Ejemplo n.º 1
def primes_of_bounded_norm(B):
    Return the prime ideals of the integers of the field Q(sqrt(5)) of
    norm at most B, ordered first by norm, then by the image of the
    golden ratio mod the prime in GF(p)={0,1,...,p-1}.


        - B -- integer


        - list of prime ideals


        sage: import psage
        sage: psage.modform.hilbert.sqrt5.primes_of_bounded_norm(4)
        [Fractional ideal (2)]
        sage: len(psage.modform.hilbert.sqrt5.primes_of_bounded_norm(10^4))
        sage: v = psage.modform.hilbert.sqrt5.primes_of_bounded_norm(11); v
        [Fractional ideal (2), Fractional ideal (2*a - 1), Fractional ideal (3), Fractional ideal (3*a - 1), Fractional ideal (3*a - 2)]

    Check that the sort order is as claimed::
        sage: P0 = v[-2]; P1 = v[-1]
        sage: K = P0.number_field(); K
        Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^2 - x - 1
        sage: P0.residue_field()(K.gen())
        sage: P1.residue_field()(K.gen())   # yep, 4 < 8
    v = []
    g = F.gen()
    for p in primes(B + 1):
        if p == 5:
            v.append((5, F.ideal(2 * g - 1)))
        elif p % 5 in [2, 3]:
            Norm = p * p
            if Norm <= B:
                v.append((Norm, F.ideal(p)))
            s = pari(5).Mod(p).sqrt()
            a = int(((1 + s) / 2).lift())
            b = int(((1 - s) / 2).lift())
            v.append((p, a, F.ideal([p, g - a])))
            v.append((p, b, F.ideal([p, g - b])))
    return [z[-1] for z in v]
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: psort.py Proyecto: LMFDB/lmfdb
def primes_of_degree_iter(K, deg, condition=None, sort_key=prime_label, maxnorm=Infinity):
    """Iterator through primes of K of degree deg, sorted using the
    provided sort key, optionally with an upper bound on the norm.  If
    condition is not None it should be a True/False function on
    rational primes, in which case only primes P dividing p for which
    condition(p) holds will be returned.  For example,
    condition=lambda:not p.divides(6).
    for p in primes(2,stop=maxnorm):
        if condition==None or condition(p):
            for P in K.primes_dict[p]:
                if P.residue_class_degree()==deg and P.norm()<=maxnorm:
                    yield P
Ejemplo n.º 3
def primes_of_bounded_norm(B):
    Return the prime ideals of the integers of the field Q(sqrt(5)) of
    norm at most B, ordered first by norm, then by the image of the
    golden ratio mod the prime in GF(p)={0,1,...,p-1}.


        - B -- integer


        - list of prime ideals


        sage: import psage
        sage: psage.modform.hilbert.sqrt5.primes_of_bounded_norm(4)
        [Fractional ideal (2)]
        sage: len(psage.modform.hilbert.sqrt5.primes_of_bounded_norm(10^4))
        sage: v = psage.modform.hilbert.sqrt5.primes_of_bounded_norm(11); v
        [Fractional ideal (2), Fractional ideal (2*a - 1), Fractional ideal (3), Fractional ideal (3*a - 1), Fractional ideal (3*a - 2)]

    Check that the sort order is as claimed::
        sage: P0 = v[-2]; P1 = v[-1]
        sage: K = P0.number_field(); K
        Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^2 - x - 1
        sage: P0.residue_field()(K.gen())
        sage: P1.residue_field()(K.gen())   # yep, 4 < 8
    v = []
    g = F.gen()
    for p in primes(B+1):
        if p == 5:
            v.append((5, F.ideal(2*g-1)))
        elif p%5 in [2,3]:
            Norm = p*p
            if Norm <= B:
                v.append((Norm, F.ideal(p)))
            s = pari(5).Mod(p).sqrt()
            a = int(((1 + s)/2).lift()); b = int(((1 - s)/2).lift())
            v.append((p, a, F.ideal([p, g - a])))
            v.append((p, b, F.ideal([p, g - b])))
    return [z[-1] for z in v]
Ejemplo n.º 4
def primes_of_degree_iter(K, deg, condition=None, sort_key=prime_label, maxnorm=Infinity):
    """Iterator through primes of K of degree deg, sorted using the
    provided sort key, optionally with an upper bound on the norm.  If
    condition is not None it should be a True/False function on
    rational primes, in which case only primes P dividing p for which
    condition(p) holds will be returned.  For example,
    condition=lambda:not p.divides(6).
    for p in primes(2, stop=maxnorm):
        if condition is None or condition(p):
            make_keys(K, p)
            for P in K.primes_dict[p]:
                if P.residue_class_degree()==deg and P.norm()<=maxnorm:
                    yield P
Ejemplo n.º 5
def deg_one_primes_iter(K, principal_only=False):
    Return an iterator over degree 1 primes of ``K``.


    - ``K`` -- a number field
    - ``principal_only`` -- bool; if ``True``, only yield principal primes


    An iterator over degree 1 primes of `K` up to the given norm,
    optionally yielding only principal primes.


        sage: K.<a> = QuadraticField(-5)
        sage: from sage.schemes.elliptic_curves.gal_reps_number_field import deg_one_primes_iter
        sage: it = deg_one_primes_iter(K)
        sage: [next(it) for _ in range(6)]
        [Fractional ideal (2, a + 1),
         Fractional ideal (3, a + 1),
         Fractional ideal (3, a + 2),
         Fractional ideal (-a),
         Fractional ideal (7, a + 3),
         Fractional ideal (7, a + 4)]
        sage: it = deg_one_primes_iter(K, True)
        sage: [next(it) for _ in range(6)]
        [Fractional ideal (-a),
         Fractional ideal (-2*a + 3),
         Fractional ideal (2*a + 3),
         Fractional ideal (a + 6),
         Fractional ideal (a - 6),
         Fractional ideal (-3*a + 4)]
    # imaginary quadratic fields have no principal primes of norm < disc / 4
    start = K.discriminant().abs() // 4 if principal_only and K.signature(
    ) == (0, 1) else 2

    K_is_Q = (K == QQ)
    from sage.arith.misc import primes
    from sage.rings.infinity import infinity
    for p in primes(start=start, stop=infinity):
        if K_is_Q:
            yield ZZ.ideal(p)
            for P in K.primes_above(p, degree=1):
                if not principal_only or P.is_principal():
                    yield P
Ejemplo n.º 6
def deg_one_primes_iter(K, principal_only=False):
    Return an iterator over degree 1 primes of ``K``.


    - ``K`` -- a number field
    - ``principal_only`` -- bool; if ``True``, only yield principal primes


    An iterator over degree 1 primes of `K` up to the given norm,
    optionally yielding only principal primes.


        sage: K.<a> = QuadraticField(-5)
        sage: from sage.schemes.elliptic_curves.gal_reps_number_field import deg_one_primes_iter
        sage: it = deg_one_primes_iter(K)
        sage: [next(it) for _ in range(6)]
        [Fractional ideal (2, a + 1),
         Fractional ideal (3, a + 1),
         Fractional ideal (3, a + 2),
         Fractional ideal (-a),
         Fractional ideal (7, a + 3),
         Fractional ideal (7, a + 4)]
        sage: it = deg_one_primes_iter(K, True)
        sage: [next(it) for _ in range(6)]
        [Fractional ideal (-a),
         Fractional ideal (-2*a + 3),
         Fractional ideal (2*a + 3),
         Fractional ideal (a + 6),
         Fractional ideal (a - 6),
         Fractional ideal (-3*a + 4)]
    # imaginary quadratic fields have no principal primes of norm < disc / 4
    start = K.discriminant().abs() // 4 if principal_only and K.signature() == (0,1) else 2

    K_is_Q = (K==QQ)
    from sage.arith.misc import primes
    from sage.rings.infinity import infinity
    for p in primes(start=start, stop=infinity):
        if K_is_Q:
            yield ZZ.ideal(p)
            for P in K.primes_above(p, degree=1):
                if not principal_only or P.is_principal():
                    yield P
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def primes_of_bounded_norm_iter(self, B):
        Iterator yielding all primes less than or equal to `B`.


        - ``B`` -- a positive integer; upper bound on the primes generated.


        An iterator over all integer primes less than or equal to `B`.

        .. note::

            This function exists for compatibility with the related number
            field method, though it returns prime integers, not ideals.


            sage: it = QQ.primes_of_bounded_norm_iter(10)
            sage: list(it)
            [2, 3, 5, 7]
            sage: list(QQ.primes_of_bounded_norm_iter(1))
            B = ZZ(B.ceil())
        except (TypeError, AttributeError):
            raise TypeError("%s is not valid bound on prime ideals" % B)

        if B < 2:

        from sage.arith.all import primes
        for p in primes(B + 1):
            yield p
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def primes_of_bounded_norm_iter(self, B):
        Iterator yielding all primes less than or equal to `B`.


        - ``B`` -- a positive integer; upper bound on the primes generated.


        An iterator over all integer primes less than or equal to `B`.

        .. note::

            This function exists for compatibility with the related number
            field method, though it returns prime integers, not ideals.


            sage: it = QQ.primes_of_bounded_norm_iter(10)
            sage: list(it)
            [2, 3, 5, 7]
            sage: list(QQ.primes_of_bounded_norm_iter(1))
            B = ZZ(B.ceil())
        except (TypeError, AttributeError):
            raise TypeError("%s is not valid bound on prime ideals" % B)

        if B<2:
            raise StopIteration

        from sage.arith.all import primes
        for p in primes(B+1):
            yield p
Ejemplo n.º 9
def has_blum_prime(lbound, ubound):
    Determine whether or not there is a Blum prime within the specified closed


    - ``lbound`` -- positive integer; the lower bound on how small a
      Blum prime can be. The lower bound must be distinct from the upper

    - ``ubound`` -- positive integer; the upper bound on how large a
      Blum prime can be. The lower bound must be distinct from the upper


    - ``True`` if there is a Blum prime ``p`` such that
      ``lbound <= p <= ubound``. ``False`` otherwise.


    Let `L` and `U` be distinct positive integers. Let `P` be the set of all
    odd primes `p` such that `L \leq p \leq U`. Our main focus is on Blum
    primes, i.e. odd primes that are congruent to 3 modulo 4, so we assume
    that the lower bound `L > 2`. The closed interval `[L, U]` has a Blum
    prime if and only if the set `P` has a Blum prime.


    Testing for the presence of Blum primes within some closed intervals.
    The interval `[4, 100]` has a Blum prime, the smallest such prime being
    7. The interval `[24, 28]` has no primes, hence no Blum primes. ::

        sage: from sage.crypto.util import has_blum_prime
        sage: from sage.crypto.util import is_blum_prime
        sage: has_blum_prime(4, 100)
        sage: for n in range(4, 100):
        ....:     if is_blum_prime(n):
        ....:         print(n)
        ....:         break
        sage: has_blum_prime(24, 28)


    Both the lower and upper bounds must be greater than 2::

        sage: from sage.crypto.util import has_blum_prime
        sage: has_blum_prime(2, 3)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: Both the lower and upper bounds must be > 2.
        sage: has_blum_prime(3, 2)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: Both the lower and upper bounds must be > 2.
        sage: has_blum_prime(2, 2)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: Both the lower and upper bounds must be > 2.

    The lower and upper bounds must be distinct from each other::

        sage: has_blum_prime(3, 3)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: The lower and upper bounds must be distinct.

    The lower bound must be less than the upper bound::

        sage: has_blum_prime(4, 3)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: The lower bound must be less than the upper bound.
    # sanity checks
    if (lbound < 3) or (ubound < 3):
        raise ValueError("Both the lower and upper bounds must be > 2.")
    if lbound == ubound:
        raise ValueError("The lower and upper bounds must be distinct.")
    if lbound > ubound:
        raise ValueError("The lower bound must be less than the upper bound.")
    # now test for presence of a Blum prime
    for p in primes(lbound, ubound + 1):
        if mod(p, 4).lift() == 3:
            return True
    return False
Ejemplo n.º 10
def has_blum_prime(lbound, ubound):
    Determine whether or not there is a Blum prime within the specified closed


    - ``lbound`` -- positive integer; the lower bound on how small a
      Blum prime can be. The lower bound must be distinct from the upper

    - ``ubound`` -- positive integer; the upper bound on how large a
      Blum prime can be. The lower bound must be distinct from the upper


    - ``True`` if there is a Blum prime ``p`` such that
      ``lbound <= p <= ubound``. ``False`` otherwise.


    Let `L` and `U` be distinct positive integers. Let `P` be the set of all
    odd primes `p` such that `L \leq p \leq U`. Our main focus is on Blum
    primes, i.e. odd primes that are congruent to 3 modulo 4, so we assume
    that the lower bound `L > 2`. The closed interval `[L, U]` has a Blum
    prime if and only if the set `P` has a Blum prime.


    Testing for the presence of Blum primes within some closed intervals.
    The interval `[4, 100]` has a Blum prime, the smallest such prime being
    7. The interval `[24, 28]` has no primes, hence no Blum primes. ::

        sage: from sage.crypto.util import has_blum_prime
        sage: from sage.crypto.util import is_blum_prime
        sage: has_blum_prime(4, 100)
        sage: for n in range(4, 100):
        ....:     if is_blum_prime(n):
        ....:         print(n)
        ....:         break
        sage: has_blum_prime(24, 28)


    Both the lower and upper bounds must be greater than 2::

        sage: from sage.crypto.util import has_blum_prime
        sage: has_blum_prime(2, 3)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: Both the lower and upper bounds must be > 2.
        sage: has_blum_prime(3, 2)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: Both the lower and upper bounds must be > 2.
        sage: has_blum_prime(2, 2)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: Both the lower and upper bounds must be > 2.

    The lower and upper bounds must be distinct from each other::

        sage: has_blum_prime(3, 3)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: The lower and upper bounds must be distinct.

    The lower bound must be less than the upper bound::

        sage: has_blum_prime(4, 3)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: The lower bound must be less than the upper bound.
    # sanity checks
    if (lbound < 3) or (ubound < 3):
        raise ValueError("Both the lower and upper bounds must be > 2.")
    if lbound == ubound:
        raise ValueError("The lower and upper bounds must be distinct.")
    if lbound > ubound:
        raise ValueError("The lower bound must be less than the upper bound.")
    # now test for presence of a Blum prime
    for p in primes(lbound, ubound + 1):
        if mod(p, 4).lift() == 3:
            return True
    return False