Ejemplo n.º 1
def complex_to_lattice(z, d, a, N=None):
    Given an algebraic number z of degree d, set of up the
    lattice which tries to express a in terms of powers of z,
    where the last two colmns are weighted by N.
    if N is None:
        N = ZZ(2)**(z.prec() - 10)
    nums = [z**k for k in range(d)] + [a]
    last_columns = [[round(N * real_part(x)) for x in nums],
                    [round(N * imag_part(x)) for x in nums]]
    A = matrix(identity_matrix(len(nums)).columns() + last_columns)
    return A.transpose()
Ejemplo n.º 2
def pretty_coeff(c, prec=9):
    Format the complex coefficient `c` for display on the website.
    if isinstance(c, complex):
        x = c.real
        y = c.imag
        x = real_part(c)
        y = imag_part(c)
    # the number of digits to display 'prec' digits after the .
    digits = lambda z: len(str(abs(z)).split('.')[0].lstrip('0')) + prec

    res = display_complex(x, y, digits=max(map(digits, [x, y])))

    if res == '0':
        return ' 0'
        return res
Ejemplo n.º 3
def pretty_coeff(c, prec=9):
    Format the complex coefficient `c` for display on the website.
    if isinstance(c, complex):
        x = c.real
        y = c.imag
        x = real_part(c)
        y = imag_part(c)
    # the number of digits to display 'prec' digits after the .
    digits = lambda z: len(str(abs(z)).split('.')[0].lstrip('0')) + prec

    res =  display_complex(x, y, digits = max(map(digits, [x, y])))

    if res == '0':
        return ' 0'
        return res
Ejemplo n.º 4
def createLcalcfile_ver1(L):
    """ Creates the lcalcfile of L, version 1

    thefile = ""
    if L.selfdual:
        thefile += "2\n"  # 2 means real coefficients
        thefile += "3\n"  # 3 means complex coefficients

    thefile += "0\n"  # 0 means unknown type

    thefile += str(len(L.dirichlet_coefficients)) + "\n"

    thefile += "0\n"  # assume the coefficients are not periodic

    thefile += str(L.quasidegree) + "\n"  # number of actual Gamma functions

    for n in range(0, L.quasidegree):
        thefile = thefile + str(L.kappa_fe[n]) + "\n"
        thefile = thefile + str(real_part(L.lambda_fe[n])) + " " + str(
            imag_part(L.lambda_fe[n])) + "\n"

    thefile += str(real_part(L.Q_fe)) + "\n"

    thefile += str(real_part(L.sign)) + " " + str(imag_part(L.sign)) + "\n"

    thefile += str(len(L.poles)) + "\n"  # counts number of poles

    for n in range(0, len(L.poles)):
        thefile += str(real_part(L.poles[n])) + " " + str(imag_part(
            L.poles[n])) + "\n"  # pole location
        thefile += str(real_part(L.residues[n])) + " " + str(
            imag_part(L.residues[n])) + "\n"  # residue at pole

    for n in range(0, len(L.dirichlet_coefficients)):
        thefile += str(real_part(L.dirichlet_coefficients[n])
                       )  # add real part of Dirichlet coefficient
        if not L.selfdual:  # if not selfdual
            thefile += " " + str(imag_part(L.dirichlet_coefficients[n]))
            # add imaginary part of Dirichlet coefficient
        thefile += "\n"

    return (thefile)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def createLcalcfile_ver1(L):
    """ Creates the lcalcfile of L, version 1

    thefile = ""
    if L.selfdual:
        thefile += "2\n"  # 2 means real coefficients
        thefile += "3\n"  # 3 means complex coefficients

    thefile += "0\n"  # 0 means unknown type

    thefile += str(len(L.dirichlet_coefficients)) + "\n"

    thefile += "0\n"  # assume the coefficients are not periodic

    thefile += str(L.quasidegree) + "\n"  # number of actual Gamma functions

    for n in range(0, L.quasidegree):
        thefile = thefile + str(L.kappa_fe[n]) + "\n"
        thefile = thefile + str(real_part(L.lambda_fe[n])) + " " + str(imag_part(L.lambda_fe[n])) + "\n"

    thefile += str(real_part(L.Q_fe)) + "\n"

    thefile += str(real_part(L.sign)) + " " + str(imag_part(L.sign)) + "\n"

    thefile += str(len(L.poles)) + "\n"  # counts number of poles

    for n in range(0, len(L.poles)):
        thefile += str(real_part(L.poles[n])) + " " + str(imag_part(L.poles[n])) + "\n"  # pole location
        thefile += str(
            real_part(L.residues[n])) + " " + str(imag_part(L.residues[n])) + "\n"  # residue at pole

    for n in range(0, len(L.dirichlet_coefficients)):
        thefile += str(real_part(L.dirichlet_coefficients[n]))   # add real part of Dirichlet coefficient
        if not L.selfdual:  # if not selfdual
            thefile += " " + str(imag_part(L.dirichlet_coefficients[n]))
                                 # add imaginary part of Dirichlet coefficient
        thefile += "\n"

Ejemplo n.º 6
def seriescoeff(coeff, index, seriescoefftype, seriestype, truncationexp, precision):
  # seriescoefftype can be: series, serieshtml, signed, literal, factor
#  truncationexp is used to determine if a number is 'really' 0 or 1 or -1 or I or -I or 0.5 or -0.5
#  precision is used to truncate decimal numbers
    truncation = float(10 ** truncationexp)
        if isinstance(coeff,str) or isinstance(coeff,unicode):
            coeff = string2number(coeff)
        if type(coeff) == complex:
            rp = coeff.real
            ip = coeff.imag
            rp = real_part(coeff)
            ip = imag_part(coeff)
    except TypeError:     # mostly a hack for Dirichlet L-functions
        if seriescoefftype == "serieshtml":
            if coeff == "I":
                return " + " + "$i$" + "·" + seriesvar(index, seriestype)
            elif coeff == "-I":
                return "−" + " $i$" + "·" + seriesvar(index, seriestype)
                return " +" + coeff + "·" + seriesvar(index, seriestype)
            return coeff
# below we use float(abs()) instead of abs() to avoid a sage bug
    if (float(abs(rp)) > truncation) & (float(abs(ip)) > truncation):  # has a real and an imaginary part
        ans = ""
        if seriescoefftype == "series" or seriescoefftype == "signed":
            ans += "+"
            ans += "("
            ans += truncate_number(rp, precision)
        elif seriescoefftype == "serieshtml":
            ans += " + "
            ans += "("
            if rp > 0:
                ans += truncate_number(rp, precision)
                ans += "−"+truncate_number(float(abs(rp)), precision)
        elif seriescoefftype == "factor":
            ans += "("
            ans += truncate_number(rp, precision)
            ans += truncate_number(rp, precision)
        if ip > 0:
            ans += " + "
        if seriescoefftype == "series" or seriescoefftype == "signed":
            ans += truncate_number(ip, precision) + " i"
        elif seriescoefftype == "serieshtml":
            if ip > 0:
                ans += truncate_number(ip, precision)
                ans += " − "+truncate_number(float(abs(ip)), precision)
            ans += "<em>i</em>"
        elif seriescoefftype == "factor":
            ans += truncate_number(ip, precision) + "i" + ")"
            ans += truncate_number(ip, precision) + "i"
        if seriescoefftype == "series" or seriescoefftype == "serieshtml" or seriescoefftype == "signed":
            return(ans + ")" + " " + seriesvar(index, seriestype))

    elif (float(abs(rp)) < truncation) & (float(abs(ip)) < truncation):
        if seriescoefftype != "literal":
# if we get this far, either pure real or pure imaginary
    ans = ""
    if rp > truncation:
        if float(abs(rp - 1)) < truncation:
            if seriescoefftype == "literal":
            elif seriescoefftype == "signed":
            elif seriescoefftype == "factor":
            elif seriescoefftype == "series" or seriescoefftype == "serieshtml":
                return(ans + " + " + seriesvar(index, seriestype))
            if seriescoefftype == "series" or seriescoefftype == "serieshtml":
                return(" + " + ans + truncate_number(rp, precision) + "&middot;" + seriesvar(index, seriestype))
            elif seriescoefftype == "signed":
                return(ans + "+" + truncate_number(rp, precision))
            elif seriescoefftype == "literal" or seriescoefftype == "factor":
                return(ans + truncate_number(rp, precision))
    elif rp < -1 * truncation:
        if float(abs(rp + 1)) < truncation:
            if seriescoefftype == "literal":
                return("-1" + seriesvar(index, seriestype))
            elif seriescoefftype == "signed":
                return("-1" + seriesvar(index, seriestype))
            elif seriescoefftype == "factor":
                return("-" + seriesvar(index, seriestype))
            elif seriescoefftype == "series":  # adding space between minus sign and value
                return(" - " + seriesvar(index, seriestype))
            elif seriescoefftype == "serieshtml":  # adding space between minus sign and value
                return(" &minus; " + seriesvar(index, seriestype))
                return("-" + seriesvar(index, seriestype))
            if seriescoefftype == "series":
                return(ans + " - " + truncate_number(-1*rp, precision) + seriesvar(index, seriestype))
            elif seriescoefftype == "signed":
                return(ans + "-" + truncate_number(-1*rp, precision))
            elif seriescoefftype == "serieshtml":
                return(ans + " &minus; " + truncate_number(-1*rp, precision) + "&middot;" +  seriesvar(index, seriestype))
            elif seriescoefftype == "literal" or seriescoefftype == "factor":
                return(ans + truncate_number(rp, precision))

# if we get this far, it is pure imaginary
    elif ip > truncation:
        if float(abs(ip - 1)) < truncation:
            if seriescoefftype == "literal":
            elif seriescoefftype == "signed":
            elif seriescoefftype == "factor":
            elif seriescoefftype == "series":
                return(ans + " + i" + seriesvar(index, seriestype))
            elif seriescoefftype == "serieshtml":
                return(ans + " + <em>i</em>" + "&middot;" + seriesvar(index, seriestype))
                  # yes, em is not the right tag, but it is styled with CSS
            if seriescoefftype == "series":
                return(ans + truncate_number(ip, precision) + "i " + seriesvar(index, seriestype))
            elif seriescoefftype == "serieshtml":
                return(ans + " + " + truncate_number(ip, precision) + "<em>i</em> " + "&middot;" + seriesvar(index, seriestype))
            elif seriescoefftype == "signed":
                return(ans + "+" + truncate_number(ip, precision) + "i")
            elif seriescoefftype == "literal" or seriescoefftype == "factor":
                return(ans + truncate_number(ip, precision) + "i")
    elif ip < -1 * truncation:
        if float(abs(ip + 1)) < truncation:
            if seriescoefftype == "factor": #assumes that factor is used in math mode
                return("- i \cdot" + seriesvar(index, seriestype))
            elif seriescoefftype == "serieshtml":
                return(" &minus; <em>i</em> &middot;" + seriesvar(index, seriestype))
                return("- i" + seriesvar(index, seriestype))
            if seriescoefftype == "series":
                return(ans + truncate_number(ip, precision) + "i" + seriesvar(index, seriestype))
            elif seriescoefftype == "serieshtml":
                return(ans + " &minus; " + truncate_number(float(abs(ip)), precision) + "<em>i</em>" + "&middot;" + seriesvar(index, seriestype))
            elif seriescoefftype == "signed":
                return(ans + truncate_number(ip, precision) + " i")
            elif seriescoefftype == "literal" or seriescoefftype == "factor":
                return(ans + truncate_number(ip, precision) + "i")

        return(latex(coeff) + seriesvar(index, seriestype))
Ejemplo n.º 7
def seriescoeff(coeff, index, seriescoefftype, seriestype, digits):
    # seriescoefftype can be: series, serieshtml, signed, literal, factor
        if isinstance(coeff,str) or isinstance(coeff,unicode):
            if coeff == "I":
                rp = 0
                ip = 1
            elif coeff == "-I":
                rp = 0
                ip = -1
                coeff = string2number(coeff)
        if type(coeff) == complex:
            rp = coeff.real
            ip = coeff.imag
            rp = real_part(coeff)
            ip = imag_part(coeff)
    except TypeError:     # mostly a hack for Dirichlet L-functions
        if seriescoefftype == "serieshtml":
            return " +" + coeff + "&middot;" + seriesvar(index, seriestype)
            return coeff
    ans = ""
    if seriescoefftype in ["series", "serieshtml", "signed", "factor"]:
        parenthesis = True
        parenthesis = False
    coeff_display =  display_complex(rp, ip, digits, method="truncate", parenthesis=parenthesis)

    # deal with the zero case
    if coeff_display == "0":
        if seriescoefftype=="literal":
            return "0"
            return ""

    if seriescoefftype=="literal":
        return coeff_display

    if seriescoefftype == "factor":
        if coeff_display == "1":
            return ""
        elif coeff_display == "-1":
            return "-"

    #add signs and fix spacing
    if seriescoefftype in ["series", "serieshtml"]:
        if coeff_display == "1":
            coeff_display = " + "
        elif coeff_display == "-1":
            coeff_display = " - "
        # purely real or complex number that starts with -
        elif coeff_display[0] == '-':
            # add spacings around the minus
            coeff_display = coeff_display.replace('-',' - ')
            ans += " + "
    elif seriescoefftype == 'signed' and coeff_display[0] != '-':
        # add the plus without the spaces
        ans += "+"

    ans += coeff_display

    if seriescoefftype == "serieshtml":
        ans = ans.replace('i',"<em>i</em>").replace('-',"&minus;")
        if coeff_display[-1] not in [')', ' ']:
            ans += "&middot;"
    if seriescoefftype in ["series", "serieshtml", "signed"]:
        ans += seriesvar(index, seriestype)

    return ans
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def _sage_(self):
     import sage.all as sage
     return sage.real_part(self.args[0]._sage_())
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def _sage_(self):
     import sage.all as sage
     return sage.real_part(self.args[0]._sage_())
Ejemplo n.º 10
def seriescoeff(coeff, index, seriescoefftype, seriestype, digits):
    # seriescoefftype can be: series, serieshtml, signed, literal, factor
        if isinstance(coeff, string_types):
            if coeff == "I":
                rp = 0
                ip = 1
                coeff = CDF(I)
            elif coeff == "-I":
                rp = 0
                ip = -1
                coeff = CDF(-I)
                coeff = string2number(coeff)
        if type(coeff) == complex:
            rp = coeff.real
            ip = coeff.imag
            rp = real_part(coeff)
            ip = imag_part(coeff)
    except TypeError:     # mostly a hack for Dirichlet L-functions
        if seriescoefftype == "serieshtml":
            return " +" + coeff + "&middot;" + seriesvar(index, seriestype)
            return coeff
    ans = ""
    if seriescoefftype in ["series", "serieshtml", "signed", "factor"]:
        parenthesis = True
        parenthesis = False
    coeff_display =  display_complex(rp, ip, digits, method="truncate", parenthesis=parenthesis)

    # deal with the zero case
    if coeff_display == "0":
        if seriescoefftype=="literal":
            return "0"
            return ""

    if seriescoefftype=="literal":
        return coeff_display

    if seriescoefftype == "factor":
        if coeff_display == "1":
            return ""
        elif coeff_display == "-1":
            return "-"

    #add signs and fix spacing
    if seriescoefftype in ["series", "serieshtml"]:
        if coeff_display == "1":
            coeff_display = " + "
        elif coeff_display == "-1":
            coeff_display = " - "
        # purely real or complex number that starts with -
        elif coeff_display[0] == '-':
            # add spacings around the minus
            coeff_display = coeff_display.replace('-',' - ')
            ans += " + "
    elif seriescoefftype == 'signed' and coeff_display[0] != '-':
        # add the plus without the spaces
        ans += "+"

    ans += coeff_display

    if seriescoefftype == "serieshtml":
        ans = ans.replace('i',"<em>i</em>").replace('-',"&minus;")
        if coeff_display[-1] not in [')', ' ']:
            ans += "&middot;"
    if seriescoefftype in ["series", "serieshtml", "signed"]:
        ans += seriesvar(index, seriestype)

    return ans
Ejemplo n.º 11
def seriescoeff(coeff, index, seriescoefftype, seriestype, truncationexp,
    # seriescoefftype can be: series, serieshtml, signed, literal, factor
    #  truncationexp is used to determine if a number is 'really' 0 or 1 or -1 or I or -I or 0.5 or -0.5
    #  precision is used to truncate decimal numbers
    truncation = float(10**truncationexp)
        if isinstance(coeff, str) or isinstance(coeff, unicode):
            coeff = string2number(coeff)
        if type(coeff) == complex:
            rp = coeff.real
            ip = coeff.imag
            rp = real_part(coeff)
            ip = imag_part(coeff)
    except TypeError:  # mostly a hack for Dirichlet L-functions
        if seriescoefftype == "serieshtml":
            if coeff == "I":
                return " + " + "$i$" + "&middot;" + seriesvar(
                    index, seriestype)
            elif coeff == "-I":
                return "&minus;" + " $i$" + "&middot;" + seriesvar(
                    index, seriestype)
                return " +" + coeff + "&middot;" + seriesvar(index, seriestype)
            return coeff
# below we use float(abs()) instead of abs() to avoid a sage bug
    if (float(abs(rp)) > truncation) & (float(
            abs(ip)) > truncation):  # has a real and an imaginary part
        ans = ""
        if seriescoefftype == "series" or seriescoefftype == "signed":
            ans += "+"
            ans += "("
            ans += truncate_number(rp, precision)
        elif seriescoefftype == "serieshtml":
            ans += " + "
            ans += "("
            if rp > 0:
                ans += truncate_number(rp, precision)
                ans += "&minus;" + truncate_number(float(abs(rp)), precision)
        elif seriescoefftype == "factor":
            ans += "("
            ans += truncate_number(rp, precision)
            ans += truncate_number(rp, precision)
        if ip > 0:
            ans += " + "
        if seriescoefftype == "series" or seriescoefftype == "signed":
            ans += truncate_number(ip, precision) + " i"
        elif seriescoefftype == "serieshtml":
            if ip > 0:
                ans += truncate_number(ip, precision)
                ans += " &minus; " + truncate_number(float(abs(ip)), precision)
            ans += "<em>i</em>"
        elif seriescoefftype == "factor":
            ans += truncate_number(ip, precision) + "i" + ")"
            ans += truncate_number(ip, precision) + "i"
        if seriescoefftype == "series" or seriescoefftype == "serieshtml" or seriescoefftype == "signed":
            return (ans + ")" + " " + seriesvar(index, seriestype))
            return (ans)

    elif (float(abs(rp)) < truncation) & (float(abs(ip)) < truncation):
        if seriescoefftype != "literal":
            return ("")
            return ("0")
# if we get this far, either pure real or pure imaginary
    ans = ""
    if rp > truncation:
        if float(abs(rp - 1)) < truncation:
            if seriescoefftype == "literal":
                return ("1")
            elif seriescoefftype == "signed":
                return ("+1")
            elif seriescoefftype == "factor":
                return ("")
            elif seriescoefftype == "series" or seriescoefftype == "serieshtml":
                return (ans + " + " + seriesvar(index, seriestype))
            if seriescoefftype == "series" or seriescoefftype == "serieshtml":
                return (" + " + ans + truncate_number(rp, precision) +
                        "&middot;" + seriesvar(index, seriestype))
            elif seriescoefftype == "signed":
                return (ans + "+" + truncate_number(rp, precision))
            elif seriescoefftype == "literal" or seriescoefftype == "factor":
                return (ans + truncate_number(rp, precision))
    elif rp < -1 * truncation:
        if float(abs(rp + 1)) < truncation:
            if seriescoefftype == "literal":
                return ("-1" + seriesvar(index, seriestype))
            elif seriescoefftype == "signed":
                return ("-1" + seriesvar(index, seriestype))
            elif seriescoefftype == "factor":
                return ("-" + seriesvar(index, seriestype))
            elif seriescoefftype == "series":  # adding space between minus sign and value
                return (" - " + seriesvar(index, seriestype))
            elif seriescoefftype == "serieshtml":  # adding space between minus sign and value
                return (" &minus; " + seriesvar(index, seriestype))
                return ("-" + seriesvar(index, seriestype))
            if seriescoefftype == "series":
                return (ans + " - " + truncate_number(-1 * rp, precision) +
                        seriesvar(index, seriestype))
            elif seriescoefftype == "signed":
                return (ans + "-" + truncate_number(-1 * rp, precision))
            elif seriescoefftype == "serieshtml":
                return (ans + " &minus; " +
                        truncate_number(-1 * rp, precision) + "&middot;" +
                        seriesvar(index, seriestype))
            elif seriescoefftype == "literal" or seriescoefftype == "factor":
                return (ans + truncate_number(rp, precision))

# if we get this far, it is pure imaginary
    elif ip > truncation:
        if float(abs(ip - 1)) < truncation:
            if seriescoefftype == "literal":
                return ("i")
            elif seriescoefftype == "signed":
                return ("+i")
            elif seriescoefftype == "factor":
                return ("i")
            elif seriescoefftype == "series":
                return (ans + " + i" + seriesvar(index, seriestype))
            elif seriescoefftype == "serieshtml":
                return (ans + " + <em>i</em>" + "&middot;" +
                        seriesvar(index, seriestype))
                # yes, em is not the right tag, but it is styled with CSS
            if seriescoefftype == "series":
                return (ans + truncate_number(ip, precision) + "i " +
                        seriesvar(index, seriestype))
            elif seriescoefftype == "serieshtml":
                return (ans + " + " + truncate_number(ip, precision) +
                        "<em>i</em> " + "&middot;" +
                        seriesvar(index, seriestype))
            elif seriescoefftype == "signed":
                return (ans + "+" + truncate_number(ip, precision) + "i")
            elif seriescoefftype == "literal" or seriescoefftype == "factor":
                return (ans + truncate_number(ip, precision) + "i")
    elif ip < -1 * truncation:
        if float(abs(ip + 1)) < truncation:
            if seriescoefftype == "factor":  #assumes that factor is used in math mode
                return ("- i \cdot" + seriesvar(index, seriestype))
            elif seriescoefftype == "serieshtml":
                return (" &minus; <em>i</em> &middot;" +
                        seriesvar(index, seriestype))
                return ("- i" + seriesvar(index, seriestype))
            if seriescoefftype == "series":
                return (ans + truncate_number(ip, precision) + "i" +
                        seriesvar(index, seriestype))
            elif seriescoefftype == "serieshtml":
                return (ans + " &minus; " +
                        truncate_number(float(abs(ip)), precision) +
                        "<em>i</em>" + "&middot;" +
                        seriesvar(index, seriestype))
            elif seriescoefftype == "signed":
                return (ans + truncate_number(ip, precision) + " i")
            elif seriescoefftype == "literal" or seriescoefftype == "factor":
                return (ans + truncate_number(ip, precision) + "i")

        return (latex(coeff) + seriesvar(index, seriestype))
Ejemplo n.º 12
def parse_complex_number(z):
    z_parsed = "(" + str(real_part(z)) + "," + str(imag_part(z)) + ")"
    return z_parsed
Ejemplo n.º 13
def parse_complex_number(z):
    zs = p2sage(z)
    z_parsed = "(" + str(real_part(zs)) + "," + str(imag_part(zs)) + ")"
    return z_parsed
Ejemplo n.º 14
def seriescoeff(coeff, index, seriescoefftype, seriestype, truncationexp, precision):
  # seriescoefftype can be: series, serieshtml, signed, literal, factor
    truncation = float(10 ** truncationexp)
        if isinstance(coeff,str) or isinstance(coeff,unicode):
            coeff = string2number(coeff)
        if type(coeff) == complex:
            rp = coeff.real
            ip = coeff.imag
            rp = real_part(coeff)
            ip = imag_part(coeff)
    except TypeError:     # mostly a hack for Dirichlet L-functions
        if seriescoefftype == "serieshtml":
            if coeff == "I":
                return " + " + "$i$" + "&middot;" + seriesvar(index, seriestype) 
            elif coeff == "-I":
                return "&minus;" + " $i$" + "&middot;" + seriesvar(index, seriestype)
                return " +" + coeff + "&middot;" + seriesvar(index, seriestype)
            return coeff
# below we use float(abs()) instead of abs() to avoid a sage bug
    if (float(abs(rp)) > truncation) & (float(abs(ip)) > truncation):  # has a real and an imaginary part
        ans = ""
        if seriescoefftype == "series" or seriescoefftype == "signed":
            ans += "+"
            ans += "("
            ans += truncatenumber(rp, precision)
        elif seriescoefftype == "serieshtml":
            ans += " + "
            ans += "("
            if rp > 0:
                ans += truncatenumber(rp, precision)
                ans += "&minus;"+truncatenumber(float(abs(rp)), precision)
        elif seriescoefftype == "factor":
            ans += "("
            ans += truncatenumber(rp, precision)
            ans += truncatenumber(rp, precision)
        if ip > 0:
            ans += " + "
        if seriescoefftype == "series" or seriescoefftype == "signed":
            ans += truncatenumber(ip, precision) + " i"
        elif seriescoefftype == "serieshtml":
            if ip > 0:
                ans += truncatenumber(ip, precision)
                ans += " &minus; "+truncatenumber(float(abs(ip)), precision)
            ans += "<em>i</em>"
        elif seriescoefftype == "factor":
            ans += truncatenumber(ip, precision) + "i" + ")"
            ans += truncatenumber(ip, precision) + "i"
        if seriescoefftype == "series" or seriescoefftype == "serieshtml" or seriescoefftype == "signed":
            return(ans + ")" + " " + seriesvar(index, seriestype))

    elif (float(abs(rp)) < truncation) & (float(abs(ip)) < truncation):
        if seriescoefftype != "literal":
# if we get this far, either pure real or pure imaginary
    ans = ""
#    if seriescoefftype=="series":
#        ans=ans+" + "
# commenting out the above "if" code so as to fix + - problem
#    logger.info("rp={0}".format(rp))
    if rp > truncation:
        if float(abs(rp - 1)) < truncation:
            if seriescoefftype == "literal":
            elif seriescoefftype == "signed":
            elif seriescoefftype == "factor":
            elif seriescoefftype == "series" or seriescoefftype == "serieshtml":
                return(ans + " + " + seriesvar(index, seriestype))
            if seriescoefftype == "series" or seriescoefftype == "serieshtml":
                return(" + " + ans + truncatenumber(rp, precision) + "&middot;" + seriesvar(index, seriestype))
            elif seriescoefftype == "signed":
                return(ans + "+" + truncatenumber(rp, precision))
            elif seriescoefftype == "literal" or seriescoefftype == "factor":
                return(ans + truncatenumber(rp, precision))
    elif rp < -1 * truncation:
        if float(abs(rp + 1)) < truncation:
            if seriescoefftype == "literal":
                return("-1" + seriesvar(index, seriestype))
            elif seriescoefftype == "signed":
                return("-1" + seriesvar(index, seriestype))
            elif seriescoefftype == "factor":
                return("-" + seriesvar(index, seriestype))
            elif seriescoefftype == "series":  # adding space between minus sign and value
                return(" - " + seriesvar(index, seriestype))
            elif seriescoefftype == "serieshtml":  # adding space between minus sign and value
                return(" &minus; " + seriesvar(index, seriestype))
                return("-" + seriesvar(index, seriestype))
            if seriescoefftype == "series":
#                return(ans + " - " + truncatenumber(float(abs(rp)), precision) + seriesvar(index, seriestype))
                return(ans + " - " + truncatenumber(-1*rp, precision) + seriesvar(index, seriestype))
            elif seriescoefftype == "signed":
                return(ans + "-" + truncatenumber(-1*rp, precision))
            elif seriescoefftype == "serieshtml":
#                return(ans + " &minus; " + truncatenumber(float(abs(rp)), precision) + seriesvar(index, seriestype))
                return(ans + " &minus; " + truncatenumber(-1*rp, precision) + "&middot;" +  seriesvar(index, seriestype))
            elif seriescoefftype == "literal" or seriescoefftype == "factor":
                return(ans + truncatenumber(rp, precision))

# if we get this far, it is pure imaginary
    elif ip > truncation:
        if float(abs(ip - 1)) < truncation:
            if seriescoefftype == "literal":
            elif seriescoefftype == "signed":
            elif seriescoefftype == "factor":
            elif seriescoefftype == "series":
                return(ans + " + i" + seriesvar(index, seriestype))
            elif seriescoefftype == "serieshtml":
                return(ans + " + <em>i</em>" + "&middot;" + seriesvar(index, seriestype))
                  # yes, em is not the right tag, but it is styled with CSS
            if seriescoefftype == "series":
                return(ans + truncatenumber(ip, precision) + "i " + seriesvar(index, seriestype))
            elif seriescoefftype == "serieshtml":
                return(ans + " + " + truncatenumber(ip, precision) + "<em>i</em> " + "&middot;" + seriesvar(index, seriestype))
            elif seriescoefftype == "signed":
                return(ans + "+" + truncatenumber(ip, precision) + "i")
            elif seriescoefftype == "literal" or seriescoefftype == "factor":
                return(ans + truncatenumber(ip, precision) + "i")
    elif ip < -1 * truncation:
        if float(abs(ip + 1)) < truncation:
            if seriescoefftype == "serieshtml":
               return(" &minus;  <em>i</em>" + "&middot;" + seriesvar(index, seriestype))
               return("-i" + "&middot;" + seriesvar(index, seriestype))
            if seriescoefftype == "series":
                return(ans + truncatenumber(ip, precision) + "i" + seriesvar(index, seriestype))
            elif seriescoefftype == "serieshtml":
                return(ans + " &minus; " + truncatenumber(float(abs(ip)), precision) + "<em>i</em>" + "&middot;" + seriesvar(index, seriestype))
            elif seriescoefftype == "signed":
                return(ans + truncatenumber(ip, precision) + " i")
            elif seriescoefftype == "literal" or seriescoefftype == "factor":
                return(ans + truncatenumber(ip, precision) + "i")

#    elif float(abs(ip+1))<truncation:
#        return("-" + "i"+ seriesvar(index, seriestype))
        return(latex(coeff) + seriesvar(index, seriestype))