Ejemplo n.º 1
    def build_vts_poly(ts, tcs, mpp_opt):
        vts = [[t.subs(tc) for t in ts] for tc in tcs]
        vts = vset(vts, idfun=repr)

        #add 0 to the end of each vertex and identity elem to terms
        vts = [vt + [SR(0)] for vt in vts]
        ts = ts + [SR(0)]  #the identity element is 0 in MPP

        if mpp_opt == IeqMPP.opt_max_then_min:

            def worker_(Q, ts, is_max_plus):
                Q.put(IeqMPPGen.build_poly(vts, ts, is_max_plus))

            Q = mp.Queue()
            workers = [
                mp.Process(target=worker_, args=(Q, ts, is_max_plus))
                for is_max_plus in [True, False]
            for w in workers:
            rs = []
            for _ in workers:

            is_max_plus = mpp_opt == IeqMPP.opt_max_plus
            rs = IeqMPPGen.build_poly(vts, ts, is_max_plus=is_max_plus)

        return rs
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def padically_evaluate(self, shuffle=False):
     if self.root() is None:
         return SR(1)
     r = ((1 - SR('q')**(-1))**self.nvertices *
     return r
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def padically_evaluate(self, shuffle=False):
     if self.root() is None:
         return SR(1)
     r = ((1 - SR('q')**(-1))**(-1) * LocalZetaProcessor.padically_evaluate(
         self, shuffle=shuffle)).factor()
     return r if self.translation is None else r(t=self.translation *
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def test_is_normalized_1(t):
     x = SR.var("x")
     e = SR.var("epsilon")
     t.assertFalse(is_normalized(matrix([[1 / x / 2]]), x, e))
     t.assertFalse(is_normalized(matrix([[-1 / x / 2]]), x, e))
     t.assertTrue(is_normalized(matrix([[1 / x / 3]]), x, e))
     t.assertFalse(is_normalized(matrix([[x]]), x, e))
     t.assertFalse(is_normalized(matrix([[1 / x**2]]), x, e))
     t.assertTrue (is_normalized( \
             matrix([[(e+SR(1)/3)/x-SR(1)/2/(x-1)]]), x, e))
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, arg, mode=None):
        if mode is None:
            mode = 'O'

        if mode not in ['O', 'K', 'BO', 'BK', 'TO', 'TK']:
            raise ValueError("invalid mode")

        self.translation = SR('q')**(arg.nrows() -
                                     arg.ncols()) if 'T' in mode else None
        self.R = arg
        for x in mode[:-1]:
            if x == 'B':
                self.R = bullet_dual(self.R)
            elif x == 'T':
                self.R = self.R.transpose()
                raise ValueError

        self.d = self.R.nrows()
        self.e = self.R.ncols()

        self.mode = mode[-1]
        self.ring = self.R.base_ring()
        self.ell = self.ring.ngens()

        self.basis = [
            evaluate_matrix(self.R, y) for y in identity_matrix(QQ, self.ell)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def symbolic_to_polynomial(f, vars):
    # Rewrite a symbolic expression as a polynomial over SR in a given
    # list of variables.

    poly = f.polynomial(QQ)
    allvars = poly.variables()

    indices = []
    for x in allvars:
        except ValueError:

    R = PolynomialRing(SR, len(vars), vars)
    res = R.zero()
    for coeff, alpha in zip(poly.coefficients(), poly.exponents()):
        if type(alpha) == int:
            # Once again, univariate polynomials receive special treatment
            # in Sage.
            alpha = [alpha]

        term = R(coeff)
        for i, e in enumerate(alpha):
            if not e:
            if indices[i] is None:
                term *= SR(allvars[i]**e)
                term *= R.gen(indices[i])**e
        res += term
    return res
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def get_rels_elems1(self, tcs):
        if __debug__:
            assert len(tcs) >= 1, tcs

        aeterms = tcs[0].keys()

        #Find rels among array elements
        logger.debug('Find linear eqts over {} array elems'
        aeterms = [SR(1)] + aeterms

        from dig_polynomials import Eqt
        solverE = Eqt(aeterms, tcs, self.xinfo)
        logger.info('Select traces (note: |tcs|=|terms|={})'.format(len(aeterms)))
        ntcs_extra = 200
        solverE.tcs, solverE.tcs_extra = get_traces(tcs,len(aeterms),ntcs_extra=200)

        from dig_refine import Refine
        rf = Refine(solverE.sols)
        ps = [p.p for p in rf.ps]
        return ps
Ejemplo n.º 8
def taylor_processor_factored(new_ring, Phi, scalar, alpha, I, omega):
    k = alpha.nrows() - 1
    tau = SR.var('tau')
    y = [SR('y%d' % i) for i in range(k + 1)]

    R = PolynomialRing(QQ, len(y), y)
    beta = [a * Phi for a in alpha]

    ell = len(I)

    def f(i):
        if i == 0:
            return QQ(scalar) * y[0] * exp(tau * omega[0])
        elif i in I:
            return tau / (1 - exp(tau * omega[i]))
            return 1 / (1 - y[i] * exp(tau * omega[i]))

    H = [
        f(i).series(tau, ell + 1).truncate().collect(tau) for i in range(k + 1)

    for i in range(k + 1):
        H[i] = [H[i].coefficient(tau, j) for j in range(ell + 1)]

    r = []

    # Get coefficient of tau^ell in prod(H)

    for w in NonnegativeCompositions(ell, k + 1):
        r = prod(
                w[i]], y, R).monomial_substitution(new_ring, beta)
            for i in range(k + 1))
        yield r
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def sreduce(ps):
        Return the basis (e.g., a min subset of ps that implies ps) 
        of the set of eqts input ps using Groebner basis

        sage: var('a y b q k')
        (a, y, b, q, k)

        sage: rs =  InvEqt.sreduce([a*y-b==0,q*y+k-x==0,a*x-a*k-b*q==0])
        sage: assert set(rs) == set([a*y - b == 0, q*y + k - x == 0])

        sage: rs =  InvEqt.sreduce([x*y==6,y==2,x==3])
        sage: assert set(rs) == set([x - 3 == 0, y - 2 == 0])

        #Attribute error occurs when only 1 var, thus return as is
        sage: rs =  InvEqt.sreduce([x*x==4,x==2])
        sage: assert set(rs) == set([x == 2, x^2 == 4])

        if __debug__:
            assert all(p.operator() == operator.eq for p in ps), ps

            Q = PolynomialRing(QQ, get_vars(ps))
            I = Q * ps
            #ps_ = I.radical().groebner_basis()
            ps = I.radical().interreduced_basis()
            ps = [(SR(p) == 0) for p in ps]
        except AttributeError:

        return ps
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def slope(self):        # It was before named "coefficient"
        return the angular coefficient of line.

        This is the coefficient a in the equation
        y = ax + b

        This is not the same as the coefficient a in self.equation
        ax + by + c == 0

        of the points.

        a number


            sage: from yanntricks import *
            sage: Segment(Point(0,0),Point(1,1)).slope
            sage: Segment(Point(1,1),Point(0,0)).slope
            sage: Segment(Point(1,2),Point(-1,8)).slope


        If the line is vertical, raise a ZeroDivisionError
        return SR(self.Dy)/self.Dx
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def __init__(self, precision):
     self._precision = precision
     self.register_coercion(MorphismToSPN(ZZ, self, self._precision))
     self.register_coercion(MorphismToSPN(QQ, self, self._precision))
     to_SR = Hom(self, SR, Sets())(lambda x: SR(x.sage()))
Ejemplo n.º 12
def Llenar_Vector_Funciones(nombreArchTxt):
    """Funcion que lee un archivo de texto, extrae las expresiones que estan despues de un signo '=' y las almacena en un vector columna"""
        # Se ubica a dos directorios anteriores porque esta funcion es llamada desde un programa en el directorio donde esta la funcion principal
        archFun = open(f"{nombreArchTxt}.txt", "r")
        print("\nNo es posible abrir el archivo")
            "Crea un archivo de texto nuevo e ingresa las funciones ahí, guardalo con el formato 'txt' y vuelve a correr el programa\n"

    # Bucle que recorre el archivo para extraer lo que aparece despues del signo '=' en el archivo de texto
    for linea in archFun:
        indIn = linea.find("=")
        funciones = linea[(indIn + 1):]
    # Elimina las llaves que hay en la cadena
    indLlave1 = funciones.find("[")
    indLlave2 = funciones.find("]")
    funciones = funciones[(indLlave1 + 1):indLlave2]

    # Separa las funciones delimitadas por comas
    funciones = funciones.split(',')

    # Crea vector que contendra las expresiones que escriba el usuario en el archivo de texto
    matFun = np.empty((len(funciones), 1), dtype=type(SR()))

    contFun = 0
    # Recorre la lista de funciones, intenta convertir a formato de funciones de sagemath y las almacena en el vector de funciones
    for funcion in funciones:
            matFun[contFun, 0] = SR(funcion)
                "\nNo ha sido posible convertir alguna de las expresiones en un formato compatible con el programa"
                "Revise la documentacion de SageMath para ver como se pueden ingresar las expresiones\n"
        contFun += 1

    # Cierra el archivo

    # Regresa el vector columna con las expresiones leidas desde el archivo de texto
    return matFun
Ejemplo n.º 13
def quadratic_L_function__exact(n, d):
    Returns the exact value of a quadratic twist of the Riemann Zeta function
    by `\chi_d(x) = \left(\frac{d}{x}\right)`.

    The input `n` must be a critical value.


        sage: quadratic_L_function__exact(1, -4)
        sage: quadratic_L_function__exact(-4, -4)
        sage: quadratic_L_function__exact(2, 1)


        sage: quadratic_L_function__exact(2, -4)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        TypeError: n must be a critical value (i.e. odd > 0 or even <= 0)


    - [Iwa1972]_, pp 16-17, Special values of `L(1-n, \chi)` and `L(n, \chi)`
    - [IR1990]_
    - [Was1997]_
    from sage.all import SR, sqrt
    if n <= 0:
        return QuadraticBernoulliNumber(1 - n, d) / (n - 1)
    elif n >= 1:
        # Compute the kind of critical values (p10)
        if kronecker_symbol(fundamental_discriminant(d), -1) == 1:
            delta = 0
            delta = 1

        # Compute the positive special values (p17)
        if ((n - delta) % 2 == 0):
            f = abs(fundamental_discriminant(d))
            if delta == 0:
                GS = sqrt(f)
                GS = I * sqrt(f)
            ans = SR(ZZ(-1)**(1 + (n - delta) / 2))
            ans *= (2 * pi / f)**n
            ans *= GS  # Evaluate the Gauss sum here! =0
            ans *= QQ.one() / (2 * I**delta)
            ans *= QuadraticBernoulliNumber(n, d) / factorial(n)
            return ans
            if delta == 0:
                raise TypeError(
                    "n must be a critical value (i.e. even > 0 or odd < 0)")
            if delta == 1:
                raise TypeError(
                    "n must be a critical value (i.e. odd > 0 or even <= 0)")
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def __init__(self, a, b):
        self.x = SR(a)
        self.y = SR(b)
        ObjectGraph.__init__(self, self)
        self.point = self.obj
        self._advised_mark_angle = None

            ax = abs(numerical_approx(self.x))
            if ax < 0.00001 and ax > 0:
                self.x = 0
            ay = abs(numerical_approx(self.y))
            if ay < 0.00001 and ay > 0:
                self.y = 0
        except TypeError:
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def count(self):
     for i in ([0, 1, 2] if common.symbolic else [0]):
             return SR(self._count_general(level=i)).expand()
         except CountException:
             logger.debug('count (level=%d) failed: %s' % (i, self))
     raise CountException(
         'Failed to count number of rational points. Try switching to symbolic mode.'
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def phyFunction(self):
     if self.is_horizontal:
         # The trick to define a constant function is explained here:
         # http://groups.google.fr/group/sage-support/browse_thread/thread/e5e8775dd79459e8?hl=fr?hl=fr
         x = var('x')
         fi = SR(self.I.y).function(x)
         return phyFunction(fi)
     if not (self.is_vertical or self.is_horizontal):
         x = var('x')
         return phyFunction(self.slope*x+self.independent)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def LLenar_Matriz_Datos(nombreArchTxt):
    """Funcion que lee un archivo de texto, extrae los datos ingresados y los almacena en una matriz para aplicar las formulas de derivacion o integracion"""
        archDts = open(f"{nombreArchTxt}.txt", "r")
        print("\nNo es posible abrir el archivo")
        print("Crea un archivo de texto e ingresa los datos ahí, guardalo con el formato 'txt' y vuelve a correr el programa\n")

    dts = ""
    # Bucle que recorre todo el archivo
    for parr in archDts:
        # Guarda en la variable 'dts' la cadena de texto con los datos que hay en el archivo de texto en formato 'str'
        dts += parr
        # Intenta convertir la primera cadena de texto a formato 'SR' (caso de las integrales)
            # Variable que contendra la funcion
            funcion = SR(dts)
             # Cierra el archivo
            # Regresa la funcion en formato 'SR'
            return funcion

    # Separa los datos delimitados por espacios
    dts = dts.split(' ')

    # Crea una matriz para almacenar los datos extraidos del archivo de texto
    matDts = np.empty((len(dts), 2), dtype = 'f')

    cont = 0
    # Bucle que recorre la lista con todos los datos ingresados por el usuario en el archivo de texto para separarlos
    for dato in dts:
        # Variables auxiliares que son los indices de los caracteres que se usan para delimitar los datos y separarlos
        indParentesis1 = dato.find("(")
        indParentesis2 = dato.find(")")
        indComa = dato.find(",")
        # Trata de convertir los datos en formato 'double' y los almacena en 'matDts'
            matDts[cont, 0] = float(dato[(indParentesis1 + 1):indComa])
            matDts[cont, 1] = float(dato[(indComa + 1):indParentesis2])
            print("\nAlguno de los datos no se ha podido convertir en un formato compatible que pueda usar el programa")
            print("Debe ingresar numeros para poder continuar\n")
        cont += 1

    # Cierra el archivo

    # Regresa la matriz con los datos extraidos desde el archivo de texto
    return matDts
Ejemplo n.º 18
def Llenar_Vector_Funciones(nombreArchTxt):
    """Funcion que lee un archivo de texto, extrae las expresiones que estan despues de un signo '=' y las almacena en un vector columna"""
        # Se ubica a dos directorios anteriores porque esta funcion es llamada desde un programa en el directorio donde esta la funcion principal
        archFun = open(f"{nombreArchTxt}.txt", "r")  
        print("\nNo es posible abrir el archivo")
        print("Crea un archivo de texto nuevo e ingresa las funciones ahí, guardalo con el formato 'txt' y vuelve a correr el programa\n")

    contFun = 0
    # Bucle que recorre todo el archivo y cuenta cuantas expresiones hay en el archivo
    for parr in archFun:
        contFun += 1

    # Crea vector que contendra las expresiones que escriba el usuario en el archivo de texto
    matFun = np.empty((contFun, 1), dtype = type(SR()))

    # Regresa al principio del documento

    contFun = 0
    # Bucle que recorre todo el archivo para extraer las expresiones que aparecen despues del signo '=' en cada linea
    for linea in archFun:
        indIn = linea.find("=")
        # Intenta pasar cada linea del archivo de texto a formato de funciones de sagemath
            matFun[contFun, 0] = SR(linea[(indIn + 1):])
            print("\nNo ha sido posible convertir alguna de las expresiones en un formato compatible con el programa")
            print("Revise la documentacion de SageMath para ver como se pueden ingresar las expresiones\n")
        contFun += 1

    # Cierra el archivo

    # Regresa el vector columna con las expresiones leidas desde el archivo de texto
    return matFun
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def build_poly(vts, ts, is_max_plus):
        Build a MPP convex polyhedron over vts and
        return a set of constraints

        sage: var('y')
        sage: rs = IeqMPPGen.build_poly([[0,0,0],[3,3,0]], [x,y,SR(0)], is_max_plus=True)
        dig_polynomials:Debug:Build (gen max-plus) poly from 2 vts in 3 dims: [x, y, 0]
        sage: print '\n'.join(map(str,sorted(rs)))
        ('lambda x,y: -x + y >= 0', 'y >= x')
        ('lambda x,y: x - y >= 0', 'x >= y')
        ('lambda x: -x + 3 >= 0', '0 >= x - 3')
        ('lambda x: x >= 0', 'x >= 0')
        ('lambda y: -y + 3 >= 0', '0 >= y - 3')
        ('lambda y: y >= 0', 'y >= 0')

        opt_arg = ''

        if is_max_plus:
            mpp_str = 'max-plus'
            mpp_str = 'min-plus'
            opt_arg = "{} {}".format(opt_arg, '-{}'.format(mpp_str))

        # if any vertex is float
        if any(any(not SR(v).is_integer() for v in vt) for vt in vts):
            vts = [[RR(v).n() for v in vt] for vt in vts]
            opt_arg = "{} -numerical-data ocaml_float".format(opt_arg)

        # exec external program
        # important, has to end with newline \n !!!
        vts_s = '\n'.join(str(vt).replace(' ', '') for vt in vts) + '\n'
        logger.debug('Build (gen {}) poly from {} vts in {} dims: {}'.format(
            mpp_str, len(vts), len(vts[0]), ts))

        cmd = 'compute_ext_rays_polar {} {}'.format(opt_arg, len(vts[0]))
        rs, _ = vcmd(cmd, vts_s)
        rs = [sage_eval(s.replace('oo', 'Infinity')) for s in rs.split()]

        rs = IeqMPPGen.group_rs(rs)

        rs = map(lambda ls: [x + y for x, y in zip(ls, ts + ts)], rs)
        rs = map(lambda ls: IeqMPP.sparse(ls, is_max_plus), rs)
        rs = filter(None, rs)
        return rs
Ejemplo n.º 20
def quadratic_L_function__exact(n, d):
    Returns the exact value of a quadratic twist of the Riemann Zeta function
    by `\chi_d(x) = \left(\frac{d}{x}\right)`.


    - Iwasawa's "Lectures on p-adic L-functions", p16-17, "Special values of
      `L(1-n, \chi)` and `L(n, \chi)`
    - Ireland and Rosen's "A Classical Introduction to Modern Number Theory"
    - Washington's "Cyclotomic Fields"


        sage: bool(quadratic_L_function__exact(1, -4) == pi/4)

    from sage.all import SR, sqrt
    if n <= 0:
        k = 1 - n
        return -QuadraticBernoulliNumber(k, d) / k
    elif n >= 1:
        ## Compute the kind of critical values (p10)
        if kronecker_symbol(fundamental_discriminant(d), -1) == 1:
            delta = 0
            delta = 1

        ## Compute the positive special values (p17)
        if ((n - delta) % 2 == 0):
            f = abs(fundamental_discriminant(d))
            if delta == 0:
                GS = sqrt(f)
                GS = I * sqrt(f)
            ans = SR(ZZ(-1)**(1 + (n - delta) / 2))
            ans *= (2 * pi / f)**n
            ans *= GS  ## Evaluate the Gauss sum here! =0
            ans *= 1 / (2 * I**delta)
            ans *= QuadraticBernoulliNumber(n, d) / factorial(n)
            return ans
            if delta == 0:
                raise TypeError, "n must be a critical value!\n" + "(I.e. even > 0 or odd < 0.)"
            if delta == 1:
                raise TypeError, "n must be a critical value!\n" + "(I.e. odd > 0 or even <= 0.)"
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def build_poly(vts, ts, is_max_plus):
        Build a MPP convex polyhedron over vts and
        return a set of constraints


        sage: logger.set_level(VLog.DEBUG)
        sage: IeqMPP.build_poly([[0,0,0],[3,3,0]], is_max_plus=True)
        dig_polynomials:Debug:Ieq: Build (MPP max-plus) polyhedra from  2 vertices in 3 dim
        ['[-oo,0,-oo,-oo,-oo,0]', '[0,-oo,-oo,-oo,-oo,0]', '[0,-oo,-oo,-oo,-oo,-oo]',
        '[-oo,0,-oo,-oo,-oo,-oo]', '[-oo,-oo,0,-oo,-oo,-oo]', '[-oo,-oo,0,-oo,-oo,0]',
        '[-oo,-oo,0,-oo,-3,-oo]', '[-oo,-oo,0,-3,-oo,-oo]', '[-oo,0,-oo,-oo,0,-oo]',
        '[-oo,0,-oo,0,-oo,-oo]', '[0,-oo,-oo,-oo,0,-oo]', '[0,-oo,-oo,0,-oo,-oo]']

        opt_arg = ''

        if is_max_plus:
            mpp_str = 'max-plus'
            mpp_str = 'min-plus'
            opt_arg = "{} {}".format(opt_arg, '-{}'.format(mpp_str))

        #if any vertex is float
        if any(any(not SR(v).is_integer() for v in vt) for vt in vts):
            vts = [[RR(v).n() for v in vt] for vt in vts]
            opt_arg = "{} -numerical-data ocaml_float".format(opt_arg)

        #exec external program
        #important, has to end with newline \n !!!
        vts_s = '\n'.join(str(vt).replace(' ', '') for vt in vts) + '\n'
        logger.debug('Build (gen {}) poly from {} vts in {} dims: {}'.format(
            mpp_str, len(vts), len(vts[0]), ts))

        cmd = 'compute_ext_rays_polar {} {}'.format(opt_arg, len(vts[0]))
        rs, _ = vcmd(cmd, vts_s)
        rs = [sage_eval(s.replace('oo', 'Infinity')) for s in rs.split()]

        rs = IeqMPPGen.group_rs(rs)

        rs = map(lambda ls: [x + y for x, y in zip(ls, ts + ts)], rs)
        rs = map(lambda ls: IeqMPP.sparse(ls, is_max_plus), rs)
        rs = filter(None, rs)
        return rs
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def a_solve(pivot, solve_for, tcs):
        pivot = 'A'
        solve_for_arr = 'B'

        0: A_0 - 7*B_0 == 0
        1: A_1 - 7*B_2 - 3 == 0
        2: A_2 - 7*B_4 - 6 == 0

        B_coef = c0A_i0  + c1A_i1 + ... + cnA_in  + c(n+1)

        B_i0 = c0A_i0  + c1A_i1 + ... + cnA_in  + c(n+1)

        B_i1 = c0A_i0  + c1A_i1 + ... + cnA_in  + c(n+1)

        logger.debug("a_solve: Assume '%s' is pivot"%pivot)
        logger.debug("solve '%s' with respect to pivot with |tcs|=%d"%(solve_for,len(tcs)))

        _getIdxs = lambda a,d: [k for k in d[a] if not 'coef' in str(k)]
        mytcs = [dict(tc[pivot].items() + tc[solve_for].items()) for tc in tcs]
        idxs_ = _getIdxs(pivot,tcs[0])
        pivot_idxs_n_const = [SR(1)] + idxs_
        solve_for_keys= tcs[0][solve_for].keys()

        rs = [Miscs.solve_eqts_(ts=pivot_idxs_n_const,rv=k,ds=mytcs)
              for k in solve_for_keys]

        rs = Miscs.keys_to_str(rs)  #so that the keys are string

            sol = merge_dict(rs)
            sol = (solve_for, sol)
            return sol
        except Exception:
            return None
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def graduation_bars(self, pspict):
        Return the list of bars that makes the graduation of the axes

        By default, it is one at each multiple of self.base. If an user-defined axes_unit is given, then self.base is modified.

        This function also enlarges the axe by half a *visual* centimeter.
        # bars_list contains in the same time marks (for the numbering) and segments (for the bars itself)
        if not self.graduation:
            return []
        bars_list = []
        bar_angle = SR(self.mark_angle).n(digits=7)  # Latex does not accept
        # too much digits.
        for x, symbol in self.axes_unit.place_list(self.mx, self.Mx, self.Dx,
            P = (x * self.base).F
            if self.numbering:
                # The 0.2 here is hard coded in Histogram, see 71011299

                mark_angle = self.mark_angle
                if self.segment().is_horizontal:
                    position = "N"
                    mark_angle = None
                if self.segment().is_vertical:
                    position = "E"
                    mark_angle = None
                m = P.get_mark(0.2,

            a = visual_polar(P, 0.1, bar_angle, pspict)
            b = visual_polar(P, 0.1, bar_angle + 180, pspict)
            seg = Segment(a, b)
        return bars_list
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def get_rels_elems2(self, tcs, tsinfo):
        Instead of solving a large N+M eqts once, we can solve 
        just a tuple of size N (N is the number of arrays) N*M times.
        This has a O(N^M) complexity, which is lower than solving N+M
        equations when M = 2.  

        Doesn't work really well in practice (even when M=2) because 
        the large number of invocations to the equation solver.
        from dig_polynomials import Eqt
        from itertools import product

        ps = []
        for i,aeterms in enumerate(product(*tsinfo.values())):
            #Find rels among array elements
            logger.debug('{}. Find linear eqts over {} array elems {}'
                         .format(i, len(aeterms), aeterms))
            aeterms = [SR(1)] + list(aeterms)
            solverE = Eqt(aeterms, tcs, self.xinfo)
            logger.info('Select traces (note: |tcs|=|terms|={})'

            ntcs_extra = 200
            solverE.tcs, solverE.tcs_extra = get_traces(tcs,len(aeterms),ntcs_extra=200)
            solverE.do_refine = False
        from dig_refine import Refine
        rf = Refine(ps)
        ps = rf.ps
        ps = [p.p for p in ps]
        return ps            
Ejemplo n.º 25
def taylor_processor_naive(new_ring, Phi, scalar, alpha, I, omega):
    k = alpha.nrows() - 1
    tau = SR.var('tau')
    y = [SR('y%d' % i) for i in range(k + 1)]

    R = PolynomialRing(QQ, len(y), y)
    beta = [a * Phi for a in alpha]

    def f(i):
        if i == 0:
            return QQ(scalar) * y[0] * exp(tau * omega[0])
        elif i in I:
            return 1 / (1 - exp(tau * omega[i]))
            return 1 / (1 - y[i] * exp(tau * omega[i]))

    h = prod(f(i) for i in range(k + 1))

    # Get constant term of h as a Laurent series in tau.
    g = h.series(tau, 1).truncate().collect(tau).coefficient(tau, 0)
    g = g.factor() if g else g
    yield CyclotomicRationalFunction.from_split_expression(
        g, y, R).monomial_substitution(new_ring, beta)
Ejemplo n.º 26
def _parse_poly(f):
    from sage.all import SR, QQ, HyperplaneArrangements, Matrix
    if type(f) == str:
        f = SR(f)
    if f.base_ring() == SR:
        L = f.factor_list()
        K = QQ
        L = list(f.factor())
        K = f.base_ring()

    L = filter(lambda T: not T[0] in K, L)  # Remove constant factors
    F, M = list(zip(*L))

    # Verify that each polynomial factor is linear
    is_lin = lambda g: all(map(lambda x: g.degree(x) <= 1, g.variables()))
    if not all(map(is_lin, F)):
        raise ValueError("Expected product of linear factors.")

    varbs = f.variables()
    varbs_str = tuple(map(lambda x: str(x), varbs))
    HH = HyperplaneArrangements(K, varbs_str)

    def poly_vec(g):
        c = K(g.subs({x: 0 for x in g.variables()}))
        return tuple([c] + [K(g.coefficient(x)) for x in varbs])

    F_vec = tuple(map(poly_vec, F))
    A = HH(Matrix(K, F_vec))

    # This scrambles the hyperplanes, so we need to scramble M in the same way.
    A_vec = tuple(map(lambda H: tuple(H.coefficients()), A.hyperplanes()))
    perm = tuple([F_vec.index(v) for v in A_vec])
    M_new = tuple([M[i] for i in perm])

    return A, M_new
Ejemplo n.º 27
 def topologically_evaluate(self, shuffle=False):
     return (SR(1) + TopologicalZetaProcessor.topologically_evaluate(self, shuffle=shuffle)).factor()
Ejemplo n.º 28
def Interpolacion_Lagrange(nombre):
    """Funcion que construira el Polinomio Interpolante de Lagrange"""
    # Primero llena una matriz con los datos contenidos en el documento de texto
    matDatos = LLenar_Matriz_Datos(nombre)

    # Manda a llamar a la funcion 'Opciones' para pedir al usuario que elija una opcion para usar la formula de lagrange, saber cuales son
    # los datos que el usuario desea elegir y para almacenar los indices de las filas de 'matDatos' que se van a usar en 'indicesDatos'
    indicesDatos = OpcionesLag(matDatos)

    # Revisa el contenido del primer elemento de 'indicesDatos' para saber que opcion eligio el usuario
    if indicesDatos[0] == 1 or indicesDatos[
            0] == 2:  # Construye el Polinomio Interpolante de Lagrange
        opcionAux = indicesDatos[0]
        # Elimina el primer elemento de 'indicesDatos'
        indicesDatos = indicesDatos[1:]
        # Ordena los indices de forma ascendente y elimina los valores duplicados
        indicesDatos = list(set(indicesDatos))

        # Crea la lista que contendra los polinomios de lagrange
        PolinomiosInterLag = list()

        # Declara las variables que contendran la expresiones que estaran en el numerador y en el denominador de cada polinomio de lagrange
        numerador = ""
        denominador = ""

        cont = 0
        # Bucle que construye el polinomio interpolante de lagrange
        for elemento in indicesDatos:
            # Bucle que construira el numerador
            for elemNum in indicesDatos:
                # Condicional que se saltara este paso en caso de que lleguemos al elemento que no ira en el numerdor
                if elemNum == elemento:
                    # Almacena en la variable 'elemFunAux' el indice del valor que estamos saltando para despues
                    # usarlo al multiplicar los polinomio interpolantes por el valor de la funcion en ese punto
                    elemFunAux = elemNum
                    numerador += f"(x - {matDatos[elemNum, 0]})*"
            # Elimina el ultimo signo '*' de la cadena almacenada en la variable 'numerador'
            numerador = "(" + numerador[:(len(numerador) - 1)] + ")"

            # Bulce que construira el denominador
            for elemDen in indicesDatos:
                # Condicional que se saltara este paso en caso de que lleguemos al elemento que no ira en el numerdor
                if elemDen == elemento:
                    denominador += f"({matDatos[elemento, 0]} - {matDatos[elemDen, 0]})*"
            # Elimina el ultimo signo '*' de la cadena almacenada en la variable 'denominador'
            denominador = "(" + denominador[:(len(denominador) - 1)] + ")"

            # Agrega a la lista de polinomio el polinomio que se forma con el numerador y el denominador de los bucles anteriores
            PolinomiosInterLag.append(f"{numerador} / {denominador}")

            numerador = ""
            denominador = ""

            # Multiplica el polinomio interpolante de lagrange por el valor de la funcion
                cont] = "(" + f"({round(matDatos[elemFunAux, 1], 6)}) * " + f"({PolinomiosInterLag[cont]})" + ")"

            cont += 1

        # Declara variable que contendra el polinomio aplicando la formula de lagrange
        polinomio = ""

        # Bucle que convertira de formato 'srt' a formato de sagemath los polinomios obtenidos por los bucles anteriores y los sumara
        for pol in PolinomiosInterLag:
            polinomio += pol + "+"

        # Elimina el ultimo signo '+' de la cadena almacenada en la variable 'polinomio'
        polinomio = polinomio[:(len(polinomio) - 1)]

        if opcionAux == 1:  # Convierte la cadena de caracteres que contiene el polinomio en formato de sagemath
            polinomio = SR(polinomio)

            # Simplifica el polinomio resultante y lo imprime
                f"\n\nEl Polinomio Interpolante es: {polinomio.simplify_full()}\n"

        else:  # Sustituye el punto que se quiere calcular por las 'x' que aparecen en la cadena de caracteres que contiene el polinomio
            x = float(input(
                "\nIngresa una abscisa: "))  # Pide al usuario una abscisa
            polinomio = polinomio.replace('x', str(x))
            polinomio = SR(polinomio)

            # Simplifica el resultado y lo imprime redondeandolo a 8 decimales
                f"\n\nEl valor de la funcion en el punto {x} es aproximadamente: {round(polinomio.simplify_full(), 8)}\n"
Ejemplo n.º 29
def from_symbolic(exp, dR=None):
        Method to transform a symbolic expression into a :class:`~ajpastor.dd_functions.ddFunction.DDFunction`.

        This method takes a symbolic expression an tries to cast it into a differentially definable function.
        This is closed related with the names that the module :mod:`~ajpastor.dd_functions.ddExamples` gives to 
        the functions.

        This method is the inverse of :func:`symbolic`, meaning that the output of this method after applying
        :func:`symbolic` is always an object that is equal to the first input.


        * ``exp``: symbolic expression or an object that can be casted into one. We also allow lists, tuples and
          sets as possible inputs, applying this method recursively to each of its elements.
        * ``dR``: :class:`~ajpastor.dd_functions.ddFunction.DDRing` in which hierarchy we try to include
          the symbolic expression ``exp``. If ``None`` is given, we compute a :class:`~ajpastor.dd_functions.ddFunction.DDRing`
          using `x` as a variable and all other variables appearing in ``exp`` considered as parameters.


        A :class:`~ajpastor.dd_functions.ddFunction.DDFunction` representation of ``exp``.

        TODO: add more cases from ddExamples


            sage: from ajpastor.dd_functions import *
            sage: var('y', 'm', 'n')
            (y, m, n)
            sage: from_symbolic(exp(x)) == Exp(x)
            sage: sin_yx = from_symbolic(sin(y*x))
            sage: parent(sin_yx)
            DD-Ring over (Univariate Polynomial Ring in x over Rational Field) with parameter (y)
            sage: sin_yx.init(6, True)
            [0, y, 0, -y^3, 0, y^5]
            sage: from_symbolic(cos(x)) == Cos(x)
            sage: from_symbolic(sinh(x)) == Sinh(x)
            sage: from_symbolic(cosh(x)) == Cosh(x)
            sage: from_symbolic(tan(x)) == Tan(x)
            sage: from_symbolic(log(x + 1)) == Log(x+1)
            sage: from_symbolic(bessel_J(4, x)) == BesselD(4)
            sage: from_symbolic(hypergeometric([1,2,3],[5,6,7],x)) == GenericHypergeometricFunction((1,2,3),(5,6,7))
    logger.debug("Looking for a DD-finite representation of %s", exp)

    if (isinstance(exp, list)):
        logger.debug("List case: converting each element")
        return [from_symbolic(el, dR) for el in exp]
    elif (isinstance(exp, tuple)):
        logger.debug("Tuple case: converting each element")
        return tuple([from_symbolic(el, dR) for el in exp])
    elif (isinstance(exp, set)):
        logger.debug("Set case: converting each element")
        return set([from_symbolic(el, dR) for el in exp])

    ## If it is not from the basic structures, we required a symbolic expression
    exp = SR(exp)

    logger.debug("Deciding the starting DDRing")
    if (not dR is None):
        logger.debug("User required solution to be in the hierarchy of %s", dR)
        if (any(v not in list(dR.variables(True)) + list(dR.parameters(True))
                for v in exp.variables())):
            raise TypeError("The symbolic expression has unknown variables")
        logger.debug("DDRing not specified: we compute one")
        params = [str(v) for v in exp.variables() if str(v) != 'x']
        if (len(params) > 0):
            dR = ParametrizedDDRing(
                DFinite, [str(v) for v in exp.variables() if str(v) != 'x'])
            dR = DFinite

    name = None
        name = exp.operator().__name__
    except AttributeError:
            name = exp.operator().name()
        except AttributeError:

    operands = exp.operands()
    if (name in ("list", "tuple")):  # special tuple and list cases
        logger.debug("Found a symbolic list or tuple")
        return tuple([from_symbolic(el, dR) for el in operands])
    elif (name == "set"):  # special set case
        logger.debug("Found a symbolic set")
        return set([from_symbolic(el, dR) for el in operands])
    elif (exp.is_rational_expression()):  # rational expression case
        logger.debug("Rational expression found")
        num = exp.numerator().polynomial(ring=dR.original_ring())
        den = exp.denominator().polynomial(ring=dR.original_ring())
        if (den == 1):
            return num

        return num / den
    elif (name == "add_vararg"):
        logger.debug("Found an addition")
        return sum([from_symbolic(el, dR) for el in operands])
    elif (name == "mul_vararg"):
        logger.debug("Found an product")
        return prod([from_symbolic(el, dR) for el in operands])
    elif (name == "pow"):
        logger.debug("Found an power")
        if (not operands[1] in QQ):
            raise TypeError("The exponent has to be a rational number")
        if (operands[1] in ZZ):
            logger.debug("Integer power: simple output")
            return pow(from_symbolic(operands[0], dR), ZZ(operands[1]))
            base = from_symbolic(operands[0], dR)
            if (is_DDFunction(base)):
                logger.debug("Fractional power: base DDFunction")
                return pow(base, QQ(operands[1]))
                logger.debug("Fractional power: base rational function")
                params = [str(el) for el in dR.parameters()]
                i = 0
                while ("y%d" % i in params):
                    i += 1

                R = PolynomialRing(dR.original_ring(), "y%d" % i)
                y = R.gens()[0]
                pq = QQ(operands[1])
                p = pq.numerator()
                q = pq.denominator()

                poly = y**q - R(str(operands[0]))**p
                x = dR.variables(True)[0]
                init = [
                    dR.coeff_field(exp.derivative(x, i)(**{
                        str(x): 0
                    })) for i in range(p + q)

                return DAlgebraic(poly, init, dR.to_depth(1))
    elif (name == "sin"):
        logger.debug("Found an sine")
        return Sin(operands[0])
    elif (name == "cos"):
        logger.debug("Found an cosine")
        return Cos(operands[0])
    elif (name == "sinh"):
        logger.debug("Found a hyperbolic sine")
        return Sinh(operands[0])
    elif (name == "cosh"):
        logger.debug("Found an hyperbolic cosine")
        return Cosh(operands[0])
    elif (name == "tan"):
        logger.debug("Found a tangent")
        return Tan(operands[0])
    elif (name == "log"):
        logger.debug("Found a logarithm")
        return Log(operands[0])
    elif (name == "exp"):
        logger.debug("Found an exponential")
        return Exp(operands[0])
    elif (name == "bessel_J"):
        logger.debug("Found an Bessel function of first kind")
        if (not (operands[0] in ZZ and operands[0] >= 0)):
            raise ValueError(
                "The Bessel has to have a non-negative integer index")
        return BesselD(ZZ(operands[0]))(from_symbolic(operands[1], dR))
    elif (name == "legendre_P"):
        logger.debug("Found an Legendre function of first kind")
        return LegendreD(operands[0], 0, 1)(from_symbolic(operands[1], dR))
    elif (name == "gen_legendre_P"):
        logger.debug("Found an generic Legendre function of first kind")
        return LegendreD(operands[0], operands[1],
                         1)(from_symbolic(operands[1], dR))
    elif (name == "legendre_Q"):
        logger.debug("Found an Legendre function of second kind")
        return LegendreD(operands[0], 0, 2)(from_symbolic(operands[1], dR))
    elif (name == "gen_legendre_Q"):
        logger.debug("Found an generic Legendre function of second kind")
        return LegendreD(operands[0], operands[1],
                         2)(from_symbolic(operands[1], dR))
    elif (name == "chebyshev_T"):
        logger.debug("Found an Chebyshev function of first kind")
        return ChebyshevD(operands[0], 1)(from_symbolic(operands[1], dR))
    elif (name == "chebyshev_U"):
        logger.debug("Found an Chebyshev function of second kind")
        return ChebyshevD(operands[0], 2)(from_symbolic(operands[1], dR))
    elif (name == "hypergeometric"):
        return GenericHypergeometricFunction(from_symbolic(operands[0], dR),
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "The operator %s is not valid for 'from_symbolic'" % name)
def string_number_comparison(s1, s2, epsilon=0.01, last_justification=""):
    Compare two strings. 

    The comparison is True is the two string differ by numbers that are `epsilon`-close.

    It return a tuple of a boolean and a string. The string is a justification of the result.


    - ``s1`` - first string.

    - ``s2`` - second string.

    - ``epsilon`` - tolerance.


    tuple (boolean,string). The boolean says if the two strings are equal up to `epsilon`-close numbers.
                            The string provides a short explanation.


    In the following, the comparison fails due to
    the first number::

        sage: from yanntricks.SmallComputations import *
        sage: s1="Point(-0.2,0.111)"
        sage: s2="Point(-0.3,0.111)"
        sage: string_number_comparison(s1,s2)
        (False, 'Distance between -0.2 and -0.3 is larger than 0.01.')

    In the following the comparison fails due to the second number::

        sage: s1="Point(-0.02,1)"
        sage: s2="Point(-0.03,2)"
        sage: string_number_comparison(s1,s2,epsilon=0.1)
        (False, 'd(-0.02,-0.03)=0.01\nDistance between 1 and 2 is larger than 0.100000000000000.')

    Here the comparison succeed::

        sage: s1="Point(1.99,1.001)"
        sage: s2="Point(2,1.002)"
        sage: string_number_comparison(s1,s2,epsilon=0.1)
        (True, 'd(1.99,2)=-0.01\nd(1.001,1.002)=-0.001\n')


    if s1 == s2:
        return True, last_justification
    pos = 0
    while s1[pos] == s2[pos]:
        pos = pos + 1
    v1, first1, last1 = number_at_position(s1, pos)
    v2, first2, last2 = number_at_position(s2, pos)

    if v1 == False or v2 == False:
        line1 = get_line(s1, pos)
        line2 = get_line(s2, pos)
        justification = "There is a difference outside a number\nExpected:\n%s\nGot:\n %s" % (
            line2, line1)
        return False, justification
    if abs(SR(v1) - SR(v2)) < epsilon:
        justification = last_justification + \
            "d(%s,%s)=%s\n" % (v1, v2, str(SR(v1)-SR(v2)))
        t1 = s1[:first1] + v2 + s1[last1:]
        t2 = s2
        return string_number_comparison(t1,
    justification = last_justification + \
        "Distance between %s and %s is larger than %s." % (
            str(v1), str(v2), str(epsilon))
    return False, justification