_fe_prec(x): if L._Ltype == 'maass': return real_digits(imag_part(x)) else: return 3 if L.mu_fe != []: mus = [ display_complex(CDF(mu).real(), CDF(mu).imag(), mu_fe_prec(mu), method="round" ) for mu in L.mu_fe ] if len(mus) >= 6 and mus == [mus[0]]*len(mus): ans += '[%s]^{%d}' % (mus[0], len(mus)) else: ans += ", ".join(mus) else: ans += "\\ " ans += ":" if L.nu_fe != []: if len(L.nu_fe) >= 6 and L.nu_fe == [L.nu_fe[0]]*len(L.nu_fe): ans += '[%s]^{%d}' % (L.nu_fe[0], len(L.nu_fe)) else: ans += ", ".join(map(str, L.nu_fe)) else: ans += "\\ " ans += "),\\ " ans += seriescoeff(L.sign, 0, "literal", "", 3) ans += ")" return(ans)
def general_webpagedata(self): info = {} try: info['support'] = except AttributeError: info['support'] = '' info['Ltype'] = self.Ltype() info['label'] = self.label info['credit'] = info['degree'] = int( info['conductor'] = self.level if not is_prime(int(self.level)): info['conductor_factored'] = latex(factor(int(self.level))) info['sign'] = "$" + styleTheSign(self.sign) + "$" info['algebraic'] = self.algebraic if self.selfdual: info['selfdual'] = 'yes' else: info['selfdual'] = 'no' if self.primitive: info['primitive'] = 'yes' else: info['primitive'] = 'no' info['dirichlet'] = lfuncDShtml(self, "analytic") # Hack, fix this more general? info['dirichlet'] = info['dirichlet'].replace('*I', '<em>i</em>') info['eulerproduct'] = lfuncEPtex(self, "abstract") info['functionalequation'] = lfuncFEtex(self, "analytic") info['functionalequationSelberg'] = lfuncFEtex(self, "selberg") if hasattr(self, 'positive_zeros'): info['positive_zeros'] = self.positive_zeros info['negative_zeros'] = self.negative_zeros if hasattr(self, 'plot'): info['plot'] = self.plot if hasattr(self, 'factorization'): info['factorization'] = self.factorization if self.fromDB and self.algebraic: info['dirichlet_arithmetic'] = lfuncDShtml(self, "arithmetic") info['eulerproduct_arithmetic'] = lfuncEPtex(self, "arithmetic") info['functionalequation_arithmetic'] = lfuncFEtex( self, "arithmetic") if self.motivic_weight % 2 == 0: arith_center = "\\frac{" + str(1 + self.motivic_weight) + "}{2}" else: arith_center = str(ZZ(1) / 2 + self.motivic_weight / 2) svt_crit = specialValueTriple(self, 0.5, '\\frac12', arith_center) info['sv_critical'] = svt_crit[0] + "\\ =\\ " + svt_crit[2] info['sv_critical_analytic'] = [svt_crit[0], svt_crit[2]] info['sv_critical_arithmetic'] = [svt_crit[1], svt_crit[2]] if self.motivic_weight % 2 == 1: arith_edge = "\\frac{" + str(2 + self.motivic_weight) + "}{2}" else: arith_edge = str(ZZ(1) + self.motivic_weight / 2) svt_edge = specialValueTriple(self, 1, '1', arith_edge) info['sv_edge'] = svt_edge[0] + "\\ =\\ " + svt_edge[2] info['sv_edge_analytic'] = [svt_edge[0], svt_edge[2]] info['sv_edge_arithmetic'] = [svt_edge[1], svt_edge[2]] info['st_group'] = self.st_group info['st_link'] = self.st_link info['rank'] = self.order_of_vanishing info['motivic_weight'] = self.motivic_weight elif self.Ltype() != "artin" or (self.Ltype() == "artin" and self.sign != 0): try: info['sv_edge'] = specialValueString(self, 1, '1') info['sv_critical'] = specialValueString(self, 0.5, '1/2') except: info['sv_critical'] = "L(1/2): not computed" info['sv_edge'] = "L(1): not computed" return info